[03:23] is ubuntustudio similar to artistx? [03:26] meh [11:37] hey peeps [11:39] im in teh process of installing ubuntu studio to do sound recording and music production. does anyone have any tips or reccomendations for initial config or tweaks? [15:56] Question about gladish in Ubuntu Studio 12.04. I can create a studio, set the command lines of the apps I want to come up all configured (Ardour, Hydrogen, a couple of instances of Yoshimi) and I can bring up the apps and shut them down one at a time, but if I shut down the studio with the apps running, when I try to start the studio again gladish seems to just hang. (I can reboot, and start up the gladish studio the first time o [15:56] k, but if I shut down the studio and start it again it hangs -- as long as I shut down the apps individually before shutting down the studio it works, but if I leave the apps up, and try to stop and start the studio it does not work.) ... any ideas? [17:22] hello is anyone here an experienced ubuntu user and could help me a little with configuration? [19:14] hi [19:21] im trying to install ubuntustudio 12.04 on my old [19:21] pc where ubuntustudio 10.04 was installed [19:21] let us know how its failing if it is [19:22] try it live.. should work just fine :) [19:22] but when i try [19:22] i have tried live [19:22] but [19:22] mouse not working [19:22] did you get to the desktop live? [19:22] keyboard not working [19:22] i have boot the live desktop [19:23] probably something removed from the kernel that supported your hardware [19:23] depeding on the age, i might just hang with 10.04 [19:23] :( [19:23] the age of the machine [19:23] its likely something you can fix easily with your own kernel, or a module [19:23] yes [19:23] but let me ask [19:23] i would search around by manufacturer for something in the forums [19:23] i have downloladed and burn [19:23] OR, just plug in a USB keyboard and mouse [19:23] the i386 version [19:24] while the processor is an old AMD [19:24] is ti correct? [19:24] if its not, it wont boot [19:24] please the stupid question .. [19:24] because first time i have boot an error occurred [19:25] a module SIS..something was not inserted [19:25] sure.. if its old hardware, you can run into that [19:25] so what can i do? [19:25] plotino: i would run 10.04 or use a USB keyboard/mouse, or search for a module that will add support for that hardware, or build a custom kernel [19:26] the kernel must drop support for old hardware at somepoint [19:26] maybe someone in the kernel team can help you with what support has been dropped from 10.04 to 12.04 [19:27] ok [19:27] as alternative i can update my 10.04 version .. [19:27] plotino: sure, but you'll upgrade to the kernel that doesnt support your hardware [19:28] im very interested in update programs [19:28] plotino: sure... its something you can fix [19:28] as rosegarden hydrogen and also jack server [19:29] plotino: you can also add the kxstudio ppa's to 10.04 [19:29] plotino: you can build whatever you want in 10.04 and run them [19:30] infact [19:30] you are right [19:30] the point is that i have read on the ubuntu website [19:31] that it's better install 12.04 from scratch but upgrading the old issue (10.04) [19:31] plotino: upgrading wont help [19:32] plotino: you end up with the same unsupported kernel at the end of a fresh install, or upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04 [19:32] i keep the old kernel [19:33] plotino: not in an upgrade [19:33] plotino: there might be issues using an older kernel too [19:35] ok [19:35] but can i use new programs with old kernel ... [19:35] plotino: im sure you will find out [19:36] plotino: what do i suggest if and when you asked?... 10.04 with kxstudio ppa's.. build a kernel... load modules in 12.04 with support... upgrade the hardware [19:36] i dont list running a 2.6x kernel in 12.04 there for a reason [19:36] but, do what you like :) [19:37] thanks [19:37] but [19:37] i had a problem [19:37] with hydrogen in 10.04 that i hope tp fix with newer version [19:38] when i start hydrigen jack fails [19:38] im not able to manage the transport from jack ... [19:38] plotino: try the newer version [19:39] plotino: not a lot of fixes in there realy [19:39] reallY8 [19:39] plotino: those nerwer version are available in the ppa's i mentioned several times [19:39] what is ppa? [19:39] http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Repositories [19:40] plotino: its a way of using updated packages (as i am) in 10.04 (also as i am) [19:40] my using the prepackaged version from the kxstudio repositories i linked, and mentioned several times [19:42] holstein, you are using 10.04? [19:42] so you can help very much .. [19:42] plotino: thats what ive been implying [19:42] plotino: i use the kxstudio ppa's [19:43] the ones i linked [19:44] what i didnt understand if iti is a sort of distro or only packets [19:46] holstein [19:46] ypu [19:46] yes? [19:46] what i have to do? [19:46] plotino: for? [19:46] to add these repositories [19:46] plotino: there are directions [19:46] i wanna use ppa [19:46] music for example [19:47] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding_PPAs [19:47] plotino: its not trivial [19:47] plotino: i didnt just click there and add them 4 minutes later [19:47] i read about what the packages were and did [19:47] i installed them on a test machine [19:47] i test removed the pacakges with ppapurge [19:48] i dont feel comfortable telling you some paste in commands that can be potentially harmful [19:48] plotino: i used sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name [19:48] in the terminal [19:49] ok [19:49] first step for me shall be upìdate 10.04 [19:49] after that i will think about that [19:51] plotino: you mean? upgrade to 12.04? [19:51] i wouldnt do both [19:52] i would just run 10.04, and add those PPA's [19:52] repeating a question I asked earlier today .. had to shut down, so if there was an answer I missed it .. sorry ... [19:52] Question about gladish in Ubuntu Studio 12.04. I can create a studio, set the command lines of the apps I want to come up all configured (Ardour, Hydrogen, a couple of instances of Yoshimi) and I can bring up the apps and shut them down one at a time, but if I shut down the studio with the apps running, when I try to start the studio again gladish seems to just hang. (I can reboot, and start up the gladish studio the first time o [19:52] k, but if I shut down the studio and start it again it hangs -- as long as I shut down the apps individually before shutting down the studio it works, but if I leave the apps up, and try to stop and start the studio it does not work.) ... any ideas? [19:53] i still do it the old fashioned way dlandry [19:53] sounds like a bug [19:53] i would see if you can find the maintainer and see whats going on as far as development [19:54] for me, troubleshooting session managment just adds overhead to my workflow [19:54] and i never trust it [19:55] no no only perform the normal update of 10.04 [19:55] from when i have installed it , never updated!! [19:56] ok, thanks ... I'll try a few more combinations and see if I can define the problem better, then maybe open a defect ... I know what you mean, but it would be so nice to have things work (I suppose I could do the same thing with bash scripts and manually start things and make connections.) [19:58] plotino: i havent updated in a while... [21:19] hello to everybody :) [21:20] how can I install libre office suite on my ubuntu studio? [21:20] Lucian_Lucius: i would just search in the package manager of your choice [21:27] Lucian_Lucius: `apt-get install libreoffice` [21:29] yup.. open a terminal, and type that ^^ [21:29] sudo apt-get install libreoffice [21:29] or, whatever package manger you are comfortable with [21:30] thanx :)