
jimericksoni have found that the work around proposed for bug #971091 works for bug #99436801:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 971091 in linux-ti-omap4 "Pandaboard ES freezes with the default CPU scaling governor ondemand" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97109101:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 994368 in linux-ti-omap4 "linux-ti-omap4 kernel panics on pandaboard ES" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99436801:20
=== trelane` is now known as trelane
djszapiogra_: is 12.04 ubuntu arm reliable on the pandaboard ?12:08
ogra_why would we release an unreliable product ? :)12:08
djszapihappened in the past few times...12:08
ogra_what makes you think this12:09
ogra_all of the ubuntu archive is built on pandas ... running an ubuntu image as the ones we release12:09
ogra_if that would be unstable we would surely notice12:09
ogra_and all ubuntu devs use the recent images for development as well ....12:10
djszapisorry for that opinion, but that is based on technically broken experiences.12:11
ogra_what was broken ?12:11
LetoTheIIogra_: seems you've run out of them, so here's one: ><)))'>12:11
ogra_now i know why we invented MaaS specifically to please LetoTheII12:11
LetoTheIIogra_: must be a typo, its usually called a maß.12:12
djszapiogra_: where can I find an ubuntu arm build ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM12:12
ogra_LetoTheII, MaaS ... -> Metal as a Service12:12
LetoTheIIogra_: ah that one ;)12:12
ogra_djszapi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAP12:13
djszapiogra_: for making sure: this one, right ? 64-bit Mac (AMD64) desktop CD12:15
LetoTheIIogra_: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116342914382999178679/116342914382999178679/posts/P2FSSisAeo512:15
djszapihmm, nope...12:15
ogra_djszapi, after you soldered the additional registers ontp your panda SoC, yes :P12:15
djszapiperhaps Preinstalled desktop image12:15
djszapiogra_: sorry ??12:16
ogra_well, amd64 wont run on 32 bit arm :)12:16
ogra_LetoTheII, LOL12:16
djszapiTexas Instruments OMAP4 (Hard-Float) preinstalled desktop image -> Perhaps, this is what I need.12:16
ogra_or the server version, depends how and what you want to install12:17
djszapijust a business specific daemon12:18
djszapithat is run from an upstart job after the boot.12:18
djszapinothing else, really.12:18
djszapidaemon listens to the serial port.12:18
ogra_then take the server install12:18
ogra_smaller footprint .... unless you actually need a desktop12:19
ogra_note though that the server install completely runs on the serial console, you need a serial cable12:19
djszapithen it is a big no go12:19
djszapiI occasionally need to have an access through the ethernet12:20
ogra_during the install ?12:20
ogra_why ?12:20
djszapiI do not need install at all12:20
djszapiI mentioned "preinstalled" stuff above12:20
ogra_that still runs the installer12:20
djszapihuh ?12:21
ogra_how else would you get a proper setup of the system12:21
ogra_you need a user, timezone, kbd, language etc configured12:21
djszapiobviously default could work12:21
djszapiand no, that is not install, but mostly setup12:21
ogra_well, however you want to call it, it is set up by the installer12:22
ogra_which runs on the serial console12:22
djszapiwhy would be installer on a preinstalled image ? Sounds very scary.12:22
ogra_preinstalled just means you have a preinstalled rootfs12:22
djszapisetup manager, ok, but installer on a preinstalled stuff makes no sense12:22
ogra_it is completely unconfigured without the installer bits being run12:22
ogra_well, the app doing the configuration is called debian-installer/ubiquity ...12:23
djszapiwell I definitely do not wanna have installer on my system12:23
djszapiso I need an image which does not /not/ ship that.12:24
ogra_its exactly the same as every other ubuntu installer, it just doesnt partition anything nor does copy any packages12:24
ogra_you *need* the installer12:24
djszapithen it is broken by design (TM)12:24
ogra_else you end up with a brokenly configured system12:24
ogra_that *is* the desigbn12:24
djszapiI need a configuration or setup manager, but I do not know why I would need an installer on a preinstalled system12:25
djszapithat is a brain damaged idea.12:25
ogra_a system needs a certain amount of configuration to run properlay12:25
ogra_that configuartion is part of debian-installer in all debian and ubuntu systems12:25
djszapiconfiguration != install12:26
ogra_configuration is *part* of the installation12:26
djszapithat is a broken design IMO12:26
djszapiI can configure my system *anytime* after installing that12:26
ogra_and it would be braindead to not use the existing, tested and proven tools for it12:26
djszapiwithout having an installer.12:26
djszapithat would be as brain dead as much it is to hard wire into the installer without *clear* separation12:27
ogra_how are you sure you configurede it right without reading tons of source code to see you have all the necessary bits enabled in your manual config ?12:27
ogra_every bit in the installer chnages and gets adjusted to the new requirements of a new release12:28
ogra_so how do you know what to configure and how if you dont look at the source of the tools doing that initial setup12:28
ogra_(or by using the tools in an initial setup app that makes use of teh instzaller bits in question)12:29
ogra_all preinstalled images always used the installer to do this initial setup ... and there is no sane way around this if you want a properly configured install in the end12:30
ogra_the only difference to a normal install is that the unconfigured rootfs is preinstalled instead of being copied in place by the installer12:31
ogra_thus the name12:31
djszapiI dislike this design, sorry.12:32
ogra_well, its the only possible design12:32
ogra_eevrything else would be nonsense12:32
djszapino, it is of course not12:32
djszapithe configuration manager should be a totally separate project from the installer12:32
ogra_why ?12:32
djszapiand ofc the "live install stuff" could use that.12:32
ogra_it does12:33
djszapiso could anything else.12:33
ogra_90% of the installer is the configuration part12:33
ogra_10% are partitioning and copying12:33
djszapiso ??12:33
ogra_peinstalled images just omit the partitioning and copying ...12:33
djszapisay, an application frontend is 10%12:33
djszapiand the library is 90%12:34
ogra_would you pay a fulltime person to maintain a separate config tool ?12:34
djszapiyou are essentially saying they should not be decoupled.12:34
ogra_just *because* ?12:34
ogra_instead of just making use of the existing, proven and well maintained configuration tool that exists since 15 years ?12:34
ogra_why would they need to be decoupled ?12:35
ogra_you can omit the parts you dont need12:35
djszapiok, you lost me12:35
ogra_they dont eat any space and dotn do any harm12:35
ogra_anyway, since you dont like the design, you will be pleased to hear that we drop preinstalled images this cycle12:38
djszapinot sure what that means...12:40
ogra_that there wont be any preinstalled images anymore for Q12:40
ogra_you will have to d a full install like on x86/amd64/powerpc12:41
djszapiI would need to do the install over serial console anyway12:42
djszapiI am just not sure the server edition is good fit12:42
djszapiUbuntu was not meant for server purposes12:42
djszapiand is not used widely like other specialized server distributions12:42
djszapiso I would trust the quality of the desktop version MUCH more even if I do not need UI12:43
ogra_WHAT ?!?12:43
ogra_ubuntu is the #1 could server distro in the world12:43
djszapiI am not sure what to take this comment for...perhaps biasment.12:44
ogra_and the difference between the preinstalled server and desktop images is simply the omission of xorg and ubuntu-desktop on server12:44
djszapiwell, the desktop edition should fit for 4 GB Kingston usb pendrive I guess...12:45
djszapior even for 4 GB Kingston SD card...12:45
ogra_right, server will fit into 2G ... and even less if you remove the included repo12:45
djszapihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ -> this is a mess12:46
djszapivery hard to find which usb iso I need in few seconds12:46
djszapiI do have 4 GB stuff, so should not be a biggy anyway...12:46
* ogra_ thinks he has fed the troll enough for today12:47
djszapithere is no other way than grabbing the preinstalled images anyway...12:48
ogra_you can use a netboot install image12:49
ogra_but anyway... i'll go and do some actual work12:49
djszapihave fun12:54
ogra_more than being ranted at for sure :P12:54
djszapihuh ?12:55
djszapiI told my sincere opinion about the modularization issue, that is all.12:55
djszapiyou do not need to think the same.12:55
djszapithings like "ubuntu is the #1 could server distro in the world" would not just make me laugh btw =]12:56
djszapiBooting the image... Open a terminal on your host system and launch a serial console monitor with the port set for 115200,n,8,113:07
djszapiScreen: screen /dev/ttyUSB0 11520013:07
djszapithis does not work for me.13:07
djszapiI see no relevant things inside the screen session, really.13:08
ogra_works fine here, is your serial device actually ttyUSB0 ?13:09
ogra_(check dmesg)13:09
djszapiI am getting a root console13:11
djszapihttp://paste.kde.org/484262/ -> and even this behind minicom...13:13
djszapiI can only configure this stuff over gui ? :(13:13
ogra_is that the server image ?13:14
ogra_well, then get a monitor, mouse and kbd, the desktop installer is fully graphical13:14
djszapithing is, I need qt core anyway which depends on X anyway13:15
ogra_thats why i told you to get the server image in the beginniong13:15
ogra_well, then just use a monitor and input devices13:15
djszapithis is a shame ubuntu-arm desktop cannot be configured over serial console.13:16
ogra_thats a design decision13:16
av500a bad one13:16
ogra_well, it makes sure your monitor and input devices work before even bothering to run the installation13:17
ogra_and we provide -server for eaxactly that gap13:17
djszapiogra_: makes no sense13:18
djszapiqt core depends on X.13:18
ogra_djszapi, why do you use ubuntu at all if all you can do is rant ?13:18
djszapiand you can run a daemon fired up without using keyboard or mouse13:18
djszapior whatever13:18
ogra_go and use angstrom, or linaro, there are fine images for it on the panda13:19
ogra_or debian13:19
LetoTheIIogra_: but thats not so shiny hf.13:19
ogra_debian is :)13:19
LetoTheIIoh cool, lets go on ranting there then!13:19
ogra_they dont have a desktop image that uses mouse and monitor !13:20
djszapiogra_: I do not really understand why your turn my opinion into "ranting".13:20
djszapiI cannot say what I honestly think about certain things ?13:20
ogra_djszapi, because i have to defned all my work all day since you showed up here13:20
djszapithat does not translate here.13:21
ogra_its getting tiring to be told that everything me and my team worked on for the last three years is crap, bad design or that i'm telling lies13:21
av500ogra_: and usually its me telling you this! :)(13:21
ogra_av500, yeah, but your rants i'm used to, thats different :P13:22
djszapiogra_: do you seriously think we discussed all the things ?13:22
djszapiyou worked on the last three years ?13:22
djszapino modularization, yes bad design, many people think that including me13:22
av500obviously he does not work much...13:22
djszapinot having serial port setup opportunity is bad design as well13:22
av500how could he, spending all the time on irc13:22
LetoTheII*plop* prost.13:22
djszapimany people would think t hat way including me.13:22
av500having to handle people like you...13:23
ogra_djszapi, you have no clue what yuo are ranting about either it seems, debian-installer is fully modular (else we wouldnt be able to only use the configuration bits of it)13:23
djszapi*you* told that it is hard wired to the installer13:24
ogra_i just said preinstalled uses the installer and omits the bits it doesnt need for maintenance reasons13:24
LetoTheIImy crystal-spice-ball thinks he wants a fancy tool to automagically create the ubuntu thing he'd like. like some schimaera of narcissus, live-build and some me(n)tal brain interface.13:25
djszapiogra_: yes, it is: I need A, but add A+B because I do not have time to maintain.13:26
djszapieven that, it does not make B necessary for me.13:26
ogra_LetoTheII, no, he just doesnt listen after asking what image he should take and then rants if the image he cose against good advice doesnt do what he wants13:26
djszapithat is another borked idea13:26
LetoTheIIogra_: oh come on, you are not actually telling me that my crystal ball is lying to me?13:27
djszapito not be able to *configure* a preinstall desktop image over serial console.13:27
ogra_djszapi, i told you how13:27
ogra_but then you accused me of lying which somehwat killed my enthusiasm of wanting to help you13:28
djszapiI think you take my opinion too personal.13:28
ogra_well, its my work you are constantly citicizing and there are very good reasons for every single decision you called wrong13:29
djszapiyes, *you* like that way.13:30
djszapiok, you do not like that way :D13:31
ogra_i just implemented what was discussed at lenght at several UDSes with the community, vendors and other devs13:31
djszapiso if I think differently I am not part of the community ?13:32
djszapiI am sure there are people thinking that in the "community" it is suboptimal this way.13:32
djszapiso you perhaps agreed upon with part of the community.13:32
ogra_up to you ... UDS is open for everyone to participate in each single session13:33
djszapinobody sponsores my expensive flight tickets, so I cannot, sorry.13:33
ogra_there is no neede to attend in person to participate, we have 1000s of users participating remotely13:34
ogra_anyway, everything you ranted about will be gone with quantal13:35
djszapiif you think my opinion is "ranting", what can I do :D13:35
av500rant less13:36
djszapiav500: well you apparently agreed upon the "bad one"13:36
djszapiwith me.13:36
djszapiso I do not understand why you changed your mind in a second :)13:36
djszapiogra_: good advice for the future: do not take opinions that hard :)13:39
dashhowdy. does the oneiric installer image have accounts enabled for console login?14:07
dashi would like to interrupt the installer and fiddle with things myself14:08
ogra_no, there are no accounts until the installer did its job of creating them14:08
dashGuess I'll wait.14:08
dashoh well :)14:08
ogra_what exacrtly are you trying to do ?14:08
dashogra_: i have an existing ubuntu installation on an external drive14:09
dashmy boot media got screwed up14:09
dashso i booted the installer and now I want to get back to my old install without waiting another hour :)14:09
ogra_so your rootfs is on different media ?14:10
ogra_you can take the installer, edit boot.scr on teh first partition and add break=premount to the kernel cmdline14:10
dashyeah that would require a machine i could do that from, heh...14:11
ogra_then mount your rootfs, chroot into it, adjust /boot/boot.script and run flash-kernel14:11
dashwe'll see14:11
dashogra_: right14:11
ogra_the latter will update the vfat on the SD card14:11
ogra_with kernel, initrd and boot.scr from /boot of your rootfs14:11
djszapihttp://paste.kde.org/484298/ -> is this output normal in minicom while configuring ?14:12
djszapifunky that, how many countries are missing in there.14:12
djszapiFinland, UK, Hungary, what not...14:13
jackhhey, all, is there any ubuntu support A8 CPU, like samsung s5pc110?14:14
ogra_jackh, can you be more specific ? ubuntu has images for omap3, omap4, freescale mx5, the toshiba ac100 netbook and a bunch of arm server architectures14:15
jackhogra_: its the samsung A8, s5pc11014:16
ogra_not sure, it might be that #linaro has images for that14:17
ogra_ubuntu definitely doesnt14:17
jackhogra_: linaro supports some A9 systems14:18
ogra_and a8 too14:19
ogra_not sure the s5pc110 is among them though14:19
jackhogra_: you sure? i will go to check14:19
ogra_yeah, ask in #linaro14:19
ogra_i'm sure ubuntu and linaro both support everything thats ARMv714:20
ogra_which inclused cortex-a8 and -a914:20
jackhogra_: if i want to build a ubuntu from scratch, how to?14:22
djszapiany ideas why I am getting the one fourth size of the fullscreen in minicom for controlling my pandaboard with this ubuntu image ?14:22
ogra_jackh, define "built from scratch" you mean assembling your own image from ubuntu binaries from the archive ? or do you mean "build completely from source"14:23
jackhogra_: hmm...i think i need to do the collecting images of binaries first, then i will thinking of builing from source14:24
ogra_give up on the latter ...14:25
ogra_thats a huge task and you need a lot of infrastructure14:25
ogra_ubuntu is a binary distro, its not designed to be rolled from source like i.e. gentoo or angstrom14:26
djszapiwell, certain parts can be built from source14:26
djszapisometimes, there is not even another solution around, if something is not packaged.14:26
ogra_for the image stuff you can start from ubuntu-core, note though that there is nothing configured in this tarball14:26
ogra_you should know exaxctly what you are doing if you want to use it14:26
ogra_(it is designed essentially as a base for IVI images)14:27
jackhogra_: what's IVI means?14:28
djszapijackh: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-vehicle_infotainment14:29
jackhogra_: is there a wiki to show me how to build a customized distro?14:29
ogra_in vehicle infotainment14:29
jackhogra_: thx!14:29
ogra_they usually use very special rootfses that dont have a user etc14:29
djszapijackh: what do you need to customize ?14:30
jackhdjszapi, ogra_, what comes to me is if i want to get a distro for s5pc110, then 90% of the images are the same with other A8 systems14:31
jackhdjszapi: ogra_, the only different is graffics and maybe some other perfics14:31
djszapiyes, but cannot you just install the relevant packages and load the relevant modules ?14:32
ogra_jackh, well, its usually bootloader and kernel thats different, yes14:32
djszapiI mean, why do you need a customized distribution for that ?14:32
jackhdjszapi: the customized here is just means the graffic and some perfics, not mean the software modules14:34
djszapiI would check out the site of the custom periferia vendor.14:35
jackhdjszapi: could you share me the link?14:35
djszapithat is what I also did with my toughbook, and I were able the touchscreen and digitizer drivers in there almost properly.14:35
djszapiI do not know what periferia you are interested in, but just type the stuff to google :)14:36
jackhdjszapi: ok...14:36
djszapi(if it is not supported out of the box)14:36
jackhdjszapi: someone did a 9.0.4 distro for this cpu14:37
jackhdjszapi: now i want some 11.10 for it14:37
djszapiI see.14:38
djszapiI would base the customized image on the top of the ubuntu image.14:39
jackhdjszapi: so which cpu are you working on now?14:39
djszapithat is what I also do with my product.14:39
djszapiI use pandaboard at the moment.14:39
djszapithat is using A9 cortex.14:40
jackhdjszapi: you lucky, panda is just supported  by linaro14:42
djszapiI do not use the linary support.14:43
jackhdjszapi: why??14:43
djszapiI like sticking with vanilla things as much as possible.14:43
jackhdjszapi: vanilla? seems like some version name?14:44
djszapiI mean upstream without modification14:44
av500jackh: vanilla as in the most basic ice cream flavor14:45
jackhav500: ya, it tastes just wonderful14:45
jackhdjszapi: so i guess what you do is: first get the upstream ubuntu distro of omap4, then do some driver and udev modification?14:47
djszapijackh: I just install qt core and then my daemon14:47
djszapias for the toughbook, I have had a patch against the wacom driver to get the touch and digitizer work, and then I add my UI application in there.14:47
jackhdjszapi: got it14:48
djszapiand then I make a dd for the sdcard into a custom img14:48
djszapiand then I can replicate that to any sdcard, and I have a backup14:48
jackhdjszapi: seems like some product level stuff14:49
djszapiogra_: do you have any ideas for this packaging issue ? http://paste.kde.org/484334/15:02
djszapitrying to package the project on the pandaboard itself.15:03
djszapiogra_: the control file is simply this: http://paste.kde.org/484340/15:03
ogra_you miss a comma in your build deps15:04
djszapioh I am blind, thanks :D15:04
djszapiogra_: it hands always here, but not sure why :o15:16
ogra_find out why that space is missing on the last two lines15:17
djszapiwhat space ?15:18
ogra_-O--parallel misses a space15:18
djszapiI use the stock debhelper from ubuntu 12.0415:19
djszapiit seems to be a bug then in the tool. My rules file is quite simple and do not touch those.15:21
* ogra_ would try dropping the --parallel15:22
djszapiI have just tried that15:23
djszapibut it is still hanging there15:23
djszapiso probably missing space is a no issue15:23
djszapiso I was initially getting this: http://paste.kde.org/484376/15:24
djszapiperhaps it is because of the timezone15:25
djszapiI was not able to select Helsinki during the server configuration.15:25
djszapisimply, there was no such an item.15:25
djszapiset to Helsinki with /etc/timezone15:26
djszapihow can I set this to human readable ? date15:26
djszapiג' מאי 22 19:56:19 AFT 201215:26
djszapiI mean to ascii :)15:26
highvoltagethat's better :)16:45
highvoltageogra_: seen one of these yet? http://www.geek.com/articles/chips/via-launch-a-49-android-pc-20120522/16:45
prpplaguewow thats like the 10th post about that in 20 minutes16:45
prpplagueor this http://olimex.com/dev/imx233-olinuxino-micro.html16:46
ogra_highvoltage, oh my, another ARM1116:46
ogra_nothing for ubuntu16:46
highvoltageogra_: ah16:48
* highvoltage gets horribly confused with the arm versions16:48
highvoltageI need to read the wikipedia page on arm versions every few weeks to refresh :)16:48
ogra_see topic ;)16:48
ogra_thats why we have it there16:48
* prpplague throws old arm boards at ogra_ like ninja throwing stars16:50
* ogra_ ducks behind a boxed ubuntu 16:50
prpplagueogra_: gave up on getting ubuntu running on that toshiba satelite, had to return it16:51
prpplagueogra_: gotta find another laptop this weekend though :(16:51
prpplagueogra_: yea apparently there is some serious bios issues that make it totally unusable for linux16:51
* prpplague has to troll the support channels to find a good laptop for ubuntu16:51
prpplagueogra_: dandy!16:52
ogra_there is also an older laptop project page somewhere on the ubuntu wiki16:52
prpplagueogra_: hehe i still have my panda netbook, i ment to give it away ages ago16:55
prpplagueogra_: my daughter has been using it16:56
* ogra_ still works on a stack of ac100 netbooks 16:56
* prpplague needs to build another16:56
prpplaguei guess i could build one with the pixel qi display16:56
av500ogra_: wasnt friendly being canned?16:57
av500prpplague: get a thinkpad16:57
ogra_av500, i dont think so, but i'm not sure16:57
prpplagueav500: i'll have a look at the prices16:57
ogra_there were some discussions at UDS but i cant attend all sessions :)16:57
prpplagueav500: i need something cheap, as it will be dedicated for a specific use16:57
av500inb4: yes, moronix :)16:58
* highvoltage is kind of eyeing the new thinkpad X116:59
prpplagueogra_: well i would suspect the number of visitors is low because people didn't know about it17:00
prpplaguei certainly didn't17:00
highvoltage(it even contains an arm core along with the intel ones: http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/News/Lenovo-ThinkPad-X1-Hybrid/ )17:00
highvoltage(and it looks pretty sweet too: http://www.engadget.com/photos/lenovo-thinkpad-x1-carbon/#5020648 )17:00
ogra_av500, aha, yeah, seems they look for community people to take over17:01
av500community will fix it :)17:02
ogra_prpplague, yeah, well, the lead dev did some blogposts when they started but it wasnt really made popular17:02
ogra_and she (being teh biggest driver) had to move to another team17:02
ogra_i dont think they actively want to tear it down though17:03
* ogra_ wrote the initial version of checkbox 7 years ago btw ... when i haded it over to someone else we threw away 7 mio datasets it had collected 17:04
ogra_we would be far beyond smolt if we had actually had a backend for these huge masses of data we didnt expect17:05
jimericksonhow does one go about getting the 3.4.0-200.1 kernel for omap4?23:32

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