
Logan_hggdh: poke01:19
Logan_Does anyone know what to do if a bug has been filed against a package that was removed from the repositories after that bug was filed?01:20
Logan_Do we mark as Won't Fix or Invalid?01:20
Logan_(I don't appear to have the permissions to mark the bug as Won't Fix, if that's the answer.)01:20
micahgLogan_: invalid is fine (one should check if it needs an sru for previous releases and asks for tasks if appropriate)01:52
Logan_Alright, thanks. :-)01:53
Logan_By the way, I really want Gimp 2.8 in Precise. :-P01:53
Logan_Can I just say that all of the reverse dependencies work? ;-)01:53
Logan_(I kid, of course.)01:55
* micahg suggests crowdsourcing01:55
Logan_Meh, too lazy. ;-P01:56
Logan_I'm busy fixing string bugs.01:56
Logan_Since they're so easy.01:56
Logan_I mean, you change the string.01:56
Logan_And then you request merging.01:56
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mitya57Hi there, can anybody please add precise targets to bug 990689 and bug 1002802?11:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 990689 in unity-mail "No message count" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99068911:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1002802 in unity-mail "[SRU] Unity-Mail 0.92.3 bugfix release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100280211:44
TheLordOfTimemicahg: around?13:23
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=== robert_ancell is now known as seb128
vibhavAny bug supervisor around14:27
vibhavCan https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/644578 be nominated for oneiric?14:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 644578 in update-notifier "gettext required by package scripts, but not a dependency " [Medium,Fix released]14:29
vibhavmicahg: ping14:37
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micahgLordOfTime: vibhav: available for quick question or will be back soon16:37
vibhavmicahg: Nevermind16:40
=== bregma_ is now known as bregma
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo

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