
JoeJulianEh, never mind. I'll just tell him to come here himself.00:01
ubot2Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:03
MrChrisDruifSorry, needed to do that even thou he left (or because he left)00:03
=== fenris is now known as Guest25535
=== Guest25535 is now known as ejat
chrisccoulsonhmmm, does anyone know if it is possible to make objdump work properly with a stripped binary and separate debug symbols?02:10
chrisccoulsondisassembling a stripped binary is a little painful02:11
=== jalcine is now known as Jacky
pittiGood morning03:53
=== sikon is now known as lucidfox
robert_ancellpitti, is the autosyncing working in quantal?04:30
pittirobert_ancell: yes, it should; but it coudl be that we are still syncing from testing04:31
robert_ancellpitti, how would I find out?04:31
pittirobert_ancell: if you wait for a particular package, find out when it was uploaded to unstable and when to quantal04:31
pittiin general, I'd say "ask cjwatson", he's driving those04:32
pittiSweetshark: is there a "release calendar" for libreoffice for quantal?05:06
pittiSweetshark: I'd like to add the important releases to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseInterlock05:06
pittiSweetshark: ah, found http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan/3.605:14
pittirobert_ancell: note that newer gvfs is not blocked by udisks2, it still supports the old gdu monitor05:26
pittirobert_ancell: but I'll switch it anyway05:26
robert_ancellpitti, oh cool.  I wasn't sure so I linked them all together :)05:26
robert_ancellpitti, I guess I'll have to learn this stuff with you being busy with other things :)05:27
pittirobert_ancell: do you want do do the update?05:27
robert_ancellpitti, sure05:27
pittirobert_ancell: ok, then I'll stand by for questions :)05:27
robert_ancellpitti, question 1) what's a good smoke test to do for gvfs05:28
pittirobert_ancell: I usually test the following:05:28
pittiUSB stick: insert, verify automounting, safe-eject; reinsert, remount, yank out, check auto-umount05:28
pittilibgphoto2 camera: insert, check pictures in nautilus05:29
pittissh connection in nautilus (I have a bookmark to my server)05:29
pittiarchive mounter -> open an .iso, verify mount in nautilus05:29
pittithat should provide pretty good coverage05:29
* robert_ancell takes notes05:29
pittirobert_ancell: I also have a work item to write automatic tests for those05:29
robert_ancellpitti, that will be 1000000x better :)05:30
pittirobert_ancell: perhaps one day I'll have some time to work on upstream tests!05:30
robert_ancellpitti, heh, still getting stuck doing old job stuff?05:30
pittino, just kidding05:31
pittiwell, "yes"05:31
pittistill working on the jockey bits, and stable+105:31
pittiI'll transfer on June 1st05:31
robert_ancellwe have 8 years of reliance to wean ourselves off05:31
BigWhaleGood Morning.05:39
didrocksgood morning06:23
RAOFGood morning didrocks!06:32
didrockshey RAOF, how are you?06:32
RAOFGood! Having fun reworking the xwayland init sequence to support nouveau :)06:33
pittihey didrocks, bonjour BigWhale06:35
pittihey RAOF06:35
RAOFWhere today the role of "fun" will be played by staring at the interlinked global state that is the Xserver startup sequence.06:35
RAOFHey pitti!06:35
didrocksguten morgen pitti06:37
RAOFAlso, 8-bit ‘OK Computer’ is much better than 8-bit ‘Kid A’.  Although that might also be due to OK Computer being much better than Kid A :)06:37
didrocksRAOF: sounds fun ;)06:37
dpmgood morning desktop folk06:39
didrockshey dpm06:48
dpmhey didrocks ;)06:48
rickspencer3good morning didrocks, dpm, pitti06:49
pittihey rickspencer306:49
didrocksbonjour rickspencer3 :)06:49
rickspencer3(and anyone else who is up ;) )06:49
pittiguten Morgen dpm!06:49
dpmbonjour rickspencer306:49
dpmund morgen pitti06:49
dpmnice round of goodmornings today :)06:49
dpmhey pitti, would you have any ideas on how to solve this?: http://askubuntu.com/questions/140552/how-to-make-glade-load-translations-from-opt06:51
dpmor would anyone else?06:51
dpmI'm pretty much stuck there, I hadn't realized that translations were not supported in /opt (well, technically in Glade), and it's a bit of a bummer if it's not possible to ship translated apps in our app developer process06:52
pittidpm: I don't have an off-hand idea for this; it just seems odd to me that GtkBuilder wouldn't use the normal dgettext() call, which already has been pointed to /opt via bindtextdomain06:54
pittithat certainly sounds like a bug in GtkBuilder06:54
dpmpitti, yeah, in fact, the set_translation_domain should not be needed, either and GtkBuilder should just use what gettext uses, but IIRC from a bug long ago, there is no intention upstream to change this06:56
* dpm tried to dig out the bug #06:56
pittiyes, I agree -- in absence of a particular my_builder.set_domain call, it should just call gettext() and be done with it06:57
dpmbummer, yet another /opt blocker :(06:58
dpmHere's the upstream bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57452007:00
ubot2Gnome bug 574520 in documentation "gtk.Builder translations fail" [Normal,Resolved: notabug]07:00
dpmFrom there, I understand that I should use locale.bindtextdomain() but it just feels like unnecessary work. In any case, if it works, I'm happy again07:02
* dpm tries07:02
pittiah, that bug was still for the static bindings, which did their own magic07:04
dpmpitti, I'm not sure I can follow07:06
dpmI understand the bug is still relevant, right?07:07
pittidpm: so does gettext.bindtextdomain() work? I thought the question said it wouldn't07:07
dpmpitti, no, that does not work07:08
dpmit works for the non-glade strings07:08
dpmbut all of the UI is untranslated07:08
dpmthere are suggestions in the bug to use locale.bindtextdomain() or libintl.bind_textdomain_codeset(domain, 'UTF-8') - I'm going to try that next07:09
dpmsee if Glade picks it up from there07:09
pittithese are all exported by gettext, not locale07:10
pittidpm: I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to set LOCPATH07:10
mhr3hey guys, is there some known issues with extras repo signature?07:11
mhr3i'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000376/07:11
dpmpitti, would that not affect other translations that should be loaded from /usr/share/locale (e.g. gtk translations)?07:12
pittidpm: err, ignore me; that's for locales, not gettext07:12
dpmok, gotcha07:13
pittidpm: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=114461#12 -> nice hack :)07:13
ubot2Debian bug 114461 in gettext "gettext: there is no way to control where message catalogs are found at run time" [Normal,Open]07:13
pittidpm: if that works, we should think about hiding this behind something, but it's worth a try07:14
dpmpitti, oh my, you could press me to say that hack is "clever", but not "nice" :)07:15
dpmbut I'm up for anything that makes translations work07:15
pittidpm: yes, I still think that there's something wrong in GtkBuilder07:16
pittibut if that hack works, we are a step closer to knowing what's wrong07:16
dpmyes, although upstream seem to make it pretty clear that they're not interested in fixing it https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=574520#c507:17
ubot2Gnome bug 574520 in documentation "gtk.Builder translations fail" [Normal,Resolved: notabug]07:17
pittidpm: note that this is pygtk's upstream, not GTK's07:18
pittiand pygtk had some custom magic about translations, so it does not directly apply to GTK itself07:18
dpmpitti, right, so you think it'd be worth me filing a new bug against gtk? In any case, the GtkBuilder C API does not seem to have a bindtextdomain method, either http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkBuilder.html#gtk-builder-set-translation-domain07:21
pittiIf the07:23
pitti * "translatable" attribute is set to a true value, GTK+ uses gettext() (or07:23
pitti * dgettext() if the builder has a translation domain set)07:23
pittidpm: RTFSing..07:23
dpmoooh, so that in theory it should work07:25
pitti_gtk_builder_parser_translate() just calls g_dgettext()07:27
pittiyou can set a domain for the GtkBuilder, but it's not necessary07:27
pittiand you shouldn't if your .ui files use the same domain as your app07:27
pittibut even if you do set the domain, it still just uses g_dgettext()07:28
pittidpm: were you trying this with PyGTK or GI?07:28
pittidpm: I don't see any reason in the code why bindtextdomain() at the beginning of the programm (before opening .ui files) should not work07:28
pittidpm: so if it indeed doesn't work, then please file a bug report, preferably with a small demo (using /tmp/ or home etc.)07:29
dpmI did try commenting out the set_translation_domain call, but that did not make a difference, let me try again07:29
dpmno joy07:30
* dpm prepares a small demo07:30
chrisccoulsoni think the builders hate me: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/13.0~b4+build1-0ubuntu3/+build/350808707:32
dpmthanks for your help pitti07:32
chrisccoulson6 hours and it's only at the start of the testsuite!07:32
pittichrisccoulson: hm, the new i386 builders shoudl be blazingly fast07:33
pittichrisccoulson: oh, you caught an old one (palmer)07:33
chrisccoulsonpitti - i turned on PGO07:33
chrisccoulsondo you know how much RAM it has got?07:33
chrisccoulsonthe PPA builders just time out when linking too07:33
pittiI don't07:33
pittiseb128: FYI, udisks2 is in quantal, and I talked with Robert about gvfs07:59
pittiseb128: gvfs 0.13.0 still supports the gdu backend, so udisks2 is not a blocker (but it's in now anyway)08:00
pittiseb128: he wants to do the update now, and I stand by for questions08:00
seb128pitti, ok, we should change to udisks2 anyway I guess08:00
pittirobert_ancell | we have 8 years of reliance to wean ourselves off08:00
pittiseb128: yes08:00
seb128pitti, did you talk to him about the gtk update by any chance?08:00
pittino, I didn't08:00
seb128ok, no worry, I will keep following up by email ;-)08:01
seb128pitti, thanks, I learnt "to wean off" today ;-)08:02
seb128what was the context for that? udisks?08:02
pittiupdating gvfs08:02
pittiI was going to do it, but then asked whether he prefers to, as it sounded like he would08:02
pittiso I told him what I usually test08:03
pittihopefully we'll have automatic tests in a few months :)08:03
* seb128 hugs pitti08:03
pittiat least for a (fake) usb stick, ssh, samba, and archive (.iso/.tar) mounts08:03
pittithese should all be fairly easy to do08:04
pittithose are what I usually test manually08:04
pittioh, and libgphoto, but that's a pain to virtualize08:04
seb128I'm looking forward having things like smb tested08:04
seb128that always breaks at some point in the cycle and we always found about it weeks later08:04
seb128seems like people here don't use smb a lot but users out there do ;-)08:05
pittithat's why I made it an explict WI in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-desktop-quality08:06
seb128oh, speaking of WI, where is didrocks to remind me about the meeting reminder email08:06
seb128didrocks, dude I count on you for reminding me I need to send those ;-)08:07
didrocksseb128: I didn't say hello yet ;)08:07
didrocksseb128: meeting reminder!08:07
seb128didrocks, 'ci!08:07
seb128didrocks, salut, en forme ?08:07
didrocksde rien, toujours un plaisir :)08:07
didrocksça va, et toi? ;)08:07
seb128oui, en forme ;-)08:07
rickspencer3didrocks, tu as couru deja?08:09
didrocksrickspencer3: non, je le fais le soir, à 19h :) et toi?08:10
rickspencer3didrocks, il pleut ce matin08:11
chrisccoulsonhmmm, any volunteers for bug 1002590? ;)08:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1002590 in thunderbird "No crashreporter in Firefox or Thunderbird" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100259008:11
seb128rickspencer3, salut08:11
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 didrocks rickspencer308:11
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks. a bit tired though. how are you?08:11
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks08:12
seb128chrisccoulson, build it with gcc-4.6 ;-)08:12
didrocksrickspencer3: je pense que je ferais de l'exercice un peu plus tôt, entre deux pluies :)08:12
didrockshey chrisccoulson08:12
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i might do in a bit. but gcc-4.6 fails to build with PGO on ;)08:12
seb128il pleut à Toulouse ?!08:12
seb128où va t'on08:12
rickspencer3seb128, oui, il pleut beacoup08:12
rickspencer3je suis très triste08:13
rickspencer3il pleut pour longtemps08:13
rickspencer32 semaine08:13
rickspencer3j'ai demangé a Seattle deja08:13
seb128rickspencer3, la météo dit que vendredi il fera beau08:14
seb128et lundi08:14
rickspencer3oui, pour 1 jour08:14
seb128pas de chance pour le weekend par contre :-(08:15
rickspencer3je vuex etre bien grillé deja08:15
* rickspencer3 shakes fist at Toulouse weather08:15
* didrocks heard from huats that bad weather didn't exist in Toulouse, weird ;)08:16
pittiOMG, seb128's threat became true08:16
pittiIl ne parle que français?08:16
rickspencer3didrocks, huats was correct until I moved here08:16
didrocksrickspencer3: I didn't see good weather in Toulouse, didn't see it, don't believe it :)08:17
rickspencer3didrocks, il fait beau quand tu as visité a Toulouse, non?08:18
seb128didrocks, yeah, I'm sure it's stories people from the south-west tell to make us feel jealous08:18
seb128doesn't work08:18
didrocksrickspencer3: non, il a plu justement et très nuageux08:18
rickspencer3seb128, it worked for me, and then I *moved* here08:18
didrocksseb128: completely ;)08:18
* rickspencer3 removes fishhook from cheek08:19
seb128rickspencer3, you should ask them to pay you back, you paid for sun you deserve some!08:19
seb128huats, salut ;-)08:20
seb128RAOF, hey08:20
huatsI amso disapointed of you rickspencer3...08:20
RAOFseb128: Hey!08:20
rickspencer3huats, fair enough, but c'mon, look outside!08:20
didrockshuats: I think he is disappointed about the weather :p08:20
seb128RAOF, how are you?08:21
RAOFseb128: Good, yourself?08:21
seb128RAOF, I'm good thanks08:21
seb128RAOF, looking to http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-quantal/canonical-desktop-team.html you have 44 workitems .... seems like a lot ... make sure to not overload you for the cycle please ;-)08:22
rickspencer3seb128,  you know what to do08:23
* rickspencer3 waits for whip cracking noises08:23
pittiRAOF: seems you earned all the leftovers from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-color-management-next-steps08:23
pittithat's probably unintended08:23
seb128right, that was going to be my next question ;-)08:24
huatsrickspencer3: I agree this year the weather is REALLY bad08:24
seb128should we even track that spec for this cycle?08:24
huatsand remember when you arrived it was realy great08:24
huatsyou told me that :)08:24
pittiseb128: haha, look at that page more closely -- there is a work item called "Work items"08:24
huatslet's wait till the end of the week :D08:24
pittiseb128: but it seems to be the only glitch like that on http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-quantal/canonical-desktop-team.html08:25
seb128pitti, I wonder if that's due to the "Work Items:" at the end of the whiteboard08:25
pittiseb128: presumably08:25
pittiseb128, RAOF: Note that a fair number of specs just got moved from o and p to q, but they should be revisited and possibly be moved further to r or be dropped08:26
seb128huats, meteofrance says weather is going to be nice on friday and monday but rainy during the w.e08:26
huatsseb128: they always lie :)08:26
* didrocks was thinking he would have few WI this cycle after assisting the sessions08:26
RAOFThat does seem like a lot; many of those are bugs from colour-management, and a couple of others are obsolete.08:26
seb128pitti, right, the rootless-x and color ones seem in this case08:26
pittiah, ruthless X08:26
seb128RAOF, should we track the colormanagement spec for the cycle or just deal with bugs out of the cycle spec tracking?08:27
pittiseb128: the lcms2 transition would be nice to finish indeed, as the old lcms1 stuff is totally deprecated and buggy; but that's not for one person to do alone08:27
seb128RAOF, please clean up the obsolete ones when you cross them ;-)08:27
pittias long as we can at least use lcms2 only in main, that'd already be good progress08:27
RAOFWill do.08:27
seb128RAOF, and while you are around, can I try to bribe you again to do unapproved SRU reviews this week? ;-)08:28
RAOFTomorrow :)08:29
seb128RAOF, sorry you are my new ping contact in the SRU team, it used to be pitti :p08:29
seb128RAOF, thanks08:29
seb128RAOF, like the gwibber there is a one liner to stop hating users who have a non ascii char in their username, it would be nice to get it in ;-)08:29
* pitti yays at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000413/08:30
pittiwelcome, driver lookups behind a PackageKit interface08:30
mlankhorstpitti: no nouveau? :s08:31
pittimlankhorst: if you make x-x-d-nouveau declare Modalias: fields, it will :)08:32
pittimlankhorst: but we'll need to special-case nvidia anyway, for the six different variants that we have for it08:32
mlankhorstpitti: true08:32
mlankhorstswitch (*(uint32_t)pci->bar0 & 0xff00000) >:-)08:33
pittimlankhorst: actually, "modinfo nouveau" does have modaliases08:33
pittimlankhorst: so if someone ever provides a DKMS package with a backported/experimental/whatever driver, and uses dh_modalises, it will all Just Work ™08:34
mlankhorstpitti: probably incomplete, it just attaches to everything of class video with manufacturer nvidia..08:34
dpmpitti, ok, I filed https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=676543 for the conversation we were having earlier on08:42
ubot2Gnome bug 676543 in GtkBuilder "Cannot load translations from a locale dir other than the default" [Normal,Unconfirmed]08:42
pittidpm: thanks, will look at that in a bit08:42
pittidpm: note that you didn't actually attach something?08:43
dpmargh, I did not?08:43
dpmweird, did not seem to upload it the first time. It is there now, thanks for the heads up!08:44
dpmpitti, I also tried http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=114461#12 but that did not seem to work with my example08:45
ubot2Debian bug 114461 in gettext "gettext: there is no way to control where message catalogs are found at run time" [Normal,Open]08:45
seb128pitti, what was the meeting time usually in summer? I never know with DST, I proclaimed 15:30 UTC since I think earlier works better for most of us08:51
pittiseb128: that's correct08:51
pittiseb128: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting has that08:52
pittimvo: would you mind if I upload the current aptdaemon quantla packaging branch? I'm blocked on getting the test dbus.conf shipped in the package08:54
pittimvo: (otherwise my shiny new ubuntu-drivers-common will fail to build)08:54
pittimvo: if you are planning to do an upload soon anyway for glatzor's py3 branch, I can wait a day or two, of course08:54
mvopitti: not at all ,please go ahead09:01
pittimvo: ok, done09:03
pittimvo: oh, to avoid duplicate work: I have most of a Python 3 port for apturl here09:31
pittimvo: but I need python3-aptdaemon for that first (see glatzor's mail)09:31
pittimvo: so please don't start working on apturl for now09:31
mvopitti: ok09:33
mvopitti: thanks for the info!09:33
mvopitti: iirc there was a test failure in the py3 branch from glatzor09:33
didrocksLaney: hey09:34
didrocksLaney: looking at the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-deprecate-language-selector you just changed the status09:34
Laneyyeah, though I was supposed to as assignee?09:34
didrocksLaney: not sure if they want to automate the collect of the Goal/other markers, if so:09:34
Laneyor is that for someone else09:34
Laneyif so, move it back :-)09:34
didrocksno no, it's fine :)09:35
didrocks- Goal should be in the in the first part for the description09:35
Laneyoh oh09:35
didrocks- typo (it's Test Plan: and Release Note:)09:35
didrocksthe rest looks good :)09:35
LaneyI didn't know they were going to be automatically processed09:35
didrocksjust in case they want to collect that :)09:35
didrocksnot sure as well, but let's follow the wiki just in case09:35
didrocksI'll approve once you do those changes09:36
Laneyshould I remove the rest of the description?09:36
didrocksI guess it's fine, I added those afterwards though with sesssion notes: ------------------09:36
didrocksbut I guess it's rather a "do as you want" :)09:36
Laneydidrocks: like that?09:41
didrocksLaney: it's Test Plan*s*: IIRC09:41
Laneyok, got it09:42
didrocksI would remove the Release Note stenza if it's not applicable09:42
Laneypossibly, I just put it because it was listed as mandatory09:42
didrocksit's not anymore, is it?09:43
Laneywell, "if user visible feature"09:43
Laneymaybe I should write something09:43
didrocksmaybe just tell that there is a newer language selector09:43
seb128not sure if the change there is worth release noting09:43
didrocksbut yeah, seems minor09:43
seb128but seems it could09:43
Laneythat's what I thought, but the wiki says that it should be for any user visible feature09:43
Laneylets just leave it and see if anyone complains09:44
didrocksok, we can change it later if it's automagically collected anyway09:44
didrockslet's approve it then09:44
didrocksand done :)09:44
LaneyI think I need to be added to some team to show up on the tracker btw09:44
chrisccoulsonwow, nearly 9 hours - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/13.0~b4+build1-0ubuntu3/+build/3508084 !10:45
slomoseb128: what's needed to sync gstreamer1.0, gst-plugins-{base,good,bad,ugly}1.0 and gst-libav1.0 from debian/experimental? :)10:47
seb128slomo, you asking, I will do it after lunch10:47
seb128slomo, thanks for pointing those ;-)10:48
slomoseb128: thanks, will just update gst-plugins-bad and gst-libav then :)10:48
seb128slomo, yw!10:50
seb128chrisccoulson, no timeout this time?10:50
seb128chrisccoulson, didn't firefox use to build in like 3 hours?10:50
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, maybe the timeout is shorter on the PPA builders?10:51
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, build success, congrats! ;-)10:51
seb128could be...10:51
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, the success is without the crash reporter though ;)10:51
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cjohnstonmpt: ping12:09
slomoseb128: ok, gstreamer1.0, gst-plugins-{base,good,bad,ugly}1.0 and gst-libav1.0 0.11.91-1 could be synced from debian/experimental now :) last bad/libav were just uploaded so might not be there yet, but the 0.11.91-1 version is important12:20
seb128slomo, ok12:20
pittislomo: ah, you can't upload them yourself?12:20
pittislomo: ... and thanks!12:21
slomopitti: i can, sure :) but these are syncs12:21
pittislomo: right; I mean when you are able to upload a package, you are also able to call syncpackage for them12:21
pittijust saying12:21
slomopitti: oh, good to know :)12:21
pittisyncpackage -d experimental <pkgname> (in ubuntu-dev-tools)12:22
seb128slomo, want to try?12:22
slomoseb128: yes, trying :)12:22
slomoseb128: seems to work, now only waiting for bad/libav to appear :)12:24
seb128slomo, great!12:24
seb128yeah, they are in NEW12:25
pittislomo: indeed, they are in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+queue?queue_state=0 now12:25
pittiseb128: do we want them in main already for switching over, or universe for now?12:25
seb128pitti, universe12:26
seb128we will promote then when something start pulling them in12:26
seb128pitti, danke12:26
slomopitti: shall i sync old versions of bad/libav now already to cause less work for you (you could accept them now already), and just update later?12:27
pittislomo: it doesn't matter much either way really12:27
seb128update later shouldn't be extra work12:27
slomopitti: ok, they should be there too now... thanks :)12:28
slomoseb128: do you know if gnome decided to go with gstreamer 1.0 for next release already?12:28
seb128slomo, I don't know, that's one of the things we put on the list at UDS, check GNOME plans to determine what version we will use12:29
* pitti is looking forward to an introspectable gstreamer12:29
pittislomo: done12:29
slomopitti: that's much better with 1.0 already, but some simple changes are still missing in g-i... like being able to specify that struct X, that has struct Y as first member, can be used like any struct Y instance (i.e. simple struct inheritance)12:31
ritzquestion on bamf/unity launcher. we tend to combine javaws app under one group12:40
ritzwhereas they might be different instances12:40
ritzis this is design choice, or something we overlooked ?12:41
seb128Trevinho, ^12:41
seb128bug I would say in any case12:42
ritzseb128, thanks12:43
hggdhbryceh: ping13:02
cyphermoxgood morning!13:10
asaci am not sure when it started, but for a few days at least i have the sound settings dialog disppear (crashing?) if i click on the bluetooth headset in the "input" tab13:10
asac(gnome-control-center:9674): sound-cc-panel-CRITICAL **: gvc_mixer_stream_get_port: assertion `stream->priv->ports != NULL' failed13:11
asacSegmentation fault13:11
asacprecise up to date that is13:11
asaci can select other input devices though (mic and internal are OK to click on)13:11
seb128cyphermox, hey, how are you?13:12
seb128asac, hey13:12
asachello seb12813:12
seb128asac, can you report a bug with a debug stacktrace?13:12
asaccan i do that :)?13:12
cyphermoxhey, not bad, not bad13:12
asachave to resurrect the dbgsym stuff i guess13:12
asacok running apport-bug i guess13:16
asacthought there was a way to easily retrace stuff locally13:16
seb128asac, sudo apport-retrace ...?13:17
asacthat doesnt exist :)13:18
asacoh nevermind13:18
asachave to install it :)13:18
asaclet me do that13:18
asacthe apport-bug thing failed13:18
asac(doesnt do anything after collecting info)13:18
seb128asac, if you run apport-retrace under sudo it will install the required dbg for you I think13:19
asacinstall? and cleanup?13:19
asacthought it would do a chroot or something13:20
=== seb128 is now known as robert_ancell
=== robert_ancell is now known as seb128
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
jbichagood morning13:31
seb128hey jbicha, how are you?13:32
jbichashould I upload gnome-disk-utility 3.4 now or wait? it drops libgdu http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000839/13:32
pittijbicha: better wait until Robert uploads gvfs 0.13 with switching to udisks213:32
seb128jbicha, I though robert_ancell was working on it? see version13:32
pittijbicha: but there are more reverse dependencies: ejecter, update-notifier, unity, udisks13:33
desrtseb128: let's talk overrides13:33
pittijbicha: and udisks still has quite a few13:33
pittijbicha: sorry, udisks is not an rdep, it's a Breaks:13:34
pittijbicha: so just ejecter, update-notifier, and unity13:34
desrtseb128: it seems that currently the overrides are scattered across quite a number of different packages (ie: mostly the packages themselves, not a super-duper-overrides package)13:34
desrtdo we want to continue in that way when we switch to dconf-based overrides?13:34
desrtor do we want an overrides package?13:34
pittiIMHO by-package, as we have now13:35
desrtimho it would be more manageable to have one package13:35
didrocksogra_: hey, just a question, the .armel and .armhf for compiz installs are the same right?13:35
pittidesrt: that totally doesn't extend to using PPAs, third-party packages, backports, SRUs, etc.13:35
desrtpitti: definitely not -- but then neither do language packs13:36
pittiwell, of course both could be combined13:36
ogra_didrocks, they are binary incompatible13:36
desrtwe'd use the one-big-package approach for things we ship on the CD, for example13:36
pittii. e. backports etc. could still ship their own overrides13:36
didrocksogra_: right, I but I mean, the plugins that you build/install are the same?13:36
ogra_hf binaries wont run on el systems or the other way round13:36
ogra_build process is identical, yeah13:36
ogra_its just different compiler options13:37
didrocksogra_: ok thanks, that will make my life a little bit less painful in this compiz refactoring :)13:37
desrtconsidering that the purpose of this exercise is to allow the overrides to be used conditionally it seems to make sense to also allow them to be uninstalled if people don't care to use them at all13:37
desrtwhich is quite a lot harder with multiple packages13:37
desrt(well, impossible, really... i don't want to uninstall gnome-settings-daemon)13:37
ogra_didrocks, i thought you were supposed to get a proper upstream tree now13:37
pittidesrt: that hardly seems to be a question of all or nothing, though?13:37
seb128desrt, pitti: doh, I don't look to this channel for 5 minutes and get 3 screens of backlog ;-)13:38
chrisccoulsonwow, i'm not sure how we've ever successfully built firefox before :/13:38
seb128desrt, pitti: I sort of like having an ubuntu-default package with our settings13:38
chrisccoulsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1000848/ is the fix for bug 100259013:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1002590 in thunderbird "No crashreporter in Firefox or Thunderbird" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100259013:38
desrtpitti: it's a question of my own obsessive compulsive disorder, i guess :)13:38
kenvandinechrisccoulson, that is scary :)13:38
didrocksogra_: well, one tree with everything merged (compiz, c-p-m, c-p-e, libcompizconfig, python-compizconfig, compizconfig-gconf-backend, ccsm)13:39
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, yeah. i've no idea how this ever worked before13:39
didrocksogra_: but I have to do this merge and it's kind of complex tree of Replaces: shuffling things around, transitional packages… :)13:39
ogra_didrocks, ouch13:39
* didrocks uses this time as well to remove all the old Breaks/Replaces, sprint cleaning!13:39
ogra_why did they do that ? so you need to upload the whole if someone fixes a single module ?13:39
didrocksogra_: yeah, for their test and handling the ABI break in an easier way13:40
didrocksogra_: TBH, that will avoid waiting for 4 hours if there is an ABI break until we can rebuild unity13:40
didrocksso quite happy13:40
ogra_yeah, but quite a lot of work :)13:41
didrocksthe additional build-time is low compared the benefit :)13:41
ogra_but we all know you are workaholic :)13:41
ogra_its the french wine i guess :) seb128 is the same way13:41
didrockswell, I'm more in a red wine area, he's on the white wine side :)13:41
smspillazogra_: fyi: lp:~compiz-linaro-team/compiz/gles213:41
smspillazI am merging in all of the other plugins now13:42
ogra_smspillaz, awesome !13:42
smspillazogra_: do you know what our support is like for the zareason tablet ?13:42
ogra_smspillaz, nope, but if you get bootloader and a recent kernel source it should be trivial13:42
ogra_(or send me one and i can roll a community install image :) )13:44
seb128pitti, do we have a record somewhere of the end of precise status-wis page?13:46
pittiseb128: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-desktop-team.html ?13:46
seb128pitti, no, that got screwed up by spec moved over13:47
* didrocks will kill a python script at boot soon13:47
seb128pitti, like RAOF has only 1 workitems on that page13:47
pittiseb128: oh, indeed; the graph looks quite funny, too13:47
seb128pitti, I was mostly trying to figure how much items each team member got done to compare to how many them have for q13:47
pittiseb128: it might be possible to get the database for that point in time, but I don't have access to status.u.c.; question for cjohnston I think13:48
seb128pitti, well, if we don't have it that's ok, we can do without it13:48
pittiseb128: want to update https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoGTYJ3uqCiMdHQzeUI5akNkS1I0ckJGNXpJbnEwLUE&pli=1#gid=0 ?13:48
seb128I'm not sure how much we can compare from one cycle to the next one anyway, a lot depends of how much non workitem work is done13:48
seb128pitti, oh, I didn't remember about that page ... well I would do if I had numbers ;-)13:49
chrisccoulsonheh, i always seem to end up spending my whole cycle doing non-workitem tasks ;)13:50
cjohnstonpitti:  I'm not quite sure what the issue referenced above is.. there does seem to be an issue where all of the lts milestones are now appearing making the graphs look odd13:51
seb128chrisccoulson, you always seem to end up debugging toolchain bugs for weeks you mean ;-)13:51
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah. although, in this case, it's not a toolchain bug. i still can't figure out what changed to break it though13:51
chrisccoulsonbut i guess that doesn't matter too much :)13:51
seb128cjohnston, the issue is that the precise graphs are off, i.e http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-desktop-team.html graph goes until end of 2013?13:52
Trevinhoritz: java apps thing, it's a bug...13:52
Trevinhoritz: have you a test case I can work on?13:52
cjohnstonseb128: it is showing all the lts milestones.. 12.4.1 .2 etc13:53
seb128cjohnston, ok, well I was mostly looking at having a picture of the status at precise release time13:53
seb128cjohnston, we "screwed" it by moving some specs over to q13:54
seb128cjohnston, they dropped off the p chart13:54
pittijust curious why ubuntu-precise is still being updated13:54
pittiI sort of assumed it would stop updating now13:54
seb128pitti, because we might still track stuff for .113:54
pittiit takes ages to generate all the gazillion precise charts13:54
chrisccoulsonnow, armhf build failure to debug. fun!13:54
seb128I guess13:54
cjohnstonyes, its still running13:54
seb128but yeah, I would have prefered to have the p charts frozen at release13:55
pittiwith all the quantal ones also being generated, won't that bring this machine to death at some point?13:55
cjohnstonI think we may need to have a sit down and think about how we want status to work13:55
seb128we typically don't use charts for point releases13:55
cjohnstonright now it runs collect all13:55
cjohnstonif we want that changed id like to have a discussion with the stakeholders and get a written 'policy'13:56
seb128that makes sense13:57
cjohnstonright now there is no real direction afaik13:57
seb128that's what I just noticed from that discussion ;-)13:58
seb128bottom line is that I've no easy access to the numbers of the end of the cycle I wanted to look at, I will do without them no worry13:58
cjohnstonit would be nice to have a set way of doing things.14:00
* pitti waves good bye for today; awake since 5:30 already14:00
didrocksgood evening pitti :)14:01
seb128pitti, 'night14:02
seb128pitti, did you have anything you wanted to see discussed during the meeting today? or any recommendation on stuff we should cover?14:03
cjohnstonseb128: I'm leaving tomorrow for Connect, will be out there for 9 days, then come home to have surgery two days later so I will be out for atleast two weeks from now, although, that would provide plenty.of time to make sure all stakeholders are aware and have a chance to come up with what they would like to see.. would you all like to try to.get something setup for mid june to start hashing this out so that we hav14:07
ogra_highvoltage, ^^^^ didnt you play with a zareason tablet ( smspillaz was intrested in it above)14:07
seb128cjohnston, that line cut at "so that we hav"14:07
seb128cjohnston, but yeah, I will mention it to the release team meeting14:08
seb128cjohnston, thanks14:08
cjohnstonthings sorted out prior to the end of 12.1014:08
cjohnstoncool. ty14:09
highvoltageogra_: I'm still working on getting mine (will probably have that sorted out this week)14:11
highvoltagecjohnston: hope it goes well! get better soon.14:12
highvoltagesmspillaz: darkwing on #kubuntu-devel might be able to help you with the zatab so long, he has it booting but last I heard the screen just came up black14:13
smspillazjust looking for something to test compiz-gles on really14:13
smspillazthat isn't a desktop driver14:13
ogra_smspillaz, test as in "run" ?14:13
ogra_the only reliable device we have for that atm is the pandaboard14:14
highvoltagesmspillaz: iirc stgraber told me that it works fine now on a pandaboard14:14
highvoltage(well, I saw it working fine on his pandaboard :) )14:14
ogra_even on my tegra i cant get the transparency of unity fixed atm14:14
smspillazhighvoltage: sure, although there are shipping difficulties14:15
smspillazhighvoltage: also I feel like the panda isn't representative of real world hardware, especially when you run it on 1080p displays14:16
ogra_smspillaz, it totally is ...14:16
ogra_what isnt representative is that you run from SD though14:16
smspillazthat's true14:16
ogra_wrt GPU and drivers it surely is the state of the art14:16
smspillazalthough I'm still ... skeptical about running a 1080p display from a panda14:17
smspillazafaict it really just can't handle the fill rates that well14:17
smspillazor maybe that's because compiz is not well optimized ATM :P14:17
ogra_or because we use a memory hole were none should be ;)14:17
smspillazogra_: oh ?14:18
ogra_iirc our images still waste something like 64M for the video codec engine14:18
highvoltagesmspillaz: you've never used compiz before!?14:18
ogra_which, if you dont use it is just a wasted memory hole14:18
ogra_highvoltage, hahaha14:18
smspillazhighvoltage: I usually don't get high mem usage on compiz standalone14:21
lotheacphew, apparently I suck at bzr14:49
highvoltageat least it's well documented :)14:51
lotheacwhich means I can't read ;)14:51
ritzTrevinho, yes, with javaws15:04
ritzTrevinho, will raise an lp soon15:04
dobeyis *anyone* able to reliably hit bug #853060 in here?15:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 853060 in ubuntuone-installer/trunk "ubuntuone-installer crashed with GError in function(): Failed to execute child process "ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk" (No such file or directory)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85306015:05
Trevinhoritz: javaws -about and javaws -viewer have different apps tough, but I have to study other cases15:06
ritzjavaws <jnlp app1>15:06
ritzjavaws <jnlp app2>15:06
ritzboth are listed as one app15:07
ritzTrevinho, in the launcher15:07
ritzI do see, for chrome we use is_web_app. I am thinking of writing something similar is_javaws_app15:07
Trevinhoritz: what's the output for xprop |grep WM_CLASS for both the windows?15:08
ritzWM_CLASS(STRING) = "sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer", "net-sourceforge-jnlp-runtime-Boot"15:09
ritzand WM_CLASS(STRING) = "sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer", "net-sourceforge-jnlp-runtime-Boot"15:09
ritzthe difference being WM_NAME(STRING) = "Draw"15:10
ritz<jmp_> WM_NAME(STRING) = "Notepad"15:10
hggdhbryceh: when you are in, please ping me (video/X tests)15:17
* dpm hugs kenvandine15:17
kenvandinedpm, did that work for you?15:19
seb128didrocks, chrisccoulson, Sweetshark, bryceh, cyphermox, mlankhorst, pitti, Laney, tkamppeter, mterry, kenvandine: desktop meeting in 10 minutes15:19
dpmkenvandine, haven't even had the chance to try, just read your e-mail. Thanks for the work on the tutorial!15:20
seb128didrocks, chrisccoulson, Sweetshark, bryceh, cyphermox, mlankhorst, pitti, Laney, tkamppeter, mterry, kenvandine: you better get your specs in shape, who is caught but lagging behind will win bugs to fix ;-)15:20
mlankhorstoh hey, jason's back :)15:21
seb128mlankhorst, no formal need to pong, just be there for the meeting in 9 minutes ;-)15:21
chrisccoulsonseb128, nice ;)15:21
seb128chrisccoulson, looking forward fixing some extra bugs? ;-)15:21
chrisccoulsonoh yes15:22
MrChrisDruifWhy aren't you pinging the rest of the 162 people in this channel seb128 ? ;-)15:22
mlankhorstwe want people, not fruits ;-)15:23
MrChrisDruifmlankhorst; Not even Mr fruits? ;-)15:23
seb128MrChrisDruif, because I will not tell volunteer what they should do ;-)15:29
seb128didrocks, chrisccoulson, Sweetshark, bryceh, cyphermox, mlankhorst, pitti, Laney, tkamppeter, mterry, kenvandine: desktop meeting time15:30
MrChrisDruifGhehe ^_^15:30
* kenvandine waves15:30
seb128how is everyone? I hope you all made it up from UDS without issue and without the ubuflu15:31
Trevinhoritz: sorry i got a disconnection...15:31
seb128it has been a while we didn't have a meeting ;-)15:31
seb128let's get started15:31
Trevinhoritz: however... the problem is that we can't use WM_NAME to classify apps, java must be fixed15:31
Trevinhoritz: once java will use a different wm_class instance name per each application, then bamf will work. And since these apps don't share the same PID (as it seems to me), the bamf code should not need any other tweak.15:31
seb128Trevinho, ritz: we have our meeting starting, can you guys move to #ubuntu-unity maybe?15:32
seb128thanks ;-)15:32
Ursinhaseb128, I'm here as well, fwiw..15:32
seb128Ursinha, sorry, I was looking to the team on launchpad and forgot you15:32
Ursinhano problem :)15:32
Trevinhoseb128: oh... sorry..15:32
seb128Ursinha, good to see you there ;-)15:32
seb128Trevinho, no worry15:32
seb128ok, so agenda topic on the wiki15:33
seb128but I want to review the specs for the cycle15:33
seb128so let's go through the team in IRC nick order (if I manage that right)15:33
seb128bryceh, hey, not sure if you are already around, if not I will catch up with you later15:33
* Sweetshark will do a /nick bjoern when seb128 is past chrisccoulson ...15:34
seb128Sweetshark, nice try :p15:34
mlankhorstseb128: it might be worth for me to wait for the other x devs then15:34
seb128mlankhorst, yeah, I might try to catch you guys at a better time or use email15:34
seb128Sweetshark, hey bjoern :p15:35
mlankhorstill go for the late night meeting today then15:35
seb128you won the right to be second (first)15:35
seb128mlankhorst, ok15:35
seb128Sweetshark, I've those blueprints for you on my list15:35
seb128which counts 18 workitems15:35
seb128Sweetshark, is that correct? anything missing?15:35
seb128it seems like reasonable workload for the cycle since you have lo to maintain as well15:36
Sweetsharkplus https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-libreoffice-lo-menubar-polish while is still hanging between things ...15:36
seb128Sweetshark, what is the schedule for the next libreoffice versions? what version will we get in quantal? do you plan to backport stable updates as well?15:36
Sweetshark3.6.X will go in quantal15:37
seb128Sweetshark, should you have workitems about that?15:37
seb128or are you fine just tracking it as normal work on the side?15:38
Sweetsharkprecise will get 3.5.X SRUs15:38
mlankhorstthe hardware doesn't seem to have changed much, just the software with lumia :S15:38
SweetsharkI count that as normal work on the side, as since 3.5 we lost libreoffice-build/go-oo, which makes updates less of a pain.15:39
seb128ok, great15:39
Sweetsharkthe overhead for tweaking with workitems is not worth it anymore now.15:39
seb128Sweetshark, I've added https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-libreoffice-lo-menubar-polish to the q list15:39
seb128Sweetshark, can you draft it or check with ted when he will?15:39
seb128it seems mostly ready, just adding a goal and test plans maybe and setting the definition to "review"15:40
seb128thanks ;-)15:40
seb128let's get moving so we are not there for hours15:40
seb128chrisccoulson, hey15:40
Sweetsharkseb128: Im in email contact with tedg and olli r. about that one (and desrt for the fun part).15:40
seb12821 work items15:41
chrisccoulsonthat's more than i thought ;15:41
seb128chrisccoulson, does that seem about right? added to the "normal" day to day firefox,tb fun15:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think so. some of those are trivial or low priority too15:41
seb128chrisccoulson, want to get some dropped? which ones? I let the calendar one there because it's only 1 wi but I think realistically we can drop that15:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, i hadn't thought about calendar at all :)15:42
seb128chrisccoulson, the tb enhancements have an evo importer, I wonder if that's still useful at the lts15:42
chrisccoulsonmaybe not15:42
seb128chrisccoulson, I will drop the calendar, that doesn't need to be tracked15:42
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks15:42
seb128chrisccoulson, is the firefox translation on lp work still something you want to work on?15:42
chrisccoulsonyeah, but that's something that will happen in my spare time really15:42
chrisccoulsonthere's quite a lot of work in the tb-enhancements spec15:43
seb128do you want it to be tracked as a goal for the cycle?15:43
seb128I suggest we drop the l10n from our roadmap if that seems like spare time work15:43
chrisccoulsoni don't mind either way :)15:43
seb128ok, let's keep it for now, we will revisit on time15:43
seb128is there any spec missing from that list?15:44
chrisccoulsonno, i think that's it15:44
seb128ok, great15:44
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks15:44
seb128cyphermox, hey15:44
seb12813 wi15:44
cyphermoxseb128: hey!15:44
seb128that's what I have on my list, it seems like I'm missing some?15:44
seb128that's what https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/+specs?role=assignee has at least15:45
seb128cyphermox, oh, I see, your nm work is on a foundation spec15:45
seb128ok, makes sense then ;-)15:45
cyphermoxah, yeah, just a second15:45
seb128and you got some of the desktop testing work as well15:46
seb128cyphermox, right, I only list specs "assigned" there15:46
seb128seems a reasonable workload for the cycle then15:46
seb128is there anything you plan to work on that is not speced?15:46
cyphermoxthat's what I have on my list; with a total of 18 work items15:46
seb128out of keeping nm uptodate?15:46
cyphermoxnot really15:46
cyphermoxthe rest is all in the specs, with the most notable in foundations-q-networking15:47
seb128I had 13 but status didn't have the proxy spec yet at the time it did the counts15:47
cyphermox(proxy support in NM)15:47
seb128ok, great15:47
seb128cyphermox, thanks15:47
seb128didrocks, hey15:47
seb12818 wi15:47
didrocksthere is more, like the oneconf one and the opengles15:47
seb128and I guess unity,dx cross team work as usual15:47
didrocksit was on status.ubuntu.com when I check at lunch time15:48
seb128oh, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-one-conf15:48
seb128didrocks, yeah, the opengles is assigned to sam15:48
didrocksright, but I have some WI on it, that's why :)15:48
seb128I overlooked the oneconf since I was working from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~didrocks/+specs?role=assignee and it has a bit of noise15:48
didrocksindeed, I can't close the older blueprints15:49
seb128didrocks, yeah, I'm listing only spec assigned to avoid pinging 5 people about the same specs for things like desktop testing ;-)15:49
seb128didrocks, ok, any other one I'm missing?15:49
didrocksno, that's the full list :)15:49
seb128didrocks, thanks15:49
didrocksnot sure about the oneconf one that has been retargeted as it's depending on another team (server side), apart from that, I'm confident :)15:50
seb128right ;-)15:50
seb128kenvandine, hey15:50
seb12811 wi15:50
seb128and of course dx,indicator, and whatever else they work on cross team work15:51
seb128I guess the dx side is going to keep you busy for a good part of the cycle15:51
seb128is there anything else we should track I overlooked?15:51
seb128kenvandine, thanks15:52
seb128Laney, hey15:52
seb128I've https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-deprecate-language-selector for you15:52
seb128and helping on GNOME,reducing delta with Debian15:52
seb128seeing that you are part time that seems already plenty for the cycle ;-)15:52
Laneyyeah, sounds about right :-)15:52
LaneyI expect the WIs will be split/changed a bit as I just put what I could think of there15:53
seb128was there anything else you plan to work on, or that we should track?15:53
seb128right, I'm a bit unsure of what goes exactly in that spec15:53
seb128I guess it's one of those "we will know better after trying to current code"15:53
seb128i.e we will figure it on the way15:54
seb128Laney, thanks15:54
LaneyI'm working on a script to report our patch load over upstream atm, and hope that something will come up from that15:54
Laneyit'll be a per-package summary of the patches we have15:54
seb128ah, nice15:54
seb128make sure to mention it on the wiki in the weekly summaries when you get something working15:54
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:55
Laneyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~laney/+junk/patch-report atm15:55
Laney(doesn't do much)15:55
seb128mlankhorst, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-xorg-lts-updates15:55
seb128that's your assigned spec15:55
seb128I guess you will have plenty of xorg work to keep you busy in any case15:55
mlankhorsttrue :-)15:56
seb128but as you mentioned before we might better discuss xorg plan another time with bryceh and RAOF15:56
seb128mlankhorst, is there anything else you wanted to mention?15:56
mlankhorstnot at this point in time, plenty of things to work on :-)15:56
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:57
seb128mterry, hey15:57
seb128mterry, did you manage to avoid the flu?15:58
mterryseb128, yeah, I recommend my strategy of getting sick BEFORE UDS to everyone15:58
seb128note: if you do that, please don't bring the flu leftover at UDS ;-)15:58
mlankhorstso you can get 2x the sick leave?15:58
seb128I've those on my list15:58
mterryYup, that's right15:58
mterryMost of the work will be update-manage side I think15:59
seb128mterry, I noticed https://blueprints.launchpad.net/duplicity/+spec/python3  but that seems rather a "personal" spec for you?15:59
seb128mterry, I'm asking because it has proper workitems15:59
mterryYeah.  Not sure how much I can get done on that one, don't want to track it for quantal yet15:59
mterryI guess that's an aspirational one rather than a promise  :)15:59
seb128mterry, I also noticed  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/unity-greeter-q untracked16:00
seb128mterry, do you or robert_ancell have any greeter ui work plans for the cycle?16:00
seb128or was that design wishing for improvements but it has to find somebody wanting to work on those?16:01
mterryseb128, we do...  There was a meeting about it, so there must be a more proper blueprint16:01
mterryseb128, no I signed up for some greeter workitems16:01
seb128mterry, I failed to found one, I will track that offline with robert and you16:01
mterryseb128, I'll bug robert_ancell to enter them16:01
seb128mterry, I will drop you guys an email and you can reply16:01
seb128mterry, anything else that I forgot?16:02
mterryseb128, I'm doing +1 maint, but that's not a workitem.  Not that I can think of16:02
seb128yeah, several of us will do that as well16:02
seb128i.e me after my lts.1 3 month16:02
seb128cyphermox and didrocks as well I think16:02
seb128mterry, thanks for reminding me about that, I almost forgot to take a month off for those work counts ;-)16:03
seb128mterry, thanks16:03
seb128tkamppeter, hey16:03
seb128tkamppeter, I didn't see any spec assigned to you for the cycle, I guess you will mostly be doing maintenance and bug fixing work?16:04
seb128ok, no tkamppeter I guess16:05
seb128did I forget anyone?16:05
jbichahi, I had a couple comments16:06
seb128jbicha, hey!16:06
tkamppeterseb128, yes16:06
seb128jbicha, wait a sec for tkamppeter's reply and it's your turn16:07
tkamppeterseb128, it is mainly bug fixing and SRUs, optimizing, maintenance, ...16:07
seb128tkamppeter, is there anything else we should be tracking printing wise?16:07
tkamppeterThere is one thing, which larsu will do, he wants to make the printer setup tool in GNOME Settings feature-complete so that it can replace s-c-p.16:08
seb128tkamppeter, yeah, we will see how that goes, I discussed it was larsu a bit16:08
seb128tkamppeter, thanks16:08
seb128jbicha, your turn ;-)16:09
tkamppeterAFAIK he is not tracking it with a Blueprint, but there is a Blueprint from P, if needed I can ask larsu to use it.16:09
jbichaI've got Evolution 3.4 packaged (merged from Debian) and working. I patched out the broken window gconf conversions.16:10
jbichaEDS 3.4 can just be synced from Debian16:10
jbichaI don't know how we want to handle that transition?16:10
seb128jbicha, does it break anything runtime?16:10
seb128or just change sonames?16:10
jbichaI don't know; it touches a lot of packages http://paste.ubuntu.com/1001127/16:11
seb128tkamppeter, it's being tracked in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-system-config-printer-vs-gnome-3-control-center16:11
seb128tkamppeter, I already discussed it with larsu so that's fine, you don't need to talk to him again about it, but thanks for the offer16:12
tkamppeterseb128, OK.16:12
seb128jbicha, let's discuss it at the end of the meeting, I don't think we need the full time for it16:13
seb128 16:13
seb128ok, I think I'm done16:13
* jbicha hoped it *was* the end of the meeting16:13
seb128is there anything else to discuss? any topic you want to add?16:13
seb128jbicha, it might well be :p16:13
jbichaalso, I made a seed for gnomebuntu but I can't figure out how to make an iso out of it16:14
seb128jbicha, I just want to officially end the meeting so people can go back to whatever they have to do ;-)16:14
Laneyseb128: please could you add me to the LP team?16:14
seb128jbicha, you can maybe check with the xubuntu or lubuntu guys?16:14
LaneyI don't show up on status.u.c and I think that's why16:14
seb128Laney, done16:14
seb128Laney, sorry for overlooking that16:14
Laneydo I start getting loads of bug mail now? :P16:14
seb128Laney, no, typically between a few a day and a few a week, mostly bugs escalated to the team16:15
Laneyah ok, not package subscriptions then16:15
jbichajulien gave me https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop/+junk/lubuntu-tools but it's a bit out of date as lubuntu doesn't need it any more16:15
seb128Laney, every now and then a team meeting announce or similar when the launchpad "contact team" is used rather than sending direct email16:16
seb128Laney, no, we keep the traffic low on purpose ;-)16:16
seb128ok, seems like a wrap than16:16
seb128thanks everyone16:16
seb128 16:16
Laneyso, does anyone know anything about the new aisleriot?16:16
seb128jbicha, so16:16
Laneythe bumped guile depends are causing me grief16:17
seb128Laney, what about it? we didn't take it previous cycle due to that depends16:17
jbichaLaney: I was thinking it's possible we might stay with aisleriot 3.2 for quantal actually, but we'll see...16:17
Laneythat I guess we wouldn't want two guiles in main so things would need to be ported16:17
Laneywhich it seems is a difficult job16:17
Laneyperhaps we should leave it at 3.2 ...16:18
seb128it's not like it would be a real issue to have card games a bit behind16:18
seb128jbicha, so, e-d-s ... do you know when Debian plans to start the transition?16:19
jbichaguile-2.0 FTBFS on arm anyway, maybe it's just broken tests but it's been that way a few months16:19
* Laney said so on the pad.16:19
jbichaseb128: soonish, but I don't see a Debian transition tracker for it yet16:20
Laneydid they request one already? The deadline has passed for transitions before the freeze afaik16:20
seb128jbicha, do you run that new version? is the calendar still working in indicator-datetime and gnome-shell?16:21
seb128jbicha, do you still have working contacts in thunderbird?16:21
seb128jbicha, is nautilus-sendto still working?16:21
seb128jbicha, if the reply to those 3 is "yes" feel free to upload ;-)16:22
Laneyif you give me a .ben file I'll get it on our transition tracker16:23
seb128jbicha, ^16:23
seb128jbicha, can you do that?16:23
jbichahow do I make a .ben file?16:24
Laneyget lp:~ubuntu-transition-trackers/+junk/transition-tracker and look at ubuntu/monitor for examples16:24
Laneyactually you can probably start from http://release.debian.org/transitions/config/old/evolution2.32.ben16:25
Laneyor http://release.debian.org/transitions/config/old/evolution3.2.ben16:25
tkamppetermlankhorst, I have an X problem with Precise.16:35
tkamppetermlankhorst, bug 99905616:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 999056 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "REGRESSION: 1920x1080 (standard HDTV) resolution with Intel graphics not working any more" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99905616:36
tkamppeterMy monitor has a 16:9 aspect ratio but X forces a 16:10 resolution onto it, making everything distorted.16:37
tkamppetermlankhorst, ^^16:37
mlankhorstweird o.O16:39
mlankhorsttkamppeter: xrandr -q for giggles?16:40
mlankhorstalso probably all the default crap like xorg log, dmesg etc16:40
mlankhorstalso interesting to know if it works correctly in console and x changes resolution or not16:42
highvoltageogra_: have / seen on of these yet? http://www.geek.com/articles/chips/via-launch-a-49-android-pc-20120522/16:45
highvoltage(actually let me switch that to the -arm channel)16:45
tkamppetermlankhorst, in Oneiric it worked, it stopped working in Precise.16:55
tkamppetermlankhorst, what is giggles16:55
mlankhorsttkamppeter: normally apport dumps a lot of state into a bug, though16:56
mlankhorstin any case intel loves to break every release in a new way :-)16:57
tkamppetermlankhorst, xrandr -q posted, the bug was not a crasher, so no automatic Apport reporting.16:57
tkamppetermlankhorst, how can I attach this info to the already reported bug?16:57
mlankhorsttkamppeter: what im wondering, if you're in console mode without starting X, is the resolution correct?16:58
seb128tkamppeter, you can open a bug using "apport-bug xorg"17:00
seb128tkamppeter, or "ubuntu-bug xorg"17:00
seb128tkamppeter, to add apport infos to a bug "apport-collect -p xorg NUMBUG"17:01
tkamppetermlankhorst, I have apport-collected now.17:01
tkamppetermlankhorst, I did not check console mode.17:01
tkamppetermlankhorst, checked console mode now, there the resolution is correct: 1920x1080.17:04
mlankhorsttkamppeter: in that case you could probably limit yourself to bisecting the X driver ;-)17:07
tkamppetermlankhorst, I have never bisected a program, perhaps bryceh or RAOF should have a look at this problem.17:09
mlankhorsttkamppeter: try to see if you can compile the oneiric version of xf86-intel precise, if it works you can confirm if that fixes the problem or not17:11
mlankhorstactually let me try :s17:12
seb128Sweetshark, once https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-libreoffice-lo-menubar-polish ... the BLOCKED are blocked on finding "implementors"?17:13
tkamppetermlankhorst, perhaps you can reproduce the bug by connecting a TV to a computer with Intel graphics, as a TV has exactly this resolution.17:15
dobeyif it's a 1080p tv anyway17:16
dobeyignore all those 720p and 768p things ;)17:17
dobeyor CRTs17:17
mlankhorsttkamppeter: #intel-gfx is on this server though17:17
seb128chrisccoulson, lol @ENOTENOUGHCAFFEINE ;-)17:17
mlankhorst#define ENOTENOUGHCAFFEINE EAGAIN ? :p17:18
tkamppetermlankhorst, there is no xf86-intel package but an xserver-xorg-video-intel one. Is this the correct one?17:18
chrisccoulsonok, armel is rapidly going to take the place of powerpc17:21
mlankhorstlong live armhf?17:21
* ogra_ wouldnt focus to much on armel atm 17:22
ogra_fix armhf though :)17:22
ogra_armel might or might not vanish soon17:22
chrisccoulsonoh, the thunderbird build failure is actually my fault anyway. i forgot to include another change17:23
chrisccoulsonnever mind ;)17:23
chrisccoulsonit can wait until next week now17:23
seb128chrisccoulson, what place? the one of the painful arch to work with? or the buggiest one? ;-)17:23
chrisccoulsonseb128, the one i don't care about ;)17:23
seb128join the club :p17:23
* bcurtiswx waves to room17:27
seb128hey bcurtiswx17:28
bcurtiswxhey seb128 all recovered from UDS by now?17:28
seb128it seems we did!17:28
tkamppetermlankhorst, I am building Oneiric's Intel driver now ...17:29
bcurtiswxseb128, i'll get kenvandine to sponsor a empathy SRU sometime today or tomorrow17:30
seb128bcurtiswx, great, thanks17:30
mlankhorsttkamppeter: ah k, it is eod for me so im probably going to disappear at a random time :)17:32
bcurtiswxkenvandine, do I need to wait for 3.4.2 to get out of proposed before can get pushed there?17:33
tkamppetermlankhorst, OK, and thank you. More info I will post into the bug report.17:33
bcurtiswxkenvandine, nvm that17:34
seb128micahg, hey17:45
bcurtiswxusing bzr merge-upstream --version the file searched for seems wrong  http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/empathy/([0-9.]+)/empathy-(.*).tar.xz maybe the watch file specifies this wrong ?17:47
tkamppetermlankhorst, I have got it working again.17:50
mlankhorsttkamppeter: ok so it's a bug in intel somewhere then17:51
tkamppetermlankhorst, I had an old xorg.conf which defined only my old 1680x150 Samsung monitor which dies a year ago. Natty and Oneiric happily worked with my new Eizo with 1920x1080 and this file, Precise not. After removing the file and moving my .config away I got back to 1920x1080.17:52
mlankhorstoh :P17:52
mlankhorstuser error17:52
mlankhorstplease replace user and continue17:52
mlankhorstmarked invalid, have a good day17:54
mlankhorstI added the info to the bug in case anyone finds it on google or something and acts like 'hey this is what happens here'17:56
tkamppetermlankhorst, thanks for your help.17:59
chrisccoulsonah, this builder is much faster. 1 hour in, and it's already done the first build - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/13.0~b4+build1-0ubuntu4/+build/3509571 :)18:19
mlankhorstan hour for firefox ? :O18:19
chrisccoulsonwell, it's got to do the build again yet, and run the testsuite too18:20
mlankhorstok started build for fun :x18:26
mlankhorsti wanted to see how long it would take locally to build18:27
chrisccoulsonwhich version are you building, and how much ram have you got?18:27
mlankhorstthe one you uploaded, 16gb18:28
chrisccoulsonah, that's ok18:28
mlankhorstenough to build chromium in ram if i force dynamic linking18:28
* dobey wishes he could find someone who is actually hitting this supposed super popular "crasher"18:30
chrisccoulsonright, i'm going to disappear for a whilte18:34
mlankhorstdo I need to pass a flag to force parallel building?18:36
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
chrisccoulsoni'm glad my update to quantal went well20:53
bcurtiswxoff for the evening, see everyone tomorrow20:56
MrChrisDruifchrisccoulson; ah, you've joined the club?21:06
jasoncwarner_TheMuso RAOF bryceh robert_ancell https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-05-2222:57
jasoncwarner_can you guys please put in your items for the week as well as any agenda items.22:57
jasoncwarner_TheMuso RAOF bryceh and robert_ancell, also, how are you blueprints coming along? any that we need to talk about?22:57
robert_ancellnothing from me22:58
RAOFI'd like to talk with robert_ancell, but nothing otherwise from me.22:59
* robert_ancell hides22:59
* RAOF needs to remember that robert_ancell is slighty in the future now.22:59
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Just the blueprint that I created for tracking unity 3D a11y work: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-unity-a11y23:00
jasoncwarner_thanks TheMuso23:00
* bryceh waves23:09
brycehRAOF, mlankhorst and I were thinking the three of us should meet tomorrow (first thing your morning) about LTS point update stuff.23:10
RAOFbryceh: Ho!23:11
RAOFI can do that.23:11
RAOFI saw 2100 UTC?23:11
brycehyeah, is that doable?23:11
brycehlater than that and I guess mlankhorst zombifies23:11
RAOFYeah, that's doable.23:12
brycehnothing else from me; just upgrading hardware and knocking off work items this week23:14
brycehRAOF, how's wayland going?23:17
RAOFI got it bringing up xwayland on nouveau on yesterday.23:17
RAOFNow I just need to finish off the bits that'll let the same nouveau driver work on xwayland and raw.23:17
brycehnice, did it stay up?  ;-)23:17
RAOFYeah. Graphical corruption, but I think that's actually a weston problem rather than anything to do with my patches :)23:18
brycehRAOF, also wanted to ask if you had a chance to draft up the git cherrypicking techniques you were showing mlankhorst?23:19
RAOFNot yet.23:19
RAOFWell, I have had a chance, I just haven't used that chance to *do* it.23:20
brycehhehe :-)23:20
RAOFToday is SRU day. I'll do it after that.23:20
brycehspeaking of srus, were there any fruitful picks from -intel that you and mlankhorst were looking at last week?  You'd mentioned there was a lack of associated bug reports to hook SRUs onto.23:22
RAOFBasically all the uxa commits since 2.17 would be worthwhile.23:27
RAOFThere are only 5 or so of them, once you extract the ones related to glamour.23:27
brycehRAOF, do you have further plans with that?  If not, stick it in a git tree and I might poke through them when I get some spare time23:28
RAOFI was kinda waiting for Debian to grab 2.19 to send to quantal, as that's the only release with the commits we want.23:28
brycehah, ok23:29
robert_ancellRAOF, you wanted to talk?23:54
RAOFrobert_ancell: Yeah, I just wanted to work out what ordering will make us both maximally productive wrt system compositor work.23:54
robert_ancellRAOF, so I think what I need is to know what to call to start the system compositor (process name and environment) and what to call to start the X servers (process name and environment)23:56
RAOFAnd some protocol for communicating with the system compostior, right?23:57
robert_ancellRAOF, yes, just the switching protocol for now23:57
robert_ancellIf we document that, I can implement that in lightdm and get some regression tests for it23:58
RAOFIt looks like this can be done in weston, so you'll be calling something along the lines of ‘/usr/bin/weston --system-compositor’; starting X will be the same as you currently do, but with an added -wayland flag.23:59

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