
slangasekxnox: bug #1002277> mountall already fscks all filesystems before mounting, when it can and needs to00:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002277 in mountall (Ubuntu) "should allow running fsck before mounting a filesystem" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100227700:24
slangasekxnox: for btrfs root, isn't the first problem going to be that fsck.btrfs isn't available in the initramfs?00:25
xnoxslangasek: great, close it as invalid. From quick look at the source code, I didn't work it out. Then only some testing left on my part and we can have update btrfs package with fsck.btrfs in the initramfs ;-)00:25
xnoxjust wil fsck.btrfs00:25
xnoxor is it...00:26
xnoxnope it's not. And by the time you can access fsck.btrfs, your btrfs root is already mounted *sigh*00:27
slangasekright... but that's not a mountall issue, at least not until you have an event-based initramfs00:27
slangasekfirst problem is to solve fsck.btrfs not being in the initramfs00:28
slangasekbut really, shouldn't we expect fsck.btrfs to be smarter?00:28
slangasekand be usable on a ro-mounted fs?00:28
* xnox after skimming through neverending btrfs threads on CEPH mailing list, I wouldn't expect much00:30
xnoxdo we want fsck.btrfs for all initramfs or only for those who have it as rootfs?00:31
* xnox btw current patched edition of fsck.btrfs in the WIP branch should do nothing and exit with 0 if the filesystem is mounted.00:32
slangaseks/expect/demand/, then ;)00:32
slangasekyeah, I think it definitely should only go in the initramfs when the rootfs is btrfs00:33
slangasek(rootfs or /usr partition)00:33
* xnox from now own `rootfs' is a variable which stores a list of required partition(s)00:36
psusixnox, the initramfs has no fsck of any kind... the root fs has always been mounted ro, then if fsck fixes things, you reboot, if not, you fsck the other filesystems and mount them00:37
xnoxpsusi: true, given a sensible filesystem. btrfs is special =(00:38
psusixnox, how so?  last I heard btrfsck doesn't actually do hardly anything anyhow, and it is a design goal to never need it... i.e. just mounting the fs should recover from crashes, like ext3/400:39
xnoxLatest btrfs-progs (c. 26 Mar 2012)00:40
xnoxbtrfsck can now repair some forms of filesystem breakage00:40
xnoxA new data recovery tool (btrfs-restore) is available. This program doesn't attempts to repair the filesystem, it only tries to pull files from damaged filesystems and copy them to a safe location. Also, the Btrfs filesystem checker (aka fsck) can now repair extent allocation tree corruptions (more repair modes in progress).00:40
slangasekpsusi: replaying the journal is not the only function of fsck for ext3/400:41
psusislangasek, right... but if the fs is so damaged that it can't be mounted, you probably need to boot from other media anyhow, and fortunately, that kind of thing almost never happens... so I'm not sure why you would want to put fsck in the initramfs00:42
psusican't be mounted read-only anyhow00:43
slangasekpsusi: the point isn't to fsck a fs that couldn't otherwise be mounted, the point is that once the btrfs is mounted (ro or otherwise) it's too late to fsck00:45
psusibtrfsck can't run on a ro mounted fs?00:45
slangasekcorrect, that's what we're discussing00:46
psusiohh... that's a bug in btrfsck then...00:46
slangasekfeel free to fix it? ;)00:49
psusisince it's still early beta, I'm sure it will get worked out ;)00:49
psusiif the kernel can manage to shrink a mounted btrfs filesystem while it is mounted, I'm sure btrfsck will figure out how to fsck it while mounted ro ;)00:51
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ritzjasoncwarner_, ping01:39
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pittiGood morning03:46
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mjrrunning a local ubuntu-based derivative, why would do-release-upgrade not recognize that it's running on lucid/lts and therefore offer a lucid upgrade? lsb_release -a seems fine... it does offer maverick if Prompt=normal.05:07
brodermjr: lts -> lts upgrades aren't offered until the first point release of the new lts comes out (roughly 3 months after release)05:08
broderlucid users aren't being prompted to upgrade yet05:08
broder(though i believe they will if they pass -d to do-release-upgrade)05:08
mjrRight. Thanks, that was it. Silly me. Have to do some testing of the upgrade process and verify it works with our tunings, see.05:10
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micahg@pilot in05:27
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: micahg, robert_ancell
hrwcan someone take gcc-4.7-arm{el,hf}-cross out of NEW queue?06:34
micahgslangasek: what's the general position on SRUing for multiarch support?06:40
pittimicahg: we discussed it the other day, and deemed it ok for precise, with due care applied06:50
pittimicahg: as there were a few packages where it would really help (especially for third-party apps which still need the old gnomevfs or similar)06:51
micahgpitti: ok, are udebs supposed to be multiarched?06:51
micahgslangasek: unpin06:51
pittimicahg: I don't see how that would be useful06:52
micahgok, that's what I figured06:52
pittimicahg: they might end up in /lib/<arch>/, but perhaps more as a side effect?06:52
pittii. e. when configuring the package with that libdir, then they just end up that way in debian/tmp/, and I guess the udeb makes no special effort of moving them back06:52
pittibut we certainly wouldn't make a deliberate effort on multiarching them06:53
micahgright, but if the lib is being multiarched for other reasons, the udeb rides along for free?06:53
pittiyes, AFAICS06:55
pittiotherwise you'd have to modify their *.install files to say things like "lib/*/<name>.so lib/<name>.so" which is unnecessarily error prone06:55
pitti(and requires hardcoding the library name, too)06:55
micahgthis udeb has files in /usr/lib for some reason06:56
pittiI don't know the policy enough to say whether they should be in /lib, or whether it doesn't matter06:57
micahgright, I don't know either :)06:58
pittitechnically it seems to me that it doesn't matter, as for install environments we don't need to be concerned about a separate /usr/06:58
micahgheh, so, Debian has the udeb being installed in /usr/lib07:00
* micahg follows Debian's lead07:02
dholbachgood morning07:07
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dholbachDMB folks: could it be that bencer is still missing in ~ubuntu-dev?07:16
micahgdholbach: there's some work involved still07:17
dholbachso you're waiting on the packageset creation?07:18
micahgdholbach: but he'll get there (actions items are documented)07:18
micahgactually, he won't go in ubuntu-dev, but into a team which is a member of it07:18
dholbachok - I was just wondering07:18
micahgI'll get it sorted this week07:18
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micahgpitti: do you know if static libs count as a shared library for use of ${misc:Pre-Depends}?08:10
pittimicahg: for Pre-Depends: multiarch-support ?08:11
pittimicahg: my gut feeling is "no", as these are only searched at build time08:12
pittiI'm not entirely sure whether gcc uses ld.so's lookup paths; if so, we need it, if not, we don't08:12
pittithat whole pre-depends thing is pretty much obsolete now post-precise anyway08:13
* micahg saw that Debian didn't include it in libxkbfile08:13
pittibut we will still have some for Debian, as they didn't yet do a release with multiarch08:13
micahgthis one is an SRU for precise (although I'm looking at another one for quantal ATM)08:14
* micahg guesses he can hold onto these until morning08:14
vibhavCould https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/munin/+bug/598385 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/munin/+bug/1000678 be nominated for oneiric?08:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 598385 in munin (Ubuntu Precise) "[SRU] munin plugin exim_mailqueue has incorrect graph configuration" [Medium,Fix committed]08:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000678 in munin (Ubuntu Precise) "[SRU] munin-memory plugin doesn't work on 64-bit 12.04 LTS" [Medium,Triaged]08:15
micahgvibhav: looking08:15
dupondjepitti: dunno if you could add your recommendations on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JeanLouisDupond/MOTUApplication ? :)08:15
pittidupondje: sure! do you happen to have a list of packages that I sponsored for you?08:15
micahgvibhav: oneiric has a different version, are you sure it's affected?08:17
dupondjepitti: http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=*&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=Jean-Louis+Dupond&sponsoree_search=name08:17
vibhavmicahg: I cant see the fixed code in oneiric08:18
micahgvibhav: done08:21
vibhavmicahg: thanks!08:21
vibhavjamespage: ping08:23
micahgvibhav: can I help you with something (currently piloting)08:23
vibhavmicahg: Since the problem involves munin, munin-node and exim4 , shouldnt they be be affected too08:24
vibhavIm talking about LP: #59838508:25
micahgvibhav: not unless there's something to fix there08:25
dokosiretart, ping08:50
siretartdoko: hi08:50
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micahg@pilot out08:58
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: robert_ancell
pittitseliot: good morning09:08
tseliotpitti: good morning to you09:08
pittitseliot: it's working quite nicely now :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000413/09:08
pittitseliot: i. e. driver lookup behind a nice upstream compatible API09:09
tseliotpitti: very nice :)09:09
pittiI also wrote a performance test case09:09
pittiperformance of 1000 lookups in a single query ... [24 msec] ok09:09
tseliotpitti: wow, do you have a pull request too?09:09
pittitseliot: that should be quite a bit faster than the 30 seconds or so current jockey takes to detect drivers09:09
* tseliot nods09:10
tseliotexcellent work!09:10
pittitseliot: not yet, still test-building in a PPA, and I needed that aptdaemon upload to make the tests succeed09:10
pittitseliot: but it's of course still far from a jockey replacement09:10
pittijust starting with the lower-level functionality09:10
tseliotpitti: yes, of course. It's still good progress though09:11
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c10udhello there, not sure if this is the proper channel (if not please tell me which is). I have an issue with pygi (i think) --ubuntu specific they tell me-- which leads the app to segfault. i send the report with apport but i don't know where it's stored. any help?09:53
c10udpitti, sorry to ping you directly, please see above ^ (i think youre the mantainer?)09:54
pittic10ud: I need some more details, I'm afraid -- which pacakge crashed?09:54
c10udpitti it's not in the archives, we're porting our app (emesene) to gtk309:55
pittic10ud: they go to https://errors.ubuntu.com/ FYI09:55
pittic10ud: ah, then it probably shouldn't have sent the report in the first place -- I guess it assigned it to "python2.7" then09:55
c10udoh, i thought it opened a bug so we could see and comment out09:56
pittic10ud: that's what happens during development releases, but not for stables any more09:56
c10udanyway, Jose Rostagno (he sent you some pygicompat patches) says it works good in arch (he's the guy behind the porting) hence my "ubuntu-specific" thought09:57
pittic10ud: what you can do is to install the apport-retrace package, then reproduce the crash, and when apport pops up, click on "Examine locally"09:57
pittic10ud: this will throw you into a gdb session with all debug symbols available, so a "bt full" there would help quite a bit09:57
pittic10ud: are you using python2 or 3?09:57
c10udcool thing is, issue is random09:58
pittic10ud: so, at this point it would be best if you could open a Launchpad bug against pygobject and attach a test case09:58
c10udsometimes it crashes, sometimes it does not09:58
pittisounds like garbage collection/ref count/transfer annotation issue09:58
c10udthis also appears: Gtk:ERROR:/build/buildd/gtk+3.0-3.4.2/./gtk/gtkstylecontext.c:739:timeline_finished_cb: assertion failed: (info != NULL)09:59
c10udanyway i'll try the apport trick now09:59
pittiah, please include that in the bug report10:00
pittiprobably the ref count sometimes goes to zero and info gets freed (whatever info that is)10:00
popeybdmurray / didrocks I don't appear to be able to nominate bugs (like bug 1000577) for series precise..?10:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000577 in BAMF "Unity crashed in bamf_application_on_window_removed" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100057710:04
didrockspopey: are you on the downstream task?10:05
popeyalso bug the "nominate for series" button disappears when I login to lp10:05
didrockspopey: first, the downstream task is unity, it should be bamf10:05
didrockscan you change that?10:06
popeycan we hangout? :D10:06
c10uddownloading LOTS of dbg packages, thank god i have a new hdd10:09
pittic10ud: note, if you do this more regularly, have a look at "man apport-retrace" and its --cache argument10:11
pittic10ud: oh, nevermind; the "Examine locally.." button uses ~/.cache/apport/retrace by default10:12
c10udi hope it's the only one time :p10:12
pittiso it should be much quicker in subsequent times10:12
c10udthat's what python's for, right? leaving the dirty job to someone else ;)10:13
c10udpitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pygobject/+bug/100279210:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002792 in pygobject (Ubuntu) "emesene crashes with assertion failed in gtkstylecontext.c" [Undecided,New]10:38
pittic10ud: ah, so it's not a segfault, and really "just" the assertion; this makes it a bit easier10:39
c10udah i said segfault, whoops10:40
pittic10ud: is that code public somewhere, or do you have another reproducer?10:40
c10udunfortunately it's quite a big codebase, i'm not really sure on what's the culprit, i suspect the gif animation..10:41
c10udanyway you can checkout git master and launch the app with USE_GI=1 set10:41
c10uda sec10:41
c10ud wget https://github.com/emesene/emesene/zipball/master10:42
c10udUSE_GI=1 ./emesene10:42
c10udthen select "dummy" session, put some random acc/pwd and connect10:43
c10udsince it doesn't happen everytime you can check autologin and ctrl+c from terminal when you see the fake contact list10:44
xnoxPlease accept/nominate bug 957494 for Quantal & 12.04.111:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 957494 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Missing added utility 'mdmon'" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95749411:10
ogra_xnox, done11:12
xnoxogra_: thanks ;-)11:12
dupondjeslangasek: question about cryptsetup. You think its clean to include upstart scripts and add some if dist == ubuntu in debian/rules? Or just keep merging it?11:41
ogra_shouldnt dh_installinit DTRT actually  ?11:41
ogra_without having to special case dist in a maintainer script11:42
ogra_(or in rules)11:42
dupondjewell in Ubuntu we need a init script (for stopping) and an upstart script for starting11:42
dupondjeso other initlevels also11:42
ogra_why do youu need the init script for stopping ?11:43
dupondjeto cleanly stop the crypt mapper11:43
ogra_the upstart job should be capable of doing so, no  ?11:44
dupondjeupstart doesn't handle stopping afaik?11:44
* xnox is interesting in cryptsetup. What bit of code are you discussing ? =))))11:44
dupondjexnox: init/upstart scripts :)11:45
ogra_what do you think the "stop on" directive is for then ? :)11:46
dupondjetought this was discussed before, and the conclusion was upstart could not handle it (yet).11:47
dupondjemmmm :)11:47
ogra_"stop on" and a script should be ablee to deal with most cases ... you can even define when exactly the script should run (pre-start, post-start, pre-stop etc)11:49
dupondjeupstart doesn't send a signal on umount? Cause cryptsetup needs to stop between umount & for example lvm stop11:49
xnoxdupondje: don't you want to listen on udev event in the upstart job in that case?11:50
dupondjefor shutdown?11:53
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hallynis there a way in ubuntu's live-build to use packages from a ppa?  not seeing it in manpages anywhere12:01
vibhavAnybody from the ubuntu-sru tea,?12:02
ogra_hallyn, i think #linaro uses it all the time that way12:03
hallynthanks, theni should ask there :)12:03
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xnoxrobert_ancell: ?!12:12
* xnox patch pilot dropped out from #ubuntu-devel =)12:12
ogra_he didnt use his belt !12:14
superm1hallyn: ubuntu-defaults-builder has an option12:14
hallynsuperm1: interesting package12:15
xnoxCan somebody please set https://code.launchpad.net/~dmitrij.ledkov/ubuntu/quantal/bogl/merge/+merge/104578 as rejected or something.12:18
xnoxit is superseeded12:18
xnoxby a new merge proposal12:18
pittixnox: done12:20
xnoxPici: thanks.12:20
xnoxpitti: thanks12:20
* xnox damn autocomplete12:20
vibhavCould somebody check my SRU for oneiric at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/munin/+bug/598385/comments/1012:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 598385 in munin (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[SRU] munin plugin exim_mailqueue has incorrect graph configuration" [Undecided,In progress]12:21
seb128xnox, if you pilot you can @pilot in12:21
xnoxseb128: =) i'm not piloting, I'm adding my own items to the sponsorship queue ;-)12:22
cjwatsonmerges.ubuntu.com is back up12:22
* xnox \0/12:22
seb128xnox, ok ;-)12:22
geser\o/ MoM is back12:22
pittiin the meantime, thanks to http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html for sustaining us so far12:23
cjwatsonLet me know if you see any weirdness; the variables include new hardware, now running on precise, python2.5 -> python2.7, various code changes that were effectively undeployed for a while, and I had to roll out my change to make it set DEB_VENDOR while unpacking in order to get it to complete successfully12:24
gesercjwatson: in that case, can you take the note from the MoM start page out again?12:24
cjwatsonOh, yeah, I forgot about the index12:24
cjwatsonI'll do a timing run shortly, but I think it should manage to complete more frequently now as well12:25
vibhavdoesnt MoM stand for Merge-o-Matic?12:25
dupondjecjwatson: GREAT! :)12:28
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pittiapw: is linux-firmware-nonfree in some git repo, or can I hack on it?12:56
pittiapw: I'd like to add a script to debian/rules that iterates over all modules, picks out their firmware:, and add the module's modaliases to the package's Modaliases: package header12:57
pittiapw: (for the firmware files shipped in l-f-nonfree)12:57
pittiapw: that fits into our current way of driver installation and gets rid of special-casing it12:58
dupondjepitti: don't forget my endorsment please :) Want to drop alot of merges in the pipeline soon :)13:01
pittidupondje: it's on my list13:01
dupondjeok thx13:02
apwpitti, blimey ... erm ... i don't recall ever seeing a repo for it no, it would be tgardner who would know for sure, but as there isn't one on zinc i'd say its 95% likely not13:10
pittiapw: ok, then I'll just use the normal UDD branch13:10
apwpitti, if there is someone will have to figure it out :) and clean up after you, and i'll blame tim :)13:11
vibhavthe patch pilot is not online :(13:21
pittidupondje: sent now13:21
pittivibhav: yes, Robert is in Australia and apparently forgot to sign off here before going to bed13:22
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robert_ancell@pilot out13:23
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== robert_ancell is now known as seb128
seb128confusion cleared ;-)13:24
pittiseb128: nice trick :)13:24
* vibhav waits for another patch pilot to sign in13:24
seb128vibhav, the bot doesn't do any smart authentification, you can change nick to change the topic13:24
Laneycan't you just edit the topic?13:25
Laney@pilot in13:25
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
seb128vibhav, the calendar says you want barry13:25
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
Laney@pilot in13:25
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
Laney@pilot out13:25
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
pitticjwatson: out of interest, why do we need the less delta still? (gz data compression)13:25
pittiLaney: what was that about?13:26
seb128Laney, oh ok, I though the topic was locked down13:26
Laneyjust testing the bot, sorry for spam13:26
seb128i.e it used that you needed to be op or registered to be able to change it13:26
xnoxLaney: is that you done with piloting for today? =)13:26
Laneyah, no13:26
Laneyxnox: I'll send my report now!13:26
* vibhav sits in the corner13:27
pittiLaney: you know it says "4 hours", not "4 seconds", right? :-)13:27
cjwatsonpitti: breaks debootstrap13:30
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pitticjwatson: ah, our debootstrap covers less? curious, it's important/not-essential13:31
cjwatsonpitti: debootstrap installs prio required/important by default13:31
cjwatson--variant minbase is prio required + apt13:32
ogra_+apt ?13:33
ogra_i thought it was -apt13:33
pitticjwatson: thanks13:34
cjwatsonogra_: it's +apt13:35
ogra_i thought adam had to hack that in for -core ... but apparently i misunderstood13:35
xnoxis acceptable to request sponsorship reviews from ubuntu-foundations-team for some of my sponsorship requests? e.g. sudo, btrfs-tools, mdadm13:40
vibhavWhen the Debian Import Freeze Happen?13:47
ogra_look at the release schedule ?13:47
geservibhav: around June 21st13:48
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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chrisccoulsoncan we exterminate powerpc yet? :-D13:58
vibhavjamespage: ping14:09
cjwatsonEek, I'm TIL on sendmail, that was careless of me14:10
directhexwhy is sendmail still shipped? i can't imagine anyone would *want* to maintain it, and the kind of person who wants to maintain sendmail should really be sectioned14:17
cjwatsonthe Debian maintainer apparently wants to maintain it14:18
ScottKWe'd need libmilter in any case for postfix.14:20
ScottKSo you can't kill it all off regardless.14:20
cjwatsonAnyway as a general rule I find thinking about removals inordinately stressful compared to just fixing things ...14:21
vibhavCan https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/644578 be nominated for oneiric?14:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 644578 in update-notifier (Debian) "gettext required by package scripts, but not a dependency " [Unknown,New]14:23
vibhavI mean the Ubuntu bug14:24
vibhavbdmurray: ^^^14:24
vibhavThis was apparaently fixed in precise14:25
dupondjecjwatson: on the MoM, check samba4. Package is in sync for 3 weeks with debian, but still it shows the Precise version in teh MoM page.14:25
cjwatsonIn fact it's showing the oneiric version.14:27
cjwatsonI'll have a look, thanks.14:27
dupondjehmz indeed :) thanks for looking14:28
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didrocksbarry: hey14:43
didrocksbarry: do you know if we have any package in main that can convert some pyrex syntax to C? (there is cython that we used but it's in universe and the build-dep should be in main for my specific case)14:44
barrydidrocks: off hand, no unfortunately.  i wonder if you can convert it and commit the converted code to the package?14:54
didrocksbarry: there is this pyrexc command line, isn't it? from the man, I don't see the difference with cython?14:54
barrydidrocks: the cython faq has some answers: http://wiki.cython.org/FAQ14:56
hrwcan someone take gcc-4.7-arm{el,hf}-cross out of NEW queue?14:56
tmusduring boot, what operation should cause pam_start session to be called? - i've added pam_limits.so to /etc/pam.d/common-session, but limits does not appear to be applied for services started automatically during boot AND running as root... Am I miserably wrong here?14:57
tmustested on lucic btw14:57
tmuslucid even14:57
didrocksbarry: ok, so fortunately, the binding only use the pyrexc syntax and we can switch to it14:59
barrydidrocks: cool14:59
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didrocksI'm quite confident, the upstream compiz source used to use pyrexc and it seems to have switch for no other reason than you can "import cython" in setup.py15:00
barrydidrocks: what are they using from the cython module?15:01
didrocksbarry: if I grep -ri cython *:15:02
didrockssetup.py:    from Cython.Distutils import build_ext15:02
didrockssetup.py:            from Cython.Compiler.Main import compile as cython_compile15:02
didrockssetup.py:            cython_compile ("src/compizconfig.pyx")15:02
didrocksand that's it15:02
didrocksso I think they are in fact just using pyrex15:02
jamespagevibhav, pong15:04
slangasekdupondje: please just keep merging it for now.  Upstart support should go upstream to Debian in the next month or so15:06
dupondjeslangasek: debian goes upstart also ?15:06
slangasekDebian will have upstart support15:07
hrwdupondje: debian also has upstart package ;)15:07
ogra_depends on the package maintainer i would say :)15:07
ogra_if he listens to people filing bugs about missing upstart support :)15:07
cjwatsondupondje: ah, it's because it gets a bit confused by what it perceives as removals, because samba4 isn't in testing15:08
hrw~curse bluez for failing installation when it can not start15:08
cjwatsondupondje: the sanest fix/workaround is probably to just switch MoM back over to unstable, so I'll do that15:08
dupondjeok :)15:08
dupondjeslangasek: but after that we can just include upstart script in debian? What about the init script that is used now to stop?15:09
slangasekdupondje: some tuning may be required15:10
dupondjebut i'm right we can't use upstart atm to stop cryptsetup?15:11
slangasekdupondje: I believe that's correct, we currently don't... why do we care about stopping it, though?15:13
dupondjeto correctly close the handle, so lvm etc can also be stopped.15:15
ogra_hmm, does upstart prse "emits" from sysvinit scripts ? would be a one line change to add something to emit that info to umountroot15:16
slangasekwe don't stop lvm either :)15:17
slangasekwe unmount filesystems, which TTBOMK is the only part we have to tear down before reboot in order to protect data15:17
dupondjeSo it should be safe to just remove the init script (which only is there for stopping atm in ubuntu)15:19
slangasekdupondje: which init script do you mean?15:20
mvoslangasek: just fyi, the quantal apt merge is prepared in the apt bzr ubuntu branch (just mentioning it to avoid duplication of effort)15:21
dupondjeslangasek: now we have: cryptdisks-early & cryptdisks (init scripts) and cryptdisks-enable & cryptdisks-udev (upstart)15:22
vibhavjamespage: Ive created a SRU for oneiric, would you like to see it?15:37
jamespagevibhav, for munin?15:37
vibhavjamespage: yeah15:39
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mterryIs anyone familiar with FTBFS errors like "error: inlining failed in call to always_inline 'vsyslog': function not inlinable" with quantal's compiler?15:40
bdmurraycould some lptools hacker merge my branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/lptools/grab-descriptions/+merge/10646915:45
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slangasekmvo: apt> great, thanks :)  and good to see apt is updated in unstable as well :)16:07
slangasekdupondje: right; so it's probably safe to remove those init scripts, but also not necessary in Ubuntu... and as we wouldn't be removing them in Debian that would probably be introducing more delta than we need to16:08
mvoslangasek: yeah we are pretty close to upstream again, if I don't see any regression on my box I will upload tomorrow or the day after tomorrow16:10
jonohey folks16:49
jonoquick question16:49
jonoin my app I would like to allow the user to start a process when they log in16:50
jonowhat is the best way of doing this on Ubuntu?16:50
mlankhorstjono: just follow standards :-)16:52
jonomlankhorst, what are the standards?16:52
jonoI have no idea how this is done16:52
apwcjwatson, i need to update the grub-gfxpayload-lists, but am struggling to find the master bzr branch for it, any idea where its at ?16:52
cjwatsonapw: UDD - lp:ubuntu/grub-gfxpayload-lists16:53
cjwatsonhmm, though it's apparently out of date there16:53
mlankhorstjono: xdg-ish16:53
Laneyjono: http://standards.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-latest.html16:53
Laneyjono: drop a desktop file in the appropriate directory16:53
cjwatsonapw: ask the last uploader :)  that'd be RAOF16:54
jonoLaney, aha!16:54
apwcjwatson, well at least i was looking in the right place ... OI RAOF wheres the lists at :)16:54
apwcjwatson, if the commit is missing, is it normal to reconstruct it and continue ?16:55
mlankhorstLaney: oh nice, was already looking16:55
apwcjwatson, on the assumption it was not found of course16:55
cjwatsonapw: best to talk with RAOF first in case he can just push16:55
cjwatsonbut that's a fallback, yes16:55
cjwatsondunno why the importer didn't sort it out16:55
apwyeah who owns that so i can moan16:56
jonothanks Laney16:56
cjwatsonapw: launchpad.net/udd16:56
cjwatsonwhich I think is the stock "if you push --overwrite, it gets upset" reason - maxb may be able to sort that out16:57
apwcjwatson, thanks16:57
* cjwatson comments on the bug16:57
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maxbhmm, hello17:04
dupondjeslangasek: or we fix in debian package it only installs the upstart scripts on Ubuntu, then we can sync :)17:06
slangasekdupondje: fix what exactly?17:07
dupondjewell ship the upstart files in the debian package also, but only install them on Ubuntu. No merge needed then17:08
dupondjewhy not?17:09
slangasekwhy would you put the upstart files in the debian package and not ship them in the package?17:09
ogra_dupondje,you want to  install the upstart jobs in debian too17:09
ogra_ /etc/init/ will be a no-op if upstart isnt installed ... *if* it is installed you want the jobs to be used from there though17:10
maxbapw: I've overridden the importer's freak-out over someone replacing a version in the branch and initiated a new run17:10
apwmaxb, thanks thats most helpful17:10
dupondjeogra_: well, if you install them in the debian package, there will be a depend on upstart17:10
dupondjewhich is not always wanted17:11
slangasekno, there won't17:11
ogra_there shouldnt17:11
dupondjeso dh_installinit should be able to handle it correctly ? lets try it out17:12
maxbapw: Hm, it's done the silly thing where it rolls back all of cjwatson's commits and recommits them; it's because the bzr branch contains some files (.bzrignore, debian/bzr-builddeb.conf) which are not in the archiver17:16
apwmaxb, hmmm that sounds like "andy don't touch it yet"17:20
apwmaxb, the branch looks ok within some limits, is it as good as it is going to get?17:23
dupondjehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imvirt/0.9.4-2/+build/3509707 hmz :)17:26
maxbapw: Ah, yeah, don't touch it yet. I'm going to roll back what the importer did and fiddle17:32
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maxbWhat fun#17:41
maxbHave run some SQL at the importer db to convince it that cjwatson's revisions can be trusted, really, and kicked it off again17:42
apwmaxb, sounds like spagetti fun18:16
xnoxSomeone, please accept the quantal task in bug 978012 and assign to me ( dmitrij.ledkov )18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 978012 in e2fsprogs (Ubuntu Precise) "Please merge e2fsprogs 1.42.2-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97801218:49
infinityxnox: We don't tend to nominate tasks for the development release.  An upload to the dev release will close the parent Ubuntu task.18:51
xnoxinfinity: ok, sorry.18:51
xnox(it's the sru-s only that matter, gotcha)18:51
barrykenvandine: \o/  i've removed python-egenix-mxdatetime from the porting spreadsheet.  thanks for merging it away :)18:57
xnoxbarry: =)))18:57
kenvandinebarry, thank you!18:58
kenvandinebarry, any more info on libpeas?18:59
barrykenvandine: not yet.  :/18:59
barry@pilot in18:59
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: barry
dobeylibpeas is another very difficult problem to deal with18:59
barrydobey: what do you know about it?19:00
dobeybarry: i know that porting every plug-in in the archive for anything in gnome is going to be painful :)19:00
dobeybarry: i suspect making libpeas itself use python3 probably shouldn't be too hard. but porting all the plug-ins written in python for gedit/rhythmbox/whatever else, will be very tedious19:01
* kenvandine wants to add a new dependency to it :)19:02
barrydobey: no doubt.  but if we have libpeas for both py2 and py3 (if that's even feasible), then i suppose we can at least limit it to all the plugins for a specific application19:02
dobeybarry: i susepect that loading both python runtimes in the same process is just asking for a punch in the face :)19:03
dobeysymbol conflicts all over the place19:03
barrydobey: a punch in the face if you're lucky :)19:03
dobeybarry: so maybe it's not so bad, but you'd have to port everything in the default install at least19:04
dobeybarry: and probably add new API to libpeas19:04
barryyeah.  sounds like fun19:05
dobeybarry: the python loader is actually a plug-in to libpeas itself. so having a separate for python3 does seem feasible19:05
dobeybut it would require new API i think, to say "enable loading of python3 plug-ins", and both loaders would have to explicitly prevent the other from loading19:05
mterrydoko, are you familiar with FTBFS errors like "error: inlining failed in call to always_inline 'vsyslog': function not inlinable" with quantal's compiler?19:08
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seb128cjwatson, ev: we have a diff in avahi over Debian to add udeb with this rational "so that we can use them for Eucalyptus integration in the installer." ... do you know if those are still needed? I guess the installer changed since we went to openstack19:21
seb128cjwatson, ev: context is https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu/quantal/avahi/merge-0.6.31-1/+merge/105636 if you feel like commenting there19:25
seb128Laney, ^ fyi19:26
stgraberseb128: sounds like server team would know best. AFAIK we don't use that anywhere else19:28
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seb128well, I figured that installers guys would know better, but yeah, I should have pinged you as well ;-)19:29
cjwatsonseb128: I don't think it's still needed, but check rdepends (you might need to grep the d-i Packages file directly) and check with Daviey19:29
seb128Daviey, ^19:29
seb128cjwatson, thanks19:30
Davieyhmm, yeah.. it's still used. sorry. :(19:30
cjwatsonah, yes, maas-enlist-udeb19:31
cjwatsonso the use of it just moved to the new cloudy hotness19:32
highvoltagehot clouds make for stormy weather.19:32
tgardnerbryceh, I've uploaded Quantal kernel and meta package backports to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/q-lts-backport19:33
seb128Daviey, no worry, I figured I would check, any chance to lower delta over Debian ;-)19:33
Davieyseb128: i don't think the DM was ever asked to introduce a udeb fwiw.19:34
seb128cjwatson, I blame you a bit for not sending that change to Debian though, not sure if they would taken it but stil it would have increased chances to lower the delta between the distro19:34
seb128Daviey, seems not, I've checked the BTS, or the bug timed out or something19:34
Davieyseb128: Well, based on situations such as, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=673618 .. i'm not sure it'll gave taken grasp.19:35
ubottuDebian bug 673618 in prettytable "prettytable: Please consider converting to dh_python2" [Normal,Open]19:35
cjwatsonDaviey: oh please, not all Debian maintainers are the same faceless borganism19:35
seb128Daviey, that happens, but at least you knwo why you carry the diff ;-)19:36
seb128in the avahi case it seems that the request,patch was just never sent to Debian19:36
Davieycjwatson: i know, using any opportunity i can to moan.19:36
cjwatsonseb128: yes, my bad19:36
seb128Laney, maybe you could try to send it the avahi udeb patch to Debian since you are doing the merge?19:36
cjwatsonI can't do it now, I can deal with it tomorrow if you like19:36
seb128cjwatson, no worry, it happens to all of us19:37
seb128cjwatson, no hurry but I would appreciate if Laney (who is doing the merge) or you would send it to the BTS19:37
seb128cjwatson, thanks19:38
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maxbapw: I got called away from the computer, but it looks like the importer has done something sane this time20:15
brycehtgardner, thanks20:15
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maxbyou'll see it has removed a couple of files in its commit - because they are not uploaded in the archive source20:16
mlankhorstbryceh: we should discuss with raof :-)20:16
maxbI'm not sure what we should be doing about that.20:17
brycehmlankhorst, yeah we need to put our heads together on the packaging snafu's you ran into20:17
apwmaxb, thanks ...20:17
mlankhorstbryceh: what time do you want to do it?20:19
brycehmlankhorst, I've got a morning meeting with Intel (8am my time) so should be around early if you want to do it then20:20
mlankhorstutc please :P20:20
brycehhowever raof won't be on until later (he usually comes on 1-2 hrs from now)20:20
mlankhorstyeah was thinking of just s taying awake a bit longer20:20
mlankhorstjust ping me, off to do other stuff :-)20:23
brycehyeah I'm going to be in and out the rest of the day.  Plan tomorrow ~2100-220020:25
brycehRAOF, ^^20:25
mlankhorstbryceh: ugh utc please XD20:26
brycehmlankhorst, :-P that is utc20:26
mlankhorstoh sure20:26
mlankhorstok with me, but keep in mind 22 utc is midnight for me :-)20:27
brycehmlankhorst, well if you'd prefer, just meet with each of us separately20:28
mlankhorstbryceh: nah its fine, i just wont be as awake20:29
slangasekcjwatson: bug #1003100 makes me sad; I figured out how to use po2debconf for merging multi-paragraph description fields, and am rewarded by the appearance of mis-translations of variable names.  I don't suppose you have any ideas how to suppress this being offered as a source string in the .pot?20:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1003100 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "package-data-downloader: KeyError: 'paquetes'" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100310020:39
dupondjebarry: just a small thing about the canto package. I noticed indeed debian still had python-support build-dep. Just tought it wasn't a reason to keep the diff. As this change nothing to the functionality21:14
barrydupondje: we're more aggressive in switching to dhpy2 than debian is.  jwilk followed up on the debian bug about why that bd is there.  i'll switch it to dhpy2 for debian and file a separate bug.21:15
dupondjewell the build-depend was just forgotten it seems, as they adjusted debian/rules in the last commits21:17
barrydupondje: do you mean a later commit switched to dh_py2?21:26
dupondjehttp://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/python-apps/packages/canto/trunk/debian/rules?r1=7597&r2=7623 they switched here to default version21:27
dupondjenot yet to dh_py221:27
cjwatsonslangasek: that's creative abuse of po-debconf, given that these aren't actually templates files :-)21:29
slangasekI know... ;)21:29
slangasekbut it's the only thing I found that would do multi-paragraph translations correctly21:29
slangasekbut #flag:translate! doesn't work here for whatever reason, boo21:29
cjwatsonbecause you aren't using po-debconf to create the .pot file, but rather intltool-extract21:30
slangasekah, hmm21:30
cjwatsonthis may be possible with i-e; let me cogitate a bit21:30
slangasekcool, thanks21:30
slangasekin the meantime I'm just going to slam a correct null translation in so we can get on with the SRU21:31
cjwatsonslangasek: you might consider carrying the abuse all the way and using debconf-updatepo to generate a POT file for those files, which you then merge into the overall one21:34
cjwatsonthe Makefile integration would be exciting21:34
slangasekI have considered that21:34
slangasekI just found it unspeakable so did not mention it ;)21:34
cjwatsonbut that way, I think #flag:translate! would actually work21:34
slangasekbut yeah, it may ultimately be the correct thing to do here21:34
cjwatsonthe only other approach I can think of is a hacked intltool-extract wrapper that postprocesses the generated .h wrapper21:35
cjwatsonI think that's probably even more foul21:35
cjwatsons/ wrapper$//21:35
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cjwatsonslangasek: it's possible it would be easier to have two separate sets of .pot/.po files21:36
slangasekhmm, point21:37
slangasekI think that's probably the winner21:37
slangasekwill take me a bit to work through though, blah21:37
cjwatsonmight require a bit of rosetta bodging21:37
slangasekoh, really?21:37
slangasekmight be simpler to just merge .pot then21:37
cjwatsononly a tiny bit21:38
cjwatsonsomebody'd have to approve the new paths, basically, iirc21:38
cjwatsonI think that's a good tradeoff for reduced build system insanity21:38
slangasekwell, but then you also have the ongoing requirement to re-import two sets of .po files into the source21:38
slangasekso a little bit of build-time insanity we never have to look at again until the next time may be simpler overall21:39
cjwatsonone set of .po files in Debian and the other not?21:40
cjwatsonthe flip side of *that* is that you might get to not have to merge one of those sets of .po files21:40
slangasekoh, well, I was planning on upstreaming this interface to Debian once it had settled out :)21:41
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cjwatsondupondje: I've verified that samba4 is sorted, btw22:06
cjwatson(on merges)22:06
dupondjeI saw already, thanks for fixing it :)22:07
dupondje435 merges todo in Universe, alot22:07
ScottKbroder: I gather you decided on changes in backports versioning at UDS.  I think this would be a nice topic for a mail to u-d-a (in addition to documentation updates).22:38
broderScottK: this was a recommendation from cjwatson which seemed quite reasonable to me. but fair enough22:38
ScottKbroder: I think it's a reasonable change, but it needs to be communicated.22:39
* broder nods22:39
* broder adds it to the ever-growing todo list :)22:39
barryzul: ping22:43
* micahg would have liked an e-mail to ubuntu-backports@l.u.c22:44
broderyeah, that's reasonable; there probably should have been one22:47
broderi guess i was sort of waiting until we got the issues with backporter-executed backports sorted out22:48
broderand then i flaked on doing that22:48
zulbarry: pong22:55
barryzul: hi.  i have a quick question about python-tz.  in 2011k-0ubuntu4 the test suite was enabled, but then it was disabled almost immediately in 0ubuntu5.  do you remember why it was re-disabled?22:56
zulbarry: because it didnt actually testsuite didnt actually test python-tz22:57
barryzul: oh, that's unfortunate.  what was it testing? ;)22:57
zulbarry: afaik timeones but i dont remember23:00
barryzul: cool, thanks23:02
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barry@pilot out23:16
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:

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