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bkerensamicahg: do you by chance know why installing wine would automatically begin the removal of a handful of development packages?05:29
bkerensadebhelper quilt etc etc?05:29
micahgbkerensa: conflicts from various i386 packages?05:29
bkerensamakes sense05:30
micahgmost will probably be bugs05:30
dholbachgood morning07:07
gesergood morning07:08
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iulianMorning dholbach, geser.08:27
ajmitchhi iulian, dholbach, geser  :)08:39
dholbachhey iulian, hey ajmitch08:41
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geserMoM is back :)12:23
dupondjegeser: indeed, abusing it already ;)12:50
ogra_how evil !12:51
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achiangstgraber: hey, welcome back from holiday. :) can i get a review of this proposed fix? i'm thinking of implementing it in a private project and would like feedback: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/85555614:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 855556 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) ""Restart" and "Shut Down" don't work if anyone else is logged in" [High,Confirmed]14:44
ogra_achiang, hmm, are you sure that gets cleaned up somehow after install ?14:53
ogra_to me it looks like the modification is permanent14:54
ogra_(given you say in the description it only affects the live session)14:54
achiangogra_: i admit, i am not 100% sure. but on the other hand, the script i modify says:  # Policy to allow the livecd user to bypass policykit14:55
achiangogra_: so if it is permanent, then we have a way more serious bug in the existing casper script14:56
ogra_well, i'm not sure if that file will get copied by ubiquity or not during install14:56
achiangogra_: booting up a clean precise installation now.14:57
* ogra_ only has non live installs handy here ... else i would have checked :) 14:58
ogra_theoretically i think every user with physical access should be able to shutdown/reboot though14:59
ogra_since you can just use the power button anyway :)14:59
achiangogra_: hm, what is a "live install" ? this machine i'm checking was installed by: 1) download precise iso 2) use usb-creator-gtk to copy to USB key 3) boot into ubiquity (i didn't launch a guest/live session first)15:00
ogra_well, a live install for me is one that uses casper in some way :)15:00
achiangogra_: so, i don't see that file got copied over, but i also don't know if i did a live install via your definition. but i'm still pretty confident that file doesn't get copied into a real install. taht would be insane15:01
ogra_you did a live install15:01
ogra_achiang, to me it looks good btw15:05
achiangogra_: ok, thanks. i guess i will wait until a sponsor actually picks it up before i check in the equivalent fix into our private branch. :)15:05
ogra_achiang, one nitpick though, you shoulldnt close the LP bug from the changelog, after all its only a minro improvement, i think the bug has a bigger scope15:08
achiangogra_: ah, i agree it's only a minor improvement, but i don't know how to avoid closing the LP bug from the changelog. what should i write instead?15:09
ogra_i dont think we have a generalized way for that, i usually use (Launchpad: #123456) instead of (LP: #123456)15:10
ogra_or something similar15:10
ogra_the parser only parses (LP: #...)15:11
stgraberogra_: (still reading backlog), ubiquity copies /rofs, not /, so that change will only apply to the live environment15:18
ogra_stgraber, oh, indeed15:18
stgraberachiang: can you restrict the change to only allowing shutdown/reboot? unless I missed something it looks like you're allowing every admin action. Not really a big problem considering none of the admin UIs are visible in the greeter, but still, no real need to allow it either15:19
achiangstgraber: hm, but at some point, our project will want to allow the lightdm user to do things like select and authenticate to a wifi AP and other potentially admin like things15:21
stgraberachiang: I'm not a big fan of needlessly allowing things in security profiles, but I guess in this case I'm fine with it ;) the ubuntu users is already logged in everywhere and has password-less sudo rights, so there's indeed little benefit in having fine grained security profiles for the rest15:27
achiangstgraber: great, thanks! shall i fix up the nitpick that ogra_ pointed out, or is the MP good to go?15:27
stgraberachiang, ogra_: I think it's fine keeping the LP: # entry so long as we have a separate casper task on that bug and don't close the other tasks15:29
achiangstgraber: ok, i leave it in your hands then. i'm not a motu, so need a sponsor. :)15:29
ogra_yeah, add a casper task15:29
* ogra_ didnt think of actually *adding* more tasks :) 15:30
stgraberachiang: ok, will upload in a minute. casper being in main/core package set, you actually need a coredev :)15:30
achiangstgraber: ooh, shiny. my first coredev patch. :)15:31
achiangstgraber: thank you much15:31
stgraberachiang: done15:33
achiangstgraber: merci!15:33
vibhavAny bug supervisor here?15:36
tumbleweedvibhav: everyone with upload rights is automatically added to bugcontrol15:39
vibhavtumbleweed: Can you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/644578 and nominate it for oneiric?15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 644578 in update-notifier (Debian) "gettext required by package scripts, but not a dependency " [Unknown,New]15:42
Laneyvibhav: why don't you apply for bug control?15:42
vibhavI got A +015:43
tumbleweedvibhav: nominated15:44
vibhavLaney: Because the example I showed were more inclined towards MOTU15:46
vibhavAnd not for triaging bugs15:46
vibhavLaney: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bugcontrol/msg03712.html and the next thread FYI15:50
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tumbleweedvibhav: I'd make it clearer that you want to join bugcontrol to help you do MOTU work15:51
vibhavI will reapply again15:53
tumbleweedvibhav: or, just triage 5 bugs :)15:55
dupondjetumbleweed: could you enter your endorsment on my Application please? Then I can schedule myself in the meeting :)15:55
vibhavtumbleweed: What do I write in my application?16:15
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ajmitchmicahg: did you get a test build of openclipart completed?21:34
ajmitchif not, I'll start one off on my home box & be patient21:34
jtaylorvibhav: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl#Application21:38
micahgajmitch: no, almost did it last night, but then decided to go to bed, can do tonight22:11
ajmitchmicahg: no rush22:14
jtaylorI wonder if anyone would scream when I drop the ill advised pdl ubuntu delta dating back to bug 2979822:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 29798 in pdl (Ubuntu) "enable NaN support" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2979822:17
ajmitchjtaylor: why is it ill-advised?22:19
jtaylorfrom my understanding there is no gain22:19
jtaylorwell its a peice of ubuntu history so I'll keep it, likely on the next perl transition the merge blame will fall back to cjwatson due to the rebuild ;)22:20
ajmitchis it something that's been discussed with the debian maintainer?22:21
jtaylordebian maintainer rejected it as bogus22:21
jtaylorbug 1000972 looks intersting, the trigger running right after perl is unpacked, I guess that can be ugly22:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000972 in pdl (Ubuntu) "package pdl 1:2.4.7+dfsg-2ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100097222:21
jtaylorto bad I have no idea of perl and am not going to touch it :P22:22
ajmitchask Laney all about trigger ordering :)22:22
* ajmitch takes the whiskey bottle off Laney 22:23
ajmitchI see there was no response on debian-dpkg about that question22:23
Laneyyes, indeed22:23
Laneydo you fancy mailing -devel?22:23
* Laney cannae handle the abuse22:24
ajmitchyou can explain the situation better than I can though22:24
LordOfTimethen laney can tell you what to write, and you send it :p22:27
* LordOfTime is kidding, but still22:27
LaneyI already wrote it to -dpkg :P22:27
Laneybah, I'll do it22:28
ajmitcha gracious volunteer22:29
* Laney ph33rs22:37

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