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pmp6nlHello, I am hosting multiple sites.  Right now if I go to my ip address it displays one of my sites and I cannot edit other sites via the ip address.  Is there a wrong setting in the default server or does something special need to be done for each virtual hosts?  I want to my able to edit sites via ipaddress/directory.  thanks02:29
rbasakpmp6nl: if you go to a website via IP address, and your web server serves multiple sites from the same IP address, then there's no way for the web server to know which site to send back. So it sends the default one. If you want to fix that then you either need to browse the sites by name, or you need to use multiple IP addresses.02:34
pmp6nlrbasak, how do I browse by name?  Isnt there a way to do this with virtual hosts?  I am using apache02:35
echosystmwhats the best way to NAT all incomming packets from one server to another?02:35
rbasakUse virtual hosts, and set the names up to point to the same IP address. Then use those names in your browser.02:37
echosystmiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m multiport -dport 80,443 -j DNAT ... ???02:37
rbasakIt sounds like you could do with reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_hosting#Name-based02:37
echosystmthats not what i want02:37
echosystmthis is a poor mans router02:37
echosystmit needs to work at the transport level02:37
echosystmnot the application level02:37
rbasakechosystm: sorry, my message was intended for pmp6nl on a different question, not you.02:38
echosystmoh sorry02:38
pmp6nlok rbasak I will read up on that as I am confused about virtual hosts. thanks02:39
rbasakechosystm: sounds like you need http://www.netfilter.org/documentation/HOWTO//NAT-HOWTO-6.html#ss6.2 :-)02:39
rbasakechosystm: there's also ufw, which is a higher level wrapper around iptables. Eg. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man8/ufw-framework.8.html02:42
echosystmwill packets stop after the first rule that they match? or will they continue through the chain02:42
rbasakthe first packet goes through the DNAT chain. Subsequent packets go through the FORWARD chain only, appearing as if they're already NATted and magically going to the right place. If that makes sense.02:43
rbasakSorry, didn't read the question. DNAT is a chain terminating target, ie. no more rules are processed after hitting a DNAT target.02:43
echosystmok so lets say i have rule 1. send all traffic from IP X to IP Y02:44
echosystmthen i have rule 2. send all traffic to IP Z02:44
echosystmif a packet coems from X, will it go to Y and then stop?02:44
rbasakIf rule 1 is using DNAT, rule 2 will never be processed if a packet matches rule 1.02:45
echosystmthanks for that02:46
pmp6nlrbasak, how does apache determine the default virtual host?02:51
rbasakGood question. Sorry, I don't remember the answer.02:51
rbasakIt might even be the first one that's defined.02:51
pmp6nlrbasak, ok, thanks02:53
pmp6nlShould virtual hosts be listed in apache2.conf?03:00
jmarsdenpmp6nl: rbasak is correct, it uses the first one listed, which I think means the alphabetically first one if you use the Ubuntu/Debian file structure and one file per vhost under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ .  This is why it is conventional to name that one 000-default, so it is "obvious" to humans looking at the directory, that it is first in the list and is the default.03:01
jmarsdenpmp6nl: Indirectly.  See above.03:01
rbasakThanks jmarsden. This sounds familiar now. It's been a while since I've done virtual hosting with apache!03:02
jmarsdenSee /usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian.gz for useful info on the file structure involved.03:02
twbjmarsden: the "default" site is the first one found in "the" config file.  The logical config file is built by including (by default) all the files in sites-enabled.  They're added lexicographically; I assume this is because root's locale has an LC_COLLATE of C.03:02
twbIf you went into httpd.conf and added a vhost before the include, that would become the default03:03
pmp6nlok thanks jmarsden and rbasak .... can I rename one of the files to 000-default to make it the default or do I need to do something different.03:03
twbThe fact that the file is called "default" has no bearing on how apache treats it, although obviously the 000 means it usually sorts to the top03:03
jmarsdentwb: Yes, but you are not supposed to manually put sites into httpd.conf in Debian/Ubuntu :)03:04
pmp6nlok, I dont even have a I dont have a /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file03:04
twbjmarsden: that's a nice theory :-(03:04
jmarsdenpmp6nl: You should have an empty one, if you did a conventional install of Apache on Ubuntu server.03:05
pmp6nljmarsden, ok, perhaps its just empty.  I will look.  whats the best way to rename a site under /etc/apache2/sites-available?03:05
jmarsdenpmp6nl: mv should work fine03:06
pmp6nlThanks jmarsden03:09
jmarsdenpmp6nl: You're welcome03:09
MischinkaDoes installing the desktop cause the server to run slower?04:26
twbIt depends.04:26
Mischinkaits on a vps04:26
twbWe discourage using GUIs on servers.04:27
MischinkaIm trying to figure out an easier way to setup APED server to start and stop when nginx starts and stops.04:27
Mischinkahow do i kill a script using 443 port?04:29
twbGood heavens, the developers are excitable fellows.04:29
twbMischinka: you use netstat -nlp to find out what's on that port, then stop its service or equivalent04:29
qman__I wrote a script to do exactly that at my old job, to reset stuck SSH tunnels04:30
qman__unfortunately I don't have it to give you but it only took me about ten minutes04:30
twbqman__: you can probably just get the pid direct from lsof or so04:31
qman__I used netstat and some cuts and seds04:31
qman__stored to a variable and fed to kill after some sanity checking04:32
MischinkaGot it! sweet.04:32
MischinkaOh how do i have a script run in background?04:32
Mischinkabecause its making me have to keep the putty terminal up.04:32
qman__you want screen04:32
jmarsdenMischinka: nohup /path/to/script    # could also work04:33
twbWell, that or nohup or atd or cron or ...04:33
qman__technically, running in the background requires adding & to the end, but that is still a child of your SSH session04:33
qman__you need to do something else to make it independent, screen is one easy way04:33
Mischinkadidnt work..04:34
qman__setting it up in cron is the right thing to do when you need it run all the time or at regular intervals04:34
qman__I was not aware of nohup or atd until now04:35
Mischinka*sigh.. im not sure of how to run it in cron.04:35
twbqman__: people like you come into #screen all the time and ask how to start their quake server in screen at boot time, from /etc/init.d/ :-/04:36
twbOr rtorrent, that's another common one, because it has a "GUI" they want to attach to later on04:36
rbasakMischinka: you could write an upstart job. Lots of documentation at http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/04:37
qman__I wrote a kludge using sudo, su, and screen to get srcds running at boot04:37
qman__because it won't run non-interactively, and won't log04:37
twbqman__: "non-interactively" as in it needs stdio, or it needs a non-dumb terminal?04:37
twbThe latter is harder, I grant you04:38
qman__non-dumb terminal04:38
twbBest would be to fix the damn daemon to not need it, of course...04:38
qman__it does not function if it doesn't have a shell04:38
twbqman__: I'd probably look into faking that with a pty04:38
twbAlso btw you shouldn't ever need BOTH sudo and su04:38
qman__I tried to use just sudo but I couldn't make it happy with the options04:39
qman__the main problem is I want access to the screen, but I want the server to run as a dedicated user04:39
qman__so root runs the first script at boot, sudos to me, to run the other script which sus to the daemon user04:39
qman__it's a mess04:40
qman__but it works04:40
rbasakscreen has access control options. The daemon user could start the screen with options to give you permission to reach it.04:41
Mischinkaquestion i have css that seems to be running from some sort of server cache..04:42
twbrbasak: screen's access control is... suboptimal.  I wouldn't trust it.  Also it's disabled by default in Debian and Ubuntu04:42
Mischinkaim inspecting the site and it says the css tag is coming from http://website.com/:17104:42
Mischinkawhat does that mean?04:43
twbMischinka: insufficient data04:43
Mischinkatwb: excuse me?04:44
twbMischinka: you provided insufficient data to answer your question.04:48
MischinkaOh, I have an nginx php5-fpm server, and for some reason the CSS tag on something on the page is being overridden by a tag located at http://website.com/:171 and the original tag is from custom.css what is this :# http://i.imgur.com/W9CdY.png04:55
MischinkaIm trying to figure out if its being cached by the server or something..04:55
twbIt sounds like you have nginx rewriting message bodies, which IMO is dumb04:57
twbThe downside is, if you don't do it, the root anchor needs to be the same regardless of the vhost.  So e.g. you cannot have default.example.net/foo.example.net/bar.html and foo.example.net/bar.html be the same04:58
twbAlthough you can have default.example.net/foo/bar.html and foo.example.net/foo/bar.html be the same, because the path part (/foo/bar.html) is the same04:59
twb...I hope that made sense, it wasn't very well put.04:59
Mischinkaumm not really.04:59
Mischinkatwb there is a screenshot of my site config: http://i.imgur.com/W9CdY.png04:59
twbIt is difficult for me to look at images, please pastebin text05:05
brainysmurfTrying to migrate posix users to ldap, there isn't any migrate_common.ph file. I created one and attempted the migration with extended schema on but no luck getting any emails. No errors. Kinda stuck...05:51
brainysmurfnano migrate_common.ph05:51
brainysmurfwoops: http://pastebin.com/b4AvY5Mq05:53
brainysmurffound some problems already, updated: http://pastebin.com/mqJrkHe005:56
echosystmim trying to set up DNAT for port 80 of my firewall server05:59
echosystmi have done this: http://www.netfilter.org/documentation/HOWTO//NAT-HOWTO-6.html#ss6.205:59
echosystmiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -i eth0 -j DNAT --to
echosystmthen when i telnet my firewal on port 80 it just times out06:00
echosystmcan anyone think of why this might be happening?06:00
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alex88hello guys, after switching to ubuntu 12.04 so kernel 3.x i can't use multiple ip on single interface http://pastebin.com/0GFZZwTw09:02
alex88with that /etc/network/interfaces i can ping eth0:0 from local machine but from outside it doesn't respond09:03
lynxmanmorning o/09:15
adacI'm trying to get pam auth work with ldap, but /var/log/auth tells me the following: PAM (other) illegal module type: diese09:23
adacPAM pam_parse: expecting return value; [...Optionen]09:23
adacPAM (cron) illegal module type: diese....09:23
adacany ideas?09:23
lynxmanadac: looks like a configuration file in pam that is incorrect09:33
lynxmanadac: or pam config that is incorrect indeed09:33
lynxmanwhere is the word "diese" in slapd.conf or in /etc/pam.d ?09:33
adaclynxman, yes it was a typo! thank you!09:39
lynxmanadac: glad to be of help :)09:39
adacbut the error message is strange09:39
vrturboanyone know how the maas server node dns names work with dnsmasq ?09:53
vrturbobuilt a maas server, everything working but the resolution of the dns names, this is breaking my juju deployments09:54
KristianDKOn ubuntu 12.04 using the default LXC configuration, my containers does not get a DHCP ip address, although it seems that the default configuration sets up a ip range for DHCP for containers. Does anyone know how to debug this? Syslog in container states "NO DHCPOFFERS received" and I was not able to find any errors on the LXC host10:58
KristianDKIf I assign it a static ip in the DHCP subnet, it seems to work and I can communicate with the parent11:14
KristianDKalso, it does not seem to have any routes available, e.g. i can ping the master, but nothing else11:15
debuuuuHoi all. I'm going to install Ubuntu Server on a PC I have kicking about, mainly just to play around with. Just wondering, how do you install a GUI once the server's installed?11:42
_rubenyou usualy just don't11:43
_rubenif you want a gui, install the desktop version instead11:44
debuuuuBut then it's not a server is it?11:44
debuuuuI'm making a simple game server11:44
_rubendefine "server"?11:44
zulgood morning11:44
debuuuuI'll have a game server running on the machine that I can connect to with a client I'm writing11:45
_rubenthe most notable difference between -server and -desktop is the presence/lack of a gui11:45
debuuuuClient's just a simple JS-based app running in the browser.11:45
debuuuuSo like,11:45
debuuuuI don't really know a lot about what makes a server a server, as you might've guessed :) This is partly why I wanted to play around11:46
debuuuuIs it possible to do what I described with an installation of Ubuntu Desktop?11:46
brainysmurfdebuuu: Install the desktop version, don't worry11:48
debuuuuAh, ok11:49
debuuuuSo .. not sure how to phrase the question really, but how do you go about making that box accessible as a 'server' to clients anywhere else on the web?11:49
_rubenby connecting it to the internet11:50
debuuuuThere's nothing more fancy than that eh?11:51
_rubennot much11:51
debuuuuAlright, well sweet :)11:51
debuuuuAsk stupid questions, get simple, stupid-feeling inducing answers :)11:51
debuuuuThanks though, I'll install the desktop version and have a play around.11:52
hallynzul: your libvirt passed tests on p.  i'm about to build/run on q, but all is looking good12:00
hallyn(i haven't looked closely at the pkg source, i'm going to trust the qrt on this one :)12:00
hallynzul: you said you started MIR on dwarves-dfsg?12:21
zulhallyn: not yet i had yesterday off12:24
bioman_Running 11.10 server. I've installed a DRBL. Got some issues : sometimes the PC that I want to backup or restore have a black screen. Any ideas please ?12:43
bioman_It's 10.10 with 3.3.7 kernel or 3.2.1812:45
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bioman_I have the DRBL screen that displays properly, then -I think- 320x240 and when it want to get a higher resolution : black screen and nothing happens12:52
ikoniabioman_: the DRBL package you are using is not an ubuntu package12:55
ikoniabioman_: talk to the people who make the package for help/issues12:56
bioman_ikonia: hello :) I know this you told me yesterday... Hoped that someone here would have had this issue and a fix ;)12:57
ikoniano, as the package is not made by the people who make the ubuntu packages12:57
ikoniabioman_: as you know I told you this yesterday, why do you keep asking for people to fix issues here12:58
ikoniayou know where the package people are - you know where their bug logging/support system is, please try to use it, it's their package with their problems12:58
bioman_ikonia: just hoping that's all :(12:58
ikoniabioman_: yes, but you've been told 3 - 4 times12:59
bioman_ikonia: maybe 5 ;) I'll stop bothering you all, sorry...13:02
zulhallyn:  you know you are running the meeting today right?13:05
hallynyeah.  i hope the slacker last time updated the agenda :)13:06
zulhallyn: funny that you say that :)13:06
hallynzul: thanks.  I knew it was coming up this time, but always hate being caught off guard with that13:08
zulhallyn: everyone has13:08
raubvogel For those of you running vms (say, kvm), how do you sync the clock on a vm that was been saved/paused for a while when it comes back? I tried putting 'tinker panic 0' on the top of the ntp.conf file but so far it has been ignored.13:33
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hallynzul: all tests pass, push it :)13:45
hallynoh, except for hte dwarves issue13:45
hallynguess you can't push it13:45
zuldamn it..13:45
zullemme do that right now13:46
ogra_just add some giants ... that will level out the dwarves13:46
zulhallyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dwarves-dfsg/+bug/1002891 fyi13:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1002891 in dwarves-dfsg "[MIR] dwarves" [High,New]13:49
hallynzul: i dunno if you have any sort of scripts depending on libvirt's dumpxml output, if you do, note there are some changes (see the qa-regression-test changelog)13:49
hallynpfft.  i dunno13:49
hallynin particular http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/qa-regression-testing/master/changes/1692?start_revid=169213:51
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Davieyhallyn: i think you are up for chair btw.13:55
hallynDaviey: thanks.  (read up ^ :)13:55
hallynzul: just looking at debdiff for one last check, then i'm done with your libvirt13:55
zulhallyn: cool..once dwarves gets looked at then i think we are good13:56
hallynhopefully my ap stays good for the duration of the meeting.  (new one arrives wed)13:56
grendal-primeok so have a vm of 12.04 server14:10
grendal-primei removed  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistant-net.rules file.  (because i use to have to do that to get the interfaces to enumerate properly after changing the switches that the box was connected to)14:12
grendal-primeaparently thats differnt.  Now i need to regenerate that file.14:12
grendal-primethe script that i thought i did that with is not working they way it is expected14:12
_rubengrendal-prime: file should be recreated at boot time14:22
grendal-primeya that was not hapeing..now it is...werid14:23
grendal-primeactually...umm werid it did not get created...14:24
ikoniathe rules files do not get generated at boot time14:33
ikoniathe rules files are static files14:33
ikoniathe devices they make are what get regenerated14:33
_rubenikonia: when did that change? must say i havent *removed* the file in ages, but i did used to do so without problems14:34
ikoniaI've never seen the rules files get regenerated14:34
pedorhi, could please someone recommend a webhost?14:34
ikoniathey are normally static files,14:34
ikoniapedor: no14:34
ikonia_ruben: what do you think re-generates them ?14:35
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pedorikonia, which channel I can go?14:35
ikoniapedor: no idea14:35
ikonia_ruben: curious to if ubuntu has a different way of working with udev and actually has dynamic config files14:36
_rubenikonia: some part of udev i'd expect, never really dug into the details, just used to blow away that file when mac addresses changed14:36
ikonia_ruben: I've never seen the mac addresses in the rules files14:36
ikoniaahhh I see14:37
_ruben# This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules14:37
ikoniathe network one is generated14:37
ikoniabut others are static14:37
ikoniayes, just looked properly14:37
ikoniasame with the CD14:37
_rubenit being autogenerated makes for "new" interfaces to be added properly14:38
_rubenquite a simple yet nice feature14:38
_rubenunless your mac addres(ses) keep changing for some reason :)14:39
jdstrandhallyn: doesn't your KiB changes to test-libvirt.py need to be special cased for quantal? this script is run for SRUs and security updates14:40
ikoniayes, that makes sense14:40
jdstrandhallyn: oh, I didn't notice the '?'14:41
grendal-primeok well...what should i do at this point then?14:42
grendal-primeis there a way to trigger the recreate?14:42
grendal-primeand the mac addresses do change in this environment...allot.14:42
hallynjdstrand: right, if i didn't mess up for a change, it should just work.  though it's getting brittle14:47
jdstrandgetting ;)14:47
jdstrandit started brittle14:47
jdstrandfeel free to thank me for that :)14:47
hallynhopefully they can hold off on more needless formatting changes for awhile14:48
ikoniagrendal-prime: look at the script suggested that actually creates the file, try running it14:48
jdstrandwhat's the fun in that?14:48
* jdstrand is a little jaded on useless changes14:48
ikoniagrendal-prime: it may depend on a blank file being there in the first place so it can update it rather than create it, etc etc, look at what that trigger script does14:48
hallynthe fun of having time to work on other new stuff14:48
hallynjdstrand: +1 on that14:48
grendal-primeya i was looking throught that. I didnt seen anything...ill try just creating the file..reboot and see what happens. if that doesnt work..i guess ill buld another machine copie it over.14:50
grendal-primecan you look into the file and see if there is anything besides the typical interface info?14:51
grendal-primei thin i found something about whats nomcal in there14:51
ikoniagrendal-prime: I wouldn't suggest that14:52
ikoniagrendal-prime: I'd suggest actually reading the trigger script - seeing what it needs, fixing what it needs, then running the script14:52
ikoniagrendal-prime: if there are any problems/output you should see it, where as rebooting you'll end up chasing your tail to chase problems14:52
ikonia(unless there is a dependency that this script can only be run at boot time - which I don't think it can)14:52
silentpjhello, i have problem with 12.04 server amd64 not installing grub (grub installation failed) on vmware ESXi 5, does anybody know how to install it properly?14:54
zulDaviey: ping (re: cloud-archive stuff)14:55
ttxDaviey: was talking to zul about the Ubuntu openstack QA PPAs that could replace the openstack PPAs14:55
ttxLooks like you would have:14:55
ttx- PPA for tip of stable/essex on Precise -> staging area for Essex/Precise cloud archive14:56
patdk-wkthe issue is the grub bootloader in the mbr isn't updated14:57
patdk-wkjust have grub update it14:57
ttx- PPA for tip of master on Precise -> general QA for Folsom/Precise cloud archive14:57
zulttx:  for the openstack-qa yes ppa for tip stable/essex on precise14:58
zulstable/essex is the SRUable stuff so it goes into proposed14:58
ttx- PPA for milestone-proposed on Precise -> staging area for Folsom/Precise cloud archive14:58
Davieyttx: hey14:59
ttxPPA for tip of master on Quantal -> staging area for Folsom/Quantal (main archive)14:59
silentpjpatdk-wk: thanks, so it's bug...14:59
Davieyttx: Can we continue this later, swapping tasks atm. :/14:59
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ttxzul: well "stable/essex on Precise" covers two things14:59
ttxDaviey: sure14:59
ttxzul: covers Essex/precise cloud archive and Essex/Precise main archive SRU, now ?15:00
patdk-wkbug #97846415:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 978464 in grub2 "After LTS->LTS (lucid2precise) upgrade, upon reboot drops into grub recovery shell" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97846415:00
zulttx: no essex/precise was always going to go into main archvie sru15:00
ttxzul: oh, right.15:01
zultip of master for folsom on precise -> cloud-archive15:01
zultip of master for folsom on quantal -> main archvie15:01
zulttx: tip of master for folsom on precise -> openstack-qa15:02
zulttx: milestone (and possblly release candidates as well) on precise -> cloud-archive15:02
ttxzul, Daviey: I'll sum that up in an email that you can read and comment when you have time15:03
zulttx: cool15:03
grendal-primei cannot just get it to recreate the file.15:03
grendal-primeand ive tried creating the file empty so it can have somewhere to write data..that does not work. the trigger script if i try and run it askes for interface name..15:04
ikoniagrendal-prime: ok, so give it an interface name15:04
ikoniayou've got to work it through until you find the critera to make it work15:04
ikoniathen - you'll understand why it's not being triggered at boot15:05
zulttx: CVEs are handled normally in the security archvie as well :)15:05
grendal-primeyes but you see...there has to be a process somewhere that would start from scratch...15:06
silentpjpatdk-wk: hmm, I'm doing clean install, not sure how to fix it from minimal env on the server cd15:06
grendal-primewhen i run the write_net_rules script it just says missing $interface15:06
patdk-wkheh? clean install?15:06
patdk-wkthere is no problems with clean installs15:07
patdk-wkI have done a few hundred precise installs onto esxi 515:07
silentpjpatdk-wk i have problem with clean install...15:07
patdk-wkwell, I have no clue what your issue could be then15:07
grendal-primethat file is normally called by persistent-net-generator.rules15:10
silentpjpatdk-wk: 64bit?15:11
ikoniagrendal-prime: so pass it the interface argument15:11
patdk-wkboth 64 and 3215:12
grendal-primetried that as well didnt work.15:14
ikoniagrendal-prime: in what way didn't work15:15
silentpjpatdk-wk: wierd, any customisation? I did default install, next->next style...15:15
patdk-wkI do normal installs, and vm installs15:16
patdk-wkand also iscsi root installs15:16
grendal-primewell i run  the 75-persistent-net-generator.rules script i just get permission denied15:17
ikoniaok, so look at why15:18
ikoniado you have permission ?15:18
grendal-primeno execute on the file15:18
ikoniaok, so there you go15:18
ikoniawork it through15:18
grendal-primeran it with bash15:19
grendal-primebut um ..didnt put anything in the file15:19
ikoniagrendal-prime: set -x , work it through15:22
biomanTrying to build DRBL package (backportpackage --build --workdir=/root/drbl) but it complains about non existing gpg key. I tried to generate one with gpg --gen-key with no luck...15:22
biomanUsing 12.0415:25
grendal-primei can get it to execute but it does not generate anything15:27
esuavecan anyone tell me how to connect to an FTPS server from command line?15:27
esuaveim trying to connect to a certain IP on a certain port15:27
nathwillesuave: http://blogs.reliablepenguin.com/2009/08/11/ftps-with-lftp15:28
nathwilllftp is pretty nice15:28
esuavecool thanks!15:29
ikoniagrendal-prime: walk it through step by step and see what the trigger for re-generating it15:30
ikoniagrendal-prime: set -x15:30
axisyshow do I setup automatic security update?15:33
rbasakaxisys: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates15:35
axisysrbasak: thanks15:36
grendal-primewhere do you adjust dns?15:43
streulmaesuave: do you mean sftp ?15:44
esuaveftps? is it the same thing?15:45
streulmasftp is over ssh scp15:46
rbasakftps != sftp: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ftps15:46
streulmaI havn't heard of ftps15:46
esuaveyeah i know.. me either.. im trying to connect to someones ftps server15:47
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biomannobody knows how to successfully build the quantal drbl package ?15:54
smoserhallyn, your presense is requested in #ubuntu-meeting16:00
smoseror presence even.16:00
patdk-wkftps breaks ftp hopelessly :)16:04
znfHello. What exactly happened to byobu and screen? I used to have "themes" (color for background and foreground of the byobu "frame"), but now in 12.04 I can't find this (this is an upgraded install)16:08
znfI've removed everything byobu and screen related from my profile, and it launched tmux, read about how to change it back to screen, but I still can't find the themes16:08
rbasakzul, SpamapS: FYI, merge is https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu/quantal/apache2/988819 to fix bug 988919. I haven't managed to test it yet though.16:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 988919 in helioviewer.org "Improved JP2 file acquisition" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98891916:12
rbasakerr, bug 98881916:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 988819 in apache2 "wrong path to libxml2.so.2 in mod_security" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98881916:12
* znf hails the SpamapS 16:12
zulrbasak: cool16:12
syria_Hi, COuld you please help me with configuring openvpn on my VPS 10.04 lts please? so I can use it on my ipad??16:21
grendal-primeya this is werid..i just built a brand new system and there is nothing in that /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistant-net.rules file.16:28
grendal-primewhere the hell is this information stored now16:30
rbasakgrendal-prime: it's still there, AFAIK. But I think it might be skipped on certain VMs. Is yours a VM?16:32
grendal-primebut...why then is one machine where it was deleted giving me so much trouble then16:33
grendal-primei need to be able to rebuild that information16:34
rbasakSee /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules for details of how and what is skipped. You can override that file by copying it to /etc/udev/rules.d/16:34
rbasakOr you can just write your own rule to do what you need. The /lib/udev/write_net_rules script coudl help you with this16:35
grendal-primerbasak, i tried that.16:35
grendal-primethe write_net rules script asks for $INTERFACE  but all the syntax i tried just errors16:36
rbasakHere's an example if you just want to write a rule yourself. I just took it from my laptop's rules.d: SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"16:38
grendal-primetwo machines nither one of them have anything in that file.....one comes up fine the other comes up but complains about limited network functionality16:38
grendal-primeand acts very strange...takes like 2 min to boot. werid.16:40
grendal-primerbasak, you said i can override that file by copying the 75-persistent-net-generator.rules into the /etc/udev/rules.d/ folder?16:41
grendal-primethats the first thing i tried and it did not work.16:41
rbasakYou can override any file in /lib/udev/rules.d by copying it into /etc/udev/rules.d I think16:41
rbasakThat's the net rules generator rules file.16:42
rbasakWhere are you getting a message about limited network functionality from?16:43
grendal-primeon bootup16:45
grendal-primeand it takes 2 min to boot..16:45
rbasakDo you have network-manager installed?16:47
grendal-primebase install..server 120416:47
grendal-primeis that thing installed by default now?16:47
grendal-primealso there is all this stuff about ignoring interfaces from certain vendors?16:49
grendal-primelike...vmware and kvm.16:49
grendal-primehow the hell is that suppsed to work16:49
koolhead17hi all16:49
grendal-primeand no network manager is not installed16:50
rbasakWith virtual machines, you should just get eth* in the same order every time, so no need to rename interfaces. I assume that's the principle on which udev net generator rules rules skip them anyway16:50
rbasakIf you need them renamed/reordered because of your existing configuration, I'd just add the rules manually and then leave them be.16:51
grendal-primeyaaaa thats gonna suck16:52
rbasakUse my example above and stick in into /etc/udev/rules.d/99-custom-interface-names or something16:52
grendal-primethere is nothing that will just look at whats there and build that file for me.16:52
rbasakI'm sure upstream will happily accept a patch that adds a script to help people write their own rules :-)16:53
grendal-primeya i think ill just grab the one from 10.04 install and throw it in there.16:54
grendal-primeya so on boot that box comes up with "waiting for network configuration"16:54
grendal-primethen after a min it says "waitng for 60 more seconds"16:54
biomangrendal-prime: beacause you're surely on DHCP and getting no address16:55
grendal-primeno thats not true16:56
grendal-primei have to assign the address16:56
grendal-primethere is no dhcp on that network. The problem is we build it on one network, then we need to move it to a different network when we deploy16:56
grendal-primeits a router16:56
biomanStill with my secret key non available when I "backport --build --workdir=/root/drbl drbl". I have searched for a gpg key with "gpg --search-keys drbl" and found one. What should I do please ?17:00
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grendal-primeya setting up that file myself does not work as well.17:08
grendal-primestill does the same thing on boot.17:08
grendal-primethis is very werid17:08
silentpjpatdk-wk: i've tried again, still the same problem, accessed the logs, found "chroot: can't execute 'grub-probe': No such file or directory"17:10
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
patdk-wklike I said, I have no clue what your issue is on install, and no idea what grub-probe does17:10
patdk-wknormally use, grub-install /dev/sda17:10
adam_gcan someone please nominate bug 998137 for oneiric?17:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 998137 in keystone "Keystone user tenant membership not always removed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99813717:10
biomanI finally managed to create a drbl package. How do I install it please ?17:27
SpamapSbioman: dpkg -i file.deb17:29
biomanSpamapS: hey my friend :) Installed but missing dependencies :(17:31
SpamapSbioman: sudo apt-get -f install17:32
biomanSpamapS: thanks17:37
biomanSpamapS: disaster : drbl package installed in /usr but calling other files in /opt/drbl/...17:44
biomanSpamapS: and lots of files missing :(17:46
pingsweptWhat's the difference between the 12.04 AMI's that are from the original release on 2012-04-24 and the more recent daily builds? Security fixes?18:00
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SpamapSpingswept: security+updates18:11
SpamapSpingswept: basically everything you'd have gotten from 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' will be included18:11
pingsweptSpamapS: Thanks. Just what I wanted to know.18:12
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axisyslooks like hitting a bug18:58
axisys# ifdown eth318:58
axisysifdown: interface eth3 not configured18:58
axisys# ifup eth318:59
axisysRTNETLINK answers: File exists18:59
axisysFailed to bring up eth3.18:59
axisys[   35.512732] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth3: link becomes ready18:59
axisyswhat gives?18:59
axisysall routing works too..19:01
axisysso why these odd messages?19:01
smoserifdown eth3; ifconfig eth3 down;19:01
smoserit wasn't down, but 'ifupdown' thought it was19:02
smoseror, you have actually 2 interfaces trying to write the same route19:02
smoser(rtnetlink file exist)19:02
axisyseth2 is public network.. eth3 is private network19:03
stgraberthe -v flag of ifup will also show you exactly what returned the netlink error19:03
axisysnot trying the same route19:03
axisysstgraber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1001487/19:04
axisyslet me add the down option for eth3..19:06
axisyssince it is trying to add the route that is already there from initial ifup eth3 I think.. like smoser suspected19:07
Guest17303Guys I am following the ubuntu-server guide for DNS, I am currently here: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/dns-configuration.html19:08
stgraberaxisys: ifup is basically telling you that something already set the IP address of the interface (and makes it fail to set it again). Manually removing the IP (ifconfig eth3, then running ifup again should work19:08
Guest17303im a little confused at the part where it says : "Also, create an A record for ns.example.com. The name server in this example: "19:08
axisysstgraber: it sure did.. thanks19:09
Guest17303I assume it wants me to create another copy of db.local and make changes to it, but it doesnt give a name of the file if thats the case19:09
Guest17303Anyone able to offer some insight into this?19:10
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hallynjdstrand: so for the pc-0.12 problem, here is what i'm printing to /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1001608/19:49
hallynIt seems kind of underwhelming.  non-attention-etting19:49
hallynOTOH at least it's a start, and something we can look for in bug reports...19:49
hallyni wonder if there is a good way to pass a msg onto virsh to print out19:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:52
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
fratermIf someone could help me with a good way to fix my system so that this: http://imagebin.org/213476 stops happening I'd appreciate it.19:55
guntbert!here | fraterm19:55
ubottufraterm: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com19:55
fratermpackage-data-downloader crashes because something in my system may be corrupt, as you see the imagebin graphic:19:56
fratermTitle package-data-downloader crashed with KeyError in convert():'paquetes'19:56
fratermpaquetes is spanish for packages.19:56
fratermguntbert, overview after pasting I guess.19:57
guntbertfraterm: :)19:57
fratermsystem was a well running 11.10 i have 2 non ubuntu packages jenkins and vmware workstation.19:58
guntbertfraterm: hmmm - we are talking about "server" here?19:58
fratermit is server.19:59
fratermin that it is the server version of the OS.19:59
guntbertfraterm: try without the GUI   -     sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade20:00
fratermI'll have to pastebin this one.20:02
guntbertplease do20:03
jdstrandhallyn: message seems fine. getting it to virsh may be problematic. I always found libvirt's message handling fairly confusing because of how some messages override others, etc20:09
guntbertfraterm: that makes it much clearer - the problem seems to  lie with flashplugin-installer - I am not able to help with that and will probably not find anyone in this channel - ask in #ubuntu please20:09
fratermCan do, guntbert thanks.20:10
fratermguntbert, it's a madhouse in there, just sayin.20:14
guntbertfraterm: did you disable the display of joins and parts?20:15
hallynjdstrand: or maybe I should be recommending 'pc', which I assume is always aliased tothe lastest machine type20:18
hallynI'm still not comfortable with providing a script to automatically do it.  maybe i'm being a wuss...20:18
jdstrandthat may be best, yes. I forgot about that. I'd check on your assumption, but it sounds right20:18
jdstrandhallyn: well, you could provide a script to help people do it20:18
jdstrandI'm guessing many people are not familiar with the xml and just use virt-manager20:19
hallynHow do we help them discover that tool?20:19
jdstrandit could be in the libvirtd message20:20
jdstrandbut that isn't super discoverable20:20
hallyn(was thinking that as i hit return :)20:20
hallynno, but probably the best match to those who need it20:20
antiheroHow do I view the output of programs started with upstart20:23
guntbertantihero: they are not meant to have output, they are just writing logs20:24
hallynjdstrand: no, actually i think using type=pc might break migration for some people (as i'm doing some research)20:25
antiheroguntbert: but with supervisord I can do supervisorctl tail -f JOBNAME20:25
kantlivelonganyone know of a CLI lightscribe app? I just need basic text printing...20:25
antiherohow can I re-scan all my conf/job files20:26
antiheroonce I change them20:26
guntbertantihero: no idea about supervisor...  - I may know less about upstart than you do :)20:27
axisysi manually upgrade apts using ``sudo aptitude full-upgrade'' .. should I rather run ``sudo aptitude safe-upgrade'' ?20:28
guntbertaxisys: safe is better :-) but be careful with aptitude anyway20:30
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.20:30
axisysgnuyoga: so use apt-get instead ?20:35
axisysgnuyoga: nm20:36
axisysguntbert: so use apt-get instead ?20:36
guntbertaxisys: it looks that way - I do it20:36
axisysguntbert: what is aptitude safe-upgrade equivalent ?20:37
axisyswith apt-get20:37
axisyssudo apt-get upgrade <-- is it safe or full ?20:37
guntbertaxisys: there is no exact equivalent, I use upgrade on a regular base and if something gets stuck, dist-upgrade20:38
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KristianDKWhere would you get help for dnsmasq-dhcp?20:55
peydudeanyone using 12.04 LTS Maas ?21:01
peydudemy 1st node says it can't find the specified version in the mirror but I can manually get to it21:01
mwcampbellI'm running amavisd-new with SpamAssassin as described in the Ubuntu 12.04 server guide. If I want to manually train SA's Bayesian filter, should I run sa-learn as the amavis user?21:02
mgwhas anybody used openssh-lpk on precise?21:07
FleepI'm running Ubuntu on an EC2 instance as a Postgres database server and in the past couple of days it's gone unavailable periodically forcing us to stop/start the instance and get new hardware. It's using an EBS volume as it's main drive so we still have all the logging. Where can I start looking for issues? I've checked in /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/syslog and haven't found anything notable when the outages began. Anywhere else I21:20
Fleepshould be looking?21:20
RoyKFleep: have you checked if it's running out of memory? shouldn't happen, but can block the system quite badly21:28
FleepRoyK: We have seen OOM Killer stuff pop up from time to time. We don't have historical monitoring set up (getting Nagios set up now for that purpose)21:28
FleepIf there's no logged info, that seems like a pretty common culprit, yeah?21:29
RoyKthat's the kernel's log21:29
RoyKcheck /var/log/syslog21:29
FleepSee original message21:30
FleepI checked both21:30
RoyKthe oom killer steps in when everything else has been tried21:30
FleepHard to read dmesg, but I can't find anything in particular relating to running out of memory. It's not timestamped though, so it's hard to tell.21:30
RoyKsyslog really should log that21:31
FleepYeah, nothing I an see about that really21:32
FleepExcept, hmm21:32
RoyKunless the oom killer killed syslogd/rsyslogd first21:32
FleepPostgres is the most likely culprit, and dmesg occasionally logs: postgres (752): /proc/752/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/752/oom_score_adj instead21:32
RoyKhow much memory does this vm have?21:33
FleepExcuse me, 1.7GB21:34
FleepEC2 c1.medium21:34
RoyKuntil you setup nagios or perhaps icinga (a nagios fork, a *wee* bit better imho), try to make a cron job that just does "ps axfv" to a file or an email address periodically21:35
FleepNot a bad idea21:37
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MischinkaHow do I turn off/on output buffering? (my joomla installer is saying it needs to be off)22:22
LordOfTimeMischinka:  didnt i just say check the PHP documentation?22:28
LordOfTimein #nginx :/22:28
JanCsounds like a bug in the joomla installer anyway?22:29
LordOfTimewell php might have output buffering in it22:30
LordOfTimeon in it*22:30
Mischinkahmm.. maybe my configs are way off.22:30
MischinkaHow do I completely remove nginx and reinstall it with all new config files?22:52
LordOfTimeMischinka:  apt-get purge nginx; apt-get install nginx ?22:54
LordOfTimeyou'll lose *ALL* confs though22:55
LordOfTime!crosspost | Mischinka22:55
ubottuMischinka: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.22:55
LordOfTimeand replace "Ubuntu channels" with "support channels" since you're cross posting here and in #ngignxd22:56
MischinkaActually those were different questions.22:58
billybigriggerhey all, just wondering if someone can help me with openvpn23:36
billybigriggeri can get my server up and running...but having problems connecting from a win7 client23:37
billybigriggerand the server logs don't seem to be helpful at all23:37
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MischinkaHow do i add an ftp user to: /var/www/website.com ?23:49
helpme472hello all23:51
helpme472how I can set sftp on my proftpd without shell access23:51
helpme472any one here23:53
helpme472how I can set sftp on my proftpd without shell access23:55

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