
bkerensahttp://i.imgur.com/CS7HQ.jpg <-- Such a beauty01:18
scientesbkerensa, you just got it?01:20
bkerensaSystem76 loves me :P01:21
epikvisionHello guys01:33
epikvisioni need to know if partimus is available in southern california01:33
epikvisionor is it exclusively northern california?01:33
grantbowepikvision: only five schools in SF and one in Oakland so far.03:36
epikvisiongrantbow: how about in LA?05:13
bkerensaepikvision: nope just bay area ^05:24
epikvisionright, as I suspected...05:27
pleia2epikvision: we're a nation-wide 501c3 and have actually done a project where we shipped computers to mexico too :) so it is possible for us to work beyond the bay area, we just don't have the volunteers and such elsewhere at this time05:28
pleia2I would like to see it grow though05:28
bkerensahe left05:29
pleia2we also had a grant for a program in the state of new mexico05:30
pleia2all our projects are detailed there ^^05:30
bkerensabut you dont travel to set them up in New Mexico ;) I bet05:32
pleia2*I* didn't, there were volunteers who took the truck down05:32
bkerensapleia2: You should visit a Barnes and Nobles on July 6th and buy a Ubuntu User ;)05:32
bkerensapleia2: ahh cool stuff05:33
bkerensaFreeGeek wont deliver stuff at all... not even locally05:33
pleia2we don't have a central location (things just pile up in peoples living rooms), so we have to deliver everything05:33
bkerensadistributed warehousing :D05:34
pleia2bkerensa: on July 6th I'll be in Maine!05:36
bkerensamoose land05:37
pleia2indeed, it's where I grew up05:37
bkerensaHuh.... I have always wanted to go to Maine or Rhode Island someday... the photos I have seen look pretty pristine05:38
pleia2http://princessleia.com/images/maine/park4.jpg is from the park I grew up across the street from05:39
pleia2it's beautiful, I miss it05:39
pleia2nice to be living near an ocean again though, my land-locked decade was rough :)05:40
bkerensaI would have a feast :P05:43
pleia2you don't eat the blue ones, they go to aquariums :)05:44
bkerensalobster museums?05:44
bkerensaoh aquariums even05:44
pleia2non-standard lobsters (too large, too small, wrong color) always taste weird05:44
bkerensaDo they have Moose Jerky in Maine?05:45
bkerensaUDS-R  Augusta, Maine :D05:46
pleia2venison is usually white-tailed deer up there, but I wouldn't be surprised05:47
pleia2nah, Portland05:47
pleia2there is seriously nothing in Augusta05:47
bkerensaPortland, OR is named after Portland, ME :D05:47
pleia2indeed it is :)05:47
pleia2I grew up in Cape Elizabeth, just south of Portland05:48
pleia2(Cape Elizabeth was named after me)05:48
pleia2((just kidding))05:48
pleia2I didn't know that :)05:48
pleia2crazy if it had been Boston05:48
pleia2I remember growing up and in national news it was always your Portland in the news05:49
pleia2always such a treat when it was our Portland05:49
DonkeyHoteithree uds's in the usa in a row?05:57
pleia2nah, the next one actually will be in europe05:58
pleia2(they haven't announced where though)05:58
DonkeyHoteinext = uds-s?05:59
DonkeyHotei[Mon 2012-05-21 10:46:59 PM PDT] <bkerensa> UDS-R  Augusta, Maine :D06:02
pleia2he wasn't being serious06:02
bkerensaI already think I know where the next UDS will be... atleast someone who would likely know told me a city that was in the bucket :P06:03
pleia2yes, it starts with a "c" and is in denmark ;)06:04
DonkeyHoteii don't know what Augusta, ME looks like, but i'd strongly recommend against Augusta, GA06:04
pleia2but no contracts have been signed yet, so who knows06:04
pleia2Augusta, ME isn't at all practical, too far from international airports06:05
pleia2people would have to fly into Boston, 3 hours away06:05
bkerensapleia2: Copenhagen yeps06:06
bkerensahave fun to whoever goes :)06:06
* bkerensa will gladly remote participate :P06:06
pleia2remote participation for us when it's in europe is horrible06:11
pleia2it's like 1AM - 9AM06:11
pleia2give or take06:11
pleia2grantbow has done it, but he's a superhero06:11
scientesi'll to it ;)06:17
MarkDudeThere is a group that donates computers in SoCal06:31
MarkDudeComputers for Kids06:31
MarkDudeshould have pinged Gar eth06:32
MarkDudeOr Daniel :D06:32
MarkDudeAnd Dangerous G does not need sleep as near as I can tell06:34
MarkDudeat least a few of his clones do not06:34
DonkeyHoteibkerensa: any chance in hell you could pick this up for me? http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/syd/3021426258.html17:22
jyoThe solar eclipse viewers that they were handing out at the Maker Faire: http://www.rainbowsymphonystore.com/eclipse-viewer.html18:57
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philipballewWould I be an idiot to upgrade lucid to precise over ssh?22:36
jtatumshould work22:39
jtatumlot of us do that kind of upgrade and don't really have access to the console22:39
philipballewalright. I just would hate to have to drag a lcd and keybord to the back room to the home server. Thanks jtatum22:40
bkerensaphilipballew: no its fine because it will setup a bacup sshd incase the first stalls22:45
jtatumi'll be doing the same updates shortly22:46
philipballewbkerensa, seems legit22:47
philipballewlets hope 12.04 can run on my 512 ram pentuim4 machine22:47
philipballewIts a good thing my computer turned off during the upgrade :)23:39

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