
tgm4883any know pygtk?02:54
c_smithI don't. sadly.02:55
tgm4883I'm having a bad time with this app I'm writing. When I have it paint a new screen, it seems to do more work every time do a new screen02:56
tgm4883I'm wondering if I need to manually clear the queue02:56
c_smithwell, you got far further than I would in writing a program.  :)02:57
cy1I know pygtk03:12
cy1but the docs know it better03:12
tgm4883cy1, yea I'm not really getting anywhere with the docs, although I'm not reading them that closely03:13
cy1tgm4883: Are you connecting the signal once, or every expose event? That would cause a geometrically increasing # of screen refreshes...03:13
tgm4883every expose event03:14
tgm4883which is wrong, so i'm trying to tweak it until it's correct03:14
cy1Yes, only connect the signal once, at program initialization. Otherwise it does n expose events every nth expose event.03:14
cy1Signals are persistent, and have to be explicitly removed.03:15
tgm4883cy1, ok, so how am I suppose to call it later then?03:15
tgm4883right now, everytime I press the right arrow key, it does "self.mainDA.connect("expose-event", self.expose)"03:15
cy1The callback you provide gets called every expose event. You don't need to connect to the signal to get repeated calls.03:15
cy1tgm4883: It seems you want to trigger an expose event, not connect to one, when hitting the right arrow?03:16
tgm4883as I'll have multiple screens I want to paint, depending on which key is pressed03:17
cy1tgm4883: http://developer.gnome.org/pygtk/stable/class-gtkwidget.html#method-gtkwidget--queue-draw03:18
cy1invalidate rect is how to trigger a window to emit an expose event. (Generally you don't emit the signals in your own code, but provoke their emission in existing code.)03:19
cy1and queue draw calls invalidate rect with that widget's dimensions03:19
tgm4883I'm using queue_draw after I connect the event03:20
tgm4883but you are saying I need to use it to trigger the event rather than do the connect on the event03:21
cy1"self.mainDA.connect("expose-event", self.expose)" => "self.mainDA.queue_draw()"03:21
cy1the former adds a callback to the signal, without triggering it.03:21
cy1No limit to how many callbacks you can connect to a signal.03:21
cy1And it doesn't check if it's the same function.03:21
cy1So, don't do that. Do queue_draw or whatnot.03:21
cy1Are you making a gaaame? =)03:22
tgm4883cy1, I'm making a calibration tool for Ubuntu TV03:22
tgm4883or for TV's in general03:22
cy1I can't imagine you'd need a drawable area for that. What sorts of drawings are you displaying? Like a histogram or something?03:23
tgm4883so then if I'm using 'self.mainDA.queue_draw()' to paint the screen, I should have a separate drawing area for each?03:24
tgm4883cy1, one of them is this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SMPTE_Color_Bars_16x9.svg03:24
tgm4883I'm generating that03:24
cy1Ahh, neat.03:24
tgm4883I also have one for aspect ratio and overscan03:24
cy1Good use for a drawing area!03:25
tgm4883so is it correct that I need a separate drawing area for each of those then03:25
cy1So you press right and you want those color bars to auto-update as the monitor is tweaked. Wouldn't it defeat the purpose of testing a monitor for color correctness if the colors changed with the settings?03:26
cy1Not a separate drawing area I'd say. Depends if you want to refresh them independently or not.03:26
tgm4883no, press right and those color bars are displayed. They don't change while you are changing settings on your monitor03:26
tgm4883but if you press 2, it switches to your #2 monitor, and changes to fit the new resolution03:27
cy1So, they're not displayed just when you start the program?03:27
cy1Oh, I don't know anything about monitor switching...03:27
tgm4883no, the first screen displayed is the instructions screen03:27
tgm4883I've got monitoring switching all figured out :)03:27
tgm4883so I also have 'self.mainDA.connect("expose-event", self.draw_aspect_ratio)' when you press left. How would I differentiate between the two screens if I'm just doing 'self.mainDA.queue_draw()'03:29
tgm4883cy1, I think I figured it out. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction03:56
c_smithhas anyone here had the event where running apt-get purge wine1.5 purges GRUB2?04:40
cy1tgm4883: no problem ^.^04:44
c_smithcy1, you haven't had apt-get purge <insert program that isn't essential to booting> purge GRUB2, correct?04:44
cy1c_smith: I'm on Arch. :/04:45
c_smithI tried arch.04:46
c_smithbut on with my story, I was purging wine1.5 with the intent of reinstalling it, it purge GRUB2, PPPOEconf (those are what I know of) and then tried to reinstall Wine1.5 after thoroughly devastating the system.04:47
c_smithapt-get purge in this case is a nightmare.04:47
cy1geh, dunno what to tell you04:52
c_smitheh, good thing I'm downloading LMDE.04:53
c_smithand strange thing is I'm not angry at all, I'm laughing at this whole thing.04:54
c_smithI am seriously beginning to hate ubuntu.05:02
bkerensatgm4883: is this the same Ubuntu TV that Canonical essentially said their would be a wall between Canonical and Community? :P05:10
c_smithbkerensa, you saw my description of what happened to me with apt-get purge, right?05:11
bkerensac_smith: no05:11
c_smithwell, let's just say it purged GRUB when I told it to purge Wine1.505:12
c_smiththat, and PPPOEConf05:12
c_smithneither of which are remotely related to Wine1.505:12
c_smithso, I don't have a bootloader, and I don't feel like installing it, so I'm going to install another distro.05:13
c_smithyep, I'm taking that harder way out.05:14
c_smithor is it the easier way..... hmmmm.....05:14
bkerensaI find it hard to believe apt-get purge wine resulted in grub being removed seems like there was some level of user error involved and why would you purge wine anyways?05:17
c_smithto reinstall it.05:17
bkerensawas the package broken? Were you experimenting with a development version?05:17
bkerensayou dont need to use purge to reinstall05:17
c_smithpurge the configuration file to see if it fixed the sound issues.05:17
bkerensarm -f -r ./wine ?05:18
bkerensasudo apt-get remove wine?05:18
bkerensasudo apt-get install wine05:18
c_smithdid that, I was making sure I got rid of other traced of config.05:18
bkerensaeck .wine even05:18
bkerensarm -f -r .wine from your home and there would be no trace05:18
c_smithhmmmm, ok,\05:18
* bkerensa is going to see what this is about because I have no idea why purge would remove GRUB05:19
* bkerensa has wine installed so lets see05:19
c_smithstill gonna try another distro, this system is messed up beyond what I care to fix (it's possible, but I don't care nor have the time to fix it)05:19
bkerensawhy would you distro hop over a broken bootloader?05:20
bkerensaIts not Ubuntu's fault you nuked GRUB :P05:20
c_smithdon't know, but I'm bored, and this happens when I'm bored, I distro hop. :P05:20
bkerensayeah I just purged wine and it absolutely did nothing to Grub05:21
c_smithI was going to try another XFCE distro anyway, see what is out there.05:21
bkerensait just removed all the depends and the ms font garbage05:21
c_smithstrange, glitch maybe?05:21
c_smithbut possible?05:21
bkerensabetter lucky of winning the lotto?05:21
c_smithxD I see your point.05:22
bkerensathe wine package has absolutely no ties to Grub so there is absolutely no reason for apt-get purge to touch grub05:22
c_smithalbeit, I'm as clueless as you on this.05:22
* bkerensa goes back to playing with system76 laptop05:25
c_smithhave fun.05:30
bkerensaI think I'm going to talk to someone about seeing if I can give away a system76 laptop :P05:31
sbeattiec_smith: wine1.5 is a purely virtual package; if you had a real wine1.5 package installed, where did you get it from?05:35
c_smithUbuntu Wine Team PPA05:36
bkerensasbeattie: almost makes me want to look at the ppa :P to see how any of this was possible05:39
bkerensalets have a look05:42
* sbeattie calls it a night06:00
* bkerensa hits harvest up for some bug work ;p06:03
nathwillslangasek: the php guys disagree with us... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/100244314:27
lubotu1Launchpad bug 1002443 in php5 (Debian) "php5-fpm exposes full ubuntu package version in headers" [Unknown,Won't fix]14:27
sbeattienathwill: well, Marc Deslauriers is on the ubuntu security team, calling him a php guy is likely to not make him happy.15:00
slangaseknathwill: with you, you mean; I don't have a dog in this fight :)15:07
nathwilllol. naturally.15:08
nathwilli'd hardly call it a fight15:09
nathwillmorning markdude15:34
* MarkDude loves the smell of napalm in the morning...15:38
nathwilli see16:07
bkerensaRedBeacon is nifty for hiring people to mow lawn and do work for u :D16:07
bkerensaI just found someone to mow my lawn and trim my bushes for $2516:08
nathwillbkerensa neighborhood youth?16:09
bkerensahttp://redbe.co/r/mvu5w <-- they only use licensed or professional companies in your areas16:10
bkerensayou can get like your house cleaned by a maid service for $60 a week or so :D16:10
nathwillwoot, first charm promulgated16:55
keesnathwill: congratz!16:55
bkerensanathwill: did clint promulgate it?17:36
nathwillbkerensa, no idea yet. they said it might take some time.17:38
nathwilli'm not worried about it. they said it was approved, so it'll show up whenever the flow goes through17:38
nathwilldude... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_money_scam17:38
nathwillcreepy weird17:38
bkerensaweird indeed17:39
slangasekbkerensa: if they only work with licensed professionals, why is their domain registered in colombia? ;)18:25
bkerensathats just their short name18:26
* bkerensa would love to have a .ly which would require a registered agent in libya but ya too expensive ;)18:26
slangasekah ;)18:29
MarkDudeThe hotdog debate still rages.... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h5kHxrn-DxotB-YCNHbdgfdhewkwVXCJ0D6WilkiDVU/edit19:26
nathwillmarkdude, you should do up a bikeshed textured with hotdogs19:38
MarkDudeDead on nathwill19:50
* MarkDude did that the other day19:51
nathwilli want the graphic though :P19:51
* MarkDude is working on *video response*19:53
MarkDudeEpic video will be epic19:53
MarkDudeLetter is done http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2012-May/011612.html23:24

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