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daker-cloudcjohnston: mhall119 i'll start migrating LTP to django 1.3/421:26
daker-cloudcjohnston: what's the status of this https://code.launchpad.net/~ris/loco-team-portal/part-fix-720824c/+merge/94771 ?21:36
mhall119daker-cloud: cjohnston is traveling to hong kong for Linaro Connect21:44
cjohnstondaker-cloud: mhall119 have we heard anything more from IS about being allowed to upgrade ltp?22:22
cjohnstoni havent reviewed since he made the changes IIR22:22
daker-cloudcjohnston: ok :)22:22
daker-cloudmhall119: is django-openid-auth still maintained ?22:50
daker-cloud0.4 has been released on 2011-09 and precise still has 0.2 :/22:51
mhall119daker-cloud: it's maintained in pypi, but not the main repos unfortunately23:31
mhall119we should get it into quantal/universe and then into precise/backports23:32
cjohnstonwe need to. otherwise we wont be able to use it23:35
cjohnstonmhall119: will you teach me how to do that? I've always wanted to learn, but never had a huge reason23:35
mhall119cjohnston: sure, it's not too hard once you get the hang of it23:40
cjohnstonI got something into a ppa, thats a big step for me. heh23:47

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