
bandit5432any ideas on how to get xserver-xorg-video-ivtv to work with xorg egers?02:09
RAOFbandit5432: How does it currently fail?02:14
bandit5432its depends on Depends: xorg-video-abi-1102:14
RAOFSo you could rebuild it, and see if it builds against the new server.02:15
bandit5432yes i am slow and have never had this issue 02:15
bandit5432xorg-core provides xorg-video-abi-1202:16
bandit5432and all because i wanted to keep testing new kernels02:18
RAOFYou don't need xorg-edgers to test new kernels, though.02:18
bandit5432if i wanted the nvidia drivers to work i think i did02:18
RAOFThat's quite possible.02:19
RAOFSo you want both the nvidia drivers in xorg-edgers and the ivtv driver to work? :)02:19
RAOFIt would be a simple matter to test if ivtv builds against the 1.12 server - “sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-video-ivtv && apt-get -b source xserver-xorg-video-ivtv” should do it.02:20
bandit5432face palms02:20
bandit5432this is why i still like linux 02:21
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ricotzbjsnider, thanks for uploading nvidia-settings07:02
mlankhorstmorning all :-)07:09
tjaaltonmlankhorst: morning, you forgot the changelog update from the merge, and perhaps pushed one commit too much (the "hack") :)07:13
mlankhorsttjaalton: I know, was going to fix it in morning, i pushed old tree accidentally07:13
mlankhorstthought i was on ubuntu branch, but had a detached head07:14
tjaaltonheh, ok07:14
ricotzhello all07:14
ricotztjaalton, i hope you noticed there is a new xf86-input-wacom 0.15.007:15
tjaaltonricotz: nope, don't see any announce mail for it07:16
mlankhorstis that a jedi mind trick?07:17
ricotztjaalton, http://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxwacom/files/xf86-input-wacom/07:17
ricotztjaalton, unfortunately it doesnt compile with input abi 1707:18
ricotzbut 16 (1.12) is fine07:18
tjaaltonthere's not much that we don't already have07:19
mlankhorsttjaalton: I can't fix the commit description sadly, first it was just disabling debian/patches/series, but this commit just fixes things07:24
tjaaltonmlankhorst: that's ok07:25
mlankhorstbryceh thought for a while I was pushing things to quantal, but I wouldn't do that as last act for a day :P07:26
tjaaltona nitpick, the urgency tag got probably copied from debian, but it has basically little meaning for us, so low is used by default07:30
tjaaltonit does bump the build priority a little, but it's basically never used07:31
mlankhorstyeah I've used it in the past to get ahead of the queue in launchpad ppa, too many dailies were being built at the time :x07:32
mlankhorstok so what name for the xorg 1.12 ppa?07:55
tjaaltonwhat's the rush :)07:57
tjaaltonor use a personal one for now07:58
mlankhorstif i upload something to a ppa that hasn't been built yet, and something else that will depend on it at the same time, will the second package wait for the first one to be built or not?08:09
RAOFmlankhorst: Yes, ish.  You may need to prod it.08:11
tjaaltonyes, it'll wait in dep-wait08:11
tjaaltonor not?08:11
RAOFIn my experience, which may or may not still apply, things in a PPA may stay in dep-wait indefinitely.08:12
mlankhorstok :)08:12
mlankhorstI'll just try some simple things for now, evdev + synaptics + nouveau08:15
mlankhorstRAOF: what happens to packages like xserver-xorg-input-evdev, it has a ubuntu branch but it doesn't look like it needs it currently any more?08:40
tjaaltonthen we sync it08:41
RAOFmlankhorst: If it's not current, then you get to complain to the last uploader.  If we don't need the ubuntu branch anymore, then we ignore it until we need it again.08:41
tjaaltonbut for the ppa you can just grab the debian package and push it so that it's updateable08:41
tjaaltonso if debian has -1, you can push -0ppa1 or such there08:42
mlankhorsthm was just checking, seems to be a small delta for broken hardware08:43
tjaaltonyeah some quirks?08:44
mlankhorsttjaalton: yeah although one of them looks like it would belong to kernel08:47
mlankhorstRAOF: .. maybe I should spend some time on https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47266 ?09:03
ubottuFreedesktop bug 47266 in Server/Acceleration/EXA "Graphics corruption using recent Cairo" [Normal,Reopened: ]09:04
tjaaltonyes, we've got that in quantal now..09:04
mlankhorstindeed.. if really necessary i could try to backport the exa things past the abi breakage, but I would be more comfortable with a hack to temporarily disable cairo exa acceleration on nouveau09:26
tjaaltonit's the same for ati as well09:28
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tjaaltonoh radeon worked around it09:28
mlankhorstnouveau too, but after the new abi09:31
tjaaltoncleaning up the x-updates ppa11:40
mlankhorstwas working on my h262 stream generator :-)11:41
tjaaltonbjsnider: don't think there's much point in providing updates to maverick anymore, since it's EOL'd11:45
tjaaltonthe repository was at 80% quota, dropping the obsolete ones should bring it below 50%11:52
mlankhorstmdeslaur: nice exit code :P12:05
mdeslaurmlankhorst: hehe :)12:06
jcristaumdeslaur: hi.  have you guys worked on CVE-2012-2118 yet?12:10
ubottuFormat string vulnerability in the LogVHdrMessageVerb function in os/log.c in X.Org X11 1.11 allows attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly execute arbitrary code via format string specifiers in an input device name. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-2118)12:10
jcristautrying to avoid double work if possible :)12:10
mdeslaurjcristau: no, it's low priority for us, so we haven't started yet12:11
mlankhorstX isn't compiled with SSP?12:28
jcristaunot in squeeze12:29
mdeslaurjcristau: in case you didn't see it, there a bug open with a patch: bug 99625012:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 996250 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Hardy) "input device names used in logging format strings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99625012:40
jcristauta.  i'll see how that applies to 1.7.12:43
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=== robert_ancell is now known as seb128
seb128cnd, hey17:05
cndseb128, howdy17:05
seb128cnd, bug #997630 you removed utouch, but the stracktrace (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/105053932/gdb-evince.txt) shows it's hanging in a select() call from libutouch-geis17:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 997630 in evince (Ubuntu) "[precise] evince and eog broken on remote sessions (X, NX, x2go and VNC)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99763017:05
cndseb128, yeah, I'm trying to figure out who is still on my team and who can be allocated to that (and a few other) bug17:06
seb128cnd, ok, I was just wondering why you removed the utouch part17:06
cndI'm cleaning up all the utouch bugs and generating a report so I can start to assign bugs to people17:06
cndseb128, oh, because utouch is a meta project17:07
cndlibgrip or utouch-geis are the likely real culprits17:07
seb128cnd, can I reassing to utouch-geis then?17:07
cndyou might as well leave it at libgrip for now17:07
cndwe can switch to utouch-geis if we find that the issue is there17:07
seb128cnd, well the ubuntu part is on evince (ubuntu)17:07
seb128cnd, I'm pretty sure it's not an evince issue...17:07
cndyou can switch the ubuntu part to libgrip (ubuntu) then17:07
seb128cnd, thanks17:08
cndactually, yo umight as well switch them to utouch-geis17:08
cndit's most likely a geis issue17:08
cnddoesn't matter too much either way right now17:08
seb128cnd, I've made it "also affect libgrip" and I'm setting the evince component invalid, that will let visibility on both sides17:08
seb128cnd, done, thank you!17:08
cndbryceh, how do I run the arsenal scripts again? it can't find the arsenal lib17:09
brycehcnd, ?17:10
cndcndougla@cndougla:/tmp/arsenal/scripts$ ./get_touch_bugs.py 17:10
cndTraceback (most recent call last):17:10
cnd  File "./get_touch_bugs.py", line 25, in <module>17:10
cnd    from arsenal.arsenal_lib import ArsenalBug, bugtask_as_dict17:10
cndImportError: No module named arsenal.arsenal_lib17:10
brycehdid you install it or are you running from the bzr tree?17:10
cndI'm running from the bzr tree17:11
cndis it available to be installed from somewhere?17:11
cndI thought it wasn't packaged before17:11
brycehit's packaged as of yesterday :-)17:11
brycehhowever, running from bzr works for me here17:11
cndprobably because you have it installed17:12
brycehboth running ./scripts/get_touch_bugs.py and from run inside scripts17:12
brycehpossibly, yeah17:12
cndso what do I need to do?17:12
brycehok so  I do have a fix for this17:12
brycehin the script copy in these lines up towards the top before the  import statements17:12
brycehimport sys, os17:13
brycehsys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(17:13
bryceh        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")))17:13
brycehthen you should be able to run it from bzr, without having it installed17:13
brycehmlankhorst, <tgardner> bryceh, I've uploaded Quantal kernel and meta package backports to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/q-lts-backport20:16
brycehmlankhorst, let's chat tomorrow about getting a renamed X stack into the ppa20:16
mlankhorstwhat renamed x stack, we're still on the old precise one :-)20:17
brycehright; we can just rename the existing stack as a "pretend" stack just for the practice to test the upgrade procedure20:18
mlankhorsthm true20:18
brycehin fact it'd help isolate problems if we know the actual X code is unchanged; we'd know that issues are likely being caused by the mere rename20:19
mlankhorstbryceh: yeah we need to exclude the packages we're not going to rename though20:20
SarvattPrf_Jakob: that commit message confused me :)20:22
Sarvattthought i merged the wrong tag20:23
tjaaltonmlankhorst, bryceh: speaking of which http://pastebin.com/wfNE6LTT20:23
mlankhorsttjaalton: eod, not looking ;)20:24
tjaaltonmlankhorst: tl;dr, the drivers having depends on the abi virtual package and a versioned depends on the xserver might make the renames a no-go20:25
tjaaltonunless the deps are relaxed20:25
bjsnidertjaalton, you mean edgers?21:18
tjaaltonbjsnider: no, x-updates, the nvidia ones for maverick..21:20
tjaaltoni just went ahead and deleted them, hope you don't mind :P21:20
bjsnideri would love to stop adding the old distros21:20
tjaaltonplease do21:21
tjaaltonat least for the ones that are no longer supported21:21
bjsnideras long as someone deals with the angry emails21:21
bjsnider"i'm still using maverick because my hardware, that nobody's ever heard of, works with it and nothing else!"21:22
tjaaltonthat's the way it goes..21:23
Sarvattbjsnider: all the maverick excuses i get are unity21:24
bjsniderin other words, it's unity-free?21:25
tjaaltonright, natty got the first version21:25
Sarvattnatty also had old gnome though :P21:25
Sarvatti want to install crack drivers but dont know how to change my desktop session!21:26
bjsnidercan we drop lucid too?21:27
Sarvattya can stop updating it of course, better to keep the packages in there though21:28
Sarvattthats gotta be the biggest pain to update :(21:29
Sarvattso much changed in the blob packaging every release after 10.04, that was the first with the gl alternatives21:29
tjaaltonalso kinda the most important one, though we have the new lts now21:29
Sarvattbut then again just reusing packaging and throwing the new .run's in it works :P21:29
bjsniderdoesn't one lts replace another, or how long is llucid supported?21:29
Sarvattanother year on the desktop21:30
Sarvattlucid to precise doesnt even start getting offered till june or july21:30
Sarvattall the features getting ripped out of xf86-input-synaptics killed KDE21:32
tjaaltonit got pushed to august21:32
tjaaltonSarvatt: hah21:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002736 in synaptiks (Ubuntu) "[xorg-edgers] Synaptics driver crashes KDE touchpad control module" [Undecided,New]21:32
Prf_JakobSarvatt: which one?21:36
Prf_JakobOr do you mean the announce message?21:36
SarvattPrf_Jakob: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-input-vmmouse/commit/?id=3a828d876772d05577b9372e8f6dc068794f4704 :)21:36
Prf_JakobSarvatt: -ECOPYPASTE21:37
cndRAOF, would you be able to help with some SRU stuff?21:45
cndI've done verification testing on utouch-geis in precise-proposed, so it can be copied to precise-updates21:46
cndit also needs to be copied to quantal, since it was uploaded after the archive branch but before quantal was open21:47
cndalso, there's an SRU for xserver-xorg-input-evdev that needs to be approved for precise-updates21:47
keesmdeslaur: jcristau: hrm? I ported the fix to precise and added it to the bug during uds22:22
keesmdeslaur, jcristau: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/99625022:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 996250 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Hardy) "input device names used in logging format strings" [Undecided,New]22:23
RAOFcnd: Yup. I'm going to sweep the SRU queue today.22:50
cndRAOF, thanks :)23:07
cndRAOF, for the -evdev upload, that will need to be pocket copied to quantal too23:08
cndshould that happen when it is approved for precise-proposed?23:08
cndor when it is copied to precise-updates?23:09
mdeslaurkees: yes, I mentioned the bug having a patch23:20
keesmdeslaur: ah-ha, cool23:25

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