
ailolen-dt: Do you have a personal page on wiki.ubuntu.com ?01:31
len-dtailo,  A who?01:35
len-dtWhy would I do dat01:35
len-dtailo, ulatency doesn't work for me...01:36
ailolen-dt: Something like this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScottLavender01:42
ailoastraljava: Can't find your personal wiki page01:43
ailoI just got one myself. Very spartan https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ailo01:43
ailolen-dt: I'm about to start updating wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio, and I will begin by determining who is doing what on this project01:44
ailoOk, it's light enough to see where I'm running. I'm aiming at running 10km under 35 min next year, and have started extreme training for that. So, it's a fast lap almost every morning for me02:13
len-dtailo, it apears things swap no matter where swappiness is set... even with not very much memory use. unless my system started to hibernate itself?03:27
ailolen-dt: The first version of ubuntustudio-controls will only do one thing. Administer user realtime privilege. That is something you can't do graphically very easily on Ubuntu, and if you create a new user, there's nothing telling you you need to be apart of audio group to get realtime privilege03:38
ailoGnome3, which Unity is based on, uses a much simpler user account manager, with no group editing03:39
ailoFor people upgrading from any other Ubuntu derived distro, they will also not know about audio group03:40
ailoBut, with -controls, they just need to use a toggle, and it will be set03:40
len-dtailo, Ok.03:43
ailolen-dt: My focus for the next couple of weeks will be the website and the wiki. So, I won't be helping out much with testing, which I think we need to set up a plan for. 03:45
ailoWe need to document what a tweak does and why we need it03:46
ailoAlso, the testing must accurately prove it03:46
len-dtYa, my testing has been useful if not too practical.03:46
len-dtbut it does seem to show that swap does bad things for audio.03:47
len-dtAnd it shows that swap happens all the time. It does not matter where swappiness is set, after enough time, things still swap out.03:48
ailolen-dt: Are you saying, the swappiness setting has no effect, and that swap is used no matter what?03:50
len-dtailo,  the swappiness setting has a great effect in the short term. but after 26 hours swap has happened anyway. The system shows 22%memory use and 46% swap...03:51
len-dt22+46 is a lot less than 100%03:52
ailoSounds mysterious. Perhaps there are kernel options that would help03:52
len-dtWell, how many recording sessions would last 26 hours? would have lots of tasks sitting doing nothing?03:53
ailoMy internet seems a bit more stable today. I will try to get my kernel PPA running03:54
len-dtJack was busy of course and never suffered dropout, but when I tried to do anything after that... almost everything had to be swapped in.03:54
ailolen-dt: Live recording, on festivals and such, though 26h is probably a bit unusual03:55
ailoActually, there are other things too03:55
ailoLike live installations03:55
len-dtLive recording would be different again because there would be disk use and disk cache buildup.03:55
ailoLive installations might, or might not use hard disk. Anyway, hard disk is a variable03:56
ailoBoth read and write03:56
len-dtailo, I am going to try again with a swapoff command and see where that goes.03:57
len-dtI should probably reboot first though :-)03:57
len-dtjust to start with zero swap use.03:57
ailoYou could try formatting your swap partition, removing swap all together. But, what effects would that have on the system?03:58
len-dtailo, I am starting to think that no one has really done a thorough job of setting up a system just for audio.03:59
len-dtswap off runs the system with no swap.03:59
len-dts/swap off/swapoff/03:59
kubotulen-dt meant: "swapoff runs the system with no swap."03:59
ailoAh, right03:59
len-dtWhere did that guy come from? I thought he was turned off...04:00
ailoHe's a lurker04:00
len-dtthank you for the correction kubotu 04:00
len-dtAnyway, in the short term, swappiness set to 0 is helpful and probably safer than swapoff.04:02
len-dtailo, I am pretty sure any standalone disk recording box has no swap, just memory. The device is engineered to never run out of memory.04:10
astraljavaailo: I don't think I have one.04:20
len-dtailo,  There are things I could do to make a very good recording machine, but not such a good computer for anything else.04:26
len-dtI don't want to see us ship US tweaked so it is no good for all the other things it is supposed to be good for. Or for a lots of desktop like stuff for that matter.04:27
ailoGreat timing for this. Someone finished it 4 days ago http://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html04:41
ailoastraljava: Don't know if you need reference, but the above should be somewhate usefule04:41
Len-nbailo, I'm going to try this:05:00
Len-nbMem:   1016584k total,   447240k used,   569344k free,    48092k buffers05:01
Len-nbSwap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   252688k cached05:01
Len-nbTo make sure no swap at all does get rid of strange stuff. Then I will try hard use on the system to see what happens as I get close to full memory use.05:03
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ailoI wonder what the record is in replies to a thread on debian-devel list06:00
ailoThey're discussing a possible change of their init system06:01
len-dtailo, init? are they using upstart?06:27
len-dtailo, anyway, playing around with no swap. It is interesting how much stuff must be swapped out normally. I can't run as many synths as I have with swap on. but qjackctl is always there when I need to change connections. I'll run it like this till tomorrow after noon and see where things are.06:31
ailolen-dt: They are still on the old system, but there has been discussion about alternatives, where upstart is mentioned. There are other ones too. Debian Wheezy is alpha now, so I guess the change will only happen for wheezy+1.06:35
len-dtSo they are using sys v then06:36
len-dtWhy change?06:36
ailoI wouldn't know, and I guess that is what they are discussing about, very passionately at times06:37
len-dtAside from faster startup06:37
ailoI think faster startup is probably one of the main arguments for06:37
len-dtYes, it is the configuration headache that is the downside06:38
ailoI guess it might be cool for laptops to be slighly faster. Other than that, who cares?06:43
ailoIt's not like booting Windows Vista anyway, which is like submitting to torture06:44
astraljavaailo: I believe I do. Thanks!06:58
ailoBeen testing mixing with ardour208:06
ailoRouting seems very buggy08:07
ailoHopefully A3 is a lot better when it comes to that08:07
astraljavaWhen's it coming out, anyway?08:40
ailoShould be anytime now. They haven't released another beta for a while08:44
ailoAlso, one would think mixbus will release a new version after that, but who knows08:44
astraljavaHi gang, please have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/MultipleMonitors and comment if needed. ochosi on #xubuntu-devel mentioned this, and (quite correctly) presumed it might be interesting for [us|US] as well.08:46
astraljavaOh, and he's here, too. :D Oh well.08:46
knomehar har.08:47
ailoA3 is no doubt better at routing10:25
len-dtastraljava, the one thing I would add is a default profile for when a second monitor shows up mid session.13:54
len-dtIn the case of a desktop user who always has two monitors, but forgets to turn on the second one at boot. The setup defaults to single/mirrored when it is turned on even though it was set fort side by side on last boot.13:57
len-dtIn other words yes profiles. Keep the default for only one monitor as is, but add a default for two monitors.13:59
len-dtAlso, should the second monitor vanish... the whole desk should fit on the monitor that is left... it doesn't right now. It leaves the screen size as if both monitors were there but puts the main monitor in the middle so there is no longer access to the menu even for getting settings to change things.14:02
* len-dt is off to work...14:03

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