
SpamapS 00:01:44 up 163 days,  9:12,  1 user,  load average: 0.42, 13.39, 16.9900:01
SpamapS[14115521.537845] drizzled invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x201da, order=0, oom_adj=0, oom_score_adj=000:03
SpamapSwhy is it always the database that gets oom'd first!00:03
SpamapSLooking much better!00:24
negronjlSpamapS: when was the last time you updated need-maintainers.txt ?  AFAIK  all of my charms have maintainers but, they still show on your black list :)00:57
SpamapSnegronjl: I have a few that aren't showing right either01:49
negronjlSpamapS: ... the list of shame is not working right ... :)01:50
SpamapSnegronjl: something in LP or bzr is not working right01:50
negronjlSpamapS: I've been having random issues with bzr today ...01:51
SpamapSnegronjl: AHA01:52
SpamapScharm getall did bzr checkouts01:52
SpamapSso I have to do 'bzr update'01:52
SpamapSnegronjl: the next run should fix most of that01:53
negronjlSpamapS: nice01:53
SpamapSso to be clear, bzr and lp are working right.. SpamapS just had a bug :)01:53
negronjlSpamapS: lol ... clearing the air :)01:54
hazmatm_3, spoke too soon not fixed quite yet01:55
* SpamapS wonders how much faster this would be if he were using http: bzr instead of ssh+bzr01:56
hazmatSpamapS, probably not much01:57
hazmatSpamapS, it takes about 7m to updates across all the charms for me atm01:58
hazmatwithout ssh01:58
hazmatthat's across oneiric and precise charms though01:58
hazmatwhich is about 365 charms01:59
hazmat~8m30s to be more precise02:02
imbrandonoh noes, so head was not producing good code so i took a walk, only to the other side of the desk, went to fix one loose cable and have now tore down my full setup , figured it needs a good cleanup anyhow03:57
imbrandon5 min turns to 2 hours03:57
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imbrandonm_3 / SpamapS : lets see if i can ask this in short way but get my full meaning ... ok so what about a distinguishment between a service charm and a data charm that really only wants to dump its code thats diffrent or in addiotion to the say wordpress service charm12:48
imbrandonbut not really provide an interfact, just a data/code dump in reality12:49
imbrandongotta head out, i'll poke yall later12:49
mgzis the version of juju exposed inside the python package anywhere?12:54
mgzI only see it in setup.py12:54
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marcoceppimgz: `dpkg -l | grep juju` will give you the version :)13:48
mgzthat's not much use for using within juju itself in a user agent string though :)13:49
marcoceppimgz: Versions (should) hit when the go port is finished. Not sure if they're going to put them in the Python version13:49
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marcoceppiHey hazmat, what's the conversation happening on the mailing list about the merge for docs?13:53
hazmatmarcoceppi, its the thread you started.. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2012-May/001568.html13:53
hazmatmarcoceppi, my comments are here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2012-May/001607.html13:53
marcoceppihazmat: that merge doesn't touch the other section of the docs. Would you like me to just update the other section as well to include the new information (I'm confused about what's holding what up)13:54
hazmatmarcoceppi, yeah.. i'd prefer the getting-start doc not have a bunch of local provider specific information, and that it just link to provider specific docs where that information should reside13:57
hazmatthe information added for local provider will need to grow for other corner cases issues..13:57
hazmatsuch as ufw usage or existing dns server on the host13:57
marcoceppihazmat: cool, I'll move it over to that section. In that respect should we also move getting started EC2? Actually I'll reply back to that thread...13:58
hazmatmarcoceppi, yeah.. i'd like to see it start of with a configuring a provider section, which just looks to individual provider pages, and then continues forward with keygen and bootstrap13:58
marcoceppigood point13:59
marcoceppiI'll also add in MAAS configuration since it seems to be missing13:59
hazmatmarcoceppi, awesome, thanks13:59
m_3marcoceppi: hey... btw, how'd the maas environment work out?  that was pure kvm VMs right?14:00
marcoceppim_3: I used VirtualBox and it went pretty well: http://marcoceppi.com/2012/05/juju-maas-virtualbox/ It's not the *best* MAAS experience because WOL doesn't seem to work, but it was a fun starting point14:01
m_3marcoceppi: awesome man!14:01
jcastrowoo, queue is 19!14:03
marcoceppim_3: I look forward to trying again with some real metal and maybe Xen14:04
m_3marcoceppi: yeah I'm itching to get a little more hardware right now... should have some extra boxes after the move14:05
jcastroI think I will get another hp microserver14:09
jcastrosee what you guys started?14:09
m_3I really like mine14:09
marcoceppiI wonder how hard it would be to create a "public" MAAS service14:10
m_3I think the extra $$ for the ilo sucks... but it's worth it14:10
m_3marcoceppi: just for demo purposes?  or as a real service14:11
marcoceppidemo purposes at first, but ideally a public multi-tenant MAAS setup14:11
m_3hmmm... sounds hard14:11
m_3I'd love to see a simple way to try juju in general though (not nec maas)14:12
marcoceppiI'd have to look into how the users work in MAAS, suppose that would be the real limiter. If you could assign units from a larger pool to users directly in MAAS I don't think it'd be that hard, if not it would probably be an uphill battle14:13
marcoceppim_3: LXC :P14:14
jcastrowhat I want to see14:15
jcastrois a workload, one on MAAS, and one on Openstack14:15
jcastroand see if there's a difference14:15
jcastroand them compare/contrast the pros/cons of doing certain workloads on certain configs14:15
m_3jcastro: roger... that's planned if we can scrounge the hw14:16
m_3jcastro: we discussed waiting until constraints could handle "rack-local" deployments... but we really wouldn't have to wait if it's just one rack :)14:17
jcastrom_3: hey so, assuming your out this week for gluecon, what's your ideal review day?14:17
m_3it's all rack local14:17
jcastroI think I'll start penciling in a schedule14:17
m_3jcastro: Tuesday14:17
m_3jcastro: ranked preferences T, Th, W14:18
m_3jcastro: man thanks for setting that stuff up... it'll help out a bunch14:18
jcastroit's all juan and kapil14:19
jcastroI just knew what to steal14:19
jcastrounless I get more comments on the proposal I'll just implement the new wiki page today14:20
jcastroand then we'll be good to go14:20
jcastroafter that we have some governance changes14:21
jcastrowhich sound dumb but we need them, and we'll likely never use them (a council for the charm store etc.)14:21
jcastrobut jono and I will do all that work14:21
m_3hazmat: I'll follow up with clint and the lp peeps later today and try to get a non-interruptive fix for the oneiric charms... not happy with their current suggestions for restacking, but don't have anything better14:22
m_3jcastro: understood14:22
m_3time to run to gluecon... catch y'all later14:23
mhall119m_3: do you know of any problems with the postgresql charm and relations for precise?14:41
* nathwill is working on updated owncloud charm... 14:45
nathwilli think i'm going to try and deal w/ the sqlite vs. mysql by setting a bool standalone config option...14:46
avoinemhall119: I do, you must be carefull that it's not a hostname that goes into your pg_hda.conf14:56
avoinebecause it must be an IP address14:57
mhall119avoine: thanks, I'll check on that14:59
nijabaSpamapS: just left the charmers team to join the inactive one...15:43
SpamapSnijaba: cool hah.. you're way ahead of me. :)15:52
nijabaSpamapS: not that I am that proud of it, but it's the right place for me in all fairness15:52
SpamapSnijaba: indeed, we need to be *realistic*15:53
SpamapSnijaba: I just set it up so that inactive-charmers retains write access to the charms though, so that you can keep doing work on the charms you care about15:56
nijabaSpamapS: cool, thanks16:00
SpamapSnijaba: so.. you going to keep working on limesurvey and roundcube?16:01
nijabaSpamapS: trying to.  hoping that the madness of the past few month will go down soon16:02
SpamapSnijaba: http://fewbar.com/charms/need-maintainers.txt ...16:03
nijabaSpamapS: k16:04
marcoceppiSpamapS: just updated my charms16:13
SpamapSmarcoceppi: woot! thanks16:18
negronjl'morning all16:22
SpamapSnegronjl: good morning. Note that you are off the wall of shame completely now. :)16:24
negronjlSpamapS: ahh ... I have regained some of my honor ... :)16:25
SpamapSnegronjl: most importantly, you have avoided my nagspam16:25
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* jcastro fixes his charm maintainership16:42
jcastroSpamapS: ok I see you created inactive charmers16:45
jcastroshould I move people there?16:45
marcoceppijcastro SpamapS what's the inactive criteria?16:46
jcastromarcoceppi: not wanting to review charms16:46
jcastrobasically, ~charmers are people who want to review charms and promulgate16:47
marcoceppiAh, gotchya16:48
jcastromarcoceppi: for canonical employees I'll assign them days, for you and brandon you guys can just work on it whenever you want like you do now16:49
jcastronegronjl: mire, which day is good for you for reviews?16:49
SpamapSwe need --force to be able to force even E:'s16:50
jcastroSpamapS: you're preferred day is friday still?16:50
negronjljcastro:  In order of preference ... Mon, Tues, Wed16:50
SpamapSjcastro: err, no way16:50
SpamapSjcastro: friday is *slammed*16:51
SpamapSjcastro: I already have patch pilots on friday :)16:51
negronjlSpamapS: Are you talking about --force in promulgate ?16:51
SpamapSnegronjl: yeah16:51
SpamapSnegronjl: it needs to ignore everything16:51
jcastroSpamapS: ok what days work for you?16:51
negronjlSpamapS: I don't think we should --force on errors16:51
SpamapSnegronjl: I need to promulgate pictor, so that Dustin can commit/push to it for instance16:51
jcastrojamespage: what days work for you for charm reviews?16:51
SpamapSnegronjl: its necessary16:51
SpamapSnegronjl: shouldn't, but need the ability to do things wrong sometimes.16:51
negronjlSpamapS: My thoughts are that if we have an E: and you still want to promulgate it then, maybe the proof script needs to re-think what an E; is16:52
SpamapSnegronjl: not having a maintainer *is* an E16:52
jcastrolynxman: are you going to be able to do 4h a month on charm reviews? lmk.16:52
SpamapSbut I'm promulgating *so somebody else can fix it*16:52
lynxmanjcastro: sure :)16:52
SpamapSnegronjl: keep in mind that promulgate is also to *change* the branch, not just to add a new one16:52
negronjlSpamapS: A thought is .... why don't _we_ fix it and then promulgate it16:52
jcastrolynxman: what days work for you?16:52
negronjlSpamapS: for maintainer that is16:53
SpamapSnegronjl: because I'd rather the commit that says Dustin is the maintainer come from Dustin. :)16:53
* SpamapS just downgrades promulgate and handles it16:53
lynxmanjcastro: just assign me whichever days you need mmore people :)16:53
SpamapSnegronjl: --force should mean --force. Not --ignore-warnings16:53
jcastroSpamapS: ok, just need what days are good for you and we're done16:53
SpamapSnegronjl: its wrong, but we're not children, we should have powers to override policy when its getting in the way of GTD :)16:54
negronjlSpamapS: ok ... I'm convinced16:54
SpamapSjcastro: M,W,Th16:54
negronjlSpamapS: Are you fixing it or should I ?16:54
SpamapSnegronjl: Heh, I've moved on. Perhaps we can fix it if it ever comes up again? :)16:55
negronjlSpamapS: lol ... all that convincing for nothing :)16:55
SpamapSnegronjl: I'm a real s*** like that.16:56
SpamapSnegronjl: I trust you to prioritize it appropriately. :)16:56
* SpamapS translates: DO IT NOW OR SPAMAPS WILL CRY16:56
negronjlSpamapS: lol ... I'll get it done in a minute16:57
SpamapSYou know what we need tho? We need an audit log of promulgate's activities.16:58
SpamapSLike, I'd like to see who promulgated what16:58
negronjlSpamapS: good idea ... when can you have it ready :)16:59
marcoceppiSpamapS: how would you audit that?16:59
SpamapSmarcoceppi: I just want it available. I don't know how I'd use it.16:59
* SpamapS is like Johnny 5.. need iiiinnnpput17:00
marcoceppiRight, how would you track that though? Webservice?17:00
marcoceppiI don17:00
marcoceppiI don't think there's a way to track that in lp currently17:00
SpamapSLP probably has it in some way17:01
SpamapSjust not exposed17:01
SpamapSEven if its just "last touch by..x"17:02
SpamapSmarcoceppi: launchpad logs almost everything that the distro package publisher does17:02
SpamapSI want similar logs for charms17:02
negronjlSpamapS: do we want warnings to abort promulgate by default ?17:05
negronjlSpamapS: you could always use --force to override them17:05
jamespagejcastro, wednesdays would be good for me17:06
SpamapSnegronjl: I like that it aborts on warnings17:07
SpamapSnegronjl: but I wonder if we should separate the two concerns17:08
SpamapSnegronjl: E's are definitely "never do this unless you know what you're doing" .. but warnings might just be "I'm moving the ownership of a branch so a team can improve it"17:08
negronjlSpamapS: for now ... let's leave it aborting on warnings as well as errors .... it gives you the opportunity to decide whether you want to fix the warnings or not.17:08
negronjlSpamapS: you can always just use the --force switch and override it all but, promulgate gives you a chance to decide17:09
SpamapSnegronjl: right, I'm thinking --ignore-warnings should have more friendly language than --force17:09
negronjlSpamapS: I can just put them both17:09
SpamapSnegronjl: I think it makes sense. --force would ignore both, --ignore-warnings would naturally just ignore warnings.17:10
negronjlSpamapS: ok .. I'll have it done in a minute17:10
SpamapSheh.. doh.. my wall of shame hasn't been updating for about 19 reasons17:10
SpamapSnow I just figured out I was still using bzr+ssh so the cron job that did bzr pulls was broken :-P17:10
negronjlSpamapS: shame on you :)17:11
negronjlSpamapS: https://code.launchpad.net/~negronjl/charm-tools/ignore-warnings-modified-force/+merge/10708217:20
SpamapSnegronjl: approved, thanks for being my bit^H^Hest friend. :)17:23
negronjlSpamapS: lol ... no worries f^H^H^H^^Hriend :)17:28
lynxmanlots of ^H going around eh? :P17:30
SpamapSlynxman: yeah, make sure you have all your shots ;)17:31
hazmatnegronjl, please don't reject the branches17:32
hazmatfor oneiric17:32
hazmatnegronjl, this is a hosting problem not an mp issue17:33
negronjlhazmat: ahh ...17:33
hazmatnegronjl, there's discussion on the lists about17:33
negronjlhazmat: I'll leave them alone for now then ...17:33
negronjlhazmat: what list ?17:33
hazmatnegronjl, all of them ;-)17:33
negronjlhazmat: damn ....17:33
negronjlThere going to be a lot more ^H flying around here17:33
negronjlI rejected two MPs already because of that ...17:34
hazmatnegronjl, yeah.. i saw, i'm putting them back into needs review.. we'll hopefully have the branches back this week17:34
negronjlhazmat: can you also put a comment as to why you are putting them back on ... That way It will remind me of what happened ...17:35
negronjlhazmat: It will also prevent another poor soul to do what I just did .. :)17:35
hazmatnegronjl, these are the branches with problems fwiw http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003347/17:36
hazmatnegronjl, yup, i'm putting comments in them as well (re mp)17:36
hazmatpersonal charm branches are fine17:37
negronjlhazmat: thx17:37
SpamapShazmat: isn't that like.. *all* of the official branches?17:39
hazmatSpamapS, just oneiric17:40
hazmatSpamapS, and most of them yes17:40
hazmatSpamapS, these 6 seem to be okay.. http://jujucharms.com/charms/oneiric17:40
SpamapShazmat: hazmat mumble-server was added after the distro branch17:40
hazmatSpamapS, yeah.. i suspect that was a reason17:41
SpamapShazmat: glance, rabbit, and nova* were all already in precise.. so that must have protected them17:41
hazmatSpamapS, namely they where pushed to after the distro series stuff17:41
hazmatSpamapS, well there are some that where in precise already that are showing up here17:41
SpamapShazmat: so is the problem just the bad stacking right now?17:41
hazmatzookeeper comes to mind17:41
hazmatSpamapS, yes17:41
hazmater.. aren't showing up17:41
SpamapShazmat: so IIRC, we just need to rename all the precise branches, then co/reconfigure all the oneiric branches, then re-rename the precise branches17:42
hazmatSpamapS, yeah.. i've been talking to m_3 about it17:52
hazmatthe problem arose in renaming the precise branches17:52
hazmatSpamapS, it would be easier to avoid the distro tools and just push the branches to a new series location, and promulgate the new ones17:52
SpamapShazmat: we *must* use at least some of the tools in LP because the REST API does not allow marking a series as "Active Development"17:56
hazmatSpamapS, that's distinct from the branch mangement17:57
SpamapShazmat: it is, but its completely wrapped up in branch-distro at this point17:58
SpamapSso, we'll need to submit patches to LP to decouple the two17:58
hazmatSpamapS, easy to just have a separate charm specific tool for it imo17:59
SpamapShazmat: right, but it has to be run inside LP, by a LOSA.. so we can't just do it w/o getting patches into LP18:03
hazmatSpamapS, ugh. oh18:03
hazmatSpamapS, its a one line fix to launchpad/lib/lp/codehosting/branchdistro.py to switch from stacking on branch name to id is my understanding18:06
hazmatso that we can rename the branch afterwards18:07
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mhall119jcastro: do you know if anybody is working on any 3d rendering charms?21:04
jcastronot afaict21:05
jcastro83 official charms now, queue down to 15.21:05
jcastronice work fellas, that's a spicy meatball!21:05
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negronjlSpamapS: https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/charm-tools/add-proper-help/+merge/107118  ... Approved21:16
SpamapSnegronjl: danke21:19
negronjlSpamapS: np21:19
SpamapSnegronjl: now to add bash completion :)21:21
negronjlSpamapS: heh ... cool21:21
SpamapStired of hitting charm rev tab tab tab tab21:21
negronjljcastro: ping21:31
negronjljcastro:  about patch pilot21:32
mhall119woot!  Got my summit charm working21:41
nathwillso would juju-log be the best way to communicate an autogenerated password to the admin during a CMS setup?21:47
SpamapS$ charm get n21:59
SpamapSnagios                 nfs                    nova-cloud-controller21:59
SpamapSnewrelic-php           node-app               nova-compute21:59
SpamapSmmmmmm... tab completion21:59
SpamapShazmat: sorry to be a pest, but whats the status on an 'enable proposed' option?22:07
hazmatSpamapS, i tried out the branch and its working22:07
hazmatSpamapS, i'll propose it for merging22:08
SpamapShazmat: sweet, thanks :)22:08
negronjlSpamapS: what's the option ( enable proposed ) for ?22:10
SpamapSnegronjl: so we can test updates in precise-proposed22:10
negronjlSpamapS: ahh... thx22:10
hazmatenabled via juju-origin: proposed22:12
negronjlSpamapS: https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/charm-tools/add-bash-completion/+merge/107127 ... approved22:16
SpamapSnegronjl: we are on a roll. :)22:17
SpamapS35 charms out of 78 need maintainers.22:18
negronjlSpamapS: heh ... we are .  We should now be off the hook for reviewing for a week :)22:18
SpamapSWhoo! halfway there22:18
SpamapSnegronjl: you should. I haven't reviewed hardly anything ;)22:18
negronjlSpamapS: I get bored waiting for CloudFoundry to finish ( and then do it again and again and again ) so, I review ( apparently sometimes I break reviews )22:19

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