
=== matthew is now known as powda
sunitasethihello does anyone know how ubuntu 12.04can detect and install a driver usb ethernet adapter?00:27
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sunitasethihello does anyone know how ubuntu 12.04can detect and install a driver usb ethernet adapter?00:38
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dasKreechsunitasethi: hi01:06
dasKreech What adapter?01:06
NoiseCounsellingIs there any way to get back to the desktop, after you go into this full-screen terminal by pressing ctrl + alt + F1, without rebooting?01:09
giantpunehi, can somebody tell me the package name i would install to get some screensavers to choose from in kubuntu 12.04?  i only have "blank screen" and "random" in my list right now01:10
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dasKreechNoiseCounselling: alt+ctrl+F701:11
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: Want me to teach you about what's happeneing?01:11
dasKreechgiantpune: How do you install packages?01:11
giantpunesudo apt-get install ...  or synaptic package manager.  im not a big fan for muon01:12
dasKreechgiantpune: try apt-cache search screensaver | grep kde01:13
dasKreechno need for sudo01:13
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: I guess you are also the NoiseCounsellor?01:13
giantpunedasKreech, the only one that pops up with that is kde-workspace-bin and i already have it installed01:14
dasKreechbut in case you are in a hurry01:14
dasKreech!info kscreensaver | giantpune01:14
ubottugiantpune: kscreensaver (source: kdeartwork): Additional screensavers for KScreenSaver. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.8.2-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 474 kB, installed size 1529 kB01:14
NoiseCounsellingdasKreech:  Thanks!  And yes, I am. Pulled up the fullscreen terminal and ^C rebooted... :/01:14
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: The Way that UNIX (and hence Linux) thinks about computers is that it expects multiple people to be using the computer at once.01:15
giantpunewoot.  that gave me some to chose from01:15
dasKreechEach person would have their own terminal and can interact with the system without disturbing anyone else01:16
dasKreechgiantpune: :-)01:16
sunitasethidaskreech: it is the usb ethernet adapter...i found it in the lsusb list but i cannot get it to work01:16
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: In the new brave world of only having one computer Linux gives you VTs or virtual terminals01:16
dasKreechThose are by default spawned on boot and exist on alt+Ctrl+F1 to alt+ctrl+F701:17
dasKreechsunitasethi: can you apstebin lspci ?01:18
sunitasethiwhat is that daskreech?01:18
sunitasethii am new to ubuntu01:18
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: So when you press alt+ctrl+F1 you are not switching to a new command line you are switching to another computer terminal01:19
dasKreechsunitasethi: What is pastebin ?01:19
dasKreechor lspci ?01:19
dasKreech!pastebin | sunitasethi01:19
ubottusunitasethi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:19
NoiseCounsellingAh, so is that this whole tty1. tty2 etc business? guess tty1 defaults to text for compatibility or something?01:19
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: By default the Graphic interface is put on termianl 701:19
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: Yes01:19
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: It would be better to say that 7 defaults to GUI for incompatibilty with the old fogeys :)01:20
sunitasethiyes daskreech i put in lspci01:20
sunitasethii do not see the ethernet adapter01:21
dasKreechsunitasethi: Ok go to paste.ubuntu.com and paste the output in there. It will give you a new URL. Give us the URL here01:21
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: It is useful however since if you really really mess up things in one terminal (Say the GUI) you can just jump to another one login and fix the problem01:23
dasKreechThey are segregated01:23
NoiseCounsellingdasKreech: Wow, thanks! I'm trying to read up it all, but I have to admit, it's  lot to learn.01:24
sunitasethi 101:25
sunitasethi 201:25
sunitasethi 301:25
sunitasethi 401:25
sunitasethi 501:25
sunitasethi 601:25
sunitasethi 701:25
sunitasethi 801:25
sunitasethi 901:25
dasKreechsunitasethi: What are you doing?01:25
giantpunei think those were the line numbers from pastie he copied and pasted01:26
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: Ha yeah I used to encourage learning as much as you can but now I just direct people to learn about what's possible. As much as you can is slightly more than the lifespan of most people01:26
dasKreechOh dear01:26
dasKreechsunitasethi: Sorry I meant just the URL from paste.ubuntu.com01:27
IdleOnesunitasethi: Please don't paste flood like that.01:28
dasKreechIdleOne: Think he was following my badly explained instructions01:28
IdleOnedasKreech: happens.01:29
sunitasethisorry idle01:29
IdleOneno worries.01:29
dasKreechsunitasethi: The URL only is needed please01:29
sunitasethiyou see daskreech...this is the output for lsusb01:30
sunitasethinot how to i get the speedstream to work?01:30
dasKreechthe lspci output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002236/ ?01:31
sunitasethii do not see Bus 002 Device 016: ID 067c:1001 Efficient Networks, Inc. Siemens SpeedStream 100MBps Ethernet there01:31
sunitasethii see it in lsusb01:31
dasKreechsunitasethi: Right I'm looking at it. The Gigabit Ethernet doesn't work?01:31
giantpunethats lsusb, not lspci01:32
sunitasethithat is the interal ethernt that is not working01:32
dasKreechsunitasethi: Right that means that when you plugged it in it identifiedd itself but Linux has no drivers for it01:32
sunitasethihow do i get the driver?01:32
dasKreechsunitasethi: as in doesn't work at all or doesn't work under Linux?01:32
giantpunewhat about dmesg?01:33
sunitasethii do not have the driver for it01:33
sunitasethithe driver cd is for windows 200001:33
dasKreechsunitasethi: I know seems to be a issue for speedstream devices. Do you know what model it is?01:33
dasKreechsunitasethi: can you pastebin the output of dmesg ?01:34
sunitasethiit is ss100101:34
dasKreechsunitasethi: looks like http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/110PTR45WYL._SL500_AA300_.jpg ?01:35
sunitasethithat is it01:35
sunitasethithe dmesg output is very long01:37
sunitasethishuld i send it?01:37
giantpunethe last 10 or 20 lines should be good enough01:37
sunitasethithis is for dmesg01:39
giantpunelooks like line 191 may be it01:39
sunitasethihow do i get it to work..i do not have the ubuntu driver for it01:40
dasKreechgiantpune: Lots of cannot enumerate USB 601:40
giantpuneyou can unplug it and plug it back in and see the end of that output and see which one it is01:41
giantpuneor dmesg -c01:41
sunitasethidmesg -c did not work01:43
dasKreechI see someone getting the 1012 to work01:43
sunitasethihow do i get the driver for this?01:43
dasKreechsunitasethi: doesn't seem as if one was ever done. :-/01:44
dasKreechAnd apparently they had Linux support on the box for it01:44
dasKreechOn the site they have Linux support coming soon. When it came out in like 200201:44
sunitasethiwell it is surely detected01:45
dasKreech10 years is possibly not a common definition of soon01:45
sunitasethijust cannot get it to show in the network list01:46
dasKreechsunitasethi: Yes that means the card is working. It announces itself on the USB bus01:46
sunitasethisomeone suggested this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002262/01:47
sunitasethibut i coud not get it to work01:47
dasKreechRight since it breaks at lspci01:49
sunitasethiso now?01:49
dasKreechOk there seems to be a pegasus driver that address speedstream USB in general.01:49
dasKreechI'm guessing that's if it's using the pegasus network controller01:50
sunitasethidazkreech: can anything be done?01:52
dasKreechPossibly but it does seem like an obscure problem.01:52
giantpunewhere did you buy it?01:53
dasKreechOk it does seem to use the pegasus chipset01:53
dasKreechSo may just take adding the edid to the recognized list for that driver01:54
dasKreechHopefully >_>01:54
dasKreechSeems a load of people are having issues having it recognized on vista as well  so it's possible that it uses some variant of the chipset firmware that makes it unique01:55
sunitasethinot sure01:56
NoiseCounsellingdasKreech: If there was nothing left to learn, what would be the fun in that? Appreciate the lesson. Thanks! Still, I also believe in learning by doing and I'd rather ask a question and get an answer than be stuck and/or abort. For example: I'm currently setting up a second machine but the screen keeps freezing. I accidentally switched to the fullscreen terminal on this box instead of the other and got stuck. I knew how to get there and01:57
NoiseCounsellingthought about it like some sort of emergency tool only. Also. that's why I'm replying like, half an hour late...01:57
dasKreechsunitasethi: Do you have a /lib/modules directory ?01:57
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: so you believe in learning by doing but rather ask a question that get stuck? :) seems contradictory01:58
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: but alt+ctrl+F7 should should get you bcak to where you are comfortable01:58
sunitasethidaskreech how can i find out?01:59
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: You can log into here from the terminal as well. I often advise people to learn how to do that in casethey horribly break something01:59
dasKreechsunitasethi: ls /lib/modules01:59
giantpunei cant even find the section for ethernet stuff on their website.  they have siemens bullet trains, windmill power plants, washers and driers, ... .  but no ethernet adapters02:00
sunitasethitype in lib/modules ?02:00
dasKreechsunitasethi: ls before it.02:01
dasKreechsunitasethi: It's a directory so ls lists your files02:01
dasKreechand /lib/modules is where it exists02:01
dasKreechthe first / is important02:02
dasKreech!info irssi | NoiseCounselling02:02
ubottuNoiseCounselling: irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.15-4ubuntu3 (precise), package size 870 kB, installed size 2396 kB02:02
NoiseCounsellingdasKreech:  I mean _occassionally_ ask questions or for help. All theory is useless, if you have no opportunity to use it. I guess in the end I prefer whichever provides more benefit in the long term. I mean, I don't have a man tty1 and man tty didn't tell me how to get back, either. When I somehow broke KWin by switching to an incompatible rendering device I managed to fix it perfectly fine with nothing but tty and vim, hehe.02:04
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: Ha ha excellent :)02:04
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: I think I'd like the theory on waht happens to the lungs after 6 minutes of breathing underwater over teh practical02:05
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: but most theory is only warm fuzzies without actual use :)02:05
giantpunei'd say the lungs fill with water02:05
sunitasethidaskreech i have the windows 2000 driver cd for the adapter02:06
dasKreechsunitasethi: Yes but that doesn't even work on windows any more02:06
dasKreechhi cancer02:07
cancerdasKreech: hey02:08
sunitasethiyes i know02:08
dasKreechsunitasethi: how are you online now? Wireless?02:08
dasKreechhi ronnoc02:09
dasKreechbye ronnoc XD02:11
sunitasethiany luck daskreech?02:12
cancerdasKreech: what's the problem?02:12
cancerwhy are you asking about wireless?02:13
giantpune$3 usb-ethernet adapter from ebay said it was supported in linex, but it isnt working out-of-the-box02:13
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dasKreechsunitasethi: can you pastebin the output of ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net ?02:15
cancerops sorry, dasKreech i was mistaken.02:17
canceris it important to have 2 nick.02:17
dasKreechsunitasethi: ack wait. ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net02:18
dasKreechcancer: :-)02:18
sunitasethihere das02:20
dasKreechsunitasethi: Is that the second comamand I gave you?02:21
dasKreech!tab | sunitasethi02:21
ubottusunitasethi: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:21
dasKreechYou can use tab it finish the spelling of my name02:21
dasKreechMakes life much easier02:21
dasKreechWorks on the terminal as well02:21
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: Hopefully you know about the above too02:22
sunitasethii used the 1st02:22
sunitasethian you pastebin the output of ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net ?02:22
sunitasethithank u dasKreech02:23
dasKreechsunitasethi: Sorry I'm looking for drivers. try ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/usb02:23
dasKreechThat should give the drivers you have available for USB ethernet cards02:23
dasKreechor wireless.02:24
dasKreechor cable >_>02:24
NoiseCounsellingdasKreech:  auto-completion by pressing tab I knew. Yesterday, I found out you could simply "cd directory" instead of "cd ./directory/"02:24
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: Ah that's helpful. I presume you know the difference betwenn absolute and relative paths? Please don't humble my presumptious nature :)02:25
NoiseCounsellingI know that  /path/to is relative and that C:\Useless\Folder would be an example for absolute! :) I figure relaitve applies to wherever you are inside the file structure and absolute always starts at the root directory?02:26
sunitasethidid not work02:29
sunitasethithe command was not ofund02:29
NoiseCounsellingsunitasethi: "ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/usb" doesn't work, because command wasn't found? "ls" is a small L, not an I. I used to think it was an I when I got started...02:33
dasKreechsunitasethi: command not found? ls ?02:34
sunitasethiit did02:36
sunitasethihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1002299/ this is it02:37
sunitasethiwhat dasKreech said did not02:37
sunitasethiwhat NoiseCounselling said did02:37
dasKreechhooray NoiseCounselling  :)02:37
sunitasethi "ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/usb" worked02:38
dasKreechAh ok so you have pegasus02:38
dasKreechsunitasethi: pegasus.ko That should be the driver for the ethernet card02:38
dasKreech It's just not being loaded (hopefully)02:38
sunitasethihw do i get it to load?02:39
sunitasethidaskreech is there a driver for windows 7??02:40
cancerdasKreech: how to activate dictionary for kubuntu to check spellings either in here.:)02:40
dasKreechcancer: I think that you can type alt=F2 -> dict: word02:41
dasKreechBut that may have been something I did myself02:41
dasKreech There is a dictioanry widget02:41
giantpunei have xchat and it has spellchecking already02:41
dasKreechoh spellings02:41
dasKreechcancer: alt+F2 -> spell word_that_speel_horriably02:41
giantpunealso auto-replace.  usually i misspell "the" so i got xchat to fix it automatically for me02:42
cancerdasKreech: it's a Joke right :D | 'spell word_that_speel_horriably' :p02:43
NoiseCounsellinggiantpune: but "teh" is one of the greatest ways to emphazise something!02:44
dasKreechsunitasethi: sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.ko02:44
dasKreechcancer: yes :) but it should work it will give you the proper speeling :)02:44
dasKreechNoiseCounselling: aint' that teh truth!02:44
sunitasethino response02:44
sunitasethis working02:45
sunitasethiis working i think02:45
sunitasethiit is looking for wired connetion02:45
dasKreechsunitasethi: Shooooo02:45
dasKreechWorks :-)02:45
dasKreech Now we need to get Linux to associate the USB with that driver02:46
dasKreechWell let me not rejoice02:46
dasKreech let m wait till it gets an IP02:46
sunitasethi_it keeps disconnecting02:47
sunitasethi_i also have wireless on02:47
sunitasethi_not sure why02:47
dasKreechrejoice fail02:48
xixor_yo everyone, good day.  I have kubuntu 12.04 installed, but have started using Xmonad.  I have some things in .xinitrc, such as xset for keyboard rate, but they don't appear to be running when start xmonad by default from kdm.  Does .xinitrc not run by default?  is there somewhere else I should place these?  I made a symlink from .xinitrc->.xsession, but that didn't help either.  Cheers02:48
dasKreechxixor_: Yes it reads it02:49
dasKreechsunitasethi__: So it doesn't get an IP?02:49
sunitasethi__daskreech it reads it but keeps disconnecting02:49
sunitasethi__it is connecting02:49
dasKreechok so may need to modify the driver02:49
xixor_dasKreech: my .xinitrc has the following: exec xset r rate 250 35 &02:49
xixor_dasKreech: and: exec xcompmgr &, but neither appear to be running?  Any suggestions?  cheers02:50
sunitasethi__how dasKreech02:50
dasKreechWhy do you have & and exec ?02:50
xixor_no idea02:50
xixor_dasKreech: is it a one or the other?02:51
dasKreechah well exec destroys the shell so nothing after that line will be executed anyway as far as I remember02:51
xixor_oh really?02:51
dasKreech So that makes the & redundant02:51
dasKreechIt's essentially killing it's parent and taking it's place02:52
cancerwhat is inxi for?02:52
dasKreechcancer: where did you see it?02:52
xixor_dasKreech: I have multiple commands in .xinitrc, should I be using & on all of them without exec?  I tried that, but the commands didn't seem to run02:52
dasKreechxixor_: yeah I'd take out eh exec02:52
sunitasethi__how descreech?02:52
sunitasethi__how do i get the disconnecting and connecting loop to connect?02:53
xixor_dasKreech: alright, thanks, cheers mate02:53
dasKreechNote: It is important that only one exec line is uncommented, or else only the first uncommented line will be run <-- xixor_02:53
dasKreechthe last line would be something like exec xmonad02:53
sunitasethi__dasKreech: it keeps disconnecting02:53
dasKreechsunitasethi__: ermm I'll try and get some help since a) I'm leaving soon and b)it's starting to go out of my depth.02:54
sunitasethi__sadreech well the cable is on02:54
sunitasethi__it is working02:54
sunitasethi__it is just not maintaining connection02:55
sunitasethi__dasKreech: why is it disconnecting?02:55
dasKreechsunitasethi__: I'd need to look at the NM logs02:56
dasKreechNetwork Manager logs02:56
dasKreechWhat is going on with freenode? Is someone attacking the servers again?02:56
sunitasethi__where are the logs dasKreech?02:57
sunitasethi__sorry dasKreech where is the log? where do i  find it03:01
dasKreechsunitasethi__: grep -i networkmanager /var/log/syslog03:01
sunitasethi__i am a novice03:01
dasKreechsunitasethi__: It's ok. almost all logs that are not made by you personally running your own personal program (like IRC) will be in /var/log03:02
dasKreechIf it's a personal program then it will be in your home directory03:03
sunitasethi__dasKreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002310/03:03
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sunitasethi__this is the log for "grep -i networkmanager /var/log/syslog"03:03
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sunitasethi__i have the wireless connection on also dasKreech03:04
sunitasethi__ccan both be on?03:04
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=== shan is now known as cancer
dasKreechsunitasethi__: Yes it will just choose the faster/less congested03:05
sunitasethi__dasKreech: can both be connected?03:06
sunitasethi__sunitasethi__: hi03:06
dasKreechI've seen computers with 6 cards in there03:06
sunitasethi__so how come this is not connecting? dasKreech03:06
sunitasethi__how do you highlight the messages here?03:07
dasKreechsunitasethi__: just have someone say your name03:08
dasKreechYour IRC client will colour it03:08
sunitasethi__did you see the log dasKreech?03:09
sunitasethi__will this work "lshw -C Network"03:09
dasKreechcould be a NM bug instead of the driver this time03:09
dasKreechsunitasethi__: I don't know. Try it. It will list your hardware network cards03:09
dasKreechls = list hw = hardware03:10
sunitasethi__the wired network is not connecting at all now03:10
sunitasethi__it did connect03:10
sunitasethi__i dont know what happened03:11
dasKreechsunitasethi__: try service network-manager restart. it will kick you off the net though03:13
sunitasethi__dasKreech: in the ipv6 settings tab (same area as where for ipv4 you set "shared to other computers") change "automatic" to "ignore". This looks like it works03:15
dasKreechsunitasethi__: Ah well it was turning off right after the IPv603:17
sunitasethidasKreech:  u there?03:21
sunitasethidasKreech: the connection is established as shown but still not connected03:23
dasKreechsunitasethi: not sure that means what I think it means03:28
dasKreech so it says it's connected but it really isn't?03:28
sunitasethiyes dasKreech03:28
sunitasethiwired connection established03:29
sunitasethibut without wireless router connection it does not connect to the server03:29
sunitasethimy firefox pages say that no server03:29
sunitasethiand irc disconnects dasKreech03:30
dasKreechsunitasethi: ok can you pastebin the output if ip a03:31
sunitasethihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1002320/ dasKreech03:32
sunitasethithe connection is not there but says established03:32
dasKreechsunitasethi: It says no carrier03:34
sunitasethithe adapter's light is on03:34
dasKreechIt can't detect the cable03:34
dasKreechYeah but something is up03:34
dasKreechWhere is it getting the 10.42. IP address from?03:35
sunitasethithe wired connection is showing in network connections03:35
sunitasethii do not know where the ip address is set03:35
sunitasethithe router maybe?03:36
sunitasethiip address is from the router03:36
sunitasethiis it not?03:36
sunitasethidasKreech: router?03:37
sunitasethidasKreech: i am using the router's wireless connection and this is the wored03:38
dasKreechsunitasethi: Yes I just wanted to know if that was familiar. Is it the same router that has the wireless?03:38
dasKreechHmm a little strange03:38
sunitasethiubuntu is connected wirelessly and i am trying this wired connection03:38
dasKreechnormally it would be giving out the same netmask So if your wireless gets a 192.168 ip address the wired would get one as well not 10.4203:39
dasKreechNot impossible but still a little strange03:39
dasKreechJontheEchidna: ping03:40
sunitasethidasKreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002324/  see this03:42
sunitasethii changed the wired connection setting to default settings03:42
sunitasethidasKreech: see this03:43
sunitasethidasKreech: i had changed the settings...now back to default and now there is no connection at all03:43
sunitasethiit is looking for connections dasKreech03:44
dasKreechsunitasethi: can you type sudo dhclient eth3 and see what it does03:44
dasKreechJontheEchidna: Who would be the person to talk to about networking ?03:45
dasKreechsunitasethi: as in it returns without saying anything?03:45
sunitasethiyes dasKreech03:45
sunitasethidasKreech: i had to reopen terminal03:47
sunitasethidasKreech: there was no response03:47
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dasKreechIt didn't return the prompt to you?03:49
sunitasethino dasKreech03:50
sunitasethidasKreech: let me try again03:51
sunitasethidasKreech: the cursur is flahing03:52
dasKreechLet it run03:52
dasKreechMay just be trying something03:52
sunitasethidasKreech: still flashing03:53
dasKreechThe lights?03:53
sunitasethiin terminal there is a white square flashing dasKreech03:54
sunitasethithe light is stable03:56
dasKreechand the terminal hasn't returned ?03:57
dasKreechOK I'm going to guess the driver needs some tweaking. do you need this working right now?03:58
sunitasethiwell will take long?03:59
dasKreechI have no idea. Tahat03:59
sunitasethii hate this03:59
dasKreechThat's the issue right now. There is very little information I have on this03:59
dasKreech sunitasethi Yeah it's kinda sucky but at least with Linux you can dig into it and fix it somewhow on Windows you basically just give up  :(04:00
sunitasethidaskreech: what to do?04:00
dasKreechsunitasethi: ok lets do something to help speed this up next time. Lets make a new command to load the network card04:01
* dasKreech waits04:01
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=== shan is now known as cancer
=== cancer is now known as shan
sunitasethidasKreech: there?04:06
dasKreechsunitasethi: yes04:06
sunitasethidasKreech: where are you looking?04:07
sunitasethidasKreech: maybe i can do search with you04:07
dasKreechsunitasethi: would you like to make a new command to load the drivers so you can get help if I'm not here next time?04:07
dasKreechsunitasethi: many many places :)04:07
sunitasethidasKreech: alright just need the adapter to get internet04:08
sunitasethiit is already connected to the router04:08
sunitasethithe connection is with router not the internet04:08
* NoiseCounseling celebrates his first kern panic!04:08
dasKreechsunitasethi: Wait you can ping the router?04:09
NoiseCounselingWhere would I look for probably graphics card related error logs, that cause the entire system to freeze up or cause a kernel panic? :/04:09
=== shan is now known as Shan
dasKreechNoiseCounseling: /var/log/syslog or /var/log/kern.lorg04:10
dasKreechsunitasethi: no wait that doesn't make sense :-/04:10
sunitasethithanks dasKreech04:12
dasKreechsunitasethi: I was thining that maybe your route isn't set. actualy that may be true.04:13
dasKreechsunitasethi: can you pastebin route04:13
sunitasethithe router is set04:14
sunitasethiit is the same router for wireless04:14
dasKreechcan yuo pastbin ip a ?04:15
NoiseCounselingdasKreech: can't seem to mount the partition /var/ was on any more, Guess I'll disassemble that machine and start from scratch.04:15
dasKreechNoiseCounseling: hmm? what's mount saying?04:15
sunitasethidasKreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002339/04:17
sunitasethidasKreech: the adapter is still looking for connection04:17
NoiseCounselingwell, uhm, I booted from CD and the partition wouldn't show up at first. before I got to do anything to try and recover or at least fsck it, the machine shut down. I don't feel like retrying any more since it keeps resetting without warning. If I've had to guess, I'd think the heat spreaders on CPU or GPU aren't making sufficient contact so it keeps overheating04:19
sunitasethidasKreech: there?04:23
dasKreechNoiseCounseling: Ouch.04:24
dasKreechsunitasethi: can you pastebin grep -i networkmanager /var/log/syslog ?04:24
dasKreechI just want to find out if it has stabilized04:25
sunitasethidaskreech it is not the router it is the ethernet adapter04:25
sunitasethii can connected wired with another computer04:25
dasKreechsunitasethi: I know that :) Just trying to figure out if the issue is the driver or network management04:27
sunitasethidasKreech: Your first block indicates there's no DHCP server on your local network. found this04:28
dasKreechsunitasethi: Yes I was guessing that the driver is having an issue keeping up the connection. It would be the most reasonable assumption but I've found a Network manager bug that shows this same pattern that was discovered this year so trying to figure out which is the problem04:30
dasKreechShan: ho04:30
sunitasethidasKreech: wow where do you get this info?04:31
dasKreechsunitasethi: network manager and redhat Bug listings04:31
dasKreechI looked for the wrror messages from the syslog and tried to see if there was any driver related issues04:32
ShandasKreech: yes, i'm here ;-)04:32
sunitasethidasKreech: oh04:32
dasKreech I didn't find anything that looked close enough so I looked for other pages that had the same error and found a lot of bugs filed. They were filed this year so they seemed pretty recent04:32
sunitasethidasKreech: alright thanks for your help04:33
dasKreechsunitasethi: ok I'm going to have to go but let me do this. Lets make a command that you can use to load up teh driver again when you boot04:34
dasKreechwhat would you like it to be named?04:34
dasKreechno spaces :)04:34
sunitasethiso all this work can be deleted?04:35
dasKreechI'm not sure what you mean. Which work?04:36
sunitasethigetting the adapter to recognize the router04:36
dasKreechShan: That's goign to be really hard to find a good pair of spectacles for04:36
sunitasethiit just has not connected04:36
sunitasethiwith the router04:36
dasKreechsunitasethi: right when you reboot it will be back to default. I'm going to make a command so you can load up the driver (and if you like another one to unload)04:37
ShandasKreech: and sure there isn't you pair for find. i like that sense....04:37
ShandasKreech: are you married :D04:38
dasKreechSo when you come back you can just load it up and be back to here. Ifit's not a driver issue then we can take it from there. if it s a driver issue we can edit the driver and get that working04:38
sunitasethican I reboot and try?04:38
dasKreechsh :)04:38
dasKreechsunitasethi: Sure if you like. The USB controller won't be recognized again when you do that but the wireless should work right? :)04:38
sunitasethithen i will need to go through those steps again?04:39
sunitasethiwhat is the driver commend?04:40
sunitasethiyou know what forget it04:41
sunitasethithere is no point04:41
dasKreechsunitasethi: that's what I said04:41
dasKreechsunitasethi: I will make a command that you can remember04:42
sunitasethii mean this has taken forever04:42
sunitasethiplease tell04:42
dasKreechsunitasethi: name the command yourself04:42
dasKreechwhat would you remember?04:42
sunitasethiyou can do all this in linux lol04:42
dasKreechsunitasethi: You can do almost anything that you can think of :)04:42
sunitasethihmmm...would you call this programming?04:43
dasKreechit is :)04:44
dasKreechsunitasethi: ok type nano ~/.bashrc04:44
dasKreechyou should get a file with a line that says fi04:44
dasKreechyou can start typing below the fi04:45
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dasKreechcan you type ther?04:45
ShandasKreech: i can try this command too : 'nano ~/.bashrc' ?04:45
dasKreechShan: yes04:46
dasKreechsunitasethi: Ok type #My command aliases04:46
sunitasethiand then to go back to default what will be the command?04:46
dasKreechon the next line type alias speedstream1001driver="sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.ko"04:47
dasKreechthen press ctrl+x04:47
ShandasKreech: bash'rc'?04:47
dasKreechShan: yes rc. It means resource controller04:48
dasKreechsunitasethi: at the bottom you will see the commands. ^means ctrl04:49
dasKreechso ^v is control+V ^M is ctrl+M04:49
sunitasethiit is stuck04:49
sunitasethiif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then04:49
sunitasethi    . /etc/bash_completi04:49
sunitasethii did not get to ype #my04:49
dasKreechsunitasethi: doing what? you typed in anything04:50
dasKreechsunitasethi: Ok press ctrl+C04:50
sunitasethii did not get to type #my04:50
Shanalmoxarife: hey04:50
sunitasethii do not know why this is so complicated?04:50
dasKreechsunitasethi: It isn't04:50
sunitasethithe driver installation04:50
dasKreechpress ctrl+x then answer no to saving it04:51
sunitasethinow what?04:51
dasKreechsunitasethi: They are using a very obscure chipset from a company I don't think even exists anymore there were only about 30 cards ever made with the chip so it's a little strange04:51
dasKreechsunitasethi: press alt+f2 and you will get a little drop down from the top of the screen04:52
dasKreechtype kate ~/.bashrc in there04:52
dasKreechyou will get a more normal editor :)04:52
ShandasKreech: what's about 'IBM E72' monitor with Nvidia Quadro FX1000 compatibility.04:52
dasKreechShan: I don't know that much about that monitor what's the problem?04:53
dasKreechsunitasethi: after the fi put a new line that says #My command aliases04:53
dasKreechThe # is a comment so it's just to remind you that you put it there04:54
Shanproblem isn't in my ways, it was for cancer once. but he decieded not to play with it anymore.04:54
sunitasethishould i "sudo apt-get install kate"04:54
dasKreechon the next line type alias speedstream1001driver="sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.ko"04:54
rbetzenDoes anyone know how to fix the conflict with libtasn and the i386 version of the same library?04:54
dasKreechsunitasethi: you don't have kate installed?04:54
rbetzenAll I'm finding are bug reports and nothing else.04:55
sunitasethiinsmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/3.2.0-24-generic/kernel/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.ko': -1 File exists04:55
sunitasethidasKreech: insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/3.2.0-24-generic/kernel/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.ko': -1 File exists04:56
sunitasethithis was a response04:56
dasKreechsunitasethi: ok it works then.04:56
sunitasethiwha works?04:56
dasKreechsunitasethi: You already have it loaded so it's telling you that it won't do it again04:56
dasKreechsunitasethi: that's when you try to type speedstream1001driver right?04:57
Shanrbetzen: tasn-library is new ?04:58
sunitasethithanks got ya05:00
sunitasethii just wish the adapter would connect05:00
rbetzenShan: According to the description, it is a library to manage Abstract Syntax Notation Structures.  Judging from the bug reports, this library has been around since at least 2006.05:00
sunitasethidasKreech: i wish the adapter would connect05:01
rbetzenThe bug just showed up when I upgraded to Precise.05:01
Shanrbetzen: ok05:01
rbetzenLooks like a conflict between 32bit and 64bit versions, but I can't even force uninstall the packages and just reinstall one.05:03
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Shanrbetzen: pkgs.org/ubuntu-11.10/...i386/libtasn1-3-dev_2.9-4_i386.deb.html05:05
Shancheck those links, can't say about your fault.05:06
sunitasethidasKreech: wish it worked05:06
ShandasKreech: any advice?05:06
rbetzenShan: Will give it a try. Thanks! :-)05:06
Shan:) sure.05:06
dasKreechsunitasethi: I know and it's being picked up so that's a large first step. Hopefully should take some poking to get it stabilzed but I don't know enough right now to know what to put in the config for the driver05:07
dasKreechsunitasethi: Most of the ubuntu world is sleeping now so the morning may be better to get help gathered05:08
sunitasethiwhen are you usually here?05:08
dasKreechsunitasethi: What do you need the wired connection for?05:08
sunitasethiwell sometimes the wireless is slow05:09
dasKreechsunitasethi: Maybe in 10 hours?05:09
sunitasethior keeps jamming05:09
dasKreechsunitasethi: Ah right same reason I use wired.05:09
sunitasethinot sure why05:09
sunitasethithe speed was faster in wired kinda05:09
sunitasethiit is ok though05:09
sunitasethii just got my money back from ebay05:09
sunitasethiit was only 6 dollars05:10
sunitasethibut still05:10
dasKreechShan: ideas about?05:10
dasKreechsunitasethi: Also really annoying they advertise that it works under Linux then never did any work to make it work05:10
ShandasKreech: cancer05:11
dasKreechShan: Ah the videocard? I still dont' know what the problem is05:12
dasKreechsunitasethi: if I was more currentl on driver stuff it would probably be working alredy v_v05:13
sunitasethidaskreech: windows 7 cannot find server either or maybe i did something05:13
ShandasKreech: nah.... Oo.oO05:13
sunitasethidaskreech is it possible that i did something?05:13
Shanops sorry not for you.05:13
dasKreechsunitasethi: no that's correct a lot of the complaints I found about the "card" are from windows users05:13
dasKreechAs i said it's a strange chipset (the pegasus) and I can't find the company anymore so the drivers are pretty messed up everywhere. I tshould work with that driver but may need some extra info05:16
ShandasKreech: do you know of channel name '#pimpmymin' but not from kubuntu irc. it's from different channel. i saw some nick from this channel there. so i'm asking. want that network name.05:16
Shan[correction] '#pimpmymint'*05:18
dasKreechShan: you mean a different server?05:18
dasKreechShan: try /server irc.spotchat.org05:19
Shani got this message: you may not registered. ?05:20
dasKreechShan: You need to register05:22
dasKreech !register05:22
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:22
dasKreechWithout the /join #freenode of course since it's on spotchat :)05:23
Shanhow to join that server05:24
ShandasKreech: i'm registered05:25
=== Shan is now known as cancer
cancerdasKreech: do i need to manually add that server.05:26
dasKreechcancer: Umm what are you using quassel?05:28
canceryes :-)05:28
dasKreechcancer: No quassel automatically remembers what you were in when you shut down05:29
cancerdasKreech: yup, but not after a new installation of kubuntu05:30
dasKreechcancer: you are reinstalling? Oh no wait you reinistalled05:30
dasKreechWell once you are joined it shuld remember05:31
cancernot again.05:31
cancerlast time. as i remember a day before yesterday. i am talking about that install. yes it will now remember history.05:31
cancerdasKreech: why do you have ~roger@
cancersome have quassel@unaffiliate.|blah blew agrr, etc.... why?05:33
canceri'll like to be same if that's called security :-)05:33
cancerdasKreech: why that alwasy happen when i start to ask questions. don't tell me it's off-topic. =(05:36
dasKreechcancer: Yes?05:42
cancerdasKreech: aren't you getting my messages?05:42
dasKreechcancer: Yes but I'm not at this computer.05:43
dasKreechcancer: You are quassell@unaffiliated if you care to know05:43
cancerdasKreech: if you like to tell, yes.05:45
dasKreechcancer: It's the connect string for the IRC client. Mine says my name and the computer I'm connecting from. The network I'm on is behind two virtual routers so it comes up without an ip05:45
dasKreechcancer: quassel doesn't put your name it just puts quassel@your isp name05:45
dasKreechor whatever they identify as.05:46
cancerdasKreech: you aren't using quassel? is that also because of ssl/tor.?05:46
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canceri mean ssl/tor set on you account/nick whatever.05:48
cancerdasKreech: i mean to get more secure.05:48
dasKreechcancer: No it's because I'm using this computer remotely so I'm just piping hte IRC text here05:48
dasKreechbut you can put yourself behind tor if you like. I'm not sure how much more secure it is but does make you more anonymous05:49
dasKreechgranted if someone really wants to get to you they still can but it's a good first step05:49
cancerdasKreech: ok05:51
canceryou are more secure than tor/ssl right now?05:52
cancerwhat i understood is that you are just behind routers. wait a .... what that 'virtual' router you mean by.05:54
cancervirtual router is 'script' based?05:54
dasKreechcancer: I doubt it ;)05:57
NoiseCounselingDidn't TOR essentially switch your IP address with another TOR user by routing your traffic through that other user?05:57
dasKreechcancer: correct it's software based. Just breaking up very large networks into smaller internal netwworks05:58
cancerdasKreech: i used to work on mikrotik server. hope you know it.05:58
dasKreechI do05:59
dasKreechThey had a replaceable firmware or OS or something like that06:00
dasKreech Iwas considering them for a job about 3 years ago06:00
cancerIn my country those servers are used for mostly wireless networks.06:01
cancerit'a again time for power...... in any second. :((06:01
dasKreechwhich country?06:01
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newbiedolphine says my "could not start proccess. unable to creat io-slave; klauncher said unknown protocol 'filie' and muon is stuck and confguring libgs9 at 38 percent for half an hour06:23
dasKreechnewbie: can you open a konsole?06:26
dasKreechuser1_: cna You open a konsole/06:29
user1_and the directory listing is going file there06:30
user1_dasKreech,  muon is stuck and confguring libgs9 at 38 percent for half an hour06:30
dasKreechuser1_: kill muon and put sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install in konsole06:31
user1_what will -f do06:31
dasKreechOr if you like finish but it means fix06:32
user1_thanks!  whats wrong with dolphin06:33
dasKreechJust guessing I would say something got stuck in Muon so it's in a partial installed state. When that's done try dolphin agian06:34
DrecondiusIs there an acpi workaround that doesn't involve the acpi=off flag?06:35
user1_dasKreech, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)06:37
user1_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:37
user1_i think i need to restart?06:38
dasKreechuser1_: no06:39
dasKreechsudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock06:39
user1_E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:41
dasKreechuser1_: do it06:41
user1_on it06:41
user1_what computer do you have by the wayi f may i ask06:42
dasKreechI built it06:42
user1_which one06:42
dasKreechWhat are you looking for?06:43
user1_i have dell 630 laptop and the fan doesnot runs. the shop keeper says its auto when heat is too much. how can i be sure. is there a way to run it by a software to let me know?06:43
dasKreech!inifo fancontrol06:43
dasKreech!info fancontrol06:43
ubottufancontrol (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.1-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 20 kB, installed size 111 kB06:43
user1_i hope its gui06:44
dasKreechuser1_: :) somehow I doubt it if it's 20 kb. That's smaller than one image06:49
dasKreechuser1_: you can probably find GUI stuff for it though06:49
* dasKreech steps away06:52
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Shanlordievader: hey :)07:40
lordievaderShan: Good morning07:41
lordievaderHow are you?07:41
ShanGood morning. that' what we call it in english. O.O07:41
Shani'm fine, how's about you :)07:42
Shanlordievader: would you mind tell about you country. just name will be enough. :)07:42
lordievaderShan: Please join the #kubuntu-offtopic channel for such conversations.07:43
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=== cancer is now known as Shan
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=== Guest50527 is now known as haladur
haladuri need some help07:56
Shanhaladur: is that nick from asia?07:56
lordievaderhaladur: What is your problem?07:56
haladurim stuck on ubuntu and i have no idea how to use it07:56
haladuri need to mount an ISO07:56
lordievaderhaladur: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82171707:58
lordievaderhaladur: Check the 5th post.07:58
haladurgot a noob version07:59
haladuri never used linux before07:59
lordievaderhaladur: Do you happen to know how to use the konsole/terminal?08:00
haladurlike i said i NEVER used an linux before08:00
lordievaderhaladur: Ok, look in the menu for konsole and open it.08:01
lordievaderhaladur: In the menu you have a search bar in there you can type konsole, and the konsole will pop up, click to open.08:02
lordievaderWell in there type: sudo mount -t iso9660 <path-to-your>.iso /media/cdrom0 -o loop08:04
haladuri got it mounted08:08
haladuri only see a tiny txt file in a 4gb iso08:09
lordievaderhaladur: Good job!08:09
lordievaderhaladur: I don't know what is supposed to be on there.08:10
haladursupposed to be win7 setup08:10
lordievaderTry re-mounting it...08:11
haladurhow do i run an exe?08:12
lordievaderhaladur: Linux cannot (natively) run exe's. That is windows stuff, if you really need to run it (something else than a windows installation...) you could try wine.08:13
haladuri need to reinstall windows08:13
almoxarifehaladur, an exe? and win7? you need to reformat c:, a couple of times08:14
haladuralmoxarife: im trying to08:14
almoxarifehaladur, keep at it08:14
lordievaderalmoxarife: What are you saying?!?!08:14
lordievaderThis isn't helpfull it will just destroy his windows partition!08:14
haladuris there a program similier to unetbootin?08:15
almoxarifelordievader, ? explaining how he can install win7?08:15
lordievaderalmoxarife: Ah ok, then I misunderstood.08:15
lordievaderhaladur: Kubuntu has it's own usb installer thingie, look for Startup Disk Creator08:16
almoxarifehaladur, if that does not work, turn the machine on and off a few times08:16
haladuralmoxarife: windows is absoulty broke for me it just wont start up anymore08:16
almoxarifehaladur, its a shame, thank god you got kde08:17
lordievaderhaladur: Have you backed up your data?08:17
haladuri backed it up on my 2nd drive08:17
lordievaderhaladur: Because then you can just reinstall windows, you will lose your settings though.08:17
almoxarifeanyone have issues with the 3.4xxx kernel?08:19
almoxarifebetter yet, anyone have a fix for wicd-kde crashing on exit/quit ? i dont do it often but it is annoying08:20
almoxarifeShan, i re-did it from source, it does the same thing, like if it was built to crash on exit08:21
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canceralmoxarife: can we talk in pm08:23
cancerdasKreech: welcome :)08:23
=== cancer is now known as Shan
Shanalmoxarife: aren't you getting my messages in pm?08:29
almoxarifeShan, we having fun and games night?08:30
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=== cancer is now known as Shan
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ed_hi, anyone know how to start hjsplit in kubuntu10:57
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BluesKajHiyas all12:02
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lelamalHi all. I have a problem with Quassel. It seems I have lost the icons next to the channels, those blue ones that show connected channels. They now look like white pages. I'll post an image to show you what I mean: http://imagebin.org/213431. Can anybody help me troubleshoot this, please?12:05
BluesKajlelamal:  I'm taking a look at the quassel settings ...I have it open as a different user12:16
lelamalThanks, BluesKaj12:17
BluesQlelamal: not sure what it could be , unless it's something to do with the colours ...the chat icons are a default blue here12:29
BluesQmeans I've joined12:30
faglnarkmix anyone? when i tap the multimedia keys which are mapped to kmix, the volume gets changed in 5% increments, how can i change it to increment with 1%?12:30
lelamalBluesQ: I can join too from Quassel, it's just that the icons look like white pages. Just a cosmetic glitch, that is. Oh well, time to try Konversation. Many thanks for your time, though!12:31
BluesKajok lelamal , you'll enjoy konversation12:32
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=== phox is now known as haladur_phox
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=== ubuntu is now known as haladur_phox2
haladur_phox2i need help12:35
BluesKaj!help | haladur_phox212:36
ubottuhaladur_phox2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:36
haladur_phox2i need help installing windows from ubuntu12:36
haladur_phox2i have an ISO of win 712:36
faglnaras virtual or on the physical machine?12:36
faglnardo you have more than 1 harddisk ?12:37
faglnardo you want the spare one filled with windows?12:37
haladur_phox2you say it like its a bad thing12:38
faglnarthat notion was not intended, its actually making the thing easier12:38
haladur_phox2i want my main drive used for windows12:39
BluesKajhaladur_phox2:  make sure you install windows on the sda device drive , the first drive in your bios12:39
BluesKajhaladur_phox2:  look in your bios , make sure your main drive is first in the list12:40
haladur_phox2how do i look?12:40
faglnarwhen your pc starts it shows a key which you can press to get in bios menu12:40
faglnaroften f12 or entf12:40
faglnarits before windows/linux starts12:41
haladur_phox2how do i install windows?12:41
BluesKajhaladur_phox2:  ok , run sudo fdisk -l , the drive to install windows on will be first in the list12:42
faglnaris it listed first?12:44
haladur_phox2i think so12:45
faglnarthe first is then called hda or sda12:45
haladur_phox2/dev/sdb1               1       32796   263425574    7  HPFS/NTFS12:46
faglnaralready ntfs formatted?12:46
faglnaris there any stuff on it?12:46
haladur_phox2nothing importaint12:46
faglnarthen you can burn your windows iso and install from it. in the installer delete the readymade ntfs partition and tell windows to install in free space (in case youre installing windows 7 which creates 2 partitions)12:47
BluesKajhaladur_phox2:  I tried to install W7 to my sdb drive , it wouldn't install .I was told by the windows guys it has to sda or hda12:47
haladur_phox2i dont have a blank disk to burn12:48
BluesKajhas to be12:48
haladur_phox2i got a usb drive12:48
faglnarmicrosoft has a usbstick maker tool but it runs only on windows, do you have wine set up?12:49
haladur_phox2not compatable with this computer (i386)12:50
BluesKajhaladur_phox2:  I'm warning you ..windows won't install to the sdb drive ..it will fail12:50
faglnarBluesKaj: You know if you can dd win images?12:50
BluesKajfaglnar, dunno12:50
faglnarhaladur_phox2: laptop or pc? when pc plug to dirve to the first port12:51
faglnardirve -> drive12:51
haladur_phox2how do i choose what OS to boot up at startup?12:53
faglnaryour bios will have a boot menu key, where you can choose from which drive you boot12:53
haladur_phox2whats the key?12:54
faglnaralso, when installed both and the ubuntu drive boots by default, ubuntus boot manager will ask you wheter to boot ubu or win12:54
haladur_phox2i dont see that windows just opens automaticly12:55
faglnaris already installed?12:55
haladur_phox2xp not 712:55
haladur_phox2its not working12:55
faglnarah mm wait *memory diggin*12:55
faglnarbut ubuntu still works?12:56
haladur_phox2i put the the disk in and selected try ubuntu12:56
sebastianowhat happened to this claire lotion woman? there's a news on the kde dot but no info...12:56
alicei try a software four learn english ? is possible ?12:57
faglnarhaladur_phox2: the ubuntu disk? do you wnat to install windows or ubuntu?12:57
faglnarwhat have you done already?12:58
alicequalcuno parla italiano ?12:58
lelamal!it | alice12:58
ubottualice: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:58
haladur_phox2i tried installing xp but it wont work for me so i came back to ubuntu12:59
alice:) sorry12:59
lelamalalice: np :)12:59
faglnarhaladur_phox2: so you have ubuntu installed on one drive and a free ntfs partition on the other drive?12:59
haladur_phox2i got ubuntu installed on my 2nd drive13:00
alicei vorrei or want speach in english , but not have the  element now13:00
faglnarhaladur_phox2: then you need some way to burn your xp iso, i'll look if you can put it on usbstick13:01
BluesKajalice:  this chat isn't meant for English lessons13:01
haladur_phox2i need win 7 installed13:01
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BluesKajhaladur_phox2:  why don't you join #windows chat , they can tell you how13:02
aliceblueskaj ok  arysòrry :)13:02
lelamalalice: the correct one is /join #ubuntu-it13:04
haladur_phox2how do i get that OS menu back?13:05
BluesKajlelamal:  on konversation ?13:05
lelamalI'm on Konversation, yes BluesKaj13:05
BluesKajlelamal:  It's a matter of taste , but I prefer konversation over quassel13:06
faglnarhaladur_phox2: the one from ubuntu? did you replug the drive for windows to first? if yes then look at your bios and search for a hint named bootmenu which lets you choose the drive13:07
faglnarlelamal: I like Koversation more, too13:07
haladur_phox2its an internal HDD13:07
lelamalBluesKaj: I'm starting to like it more too :), BluesKaj and faglnar13:08
faglnarhaladur_phox2: so waht exactly does happen if you start your pc without doing anything?13:08
haladur_phox2windows starts13:08
BluesKajfaglnar:  I tried changing the boot menu , there was no option , there the boot sequence but it only let's me choose boot groups like cdrom group , HDD group, etc. not the individual drives13:08
faglnarBluesKaj: where do you mean? in the windows installer or bios?13:10
faglnaron my machine i can choose individual drive, how is it with yours haladur_phox2?13:11
BluesKajI was trying to do exactly what haladur_phox2 is doing and window won't install to a sdb partition , whether it's on a differnt drive or not13:12
BluesKajwindows 713:12
faglnarso windows 7 is installed or not? do you have a working windows somewhere, where you can create an windows 7  install media from?13:14
haladur_phox2can i just have a simple answer please13:14
BluesKajhaladur_phox2:  the simple answer is to install windows to the drive grub has designated as sda or hda , so install W7 on sda  , then install kubuntu on the other drive, sdb13:17
haladur_phox2i have no idea what you said13:18
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faglnarhaladur_phox2: so do you have windows 7 on dvd or only as .iso file?13:18
BluesKajhaladur_phox2:  then ask in ##windows chat13:18
* BluesKaj goes back to kubuntu support13:19
haladur_phox2just as an iso13:19
faglnardo you have an empty dvd?13:20
faglnaryou can either buy a stash of empty ones for the easy way or try it the hard way with an usbstick.13:22
haladur_phox2ill buy dvds later13:22
faglnarthen report back when you have13:22
haladur_phox2can you tell me how to get that OS menu back?13:22
faglnarthis one where you choose ubuntu or ubuntu recovery?13:23
faglnardid you plug the harddisk in another port?13:24
haladur_phox2it would be hard to13:24
DFrostedWangI need help. I want to quadboot my computer.13:25
haladur_phox2its installed on my 2nd HDD13:25
faglnarhaladur_phox2: so you did not change any plugs of the hardrives?  did you change something in the bios menu? did you try to install something already as this could have destroyed the os menu?13:26
BluesKajDFrostedWang: how many HDDs?13:26
faglnarhaladur_phox2: brb @ toilet13:26
DFrostedWang2. Backup drive is 15 GB and has kubuntu on it, though.13:26
haladur_phox2i installed winxp faglnar13:27
BluesKajany windows OS going to be installed , DFrostedWang?13:27
DFrostedWangI want to get rid of windows and not lose wubi install13:28
faglnarhaladur_phox2: where did you install it?13:30
lelamal!grub2 | haladur_phox213:30
ubottuhaladur_phox2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:30
BluesKajDFrostedWang:  this is the method for that http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html13:31
DFrostedWangBluesKaj: That doesn't work for me. I have a version of wubi that's incompatible.13:39
BluesKajthen you may have to just install kubuntu on a different partition , DFrostedWang , or find another method13:42
haladur_phox2BluesKaj: whats a good app to burn iso?13:42
DFrostedWangnot kubuntu, ubuntu. And I need to shrink windows to do that. And I can't.13:42
pity_Does anyone have any problems with pover-management in newest Kubuntu? I disabled all screensavers dimming and so on, and still when I watch some movie, display becomes blank after some time.13:43
BluesKajhaladur_phox2:  in windows or kubuntu ?13:44
BluesKajpity setup your power management to plus 180 mins13:44
BluesKajhaladur_phox2:  what's the default burn app in ubuntu , I've forgotten , in kubuntu it's k3b13:46
lelamalhaladur_phox2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto13:46
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Guest97756lelamal: that link crashed all the apps i had open13:49
lelamalGuest97756: that's just a link to the official Ubuntu documentation for burning ISO files. I don't see how it could.13:52
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haladur_phox2lelamal: Executable: drkonqi PID: 11823 Signal: 7 (Bus error)13:53
lelamalhaladur_phox2: I don't have a clue about the error displayed. Try to copy/paste the link in your web browser instead of clicking on it.13:54
haladur_phox2it just crashes firefox13:55
lelamalalso, you may want to try the #ubuntu channel, which is more suitable for Ubuntu support. This is the Kubuntu channel.13:55
lelamalhaladur_phox2: ^13:55
BluesKajGuest11406:  then you have oyther problems ..that link is fine13:58
BluesKajoops wrong guest ..wish you guests would choose a nick14:00
BluesKajok ..BBL , stuff to do14:09
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snikkerhi, can i upgrade from maverick to precise?14:32
snikkeror i must upgrade to nattu and the to precise?14:33
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BluesKajsnikker:  maverick>natty>onieric>precise ...you'll be better off to backup your data and do a precise 12.04 clean install14:43
snikkerBluesKaj: ok, thank you14:44
Mitchell_Mhas anyone had experience editing .desktop files?14:44
BluesKajsnikker:  unless you have separate / and /home partitions , then just install precise to / .14:44
Mitchell_MIf so, can you explain to me how to edit .desktop files to allow a shortcut to appear on the Ubuntu launcher for all users?14:45
faglnarMitchell_M: you can edit the original ones as root14:45
Mitchell_Mfaglnar: yes14:45
Mitchell_MI am the admin14:45
faglnarMitchell_M: they are in /usr/share/applications14:46
Mitchell_Mfaglnar: yes, I've been trying to play with them. I cannot figure out how to get them to do what I want14:46
faglnarfor example i copied my firefox shortcut to one with another name, so i can have two different profiles as shortcut14:46
faglnarwhatdo you want to do?14:46
Mitchell_MSo say I have MATLAB, I want to run a script that will make a .desktop file so that the program appears in the launcher for my clients to access easy14:47
Mitchell_MOf course there will be one running the installation too14:47
Mitchell_MSo after the install14:48
faglnarMitchell_M: i am really not that confident about scripting, maybe someone else can help14:49
Mitchell_MWell if I can get the idea, you don't need to tell me anything about scripting14:50
Mitchell_MBut no worries, I got an answer from another channel :)14:50
Mitchell_MThey sent me here http://askubuntu.com/questions/73096/how-to-make-applications-pinned-in-launcher-appear-for-all-users14:50
faglnarin KDE normally every .dsektop file in /usr/share/applications will appear in the launcher after relogin14:50
Mitchell_M:O, I see14:51
Mitchell_MI'm using Ubuntu 12.04 so I'm not sure it would work the same14:51
snikkerBluesKaj: i've two partitions /boot and /14:51
faglnarMitchell_M: then better ask in #ubuntu as I did not use unity or gnome much14:52
BluesKajsnikker:  I suggest you change /boot to / ,  /boot isn't absolutely necessary unless you're using it under special circumstances , grub will install .14:59
snikkerBluesKaj: i use xfs filesystem and the version of grub wich i use doesn't support xfs for boot15:00
BluesKajfaglnar:  i'm noticing a lot of ubuntu users coming here for help , could it be they are overwhelmed with unity etc probs15:02
faglnarBluesKaj: may be? havent joined #ubuntu often15:02
bkhoh, crap.  I just deleted corpstoratge-bikeshed.15:03
bkhin mtv15:03
faglnarBluesKaj: nobody talking there right now. but they have 3 floodbots, we have 215:03
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BluesKajsnikker: sorry , you could have mentioned that sooner ...most of us have no experience with xfs ...anyone ?15:06
L3topI do15:16
L3topwwhat is the issue?15:16
BluesKajL3top:  pls address the person you're asking15:18
L3topI guess that would be snikker. I just got here. What is the issue with xfs?15:19
saidii want to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 using the alternate CD, but cdromupgrade freeze and nothing happen15:19
BluesKajsaidi:  perhaps the cd is corrupted15:24
saidiBluesKaj, i checked it with md5sum and it's ok15:25
snikkerL3top: i must upgrade to precise, i've got /boot (ext2) and / (with xfs)15:25
snikkerL3top: can i merge all in / with xfs?15:26
snikkerL3top: grub whixh is installed with precise, support xfs?15:27
L3topyou can... grub will reside in the master boot record... but so you know, xfs is not really ideal for an install partition. It works very well for large media due to its unique journaling system, but not so great for lots of little read/writes.15:35
L3topsnikker: ^15:36
snikkerL3top: thank you15:36
BluesKajL3top:  I read in the forums where xfs quite slow vs ext with regular read writes to compressed and uncompressed files15:41
L3topyes... it should really just be used for media storage/streaming... it is ideally suited for that purpose BluesKaj15:43
BluesKajL3top:  so my external media drive should have an xfs ...it has all our viseo, audio and photos on it15:44
BluesKajerr video15:45
BluesKajit's not a usb drive , it's an esata>sata . L3top15:46
L3topyes.... that would be an ideal situation BluesKaj. Esp if you stream to more than one location...15:46
L3topoh... I thought it was a NAS... but yes... same still applies.15:47
BluesKajL3top:  this pc is our media server located right under the HT setup15:47
L3topI use LinuxMCE (built on kubuntu), and stream from the NAS to everywhere in the house...15:48
BluesKajso it plays to the TV thru a dvi/hdmi to the TV and spdif/coax to the audio ystem15:49
L3topI have one headless server, and a lot of little ions which PXE boot from the server connected to the tv's through hdmi.15:49
L3topand a 9Tb NAS15:50
BluesKajyeah i was going to setup a NAS on my other linux box but the mobo died in the middle of the transition15:50
mozafarhi. where package contain smooth tasks?15:50
mozafarsorry * what package15:51
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sunitasethianyone know about the pegsus ethernet adapter?15:51
L3topmozafar plasma-widget-smooth-tasks15:51
L3topNot specifically sunitasethi... what is the problem you are having with it?15:52
hanibanaL3top: no: Couldn't find any package whose name  ... Also I get nothing with "apt-cache search smooth task"15:53
L3topwhat version are you on hanibana?15:54
hanibanaL3top: 12.04 LTS15:54
sunitasethiL3top: ubuntu 12.04 found the ethernet adapter in lsusb but the adapter is not connecting to the internet15:54
BluesKajok ,yardwork beckons ...time to get off my butt and get moving ...later folks15:54
* L3top ignores desperate cry from yard15:55
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sunitasethiL3top: i found out that my ubuntu uses pegusus ethernet15:55
sunitasethiL3top: i needed to activate pegusus...which command do i need?15:55
L3top!info plasma-widget-smooth-tasks lucid15:55
ubottuplasma-widget-smooth-tasks (source: plasma-widget-smooth-tasks): alternate task manager Plasma widget. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0~wip20100227-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 290 kB, installed size 708 kB15:55
L3topi do not see an alternate for 1204 hanibana15:56
L3topsunitasethi: the type of adapter should not matter, it is either supported or it is not... does lspci | grep Ethernet     return the adapter?15:57
hanibanaL3top: I suppose I've got last kubuntu version. So, what's the problem?15:58
L3tophttp://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/precise/universe/base/plasma-widget-smooth-tasks   <=--------- hanibana15:59
L3topit was deleted from the repository.15:59
L3toper... sorry sunitasethi16:00
sunitasethiL3top: no16:00
L3topsunitasethi: yes.16:00
sunitasethiL3top: i see it in lsusb16:00
sunitasethiL3top: i do not see it in "lspci | grep Ethernet "16:00
sunitasethiL3top: how can i place it in lspci?16:01
L3topwait it is a usb dongle or something?16:01
L3topYou do not place things there, it reads the pcibus, if it cannot see it in the bus then you would have to add the firmware... but this isn't a pci device if I understand you correctly.16:02
L3topsunitasethi: ^16:03
sunitasethiL3top: this is a usb ethernet adapter16:03
L3topsunitasethi: can you please pastebin /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules16:04
sunitasethiL3top: i do not have the driver for it16:04
sunitasethiL3top: i had someone help me here yesterday and he helped me connect but it is all gone16:04
sunitasethiL3top: i did not take notes16:04
saidihere is the log http://pastebin.com/4hCqyACb16:04
sunitasethiL3top: it says permission denied to the 70 persistent net command16:05
sunitasethiL3top: i know that the adapter can work and is functional16:05
L3topsudo cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules16:06
L3topsunitasethi: ^16:06
sunitasethiL3top: what does this do?16:06
sunitasethiL3top: they are rules?16:06
hanibanaL3top: KDE 4.8 has an icon-only Task manager. :)16:06
L3topit makes you root, so you have permission... cat will display the contents of the file on your screen. I need to see them.16:07
hanibanaincluded with its default widgets.16:08
sunitasethiL3top: what is 70 persistent?16:08
L3top70 indicates its priority, persistent net rules is generated at boot with the internet adapters it can recognize that are attached to the system so that the rest of the system can manipulate/assign them16:10
L3topsunitasethi: did you see my reply? You dropped at some point.16:16
sunitasethiL3top: i can get the system to recognize the adapter in lsusb16:17
sunitasethiL3top: can u give me command to show this in ethernet connections16:17
sunitasethiL3top: please16:17
L3topsunitasethi: I am trying to help you, but you aren't letting me help you. cat /etc/network/interfaces will show you how your network is currently assigned.16:19
L3topHowever if 70-persistent-net.rules does not list this adapter, then nothing will be able to assign it for use, which is why I asked to see the contents of that file.16:21
sunitasethiL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003230/16:21
L3topit is part of the udev system designed specifically for ethernet device management.16:21
L3topyes.... I dont need that16:21
L3topI need to see the udev rule.16:22
sunitasethiL3top: as i said someone helped me get to work last night and now it is all gone16:22
sunitasethiL3top: i am new to linux and programming16:22
sunitasethiL3top: i know that the adapter works16:22
L3topsunitasethi: I am not them. I don't know what they did, but if you aren't going to give me what I need, I cannot help you. Perhaps you can wait for them.16:22
sunitasethiL3top: it connects to internet but it is not right now16:22
sunitasethiL3top: please tell me the command16:23
L3topsudo cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules16:23
sunitasethiL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003234/16:25
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L3topdo you have several of these?16:26
L3topsunitasethi: ^16:27
sunitasethiL3top: no16:27
sunitasethiL3top: just 116:27
sunitasethiL3top: there are 3 usb connections on this computer16:28
L3topI ask because each has its own mac address.16:28
L3topsunitasethi: the first thing I would do is backup that file, then delete it, then boot with that device plugged in and a new rules file will be generated.16:28
lordievaderGood evening.16:29
L3topsunitasethi:  sudo mv /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ~/Documents16:29
L3topsunitasethi: reboot16:30
L3topsunitasethi: keeping the usbdevice plugged in16:30
sunitasethiwhat will this do?16:31
L3topThis will move the file to your users Documents folder.16:31
L3topevening lordievader.16:35
dasKreechsunitasethi: Hi16:38
dasKreechL3top: I can give some background if you like16:40
L3topSure! Just trying to get him running with the adapters he actually has ;)16:41
L3topdasKreech: ^16:41
dasKreechL3top: He has three cards in the systems a gigbit Ethernet that he says isn't working a USB Siemens Speedstream USB adapter that says Linux compatible on the box when it isn't and a wireless16:43
L3topdiaper change brb16:43
dasKreechand Lo nad behold only the wireless works. Fascinating what world we live in these days16:43
saidii want to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 using the alternate CD, but cdromupgrade freeze and nothing happen, here is the log http://pastebin.com/4hCqyACb16:43
dasKreechL3top: I'l keep feeding you info16:43
dasKreechsaidi: dio you have a netbook or a laptop?16:44
saididasKreech, laptop16:45
dasKreechL3top: I did some research and found the chipset in the device is called pegasus. If he does sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.ko then the device turns up and starts connecting but then resets itself16:45
dasKreechsaidi: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and try again16:46
dasKreechL3top: The error it was throwing was Carrier off or carrier lost I forget now but it could have eihter been the driver (I think likely) or a fairly recent NM bug I couldn't decipher which16:47
saididasKreech, i get this error http://pastebin.com/iQBQNaKC16:47
dasKreechsaidi: :-/ anything else you'd like to tell me about the  computer? does sudo apt-get update work?16:48
saididasKreech,  some packages are update using oneiric repos (by mistake)16:50
saidiapt-get update works fine16:51
L3topsaidi: I would generate a precise sources.list and go again. http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/16:55
L3topsaidi: by go again I mean sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:56
saidiL3top, i'm using natty16:57
L3topohhhhhhhh... then I would not follow my advice.16:57
L3topwell... I would but I would use oneiric16:58
L3topI would also backup anything important that I had not already saidi16:59
saidihere are the packages http://pastebin.com/b06JFNH7 how can i go back to older version?17:01
saididasKreech, can this be fixed?17:05
newbiei can list the folders on the client but when i am prompted for username and password and i give it.. it doesnt lets me in. what can be wrong. using kubunt as server and kubuntu as client17:10
L3top!downgrade | saidi17:10
ubottusaidi: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.17:10
L3topnewbie: how are you attempting to connect, to what?17:12
joehanneshi guys ... can anyone point me to a room where to ask about how to get my wacom bamboo tablet working?17:12
sunitasethican anyone tell me how to find out which usb ethernet adapter ubuntu is using?17:12
L3topsunitasethi: ifconfig17:12
newbieL3top,  i just go to samba shares17:12
Shaan7sunitasethi: what do you mean by "using"? you mean "using to connect to the Internet" ?17:13
sunitasethihow do i find pegasus on my system?17:13
* Shaan7 has no idea what pegasus is, sorry17:14
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L3topdasKreech is here sunitasethi. He helped you last night.17:14
sunitasethiyes l3top17:15
sunitasethidasKreech: hello17:15
sunitasethidasKreech: i tried to get back to where we left off but everthing seems to be reset17:16
sunitasethiL3top: thanks17:16
joehanneshello?? can someone point me to a channel where I can get help on how to get my wacom bamboo tablet working on kubuntu? or can someone here help? I solely see it using "lsmod" and the kernel-module wacom seems to be loaded17:18
joehannesbut in the graphics tablet configuration it says no tablet found17:18
joehannesand xsetwacom doesn't find it either17:19
joehannesI followed the latest wacom driver install guide on ubuntu-channel ...17:20
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DarthFrogjoehannes:  Try "sudo xsetwacom" to try it with root privileges.  If you succeed, it's a permissions problem.17:26
dasKreech!wacom | joehannes17:26
dasKreechsunitasethi: what's happening. Did you try the command we made?17:26
joehannestried sudo to no avail ...17:26
joehannes!wacom ?17:26
ubottujoehannes: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:26
dasKreechjoehannes: Hmm htere used to be a wacom link from the robot17:27
dasKreechjoehannes: It's gone now :(17:27
joehannesI just found theres a libwacom2 driverk-package which hasn't been installed before ... just checking if this helps17:27
DarthFrogjoehannes:  "apt-cache search wacom" will show you all packages for wacom.17:28
sunitasethidasKreech: yes17:29
BluesKaj  xserver-xorg-input-wacom driver should be installed by default17:29
sunitasethidasKreech: last it did start to connect but now it is the same17:29
joehannesthx DarthFrog ... I've done that as well ... not much to be found apart from the xserver-wacom package, the libwacom and the kde-graphic-tablet thingy ... all installed now and the kde-graphic-tablet config tool says no tablet device found17:29
sunitasethidasKreech: it says that command is not found17:30
DarthFrogjoehannes:  Have you checked that yours is a supported model?17:31
joehanneswell ... how to? :) but it's a very basic, in fact the most basic wacom bamboo pen17:31
DarthFrogjoehannes:  I'd  do a google search for Linux and your wacom model.17:32
DarthFrogAs a start.17:32
joehannesand in fact before I did a dist upgrade to the newest kernel it was a diff error msg .. it said wacom deamon not running .. but tablet found ... then I updated the kernel and now it's gone17:33
dasKreechsunitasethi: :-(17:33
joehanneskde help says only if neither xsetwacom, lsusb or xinput show the tablet it's not supported ... but lsusb shows the tablet ...17:34
dasKreechsunitasethi: type sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.ko17:34
sunitasethii can see the adapter in the lsusb but nowhere else17:34
joehannesI wonder if I do have to do some magic insmod thingy .. not good at such things ... ahh exactly17:34
DarthFrogjoehannes:  If you do, use modprobe instead of insmod.  And list your module in /etc/modules.17:35
sunitasethidasKreech: it did not work17:36
joehanneswill try, thx17:36
dasKreechsunitasethi: gave an error?17:36
sunitasethidasKreech: command not found17:36
dasKreechjoehannes: you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom already?17:36
dasKreechsunitasethi: sudo ?17:37
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dasKreechsunitasethi: or insmod ?17:37
sunitasethidasKreech: command not found17:38
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sunitasethidasKreech: please retype the command in "17:38
sunitasethiin quotes17:38
joehannesdaskreech ... yesyes :)17:40
joehannesbut none of those options work17:40
joehannesdkms-wacom doesn't exist17:40
=== Fury is now known as gibberish
joehannesblues bails out on apt-get install17:41
joehannesxsetwacom doesn't find the tablet17:41
sunitasethidasKreech: may I have the command again please?17:41
joehanneshmmmm ...FATAL: Module /lib/modules/3.2.0_24_generic_pae/kernel/drivers/input/tablet/wacom.ko not found.17:41
sunitasethisudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.ko gave back the prompt17:42
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sunitasethidasKreech: sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/usb/pegasus.ko gave back the prompt17:42
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dasKreechsunitasethi: right that's the command17:42
dasKreechL3top: ok you can start again. Should have the device back now17:43
sunitasethidasKreech: dasKreech i am not seeing the usbethernet adapter in my network settings17:43
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dasKreechjoehannes: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/linuxwacom/index.php?title=Wacom_Tablet_Set_Up ?17:44
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dasKreechsunitasethi: So it came up saying it's trying to connect?17:44
joehanneshmm ... I'm afraid that doesn't help ... as xsetwacom won't recognize the tablet17:46
sunitasethidasKreech: that was last night but now there is no adapter to be found other than in lsusb17:48
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joehanneshaha ... just found out modprobe wacom ... without the specific location works17:48
joehannesbut I guess I'll have to restart for the xserver to recognize the kernel module which will not be autoloaded again and ... endlessloop17:49
joehannescan someone tell me to which file to add the "wacom" mod so it gets autoloaded? just looking as well17:49
dasKreechjoehannes: /etc/modules I think17:50
dasKreechsunitasethi: does it show up in ip a ?17:50
dasKreechas eth3 ?17:50
sunitasethidasKreech: no17:50
sunitasethidasKreech: the adapter light is off also17:51
joehannesrebooting now ... thx for the help17:51
sunitasethidasKreech: ok it is trying to connect but the adapter is not on17:52
sunitasethidasKreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003371/17:53
dasKreechsunitasethi: ok17:55
dasKreechsunitasethi: so not detected. Hmm come that worked last night?17:56
sunitasethidasKreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003371/ see this17:56
dasKreechsunitasethi: Oh wait! try sudo ifconfig -a17:57
sunitasethidasKreech: last night it did connect and the light on the adapter came in17:57
dasKreechsunitasethi: Right I remember17:58
sunitasethidasKreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003382/17:59
sunitasethidasKreech: the adapter light is not on and it is not connecting at all..last night i saw it connect18:00
sunitasethidasKreech: the mac address of device trying to connect is not in the sudo ifconfig -a18:01
sunitasethidasKreech: i have poor memory18:02
sunitasethidasKreech: i just do not know which command made the adapter to work18:02
dasKreechsunitasethi: can you pastebin lshw -C network ?18:03
sunitasethidasKreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003392/18:05
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dasKreechsunitasethi: why doesn't the Gigabit work?18:06
sunitasethidasKreech: it is the 2nd network ethernet18:06
sunitasethidasKreech: the adapter is broken from outside..my father puller the wire out and not the wire does not stay in18:06
dasKreechRight. Just checking if it works18:08
sunitasethidasKreech: will it work?18:11
dasKreechsunitasethi: asking for help. We'll try to get it sorted out18:12
dasKreechThere is little info aout the adapter as I said18:12
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sunitasethidasKreech: it worked18:15
sunitasethidasKreech: i do not know how the light on the adapter came on but it did..you installed the driver18:16
sunitasethidasKreech: the driver is missing again18:16
sunitasethithe device is read dasKreechbut not functioning18:17
rapidspkde is upgrading now?18:19
dasKreechrapidsp: Hmm?18:20
dasKreechsunitasethi: ok so progress :)18:20
sunitasethidasKreech: nope18:21
qbitKDE 4.8.3 has moved from the testing PPA into the mainstream repo I think18:21
rapidspmy apt-get asks to update many packages18:21
dasKreechsunitasethi: It's on :)18:21
sunitasethidasKreech: no18:21
sunitasethidasKreech: it is off18:21
sunitasethidasKreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003425/ this is all i have and not sure what its mac address is18:23
sunitasethidasKreech: how did you activate pegasus last night?18:25
sunitasethidasKreech: there?18:30
Mitchell_MHas anyone ever edited the /usr/share/glib-2.0/schema/ files before? I need help setting default Icons I want for new and current users.18:31
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sunitasethihello boicechancellor18:32
dasKreechsunitasethi: I'm here18:34
dasKreechlooking up /win 1318:34
dasKreechlooking up the ID for hte adapter18:34
sunitasethidasKreech: still not working18:35
sunitasethidasKreech: i thought it started to work last night..how did you start pegasus last night?18:36
sunitasethidasKreech: which command?18:36
dasKreechsunitasethi: can you join the Ubuntu channel?18:38
dasKreech sunitasethi: type /join #ubuntu in quassel18:38
floownOMG, I have lost my kubuntu-desktop, how can I reinstall it please?18:41
floownskype has broken my install I suppose18:41
dasKreechfloown: calm down/ What's happeneing18:41
floownI restart in recovery mode now18:42
floownI can't log me18:42
dasKreechfloown: what happens when you try to login ?18:42
dasKreechDoes it attempt to login then throw you back to the login screen?18:44
dasKreechdo you get an error before?18:44
floownwait I'm reboot now… :|18:44
floownI have update and upgrade my Kubuntu18:45
floownI have notice that packets are for 386 instead 64 bits18:45
dasKreechfloown: Oh  ok You installed 64 bit?18:46
floownok, I'm on the log screen18:46
dasKreechSkype doesn't have a 64 Bit as I recall18:46
floownyes I was in 64 bits untill I installed skype…18:46
floownsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop doesn't work in a TTY18:47
=== JDA is now known as JDA1
dasKreechfloown: does sudo apt-get install pastebinit work ?18:49
floownpackets are not sort from incoming18:50
floownit's the message…18:50
floownyes it install pastebinit18:51
lorddeltaHello? How can I kill all currently running plasma widgets?18:51
dasKreechlorddelta: what are you trying to do?18:52
floowndasKreech: what can I do now please?18:52
dasKreechfloown: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | pastebinit18:52
rapidsplorddelta: i think with plasma only18:52
lorddeltaThe problem is that I actually need to kill a rogue clock; my desktop...euhm...reset? itself recently, and I think the old plasma widgets which were on my desktop are still running, one of them is speaking the time at me every 10 minutes or so, and I want it to stop. I've removed all my visible clocks, and I'm still being told the time.18:53
floowndasKreech: 100388218:53
JDA1Trying to switch from Gnome to Kubuntu/KDE.  Can not figure out how I can move task bar buttons to the location in the task bar that I want them to be.  Is this correct forum?18:54
dasKreechfloown: thanks18:55
lorddeltaAs an aside, I seem to be reporting bugs left and right in the kde interface. Seems like there's work to be done!18:55
floownthx to you18:55
lorddeltaI intend to help out, but first things first, I need to be able to shut up my clock when I go to sleep, I use a white-noise application to get rest...18:55
dasKreechlorddelta: kquitapp plasma-desktop would stop all running processes (and the desktop) if you need it down right now18:56
rapidsplorddelta: i think you need ~/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/18:56
dasKreechIf you click on the add widgets  interface you can filter by runing widgets and remove them there18:56
lorddeltadasKreech: Hmm?18:58
lorddeltaWhere would I filter, sorry?18:58
dasKreechUmm top left I think18:58
lorddeltaI found it I think too, I forgot KDE has this nifty workspace feature...I'm used to just using a single desktop! :D18:58
dasKreechlorddelta: Oh you mean just normal removal :)18:58
dasKreechThought you were having some issue with the X button on the plasmoid18:59
lorddeltadasKreech: No, but in case I want to see a list of running widgets where would I go? Is there a picture/documentation?18:59
dasKreechlorddelta: when you go to add a widget there is a filter for hte type of widgets One of htem is currently Running19:00
dasKreech granted it's a bad interface and I've complained about it in the past but it's what is there for now19:01
dasKreechfloown: can you do sudo apt-get install kde-workspace-bin ?19:01
lorddeltaAh, found it. I don't see a way to kill the widget from the interface...19:02
lorddeltaBut yeah that lists all the currently running widgets..19:02
lorddeltarapidsp: I'll try what you suggested too19:02
lorddeltaHaving a cmd line fallback is always nice/best19:02
lorddeltarapidsp: No, nvm doesn't look like that'll work, unless I'm missing something...19:03
floowndasKreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003499/19:03
rapidspheh i upgraded now too :)19:05
lorddeltaAnyways I solved my problem; I apologize for being a desktop idiot. I'm always looking for a terminal solution, sometimes its terminal ;)19:05
rapidspmay be i will have same problems :)19:05
lorddeltaOk, so I guess its off to kubuntu-dev to ask a question!19:06
dasKreechlorddelta: terminal solutions can work but require some amount of knowledge of hte underlying system19:07
dasKreech!info kde-workspace-bin19:07
ubottukde-workspace-bin (source: kde-workspace): core binaries for the KDE Plasma Workspace. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu4 (precise), package size 2129 kB, installed size 10073 kB19:07
dasKreechfloown: You have installed 4.8.3 ?19:08
floownthe ppa19:08
lorddeltadasKreech: Well usually the battle for me is finding the knowledge of where to look.19:08
lorddeltaAfter that its just reading!19:08
dasKreechlorddelta: Good idea. you acn ask in here. If I"m here I'll point you at places or systems19:09
dasKreechOr explain them if I can19:09
JDA1Does anyone know how to drag task bar buttons to the desired location?   I can't do that.19:11
rapidspJDA1: open panel setting and do it19:13
JDA1Sorry to be such a newbie, but am considering switch from Gnome to KDE.  Could you be more specific?   Is there a setting that says "Enable buttons to be moved"?   (Sorry!)19:14
rapidspi was wrong if that19:16
dasKreechJDA1: Which buttons?19:17
rapidspicon-only task manager can that19:17
rapidspanother task widget19:18
JDA1Not sure of the right terminology, but I mean the buttons at the bottom that represent running programs, such as email, browser, etc.  I want to be able to drag the buttons to a certain place in the "task bar".19:18
dasKreechJDA1: errm Yeah that's possible Just trying to remember how now :)19:19
rapidspmay be legacy task widget cannot this19:19
dasKreechrapidsp may be right19:19
rapidspJDA1: try with Shift or another prefix19:21
lelamal_JDA1: if I understood you correctly, click on the Panel Tool Box (right-most icon on the panel)19:22
lelamal_you could then grab the taskbar with the entries, and move it around within the panel.19:23
JDA1lelamal_:  Will log off, go to kubuntu, and try it and then come back.  Thanks.19:25
lelamal_JDA1: np19:26
dasKreechJDA1: You can log in here from Kubuntu :)19:26
JDA1Will do -- just got to switch from Gnome to KDE.  Will return...19:26
lorddeltadasKreech: will do. thnx.19:27
JDA1When I go to Panel Tool Box, it appears to be letting me move the ENTIRE task bar, but not the locations of the individual task buttons.  Can you all drag your task buttons.  For example, if your want your IRC client to be the left-most?19:34
lelamal_JDA1: ah I think I get what you mean19:35
lelamal_JDA1: then right-click on an empty area of the taskbar, and click on Task manager Settings19:36
JDA1lelamal_:  Good!  One of my problems was just trying to describe what I wanted to do!   I don't know the right terms for this stuff!19:36
lelamal_do you see Grouping and Sorting? Choose Sorting: Manually, from the drop-down menu19:37
lelamal_then apply, and retry what you wanted to do19:38
JDA1lelamal_:   YAY!   That's IT!!!   It was trying to sort them, so would not let me move them!    I might just be able to use KDE after all!  Thanks!  ;-)19:38
lelamal_:) np!19:39
dasKreechJDA1: For mst people the entire bottom is the task manager. For KDE it's the panel. The Task manager just keeps track of the windows. And you can (as I have) remove it totally if you want to19:41
JDA1dasKreech:  Interesting.  Still getting used to this.  I'm pretty task bar oriented, so need it to be "just so".    I find it helpful to just know a certain program is in a certain place on the bar.19:43
dasKreechJDA1: I stopped caring oncei I found ctrl+F919:46
JDA1dasKreech:  Wow, pretty cool.  Looks like my Android!  :-)   Will keep that in mind!19:47
mangdood_dasKreech: You can also set Present Windows to one of the corners of your screen [:19:48
dasKreechJDA1: then if you type he name of a document or the window title or soomething for htat window it will focus in on it19:50
dasKreechlike at least 6 times faster than moving the mouse to the taskbar for me19:51
lelamal_dasKreech: cool, thanks for the tips :). You never stop learning on this channel!19:59
dasKreechlelamal_: That's why I ask people to ask questions in here instead of in PM. You can get more help if more people see it and if other people didn't know then they learn as well20:00
JDA1dasKreech:  That focusing feature is pretty handy, especially if you have a lot of tasks open.20:03
dasKreechJDA1: Thnk that's fun? Look at ctrl+F820:07
dasKreechfloown: how is it going?20:09
lorddeltaHum. Found another bug.20:32
lorddeltaChrome playing adobe induces ghosting on the screen, when minimized.20:33
NoiseChancellorlorddelta: I seem to remember that hardware accelleration might be causing this. Do you have it turned on?20:39
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JDA1dasKreech:  Ctrl+F8 -- also cool.  Guess I better try Ctrl+F<whatever>, to see what else is waiting!20:43
lorddeltaNoiseChancellor: Likely?20:53
floowndasKreech: the ppa is not updated20:54
lorddeltaI think I usually have to use nvidia drivers else I experience what can only be described as a mix between a green/red filter and interlaced video, with a weird sort of meter in the upper right, which I can't tell what it'd be trying to do...20:54
NoiseChancellorlorddelta: I didn't mean the hardware drivers. The flash plugins have an option to enable or disable accelleration20:57
lorddeltaNoiseChancellor: Hmm, let me check20:57
NoiseChancellorlorddelta: I'm not sure about Chrome, in Firefox you can get there, when you right click a player widget20:57
lorddeltaNoiseChancellor: Yup.20:59
lorddeltaLooks like that's the issue.20:59
lorddeltaNoiseChancellor: Or not.21:00
lorddeltaI thought it was fixed...in firefox.21:00
lorddelta...interesting. Pidgin IRC isn't affected by this, but MSN pidgin windows are...21:01
lorddeltaNoiseChancellor: its more specific than that...debug messages in pidgin are affected, despite the hardware acceleration of flash player...21:04
NoiseChancellorlorddelta: Sorry, I'm out of ideas. I just remembered reading about it21:06
rzs19wtf i'm doing in a kubuntu channel?21:07
swecarpis there anny way to chage the background coulers in kickoff panel21:15
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BlouBlourzs19: wasting your connection :-)21:25
rzs19BlouBlou: yeah i was confused :D21:33
giandomenicogood night I've a problem ti sincronize Kcontacts with google calendar someboby can help me to resolve21:44
Avihayswecarp: yes, you can either change the entire desktop theme, or just change the kickoff one to be from another theme21:45
giandomenicoI installed akonadi resorurce  everything go well with my contacts but the calendar it's not good21:46
Avihaygiandomenico: from what I saw, you need to add two resources. one for Google contacts and one for Google calendar.21:48
giandomenicodo you know the resource for gcaendar21:48
Avihaythe calendar one didn't work in the video I saw, but that video was probably old21:48
AvihayI have no clue. I use web-mail only21:49
giandomenicoAnyway i istalled two resorce I red a post on line and follow it21:50
giandomenicoFor contacts all righth for calendar no21:50
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