
rick_h_that would be a good use case for the icon font, being able to make the icon significant (edit) but make the color signify action like link vs popup00:00
rick_h_and then keep the color significance with the text to be link vs popup00:00
mwhudsonif you change the product that a bugtask is for, the other ajax controls break00:09
mwhudsonis this a known bug?00:09
mwhudsoni'll search but usually asking here is faster..00:10
rick_h_but yea, don't have a number off the top of my head at all00:10
_mup_Bug #919369: acting on a bug task which has been retargeted oopses <404> <bugs> <javascript> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/919369 >00:12
wgrantmwhudson: IIRC it's usually not a problem except on multitask bugs, since changing the current context causes a refresh00:21
mwhudsonwgrant: this was a multitask bug, indeed00:22
mwhudsonbut hm, it was the task i was accessing the bug through that i changed00:22
mwhudsonshould that not still refresh?00:22
wgrantI'd expect that to work00:22
StevenKwgrant: Given your mail, I hope I can avoid a DB trigger.01:00
StevenKBut I suspect I have to write some manual SQL to fix up the mistakes.01:00
wgrantStevenK: Correct.01:20
wgrantStevenK: The idea of this is to avoid a DB trigger.01:21
cjwatsonThe fix for bug 1000570 has been deployed, but it hasn't been marked Fix Released AFAICS.  Did somebody miss a bug closure pass after an NDT?01:21
_mup_Bug #1000570: "Packageset.score" is badly named <qa-untestable> <tech-debt> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by cjwatson> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1000570 >01:21
wgrantcjwatson: Ah, I left that one because it hasn't been renamed in the DB, and doing so is awkward. Not sure what you want to do.01:23
cjwatsonAh, well either way it shouldn't stay as Fix Committed.  I'm not planning on doing anything more to it for the time being, largely because I have no idea how to do so smoothly.01:24
cjwatsonMaybe -> Triaged/Low/unassigned.01:24
wgrantThat would be my suggestion.01:24
cjwatsonI'll do that then.01:24
wgrantWe haven't done a straight column rename since fastdowntime.01:24
wgrantBut I'd probably do it as a two-day trigger01:25
cjwatsonOh, I can't set Triaged.01:25
StevenKBah. Dealing with both private and information_type *and* the creation rules in IBranchNamespace.createBranch() is giving me a headache.01:28
StevenK(In LaunchpadObjectFactory.makeBranch())01:28
wgrantStevenK: Both default to None. At most one can be not None.01:29
StevenKOh, bah, it doesn't help that I overwrite the values during the course of the method.01:32
StevenKRight, that should fix it.01:34
StevenKwgrant: Can you glance over https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/branch-use-information_type/+merge/106109 again?01:51
wgrantStevenK: Looking01:53
wgrantStevenK: Can't the factory just use transitionToInformationType?02:11
StevenKwgrant: Nope02:11
wgrantIt can02:11
wgrantWhy do you say it can't?02:12
wgrant120+ if (self.stacked_on and self.stacked_on.information_type !=02:13
wgrant121+ InformationType.PUBLIC and information_type !=02:13
wgrant122+ self.stacked_on.information_type):02:13
wgrant123+ raise BranchCannotChangeInformationType()02:13
wgrantThat's wrong02:13
wgrantThe indentation is still criminal02:13
wgrantAnd it doesn't implement the rules we defined this morning02:13
wgrant156+ # If the branch we are stacking on is not public, and we are,02:14
wgrant157+ # set our information_type to the stacked on's.02:14
wgrant158+ if (self.stacked_on and self.stacked_on.information_type !=02:14
wgrant159+ InformationType.PUBLIC and self.information_type ==02:14
wgrant160+ InformationType.PUBLIC):02:14
wgrantShould use PUBLIC_INFORMATION_TYPES02:15
StevenKwgrant: In terms of lines 120-123, the information_type can change, as long as it remains in PRIVATE_INFORMATION_TYPES ?02:17
wgrantStevenK: I think so.02:18
wgrantThe only constraint we have now is that a newly created branch probably shouldn't be public if it's stacked on something private.02:18
wgrantImplementing the same rule on stacking changes is roughly free, so we should do that too.02:18
StevenKwgrant: That's lines 156-160 in branchChanged02:19
wgrantRight, just explaining that that's the full ruleset :)02:19
StevenKwgrant: Are those your two issues?02:22
wgrantStevenK: Mostly. Will give it another deep look-over when they're fixed.02:23
wgrantlifeless: https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/PPR/20110123/20120524/ <- can I delete rosetta?02:23
StevenKwgrant: I have them fixed locally, I'm just wondering if I have tests for the stacked on behaviour in transitionToInformationType02:23
lifelesswgrant: I undesrstand the temptation02:24
bigjoolsthe quality of commit messages these days is awful :(02:49
wgrantI did like the "use a private fork of bzr" this morning02:50
bigjoolsno kidding02:50
* bigjools composes email to list02:51
lifelessbigjools: got time for a brief call about your favourite launchpad component ?03:24
bigjoolslifeless: can do 5 mins now or more later03:51
StevenKwgrant: And again?03:52
StevenKHmmm, that's an annoying bug.03:53
lifelessbigjools: now is good03:53
lifelessbigjools: skype? hangout ?03:53
StevenKIf you leave the media menu open and go to lunch, you can interact with the menu, but as soon as you close it, the screen locks.03:54
wgrantStevenK: The factory is still insane.03:55
wgrantStevenK: And it might break lots of text by already having a change event03:55
StevenKwgrant: How so?03:55
wgrantnot text03:55
wgrantStevenK: Why doesn't it use transitionToInforationType?03:55
wgrantWith proper spelling.03:56
StevenKwgrant: Because transitionToInformationType has a bunch of rules about when privacy/information_type can change, and some branches want to be created that break those rules.03:56
wgrantStevenK: No they don't.03:57
wgrantStevenK: If they really need to (eg. for testing that it's possible to fix that situation), I'd set the information_type manually in the test.03:58
wgrantI don't think it's valuable to let the factory knowingly create invalid data.03:58
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1002332/03:59
wgrant(because that means tests might unknowingly do it)03:59
wgrantStevenK: Ah, I see. So there's no privacy policy?04:00
wgrantI wouldn't expect there to be too much fallout from that, and it's one line to fix each test.04:00
StevenKwgrant: It is?04:02
wgrantCreate an appropriate BranchVisibilityPolicy04:03
StevenKwgrant: And the project doesn't exist until inside makeBranch()04:05
wgrantStevenK: Ah, that's less than convenient.04:07
StevenKwgrant: So I need to create a project, a team and a BranchVisibilityPolicy and then I can create a private branch just so makeBranch() can use transitionToInformationType?04:11
wgrantStevenK: Technically, yes, you should.04:21
wgrantStevenK: But perhaps that's not ideal here yet.04:21
StevenKwgrant: There are 246 occurances of private=True in the tree -- some of those are going to be for makeArchive(), but ... ouch?04:23
StevenKlib/lp/soyuz/tests/test_binarypackagebuildbehavior.py:            UPDATE archive SET private=True,buildd_secret='foo'04:23
* StevenK facepalms04:23
wallyworld_wgrant: is there a trigger which updates btf.access_policies and btf.access_grants when a bug info type or bugtask target changes? if there is, i have missed finding it04:25
wgrant    z_bug_maintain_bugtaskflat_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON bug FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE bug_maintain_bugtaskflat_trig()04:26
wgrant    z_bugtask_maintain_bugtaskflat_trigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON bugtask FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE bugtask_maintain_bugtaskflat_trig()04:26
wgrantwallyworld_: ^^04:26
wgrant(z because they have to happen after the FTI updates etc :/)04:26
StevenKwgrant: So, shall I leave the information_type = call in the factory?04:26
wallyworld_wgrant: ok, thanks. something else is going wrong for me then.04:26
wgrantStevenK: I suppose.04:27
StevenKwgrant: Do you have any other issues with the MP?04:27
stubWell thats amusing. Package builds fine under i386, not amd6404:44
wgrantstub: Possibly because i386 builds arch-indep, amd64 doesn't.04:44
wgrantIf it's not an obvious arch difference.04:44
stubhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/105848284/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.postgresql-9.1_9.1.3-2%2Blp4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?04:45
wgrantarch-indep difference04:45
wgranti386 will be building doc packages, amd64 won't04:45
wgrantBut both copy them into debian/tmp04:45
wgrantStevenK: Your linebreaking is still a criminal offence.04:46
wgrant121+ if (self.stacked_on and self.stacked_on.information_type in04:46
wgrant122+ PRIVATE_INFORMATION_TYPES and information_type in04:46
StevenKwgrant: When can I expect you over to arrest me?04:46
StevenKwgrant: What would you prefer, nested ifs? :-)04:47
wgrantStevenK: Replied04:51
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1002355/04:55
wgrantStevenK: I accept your plea bargain.04:56
StevenKwgrant: And the linebreak for name='branch_%s' % x, private=x > 2) is still required.04:56
wgrantReally? it didn't look that long.04:56
wgrantHow far over is it?04:57
StevenKwgrant: 8104:58
wgrantStevenK: s/branch_/b/g04:58
StevenKbranch = self.factory.makeBranch(name='branch_' + x, private=x>2)04:58
wgrantI mean, naming a branch "branch_foo" doesn't really make sense anyway.04:59
StevenKThe branches do not require names, we don't test for them.05:01
wgrantEven better05:01
wgrantRemove stupid piece of test, save a line.05:01
wgrantEverybody wins.05:01
wgrantOne less crime.05:01
StevenKwgrant: -4/+205:01
StevenKsteven@undermined:~/launchpad/lp-branches/branch-use-information_type% bzr log | head -n 7 | tail -n 105:06
StevenK  Drop some useless names from a test, and fix my crimes against humanity.05:06
StevenKwgrant: ^05:06
wgrantThey were merely capital offences, not crimes against humanity.05:06
lifelesswhich capital?05:08
StevenKlifeless: So, looks like I need some manual SQL. :-(05:08
wgrantNot until this is deployed everywhere05:09
StevenKBut won't that leak some branches?05:09
wgrantDon't you still respect transitively_private?05:10
StevenKOnly information_type in the New World Order.05:10
wgrantIndeed you don't05:10
StevenKIn fact, I don't think Branch._private is even needed05:10
wgrantThere's only like a dozen branches that are affected, right?05:11
wgrantAny created recently?05:12
wgrantNormally you'd do a 3-stage migration here, but they may be rare enough that you can get away with 2-stage with manual SQL.05:13
StevenKwgrant: I'm going to kill Branch._private, it isn't needed because the two columns are named differently.05:21
wgrantStevenK: Sounds reasonable.05:26
* wgrant fixes cjwatson's test failurse05:33
lifeless9.1 right ?05:49
lifeless     559 /  222  Distribution:+ppas05:49
lifeless     348 /   37  Builder:+history05:49
wgrantlifeless: Yes05:50
StevenKBuilder:+history has a bug filed against it, at least.05:53
wgrantI believe Distribution:+ppas is similar misbehaviour on a different query, but I haven't looked in depth.05:54
wgrantBoth rarely used pages, anyway.05:55
wgrantParticularly since Distribution:+ppas timed out half the time anyway05:55
wallyworld_wgrant: i have a question i'd like to ask if you have a moment. a bit of code which calls bug.subscribe() appears to mess with bug visibility checks. i have a bit of code in https://pastebin.canonical.com/66554/ to try and illustrate the issue06:10
wgrantwallyworld_: Looking06:11
wallyworld_thanks. hope it makes sense06:11
wgrantwallyworld_: What's policy_team_grantee?06:21
wallyworld_wgrant: typo, sorry06:21
wallyworld_should be policy_gantee06:21
wallyworld_argh, you know what i mean06:21
wallyworld_can't type06:22
wallyworld_i cut and pasted a bit of code from a test and stripped out bits06:22
StevenKwallyworld_ is obviously so excited by the prospect of a NSW win tonight that his hands are shaking.06:22
wallyworld_StevenK: you can go and f%^@@!%^%^@ yourself06:22
* wallyworld_ just hope to make it home from soccer training on time not to miss any06:23
wgrantwallyworld_: You haven't disabled the triggers?06:23
wallyworld_wgrant: no. i had. but there were other issues06:23
StevenKwallyworld_: We have this thing, called a PVR. It can pause live TV.06:23
wgrantwallyworld_: Toggling the information_type on line 40 without disabling the triggers will cause the grant to be recreated due to the subscription.06:23
wallyworld_StevenK: but others will be watching06:23
bigjoolsit's rugby *league*, who TF watches that crap06:24
wgrantWhat's the difference?06:24
wallyworld_wgrant: ah, bollocks. thanks for spotting that. i'll disable the triggers again and see if i can reproduce the issue that caused me to disable them06:24
StevenKbigjools: wallyworld_ will be *glued* to the TV.06:24
wallyworld_bigjools: it's state of origin. better than any super 16 or 6 nations stuff06:25
bigjoolsyou can tell yourself that, yeah :)06:25
StevenKWho cares? Both rugby league and union are played by and watched by bogans.06:25
wallyworld_bigjools: it's a lot tougher. i mean what sort of rugger pussy disallows a shoulder charge06:25
bigjoolswallyworld_: league is the one where after they get tackled they hump the ball for a bit right?06:26
wallyworld_StevenK: i don't consider myself a bogan06:26
wgrantwallyworld_: The thing to remember about the triggers is that they were designed to always keep the mirror in a sane state, regardless of whether it was sane to start with. Every time they're fired, they force any AAGs and APAs to match the legacy disclosure data.06:26
wallyworld_bigjools: only in your dreams06:26
wgrantwallyworld_: I couldn't just apply a delta, since the table started empty.06:26
wallyworld_wgrant: ok. i'll try and get this particular test case to work with the legacy triggers disabled from the start. the sharing jobs in question are not really meant to be run with the triggers on06:27
wallyworld_i ran into issues but can't recall what they are right now06:28
wgrantI'm happy to help if you hit trouble.06:29
wallyworld_no problem, thanks06:29
stubIs there some magic to dput to get packages build for multiple releases since I can't use the web UI to rebuild packages for a different release in the same PPA?06:30
wallyworld_wgrant: i'll send out an email maybe tonight to summarise where we are at with being able to turn off the legacy triggers. i think we will be close after i get this branch sorted. we'll have code to grant access on subscribe and also unsubscribe if access becomes verboten06:30
bigjoolsstub: you need >1 upload06:31
bigjoolsunless you want to copy the same build06:31
stubRecipes let me do it I guess.06:31
wgrantwallyworld_: Marvellous.06:32
wgrantstub: Right, recipes are handy for that. Or you can often build in lucid and copy up, as long as a soname bump hasn't happened.06:33
wallyworld_wgrant: main outstanding bit will be some form of garbo / celerybeats / cron job to check for inconsistencies if we feel that's necessary06:33
wallyworld_wgrant: one issue - without the legacy triggers, self.factory.makeAccessPolicyGrant does not allow the bug to be visible06:45
wgrantwallyworld_: You probably want to disable bug_mirror_legacy_access_t, bugtask_mirror_legacy_access_t, bugsubscription_mirror_legacy_access_t06:46
wgrantwallyworld_: You still want things mirrored to bugtaskflat, you just don't want the legacy sharing schema mirrored to the new one.06:47
wallyworld_wgrant: those ones are the only 3 i am disabling06:47
wallyworld_using a new fixture i wrote06:47
wgrantwallyworld_: Are you creating the APA manually?06:48
wgrantDisabling those triggers will prevent APAs from happening automatically06:48
wgrantSo the APG will not be effective for the bug.06:48
wgrantBecause it's not linked to any policies.06:48
wallyworld_wgrant: i would have hoped that APA will be done by triggers still06:48
wgrantwallyworld_: It's all done by the one trigger right now, unfortunately.06:49
wallyworld_:-( so we need to do a new trigger06:49
wallyworld_and strip out the APA stuff06:49
wallyworld_from the legacy trggers06:49
wgrantAAG stuff06:49
wgrantSplit them up06:49
wgrantOr we can find all the stuff that creates tasks, all the stuff that changes targets, and all the stuff that changes information types06:50
wallyworld_ok, i'll do it bt hand for now and include an xxx06:50
wgrantAnd make them create the APAs in the application.06:50
wgrantThat's the ideal situation, and it might be doable now06:50
wgrantSince those things are reasonably well factored nowadays.06:50
wallyworld_hmm. ok. this branch is already waaay to big. might do it in the test for now and do a new branch to do it in the model06:50
wgrantTarget setting is guarded, task creation is mostly factored into a single method, and information type transitioning is done by a single method.06:50
wgrantIt'll certainly need to be a separate branch or three.06:51
* wallyworld_ off to soccer and then straight home to watch the might maroons thrash nsw06:51
wgrantIs that where bigjools heard the odd pronunciation?06:52
wallyworld_odd? it's pronounced "marown"06:52
wgrantOdd to him.06:52
bigjoolsyou're all wrong06:53
adeuringgood mmorning07:41
cjwatsonwgrant: Doh.  Thanks07:47
cjwatsonhate doctests07:47
wgrantThat's the point :)07:52
cjwatsonConfused at how that passed EC2.08:01
=== frankban changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: frankban* (rvba) | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
cjwatsonCould somebody set https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/remove-distro-parts/+merge/106920 to Status: Approved (since it's had an Approve review) so I can land it?08:17
czajkowskicjwatson: done08:20
=== dpm__ is now known as dpm
wallyworld_wgrant: around?11:07
wgrantwallyworld_: Sure11:08
wallyworld_wgrant: 1/2 watching footy so may no be seeing it, but see https://pastebin.canonical.com/66571/ - #4 is not as i expect11:09
wallyworld_wgrant: triggers disabled11:09
wgrantwallyworld_: Recall that the triggers are disabled, so changing bug.information_type isn't going to change the APA11:10
wallyworld_wgrant: only the legacy triggers are disabked11:10
wgrantRight, and they maintain APA11:10
wallyworld_wgrant:  i thought there were separate trigers for info tpy changes11:10
wgrantThat's why you had to create it manually11:10
wgrantNo. Bug* -> Access* is all the legacy triggers11:11
* wallyworld_ sad11:11
wallyworld_i think i will need to create a db-devel branch to fix that11:11
wgrantI can reimplement all that in the app tomorrow if you want11:11
wallyworld_before i land this branch11:11
wgrantThe APA stuff11:11
wgrantWhy do you need a db-devel branch?11:11
wallyworld_yes, we really do need that now11:11
wallyworld_db-devel  to add the triggers11:12
wgrantWe can't remove the triggers until after the appserver code is deployed.11:12
wallyworld_can't we split out the APA stuff11:12
wallyworld_still have the legacy triggers but have the APA stuff on its own11:12
wallyworld_since we will need it even when legacy triggers are gone11:12
wallyworld_oh, you want to do it in the app11:13
wgrantIt's become a little less of a free-for-all in the last few months11:13
wgrantSo it's easy enough to do there now11:13
wallyworld_whatever works :-)11:13
wallyworld_i really don't want to "pollute" the tests with the APA stuff11:14
wgrantSince we're going to be managing grants from the app, we might as well manage the APAs too11:14
wallyworld_yeah. the calling code should be easy to write. at the moment it isn't :-)11:14
wallyworld_well, not intuitive or transparent perhaps11:14
wgrantThe task creation code is all now nicely centralised, same with information_type, and I refactored target setting, so there's basically just 3 methods that need hacking11:15
wallyworld_wgrant: we would need to use the legacy triggers removed feature flag11:15
wallyworld_so the triggers and app code don't double up11:15
wallyworld_oh, i haven't landed that flag yet11:16
wgrantwallyworld_: They can't double up.11:16
wgrantThey're idempotent.11:16
=== danilos_ is now known as danilos
wallyworld_wgrant: i've been getting pk errors if i don't diable the triggers and have app code to do the same thing11:17
wgrantwallyworld_: The triggers won't recreate stuff that already exists.11:18
wgrantSo the appserver code will just check what's there, and fix it if it's wrong.11:18
wgrantSame as the triggers.11:18
wallyworld_wgrant: yes but they fire first11:18
wallyworld_and my app code didn;t check, just assumed the stuff needed creating11:18
wallyworld_anyways, footy is back on :-)11:19
wgrantRight. My centralised app code will render that no longer necessary, and will do the check.11:19
wgrantHeh, k11:19
wgrantThanks for sorting all this stuff out!11:19
wallyworld_np. i'll code my branch and it tests will fail and i'll merge devel when your stuff is in and tests will work11:20
wgrantI'll also grep for any makeAccessPolicyArtifact calls that are lying around11:20
wgrantAnd delete them.11:20
wallyworld_it's all quite verbose atm11:21
wgrantThe transition phase wasn't meant to last quite as long as it has :)11:21
wgrantStill, its end is nigh11:21
wallyworld_yep, can't wait11:21
wallyworld_and we nweed to do branches11:22
wgrantBranches are easy :)11:23
wgrantAs of 12 hours ago...11:23
wallyworld_i have a few XXXs in tests etc11:23
wallyworld_waiting for it to be sorted11:23
wallyworld_so we need the same app code as we just discussd for bugs11:24
wgrantBranch code will be entirely app. In fact, we'll lost the transitively_private trigger shortly.11:24
wgrantBut yeah11:24
wgrantStevenK is basically cleaning up the points we'll need to hook into11:25
jelmerhmm, quantal and lxc don't seem to be an ideal combination here at the moment12:34
wgrantjelmer: Oh?12:36
wgrantWhat's breaking?12:36
jelmerkernel panic :)12:37
wgrantThat's quite impressive.12:37
jelmerthis is the second time it's happened to me, next time I'll take a photo12:37
mgz...you mean you don't have a serial cable hooked up?12:38
mgzI'm disappointed in you jelmer.12:38
wgrantmgz: Did you get your LP instance working?12:40
mgzwgrant: yup, and forwarded via socks over chinstrap to the browser here12:41
mgzone oddness was the new bugs page wasn't in, so maybe I didn't have it setup the same way the current live version is?12:41
mgzare there more things I managed to ignore on the wiki about setting flags or similar?12:42
jelmermgz: you probably have to be in one of the special groups for that?12:42
mgzI thought new bugs were on for everyone now?12:42
StevenKI thought it was still behind a feature flag12:43
mgzotherwise, how do you make the stub test data gain the feature flags you care about?12:43
StevenKmgz: You add it? http://launchpad.dev/+feature-rules12:43
mgzStevenK: thanks :)12:43
wgrantIt's still behind a feature flag, despite being enabled everywhere for nearly 6 months12:44
wgrantThe old code was never removed.12:44
mgzare there other features that are enabled live but still not on by default for the test setup?12:44
StevenKmgz: Sounds like a good learning exercise. ^ :-)12:44
mgzor is the bug listing stuff unusual...12:44
StevenKmgz: Some feature flags are supposed to be short lived12:45
StevenKI'm hoping that disclosure.show_information_type_in_ui gets ripped out next week, for instance.12:45
mgzis there somewhere that tells me what launchpad beta testers have turned on?12:46
StevenKYou can have a look at the feature rules on prod12:46
mgzI can, or I can tell some poor l-osa to?12:48
deryckMorning, all.12:56
StevenKmgz: You can see them, you just can't edit.12:56
mgzStevenK: is there some documentation you can point me at? things involving 'prod' I'm nervous prodding without knowing what I'm doing.13:00
mgzam not even aware of which boxes are involved with the live launchpad setup for example.13:00
StevenKmgz: You can't change anything there, so there is no harm in looking.13:07
StevenKmgz: There is some doco around of the LP producution setup including a diagram. I can't recall where off the top of my head13:07
cjwatsonmgz: are you looking for the URL?  https://launchpad.net/+feature-rules13:11
mgzah, doh, I assumed that'd be a dev setup only thing13:12
mgzand the changelog is very informative.13:13
cjwatsonIt's restricted to ~admins and ~registry13:13
cjwatsonMortals like myself just get 403 :)13:14
czajkowskicjwatson: ah thought you were a demi god myself13:14
mgzjust in all other regards czajkowski :)13:14
cjwatsonOnly for stuff under /ubuntu :)13:14
czajkowskicjwatson: ahhh :)13:15
stubI can't find my recipe13:19
stubahh... wrong branch13:20
jammgz: how would you travel from the UK to NL, I'm trying to decide if Eindhoven or Utrecht is a better meeting point. Ein has a direct Stansted <=> Ein flight, but Utrecht is a more central train station.13:35
mgzjam: norwich 'international' airport has a hop to schiphol13:39
mgzstanstead isn't too hard to get to either13:40
mgzthere used to be a ferry from these parts too, but I think no longer13:40
jammgz: could you do a quick check on pricing, including train/taxi/whatever for the two routes?13:41
cjwatsonStansted is way easier to get to than Norwich from just about anywhere except Norwich13:41
cjwatsonThough I know the latter's probably more important to mgz :)13:42
jamcjwatson: yeah13:42
jamI was surprised how many people in directory.canonical.com are listed as in Norwich, though. (4)13:43
mgzand amigadave is also norfolk13:44
mgzwe're doing pretty purple round here.13:44
mgzso, NOR-AMS return is £120-150 range, then need train on the dutch side which you might have a better idea on13:46
mgzheh, first web search hit is the dutch train operator, second in bbc news article about crash in april13:47
mgzlooks like about 8 euros one way to utrecht from schiphol, so not expensive13:48
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
mgzfrom stansted I'm failing to find flights to eindhoven at all, but to schiphol it's £110 upwards13:53
jelmermgz: aren't you near Harwich? How long does the boat take?13:54
mgzto get the train to eindhoven goes through utrecht, costs about another 10 euros13:54
mgzjelmer: however long it takes me to hide in a container ship without being noticed? :)13:55
jelmermgz: hehe13:56
jelmermgz: I thought Stena Line operated from Harwich to Hoek van Holland?13:56
mgzthey do seem to, takes 6 hours, failing to find prices13:57
jelmerouch, 6 hours is quite long :-/13:57
mgznot if you're sleeping :)13:58
mgz£36 return, plus train at...14:00
mgzless than £27 this end, plus...14:03
mgzabout 14 euros one way going via rotterdam to utrecht14:05
mgzI'll send you an email later jam.14:06
cjwatsonwebops: I have some QA to do on https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/archive-build-score-api/+merge/106804, and need admin help.  Could somebody in ~admins run http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003094/ at an 'lp-shell qastaging devel' prompt and tell me what it says?14:06
jammgz: http://www.ryanair.com/en14:07
gnuoycjwatson, I'll take a look14:07
jammgz: ams => ein is about 40 round trip14:07
cjwatsonHopefully it should give no errors and the last line should return 100.14:08
jam(40 Euros, not GBP)14:08
jammgz: note that right now, I'm looking at the week of June 25th, for availability.14:09
wallyworld_abentley: hi. celery question. the wiki page says to add jobs to run_missing_ready(). Should that method use the feature flag to get the celery jobs to pass to find_missing_ready()? It's current just hard coded to look for branch scan jobs only.14:09
jammgz: also note that ryanair tends to add a lot after the initial decision.14:09
jamlike it is only 10.99 GBP for the return EIN => STE, but that doesn't include checking a bag, etc.14:10
abentleywallyworld_: It can't use the feature flag to get the jobs, because that does not contain enough information.14:10
jamand if you leave at 9am, vs 5pm, etc.14:10
wallyworld_abentley: the feature flag contains the job class names. is that not enough?14:10
abentleywallyworld_: Also, there's not a one-to-one relationship between job sources and job types.14:11
czajkowskijam: mgz jelmer http://www.speedcommunications.com/blogs/speed/2012/05/22/ryanair-taking-the-biscuit/14:11
jammgz: and I swear they charge you a lot more for checking a bag. I thought it was ~20 Euro for round trip, but I'm seeing 50GBP for the first bag.14:11
abentleywallyworld_: Indeed, that is not enough.14:11
cjwatsonjam: I just refuse to fly RyanAir, saves aggravation all round14:12
jamcjwatson: I've had quite good success with them, but mostly because they fly out of my city14:13
jamnot a lot flies to Ein, and otherwise I have a 2hr train to AMS14:13
gnuoycjwatson, I got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003098/14:13
wallyworld_abentley: ok. so we should just create a list of jobs in the run_missing_ready() method and iterate over those? we really should set up a register method or something that jobs use to register themselves and it's all taken are of from there14:14
abentleywallyworld_: Maybe.  It didn't seem like there were any great answers, so I did the simplest thing.14:14
cjwatsongnuoy: That looks like a stale WADL cache, I think.  Could you run "find ~/.launchpadlib -name '*qastaging*devel*wadl*' | xargs rm" and try again?14:15
wallyworld_abentley: sure :-) i'm jsut mking sure i understand what i need to do for my new jobs14:15
abentleywallyworld_: So ideally, the registration is done in the same module as run_missing_ready.  If it's done in a Job-specific module, then there's the risk that the module won't be loaded.14:16
abentleywallyworld_: So a list in run_missing_ready seems as good a place as any to "register" the job sources.14:17
wallyworld_abentley: yes, same module. and this allows for any other required processing in addition to run_missing_ready to be hooked in14:17
abentleywallyworld_: YAGNI14:17
gnuoycjwatson, still getting the same error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003102/14:18
wallyworld_abentley: are we expecting all celery jobs need to be handled by run_missing_ready()14:18
cjwatsongnuoy: Urr.14:18
cjwatsonAny launchpadlib/lazr.restfulclient/wadllib experts want to help me out understanding the above?14:19
abentleywallyworld_: All jobs that run via celery should have sources handled by run_missing_ready.14:19
wallyworld_abentley: so in that case i think registration should be automatic so it's not missed out14:20
wallyworld_via whatever mechanism makes sense14:21
wallyworld_otherwise it's a pita to have to define a new job and remember to add it to a list somewhere else14:21
wallyworld_that would be quite fragile14:22
abentleywallyworld_: I don't think registration can be automatic, because it needs coordination between two modules, the one where the class is defined and the one where the registration needs to happen.14:22
wallyworld_why can't it be done? because thre are 2 modules inolved?14:23
wallyworld_i'm not sure i see the problem14:23
abentleywallyworld_: Yes, and because the module where the class is defined may not be loaded.14:23
abentleywallyworld_: So you can't make declaring the class simply have a side effect of registering the class.14:24
wallyworld_it would be the class which registeres itself14:24
abentleywallyworld_: See above.14:24
wallyworld_enum types seem to do that14:24
abentleywallyworld_: Code that is not executed cannot have side effects.  A module that is not loaded cannot register a class.14:25
wallyworld_right, i see what you are saying. perhaps there can be a config file where the known jobs are listed14:26
wallyworld_i guess that's what the run_missing_ready is14:27
wallyworld_or could be14:27
abentleywallyworld_: Right.14:27
wallyworld_so it seems there's a bunch of celery jobs missing from that list then14:27
cjwatsongnuoy: Perhaps I could have a look at whatever file(s) are shown by "find ~/.launchpadlib -name '*qastaging*devel*wadl*'"?14:28
abentleywallyworld_: Sure, but we also knew that we were only planning on doing BranchScanJobs for now, so I didn't add the others, because it would be a wasted of CPU.14:28
wallyworld_i thought a number of other jobs had been ported to celery?14:29
abentleywallyworld_: Right, but we're off maintenance, so we had to tie off work here.  We settled on doing BranchScanJobs as our spike.14:29
wallyworld_ok. so those other jobs will just run as normal not with celery?14:30
gnuoycjwatson, I tried moving  ~/.launchpadlib out of the way and rerunning, seemed to get the same error. Let me get a colleague to give it a go as well to confirm its not just me14:30
abentleywallyworld_: Right.14:30
wallyworld_abentley: ok. so i have 2 new jobs written only for celery. so i'll add those to the list14:30
=== deryck is now known as deryck[afk]
abentleywallyworld_: Cool.  If you're in the area, it would make sense to change find_missing_ready to take a list of job sources, so that we only have to run it once.14:31
cjwatsongnuoy: Weird.  I was hoping to look at the wadl to see if Archive.relative_build_score is there at all.14:32
abentleywallyworld_: (which means we only have to query the queue once.)14:32
gnuoycjwatson, sure, let me get it14:32
wallyworld_abentley: yes. i'll do a branch for that and get you to review it. can i land the branches with the jobs etc before i add the jobs to run_missing_ready?14:32
abentleywallyworld_: Certainly.14:33
wallyworld_abentley: cool. will do that. i have a 8 branch pipe i need to get landed before i go too much further14:33
wallyworld_abentley: thanks for the clarifications on this stuff14:34
gnuoycjwatson, chinstrap.canonical.com:/home/liam/api.qastaging.launchpad.net,devel,-application,vnd.sun.wadl+xml,66834a8cfcc85749a969518f3c24885614:34
abentleywallyworld_: np.14:34
cjwatsongnuoy: Weird, Archive.relative_build_score does appear to be there.14:36
cjwatsonMaybe I should try myself on DF or something14:36
cjwatsongnuoy: Oh, maybe this is bug 66274014:47
_mup_Bug #662740: Setting an attribute on a shim object without first reading an attribute causes a crash <lazr.restfulclient:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/662740 >14:47
cjwatsongnuoy: Could you try just 'archive.relative_build_score' (i.e. read the attribute) before trying to set it?14:48
gnuoycjwatson, sure14:48
gnuoycjwatson, I seem to be able to read it fine: >>> archive.relative_build_score14:50
cjwatsongnuoy: OK, then try the rest immediately after that14:50
cjwatsonStarting from 'archive.relative_build_score = 100'14:50
gnuoycjwatson, that works: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003122/14:51
cjwatsongnuoy: Great, that's step one then (that lazr.restfulclient bug is unrelated to my QA).  Would it be possible to add me briefly to commercial-admins so that I can do the final step?14:53
cjwatsonOn qas, obviously14:53
gnuoycjwatson, sure14:53
gnuoycjwatson, done14:54
cjwatsongnuoy: Great, thanks, that passed (i.e. commercial-admins can still write that attribute) - please remove me from that team again14:57
sinzuijcsackett, This is the bug about the privacy banner. I think the issue is really about the switch to radio buttons: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/100348215:05
_mup_Bug #1003482: privacy banner is not shown by default when reporting a bug <disclosure> <regression> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1003482 >15:05
jcsackettsinzui: dig. i think i can whack that in line with the other banner stuff i'm doing.15:06
sinzuijcsackett, ian and wallyworld_ believe the radio buttons are inconsistent. We are discussing changing the widget. Your fix is appreciated, we want to be sure what ever widget we choose, the banner appears15:08
jcsackettsinzui: yeah, there's no reason the banner's appearance on a private-by-default project should be dependent on the info_type selector.15:08
jcsackettor rather, on the *type* of selector.15:08
jamhave a good evening everyone, I'm EOD15:09
cjwatsongnuoy: Oh, of course, I can leave a team myself.  Done15:12
gnuoycjwatson, thanks15:13
danilosfrankban, hi, can you please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/bug-1000787/+merge/10704115:35
frankbansure danilos, give me a minute and I'm on it.15:42
=== deryck[afk] is now known as deryck
danilosfrankban, cool, thanks16:01
=== frankban changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
jcsackettrick_h_: is there way when using the combo loader and jsbuild_watch to not have minified js?16:12
jcsackettit makes hunting a bug a bit harder.16:12
rick_h_jcsackett: yea, add a filter='raw' to the config16:13
rick_h_otp atm, but can get you a paste in a sec16:13
jcsackettrick_h_: ok.16:13
danilosfrankban, rvba: hi, can you perhaps get the branch landed for me if you are fine with the latest changes as per your review?16:43
rvbaHey danilos. Can you take care of it frankban?16:43
danilosmrevell, hi, any news from ubuntu people on acceptance/headline and removal of the migration script?16:52
frankbandanilos: I will get your branch landed16:53
danilosfrankban, cool, thanks again16:53
frankbanyou are welcome16:53
sinzuiczajkowski, do you have the mad skillz to make a video appear in a Wordpress post?17:51
czajkowskisure pp it in and I'll have a look in a wee bit if you like17:53
czajkowskijust heading out to grab some food17:53
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
czajkowskisinzui: hmm i dont have access to the YT account to upload the vide18:38
czajkowskiand clicking on it in chrome makes it open in another tab and not play :/18:38
sinzuiyes. I think chromium want webm18:38
* sinzui does not want to render the video again18:39
sinzuiczajkowski, We can wait for mrevell18:39
czajkowskisinzui: see -ops found the link on wiki :)18:39
czajkowskiI think..18:39
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=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
gary_posterStevenK, hey.  Is there a concrete reason why you think the new bug you reported has to do with us?  Ooh!  I have an idea.  The only way I can think of that we might be responsible is the new zope.testing.  I already reverted it locally because it is broken for us.  Maybe it is broken in whatever way you need too.22:28
StevenKgary_poster: Yeah, you seemed like the most likely team implicated. :-)22:31
gary_posterStevenK, fair enough.  I'm already well past my EoD and dealing with other gigantic new baffling issues of our own, so help with this would be appreciated.  I suggest reverting r15283.  I'm 80% sure that's the cause, and I know it's broken in other ways22:32
StevenKgary_poster: r15283 has been reverted in r15293.22:33
gary_posterStevenK, and so would that correlate with your failure?22:33
StevenKgary_poster: But thank you for looking at it. :-)22:33
StevenKOh, sorry22:34
lifelessgary_poster: hi; I've commented on the LEP itself22:34
lifelessgary_poster: rather than on the thread22:34
StevenKI reverted my branch22:34
StevenK[testfix][r=stevenk][rollback=15289] Revert r15289,22:34
StevenK it passed ec2 and failed buildbot.22:34
gary_posterlifeless, oh ok thanks for heads up22:34
lifelessgary_poster: I'd be delight to talk via voice, e.g. tomorrow, if you want to22:34
StevenKgary_poster: Sorry, I'm a muppet. I can do a rollback of r15283 if you wish.22:35
StevenKgary_poster: What breakage have you seen, so I can write a good commit message?22:35
gary_posterlifeless, cool, thanks.  I see your gist now, and will look in more detail later.22:36
gary_posterStevenK, the subunit output is broken.22:36
gary_posterum, in particular...22:36
gary_posterI believe that errors are inserted within other errors within the stream22:36
gary_posterbut I didn't look too closely beyond "broken! broken!"22:37
gary_posterStevenK, ^^22:37
StevenKgary_poster: Right, if the subunit stream is broken that would explain why ec2 didn't die horribly.22:37
gary_posterMust run.  bye all22:41

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