
=== danilos_ is now known as danilos
gary_posterbac frankban gmb call in 212:08
* gmb fires up firefox12:08
bacgary_poster: where we doing this?12:11
gary_posterbac gmb frankban https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/edbf4dd708d7938ac8ac1f60fd51d01b84c936bc12:11
* gmb -> Lunch12:37
* gary_poster going to restart after new kernel13:06
frankbangary_poster: I was looking at bug 1003097. It seems that at the end increasing the query count by 1 is not a bad idea. The test fails because this query (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003086/) is not cached. And I think that query is cached by Browser.open(TASK-URL).14:06
_mup_Bug #1003097: lp.bugs.browser.tests.test_bugtask.TestBugTaskView.test_rendered_query_counts_constant_with_team_memberships fails when run by itself <paralleltest> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1003097 >14:06
gary_posterfrankban, ok.  I guess we could either increase by one, or make the test itself open that url and then reset the query count14:07
gary_postereither way, a comment will be important :-)14:07
gary_posterback in a few14:08
gary_posterhey gmb, I have a working parallel juju instance up so I'm going to try our benji's lpsetup branch.14:25
gary_posterif it works, I can let you know and you can do a MP and so on14:25
gary_posteris that ok?14:25
gmbgary_poster, That works for me.14:25
gary_postercool thx14:25
gary_postergmb, can you access that branch, like via http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~benji/lpbuildbot/bug-1003044 ?  I can't14:30
gary_postergmb, asking webops to make it public14:31
gmbgary_poster, Hmm. Me neither. Are lpbuildbot branches private by default (and if so, I guess they're private to canonical-sysadmins.14:31
gmbAh right.14:31
gmbYes, it'll need a rubber duckie.14:31
frankbangary_poster: do we want to try the triple jump from tasks/normal to qa/landing or is it too unfair?  https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/bug-1003097-isolation-failure/+merge/10702414:31
gary_posterfrankban, :-) reflect reality.  drag it to review and say that you went over the limit because you couldn't stand not fixing the bug :-P  Then you can drag it to landing14:33
gary_posterapproved frankban14:34
frankbanthanks gary14:34
gary_posterthank you14:34
gary_postergmb, I eventually got a patch for benji's branch, and applied that...but I was not up to date in my charm and so lpsetup's dependencies were wrong :-(15:20
gary_posterI'm redoing everything now15:20
gary_posterbut gmb, if/when you do have a moment15:20
gary_posterif you could take a look at why tests fail in lp:~gary/charms/precise/buildbot-slave/add-max-builds-support that would be wonderful15:21
gary_posterif you don't get around to it that's fine15:21
gary_posterbut it would be a great help15:21
gary_posterand I think you know the details there better than I15:21
gmbgary_poster, Actually, I can take a look in ten minutes or so.15:22
gmbSo I will :)15:22
gary_posterawesome, thanks gmb15:22
gmbgary_poster, When you say "tests" do you mean the charm tests or do you mean LP tests when that charm's used as a slave?15:33
gary_postergmb, sorry, I mean the charm tests15:57
gary_posterthe LP tests are doing fine15:57
gmbgary_poster, Okay. Good - I didn't know if you mean that you'd also discovered that all the tests die horribly...15:57
gary_poster:-) no15:57
gmbActually, that was my fault for not bootstrapping, but still.15:58
gmbAlso, "ues" is not a valid response to a yes/no question. We live and learn.16:00
gary_postergmb, see my comment to https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1003206 , and shake your head and say "I knew it couldn't be that simple!" :-)16:28
_mup_Bug #1003206: (parallel tests) worker output is missing from some tests <paralleltest> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1003206 >16:28
gary_postergmb, and ow, we are doing something crazy with the subunit output now: various subunit bits are inserted within the last failure on the page of http://ec2-50-19-187-30.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/builders/lucid_lp/builds/0/steps/shell_9/logs/stdio , for instance. :-/16:32
gary_posterholy smoke, the tests have gone haywire :-(16:33
gary_posterI'm hoing to go get some lunch :-/16:33
gary_posteror going16:33
gary_posteryou decide16:34
gmbDoubleyew tee eff.16:47
frankbanGet someone else's branch landed means branch it and the ec2 landing it I suppose... could you confirm?16:52
gmbgary_poster, So, I think this is definitely a good time to revert to -p6 for a run.16:54
gmbfrankban, Yes, that's right. You might be able to do `ec2 land $merge_proposal_url` though.16:54
gmbI can't quite remember.16:54
gmbgary_poster, Ah, crumbs, I think this is the problem:16:54
gmbWhen we come across an error, we pass it to the Subunit formatter's _subunit.addError() method. That passes it to _addOutcome(), which writes to _stream... which in this case means that it gets written to stdout.16:56
gmbAlthough the messiness makes no sense, since that's what _always_ happened.16:56
gmbgary_poster, I think we should do this:16:57
gmbrevert to -p6 for a run, to confirm that nothing new is screwing with things16:57
gmbIf that's confirmed, revert it in devel (and revert the -p7 change in zope.testing-3.9.4-fork)16:57
* gmb -> grabbing some dinner but will BBL.16:58
gary_posteryeah will do after more lunch break17:02
bachey gary_poster, i haven't put it in canonicaladmin yet, but i plan to work on memorial day for a swap day tbd19:48
gary_posterbac, cool20:05
bacgary_poster: i'm trying to run a ec2 buildbot test and am running into errors.  you ever see permission denied errors re: /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/mirrors20:06
gary_posterbac, yes. :-(  today is not a good day for test runs.  Maybe we should pair after I finish my tl call notes (I was chair)20:06
bacoh, ok20:07
bacso is it a busted branch for LP?20:07
bacoh benji!  :)20:08
gary_posterbac https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/860d9077559ceb3952f1dd8c072db17bf6d623a820:12
gary_posterqbac you disappeared21:34
gary_posterdid the hail eat you bac?22:00

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