
=== Kiall_ is now known as Kiall
RAOFI'm getting OOPS-e24b88e5a18fffb5e46b9db4c41f84b4 when trying to accept the nominations for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-kde/+bug/100233602:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1002336 in smokeqt (Ubuntu) "SRU tracking bug for KDE SC 4.8.3" [Undecided,Fix released]02:34
micahgit was suggested to me to use a blueprint for something like this02:38
wgrantoooooooh deary me02:39
StevenKRAOF: I'd look, but lp-oops loves me not.02:39
wgrantThat is *not* going to work well02:39
RAOFwgrant: Am I going to be timing out one of your precious LP daemons with a hundred bug nominations?02:40
wgrantThat's, like, more than a kernel team level of task abuse :)02:40
RAOFAnything I can do about it?02:41
wgrantThe solution is to not do things like that.02:41
micahgRAOF: fix LP :)02:41
RAOFLet me clarify: anything I can do in the next 10 minutes to make my SRU process work?02:42
wgrantOther than not using one bug for 55 pacakges02:42
wgrantIt might work in couple of weeks when one of my DB optimisations is deployed.02:42
wgrantBut the chance of it working before then is roughly zero02:43
wgrantAnd the chance of it not making me angry after then is less than zero.02:43
RAOFwgrant: You might want to alert the KDE team to that, then.02:43
micahgLP isn't happy with more than 10 tasks in general (disabling javascript and what not)02:44
lifelessStevenK: lp-oops issue?02:46
wgrantlifeless: Just taking ages, because the OOPS is horrible.02:47
lifelesswgrant: I'm asking in case its other than that02:47
RAOFwgrant: You've got the ability to disable timeouts or use a longer timeout or something, right? Could you accept those nominations, or will I resign myself to not tracking that bug as easily?02:48
lifelessRAOF: in extreme situations we do. You might be able to reject the nominations and add separate individual tasks.02:48
* micahg would like to fix this one day02:49
lifelessusing one bug, if the group of packages have to move in lockstep is, in principle, ok. It is however tricky with LP's guts today to do so many.02:49
wgrantRAOF: The timeout on that page is already more than twice the normal timeout.02:49
* micahg hopes one day we get bug linking02:49
* RAOF vents at LP timeouts again.02:52
lifelessRAOF: the timeouts aren't the root cause02:53
RAOFApparently another thing to not do is accept multiple packages from the queue at once.02:53
lifelessRAOF: email sending is a major factor for that one02:53
lifelessRAOF: in particular determining *who* to email takes a while.02:53
wgrant(because every package may have different subscribers. so for every package it creates a new task which looks up the subscribers for every package and so on)02:54
lifelesss/may have/probably has/02:55
lifelesswhat it should do is dispatch the event notification and move on02:55
lifelessthat would let us to much more work.02:55
lifelesswgrant: notification service02:55
wgrantWe won't have that until next decade.02:55
RAOFGrr!  Ok, launchpad.  Will you work if I only accept 4 packages from the queue at once?03:00
lifelessRAOF: 103:20
wgrantRAOF: Queue batch acceptance is a bonus at the best of times. It's even less likely to work when all the uploads reference an enormous bug.03:26
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
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bencerhi all, when trying to access pad.ubuntu.com despite i'm loggged in says: "Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your entitlement has timed out. Please try again.", any ideas of what could be wrong?09:02
czajkowskibencer: ehterpad is a group you need to get access granted to you09:06
bencerczajkowski: uhm the thing is that i was at uds and i had to request other people to take notes of the sessions09:07
bencerbecause i couldnt access, and now i want to see the notes... how could i do it? can i request access to the etherpad group?09:07
czajkowskibencer: right so mst people asked to be added to the team so they could take notes :)09:07
czajkowskibencer: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-etherpad09:08
czajkowskibencer: what is your lp nick ?09:08
bencerczajkowski: bencer09:08
bencerczajkowski: just requested join09:09
czajkowskibencer: done09:09
czajkowskibencer: in future if you're struggling at uds to use the tools there ask and someone will help you09:09
czajkowskirahter than waiting till after uds :)09:09
bencerwell, was a kind of excuse to have somebody else take notes :D09:10
czajkowskibencer: yes :/09:10
bencerbut maybe the error message could be a bit more explainful09:10
czajkowskipeople tend to frown upon that, and like to rotate it09:10
czajkowskigrant access does imply you need to get access09:11
czajkowskianyways you have it now09:11
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vibhavDoes anybody have any idea why https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+related-software fails to load?13:16
mgzbecause ~pitti is too darn prolific?13:16
vibhavError ID: OOPS-5423cdd9bbf86c43ee83358e9fe88c8e13:17
vibhavmgz: profilic?13:17
mgzso, the direct answer is that three sql queries related to finding he software related to him on take over a second13:21
mgzthe longest query on my page is 21ms by contrast13:22
mgzso, scales badly with large numbers of hits.13:22
mgzsee bug 73597213:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 735972 in Launchpad itself "Person:+related-software timeouts" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73597213:23
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fugue88staging.launchpad.net has been "Code Update in Progress" since yesterday.  Any chance it will be working today?15:30
czajkowskifugue88: let me go and see15:32
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fugue88czajkowski: Any word on staging.launchpad.net?17:28
fugue88My irc client went offline, not sure if I missed anything.17:28
czajkowskifugue88: thedac is working on it17:28
fugue88czajkowski, thedac: Cool, thanks!17:28
thedacfugue88: I am doing a manual restore now17:28
thedacfugue88: czajkowski staging is back up.18:51
czajkowskithedac: cheers18:51
fugue88thedac: Awesome, thanks!18:52
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