
=== unit193_ is now known as TheDrums
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jbichabodhizazen: you have experience with building *buntu isos?04:23
bodhizazenjbicha, yes I have build several05:11
jbichabodhizazen: ok I'm going to bed now, but I'll have to ping you later to see if you can help me build a "gnomebuntu" iso from a seed05:12
bodhizazensure, what are you using to build ?05:12
jbichawhatever works ;) I'd like it to be pretty similar to how official isos are built though05:13
jbichaI used https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RPPF14h1Sw2gQjGTuZjUIlNHnGrafS8ekhFjJM9MT00/edit to build the seed05:15
jbichabut the building part is underdocumented05:15
bodhizazenOK, I will look at what you have05:18
jbichaI don't have much, https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/+junk/ubuntu-gnome.quantal05:20
jbichaand the metapackage https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/+junk/ubuntu-gnome-meta05:20
jbichathis looked pretty promising, except I couldn't figure out how to run it https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu05:21
jbichaanyway, I'll say hi tomorrow, good night!05:24
windbuntuwill xfburn burn image disks (OS disks)?05:42
windbuntuand if so do i have to tell it too or does it just do it like brasero does in ubuntu?05:42
windbuntuin other words brasero just knows its a image and burns it...is xfburn like that?05:42
jmarsdenwindbuntu: man xfburn.  I think   xfburn -i someimage.iso    will burn that iso to a blank optical disk for you...05:46
jmarsdenI tend to use use wodim, being more command line oriented :)05:46
windbuntuno i dea what you mean but i think you are saying the answer is no05:50
jmarsdenIf you want to know how a program works, read its man page.  You do that by typing the word man and then the name of the program at a shell promtp in a terminal.05:50
jmarsdenDid you try that?05:51
jmarsdenThen try it now, and see if the information there helps you out.05:51
windbuntui can install brasero if i want correct?05:51
windbuntui noticed lubuntu was only using 8,mb ram in my vm05:52
windbuntuand thats with system mon open05:52
jmarsdenIt will use rather more than that if you open brasero, I suspect :)05:52
windbuntuso i might stick it on the HD of one of my oler lappers05:52
windbuntuwhy is brasero a pig?05:53
windbuntuthe laptop im prolly going to install it on has a dual core and 2 gigs of ram05:53
jmarsdenNot particularly, but it is not particularly lightweight... that is part of why Lubuntu does not include it by default.05:53
windbuntuahhh ok05:53
windbuntui did not see the image choice in xfburn05:54
jmarsdenWith 2Gb RAM brasero will be fine.  Old laptops in the Ubuntu world are the ones with 256MB or 284Mb RAM, not multiple GB :)05:54
windbuntuyeah this one i mentioned is about...6 years old-vista05:55
jmarsdenTry Lubuntu on it, sounds workable to me.05:55
windbuntuatm it runs w-vista and ubuntu 12.04 as dual booter05:55
windbuntubut i like lubuntu and already have ubuntu on some computers including this desktop05:56
windbuntui just cant warm up to kubuntu and xubuntu for some reason05:56
windbuntuin fact since lubuntu came out i dont see the point in xubuntu at all05:57
bioterrorkubuntu takes a state of mind05:57
bioterroractually, the whole KDE takes05:57
windbuntuall that k stuff k this k that i cant find anything05:58
bioterrorconfiguring it is just too weird for me05:58
bioterrorI've tried kde3.something to the latest 4.3 if I remember right and never got used to it05:58
bioterrorand KDE is a lot huger than Gnome05:59
windbuntui think it would be best for all if xubuntu got their own spearate sponsor and all the technology and resources went into ubuntu and lubuntu05:59
windbuntuone for big fat computers and one for skinny ones05:59
windbuntuhmm no manual entry for xfburn06:05
windbuntuwhen i tried the man xfburn thing in terminal06:05
windbuntumaybe cause im in ubuntu now instead of lubuntu06:05
bioterrorit doesnt need one :D06:05
jmarsdenThere is if xfburn is installed...06:05
windbuntuyeah ill do it when i go back in lubuntu06:06
jmarsdenbioterror: You're still running Jaunty? :)06:06
bioterrorjmarsden, first hit from the Moog site ;)06:07
windbuntucool it does burn images06:07
bioterrorwindbuntu, ofcourse06:07
windbuntui thought so06:07
windbuntujust dont see it in the gui06:07
windbuntuive never burned an image that way06:08
windbuntusounds like a command06:08
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:39
wxlthat's what i thought06:39
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Guest75922is there anyone ??06:43
jmarsdenGuest75922: Ask your real question and see if anyone here can help answer it.06:44
Guest75922in network manager doesnot authenticate06:44
Guest75922wireless passwords06:45
Guest75922it allway show up error06:45
brico-1check, test06:46
brico-1join #bash06:47
jmarsdenbrico-1: If you have an Lubuntu support question, ask it :)06:47
Guest75922 network manager doesnot authenticate wireless passwd, it always shows error06:47
stuengHi, I wish to build a machine for the exclusive use of XBMC. Is there such a thing as being able to start X with the wole purpose of running XBMC? without having to load a desktop environment?10:24
jakob_llike XBMCbuntu?10:25
stuengI would imagine so, I would like to have the experience of creating this myself though.. I am just not sure where to start10:26
stuengor even what the correct terms are10:26
stuengI guess what I am asking is what are the minimum requirements to launch XBMC. Is an entire desktop environment necesarry or can I just have "X" ?10:29
jakob_lyou do not need an DE to run XBMC10:30
stuengok so what is it that I need? lightdm ?10:30
jakob_lnope, no login is needed10:31
stuengI need X ?10:31
bioterroryou can start XBMC like window manager10:32
stuengis that whats its called just "X"? Xserver? Xfree86?10:32
bioterrorit's called X.Org nowdays10:32
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution10:32
bioterrorXFree86 is from the past10:32
stuengok, so some kind of minimal install. Then add x.org. Then add nvidia drivers, then add xbmc10:33
stuengcool thanks10:33
stuengnow I have something to go on10:33
jakob_lhave a look at http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO:Install_XBMC_for_Linux10:33
bioterroryou make .xinitrc and you add there: start xbmc10:34
bioterrorexec xbmc10:34
bioterrorbut you should add consolekit and dbus too10:34
stuengnice one, thanks10:34
stuenggoogle :P10:34
bioterrorexec /usr/bin/ck-launch-session /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/xbmc --standalone -fs10:35
bioterrorsomething like that10:35
stuengconsolekit is a frameowrk for keeping track of various users, sessions and seats present on a system10:36
stuengwould that not be present on a default mininmal install anwyay10:37
bioterrorI've noticed that XBMC likes wicd for network handling10:38
bioterrorI'm autostarting XBMC on startup on top of of the Openbox10:39
bioterrorbecouse I might want to browse web or something with my htpc10:39
bioterrorlike I watched the last NASA Spaceship launch from TV10:39
stuengairplay for that :P10:40
stuengwhen I install xbmc from apt-get is it not going to install a DE as a dependancy ?10:41
iceroot_stueng: xbmc does not need a DE11:11
iceroot_stueng: i am using my xbmc-standalone directy on plain X1111:11
stuenganyone know how to get the grub boot menu from a LiveUSB rather than this splash screen11:13
bioterrorwhat splash11:17
bioterrorgrub is hide by default if you're not dual booting11:17
stuengive added a loopback to grub.cfg11:17
stueng but I cant see it cos of this splash screen11:17
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stuenghello again, I have installed a minimal ubuntu install without any DE and have managed to install XBMC and all its dependancies. When I strart xbmc I get cannot connect to X server. Presumably because I dont have x.org installed?14:44
stuengnm ^ sorted14:50
leszekstueng: one of the dependencies of XBMC is xorg14:52
leszekso you don't have all its dependencies installed14:52
stuengxbmc instlaled from apt but did not include xorg, I installed xorg manually from apt and everything is working :)15:00
=== anonymous is now known as Guest34949
casey9what is the different between XTerm and UXTerm?16:23
ubottuIf with all the cute terminals that are around you're still using xterm, then you deserve any problem you're experiencing with it. Go away.16:25
holstein!info xterm16:26
ubottuxterm (source: xterm): X terminal emulator. In component main, is optional. Version 271-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 543 kB, installed size 1464 kB16:26
casey9well then what should i be useing16:27
pcmancan anyone here help test pcmanfm/libfm?16:32
casey9so if i shouldn't be useing xterm what should i be useing16:33
ubottuIf with all the cute terminals that are around you're still using xterm, then you deserve any problem you're experiencing with it. Go away.16:42
valdur55pcman, Sure, give some items16:46
pcmanvaldur55: the latest code in git should be much more robust now.16:47
pcmanvaldur55: just need to test if it still crashes often.16:47
valdur55pcman, give some test cases16:48
pcmanvaldur55: mount and unmount removable devices or DVD.16:48
pcmanvaldur55: changing dir very rapidly.16:48
valdur55pcman, give github repo URL16:50
pcmanvaldur55: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXDE:PCManFM_build_and_setup_guide#Bug_Reporting_and_How_to_Help_Debug_PCManFM16:50
valdur55should i have update pcmanfm and libfm ?16:51
pcmanvaldur55: yes17:05
cherylYello everybuddy! ;)17:11
cherylHow do I add shortcuts of my fave programs to the taskbar??17:11
cherylIn Ubuntu I just dragged 'n dropped stuff...not working now. :(17:11
pcmancheryl: right click on the taskbar17:16
pcmancheryl: or in the preference dialog, edit the launchbar applet.17:17
cherylThank you pcman17:18
cherylWell it's not as easy as I'd hoped so will tackle it after I've had my dinner :)17:20
valdur55pcman, sorry, i am to lazy to download some automake and gtkdoc items17:38
valdur551 mbit/sec is to slow :P17:38
joker-mei have a issue with network manager17:48
joker-mecan som1 help in resolving network manager wireless authentication issue17:48
HarryHirsch123Hi, where can i get a dark lxpanel background?17:54
leszekHarryHirsch123: you can build one on your own17:59
HarryHirsch123i know, but i haven´t enough time to do is17:59
leszek1 minute work18:00
leszeklet me do it for you then18:00
leszekwhat color do you want ?18:00
HarryHirsch123like the Onyx theme18:01
HarryHirsch123i have the onyx theme but the white default panel18:02
leszeklike the onyx title decoration right ß18:03
leszekok just a sec18:03
leszekHarryHirsch123: http://h9.abload.de/img/onyx-panelrvyql.png18:06
HarryHirsch123thanks :)18:07
smilebye :)18:32
nothingspecialhead_victim: not forgotten your question...... just don't have an answer yet18:49
=== miro is now known as Guest14818
Guest14818can anyone recommend any ubuntu-one client or damon for Lubuntu?!18:54
Guest14818demon - that does the synchronization18:55
wxlGuest14818: there's not a pretty solution per se. not like with ubuntu. integration is on the to-do list18:55
wxlbut the actual sync can happen pretty easily18:55
wxlsee http://askubuntu.com/questions/74093/how-to-integrate-ubuntu-one-in-pcmanfm-lubuntu-file-manager18:55
wxloh wait18:56
wxlthere's a qt app now http://askubuntu.com/questions/36117/ubuntu-one-on-lubuntu18:56
Guest14818interesting, but I would prefer to keep my Lubuntu installation as small as possible, hence would like prevent to pull in qt libs. a command line solution is also fine for me, if such one exists.19:01
lompaToday, is there meeting?20:08
kanliotuh we had a short meeting20:12
kanliotnext time look on the ubuntu fridge20:12
kanliotyou hsould be able to look at the meeting logs20:13
lompaOkey. thanks :D20:23
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hallynhey, I just want to make sure bug 994979 doesn't fall off the radar.  Are bugs against project 'Lubuntu default settings' watched?21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 994979 in Lubuntu default settings "ELinks Does Not Open in LXTerminal When Clicking On The Link In The Menu List" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99497921:56
hallynif not I'll target the bug at lxcterminal I guess...21:56

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