
djszapiogra_: hey, I am having this issue after the ubuntu 12.04 reinstallation on the pandaboard: http://paste.kde.org/484964/ I would like to play an ogg file, that is all.09:33
ogra_just use paplay09:35
djszapiogg should work as well...09:36
djszapi(it did before the reinstallation)09:36
ogra_it works fine here using paplay09:36
djszapiuhh, it is nasty PA stuff...09:37
* abogani waves all09:37
aboganiCould anyone pinpoint me on RTFM to install Ubuntu on an BeagleBone, please?09:37
aboganiThanks in advance!09:37
ogra_abogani, we dont have bootloader or kernel support in the official ubuntu images for the bone yet09:38
ogra_not sure if someone already has a community port or so, ask in #beagle, probably rcn-ee has rolled an image or some such09:38
djszapiogra_: paplay is a no go anyway since that would require the rewriting of the software09:39
djszapithe software executes ogg123, and that is something which should work.09:39
aboganiogra_, Thanks!09:39
djszapinot to mention, paplay does not work either: Connection failure: Connection refused09:39
djszapipa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused09:39
ogra_your pulse daemon isnt running it seems09:40
djszapianyway, I would like to avoid using pulse09:40
djszapiI would like to use alsa.09:40
twbI wonder if aplay would've worked fine at that point09:40
* twb is an anti-PA bigot09:40
ogra_it should, if all sound related packages are installed09:40
djszapilibasound2 is installed.09:41
ogra_we only test PA with gstreamer since thats the default setup09:41
djszapiI have honestly no clue :-S09:41
ogra_are alsa-base and alsa-utils installed ?09:42
ogra_and does /proc/asound/cards list the panda ?09:43
djszapithose are all installed by running "apt-get install alsa-utils".09:43
ogra_well, no idea then09:43
ogra_i know it works fine on the desktop images using PA and any gstreamer player09:44
djszapiperhaps another bug in 12.04 :(09:44
ogra_since thats what we test09:44
* djszapi is installing mplayer for making sure many stuff are installed.09:45
ogra_and to be honest i dont really care about cmdline players, if someone finds a bug i'll happily upload a fix though09:45
=== KRF_ is now known as KRF
djszapiwell, it is not command line interface issue09:46
djszapiI am sure it is exactly the same with ui interface09:46
ogra_well, its not a gstreamer player09:46
djszapithe error message clearly looks like an operational issue09:46
djszapiit is not that the program is executed with wrong parameters, etc.09:46
djszapiwhy would it ?09:47
ogra_dunno, but thats what we care about09:47
djszapiso you do not care about basic command line utils working ?09:47
ogra_send a patch if you find a bug09:47
djszapiperhaps there is a reason to use linaro images...09:48
ogra_we do test the default desktop in all functions (including ogg and mp3 playback) ... as lomng as that works ...09:48
ogra_linaro images are just using a different kernel09:48
djszapinot quite09:48
ogra_beyond that they are identical and built from the very same archive09:48
djszapithey also have patches against user space softwares.09:49
ogra_well, feel free to use linaro then09:49
djszapiwill do09:51
djszapiso why is the pulse daemon not running right after the installation ?09:54
ogra_dunno, its usually started by the desktop session at login09:55
djszapilet me reboot then...09:56
djszapisame after reboot: Connection failure: Connection refused09:57
djszapipa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused09:57
djszapiperhaps the postinstallation script is broken09:58
ogra_well, it works for everyone else09:59
djszapinot quite09:59
ogra_did you do a normal desktop install ?09:59
djszapiit is the same issue for my colleagues as well actually09:59
djszapino, we discussed that that is not so good idea10:00
djszapiso I went for the server install obviously.10:00
ogra_well, then you are on your own, find the missing pieces, fix them, it works fine on std desktop installs so you are obviously missing bits10:01
djszapiactually I remember it did not work with desktop installation either10:02
djszapiand that was one reason I went for alsa.10:02
djszapisince I had more issues with pulse.10:02
djszapiwhen I previously had the linary desktop images.10:02
djszapi(this is why I asked if 12.04 is any usable on pandaboard)10:03
djszapi11.10 worked better so far.10:03
ogra_not here, not in the tests10:03
djszapiright, so the problem was the pulseaudio is a *separate* package, not installed by the pulse-utils.10:04
djszapiogra_: paplay did not work10:12
djszapieven after running the server10:12
djszapiempty output, and no sound10:12
djszapihttp://paste.kde.org/484994/ -> but I hear no sound. Why is that ?10:15
* djszapi is pondering to install 11.10 back since as feared, the 12.04 is incapable for pandaboard for the time being :(12:41
ogra_just use a normal install12:42
djszapithat is not an option unfortunately.12:43
djszapiogra_: isn't there a ready made "default" desktop image I can just dd onto an sdcard and use that as the base for my further system ?12:52
av500djszapi: I can sell you an sdcard with desktop "installed"12:54
djszapino, thanks. :)12:57
av500other OS's even have that as a service: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Raspberry-Pi-Fedora-Operating-System-8GB-SD-Card-Expanded-/30070597760912:58
djszapiogra_: isn't there some metapackages ?12:59
djszapifor getting the same out of the server installation as if it had been the desktop ?12:59
ogra_sudo apt-get install ubunut-make-sound-work-for-djszapi13:00
djszapiogra_: we really need this for our project. Please do not joke :p13:00
djszapiI would have expected some meta package.13:00
ogra_well, the only metapackages we have would install the whole desktop13:00
djszapilike we have gnome, kde, etc on archlinux13:00
djszapiso no other way than the installer ?13:01
ogra_ubuntu-desktop ... though you dont want to install metapackages, usually the meta goes along with a task, you want to install the task13:01
djszapithat is physically really not possible unfortunately.13:01
djszapiok ubuntu-desktop, works13:02
djszapiis it safe to install that ?13:02
djszapi1 upgraded, 792 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded.13:02
djszapiNeed to get 212 MB/252 MB of archives.13:02
djszapiAfter this operation, 800 MB of additional disk space will be used.13:02
ogra_beyond that, did you follow the ubuntu wiki to debug sound issues (or upstream docs for this)13:02
djszapieven discussed with upstream devs13:02
djszapifor hours13:02
djszapisame with my colleague in here.13:02
ogra_did you check your mixer settings etc ?13:02
ogra_and all the other general stuff thats descrivbed on the respective debug pages on the wiki13:03
djszapiogra_: yes, we did13:03
djszapiyes, we did13:04
djszapiso is this safe to execute then ?13:04
djszapiapt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?13:04
ogra_that will get you the ubuntu default desktop installed13:04
ogra_though as i said, use the task instead13:04
djszapiwhat is the task ?13:04
ogra_apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ^13:05
ogra_err, nob space before the caret13:05
ogra_or use tasksel13:05
djszapi1 upgraded, 786 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded.13:05
djszapiNeed to get 198 MB/237 MB of archives.13:05
djszapiAfter this operation, 734 MB of additional disk space will be used.13:05
djszapifire ?13:05
djszapiI pressed "Y".13:06
djszapiogra_: so ogg123 foo.ogg works for you on the pandaboard with Ubuntu 12.04 ?13:08
ogra_no idea, i never test anything but gstreamer players13:08
ogra_but i would assume so13:09
djszapican you test ?13:09
* ogra_ has no desktop install around, all my pandas are build machines atm13:09
djszapiwell to be positive a bit, omap4-extras seems to be bundled with 12.0413:09
djszapiwas not the case previously.13:09
ogra_omap4-extras doesnt exist in 12.0413:10
djszapiyes, exactly.13:10
ogra_because there are no contents for it13:10
ogra_the pvr driver is in the ubuntu archive, all other bits simply dont exist13:11
djszapisgx and gles drivers13:11
djszapithat is what we used omap4-extras for previously.13:11
ogra_omap4-extras pulled in a lot more than just sgx/pvr13:11
djszapiI know, but that is what we needed.13:11
djszapiso how can we achieve those with 12.04 ?13:11
ogra_achieve what exactly ?13:12
djszapihaving proper support for those13:12
ogra_those ?13:12
djszapito not lose what we had with omap4-extras previously.13:12
ogra_there is no way13:12
djszapiyes, what omap4-extras contained...13:12
djszapiwhy is this regression ?13:12
ogra_TI didnt release the multimedia codecs for the 12.04 release13:13
djszapiis there anything I can read about that sentence ?13:13
djszapisome link13:13
djszapiwhat do you mean by ubuntu archive ?13:14
ogra_they simply didnt port their stuff to 3.213:14
ogra_with ubuntu archive i mean ports.ubuntu.com/archive.ubuntu.com13:14
djszapiogra_: is this really the right one for panda ? armhf13:15
ogra_ports.ubuntu-com is the archive for armhf13:15
av500for playing ogg files it does not matter if TI ported the IVAHD stuff to 12.0413:16
ogra_it just matters that your alsa UCM setup is proper and the mixers are all adjusted right13:16
djszapialsaucm set _verb HiFi13:17
ogra_but he said he went through all alsa debugging and latest upstream should have pointed to UCM13:17
djszapisudo alsactl store13:17
ogra_yeah, that should give you the proper setup13:17
djszapisine wave: http://paste.kde.org/485102/13:17
djszapialsa is running "fine".13:17
djszapiI mean no errors, just one curious line13:17
djszapibut the stuff is apparently playing by using ogg12313:18
djszapihowever, no sound13:18
djszapipactl list clearly shows there is no proper sink stuff13:18
djszapijust a dummy stuff13:18
djszapibut then again, I do not care about pulse13:18
djszapiif alsa works13:18
djszapiand vice versa13:18
ogra_are you sure you havent plugged into the mic socket ?13:19
djszapitotally sure13:19
djszapiand I tried both13:19
ogra_av500, actually your link makes me wonder, is the R-Pi boot blob freely (and commercially) distributable13:28
av500ogra_: I dont know13:29
av500and dont care :)13:29
* ogra_ suspects that SD is highly illegal 13:29
av500of course, sine I bet you cannot send the guy a GPL Request13:29
ogra_that too13:29
av500would be fun to get the card and than involve ebay and paypal over the GPL :)13:30
av500copy it and return :)13:30
ogra_i rather suspec the closed boot code to be nondistributable though13:30
* suihkulokki finds the concept of undistributable boot code silly13:30
av500ogra_: I guess even mentioning the pi needs approval from the "Foundation"13:30
suihkulokkiit's not like you can use it on any competitors device?13:31
ogra_all the R-Pi based phones !13:31
av500suihkulokki: its about the patented linked list inside....13:31
* djszapi suspects that this metapackage installation takes at least 4-5 hours :(13:32
djszapior perhaps it is going to be ready in "just" 2-3 hours.13:33
ogra_sounds about right depending on your SD card13:35
djszapiKingston 4 GB13:36
av500thats like a lottery ticket13:40
jimericksonhow does one go about getting the 3.4.0-200.1 kernel for omap4?14:47
* ogra_ doesnt know wheer that kernel version would come from15:01
ogra_quantal has 3.4.0-201.2 currently15:01
ogra_(and precise has 3.2.0-1413.17)15:02
djszapiogra_: funky, still "upgrading".15:03
djszapiogra_: guys are saying that in #alsa, it is a kernel regression15:17
djszapiso I do really wonder how it worked for you, if that is the case.15:17
dashhowdy. anybody here with an mx53 board that knows how to get it to do 1280x1024 on its vga out? looks lii need to discover15:38
ogra_dash, infinity has such a board but i dont think he even has a monitor attached (not sure)15:46
ogra_i think there are more mx53 users in #linaro15:46
djszapiogra_: I think you were wrong15:47
djszapithere are patches in 3.4 which makes the sound work15:48
ogra_djszapi, we dont use 3.4 in ubuntu15:48
ogra_(in 12.04 that is)15:48
djszapithat is why it cannot work15:48
djszapion the contrary, the linaro guys might have taken care of this.15:48
ogra_and have a very special tree with a lot of extra patches and backports15:48
djszapiogra_: in 12.04 ?15:49
ogra_and we definitely have working sound OOTB15:49
djszapinot for the pandaboard15:49
ogra_since 10.04 yes15:49
djszapisee the kernel patch above15:49
* ogra_ isnt intrested in kernel patches15:49
djszapithen trust us15:49
djszapiit cannot work15:49
djszapiright, the desktop confirms me15:50
djszapistill not working15:50
ogra_works here after the first reboot after the install has run15:50
ogra_every time15:51
ogra_and on the Qa machines as well15:51
ogra_(and i remember adding the necessary UCM changes before release and verifying them)15:51
ogra_probably your board is broken or some such, i know for sure it works15:51
djszapiwell, I have three boards15:52
djszapiall of them are non-working15:52
djszapialthough with the linary ubuntu stuff they all worked15:52
djszapiit is only borked with the stock ubuntu stuff15:52
ogra_then use that15:52
ogra_the stock ubuntu stuff is using the linaro tree as a base btw15:52
djszapiyes...after wasting 1-2 days....15:53
djszapithis is EXACTLY why I asked about the quality of 12.04...15:53
djszapiit was already borked for gfx stuff...15:53
ogra_it works here and in all QA tests15:53
ogra_as well as the graphics15:53
djszapifix your QA tests15:53
djszapito represent more environments.15:54
ogra_including unity-3d15:54
djszapishow me the QA runs pls15:54
djszapiwith all the environments to see what that actually is doing15:54
djszapi(for the pandaboard, that is)15:55
ogra_we test the environments we support15:55
djszapiRight, pandaboard Rev A3 is not supported15:55
djszapipretty please: make this clear for others so others do not necessarily need to waste 1-2 days.15:55
djszapibecause when I asked I was said "Of course, we support, do you think we provide bad quality?"15:56
ogra_A1-ES are supported15:57
djszapianswer: yes, it is unsupported and has bad quality15:57
ogra_andd have been fully tested15:57
djszapiwith Rev A315:57
ogra_a1-ES i said15:57
djszapino, you did not15:57
djszapiyou said, of course it works15:57
ogra_no, i'm actually wrong, its A2 -ES15:57
djszapiwould we provide bad quality ?15:57
ogra_we dropped A1 aupport in natty iirc15:58
djszapiit is nor A1, nor A215:58
djszapiit is A315:58
djszapiand definitely not EES15:58
ogra_yes, which is between A2 and ES15:58
djszapianyway, pretty please: make this clear on the website or some user visible place: 12.04 does not give a crap about Rev A315:59
djszapiso others do not need to suffer from the very same issues.15:59
mythosso, if i want mess more around with arm, should i buy a pandaboard es or something else?16:01
mythos*want to16:01
djszapimythos: not A3 at least.16:01
ogra_mythos, thats surely a good platform to get familiar with arm16:01
djszapitry to get them answered for the very question: which models work?16:02
ogra_and dont listen to the troll pleass16:02
* ogra_ thinks this is getting very tiring16:02
mythosogra_, ok... thanks16:02
djszapimythos: please handle advices carefully :)16:04
djszapiI have also been said "surely works"16:04
djszapinot really after a full day experimenting :(16:05
jimericksonogra just got 3.4.0-201.2 thanks16:05
ogra_great :)16:05
ogra_jimerickson, does it work ? (i dont think anyone but the uploader even tried it yet)16:06
mythosdjszapi, actually, if the armhf-port works, it would be fine too16:06
jimericksondownloading now will reboot in afew16:06
mythos*from debian16:07
djszapimythos: I see. Yeah, I would be very happy too, if a simple sound could be played with an Ubuntu image. I cannot seem to be able to manager that. I fall back to Linaro.16:08
mythosdjszapi, even if only armel would work, it would be fine ;)16:08
djszapimanage*, ehh.16:08
ogra_mythos, it should, though i have no clue what kernel they use in debian, its likiely upstream which misses the DSS patches16:08
djszapimythos: yeah, the point is working, I agree. :)16:08
mythosogra_, no problem. i will test that16:09
ogra_userspace wise debian armhf is largely the same as ubuntu armhf16:09
ogra_(same toolchain, same build options)16:10
mythosi don't even need a working x11 driver. xvfb is good enough for my purpose16:11
ogra_yeah, that will work fine16:11
ogra_though as i said, not sure about the DSS patches16:12
ogra_(which you will need even for xfbdev)16:12
mythosogra_, ok, thanks. i will see, when i have the board ^^16:12
djszapimythos: I would also consider linaro images.16:13
djszapithey have some custom patches directly for the boards.16:13
ogra_nothing the ubuntu kernel doesnt ship16:13
ogra_(given the base tree is a merge of linaro and TI trees)16:13
mythosdjszapi, if i have to patch and compile it myself to use debian/ubuntu, so be it ;)16:13
ogra_we have binaries for everything in the archive, no worries :)16:14
djszapimythos: just as an example, audio does not work here, but works fine with linaro16:14
djszapiwhich I consider a basic functionality.16:14
djszapiYou can patch the ubuntu kernel yourself, but you do the same job as the linaro guys in the end.16:14
ogra_audio works fine if you use a proper image and install it following the instructions16:15
djszapi(if you do not make any mistakes in the workflow)16:15
mythosdjszapi, hmm... i have usb-audio-devices here. so i can work around this problem16:15
djszapimythos: why would you, if you have a working option oob ?16:15
ogra_djszapi, couls you stop sprading FUD please16:15
ogra_linaro doesnt use ubuntu trees or put anything on top of them16:15
mythosdjszapi, because i only want to test my software on the arm-device. a working audio-out would be nice, but is not necessary for me16:16
ogra_and as i said, if you follow the instructions instead of hacking together your own solution with ignoring all good advice various people give you, then yes, sound might not work16:16
mythosdjszapi, and with pulseaudio, i could use tunneling for audio too. so i don't even need a audiodevice for the armboard16:17
djszapimythos: yep, but they also deal with other things, not just audio.16:17
jimericksonogra while installing Assertion Error: file must be in binary mode. dkms reports bad return for module build. reported bug. do i dare to reboot to the new kernel?16:18
ogra_jimerickson, thats likely the PVR driver16:19
ogra_assuming you have it installed over there16:19
jimericksonah ok so a reboot is ok? yes i have it installed.16:19
ogra_might give you broken X16:19
ogra_but consoles should still work ...16:20
jimericksoni can handle that much16:20
djszapimythos: for instance my colleague had issues with the hardware acceleration16:20
djszapimythos: he also had to use linary things where those were fixed up.16:20
mythos<ogra_> (which you will need even for xfbdev) <-- oh, i overread that. xvfb uses a framebuffer in ram and to access it, you have to use vnc or something similar16:20
djszapi12.04 was broken for that16:20
djszapilinaro*, cannot type :)16:21
mythosdjszapi, hw-accel for videoout?16:21
mythosdjszapi, i don't need that either16:21
ogra_mythos, DSS is driving all the kernel side display stuff including /dev/fb016:21
mythosogra_, xvfb does not need any fb-device16:21
djszapimythos: I am not saying you need. I am saying linaro works in many areas to fix up shortcomings, hence providing a more robust solution.16:21
ogra_mythos, do you mean xvfb vs xfbdev ?16:22
mythosogra_, it only needs ram16:22
mythosogra_, yeah, we speak from something different ;)16:22
ogra_yeah, indeed, thats virtual, sorry, i though you talked about xfbdev16:22
mythosdjszapi, but does linaro have debian-packagement?16:23
ogra_right, xvfb doesnt need any graphics ... thats what we use on build machines if a package needs a running x server16:23
djszapimythos: yep16:23
ogra_mythos, linaro is ubuntu just not supported16:23
ogra_they provide monthly snapshots from the ubuntu archive16:23
mythosogra_, djszapi, ok16:23
djszapimythos: at least for me, that works :)16:24
mythosdjszapi, ok, i keep that in mind ;)16:25
GrueMasterogra_: Just an fyi, xvfb doesn't support 3D.  Might want to pass it along.16:25
ogra_GrueMaster, heh, i took that as a given :)16:26
mythosGrueMaster, not even with llvmpipe?16:26
GrueMasterYea, well I heard a nasty rumor that they are killing 2D support.16:27
GrueMasterNot sure if llvmpipe works.16:27
ogra_well, mesa should work at least16:27
ogra_not that it might be fun to use though16:27
mythosGrueMaster, they do, they do16:27
djszapimythos: llvmpipe might, but not sure that is a good idea16:27
ogra_GrueMaster, right, 2D will be droped16:27
ogra_but i thinnk thats post Q stuff16:27
GrueMaster(I'm actually doing remote python Gui development on an amd64 system - not arm).16:27
mythosdjszapi, on an arm? sure that is a rocket16:28
ogra_for quantal it will just not see new features16:28
djszapimythos: Llvmpipe even achieves better performance than the16:29
djszapiGPU on some low end systems16:29
djszapi"although with higher CPU usage and thus power consumption, but you probably already accepted those consequences when you chose a system without OpenGL acceleration)."16:29
djszapithis was written to the qt development mailing list after the directx support question16:29
djszapimythos: FTR: http://releases.linaro.org/latest/ubuntu/leb-panda/16:31
mythosdjszapi, thanks ;)16:33
mythosbut i don't even have a panda-es at the moment16:34
mythosi'm going to buy one today, so...16:34
jimericksonogra it doesn't boot. is there a daily image for omap4 somewhere i can't seem to find one.16:38
ogra_jimerickson, not yet, we only stat 12.10 dailies in about two weeks16:38
infinityDailies are building now, though they seem to be failing on !ac100.16:39
ogra_infinity, we dont ? i havent seen any successfull buiold yet16:39
jimericksonogra ok thank you.16:40
ogra_and i thought we wanted to do the preinstalled->live switch before A1 anyway16:40
infinityEr, I don't even see logs for ubuntu-omap* ... Did someone break things again? :/16:40
* infinity looks.16:40
ogra_i get mails every day16:40
ogra_but empty ones16:40
ogra_and i didnt bother to look yet before the live switch16:41
ogra_since we will build differently anyway and run into new issues with that16:41
infinityTrue.  Still, having them not building at all right now seems like an issue.16:42
ogra_well, lets do the switch and then fix it, i dont really see a reason to waste work on preinstalled if they go away16:42
infinityOddly enough, kubuntu-omap4 is building.16:42
infinityI wonder if maybe some machines just fell over when I wasn't looking.16:43
ogra_i saw some debootstrap issues in some builds16:43
infinityFriggin' shoestring and bubblegum.16:43
ogra_"no such script"  for quantal16:43
ogra_might be that they need chroot updates16:43
infinityThe chroots auto-update.16:44
ogra_well, its one of the few mails that have content that show this error16:44
ogra_i thought they auto-update, but for that particular case it seems they didnt16:44
infinityI see no logs for quantal on araceae.buildd at all.16:45
jimericksonogra ok with a hardware reset and a full power cycle i got it to boot to a full desktop. i disabled the pvr driver before the reboot. very pleased!16:45
ogra_jimerickson, awesome, thanks for the feedback !16:45
jimericksonogra no problem! we will see you around. i am back to lurking.16:46
infinityOdds are that no one set up the livefs chroots on the spare builders.  Meh.16:47
infinityI'll look into that later.16:47
ogra_infinity, but seriously, dont invest time to fix preinstalled, its not worth it16:47
ogra_lets focus on live16:47
djszapiare there pre-built images what linaro also provides ?16:48
ogra_you have to use linaro-media-create or however that tool is called16:49
djszapiI do not16:49
djszapithey have ready made stuff16:49
djszapionly thing needed: dd16:49
ogra_lucky you then16:49
djszapisee the link above16:49
infinityogra_: Eh?  Fixing the buildds is needed regardless of what we build on them.16:50
ogra_infinity, sure16:50
ogra_what i mean is that we should switch asap to vfat live16:50
ogra_and ignore any preinstalled issues16:50
ogra_i assume we will run into enough issues given we didnt use live on arm for years16:51
infinityI'm more optimistic.16:53
infinityGiven that d-i installs work, and live (apart from installing) is pretty arch-agnostic, it should mostly Just Work.16:53
ogra_i expect a lot of casper issues (but am prepared to fix them)16:53
infinityExcept for the speed issue, which we can't fix.16:53
ogra_(thats why i made it a WI :) )16:54
dashinfinity: rumor has it you know stuf about the mx53 board17:01
dashinfinity: are you familiar with setting vga resolution on it?17:01
djszapiogra_: how can I install the desktop image without hdmi device ?17:05
djszapiand without proper cable ?17:06
ogra_djszapi, you cant17:06
djszapithat is for confirming.17:06
djszapithanks for*17:06
infinitydash: It's been a while since I messed with it.  There are some obscure docs at Freescale that detail the kernel command line arguments for display output.17:16
dashI did what I thought they said, and got no luck. :)17:17
dashsetenv bootargs ro console=ttymxc0,115200n8 root=UUID=12460c31-1685-4cb8-a8d5-1cfe1d441b16 video=mxcdi1fb:RGB24,VGA-SXGA vga di1_primary17:19
dashi still get 1024x768 same as before =/17:19
mythosok, i orderd one... but 20$ wire-transfer charge is a bit high, imho17:28
dashshoulda used bitcoin17:29
mythosthere was no option for bitcoins17:30
djszapiogra_: finally, I got the sound work even with the server preinstalled stuff17:42
djszapiI mean alsa, I do not give anything about pulse really :)17:48
damian0815djszapi: did you need to modprobe something by hand?17:58
djszapidamian0815: nope17:58
=== krosswin1z is now known as krosswindz
djszapiogra_: ping18:59

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