
=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan
czajkowskiairurando: howdy19:21
airurandoczajkowski: good now19:30
airurandohow's all there19:30
czajkowskigood thanks19:34
czajkowskimad busy but good19:34
airurandogood to be busy annd I'm delighted things are going well for you.19:36
czajkowskiairurando: hows you?19:37
airurandogood hectic busy also19:38
airurandolooking forward to vacation in June19:38
czajkowskianything planned?19:40
czajkowskioh lovely19:40
zmoylanairurando: ask czajkowski about sims and unlocked phones.  sorry for butting in.  she's had experience i think19:41
airurandowas wondering about connectivity while there.19:44
airurandozmoylan: eMobile have brought out an add on19:44
czajkowskiwhat I've done for some places is found a local sim19:44
czajkowskiif I want data19:44
zmoylani seem to remember czajkowski tweeting about a sim she had gotten for her irish phone when she first went to the uk that provided data.  wondered if there was such a thing for spain.19:44
czajkowskibut mostly if I'm on hols I'm not using data as well am on hols19:44
zmoylanbut that if you use a local sim you need an unlocked phone19:45
czajkowskiwith the exception of when I go to fosdem i have a belgium sim19:45
czajkowskizmoylan: aye19:45
czajkowskiand if you've any mobile over 1 year old you can get it unlocked easily19:45
czajkowskior spent 100 quid on topping it up19:45
airurandoneed to talk to eMobile about the addon19:45
airurando50mb roaming data for 19.9919:46
zmoylansome phones are more expensive than others to unlock as i found out unlocking a sony erricsson.19:46
czajkowskiairurando: thats pricy19:46
airurandoi reckon 50mb should cover twitter and receiving e-mail19:46
czajkowskiairurando: download headers of email19:47
czajkowskiunless you really need the mails19:47
czajkowskiand tweets should be ok also19:47
zmoylani used 50mb a day and had no probs when i was in hospital.  use opera mini as your browser and it goes a long way19:48
zmoylanand google reader is your friend19:48
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology

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