
xnoxcjwatson: is this the mockups you were talking about?13:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 44609 in ubiquity "RAID not implemented (use alternate CD instead)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:22
xnoxfrom mpt w.r.t. RAID.13:23
cjwatsonI don't think I'd got round to looking at that myself, but yes, that's the kind of thing I was thinking of13:26
cjwatsonI'd like to see an evolutionary design based on the current manual partitioning list-based view, rather than one that requires rewriting that page with OS detection13:26
cjwatsonBy way of scope pruning13:27
mptcjwatson, yes, that design is an extension to the redesigned partitioner, not designed with the current partitioner in mind13:28
cjwatson(I don't think that would be a big change to that mockup, essentially just an extension of the button bar)13:28
cjwatsonThe +/-/gear widget there is nice13:29
mptIn <https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1bZ4yQIVgGaUGSYu3qiUHnQt3ieBZoqunP_DcleHCr3I/edit#heading=h.ac8e7d75e342> I described how the new design could be implemented a bit at a time13:29
mptPossibly RAID could be fit into that roadmap13:29
cjwatsonRAID is higher priority than the rest of it :-)13:29
cjwatsonBut as I say, I think it's mostly independent of the rest of the design13:30
cjwatsonOne thing that design doesn't really address is doing anything with the array devices13:30
cjwatsonWhich becomes a much more significant matter when you add LVM into the mix13:31
mptYes, I hadn't got to that part yet13:31
mptand mixing LVM and Raid made my head hurt13:31
cjwatsonIt's the common case for RAID, I believe :)13:31
mptxnox, I didn't notice any discussion of Raid in the installer at UDS. Is there a blueprint about it?13:31
xnoxmpt: yes, an old one.13:32
cjwatsonI'd expect array devices and LVM logical volumes to broadly show up as disks13:32
cjwatsonin the LV case, non-partitionable ones, but they're still at the disk layer13:32
xnoxmpt: it was mostly hallroom discussions.13:32
xnoxmpt: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-q-ubiquity-lvm-luks13:32
xnoxcjwatson: show-up as disks & hide their components.13:33
mptah, truly steganographic13:33
cjwatsonxnox: Ideally, yes13:33
mpt("use alternate CD instead")13:33
mptAnd now I understand why you're doing this now13:34
cjwatsonAlthough more grey out their components or something; you don't want bits of your disk to vanish because they're in use for RAID13:34
mptsince Q won't have an alternate CD, aiui13:34
cjwatsonSo there's a question of whether we want any kind of graphical representation of the relationship between disk-like devices; the design in /comments/22 just has a drop-down13:34
xnoxI was planning to draw a structured graph of a few possible cases & how to represent it conceptually, such that mpt ( ;-) ) can help with design decisions there13:34
mptxnox, if you need more UI design, please add work items for me13:34
cjwatsonmpt: Contingent on solving this problem13:34
mptah, "Engage with design team on the UI"13:34
cjwatsonWe shouldn't drop the alternate CD until its principal needs are met by the desktop CD; this is the last major chunk13:35
xnoxcjwatson: can desktop CD boot into ubiquity-debconf? =))))13:35
cjwatsonYes but no :-P13:35
* xnox action kill alternative cd instantly ;-)13:35
cjwatsonIn more or less the same breath, Rick says "let's drop the alternate CD and rip out Python 2" and "let's keep the image working at all times"13:36
cjwatsonSo I choose to interpret the former as goals that inform our implementation priorities, rather than as literal instructions to do those things right now13:36
cjwatsonBut it's clear it's a very high priority nonetheless (as xnox already knows)13:38
xnoxmpt: so I'm reading the Install process UX spec & get to the most juicy bit and it just says:13:38
xnoxThis section is incomplete and doesn't yet make much sense.13:38
mptxnox, at the time I was doing that (last year), it was the lowest priority, because no engineering time was devoted to it13:38
cjwatsonWhich is why I want to make sure we have something that's sufficiently small steps that it can solve this cluster of problems grafted onto the existing framework; by which time hopefully xnox will have built up enough experience to be able to help implement other redesigns13:39
* xnox wonders: I bet there are people who dual-boot windows with encrypted/raid/lvm =((((((13:39
cjwatsonIt's fine, I think, for this to be a manual shows-you-everything kind of thing; after all, the immediate goal is parity with the alternate CD13:40
cjwatsonFor now13:40
mptxnox, if you'd like me to help, one thing that would help is a screencast of using the alternate installer for Raid setup13:41
xnoxmpt: I was thinking screenshots -> slideshow.13:41
mptyep, that would work too13:42
xnoxIt is really frame driven UI13:42
mptThat way I can see what questions to ask13:42
xnoxwith little 'progress bar' visuals here and there13:42
* xnox is working on that.13:42
xnoxcjwatson: do we care about ecryptfs swap ?13:43
cjwatsonThe potted summary is that you select "Configure RAID" and it prompts you for RAID level, the partitions you want to make up the array (modulo some bugs where sometimes you need to explicitly create RAID partitions first), and the size you want those partitions to be13:43
cjwatsonAnd then you get a new entry in the main disks/partitions menu corresponding to the new array, which you can use as another partition13:44
cjwatsonxnox: Not at this time13:44
cjwatsonSimilarly, you can select "Configure the Logical Volume Manager", and there's a submenu / assistant thing where you can create/delete/extend/reduce volume groups and create/delete logical volumes; whatever LVs you create show up as things you can put filesystems on13:46
cjwatsonAnd something broadly along those lines for encrypted volumes13:46
bdmurraybug 970910 seems kind of strange to me16:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 970910 in man-db "package man-db 2.5.7-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97091016:51
bdmurrayits about a package install failure on live media16:51
bdmurraybut there is a /target mount point16:51
bdmurrayDoes ubiquity set that up or casper?16:52
bdmurrayand in bug 887784 they mention installing16:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 887784 in man-db "package man-db 2.5.7-4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88778416:52
cjwatsoncould be trying to install something while ubiquity is running, which won't work; but the terminal log is essentially empty so it's hard to tell16:53
bdmurrayall the ones I've found are from lucid / maverick16:54
bdmurraywell since I have a list of bugs like this I guess I could duplicate them together17:01
floogyHi, I try to get a usb pendrive to boot the content of a mint live-dvd.iso copied to the ext4 partition of the stick. grub2 is installed, but I get the message "unable to open '/dev/zram0" and "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found" I guess it will drop into busybox initrd later: No medium with a live system found, or sth similar21:22
floogy/boot/grub/grub.cfg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003754/21:25
floogyAh, It seems to boot now! two things: I had to add ignore_uuid and copy .disk to the usb key21:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 492301 in usb-creator "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow" [Medium,Fix released]21:48

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