
=== Kiall_ is now known as Kiall
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ikepanhcsmb: good morning07:37
* smb waves to ikepanhc 07:38
ikepanhcsmb: usually how long it takes you to review config for new flavour?07:38
ikepanhcsmb: I feel I lose lots of hair these two days07:38
smbikepanhc, I cannot say anything about "usual" as I usually do not add new flavours. But just look at apw who does config reviews a lot... :)07:41
apwikepanhc, new flavour configs suck, i usually use that scripting we discussed before, make the table and see what all goes purple07:47
ikepanhcapw: lots go purple....07:48
* ikepanhc tries breathing07:48
ikepanhcapw: btw, how is the policy in that script generated?07:50
apwikepanhc, i tend to take whole swathes and shove them over othe top.  like we know that HID all needs to to match so thats easy07:50
ikepanhcapw: that will be awesome07:51
apwthe script implements a policy which is our 'written' policy.  we discuss the policy at UDS each year and then apply it, the script just implements my interpretation of those rules07:51
ikepanhcsome config, e.g. CONFIG_NET_DSA, policy shows m, but y in all flavour07:51
apwwith any exceptions documented07:51
apwikepanhc, some of those are indeed wrong still, that one we mentioned at uds and determined we wanted it built-in cause it is a network protocol and we have a standing exception for those07:52
apwso that just needs annotating in the tool and i have a WI for that07:52
ikepanhcWI? wiki?07:52
apwWI == work-item on a blueprint07:53
apwppisati, how does it request it09:50
ppisati[ 2267.022766] soc_bind_dai_link::865 dname: snd-soc-dummy-dai lname:omap-hdmi-audio-dai09:51
ppisati[ 2267.031005] omap-hdmi-audio omap-hdmi-audio: CPU DAI omap-hdmi-audio-dai not registered09:52
ppisati[ 2267.039581] omap-hdmi-audio omap-hdmi-audio: snd_soc_register_card failed (-517)09:52
ppisati[ 2267.047515] platform omap-hdmi-audio: Driver omap-hdmi-audio requests probe deferral09:52
ma1I am using ubuntu 11.10 on pandaboard es with kernel version 3.1.0-1282-omap09:59
ma1i want to recompile the kernel10:00
ma1i downloaded the kernel source code using git10:00
ma1but the problem is the kernel version is different10:01
ma1the kernel version of downloaded code is 3.0.3010:01
ma1but i need 3.1.0-1282-omap10:01
ma1so, how to get the desired kernel version?10:02
ogra_you surely dont use a kernel called -omap on the panda (thats for omap3) 10:02
ogra_but rather -omap4 ;)10:03
ppisatiand we never released a 3.1.x kernel10:03
ma1its 3.1.0-1282-omap410:04
ppisatiis it a debian packaged or a vanilla kernel?10:04
ogra_yeah, i bet that kernel comes from a PPA10:04
ppisatiin the fist case10:04
ppisatifdr debian/rules clean binary-$something10:04
ppisatiin the second:10:04
ppisatimake $something_defconfig10:04
ppisatimake uImage10:04
ma1ppisati: ogra_: sorry, i didn't understand10:05
ma1i think the 3.1.0-1282-omap4 came from TI PPA10:06
ogra_right, so talk to the PPA owners where to find the kernel source ;)10:06
ogra_the guys in here only maintain kernels that are in the official ubuntu archive 10:07
ogra_the TI PPA kernel is maintained by TI 10:07
ma1ogra_: sorry for disturbance...but i am newbie in this area 10:07
ma1so lots of mistakes on my side10:08
ogra_yeah, its not easy to understand 10:08
ogra_well, is it a mistake to not understand an overly complex setup ? 10:08
ogra_dont worry ;)10:08
ma1orga_: sorry...i didn't got you?10:09
ma1ogra_: i will talk to TI PPA owners about the kernel source......can you tell me one thing more???10:09
ogra_i said its not a mistake on your side, there are just way to many kernels for omap4 which makes it complex10:10
ogra_(there is the TI PPA kernel, then there is a linaro kernel package as well and there is the official package in the ubuntu archive)10:10
ma1ogra_: Thanks...just one thing more?10:11
* ogra_ will answer if he can :) 10:11
ma1I want to recompile the kernel for debugging a buggy kernel module?10:12
ma1any suggestions? 10:12
ma1like what options should i enable?10:12
ogra_for the official kernel there should be a package with debug symbols builtin ... but i have no idea if TI builds such a package10:12
ma1as i told you that i am newbie....so really don't know that recompiling a kernel to debug the module is the right way or not?10:14
ma1what you say?10:14
ogra_not with official ubuntu kernels, there you can just install a ddeb (debug deb package)10:14
ogra_these usually have all debugging enabled ... 10:14
ma1so i think it is much better to ask this about TI Kernel guys?10:16
ogra_ask them if they have a ddeb for their kernel before thinking about recompiling10:16
ogra_that will save you hours :)10:16
ma1orga_: Great Great Thanks10:17
ma1for your time and help10:17
ogra_np :)10:17
* ppisati -> brb10:26
* ppisati -> out to get some food10:56
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apwogra_, i don't think PPAs buildd ddebs by default11:24
ogra_apw, no, but i know that TI was looking for a solution for this11:24
apwogra_, not renaming them to ddeb would work11:25
ogra_(hosting a ddeb somewhere else or getting an exception for thier PPA etc)11:25
ckingbah, overheated again11:25
apwogra_, there is a special in the kernel to move it to .ddeb in the first place, they could just comment that out11:25
ogra_well, i'll tell ndec :)11:26
ogra_they might even have that package already somewhere11:26
* cking --> food12:00
apwbjf[afk], infinity, i have verified that hyper-v patch and updated the bug to indicate that (good) testing12:46
* henrix reboots12:46
tgardnerapw, prolly outghta send out an announcement with that ti-omap4 meta package upload ?12:51
ogra_did you break something ?12:52
tgardnerogra_, its the first Quantal 3.4 uplaod12:52
apwtgardner, ahh those normally go out with the linux-ti-omap4 upload, so i'd assumed it was done12:52
tgardnerapw, so I don't get that. I think the announcement should go out with the meta package, 'cause tahts when the kernel is actually referenced.12:53
ogra_tgardner, well i would say it is expected that we get a newer kernel version with a new dev release 12:53
tgardnerogra_, its mostly to let the installer guys know to change the ABI12:53
ogra_do you announce the first x86 uploads to a new cycle ?12:53
tgardnerogra_, yep12:53
apwtgardner, though the announcement is for the installer team as they have to handle the number change and dont use the meta, and for the release team so they know to watch for it and accept it12:54
tjaaltonhm, overlayfs is not something that's in mainline kernels?12:55
apwtjaalton, correct12:55
tgardnerapw, why isn't the installer build smart enough to use the meta package rather then having to hard code the ABI into the build process ?12:55
tjaaltonapw: ok, can't sbuild with one then :P12:56
apwtjaalton, nope, nor if you were using aufs3 either :)12:56
apwtgardner, i have had it explained, but cannot recall12:57
apwtgardner, i suspect it has something to do with the udebs and finding them12:57
tjaaltonapw: just testing if this would fix displayport hangs with ivb, but then I realized there should be a quantal kernel bacport on a ppa already12:58
tgardnertjaalton, I uploaded one yesterday to the X backport PPA12:58
tjaaltontgardner: indeed, picking it up now12:58
apwtjaalton, ahh ... fun :)13:00
apwtgardner, all announced up the wazoo13:00
tgardnerapw, 'tanks13:01
tgardnerapw, so while our pre-inst test for non-pAE works, its way late in the process. by the time it is detected most of the dist-upgrade has already been performed.13:02
apwhenrix, how are you generating the contents of the changelog in the lts backports ?13:03
henrixapw: they are generated automagically with the update-from-<serie>-master script13:04
apwhenrix, ok cool13:04
henrixapw: i just need to update a few fields after that (bug tracking #, timestamp, )13:04
tgardnerapw, actually, the changelog is copied from the master branch IIRC13:04
apwtgardner, right got it, its not actually a rebase. ... great13:05
henrixtgardner: correct, that's why some of the fields need to be updated i believe13:05
tgardnerhenrix, the  release pocket at least13:06
henrixtgardner: i believe that's handled by the script, but would need to double check13:06
tgardnerhenrix, yes, it is.13:07
apwah when git cannot figure out you have a common commit of a sensible location you do get a lot of commits13:09
tgardnerapw, prolly all of them13:10
apw713k of them today13:10
apw400MB worth .. sigh13:10
tgardnerapw, does that put the hurt on your little bitty laptop ?13:11
apwtgardner, my poor link is whining13:12
tgardnerapw, BT will be cutting you off at any moment13:12
apwtgardner, heh luckily i am not with the same people as cking else they would be13:13
ckingit's not so bad, I just have to share a link with kids and video-on-demand13:14
ckingat least I will be running at 20Mbit/sec soon ;-)13:14
tgardnercking, FIOS ?13:14
ckingjust bog standard cable13:15
tgardnercking, huh. the best I get is 15MB down on bog standard cable13:16
ckingwell, they *promise* 20Mbit, but I will see when they upgrade me13:16
apwcking, what do you have now, 10?  and what do you get with that?13:17
ckingapw, 10 all the time until I reach 8GByte of downloads in a day13:17
apwthey must hate you :)13:17
ckingthat's the bonus of living in the sticks13:17
* apw wonders if he can download that much in a day13:17
* cking sends apw a magnetic tape full of downloads by FedEx13:18
apwcking, in theory i can get the 80Mb service from infinity13:19
ckingthat would be nice13:19
ogasawaratgardner: have you shared with QA about the q kernel is ready for testing in the backports PPA?13:19
ogasawaratgardner: if not, I will13:19
ckingapw, pity your wifi is so clogged up in your neighbourhood13:19
tgardnerogasawara, not yet. it had not finished building when I left for the day yesterday.13:19
tgardnerogasawara, I did let bryce know13:19
apwcking, yeah i'd finally be unable to saturate my link over wifi13:20
tgardnerogasawara, I need to bug apw to get it into the daily upload process.13:20
ckingapw, you need to relocate your office13:21
* apw listens to the cops chase some crims using a copter ... damn they are noisy13:21
ckingor get some wifi proof wallpaper13:21
apwhenrix, ok i have no tag in the master repo for the previous release Ubuntu-lts-2.6.38-15.59 release ... any idea what happened there ?13:24
henrixapw: hmm... let me check13:24
apwhenrix, perhaps whoever looked it over failed to make one ?13:25
henrixapw: most likely :)13:25
apwcan you add it to your checklist to check that it gets made by whoever in the future13:25
henrixapw: that's odd... i do have that tag13:25
apwhenrix, you have the tag ?13:26
henrixapw: yep13:26
apwwho made it13:26
henrixapw: have you git fetch --tags ?13:26
apwyes but only from origin13:26
tgardnerhenrix, maybe you forgot to push it ?13:26
apwtgardner, he can't push it, someone has to pull his changes13:26
tgardnerapw, oh, right. I did that on purpose didn't I ?13:27
apwyep this is working well, means we review things, and i am sure i'll get bored soon enough13:27
apwhense i have noticed the missing tag for the prev one13:27
apwhenrix, so did you make the tag you have or someone else13:28
apwhenrix, i'd expect whoever pushed it in to have signed the tag13:28
hertonapw, I pushed it I think, it should be there, let me check13:28
henrixapw: i usually tag it, push it into my tree and my sponsor will push the tag to main repo13:28
tgardnerhenrix, herton or bjf doing that ?13:29
* apw feels that actually as there is no other trail of the approval that the approver should sign the tag13:29
henrixtgardner: well, most of the times herton... but need to check specifically that one :)13:29
apwbut either way it isn't upstream right now in the repo as far as i can see13:30
hertontgardner, apw, yep, not tagged. I'm not sure now who pushed it13:30
apwherton, ok will sort it out using his tag13:30
tgardnerapw, hmm, I thought we _had_ to sign the tags lest the check scripts kick it back.13:30
apwonce git has lost it mind and downloaded 100M to give me his tag13:30
apwwe can't push unsigned tags, but no tags13:30
apwthey arn't detected13:31
tgardnerapw, we can likely enforce that in a maintenance script somewhere.13:31
apwtgardner, herton, i expect shankbot can tell if there is no tag for the upload and refer the source task back to the creator13:32
henrixtgardner: or on the git hooks, when pushing into master...?13:32
apwhenrix, yeah we might be able to get that to work too, though then you'd have to do them in the right order13:32
tgardnerhenrix, as apw pointed out, its difficult for the git hooks to detect that lack of tag, signed or not.13:33
* apw quite likes shankbot not moving things to -proposed if its missing13:33
hertonapw, right now the prepare task is a manual process on the tracking bug, not sure if shank bot would be the better place for a check, but could be done13:33
apwherton, well the promote to proposed task waits for it to build etc, it could also wait for the tag as well13:34
apw"tag found waiting on binaries" "binaries found waiting on tag"13:34
apwor somethign13:34
hertonyes, that would be ok too13:34
tgardnerherton, we'll trust your judgment on that, but it seems like a test that should be performed somewhere.13:34
apwthe worry here for instnace is if i hadn't 13:34
apwnoticed it, we would have lost the head, as it is a rebase head and i am about to slam over it13:35
tgardneryeah, the next garbage collect cycle would have lost it irrevocably13:36
ogra_tgardner, apw, is it intentional that we only build the omap4 kernel for armhf ?13:37
ogra_https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/linux-ti-omap4/3.4.0-201.2 doesnt show an armel build13:38
apwi thought we didn't support armel for q any more13:39
tgardnerogra_, I thought we were dropping armel for Quantal ?13:39
ogra_not decided yet 13:39
hertonapw, tgardner: before we push, we have a script that checks for some things, with the missing tag, I guess it was forgotten to be run (kteam-tools/maintscripts/verify-release-ready)13:39
ogra_and if we keep it we indeed want a kernel 13:39
apwogra_, well then someone needs to communicate better, as it was off until the decision as i'd heard13:39
tgardnerogra_, so what is the story for armel in Quantal ?13:40
ogra_see the other channel13:40
apwtgardner, either way though i think we have made some armel meta-packages with no binaries13:40
tgardnerapw, hmm, maybe.13:40
hertonnm, the script will not check if things were not pushed... I'll try to add a check to shank bot13:46
henrixapw: since you'll be pushing into natty lts, can you please add the missing tag?13:48
apwhenrix, oh i am working on it feaverishly13:49
apwjust git keeps thinking that 300M of stuff is new each time13:49
henrixapw: heh13:49
apwhenrix, ok ... pushed both tags and pushed the lts-backport-natty branch too (all for lucid of course)13:59
henrixapw: ack, thanks. will build the src pkgs in a minute13:59
apwtgardner, do we use the 'abi-*' files in /boot for anything else other than the abi comparions ?14:00
tgardnerapw, not even sure we use 'em then. I think they are purely informational AFAIK14:00
apwtgardner, well i think thats where we pull 'em to get them into the repo, ok14:01
tgardnerapw, perhaps for dkms builds ?14:01
apwtgardner, don't think i've ever seen anything reference them14:01
apwtgardner, just wondered ... cool ...14:01
tgardnerapw, neither have I14:01
* apw wonders how long his firewall will survive at the current 52c its running at14:23
apwperhaps putting my machines at the top of the shelves is not the best idea14:24
* apw gets it down to 47 by standing the machine upright14:25
ogra_open a window !14:27
ogra_and the door :) 14:27
* dileks has a cold but tries to aspirates some air through IRC... pfff pfff14:28
* ogasawara back in 2014:28
apwogasawara, everything is already oen14:29
ogra_dileks, OMG ... use a virus scanner please !14:29
ckingapw, put it in the fridge14:29
dileksogra_: hehe14:29
apwcking, cables arn't long enough sadly14:30
ckingapw, move the fridge then ;-)14:30
apwits builtin to the kitche14:30
apwits builtin to the kitchen14:30
ckingmove the kitchen then14:30
ckingalternatively relocate to a nice cool pub14:31
apwoh oh oh, yes14:31
apwdamn the wires don't reach that far either14:31
ogra_buy wireless wires then14:32
apwi am already being zapped by three APs14:32
dileksany ventilator in the house?14:32
apwi may have to add fannage14:32
ogra_to wind up the cables ?14:33
ckingput a bag of frozen peas on the firewall14:33
apwone of those freezer packs might work14:33
ckingpassive cooling win14:34
jsalisburyJust shut it off, the Internet is a safe place now a days14:34
apwjsalisbury, who the heck do you work for really :)14:34
ckingI suspect he uses windows ;-)14:34
apwha one of _those_14:36
jsalisburywindows, nah, os/214:36
ckinghalf decent OS then14:36
apwcking, i don't know abuot my firewall, but shoving the freezer block up my jumper has improved my mood14:42
ckingglad you shoved it up there rather than somewhere else14:43
* cking wonders why apw is wearing a wolly jumper in the summer heat14:43
apwknew you'd say that14:43
apwi should have said my geeky t-shirt14:43
apwits having a nice cooling effectg anyhow, well recommended14:44
ckinguntil the skin peels off with frost damage14:44
apwcking, looks like raising the front of the machine by 2in has improved cooling a lot14:46
ckingamazing what a bit of air flow can do14:47
henrixanyone with a few idle cycles to give some suggestion on bug #1003309 ?14:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 1003309 in linux "Boot fails after installing updates, error: “cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100330914:51
henrixit looks like some initramfs thing, not a kernel issue14:51
* henrix may be wrong14:52
apwhenrix, ok14:53
apwhenrix, so ... when they installed the new kernel the initramfs would have been built then, the initramfs for the older kernel would have been built when it was installed most likely14:53
apwso if any of the tools which are in there such as encryption stuff it would be older, so it could also be a14:54
apwbug in ecryptfs-tools as well14:54
* smb grumbles over the installers idea to select every single piece of storage looking like swap as a desired target for a swap partition...14:54
apwwe cuold prove that by rebuilding the old initramfs but would likely kill their good kernel14:54
henrixapw: yeah, it could be14:54
henrixhmm... right. so, he would need to boot from a CD, manually decrypt the fs and install the old version14:55
=== emma is now known as em
smbnoo, please update-grub, don't add an entry for every single vm I have on that server...15:09
* cking thinks smb is having a bad install day15:12
smbcking, I fear that will be repeatable everytime I will try to have an additional install on that... Unfortunately the whole installation does not only detect the contents of partitions but also those of the disk images placed into LVs... argl15:13
ckingthat's a fail15:14
smbThe listing of "other" OSes in grub seem to be 10 pages...15:16
tgardnerogasawara, just tested generic-pae -> generic precise to quantal dist-upgrade. appears to work fine.15:19
apwanyone remember who it was who has the Pulsbough, the one with the handoff problems ?15:20
tgardnerapw, bug vanhoof15:21
vanhooftgardner: =P15:21
vanhoofapw: I believe that bug impacts older machine and not the newer ones we've been working with15:21
apwvanhoof, so 1) do you have a amchine with the issue you could test a package, 2) can you tell me which PCI ids are and are not affected ?15:22
vanhoof1) don't believe so, 2) sure15:23
vanhoofapw: i'll check quickly, I may have been thinking about another bug 15:27
vanhoofapw: gimme a few15:27
ogasawaratgardner: nice15:36
apwsmb, how do you update your -source chroots?  got a script or something, or a link to one?15:56
smbapw, not yet a script. working on it (to exclude non-srource) but got distracted15:57
smbapw, If you go the other way round (saying I know which ones there should be) there was something on the wiki posted15:59
Eimann    1 root      20   0  128m 106m 1308 R   81  1.4   4:58.36 init15:59
Eimannfun :)15:59
apwEimann, are those related ?16:02
Eimann60% sys-time (20% on each core)16:02
EimannI expected more havoc ;)16:02
apwheh not supprised16:03
apwjust how many tunnels do you have there, and am i reading this right that you are pointing them all at yourself ?16:03
smbbjf, FWIW, the 3.2.0-24.39 kernel came up on a kvm vm with emulated disk16:08
bjfsmb, thanks16:15
tgardnerbjf, also works fine on my Lenovo x120e16:20
bjftgardner: thanks16:20
ikepanhcbjf: around?16:24
bjfikepanhc: yup16:24
ikepanhcbjf: I saw a proposed kernel uploaded, this week is kernel prep?16:24
ikepanhcbjf: checked Ubuntu kernel schedule, it says regression testing and on wiki.u.c/QQInterlock, it says kernel prep.16:25
bjfikepanhc: yes, you can ignore that. it's a kernel with just a single commit in it which won't matter to you. we will have a kernel with a larger set of commits soonish16:26
bjfikepanhc: this is a kernel prep week16:26
bjfikepanhc: the start of our next cycle16:26
ckingbjf, boot-test works on a Lenovo x220i with btrfs16:26
bjfcking: thanks16:26
ckingbjf, any more kind of tests required?16:27
ikepanhcbjf: so, for next sru cycle, when will the proposed tag be made?16:27
bjfcking, not at this time16:27
ikepanhcbjf: I need to draw a deadline for highbank enablement patch16:27
tgardnerikepanhc, its in master-next, so itl go up in the next cycle16:28
bjfikepanhc: i'm trying to get the 3.2.0-24.39 Precise kernel out of proposed asap. i've just asked henrix to start turning the crank on the next Proposed. 16:29
bjfikepanhc: the git repo should be ready in a few hrs.16:29
ikepanhctgardner: understood. I would like to check more before first highbank deb built16:29
tgardnerikepanhc, so you don't _know_ that what you sent me was correct ?16:30
ikepanhctgardner: that's correct16:30
ikepanhctgardner: but I am not 100% sure after config changed16:30
tgardnerikepanhc, well, thats kind of a fail. are you gonna be able to test that before the next upload ?16:31
ikepanhctgardner: that's why I am asking when is next upload16:32
ikepanhctgardner: to be precise, the patch in master-next is fine and the config has been reviewed by calxeda engineer, I've built it and it runs well.16:33
tgardnerikepanhc, well then, whats the issue ?16:34
tgardnerit sounds like what you send _is_ correct.16:34
ikepanhcbut the highbank config in master-next disable lots of function and cause config.common.ubuntu reduce length by 500 lines16:35
ikepanhcso I tried to re-enable those non-SoC related function16:36
ikepanhcI am not 100% sure on that re-enabling16:36
Eimannapw: this will be ~20k Tunnels between a Cisco ASR Router and a linux machine, and this two times16:36
tgardnerikepanhc, but you haven't sent that patch yet. the configs that are currently in master-next are what is gonna get tested.16:36
EimannI'm trying to figure out how many mGRE and GRE tunnel the ASR can handle16:36
ikepanhctgardner: that's correct16:37
tgardnerikepanhc, or rather, you sent the patch but told me not to pull it.16:37
ikepanhctgardner: so, I wonder if I have time to verify it and send it16:37
tgardnerikepanhc, so, you've got time. you can always send another patch in a week or 2 ...16:38
tgardnerikepanhc, I suggest we go with what we know works right now. you can consolidate the configs later.16:38
ikepanhctgardner: ACK16:39
ikepanhcsounds a fine plan for me16:39
* apw reboots for a new kernel16:42
* cking grabs some more food, back in a short while16:43
apwtgardner, this 16:46
tgardnerapw, sentence fragment ?16:46
apwtgardner, this kernel, i assume you want it rebuilt and uploaded whenever we tag quantal ?16:46
tgardnerapw, ack16:47
apwbjf, argle, this is a new install and doesn't have -propposed enabled ...17:00
* apw tries that atgain17:11
apwbjf, apw@dm:~$ cat /proc/version_signature 17:14
apwUbuntu 3.2.0-24.39-generic 3.2.1617:14
apweverything looksing fine here other than my typing17:14
bjfapw, cool, thanks17:14
=== tgardner is now known as tgardner-lunch
ckingtyhicks, I've sent you the ecryptfs benchmarks with a forward port of that chromium patch set17:33
kirklandcking: is that helping?17:33
ckingoh yeah, I'll cc you too17:34
kirklandcking: thx17:34
ckingkirkland, I'll do more rigorous testing on friday17:35
ckingI suspect real I/O will swamp the savings, but we will reduce CPU load, which is a win17:37
tyhickscking: Did this round of testing include your hack to always force the use of "__driver-cbc-aes-aesni"?17:38
ckingtyhicks, nope, no dirty hacks17:38
ckingI need to see what encypt core is used to sanity check this, so that will take a little bit more effort17:39
cking..and I'd like to thoroughly soak test this patch as it is quite a change17:40
tyhickscking: Ah, ok. So that somewhat explains the lack of difference between aes-ni and aes-generic in the test results.17:40
tyhickscking: Yeah, it scared me. Which is why I was always waiting to see actual performance improvements before I even considered it.17:40
ckingtyhicks, I think so, however the sub 2 TSC ticks per byte is quite an improvement17:40
ckinganyhow, I'm going to mull over this and get back to some digging to see if we can shave some more cycles off (if we are not using the correct AES-NI path) on friday17:42
tyhickscking: Right. So between the async patch and correcting the AES-NI issue, eCryptfs may see a huge performance boost.17:42
tyhickscking: Nice job!17:42
ckingwell, if not, just with this patch it seems to be a big win that needs to be now thoroughly soak tested17:43
ckinganyhow, /me is calling it a day17:44
tyhicksbye cking!17:44
=== tgardner-lunch is now known as tgardner
henrixtgardner: i am currently working on precise linux-meta pkg. have you referred something about checking/testing your changes on this package some time ago?18:07
henrixtgardner: do you remember anything about this?18:08
tgardnerhenrix, I'm not really understanding your question. are you wondering about the highbank additions ?18:08
henrixtgardner: well, actually herton told me he remember you had some concerns about some changes you made18:09
henrixtgardner: so, i'm not sure if that's about the highbank :)18:09
hertontgardner, henrix, it has the hwe and current new meta, I took a look now too and seems ok18:09
tgardnerhenrix, not that I can remember. I'm usually gloriously ignorant of any mistakes that I've made.18:10
tgardnerhenrix, I've recently added highbank and the hwe meta packages.18:10
henrixtgardner: right, so i took a look and i seems fine to me as well.18:10
henrixtgardner: thanks18:11
bjfjsalisbury: what is the correct url for the reports on cranberry?18:28
jsalisburybjf: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/index.html18:29
bjfjsalisbury: thanks, that was confusing, went to http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com and that wasn't where i wanted to be18:29
jsalisburybjf, hmm, seems there is no way to navigate to our reports from http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com18:30
bjfjsalisbury: is that something you feel like working on with ursinha?18:32
jsalisburybjf, sure, I'll ping her about it18:32
bjfjsalisbury: maybe it's fodder for the arsenal mailing list18:34
jsalisburybjf, good thinking ;-)18:35
* tgardner -> EOD19:45
jjohansensconklin: so I picked up the change for CVE-2010-2525, however CVE-2011-4086, and CVE-2012-1090, want to go from released (2.6.38-15.59~lucid1) to pending (2.6.38-15.59~lucid1) which is wrong since 2.6.38-15.59~lucid1 is the currently released kernel21:34
ubot2jjohansen: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-2525)21:34
ubot2jjohansen: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-4086)21:34
ubot2jjohansen: The cifs_lookup function in fs/cifs/dir.c in the Linux kernel before 3.2.10 allows local users to cause a denial of service (OOPS) via attempted access to a special file, as demonstrated by a FIFO. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-1090)21:34
jjohansenI have reversed those changes, but I think you are going to have to update them in your tree as well21:35
sconklinjjohansen: ok, thanks21:35

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