=== Kiall_ is now known as Kiall [01:44] bregma: did you ever forward the patch in bug 871548 to debian? [01:44] Launchpad bug 871548 in guichan (Ubuntu) "Library does not load in Ubuntu 11.10 due to missing symbols" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/871548 [01:54] not sure, I'll have to check.... [01:55] well, either way it needs a merge [01:58] nope, it looks like I missed forwarding that one [01:59] :) [02:01] works fine in sid without the patch, at least last time I checked, it only fails in Ubuntu [02:01] still, means, you have to regularly merge it. If you can persuade the debian maintainer to take the patch, then :) [02:11] OK, I'll submit the bug up to Debian === Jacky is now known as JackyAlcine [02:48] hello there I have a question about merging branches or more so on purposing merge branches. I have made changes here https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide (im joseph mills) I have requested a merge for one of the pushes here https://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/ubuntu-packaging-guide/fixed-bug767276/+merge/106929 My question is Should I be doing this for all the merges that I want aka all the pushes that I h [02:48] ave done ? thanks for your time. [02:48] Launchpad bug 106929 in Web Team projects "figure out how to import existing chapter wikis into our wiki farm" [Undecided,Fix released] === Marce_ is now known as Marce === JackyAlcine is now known as Jacky === Jacky is now known as siibot [03:58] Where does discussion about ubuntu-dev-tools usually take place these days? [03:59] Other than bugs? === siibot is now known as Jacky === astraljava1 is now known as astraljava [06:24] TheMuso: usually here, as the most active devs (Laney, tumbleweed) are here too [07:05] good morning [07:08] good morning [07:09] hello and gooed morning to you also [07:09] dholbach, I see that you left me a message asking to ....... [07:10] about merging branches or more so on purposing merge branches. I have made changes here https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide (im joseph mills) I have requested a merge for one of the pushes here https://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/ubuntu-packaging-guide/fixed-bug767276/+merge/106929 My question is Should I be doing this for all the merges that I want aka all the pushes that I have done ? thanks for your time [07:10] Launchpad bug 106929 in Web Team projects "figure out how to import existing chapter wikis into our wiki farm" [Undecided,Fix released] [07:12] bobweaver, yes please - if you push your code to launchpad, that's fine, but only if you ask for it to be merged (merge proposal) do others really get aware of it [07:12] cool [07:14] should I be pushing code like that ? bzr branch lp:~foo/bar alter it then push back up then delete the one that I just pushed and start all over again ? [07:14] for each change [07:15] yes, I do separate new branches for every bug I work on - I feel it gets less confusing [07:15] but maybe others in here have different modes of working [07:16] sweet thanks for your time now back to hacking ubuntu tv if I could just get this lens and sccope to work :) cya [07:19] all the best with that :) [07:25] one more question Traditional Packaging or the page for the guide is like using dh_make and dpkg-buildpackage -F and fakerooot ? [07:26] like "packaging from scratch " but with out bzr tools and what not thanks again === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan === dpm__ is now known as dpm [10:28] broder, allison, tumbleweed, ajmitch, (and anybody else really): could you have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative and see if it's clear enough or add some new opportunities or edit it in any other way? === Ng_ is now known as Ng [10:30] you forgot to mention that all armhf bugs are the ones with the highest prio for everyone ! [10:30] also you missed the "fix mono on arm" challenge [10:31] ++ [10:31] Laney: a trivial 5-minute job for a new contributor? :) [10:31] yeah, its low hanging fruit [10:31] bzr branch; hack; commit; propose; win! [10:31] Laney: y no git clone? :) [10:31] (because its such heavy fruit it hangs very low) [10:31] heh [10:31] put that in the packaging guide ^o) [10:32] it's such a ripe, juicy fruit [10:32] * ajmitch wants to be able to build on armhf at home [10:32] any more serious notes? :) [10:33] even more serious ? [10:33] dholbach: I looked at the list earlier today, it looked useful :) [10:33] well, are you proposing to have uploads for those typo fixes? [10:33] I'll try & add anything else I come across that may be useful [10:34] Laney, they're ubuntu-only packages [10:34] I know, I'm just wondering about uploading /just/ to fix a one-word typo [10:35] I'll leave that to the sponsor to decide [10:35] if they just want to commit into some branch, that's fine with me :) [10:35] ok [10:36] I don't know how much of an emphasis you will be placing on having stuff in the archive is all [10:37] I guess the main point is that we provide new contributors with stuff they can easily start with and get their feet wet [10:37] I think if fixes aren't uploaded they may get lost in the noise [10:37] & people like to see their name on the -changes list [10:37] even if it's a really small fix for something [10:37] so if they enjoy fixing something, easily learn processes and tools and find and entry point, then we have succeeded [10:42] * ajmitch wonders if he can switch timezones with someone in order to make it to the meeting this week [10:43] it might be a good idea to try to agree on alternating times for the meeting [10:43] I realised that this meeting is going to clash with a meeting I have as well :-/ [10:43] could be, but only if you're going to have enough people showing up at the agreed-upon times [10:44] I think we had the old meetings at 12 and 22 UTC or something - this might work better for UTC+ and UTC- timezones [10:45] we can sort that out when needed [11:03] I saw "revu-tools" on that list? is revu-tools still used and usefull? [11:05] dholbach: didn't the old MOTU meetings rotate with 8h? [11:05] ah yes, sorry [11:05] 12 and 20 UTC [11:06] I just checked some of the entries on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Headers/NextMOTUMeeting?action=info [11:06] I mean, didn't we have 3 meeting times? [11:06] geser: it's so long ago now :) [11:07] geser, I think I recall us doing that for Packaging Training sessions, but for the meeting, I'm unsure [11:07] looking at diffs from your linked page: 4:00 UTC, 12:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC === yofel_ is now known as yofel === andreas__ is now known as ahasenack === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away === bregma_ is now known as bregma === debfx_ is now known as debfx [14:59] tumbleweed: So you know the way I said that Archive.getPublishedSources() probably wouldn't be that slow for figuring out what to auto-sync? [14:59] Um, yeah [14:59] >>> date(); len([(s.source_package_name, s.source_package_version) for s in quantal_sources]); date() [15:00] Wed May 23 14:23:29 BST 2012 [15:00] 19783 [15:00] Wed May 23 14:36:31 BST 2012 === emma is now known as em [15:37] cjwatson: aah, I thought you were just going to look at Sources.bz2 [15:38] That's the next fallback; unfortunately it doesn't correspond well with what Launchpad's imported, in the case of Debian [15:39] Which means that I need to concern myself with the case where somebody uploads something to unstable every six hours and we never sync it because Launchpad is always a bit behind Sources [15:39] I guess I can use the Debian Sources file just for "is it newer", and the rest can come from what Launchpad has imported [15:42] that works [16:13] cjwatson: wouldn't it be enough to check only new published records (created_since_date) since the last run? or am I missing something? [16:13] That might help if I knew when the last run was [16:13] I mean, I do, but the script doesn't [16:14] It's not necessarily always run by the same admin, for instance [16:15] can't the script save the date it got last run in some file? [16:17] hmm, that probably won't work if the AA run that script on their own machines, unless there is some common storage all AA can access [16:32] tumbleweed: ping [16:44] an overlap presumably wouldn't matter too much [16:44] vibhav: yup? [16:46] tumbleweed: Since I have not triaged any bugs, what do I write in my application to the bug control? [16:47] vibhav: if you haven't been triaging bugs, what do you need bugcontrol membership for? [16:47] You wait until you triage some bugs, I'd think. [16:48] tumbleweed: Nominating bugs for SRU [16:49] I don't think bug control can do that anymore [16:49] or was it bug squad where it was changed? [16:53] I think its still bug control [16:53] In any case, you need to do some triaging first. [16:55] ok [17:07] Salve === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan [18:50] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/remmina/+bug/1000356 anyone knows what bugreporter just means ? [18:50] Launchpad bug 1000356 in remmina (Ubuntu) "remmina/xfreerdp crashes while trying to use 'remote control'" [Undecided,Confirmed] [18:50] can't seem to simulate it === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan === nxvl is now known as inxvl === inxvl is now known as nxvl === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away === zooko` is now known as zooko