
=== jrgifford_ is now known as jrgifford
micahgRAOF: can you reject libxkbfile from precise-proposed?03:19
RAOFCan, and have.03:20
* micahg forgot a slash in the changelog :-/03:20
pittiIOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device03:55
pitti^ on ddebs.ubuntu.com03:55
pittiI think at this point I rather sacrifice natty than losing quantal ddebs03:56
infinityYeah, natty will EOL "soon" anyway.03:56
infinityFSVO soon.03:56
pittiat least it's a rather uninteresting target to still fix crashes for03:56
micahgumm, what about removing the dbgsym ddebs?04:01
infinityAs opposed to...?04:01
micahgremoving natty04:01
infinityAll the ddebs are dbgsym ddebs, I'm a bit confused. :P04:01
micahgoh, hrm, sorry :(04:02
micahgfor some reason I thought there were duplicates04:03
micahgI meant dbg-dbgsym04:03
micahgbut those probably don't exist04:03
infinityI think pkg-create-dbgsym tries to detect that scenario and do something clever, but I forget what now. :P04:04
micahglack of sleep catching up with me, time for a break :)04:04
pittimicahg: yes, pkg-create-dbgsym doesn't generate -dbgsyms for -dbg packages04:06
pittinor for any package which doesn't have an ELF file with a debug symbol section04:06
infinitypitti: You do still get duplication between -dbg.deb and -dbgsym.ddeb though, right?04:07
infinitypitti: Since they share the same package namespace, couldn't we cleverly detect that situation and make -dbgsym.ddeb an empty package that depends on -dbg.deb?04:08
pittiinfinity: we certainly could; we even detect that and add a Conflicts: to the -dbg package04:08
pittiinfinity: we had a spec a while ago to get rid of all -dbg packages to reduce the size of the main archive04:08
pittibut it never got implemented04:08
pittiso I guess we could do it that way around04:09
infinitySounds like a lot of unnecessary delta from Debian.04:09
infinityUntil someone can convince them to go the ddeb route.04:09
infinity(which would be nice)04:09
pittinah, not by modifying the source obviously :)04:09
infinityOh, just by silently dropping them on the floor at upload time?04:09
pittimore like the pkgbinarymangler approach04:09
infinityThat would mean the -dbg packages better all be nothing but detached symbols.  I know, in the past, some actually contained Useful Things.04:10
infinity(debug utilities, etc)04:10
pittibut I guess your way around makes more sense then04:10
infinityWell, the only problem with mine is that it makes apport-retrace need to be even smarter, when it's fetching old ddebs from the librarian (you know, once they're there)04:11
infinityCause it'll need to follow dependencies.04:11
pittibug 100323404:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 1003234 in pkg-create-dbgsym "Build dummy -dbgsym for packages which already have a -dbg" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100323404:12
pittiinfinity: right, but once we do fetch ddebs from Launchpad, it shouldn't make much of a difference04:12
* infinity nods.04:13
infinityI hope to get to testing the state of all of that this week.04:13
infinityOnce I'm done tearing my hair out over nscd.04:13
infinityOr jump off a building.04:13
infinityWhichever comes first.04:13
pittiinfinity: when you go for the building, please do so from the doghouse04:15
* pitti watches HDD space slowly come back on macquarie04:16
wgrantinfinity: If we're fetching old ddebs from the librarian, why not fetch new ones from there too?04:24
wgrantinfinity: Perhaps we don't need them published at all04:25
pittiwe still want to have an archive for them04:25
pittia lot of developers use them in their apt sources04:25
pittiwgrant: an intermediate step would be to chagne ddeb-retriever to fetch them from the librarian, and continue to build the ddeb archive separately on macquarie04:26
wgrantThat's a bit sad.04:26
pittithen the only thing that LP needs to do is to accept them in the .changes04:26
pittiand put them into the librarian04:26
pittiit would be a whole lot more robust than the current "on apache for 7 days" hack04:27
wgrantYeah, that was an intermediate step I considered, but decided it wasn't worth it since we were always pressed for librarian space.04:28
wgrantNow it's on the SAN that might not be such an insurmountable issue.04:28
pittiwgrant: I still don't think we should keep each and every ddeb we ever built04:28
wgrantOh, certainly not.04:29
wgrantThat would be insane.04:29
infinityWell, the plan is to expire them at the same time we expire binaries.04:29
infinityWhich does happen.04:29
pittiwgrant: for a released ubuntu we only need the ones from published packages04:29
wgrantinfinity: We can't keep them that long, I don't think04:29
wgrantinfinity: We only expire binaries once the series is obsoleted.04:29
wgrantIf we ever do at all.04:29
pittiand for the dev release it would be nice to keep a backlog of two weeks or so04:29
wgrantRight, those policies sound reasonable.04:29
infinitywgrant: We also expire some binaries from released series.04:29
wgrantinfinity: Not deliberately.04:29
infinitywgrant: Like old ones from updates/security that aren't current.04:29
wgrantThat would be a bug.04:30
infinityThis is what I was told happens. :P04:30
wgrantYou were lied to :)04:30
infinityBlame elmo.04:30
infinityEither way, I think we should *aim* to not have special expiry for ddebs, since they'll just be part of the binary upload.04:30
infinityShould that prove a problem, we can revisit.04:30
wgrantThey're so enormous that we'd need to change the binary expiration policy.04:31
wgrantWhich we probably should.04:31
wgrant(and that requires rewriting the archive file expirer from scratch to not be a patched together pile of bugs, which I've been meaning to do for a while...)04:32
wgrantCurrently the process for expiring PPA binaries is automated, but for primary archive stuff it's done by a frequently buggy piece of manual SQL04:33
wgrantIt gets rewritten by someone every second time or so.04:33
wgrantAnd most times it has nice bugs that will wipe out half the live archive too.04:33
wgrantIt's reliable, quality stuff.04:33
pitti"things you don't want to hear on a quiet, peaceful morning"04:34
wgrantAnyway, I have rough plans for a sensible garbage collector which will let us have a reasonably flexible binary expiration policy.04:36
wgrantRather than the manual SQL.04:36
wgrantWhich is buggy.04:36
wgrantUntil then, we can't really have ddebs for the primary archive in the librarian.04:36
wgrantOr I think elmo will strangle me.04:36
pittiwgrant: thanks for the heads-up; now I at least know what the current blocker is04:37
wgrantLinaro's been happily using native ddeb support in their PPAs for several months, so most of it's fairly well tested.04:38
infinitywgrant: Well, ddebs in the librarian would only be for builds going forward, nothing historical.  So, it'll take a while for the cruft to build up.04:39
wgrantinfinity: Yeah, but then the cruft will build up.04:40
infinitywgrant: Anyhow, elmo seemed okay with the idea when we discussed it.04:40
wgrantAnd we won't have any way to get rid of it.04:40
wgrantThat situation is less than ideal.04:40
wgrantAlthough that might be a cunning way to get the GC rewrite scheduled...04:40
infinity(And he didn't assume that development releases were getting binaries reaped during development)04:40
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cjwatsonpitti: dropping -dbg> At least (say) python2.7-dbg and friends are genuinely different builds and useful, so shouldn't be dropped.08:10
pitticjwatson: *nod*; also what infinity said about -dbg shipping other useful tools08:10
pitticjwatson: so I'd rather do it the other way around and don't build -dbgsym for pacakges with -dbg, or build empty ones with just a -dbg dependency08:11
pittithe latter is compatible with apport-retrace, I filed it as bug 100323408:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1003234 in pkg-create-dbgsym "Build dummy -dbgsym for packages which already have a -dbg" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100323408:11
cjwatsonwgrant: Expiry: do you have any thoughts about the problem of ensuring that point releases are kept around even if we have a more aggressive expiration policy?  It's a bit tricky since LP doesn't model point releases.09:47
wgrantcjwatson: I would be tempted to just not expire post-release pockets.10:24
wgrantcjwatson: They're small enough10:24
wgrantcjwatson: The big stuff is the development churn in Release10:25
wgrantI should probably get some hard numbers, though10:25
cjwatsonI'm trying to work out whether it's worth us keeping hardlink farms of the pool for point releases, as opposed to just of dists.10:34
cjwatsonJust copies of dists, indeed.10:34
cjwatsonThe difference being that we can much more easily do only the latter on a mirror, while the latter is kind of cocoplum-specific (or a mirror with insane space).10:35
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cjwatsonhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2012-May/006080.html for those interested in archive-reorg kinds of issues11:52
cjwatson^- Daviey's first accept12:52
pittiDaviey: wohoo!12:52
Davieyoh dammit, if i follow the law of 'firsts'.. i need to buy a round of beer.12:52
pittihm, why is https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release-nominators a member of https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release ? that sounds a bit backwards12:54
pittioh, I guess the LP priv is bound to ~ubuntu-release12:54
cjwatsonIt's a hack12:54
stgrabercjwatson: I very quickly scanned through that thread, but I'm wondering if using "X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes" where they think langpacks are beneficial would fix their remaining concerns?13:45
stgraberwe've started using it for a few new Edubuntu packages where we knew translation would be sub-optimal at release time and wanted to benefit from post-release translations improvements through the langpacks13:46
skaetpitti,  L3, QA  needed to nominate bug to specific releases, and yes, its a hack.13:54
pittiskaet: sorry, what?13:55
skaetpitti,  ubuntu -release-nominators13:56
pittiskaet: aah, thanks13:56
skaetcjwatson, slangasek, stgraber, infinity, stefanor, Laney, ScottK, and others interested,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseInterlock has most of the key information in it now.   (and related ReleaseSchedules updated from it),  can you review it, and make sure it matches up with your impressions from UDS?   I'll send mail out to ubuntu-release with this info as well.14:56
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skaetDaviey, ^14:57
* Daviey grumbles about being an afterthought.14:59
* skaet is sorry. needs a better way to let release team members know in channel, missed Ncommander too :/15:22
ubot2bdrung, cody-somerville, Laney, micahg, barry, tumbleweed, stgraber: DMB ping15:26
stgraberskaet: like that ^15:26
stgraber(sorry for the ping ;))15:26
skaetstgraber, coolio.  :)  how do they get set up?15:27
barrystgraber: you woke me up from a nice nap.  i was dreaming about weekly team meetings15:27
stgraberskaet: trying to get it setup in the bot now, will likely need someone from #ubuntu-irc to do it15:28
stgraber!release-ping is infinity, cjwatson, Daviey, Laney, iulian, Riddell, skaet, NCommander, ScottK, tumbleweed, sistpoty, slangasek, stgraber: Release team ping15:30
ubot2Factoid 'release-ping' not found15:32
stgraberDaviey: it needs approval by #ubuntu-irc, talking to them now15:32
Davieystgraber: i am one of those.15:33
Daviey!release-ping is infinity, cjwatson, Daviey, Laney, iulian, Riddell, skaet, NCommander, ScottK, tumbleweed, sistpoty, slangasek, stgraber: Release team ping15:34
stgraberDaviey: good to know :)15:34
ubot2Factoid 'release-ping' not found15:35
stgraberskaet: so apparently ubot2 needs to sync the new factoid from ubottu but it should be working fine next time you need it15:39
skaetawesome!   Thank you!15:39
bjfinfinity: regarding the Precise 3.2.0-24.39 kernel: the patch has been verified to work and the kernel team have been boot testing the kernel on a wide variety of systems with no regressions16:31
infinitybjf: Excellent.16:31
infinitybjf: Well, get the bug tasks in a state that lets me know I'm good to go, and I'll make sure things happen.16:32
infinitybjf: (So, either get team signoffs or mark invalid where appropriate)16:33
bjfinfinity: will do, thanks16:33
bjfinfinity: i think i've hacked the tracking bug to reflect the correct state and added comments why i did what i did17:14
infinitybjf: Check.  Will poke it in a sec.17:16
* ScottK wonders how https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/stellarium/0.11.2-1/+build/3513355 got a build score of 5000?17:50
stgraberScottK: that would be because I helped it a bit, synced stellarium from Debian (for Edubuntu) and wanted to confirm it builds on all arch before I can update edubuntu-meta (sadly arm still fails ...)17:53
* ScottK wanted to make sure it wasn't something related to recent build prioritization changes.17:53
cjwatsonNope, none of those would result in 500017:53
cjwatsonAnything that round isn't an auto-score :)17:54
ScottKI didn't think so.17:54
ScottKIt just didn't look like the sort of critical package one typically sees manually rescored.17:54
cjwatsonGenerally automatic scores aren't divisible by 100.17:54
cjwatsonDue to +5/10/15/20 for urgency, +5/10/15/20/50/100 for queue tim17:55
cjwatsonYou'd have to have carefully selected packageset or archive relative build scores for that17:55
LaneyDaviey: you're supposed to request backports on a bug, not just upload them yourself20:17
bjfinfinity, my intent is *not* to bug you, just a gentle reminder of my precise kernel20:20
DavieyLaney: I suggest re-working the wording, as it doesn't emphatically state a bog should be opened, unless you want to 'request a backport'20:30
Davieyie, someone else please do the work for me20:30
LaneyI did just add some more information to that page20:31
DavieyLaney: are you happy to review based as is, or do you want a bug?20:32
Laneycan you have a look at the page and see if it's more clear?20:32
LaneyI'd like a bug for bookkeeping, but it should be trivial to do so with requestbackport20:32
Davieyotp right now20:32
Laneythe upload won't have the bug reference, but oh well20:33
Laneydoes anyone mind if I update the process to say that the accepting AA will set the bug to Fix Released?20:36
Davieydoes -backports not Fix Release a series bug task?20:37
Laneyit's a separate project20:38
Laneyalso I believe that backports are special cased in soyuz to never close bugs20:39
ScottKDaviey: If you aren't a backporter, you need approval to backport something.  Just because you have the theoretical rights, doesn't mean it's OK.20:42
ScottKFWIW, some of the most difficult backports we've had were snuck in by archive admins without consulting the backports team (although that was long ago - it's been years since I noticed someone doing it).20:43
cjwatsonLaney: I don't mind, but I'm pretty sure I've forgotten to close bugs pretty much every time so far.  We could use some tooling here.20:55
Laneycjwatson: Don't you use the web UI to accept stuff?20:56
Laney(if so then it doesn't seem so amenable to scripting)20:56
cjwatsonWe do at the moment.  Probably not forever.20:59
cjwatsonBut yes, that would be an impediment at the moment.  Some scripts do things like "go accept this, then press Enter and I'll close the bug"21:00
cjwatsonLike syncpackage21:00
cjwatson(OK, that's "wait for sync to be processed, but ...")21:00
cjwatsonAnd since we need a backport verification script anyway, that'd be somewhere for it to go21:00
LaneyYeah. I think broder was going to implement that, but the wait for backports is somewhat more indeterminate.21:01
cjwatsonSo the workflow for the time being would be "verify-backport blah" - downloads pair of source packages, diffs, asks you if it's OK, if you say no it bails out, if it says yes it gives you a queue URL and says to press Enter when you're finished with it21:01
cjwatsonI agree it's a bit more tenuous to do the wait on the backportpackage side, so if it didn't involve AAs having to manually open up bug URLs and paste stuff into them, I'd be fine with it21:02
LaneyIf you'd actually use a script (and not find it a cumbersome impediment), then that sounds reasonable.21:04
slangasekI find scripts universally preferable to the web ui ;)21:04
LaneyI just figured it was a bit of click click on the queue UI, so switching out to a terminal would be irritating21:04
cjwatsonI'd definitely use a script21:04
cjwatsonThe click click will go away soon enough - PackageUpload.acceptFromQueue() or whatever isn't that far off21:04
cjwatsonI think possibly I need to break down that branch into pieces as I was having trouble figuring out the tests for the override part21:05
* Daviey returns21:22
DavieyScottK: Right.. I didn't suggest otherwise.. The backporting page wasn't clear.  I read it as, if you want a package backported (and cannot/will not) do it yourself, you raise a bug.21:22
DavieyIf you can do it yourself (upload), you upload and it's simply reviewed in queue.21:23
DavieyIt's not entirely clear to me what having a bug to track the "will do it yourself" helps with.. It's surely a binary operation?21:23
infinitybjf: What kernel?21:24
DavieyYes, we accept this as a backport and it's good quality... No, this isn't appropriate for a backport, or bad quality.21:24
bjfinfinity, the fast tracked Precise kernel21:24
infinitybjf: (look up)21:24
DavieyScottK: otherwise, why aren't srcNEW packages required to have tracking bugs in the development release?  Surely it's similar issues?21:24
bjfinfinity: ok, thanks21:25
cjwatsonWhoops, linux-tools and nvidia-support weren't meant to happen there, some kind of caching issue21:25
cjwatsonOther than that, that was auto-sync in batch mode, seemed to DTRT21:26
cjwatsonSo just existing-NEW-detection and a bot account and I can entirely automate this21:27
cjwatsonWell, except for the NEW processing at the end21:27
cjwatsonBatch mode is "sync all autosyncable existing packages that don't overwrite existing *ubuntu*-versioned binaries, plus any new packages that don't overwrite existing *ubuntu*-versioned binaries and that have never previously been published in Ubuntu"21:30
cjwatsonSo anything that's been removed but has then returned for good reason will still need manual attention, as will source renames of things with Ubuntu modifications21:30
Davieycjwatson: what about ubuntu native packages that do not have ubuntu in the version string, and Debian introduces a package of the same name?21:32
infinityWe add those to the blacklist.21:32
infinityOr, we should.21:32
cjwatsonThey'd have been autosynced in both the current and previous systems without anyone noticing21:32
DavieySo, confirming that the new world order supports that.21:33
cjwatsonSo either blacklist in advance, or repair after the fact21:33
cjwatsonNothing about blacklisting has changed21:33
infinityIf you intend to have non-ubuntu-versioned stuff that's different from Debian, blacklist early and often.21:33
cjwatsonWell, except that it's now in a bzr branch on LP rather than a private one on cocoplum21:33
infinity(udev being the canonical case that springs to mind)21:33
Davieycjwatson: hmm.. where is this branch?21:33
cjwatsonDaviey: lp:~ubuntu-archive/+junk/sync-blacklist21:34
cjwatsonAh, ArchiveAdministration is out of date21:34
cjwatsonI only moved it there the other day21:34
DavieyScottK: Can you respond to my above comments when you have a chance please?21:35
cjwatsonOK, and now auto-sync will (hopefully) detect things that are already in NEW and not repeat itself21:47
ScottKDaviey: It's supposed to be approved via the bug before upload.  That's the difference.21:53
ScottKThe do it yourself aspect of this is supposed to be fore ubuntu-backporters,n ot for general use.21:54
DavieyScottK: and that used to be the case for SRU, but was reverted.21:54
DavieyScottK: wait, ubuntu-backporters don't need a tracking bug, as they review their own stuff, and everyone else does?21:54
DavieyScottK: So please, what is the difference between using a tracking bug to 'approve' and upload, and just 'approving' from the queue?21:55
ScottKDaviey: Because not all backporters have access to the queue.21:56
DavieyScottK: okay, can you compare to srcNEW for the development release?21:56
ScottKDaviey: If you want a process change, please don't just make it up and start doing the new way.  Discuss it with people first.21:56
DavieySponsorship bug vs just uploading?21:56
DavieyScottK: this isn't a process change.. Process is documented, this was not.21:57
ScottKYes and if you're not in backporters you need sponsoring.21:57
DavieyOr at least ambiguous at best.21:57
ScottKSo far only for you.21:58
ScottKI have to go.21:58
DavieyYeah, we don't exactly have a bustling backporters community, so yeah.21:58
cjwatsonWhat ScottK is describing is definitely how I understood the process.22:06
cjwatson(I have abused archive admin to shove in backports in the past, although only for debootstrap; I've been persuaded by argument not to do this in future)22:08
Davieycjwatson: right, but i'm trying to determine the difference between 'review in queue' and 'review via tracking bug'.  Especially as ~ubuntu-backports can self approve a backport without a bug.22:09
cjwatsonI'm not aware that they actually do so.22:10
Davieycjwatson: well ScottK just suggested otherwise.22:10
cjwatsonAFAICS -backporters use tracking bugs even for things they care about personally ...22:11
cjwatsonAnyway, for me, the important bit is that authority for the backports pocket is wholly delegated to -backporters22:11
cjwatsonWhile archive admins happen to have queue admin access there, we're doing so on behalf of -backporters until such time as they can do it themselves22:12
cjwatsonSo it's not for us to create policy on their behalf22:12
Davieycjwatson: right, i'm not doing that.. The documented 'policy' was (in my mind) ambiguous.22:13
cjwatsonOK; but then in that case verbal clarification should be enough for the time being, with the understanding that it's generally worth clarifying documents when people misunderstand them22:14
cjwatsonI just don't think "this is ambiguous" "it means this" "but this is ambiguous" is necessarily a productive continuation22:14
Davieycjwatson: yes, i see that.22:16
* infinity needs new glasses.22:17
infinity"New binary: horse-simulator [i386] ..."22:17
RAOFinfinity: New binary: my-little-pony [armhf] ...22:24
jdstrandis it accurate to say that the 'all' files in each seed directory in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ contains all the packages that make up the seed. eg ubuntu.precise/all is all of 'ubuntu' and xubuntu.precise/all is all of xubuntu?23:09
jdstrandmeh, gotta run23:09
cjwatsonjdstrand: It contains all directly seeded packages and the fully-expanded chains of run-time dependencies/recommendations and build-dependencies.23:13
cjwatson(I'd recommend reserving "seed" for e.g. "desktop" and using "seed collection" for "ubuntu.precise".)23:14

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