
helpme472how I can set sftp on my proftpd without shell access00:00
billybigriggerhelpme472 just disable a shell for that user00:02
billybigriggerset the shell from /bin/bash to /sbin/nologin00:03
billybigriggererrr nbm00:03
billybigriggerits /bin/false i think in ubuntu00:04
billybigriggerya there it is...00:04
billybigriggerhelpme472 sudo usermod -s /bin/false USERNAME00:04
billybigriggerany network gurus around to help with a dnsmasq server problem?00:08
helpme472what is your probleme00:09
billybigriggerim trying to connect to my vpn server...but seems there's a problem with 12.04 and dnsmasq00:09
billybigrigger  Installed: 2.59-4  Candidate: 2.59-400:10
MischinkaHow do I set all files permissions recursively? and how do i set all folders recursively?00:11
billybigriggerchmod -R xxxx /xxxx/00:12
Mischinkachmod -R 0755 /directory/ ?00:13
billybigriggerxxxx = permisions /xxxx/ = folder ot apply to00:13
Mischinkahow do i do all files recursively?00:13
mischaghostwow bluescreen of death00:17
mischaghostso: chmod -$ -R 0655 /directory/   that will change all the files?00:20
billybigrigger-R only00:24
billybigriggerremove the -$ that was my type00:24
billybigriggertypo...ffs :P00:24
mischaghostWhat about only files and not folders?00:25
nathwillfind /path/ -type f -exec chmod -655 {} \;00:26
nathwillfind /path/ -type f -exec chmod 0655 {} \;00:27
e2b04836 find . -type f -exec chmod 0655 {} +00:27
mischaghostfind . -type f -exec chmod 0655 {} + && find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} +00:30
mischaghostdoes that look right?00:30
nathwillwhat is this + business?00:31
nathwillnever seen it... it seemed to work.. i may be wrong about that00:32
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three18tiwhat do you think of configserver firewall?00:40
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mgwanybody have scripts for grabbing ssh keys from ldap?01:41
twbmgw: ssh-import-id can pull it from HTTP01:44
twbmgw: monkeysphere can pull it from a GPG keyserver01:45
twbmgw: don't know of anything for LDAP01:45
mgwtwb: thanks01:49
mattwj2002hi guys02:32
mattwj2002how do you make a private cloud system?02:33
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KingKatarii am running ubuntu 11.10 server, How do i fix a task leak as it is causing tasks that are <defunct>02:56
twbFix the parent process's child handling03:06
KingKatarioh god i have no clue where that call needs to go in this app since it is written in python303:20
arooni-mobilehi folks; recently upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04;  here is my sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002316/ ... but now when i try to move over apt selectoins from one box to another i'm stuck:  https://gist.github.com/2773094 ... ideas?03:23
twbKingKatari: file a bug report03:24
twbKingKatari: or talk to #python about it, I guess03:25
arooni-mobilecan anyone help me with my package dependency03:25
twbarooni-mobile: why are you doing dselect-upgrade ?03:25
arooni-mobiletwb trying to move dpkg selections from one box to another03:25
twbdselect is only for people so old, they tuck their beards between their legs03:26
arooni-mobilewhat would you recommend03:26
twbWhat does "aptitude install" have to say?03:26
arooni-mobilesomehwat related q; should backporgts all be disabled03:27
twbDo not enable backports unless you know what you're doing and you definitely want them03:28
arooni-mobilethats what i thought03:29
arooni-mobileubuntu upgrade process enables by default03:29
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/170709/ is about what it should look like (modulo release name)03:30
twbI am surprised that do-release-upgrade enables is by default.03:31
twbI am surprised that do-release-upgrade enables it by default.03:31
arooni-mobilethats what aptitude thinks03:31
arooni-mobiledoes that sound good?03:31
arooni-mobiletwb, i was suprised too03:31
twbWell first ignore all the :i386 sections because they're biarch crap03:32
arooni-mobileyeah i think i may be moving from a 32 bit to a 64 bit system03:33
twbHmm, are you migrating from i386 to amd64?03:33
twbAh, OK, that's probably the root cause of all this03:33
arooni-mobilebad job david03:33
twbWHat I would do is instead of using --set-selections, be a bit lazy03:33
twbaptitude -F %p --disable-columns search '!~M~i'03:33
twbarooni-mobile: ^ that will emit a list of packages you actually asked for, not including the version numbers03:34
arooni-mobileah goodies03:34
twbarooni-mobile: then try apt-get installing those packages only, on the new box03:34
twbBeforehand, on the new box, you might want to do something like "aptitude keep ~T" (IIRC) to say "forget about all those changes I asked for before"03:34
arooni-mobileok so once i have the new selections redirected to a text file;  what would you use to run the install?03:35
arooni-mobileas dselect is apparently a silly tool ;p03:35
twbaptitude install foo bar baz quux03:35
twbi.e. just pass those package names on the command line03:36
arooni-mobilebut if i try to pipe the text file into it like: aptitude install < versionless-selections ... nothing really happens03:36
arooni-mobilei admit i'm a bit of a command line noob03:36
twbYes; don't do that03:41
twbTry aptitude install `cat list-of-packages.txt`03:41
arooni-mobilethat doesnt seem to install03:43
twbThen I give up03:44
twbpastebin the output of your 13:33 <twb> aptitude -F %p --disable-columns search '!~M~i'03:44
yaboohi all, followed the firewall/router ubuntu how to, how does one forward ports to another machine within my internal network?03:47
twbarooni-mobile: perhaps all those packages are already installed?03:50
arooni-mobileyeah i think youre actually right03:50
arooni-mobilewhile iw as waiting for your comand i wrote a bash program03:50
arooni-mobilethat i think did the trick03:50
yaboohave a issue with ufw, I have opened up ports 53 domain, but it seems my dns cannot talk to the outside world.04:50
yaboowhat else do I need to do.04:50
twbyaboo: pastebin output of "iptables-save -c"04:54
redactdhi has anyone had problems with courier-imap-ssl not working since 12.04? I am getting error SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate in mail.log. imap works fine unsecure.04:55
twbredactd: I use dovecot; the Ubuntu Server Guide also recommends dovecot AFAIK.04:56
redactdtwb, much more of a learning curve than courier?04:57
twbBut it sounds like a simple case of it not finding your certs.  Do you have a custom cert hierarchy, or what?04:57
yabootwb http://pastebin.com/6Sw1gheH04:57
twbI have never used courier.  Dovecot is not hard IME, but I have not done very much complex with it -- most of the cleverness, I do in postfix.04:57
redactdtwb, i use custom certs which are generated and installed with courier on install04:58
twbredactd: on install of the courier .deb ?04:58
redactdtwb, yep04:58
twbI mean, does the .deb do them and you just use what it provides, or are you doing something on top of what the .deb provides04:58
redactd.deb does it.04:59
twbOK so they are probably snakeoil certs or something04:59
twbI would be looking into that, and likewise the client side if you're using client-side certs, also see if your old courier was using gnutls and the new one is using openssl, or vice-versa05:00
twbe.g. slapd+gnutls has problems (I make no assertion as to whether that's openldap's fault, or gnutls's fault)05:01
redactdit uses openssl afaik. setup with pam (only basic mail server) - just reinstalled and noticed interesting error05:01
twbObviously you can also try usual things like turning the debugging up05:02
redactdit is a cert error - the imapd.pem no such file or dir :S05:03
redactderrors while installing .deb didn't notice it before now05:04
redactdprob unrelated though. will just give dovecot a go instead i think05:05
redactdtwb, out of curiosity how would i turn debugging up on a service like that? do you have a link or something similar? or just google it?05:07
twbredactd: depends on the daemon, read the manpages and so on05:08
redactdrgr will do ty05:08
twbno rgr here...05:08
yabootwo did you look at my pastebin05:21
twbyaboo: I got distracted.05:22
twbYour firewall is bizarro, it should be using conntrack (or state) in FORWARD.  IIRC ufw should do that by default...05:23
twbyaboo: it looks like /etc/ufw/before.rules didn't get loaded05:25
twbyaboo: what release of Ubuntu does lsb_release -a say you're running?05:25
yabootwo when I start "ufw enable" I get the error failed to start ufw-init?05:25
twbyaboo: it's "twb"05:26
yabootwb apologies05:26
twbyaboo: to be honest, I think you should turn ufw off, then purge and reinstall it, and punch in your ufw rules again05:28
twbyaboo: if that still has problems, suggest you drop ufw and just learn to do it by hand, in #netfilter05:28
yabootwo ok can be done tonight then05:29
yabootwb to do it by hand where would Iput the rules, and more worried, I do not know enough about iptables to get me through05:29
twbRight; you will have to learn05:30
twbFor basic needs like you have, it is not too hard05:31
yabootwo right I do, but no idea to start where05:31
yabootwb last time I followed something I found on google05:31
KingKatariwhat could be causing Connection timeouts / socket hang-ups05:31
yabootwo if your around later will try05:31
yabooauto correction05:32
twbKingKatari: insufficient data05:32
KingKatarii am running Ubuntu Server 11.10 and i get a high amount of connections from a ipaddress on a very specific port for a service i run on that port, well after 10 to 30 seconds i start getting abunch of connection timeouts and or socket hang-ups05:35
KingKatariwould somaxconn have something to do with that?05:37
rbasakKingKatari: sounds like your service can't keep up05:40
KingKatarino the service is actully waiting for for connections when this is happing05:40
Syria_Hi, i have a VPS server running under Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS, Please help me with installing vpn service on it because I want add an account in order to use it on my Ipad.06:16
RoyKhm... i have, for various reasons, installed Bacula from source. What's the easy way to blacklist the bacula\* packages?06:58
syriaHi, Can I use openvpn on my ubuntu server? so I can connect to it using my ipad? please...06:59
_rubensyria: yes (assuming ipads support openvpn)07:01
twbiphones speak l2tp/ipsec, cisco ipsec, and pptp07:01
syria_ruben:  My VPS is running under  ubuntu server 10.04 LTS, How can I configure it to accept VPN connections please?07:02
twbsyria: you need to ask ##macosx or something about ios, we don't support it.07:02
twb"In 1996 Frederik Schodt characterized the typical reader as a twenty-eight-year-old systems engineer who works at a finance company, eats at ramen noodle shops and is seriously considering using a matchmaking service." --- haha07:03
syriatwb: I want to configure my ubuntu server to become a VPN server, So I can connect to it later using my ipad or anything else that supports vpn.07:03
twbOops, wrong channel.07:03
syriaWhere should I go? :(07:03
twbsyria: oh.  I assumed you already had that working, because you were asking about openvpn.07:04
biomanWant to change drbl stable to drbl testing. I've change in /etc/apt/sources.list to testing, done a aptitude update, a aptitude upgrade but no drbl testing. So aptitude install drbl but it says I have the latest version :/ What's wrong please ? (ubuntu server 11.10)07:04
syriatwb: Nope, I have no idea where to start from.07:04
rcsheetsRoyK: might this work? http://askubuntu.com/a/7607507:05
twbsyria: well first you work out what devices you are required to support, then you pick the least shit technology that they all support.07:05
twbsyria: since that will be PPTP, you will need a bottle of vodka at this point07:05
syriatwb:  o.007:05
syriaI want it to support my Ipad. I am at work now vodka is not allowed :P07:06
yabootwo syria, I got pptp working in like 20 minutes and love it, for my iOS devices07:31
twbyaboo: pptp is completely insecure07:34
twbThat is why, if you deploy it, you will need to drown your sorrows in strong liquor07:34
yabootwb yes I understand, but what else do you recomend for iOS devices07:35
twbyaboo: lt2p/ipsec07:35
yabootwo tried that and I needed strong liquor just reading about it.07:35
twbSecurity is always at odds with convenience07:36
yabootwb you are correct07:37
SpamapSI dunno if I'd agree that security *always* is at odds with convenience.07:52
SpamapSActive security usually is, but sometimes passive efforts can increase security without compromising convenience. Such as intrusion detection systems which simply report..07:53
twbSpamapS: if they just report and no human acts on them, they aren't much of a security layer07:55
_rubenhow does reporting increase security, by itself07:55
twbAnd they inhibit convenience in that the system is infinitesimally slower to respond :-)07:55
SpamapStwb: I think there are 3 dimensions. Convenience, Risk, and Cost.07:56
yaboowant to setup free version of splunk and munin07:56
twbIf you keep going, I might suspect you're trying to add some factual accuracy into my aphorism07:56
SpamapStwb: the traditional 2 dimensional scale implies a "state" of "secure" .. but really, you need a process.. and that process has to figure in cost.07:56
SpamapStwb: no, just trying to spark a discussion that will bore me to sleep :)07:57
SpamapS_ruben: if the IDS is worth anything, it will know when risk has increased, and just tell you, or even take action to reduce it. Cost would be high, but convenience (system performance and admin involvement) stay the same.07:58
SpamapSalso inline lossy ethernet taps do not slow down ethernet07:59
twb"Having a D-Bus interface means that applications wanting to print automatically get to use printerd asynchronously."07:59
twb...uh, because talking to localhost:631 was synchronous?07:59
SpamapStwb: those who do not understand unix are doomed to repeat it.07:59
twbSpamapS: unfortunately, those people are building the entire goddamn desktop07:59
twbEspecially lennart08:00
SpamapSbut its *SHINY*08:00
SpamapS-->> shiny08:00
SpamapSsee it, over there08:00
twbI want so badly to beat some sense into them08:00
SpamapStwb: no, its important that pid1 implement everything that Linus has said no to putting in the kernel.08:00
twbThat way we will reduce the number of pids on the system, to 1 + chrome08:01
twbWhich is important, I guess, because pids are scarce?08:01
SpamapSas scarce as pinheads08:01
SpamapStwb: its not pid scarcity.. its just that all those pids clutter up top.08:02
twboh noes!08:02
SpamapSwho needs crond, and dbus, and udev? You can just let your whole system go down in one fiery ball!08:02
twbAnyway my top is alreayd unusably full with jbd/1 through 3208:02
twbSeriously, I had to stop using top and learn to use ps because of all the per-core kernel threads08:03
SpamapStwb: IIRC htop has a "hide kernel threads" option buried somewhere in there08:03
twbhtop is stupid tho08:03
twbI KNOW its stupid because even my manager recommends it08:04
twb...that and it's not part of ubuntu-minimal, so I'd have to explicitly ask for it.08:04
SpamapShaving a top w/ tree support is pretty nice08:04
twbSpamapS: I just ps uxf08:04
SpamapStwb: so do I08:04
twbwatch ps uxf -- there now you have htop thread08:04
SpamapSbut when I want to leave one thing running to see what my latest insanity has done to break the system, watch ps auxfw isn't usually informative enough08:05
twbSeriously, what is the advantage of top over watch + ps?08:05
twbAFAICT it's basically just that you can use arrow keys instead of ps arguments08:05
SpamapStwb: you'd need watch 'sh -c "free -m ; uname -a ; ps auxw" ..08:06
SpamapStwb: and then to change even the slightest thing (sort.. etc) you'd have to ctrl-c.. change it.. start it back up08:06
twbI turn that stuff off anyway because it means you only see about 10 line of processes08:06
twbAt least on an 80x2508:06
SpamapSwhat, you only use 80x25 terminals?08:06
SpamapSYou do realize 23" LCD's are < $150.. :right?08:07
twbSpamapS: you think if I let KMS try to negotiate with a crappy KVM, while not switched to that KVM at boot, it will work?08:07
twbActually it doesn't work even when I blacklist modesetting and vga16fb, on lucid boxes, to my great annoyance.  I haven't quite cared enough to isolate it.08:07
SpamapStwb: remote KVM should be something you only need in *dire* situations08:07
twbSpamapS: by KVM I mean the thing that slides out of the rack that has a LCD and a keyboard, and a bunch of VGA/USB cables hanging out the back08:08
twbNot some horrible IPMI thing that needs a java client to access the RFB stream, nor a riced-up qemu08:09
SpamapStwb: right, so thats like, what, something you have up for extreme situations08:09
SpamapSI don't think I'd use top on that either ;)08:10
twbOK, granted, when things are working well I can ssh in from my netbook, but I'm a sysadmin -- if things are working I am back in the batcave waiting for the batsignal08:10
SpamapStwb: I always viewed going to the server console as an admission of failure :-P08:11
twbWell, yes08:11
SpamapStwb: for me, I just racked them, got them onto the network with ILO and PXE enabled, and never saw them again.08:11
twbIf I have suceeded, I will be paid to sit here reading a book until I die08:12
SpamapSthat was when I had actual servers08:12
twbI hate ILO, it's such a pain in the arse08:12
SpamapSYeah I never liked it much08:12
twbIt's RFB under the hood but they wrap it in all this java shit08:12
SpamapSbut it worked better than most IPMI things08:12
SpamapSand certainly simpler to use than DRAC08:13
twbAn I mean I'm on an ARM netbook with 1GB RAM and about 6GB of nonvolatile storage08:13
twbAs if java is going to even work08:13
SpamapSwtf.. ?08:13
SpamapStime to get an ultrabook08:13
twbSpamapS: x86 has lame battery life08:13
SpamapSyeah, 5.5 hours seems pretty lame for something that weighs the same as an ipad08:14
twbI get 14h on my 1kg netbook, it was 16h when I bought it08:14
twbAnyway, rather than IPMI/ILO/DRAC what I'd really like is for the BIOS to just make itself usable over the serial port08:14
SpamapStwb: but then you have to put serial cables in all your boxes08:15
twbSince it's ultimately just an 80x25 screen anyway, and pushing it through RFB (let alone java) is just inexcusable blnoat08:15
SpamapSeven if you have a nice USB way to do it08:15
twbSpamapS: what, you run ILO over the same cat5 as its normal IP?08:15
SpamapSno, but network is ubiquitous08:16
twbSpamapS: that means you're trusting that network08:16
twbSpamapS: yeah well, serial to 8p8c is not that hard08:16
SpamapSI actually used red for ilo, and blue for regular network. yellow was DMZ08:16
twbDefinitely better than VGA which you'd need in an emergency08:16
SpamapStwb: never had issues w/ ILO.. but meh.. I've achieved my stated goal of boring myself to sleep08:17
twbBear in mind I haven't actually had a chance to make this work, so I am still operating in fantasy land where it will actually be implemented sanely08:17
twbSpamapS: that will be $5 or two beers08:17
Sander^workDo anyone know why I got dropped into a grub shell after upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04? I think I didn't upgrade grub.09:10
Sander^workWhat do I need to do, to upgrade grub, so it will boot again?09:11
lynxmanmorning o/09:17
twbSander^work: does it give an error?09:18
Sander^worktwb: no, just a grub shell.09:18
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eagles0513875hey guys10:52
SyriaWho konws what is this used for? ssh -D "port" "user@address"11:26
DavieySyria: local socks proxy over ssh11:26
Davieyman ssh , should provide more info.11:27
SyriaDaviey: Yes, When I use that command in my terminal I go to firefox browser and use this socks proxy and the port number.11:27
DavieySo what is the question?11:28
SyriaDaviey: This helps me to bypass some blocked sites by my ISP.11:28
Davieyright, but what is your question? :)11:28
SyriaDaviey: Can I broadcast this connection to my Ipad via a wireless ad-hoc?11:28
Davieytechnically you can.. but why not just set up a VPN?11:29
SyriaDaviey:  It was hard for so i have decided to search for an easeir way. :(11:29
SyriaDaviey: Because Ipad supports l2pt, pptp and Ipsec VPN.11:30
SyriaDaviey:  Can you help me with this please?11:31
DavieySyria: ssh -D user@adress11:40
Davieythen set socks as the ip address of your machine, port 4000.  Note, it's not authenticated. so, anyone on the network can use your proxy.11:41
SyriaSorry Lost my connection. :(11:46
SyriaDavidLevin:  After ssh -D user@address ..... could you please tell me again what should I do to use this tunnel on my ipad as well?11:48
Daviey12:40 < Daviey> Syria: ssh -D user@adress11:48
Daviey12:41 < Daviey> then set socks as the ip address of your machine, port 4000.  Note, it's not authenticated. so, anyone on the network can use your proxy.11:48
SyriaDaviey: Thank you for your help and sorry because I ask too much... But should I set the socks as the ip address of the ipad or the laptop??11:49
DavieySyria: on your laptop, use the command as above.. on your ipad; set the socks proxy as the ip address of your laptop and port 4000.11:50
SyriaDaviey:  What if I don't have ssh on my Ipad? I bought a new one and I am being completly unable to install any program because I live in a blocked country by apple store.11:51
SyriaDaviey: That is why I want to broadcast this connection via ad-hoc wireless.11:52
DavieySyria: i'm not convinced you are listening :)11:53
DavieySyria: ipad will not know it's using ssh, it will know it's using a socks proxy only (via your laptop).. i assume ipad can support socks, that is11:54
Syria*reading again*11:54
streulmaIpad can I think11:59
ikoniaI don't think itunes supports socks proxy, just http12:03
ikonia(or the app store)12:03
SyriaDavidLevin:  ssh -D user@address....... is this correct?12:06
SyriaDaviey: ssh -D user@address....... is this correct?12:07
Daviey12:48 < Daviey> 12:40 < Daviey> Syria: ssh -D user@adress12:08
Daviey12:48 < Daviey> 12:41 < Daviey> then set socks as the ip address of your machine, port 4000.  Note, it's not authenticated. so, anyone on the network can use your proxy.12:08
Daviey12:49 < Daviey> *not*
Syriassh -D myipaddress:4000 user@address12:08
DavieyNO NO NO12:10
DavieySyria: (although your ip address will also work)12:11
mattiDaviey: :)12:15
KristianDKDo you guys know if LXC 0.8 will be released in precise anytime soon? Or this there a PPA for it? Couldnt find one12:17
hallynKristianDK: precise is LTS and released.  We won't be upping versions.  0.8 is not actually released upstream (it's at 0.8.0-rc2)12:23
hallynKristianDK: but the version in precise has just about all the patches that are upstream12:23
KristianDKhallyn, except the one I have troubles with of course :D More specifically this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/lxc/+bug/994752 - will this also be patched on the precise package?12:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 994752 in lxc "lxc-start-ephemeral's use of dhcp lease table is fragile" [High,Confirmed]12:24
hallynKristianDK: yes it will be12:25
KristianDKhallyn, ah ok - thats all I need. Do you by any chance know if this is in the works, and if I could possibly help in any way if its not?12:26
hallynit may already be sitting in unapproved precise-proposed queue, but if not then stgraber will be pushing it soon12:26
hallynIt's definately in the works.  Once te fix is in precise-proposed, you can absolutely help by testing to push it into -updates as quickly as possible :)12:26
hallynIf you subscribe yourself to the bug (if you're not already) you'll get an email when the proposed package is ready12:27
KristianDKYeah, already subscribed - didn't know it worked like that. I'm still not that good with launchpad, thanks for you help :-)12:28
hallynKristianDK: excellent  (if you want all the gory details, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates, but otherwise, thanks for your help)12:29
KristianDKAh great, I'll take a look - might avoid future questions from my side12:30
hallynjdstrand: I've posted a proposed debdiff on bug 1001625 for detecting pc-0.12  (which would also affect your wmvga bug, but I didn't mark it as such...  in part bc i couldn't quickly find it :)12:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1001625 in qemu-kvm "Guest clock stops after live migration on Ubuntu 12.04 hosts" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100162512:36
jdstrandhallyn: hehe-- I am not the author of debian/libvirt-migrate-qemu-machinetype :)12:42
jdstrandyou could do a 'based on' if you really wanted...12:43
hallynjdstrand: I thought I *did* do 'based on'.  all right all right, was hoping to stay anonymous wrt this :)12:46
hallynzul: could you take a look at bug 996840 ?  It looks like actually a nova bug in its use of libvirt.12:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 996840 in libvirt "Libvirt error when trying to mount ISCSI volumes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99684012:46
zulhallyn: yep12:47
jdstrandI don't blame you. that script was tricky to get right. I was running it in postinst so it was moderately important to not hang :P12:47
hallynzul: thanks!12:47
hallynjdstrand: yeah it should be less scary this time at least for that reason :)12:47
* jdstrand nods12:47
jdstrandhallyn: then man page references libvirt\-migrate\-qemu\-disks12:48
hallyngah thought i'd gotten all of those12:49
jdstrandthe sentence that references that should also be adjusted12:49
lunaphyte_hi.  i was asking here the the other day regarding a "warning: failed to read mirror file" message when upgrading from 11.10 to 12.04 using do release upgrade.12:49
hallyn(collecting these comments, thanks)12:50
jdstrandhallyn: since you are fiddling with it, there is non-uniform whitespace in migrate_vm()12:50
lunaphyte_digging a bit further with strace, it appears that the file it's looking for is /tmp/update-manager-AkiIxq/Ubuntu.mirrors:12:50
lunaphyte_open("/tmp/update-manager-AkiIxq/Ubuntu.mirrors", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)12:50
lunaphyte_how can i figure out where this file is supposed to come from, and why it's not being created?12:51
ogra_why would you care its just a warning (and likely the file is created at some point during the process)12:51
lunaphyte_a warning means something isn't happening the way someone was expecting it to, right?  why wouldn't i care?12:52
lunaphyte_anyway, the question isn't so much whether or not i should care, but rather how i can figure out what is happening.12:52
jdstrandhallyn: fyi, README.Debian has 'may in face'12:58
pmatulis_lunaphyte_: so the upgrade failed then?12:59
lunaphyte_pmatulis_: no, actually, the upgrade appears to complete successfully [as best as i can see so far on another computer with the same problem]13:00
jdstrandhallyn: other than those minor things, seems good to me13:03
hallynjdstrand: and I'm not over-reacting with the pc-0.12 thing right?  :)13:12
jdstrandheh-- well, it seems to be causing a problem, so I don't think so. you may want to coordinate with skaet to make sure it is noticable in the 12.04.1 release notes13:13
jsmith-argotecSamba question - I use a user map script to map ldap cn value to uid.  Script runs fine and has worked fine on older version of samba13:46
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glebaronCan anyone tell me the recommended way to install java on ubuntu server these days. The landscape seems fragmented and I don't know what is best.13:47
jsmith-argotechowever now on 12.04 I'm getting this message in the samba logs and not sure where to start to figure it out...13:48
jsmith-argotecsh: 1: /etc/samba/ldapmapuser.sh: Permission denied13:48
jsmith-argotecpermissions are : -rwxrwx--- 1 root admin 182 May 23 09:34 /etc/samba/ldapmapuser.sh*13:49
jsmith-argotecdoesn't need execute other does it?13:49
pmatulis_jsmith-argotec: so... what user is invoking that script?13:49
jsmith-argotecumm I thought samba would be invoking the script...13:50
rbasakglebaron: I would assume that the default-jre-headless package will give you a sensible default. I don't understand the java landscape very well either though.13:50
jsmith-argotecpmatulis_: though I just checked and permissions on that script on the older samba server and it was -rw-r-xr-x13:50
jamespagerbasak, glebaron: default-jre-headless will give you the supported version of Java for a given release of Ubuntu13:51
jsmith-argotecpmatulis_: it is listed in the samba config as the user mapping script so I thought the samba process invoked it13:52
jsmith-argotecpmatulis_:    username map script = /etc/samba/ldapmapuser.sh13:52
btI am wondering if someone could answer some questions on networking issues...13:56
glebaronjamespage, do you know what the currently supported version is?13:57
pmatulis_jsmith-argotec: ok... and what user is smbd run as?13:58
jamespageglebaron, which release of ubuntu?  12.04 is openjdk-6 (Java 6)13:58
glebaronjamespage, yes, 12.04.13:58
btI basically cannot figure out how to configure my physical networking adapters... i have tried using/modifying  /etc/network.interface, but it always fails to bring up the second adapter13:58
pmatulis_bt: i recommend reading the ubuntu server guide.  help.ubuntu.com13:59
KristianDKIs there an easy way to apply a proposed fix to a running installation? e.g. bug 99475213:59
jamespageglebaron, 12.04 also has openjdk-7 in universe - but openjdk-6 is default13:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 994752 in lxc "lxc-start-ephemeral's use of dhcp lease table is fragile" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99475213:59
jsmith-argotecpmatulis_: root14:00
jsmith-argotecpmatulis_: which is why I don't understand the permissions error14:00
pmatulis_SpamapS: do you really think this is Critical?  bug #87282414:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 872824 in network-manager-strongswan "Network-manager locks up when adding strongSwan VPN connection" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87282414:01
bti have looked through the networking portion, but it still fails..14:01
pmatulis_bt: you should by now know that the file is /etc/network/interfaces14:02
btyes.. that was the file i was working with14:02
pmatulis_jsmith-argotec: try to run the script manually14:02
pmatulis_bt: maybe pastebin it, someone may take a look14:03
a_okWhat do I have to do to use liboauth-php?14:06
bthttp://pastebin.com/LNxrJuq4   ---- the response i get from running /etc/init.d/networking restart14:07
btis file exists14:08
jsmith-argotecpmatulis_: works fine manually as root and as a admin group member14:08
jsmith-argotecpmatulis_: I added all execute to the script permissions and now the error has changed to14:12
btthe above pastebin is my interfaces file14:12
jsmith-argotecpmatulis_: /bin/bash: /etc/samba/ldapmapuser.sh: Permission denied14:12
jsmith-argotecpmatulis_: I added read as well and now it's working... no idea why it needs all read/execute but that's what works so we'll go with it14:14
jsmith-argotecpmatulis_: thanks for the help!14:15
glebaronjamespage, rbasak, thanks for the info.14:17
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SpamapSpmatulis_: yes, its critical. The whole box loses control of its network because this software is completely broken.15:51
SpamapSpmatulis_: the only workaround is to not use this software. That seems like a reason to either fix it, or drop it.15:51
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jcastroadam_g: zul: you guys are in ~charmers, we're going to start to schedule review time for charms like we do the sponsorship queue, if you guys want in I can leave you in the group16:48
jcastroif you don't, then I can just remove you guys16:48
zuljcastro: remove me i dont have time :(16:49
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hallynsoren: hey, regarding the libvirt failure with multiple parallel virsh starts (as shown by http://people.canonical.com/~serge/breaklibvirt.sh), it doesn't appear to be any sort of timeout issue17:04
hallynHere are the relevant logs fwiw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003284/17:05
hallynTweaking /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu to only sleep at the 'begin start' still does it, and for that matter so does removing the sleep so all there is is '#!/bin/bashn exit 0' :)17:06
hallynlooks like i need to look more closely at virCommandHandshakeWait:2369 : Unable to wait for child process: Bad file descriptor  for the real issue17:07
hallynhm, maybe it's as simple as a sleep after virCommandRequireHandshake()17:17
hallynnah that makes no sense17:17
adam_gjcastro: how much time are we talkin?17:21
jcastro4h a month17:22
adam_gjcastro: cool, let me know how/where things get scheduled17:23
ahasenackhi, anybody from maas around here?17:34
ahasenackI changed the IP address and updated all config files I could find, also ran cobbler sync17:34
ahasenackbut the json profiles under /var/lib/cobbler/config/profiles.d still have the old ip for iscsi_target and log_host17:34
ahasenackshould I edit them manually or is there another way?17:35
samba35ahasenack, can i send you pm ?17:35
ahasenacksamba35: techincally, sure17:36
gmcinnesHi all.17:41
gmcinnesI just did a do-release-upgrade -d to get from 10.04 to 12.04.  After rebooting at the end of the process, I just get dumped to a grub prompt, with no menu entries of kernels :(  Any idea how to fix?17:42
gmcinnesDoes anyone know what kernel it likely installed, and I can try and boot from grub2?17:43
ahasenackgmcinnes: you can play around with the ls command17:45
ahasenacksee what is installed17:45
ahasenackthen try to boot manually whatever you find17:45
ahasenackbasically you need a kernel (hd?,?)/vmlinuz root=/dev/some/device17:45
ahasenackand another for initrd (hd?,?)/initrd17:46
ahasenackthen "boot"17:46
ahasenackyou need to find out "hd?", use tab completion for that, it's going to be a number17:46
ahasenackand maybe /vmlinuz won't exist, so poke around in /boot17:46
gmcinnesthat's the thing. I don't know hot to get to /boot17:46
ahasenacktry ls (hd0<tab><tab>,<tab><tab>)17:47
ahasenacksome combinations of that17:47
gmcinnesthe light switches on.17:48
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jcastroadam_g: I'm doing the schedule today, what days are good for you?17:49
adam_gjcastro: mon or fri usually17:52
PedroGomesHi, does anyone knows if it is possible to create an empty (or mostly empty) lvm group in a installation based on preseed/partman?18:00
hazmatsmoser, is there a  way to manually run cloud-init post boot?18:03
smoserthere are jobs in /etc/init/cloud-*18:03
smoseryou can run them by hand (sudo start cloud-init-XXXX)18:03
=== Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia
SuperLagWhat is the proper way to make sure an init.d script starts on boot?18:15
SuperLagNetatalk, in this case18:16
RoyKSuperLag: symlink it to /etc/rc2.d/Sxxnetatalk, where xx being a number18:17
RoyKthe number being the start order18:17
RoyKor, the other way around, Sxxnetatalk, like, S99netatalk -> ../init.d/netatalk18:17
stgraberhallyn: current lxc SRU has now been published, I'll start preparing the next one today/tomorrow18:19
gmcinnesahasenack: thanks for your help.  I'm still stuck trying to find the root partition.  I know where it *should* be. Its an lvm volume which shows up in ls in grub, but it doesn't want to boot18:20
gmcinnesahasenack: is there anything special I have to do to get lvm partitions to work?18:20
ahasenackgmcinnes: I don't know if grub support /boot in lvm18:22
hallynstgraber: thanks.  Did you see the new bug/complaint about --close-all-fds not being the default?18:23
ahasenackgmcinnes: but lvm in root works, I have it18:23
hallynI'm fine with making it the default, fwiw.18:23
henkjanahasenack: grub2 can boot from lvm18:23
stgraberhallyn: nope, haven't seen it yet. Do you see any potential problem with having it be the default?18:23
stgraberhallyn: I can't think of a case where we specifically want the container to inherit an fd18:24
hallynwell it might paper over errors in callers...18:24
hallynno, if we inherit one we bail out with an error18:24
hallynso the only thing we lose is not warning about bad callers18:24
hallynprobably not worth it18:24
ahasenackgmcinnes: so if your /boot is in the root partition, and that is an lvm lv, then you need to research how grub handles lvm, i don't know that18:25
ahasenackgmcinnes: my /boot is a normal /dev/sda1 partition, just the rest is lvm18:25
stgraberhallyn: could we change it to closing all fds by default but printing a warning if lxc-start inherited any non-standard fd?18:26
hallyndo you think that's worth it?18:26
stgraberdepends how much effort it's, if it's fairly trivial to get the warning or at last a log entry, it might be worth doing18:27
hallynwell, maybe at debug level18:27
hallyndo you fel that should be handled in your next set of SRUs?18:28
stgraberso someone working on a wrapper around lxc-start can make sure that his code is sane (thinking of what arkose is doing at the moment)18:28
hallynwell in any case, i'm about to duck out for lunch18:28
hallynsounds good.  i'l lhappily whpi up a patch later today or tomorrow if you like.18:28
stgraberit's technically a change of behavior so we might have to do some convincing to get in as an SRU18:29
gmcinnesahasenack: yeah. I thought mine was too. All the vmlinuz and grub stuff is there, but the actual "/boot" is on /  I think. What a pain.  I'll keep hacking.18:30
stgraberand we need to make sure not to drop the current parameter as otherwise we'd cause regression18:30
hallynok i'll triage the bug later (if you haven't by then)18:30
ahasenackgmcinnes: check this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB2#LVM18:31
ahasenackgmcinnes: you can issue those commands at the grub prompt too18:32
ahasenackthe insmod I mean18:32
ahasenackmaybe after doing that ls will show the /boot files and you can reference them18:32
ahasenackset root=stuff is so you don't need to use (hdN,M) all the time as a path prefix18:33
ahasenackor the vg and lv names in this case18:33
gmcinnesahasenack: ah! got it.18:33
gmcinnesI was already at that page :)18:34
ahasenacknice, hope it works18:34
gmcinneswell, I got it booted :)  Now to see wtf went wrong on the upgrade.18:34
ahasenackgmcinnes: double nice18:35
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gmcinnesanyone know if there is a command to check grub.cfg syntax?19:27
gmcinnesof course there is. awesome :)19:27
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mgwanybody here with experience building openssh dpkg?19:56
mgwI made an update to configure.ac, ran autoreconf, and now I'm failing to compile19:56
mgwAbout 20 minutes into dpkg-buildpackage19:57
axisyshow do I send mail from command line with a reply-to header?20:46
axisysmail -r foo@example.com does not work.. does not recognize -r20:46
axisysin solaris that is what we have been using20:46
axisysgot it! mail -a "From: foo.com" worked20:55
tashI feel like an idiot. I don't know if this is better to be asked here or #vbox.  I have an Ubuntu Server running VirtualBox.  2 interfaces ( eth0, eth1 ).  I have 2 virtual machines running on the host.  Each one is respectively bridged to eth0/eth1.  So, vm1 is bridged to eth0 and vm2 is bridged to eth1 on the host.  If I unplug 1 of the network cables, say eth1 ( I can still ping it, but I cannot ping the vm that is bridged to that interfac21:06
tashfwiw, I can also ping eth0, so I know I am not confused in that regard ( as in, I'm pinging the right thing )21:07
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KillMeNowanyone here ever use the vmware converter to P2V a Ubuntu server?21:21
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hallynstgraber: ok, if you don't have the package ready tomorrow, can i give you a patch for bug 1003583 tomorrow?21:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1003583 in lxc "make the "--close-all-fds" option in lxc-start on by default" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100358321:41
hallyn(not sure yet which patch I'll write :)21:41
stgraberhallyn: yep21:43
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KristianDKstgraber, any chance bug 994752 will be going to precise-proposed sometime soon? And this there anything I can do to help?21:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 994752 in lxc "lxc-start-ephemeral's use of dhcp lease table is fragile" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99475221:54
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stgraberKristianDK: yes21:58
stgraberKristianDK: it's planned to go in the next sru21:58
KristianDKstgraber, I'm not sure I fully understand the SRU concept in regards to timing - when would the next SRU be?22:06
* LordOfTime pokes hallyn22:08
SpamapSKristianDK: its not timed22:09
SpamapSKristianDK: but its a rather lengthy process .. so sometimes its best to group them rather than do them in serial, thats what stgraber means.22:09
hallynLordOfTime: yup, I'm new to bugs.  since I never cause any myself22:10
stgraberKristianDK: if all goes well, it should be land in -updates within the next 2 weeks22:10
LordOfTimehallyn:  :P22:10
KristianDKSpamapS, ah thanks, now I understand :-)22:10
LordOfTimehallyn:  you targetted it correctly, i'd leave that bug as it was (the Lubuntu one) until it gets confirmed22:10
LordOfTimehallyn:  someone'll get to it eventually, i'll poke my friends on the lubuntu team, get them to see it though22:10
* LordOfTime works on Ubuntu bugs and nginx bugs, so... :p22:11
hallynLordOfTime: thanks.  launchpad scard me, making it look like that project didn't get looked at by anyone22:11
hallynI hated to be responsible for that bug falling off a cliff22:11
KristianDKstgraber, ok - I'm really blocked by this bug right now - is there a recommended way to apply the patch in a way where it will not conflict with the update once it arrives?22:11
stgraberconsidering I don't know how I'm going to fix it in the SRU yet, no22:12
LordOfTimehallyn:  they get looked at every so often, you might want to sit and lurk in -bugs forever :P22:12
* LordOfTime is on bugsquad, if yo uhave a question about a bug ask it there, i'll probably see it22:12
hallynLordOfTime: good point, I'll ask there next time.  thanks.22:12
hallynKristianDK: if you're blocked on that bug, can you simply use a package from ppa for now?22:13
LordOfTimehallyn:  you can ask in #lubuntu or #ubuntu-bugs, but bugsqad'll look at stuff mentioned in -bugs :)22:13
KristianDKhallyn, sure - couldnt find a PPA with the fix in it though22:13
stgraberKristianDK: quantal currently has the fix22:13
LordOfTimewhich package guys22:13
LordOfTimeand what program22:13
hallynKristianDK: there isn't one yet :)  but I can see if the quantal package will compile for precise in my virt ppa, one sec22:14
hallynLordOfTime: an lxc bug, bug# should be a page or two up22:14
LordOfTimehallyn:  packet loss between irc and my end, mind reposting?22:14
hallynbug 99475222:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 994752 in lxc "lxc-start-ephemeral's use of dhcp lease table is fragile" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99475222:14
KristianDKhallyn, that would be cool! I'm very new to debian packaging, so I'm a bit lost on how things are done "the right way"22:15
hallynKristianDK: this almost certainly isn't the "right" way :)  but it should keep you going22:16
LordOfTimehallyn:  the correct way is to read the SRU guidelines, and request an SRU with that patch22:16
hallynKristianDK: I say it's not the right way bc I'm going to use the quantal version #, so you'll need to manually install the precise version when that is fixed22:16
hallynLordOfTime: yup, that's being done22:17
LordOfTimehallyn:  looks like the SRU request isnt even there22:18
* LordOfTime looked, there's tons of missing data22:18
hallynstgraber is on it22:18
LordOfTimegood, one less thing for me to poke people on :P22:18
* LordOfTime has enough to deal with22:19
KristianDKLordOfTime, if its anything I can do, I'd love to do so - I would just need some directions22:19
LordOfTimebe right back, this thing's been ringing off the hook all day22:20
hallynKristianDK: assuming there is no build failure that I didn't anticipate, it should show up at https://launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/+archive/lxc-backport22:20
KristianDKhallyn, awesome! Thanks a lot! I guess it wont update when the SRU comes then, but I could actually just reinstall the VM we use for testing at that point, so that probably does not matter22:21
hallynKristianDK: ideally when the call goes out for testing the SRU package, you'll apt-get remove lxc, rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/serge*, set up -proposed, apt-get update and apt-get install lxc to test :)22:24
hallyn(you can ping me when the time comes to go back over that if you like)22:24
KristianDKSure, thanks :)22:24
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KristianDKhallyn, adding the PPA and doing apt-get update && apt-get upgrade should do it right?22:35
KristianDKor does this need to complete first? https://launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/+archive/lxc-backport/+builds?build_state=pending22:36
hallynKristianDK: yes, but only once it has built22:36
KristianDKah, from experience - does it actually take 14 hours?22:36
KristianDKthen i might as well go to sleep :D22:36
hallynKristianDK: it depends on how many other packages are queued up22:41
hallynppas are lower priority22:42
KristianDKah ok, ill keep an eye on it22:44
stgraberhallyn: bumped, will start building real soon23:00
KristianDKawesome :D23:02

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