
bobweaverSo my lens is not showing up I think that It is something to do with the daemon it is not beeing called right00:10
bobweaverif anyone would like to ssh in it is a option but I will need pub key00:11
bobweaverOr I could install teamviewer00:11
popeymost people are sleeping now bobweaver :D00:18
popey(well the UK ones)00:18
* popey goes back to sleep00:18
bobweaverlol cya popey00:19
bobweaverI will ask again @ 4 am my time -040000:19
MrChrisDruifThat would make it 8AM for UK?00:20
MrChrisDruifAnyhow, for me it's even worse..00:20
MrChrisDruifDate and time in the Netherlands: Wed May 23 02:20:2800:20
bobweaverI am going to alter my scheduled (like I have one ) too meet the needs :)00:21
* bobweaver has no job no bills and no life( besides ubuntu atm ) no IT companies want to hire a mycologist 00:22
tgm4883bobweaver, do you have a bzr branch with the code?00:54
bobweaverbut not the latested00:55
bobweavergive me 20 min and I will push00:55
bobweaverthanks a ton00:55
bobweaversome dude on the forums said I am a shill lol00:55
bobweaversays I sound like one00:56
bobweaverI think he thinks that I work for google00:57
bobweaverlol I wish00:57
bobweaverok I got package togeather just have to upload ssh key so I have to install browser now01:13
bobweaverI also built it so you can see orig.tar.gz and .dsc01:14
bobweaverI think I found it one the icon in the meta data and also in the daemon is not in the right place . Also in the daemon it is asking for a scope and there is none yet...02:26
tgm4883bobweaver, I haven't looked at it yet, but yes, you need a scope for the lens to work02:57
bobweaveryeah I am hacking away at that right now almost done03:01
bobweaverScope is done and is located here https://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/scope-youtube03:38
bobweaverYES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!13:17
bobweaverI know have got the music lens pluged in13:17
bobweaverApplications lens is now pluged in13:22
bobweaverhttps://launchpad.net/~cscarney/+archive/unity-web-place   is next13:33
bobweaveroh yeah I am going to take video of this once I get icons for all these lenses14:32
bobweavershould I use icons from here for gwibber and what not ?  http://design.canonical.com/brand/8.%20Pictograms.pdf14:46
bobweaverhttps://launchpad.net/~scopes-packagers/+archive/ppa     Oh my kid in a candy store15:06
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