
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
Azelphuranyone know how to make it so that all files put in a folder have a default group01:07
soreauAzelphur: What's the use case?01:16
Azelphursoreau: keep all files in the web servers directory in the web servers group so it can always read them01:17
Azelphuras root01:17
Azelphurwhooops, ignore the "as root", wrong window01:17
soreauI imagine you might be able to use a script, maybe abuse cron01:17
Azelphur*shrug* I thought there was a flag you could set01:18
soreauAzelphur: Maybe someone in ##linux knows01:18
* Azelphur isn't a fan of them folks01:19
ali1234Azelphur: "SGID can also be used on a directory so that every file  created in that directory will have the directory group owner rather than the  group owner of the user creating the file."01:24
Azelphurali1234: how do I do it? :D01:25
ali1234chmod g+s directory/01:25
AzelphurI thought it was that but then I read the manual and it made me think I was wrong, fun01:26
ali1234and same goes for setuid01:26
ali1234oh, apparently the same does not go for setuid01:29
ali1234it's ignored on directories01:29
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Community Leadership Summit 2012 Coming Soon! - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/05/23/community-leadership-summit-2012-coming-soon/05:16
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] The Canononical Community Team - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/05/23/the-canononical-community-team/06:16
DJonesGood morning07:02
diploMorning all07:04
diploAnyone using Irssi know how to hide parts and joins ?07:23
diploI failed at it yesterday with a /ignore, quite happy for some input07:23
Nafallodiplo: /set activity_hide_level07:24
diploDone, I'll await the non output07:24
Nafallowhat did you set it to? :-)07:25
Nafallomine is: activity_hide_level = ALL -PUBLIC -MSGS -DCCMSGS -HILIGHT -ACTIONS07:25
diploI saw this /set activity_hide_level parts joins quits nicks modes07:26
diploHow does yours do it differently ?07:27
diploIs that more an over all hide on areas as such ?07:27
Nafallonot sure, except mine's a whitelist. not a blacklist like yours.07:27
diploah, may work better then07:27
Nafalloright. I need to get ready for work07:29
Nafalloneed to stay up all night as well... :-/07:29
diploGlad I don't have to do that anymore!07:29
Nafallowell, not because of work, but trying to correct some of the jetlag I'll be suffering on thursday.07:30
Nafalloflying out tomorrow mornign :-P07:30
diploah, pre-empting it07:31
diploDon't fly very often, and never really suffered any form of it.. guess I haven't flown far enough07:31
Nafallo...if possible07:31
MartijnVdSMy Pi's in the mail (according to Farnell)07:44
shaunomine's blinking away on the desk in front of me :)  finally found a monitor cable I could use07:48
MartijnVdSyou didn't have an HDMI cable? :)07:52
shaunoI didn't have hdmi to dvi, and bringing my TV to work didn't seem sensible07:54
MooDoohello all08:05
MartijnVdSshauno: Just order one from building facilities :P08:12
selinuxiumMorning all   0/08:12
vedreamerdiplo: did you solve your irsii problem. I have that on my laptop. I'll boot it if you still have question.08:36
MooDoo<3 irssi :)08:37
diplovedreamer: After what Nafallo suggested it still doesn't seem to hide join/parts08:37
diploOr what I tried08:37
diploSo yeah, open for some help :)08:38
vedreamerI'll boot then08:38
Nafalloso ehrm.08:38
Nafalloit works for me? :-P08:38
Nafallo/set activity_hide_level ALL -PUBLIC -MSGS -DCCMSGS -HILIGHT -ACTIONS08:39
mattiHi Nafallo08:39
Nafallothat's the exact command you want to make happen08:39
diplo09:39 [lookandfeel]08:40
diplo09:39 activity_hide_level = ALL -PUBLIC -MSGS -DCCMSGS -HILIGHT -ACTIONS08:40
Myrttithat is for the status bar08:40
diploWondering if it didn't take affect earlier08:40
Myrttiwas that what you were looking for?08:41
diploNope, hiding join and parts in the channel08:41
Myrttiignore works for hiding it from displaying at all08:42
Myrtti/help ignore08:42
diploheh, I tried that yesterday and ignored a whole channel08:43
diploI'll play again now08:43
diploDidn't know you could do /help though, another great tip thanks!08:43
Myrttiit's the inbuilt manual08:44
vedreamerIt's '/ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS' or '/ignore #channel_name +JOINS +PARTS +NICKS'08:48
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diploSo the initial one does all channels ?08:50
diplosecondary one does a specific channel ?08:50
diploAs I tried the second one before, from tutorial it said split them by commas but basically ignored second channel08:50
diploOK 5 mins and no replies, just to make sure I've not set everyone to ignore again :D08:55
AlanBellso tempting not to reply to that08:55
diploheh thanks!08:56
diploDidn't I just see you tweet you are in London AlanBell, or was that TOS ?08:58
AlanBellneither of us are in London right now08:59
diplooh :D08:59
AlanBellboth sat in the office08:59
* diplo really needs to go back to sleep today!08:59
diploWoke up at 3am!!!!08:59
diploI don't even have the kids at home with me :(08:59
gordwhatever we had to sacrifice to get this consistent sunny weather, it was worth it.08:59
diploI concur! And for it to stay, let's sacrifice lot's more09:00
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:01
czajkowskigord: hush you09:02
gordczajkowski, how can you be against cats *and* sunshine?!09:03
czajkowskigord: i adore sunshine09:05
czajkowskiwe've been through this on my feelings of cats09:06
brobostigoni also like sunshine, but heat, is bad for my eczema, it irritates it, well, the consequences of heat.09:06
vedreamer_irsiicats make me itch too :-(09:09
brobostigonvedreamer_irsii: here also, i am allergic to some animal furs.09:10
vedreamerHmm. I thought /commands were sent to the server but the /ignore that I used in irssi doesn't work in XChat ?09:11
brobostigonvedreamer, i beleieve xchat has the ignore function, implemented in a different way.09:12
gordno /ignore is entirely client side09:12
gordit is not sent to the server09:13
Daraelvedreamer: They're interpreted by the client, but some are very similar to what gets sent to the server.  /ignore is a client-side feature.09:13
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:30
brobostigonmorning bigcalm :)09:37
* brobostigon now has a yubikey to play with.09:38
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: shiny09:43
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: get an account at xs4all, we support it for IMAP/webmail (and much more, soon :)09:43
brobostigonMartijnVdS: cool, :)09:43
bigcalmOnly thing I know about xs4all is its ircnet server :|09:44
brobostigonMartijnVdS: initially, i plan to work out, how to get it working, via pam, with ssh.09:44
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: I have coworkers who have that set up, it's quite cool09:44
MartijnVdSbigcalm: we have 100/100 (and 500/500, soon) FTTH as well :)09:45
brobostigonMartijnVdS: there is abit of new stuff, to get my head around.09:45
MartijnVdShmm 500/500 mbit ftth09:45
diploAlright MartijnVdS , don't rub it in09:45
diploFibre to the home Im guesssing09:45
bigcalmSo you'll run fibre to my home in the UK?09:46
diploSounds good to me, yes please!09:46
bigcalmWhen it works correctly, I have no complaints over my cable connection. I don't see what the fuss is about09:47
brobostigonadsl here, is quite variable, to the point of being unstable, i had never had those issues, when i had cable, while at college.09:48
brobostigonMartijnVdS: but if i do set that up, then i will be stuffed, if i try and connect to them, from connectbot.09:49
DaraelIs there a known issue with multiple keyboard layouts after upgrade to precise?  Because I'm having trouble on about for different machines.09:50
gordstupid be keep "not making much progress" on getting fibre out :( really don't want to switch to another isp09:52
DaraelSpecifically, each user account seems stuck in whatever its default was before the upgrade.  Other options show in the indicator/menu, but selecting them has no effect.  Options set (capslock-as-backspace, layout-switching keys) seem to have no effect.  No amount of changing settings has helped.09:53
ali1234hi :)09:54
s-foxHello ali123409:55
s-foxHow are you ?09:55
ali1234did you get SD card to try mer?09:56
ali1234wait, that was v-fox...09:57
ali1234nvm :)09:57
seekerIs there a cutout version of beach ball Popey around?09:57
s-foxali1234,  it has been a very long time since i needed help with anything gnu/linux related ;)09:58
ali1234seeker http://ubuntuone.com/0hyIOKXnmmD7YScuCTq1my09:58
bigcalmThat really is disturbing :)09:58
seekerWoo, the art of electronics arriving later today, and some 74hc181 in 2-4 days10:03
bigcalmStewart Francis gig tonight, woop!10:10
bigcalmJust wish I wasn't so stressed with work before going on holiday next week10:11
diploAm I supposed to know who Stewart Francis is ?10:19
* diplo no likey Flash based sites, guessing a comedian though10:19
czajkowskidiplo: no you're not suppose to but a swift google will tell you won't it10:22
davmor2morning all10:23
davmor2czajkowski: prod10:23
davmor2bigcalm: when do you go away10:23
diploMorning, and I did10:23
bigcalmdavmor2: coach sets off at early o'clock on Monday morning10:25
davmor2bigcalm: remind me to wish you the happiest of trips on friday then :)10:26
bigcalmHeh, will do :)10:26
bigcalmMy boss has instructed me to take Hayley out for a nice meal and to send him the bill10:27
bigcalmI think Hayley should turn 40 more frequently10:27
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng
davmor2bigcalm: Announcing she is 40 is likely to mean you won't ever need to worry about hitting 40 ;)10:33
gordonjcpbigcalm: nice10:35
bigcalmdavmor2: :P10:39
bigcalmShe has to wait 7 years until I reach the same decade as her again10:40
bigcalmShe was ever so pleased when I got into my 30s10:40
bigcalmI guess I should buy a card10:43
popeyali1234: wow... pommunity..10:45
popeyyou removed to edit?10:45
ali1234removed by seam police10:46
ali1234now fixed :)10:46
diplohah, was wondering what you were on about. I am now with it10:49
gordi heard that the xmas special of dr who will be the doctor fighting off an army of cloned beach ball popeys10:50
ali1234so yeah gimp 2.8 is pretty good10:51
davmor2gord: no that wouldn't be scary enough he'd need an icecream in the other hand then it would be truely fearful10:53
gordthe end scene the camera will keep pulling back until its in outer space revealing that the entire planet is now quite literally in the grasp of the doctors newest adversary10:56
ali1234can you tag yourself multiple times in one photo?10:57
davmor2gord: you mean a giant popey holding the world instead of a beach ball :D11:00
* bigcalm pisses himself looking at g+11:04
bigcalmThe demonic popey with beach ball meme is wonderful11:06
bigcalmSaving Private popey is still my fave11:08
bigcalmWe're all going to war lads, lets beach party!11:08
kvarleyAnybody noticed that their system boots wayyyyyyyy slower when using btrfs on Ubuntu 12.04 ?11:13
WobboOnly in "Ubuntu 12.04 Classic (No effect)" I can change the fast-start-buttons in the panels (top and bottom). I can only change the panels itself. Any help?11:13
kvarley(https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/791020) is the bug number. Any way to fix this yet?11:13
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 750209 in btrfs-tools (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #791020 btrfs does a full partition check on each boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:13
ali1234Wobbo: windows-alt click the panels11:13
ali1234Wobbo: also you can only change the panels in classic, not in unity based desktops11:14
ali1234right, lunch time, then i;m double-definitely going to work on this website for at least a couple of hours11:16
popeykvarley: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/btrfs-tools/+bug/750209/comments/311:21
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 750209 in btrfs-tools (Ubuntu) "btrfs does a full partition check on each boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:21
kvarleypopey: I need to learn to read the whole bug report ... lol11:23
kvarleyRight, reboot time to test. Thanks again popey11:23
WobboBut is there a way to unlock all, so that items / panels / actually all Ubuntu look like the "Ubuntu Classic (No effect)" version?11:24
popeylogout and login to gnome-fallback?11:25
kvarleyWorked =]11:25
ali1234Wobbo: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117474986382867317779/posts/82D6UjGZh6L11:31
Mez*sigh* 123reg fails again.11:34
Wobboali1234, thanks11:35
bigcalmThe battery icon has gone from my 12.04 xubuntu laptop11:44
bigcalmWonder if it's related to czajkowski's problem11:44
bigcalmShows if I log out and back in to unity11:45
bigcalmAnd as if by magic, the icon appears11:46
* bigcalm shakes his fist at something11:46
Mez3 million domains unavailable.11:50
diploall mine are with them Mez, not noticed any issues11:51
Mezare you using their DNS?11:51
diploDifferent sites are but not all11:52
Mezthe ones that are will be down.11:52
diplok, ta11:52
* Mez is furiously trying to transfer away11:53
diploI keep debating it, but not had the huge isues others have had.11:53
* Mez shrugs11:53
Mezthey say it's a DDoS ... I smell BS11:53
diploAfter recommendations on bitfolk mailing list I thought I might try the ones people mentioned on there11:54
Mezthey should be able to mitigate11:54
mattiHi Mez11:54
mattiissyl0: :))11:54
directhexMez, url? i think that just hit me11:55
issyl0matti: HELLO!11:56
mattiissyl0: Hello!12:01
issyl0matti: How have you been?12:01
issyl0matti: Aaaaagggeeeeessss since I've seen you online.12:01
issyl0(I have to go to college soon...)12:01
mattiissyl0: I've been OK, not great... Just OK.12:02
mattiissyl0: How are you? Miss Student :)12:02
mattidirecthex: There you go! Your reply to me will get indexed!12:12
mattidirecthex: And perhaps will make onto first page ;)12:12
bigcalmWell, this is interesting. 2 servers set-up on rackspace from the same image. web1 still can't ctrl-c, but db1 can!12:12
mattibigcalm: ?12:13
bigcalmThe plot thickens (and I go crazy for another day)12:13
mattibigcalm: Moon phases, man.12:13
bigcalmSIGINT isn't working on web112:13
mattiWhat is web1?12:13
mattiAnd check your terminal :) Maybe your controlling terminal is not passing / handling it correctly.12:14
vedreameranyone use vmware on ubuntu?12:17
kvarleyvedreamer: I think VirtualBox is more commonly used. What's your problem?12:32
bigcalmWhat's another shell that will respond to ctrl-c as sigint?13:18
bigcalmI used chsh to change my shell to /bin/sh. Logged back in and tried ctrl-c. Gave me ^C, so I know something is happening13:19
ali1234i don't think ctrl-c is part of the shell13:22
bigcalmdb1 is accepting ctrl-c, web1 is still the only server I have ever had this problem with13:23
bigcalmali1234: I didn't think so either, was just a shot in the dark :)13:23
ali1234google says try "stty sane"13:24
bigcalmWhat's meant to happen next?13:24
bigcalmNo change so far13:25
ali1234nothing obvious except ctrl-c starts working...13:25
bigcalmLoging out and back in has no change either13:25
bigcalmWhat have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?13:31
bigcalmreset doesn't make any difference either13:32
diploI honestly can't think what else it's going to be.. is it an ubuntu box bigcalm ?13:38
bigcalmRight, what else might be interrupting the signals? Considering that kill can't even send sigint to processes13:38
bigcalmdiplo: Debian Squeeze13:38
* bigcalm sniffles13:39
diploSeen this ?13:40
diploHalf way down, talks about locales13:40
diploCausing this blokes issue13:40
diploWell actually maybe not, but lot's of things to try that I hadn't thought of13:41
diploah this guys ( Sorry read all the way now ) was an issue with a particular wm causing it13:42
bigcalmMy default terminal is xfce terminal emulator, just tried gnome-terminal with the same lack of ctrl-c13:56
bigcalmsudo su -; apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; reboot14:10
bigcalmctrl-c works now \o/14:10
jpdsbigcalm: sudo -i14:21
mattijpds: ;p14:23
bigcalmReboot required, yay :(14:31
diploWhat was it BigRedS ?14:35
diplooops sorry!14:35
diplobah, removed quits/parts and didn't see him going14:36
bigcalmI really need to sort out that one external USB drive that stops my dev server from booting if it's plugged in14:43
bigcalmWhy would an external USB drive stop a machine from booting?14:44
popeyit has grub on the mbr and the bios finds that and tries to boot off it?14:44
bigcalmIt's NTFS and off the shelf from Tesco14:46
mattibigcalm: http://calmingmanatee.com/14:47
mattibigcalm: Relax ;]14:47
Myrttibigcalm: I had that with my Viglen14:58
popey\o/ viglen hilight15:00
bigcalmpopey: haha15:04
bigcalmMyrtti: did you fix it?15:04
bigcalmAfternoon showers are a great thing about working from home15:06
* bigcalm goes to cool down15:06
directhexbigcalm, i've got a 12000 BTU air conditioner, which also helps for cooling down15:08
Myrttibigcalm: by unplugging the drive15:09
gordi'm just going to clear out the fridge, turn it on its side and work from there soon >:(15:09
gordeither that or eat all the ice-cream15:09
popeyGO NAKED!15:15
Dave2bigcalm: air conditioning is a great thing about working in an office15:16
Dave2(the office also has a shower.)15:16
stgraberbah, just get air conditioning at home ;) after having it for the past 2 years, I'm not sure I could work from home without it15:17
mattiDave2: If... if the air conditioning was done right.15:18
mattiDave2: Every place I worked before it was doing more harm than good :)15:18
directhexit's not really my air conditioner15:20
gordno, i'm just going to eat all the ice-cream15:20
directhexi bought it for the chinchillas. they like chinchillin'15:20
directhexalso they die from heatstroke at much higher than 25°C15:20
mattidirecthex: They are so cute.15:22
* bigcalm goes to eat Hayley's Haagen Dazs :D15:24
christelhow naughty!15:39
bigcalmBy the time I got down stairs, I had forgotten about that15:41
* bigcalm noms some pop tarts15:41
christeli am procrastinating with a pint of sunburst15:44
bigcalmPint of what?15:44
christelsunburst! tis a dark star ale15:48
directhextomorrow is beer day.15:49
dogmatic69is there such a thing as global variables in bash?15:49
dogmatic69I am writing a little script and would like some variable passed around to all the function calls15:50
directhexdon't all variables in bash have global scope?15:51
gordanything not declared as local is a global variable in bash15:51
directhexwell, declared locally rather than declared as local, no?15:51
dogmatic69so foo="bar"; function{ echo $foo; } will output 'bar'15:52
dogmatic69well function name{... obviously15:52
gordno, you can't access variables declared inside a scope from outside the scope, but they are still global variables. local is variable type that makes them explicitly local15:53
dogmatic69I was doing foo="bar"; function name { foo=$1; echo $foo; } and calling "name $foo"15:53
dogmatic69I want to get from outside in. instead of having to manually set foo=$1 and passing everything to each method15:54
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SuperEngineersorry any sudden join leave notices - busy setting up a netbook17:08
SuperEngineerthanks for your patience - netbook now setup - signing off ;)17:20
TheOpenSourcererBig news! http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/05/google-v-oracle-no-patent-infringement-found/18:25
jacobwimaginary property isn't real :D18:26
TheOpenSourcererSome sensibleness - in America?18:26
TheOpenSourcererAnd a jury too.18:26
jacobwtrial by peers^H^H^H^H^Hrandom stupid people must suck18:27
DJonesIts America, the jurors have probably had a kickback from the lawyers so they can make more money on an appeal18:28
TheOpenSourcererIt would be a non-jury trial on appeal.18:28
TheOpenSourcererAll that is needed now to really make Oracle's day is for Judge to tell them that APIs can't be copyrighted (as we recently ruled in the EU) next week.18:30
* davmor2 wonder how many of the jury got shine new samsung phones :D18:34
davmor2as a thank you obviously18:34
TheOpenSourcererThey'll be getting motorola ones.18:34
TheOpenSourcererDeal completed yesterday18:34
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: hmmmmm motorola you can install Ubuntu 4 android on them :)18:37
TheOpenSourcererLet's hope it is better than 12.0418:37
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: 12.04 rocks dude :)18:44
TheOpenSourcererNot here it doesn't. Causes me no end of pain and suffering.18:44
TheOpenSourcererWorkspace and multiple window handling really sucks balls.18:45
jacobwi'm in the progress of a 12.04 roll out18:47
jacobwunity is very hard to support18:47
jacobwwhy can't i drag icons to launcher?18:47
davmor2jacobw: what Icons you can drag applications to the launcher18:49
jacobwdragging .desktop from nautilus to the launcher doesn't preserve the icon18:52
davmor2jacobw: why would you open nautilus to do that just search in the dash and then add it from there18:56
jacobwi don't18:58
jacobwi drag things from the destop18:58
jacobwor rather, users i support do that18:59
jacobwi usually find that these users are representive of what most people do when confronted with an interface18:59
AlanBellI can understand dragging a .desktop not being coded for (.desktop files should not really be discovered by people) but it would be nice if dragging something that is executeable onto the launcher did something useful19:04
SuperEngineerhmmm - ngetting annoyed now! Does anyone know the link or info for instaaling a U1 client icon notification area [in panel]19:07
SuperEngineer[can't remember what it's it's called - or where I stored the info - doh!19:08
SuperEngineerit's a ppa - somewhere19:09
livHi , completely new to ubuntu. Is anyone available to help me with a wireless issue?19:09
AlanBellliv: maybe, what is the issue?19:10
livAlanBell : hello. Just installed latest version of ubuntu , and cannot access the internet wirelessly. Only ethernet. I have dual boot with windows vista and have no wireless problems via that OS , so am fairly sure its a driver issue.19:12
AlanBellwhat wireless card is it?19:12
livbroadcom 802.11 (think its bcm4311 but cant be certain)19:13
jacobwAlanBell: well, a .desktop is the icons people typically have on their desktops19:14
MartijnVdSliv: does a list of wireless networks show up when you click the network icon?19:14
jacobwas in, launchers for applications they use19:14
AlanBelljacobw: if you go hunting about in /usr/share/applications perhaps, but why are they on the desktop?19:15
jacobw~/Desktop from GNOME219:15
livMartijnVds : When I first installed , the wireless options were greyed out with a firmware missing message. I have tried a few things including searching software centre for fixes , and nothing has worked. The firmware error message has now since disappeared and no wireless networks or options appear at all. (long way of saying , no!)19:16
AlanBellliv: there is a troubleshooting guide here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:17
livAlanBell : thank you , will have a look at that now19:18
TheOpenSourcererSuperEngineer: It is called indicator-ubuntuone or the (otherway round) on LP somewhere. But I recently did a sudo apt-get purge ubuntuone coz it was rubbish.19:25
SuperEngineerTheOpenSourcerer: it's working fine for me on desktop now want to try it on 12.04 netbook - but I lost ppa info [till I went doh! & looked in my software sources list!!! [daft - ain't I?]19:37
MartijnVdSAlanBell: http://imgur.com/MSuCx.jpg19:44
* SuperEngineer really wants to shout praises for 12.04 UBDR - not sure if appropriate re intended useage :( [it's on a netbook!]19:54
SuperEngineerUbuntu Business Desktop Remix19:55
SuperEngineergiven the secret away !!!   ;)19:56
AlanBellI must at some stage get round to having a play with the business desktop thing19:59
SuperEngineerCanonical is missing one hell of a big selling point / opportunity not promoting it as a businees desktop *and* netbook remix - I love it - fast enough to make Jeremy Clarkeson wet his knickers!20:00
AlanBellI thought it was just ubuntu with added old versions of proprietary software20:00
brobostigonblazing saddles, itv4, :)20:01
SuperEngineerAlanBell: try a speed comparison - "straight" 12.04 vs. Bus Remix20:01
AlanBellstraight 12.04 is blazing fast anyhow with 8GB of ram and an SSD20:02
AlanBellI was pretty disappointed at the description of the business remix20:03
SuperEngineerAlanBell: that's cruel - there's no need to make me jealous ;)20:03
stgraberI'm certainly happy to confirm that the business remix doesn't have any change besides some added/removed desktop packages (including flash and citrix receiver IIRC), nothing that'd make it any faster than stock 12.0420:03
SuperEngineerI agree - The Business Remix, even at a basic level, wrongly named even!20:04
AlanBellwell they have kind of missed the point of the social business20:05
SuperEngineer- should be called faster than fast remix - and netbook reviver20:05
AlanBellSuperEngineer: it is probably just doing a fresh install that did it20:06
SuperEngineernah - it was on clean disk space20:07
SuperEngineer[I only installed it on a Compaq mini for demo to firm - I found it so much faster that now it's running on my own netbook]20:07
SuperEngineer[an old Acer Aspire 150 [low spec]20:08
* SuperEngineer sniggers at being a cheapskate... it saves the environment20:10
SuperEngineer12.04 UBDR has now replaced 12.04 "normal" release on it...20:15
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S05E06  Summit - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2012/05/23/s05e06-summit/20:16
SuperEngineer... GRUB selection to desktop [including password entry] now at approx 60% of 12.04 "normal"20:16
SuperEngineer- so now just need to need to keep kicking the bosses until they listen - no small task, multi-national company blah blah blah20:18
SuperEngineer[miind you - I've got both a 20 yr old calculator that works better than their current "supplied" Windows install20:21
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
gordonjcphere's a weirdness22:26
gordonjcpI can't take a screenshot when the mail/im/whatever menu is open22:29
gordonjcpalso, I appear to be using an AlanBell-optimised version of pidgin22:29
gordonjcpya rly -> https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/4QnNiqoCSq3ajJT92157TnA83FAj-fIjLitqTOxAWn422:32
* AlanBell doesn't think that is a bug22:33
gordonjcpAlanBell: it's awesome if I want to be absolutely sure I can get in touch with you22:33
ali1234yeah i've noticed that. can't do a screenshot when in a menu22:35
ali1234also i've noticed that AlanBell thing too :)22:35
popeyyou have to set a timer, open the menu and wait for the screenshot22:36
popeyi did ask about this some years back22:36
ali1234yeah, that's what i do22:36
gordonjcppopey: aha, genius22:36
popeybut i dont recall what the issue is22:36
popeyperhaps x doesn't react to non-menu keypresses or somesuch when a menu is open22:37
popeybut now, bed22:37
gordonjcpI only get it doing it with AlanBell too22:37
ali1234yep same here22:37
ali1234and i get loads of indicator popups as well22:37
* AlanBell gets around22:38
ali1234online offline online offline online offline22:38
gordonjcpali1234: yeah22:38
ali1234i suspect two devices that don't handle xmpp properly and are fighting for the connection22:39
AzelphurI got imported coke from USA, vanilla flavour o.O23:51
Azelphurtastes weird23:51
ali1234i think they tried to sell that in the UK for a while23:53
ali1234presumably it just tastes exactly like cream soda23:54
Azelphurpretty much23:54

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