
bobweaverwhat does a well know path mean for dbus and or your daemon for a lens ?00:13
bobweavercan dbus names have - in them ? example  net.launchpad.scope.my-foo.bar06:47
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mhall119gord: what does https://code.launchpad.net/~gordallott/unity/standalone-unity/+merge/106844 do exactly?12:17
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gordmhall119, basically just lets you run unity without compiz14:10
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mhall119gord: oh, ok14:15
mhall119gord: so unity (3d) can be run on something like metacity?14:15
gordmhall119, thats not the intention right now14:16
mhall119gord: what does it do for TV?14:25
gordnothing right now14:25
gordone step at a time ;)14:26
mhall119ok, I just was the added lines for TV form factor and thought this change was something related to the TV port14:26
bobweaverspeaking of TV is there any way that I could get a unity guru too look over a scope and  a lens that I am writing for th youtube launcher (well altering others)  It can not be called "video-lens" because of the main video lens for the tv so I have been hacking at this for 2 days this is what I got  LENS   https://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/unity-lens-online   SCOPE https://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/scop14:35
bobweaverit is something to do with how I am nameing dbus I think but I just learned about scopes well 2 days ago and could realy use some kind help14:36
bobweaverso too get it right I had to alter the ones that where from here https://launchpad.net/~atareao/+archive/lenses  and rename and well make new packages but I am running into trouble thanks14:38
bobweaverit is last lens before all are working on tv14:38
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bjfi've just updated to the latest -proposed and my launcher now un-hides behind the windows on the desktop17:27
bjfthis is a regression17:27
ais523elky: I wrote a couple of programs, one to repeatedly open and close an application, the other to repeatedly send notifications on an application's launcher entry, neither reproduced your problem17:28
ais523on my own system17:28
ais523I can send them to you if you think it'll help17:29
cr3hi folks, I'm trying to capture media key presses using gtk.Window().connect("key-press-event", callback), instead of dbus, but gtk doesn't seem to be receiving the signal. might it be possible that something is preventing gtk from receiving the signal or might I be missing something about gtk?17:47
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elkyais523, i'll try them, sure22:32
ais523so for opening and closing a program constantly, I came up with a shell one-liner using zenity: "while true; do zenity --info --text=test --timeout=1; sleep 1; done"22:32
ais523opens and closes a window every second22:33
ais523Unity seemed to handle it fine, though22:33
ais523for spamming the launcher with notifications, it's a bit harder, so I came up with this Perl script: while true; do zenity --info --text=test --timeout=1; sleep 1; done22:33
ais523you need to have nautilus pinned, as it uses its icon for the notifications22:34
ais523(picked it because most people have nautilus pinned)22:34
ais523neither seems to reproduce your bug, though22:35
thumperbschaefer: ping23:15
bschaeferthumper, pong23:15
ais523elky: oops, wrong link, I meant http://sprunge.us/NYLM23:26
elkyais523, i'll try that tonight when I'm home (at work at the moment)23:32
ais523right; I'm not sure they're so useful for you, as they were attempts by me to reproduce the bug you're seeing, and neither worked23:33
elkyyeah, worth trying though23:33

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