
rick_h_greg-g: woot! lit up like a christmas tree02:16
rick_h_get a ton of looks, but really like riding at night02:17
brouschi would poop my pants every time a car went by02:37
rick_h_hah, actually was pretty nice02:43
rick_h_freaked out one biker who pulled to the side as I came towards her02:44
rick_h_kind of hard to miss the blinking thing with twin  beams coming at ya02:44
brouschi'm slightly drunk. can someone check this to make sure it's not total crap? http://paste.mitechie.com/show/675/02:57
greg-grick_h_: hah! nice02:58
greg-gbrousch: on a school night?02:59
brouschyeah, turns out this beer i drank is 9% alcohol03:01
brouschat least i'm  at home03:01
greg-gbrousch: oh nice, founders?03:03
brouschbrewery vivant03:04
jjessemmmm brewery vivant03:04
jjessewas there last night for a work thing03:04
jjesseand my hard cider mug was never empty03:04
jjessei think i had 8?03:04
jjesseah i heard that was great03:05
jjessedamn my gluten alergy03:05
brouschpretty good03:05
brousch9% ki9cks my butt03:05
greg-goooo, a saison, love those03:06
jjessebrousch,  did you do a meeting there?03:06
brouschno, it is a can i bought03:06
jjesseah nice :)03:06
rick_h_uhggg, the soreness is strong11:27
shakes808Good morning11:34
rick_h_reminder CHC tonight11:39
shakes808+1 will be there.11:41
shakes808I usually get there early. I go right after work11:41
shakes808Do we have the room yet?11:41
rick_h_party on, more hacking time11:42
shakes808I am slowly getting through that tut. I am on step 5 now, making templates. I keep having problems forgetting to start the venv lol I think I have that memorized now lol. :D11:43
rick_h_shakes808: awesome, repeat is good for you11:57
shakes808yeaup :D11:57
shakes808snap-l: on that loco.ubuntu link, the FB like and count box is shaking lol almost like it is a kid who knows the answer "OH! OH! OH! PICK ME! PICK ME!"11:59
brouschi don't see shaking12:03
shakes808I took a video with my phone. working on getting a link to it12:23
brouschput it in your dropbox public folder12:23
brouschor ubuntuone, if you swing that way.12:23
shakes808lol I am at work, haven't fully got into the UbuntuOne thing. I think I set it up. Dropbox it is ;) hold on12:24
shakes808it is an mp4, on Windows box at work brought it up in QuickTime. Not sure what others are using or what mp4 is compatible with. I can't change the format of the file that my phone takes. :(12:27
shakes808it is about 1/3 uploaded12:27
brouschwow, smoothest bug report ever! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloudprint/+bug/100339012:29
brouschfound the package, added bug, off it went.12:29
shakes808Went up on google docs faster :D https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwyEnz3QXUWfdHJYdmNVNG9Xd1U12:30
shakes808yeah, IE for ya ;)12:31
brouschyou poor, poor man12:31
shakes808Doesn't happen in Chrome12:32
shakes808IE needs to go away12:32
shakes808or get better lol12:32
shakes808The compatibility for IE v EVERY OTHER browser is horrid in about 80% of newer conventions of CSS and JS12:33
shakes808That is one thing I don't like about web dev.12:33
shakes808making things IE compatible v Chrome/FF/Safari... capatible lol12:34
brouschrick_h_ says you're doing it wrong. go read more YUI docs12:35
shakes808HA HA12:35
snap-lshakes808: It's by design. I think all Facebook buttons shake12:44
snap-llike the ol' punch the monkey banner ads12:44
brouschonly IE supports the <vibrate> tag12:45
jcastrorick_h_: snap-l what kind of microphones do you guys use for your podcast?13:16
rick_h_jcastro: snap-l  uses a snowball and I use an audio technica AT202013:17
rick_h_jcastro: oh sorry, I upgraded to the at 203513:19
jcastroah, I was thinking about a snowball13:19
rick_h_I think he dreams up upgrading to the yeti13:19
rick_h_so I'd start there if you were going fresh13:20
jcastroooh that looks nice13:23
rick_h_yea, think it's an upgraded snowball13:23
jcastrodo you have like a fancy arm for yours13:23
jjessefor all the webcasts and videos i do at work i use a snowball13:24
rick_h_nice for swinging in for stand ups, out of the wya when done13:24
jjesseas the mic13:24
jcastrooh dude, it has a headphone output right on it13:24
rick_h_jcastro: https://plus.google.com/photos/fromphone/5730219334788248274 can you see that?13:24
snap-lI love the snowball mic, but I'd love to play with the Yeti sometime13:25
snap-ljust to see if it sounds better13:25
rick_h_jcastro: shared the pic with you on G+13:26
jcastrothis is for G+ and Google On Air! things13:26
jcastroso it really just needs to be better  than the built in mic on my camera13:26
rick_h_yea, not hard13:26
jcastroyeti is a nice price too13:26
snap-lSnowball will get you that in spades13:26
jcastroshould I get a pop filter thing?13:26
rick_h_jcastro: you just try a noise cancelling BT headset?13:26
rick_h_I did that for a G+ hangout at the coffee shop the other day13:26
jcastrosnap-l: snowball looks like it needs a stand13:26
rick_h_wonder if that would just sound nice13:27
snap-ljcastro: it comes with a desk stand13:27
jcastrorick_h_: no more BT for me, that tech can die in a fire13:27
snap-ljcastro: BT is great, when it works13:27
jcastrosnap-l: is there a headphone plug on it too?13:27
snap-ljcastro: No13:27
snap-lIt just has a USB port on the back, as well as a directional switch13:28
snap-lI've actually taken it apart. It's pretty solid inside13:28
jcastrothe yeti has a headphone jack, I'd need that, now that I take my layout into account13:28
jcastro(my computer is under my desk)13:28
snap-ljcastro: You won't hurt my feelings one iota if you get a Yeti13:28
rick_h_jcastro: other thing is to just run a cable13:28
rick_h_I'm going to run a headphone extender and mount it under the front of hte standing desk13:28
jcastrosnap-l: we're gearheads, I can't buy the same model as you, I have to go further!13:29
snap-ljust understand that what you're hearing in the headphone jack might not be 100% what is getting fed to the computer13:29
jcastrowell I was thinking so I didn't need to use external speakers during a call13:29
snap-lI think the headphone jack is just for the mic13:29
snap-lnot for the computer13:29
rick_h_jcastro: yea, I plug into my laptop itself, but want to run a a real line from the doc and mountit right under the lip of the desktop as an easy plug point13:30
jcastrothat's a good idea for when I move and have a more permanent desk13:30
snap-lOh, it is a two-way13:30
snap-ln/m me then13:30
jcastrowhere did you find that?13:31
snap-ljcastro: Normal caveats of pulseaudio apply.13:31
jcastroright, I haven't investigated that yet13:32
jcastrothe only bummer is I like to type when I talk13:33
jcastroand there's really no way around that other than a headset13:33
snap-ljcastro: If you had a quiet keyboard, you wouldn't have a problem with that. :)13:33
rick_h_yea, why I like the mic on an arm13:33
jcastrorick_h_: ah ok, so I can eventually get an arm13:33
jcastrooh hey guys, I'm home this weekend13:34
rick_h_can move it away from the keyboard, mic right in the mouth kind of thing13:34
jcastroif you guys want to do shit on friday lmk13:34
snap-lYeah,, even the snowball can be put on an arm13:34
rick_h_jcastro: dude!13:34
snap-ljcastro: Totally13:34
jcastroI was going to go hang out with aaron and the other guys13:34
jcastrothis is our short trip but we'll be back a few weeks after13:34
jcastrorick_h_: you use headphones too right?13:35
rick_h_jcastro: yea13:35
snap-lI don't when we're on the call, and I have no problems with feedback13:36
jcastrohey if you're on an arm, and the speakers are behind the mic, can you get away w/o headphones?13:36
jcastrofor calls I mean, not like, podcasts.13:36
snap-lat least none that I'm aware of.13:36
jcastroah good good13:36
rick_h_jcastro: no idea, just haven't tried it13:36
snap-lI usually have things down pretty lown, though, so YMMV13:37
snap-lif your calls sound like you're standing in front of the MCP, it might have feedback issues.13:37
jcastroI need to find a better way to do audio in my office13:39
jcastroI think I need to bite the bullet and get a receiver13:39
jcastrotoo many inputs13:39
snap-ljcastro: Come back to Michigan. We have less echo13:39
jcastrowe're coming back so she can interview13:39
jcastroso yeah, probably13:39
snap-l(hope hope hope)13:40
snap-llmk where we can send the bribery13:40
jcastroshe has two interviews this week13:40
jcastroone for Ann Arbor13:40
jcastroone for Birmingham13:40
snap-lI can't afford birmingham13:41
jcastroand if you could, would you?13:41
jcastroI'd prefer to live outside of it13:41
* jcastro is partial to Rochester Hills13:41
snap-lI mean t to send bribes13:41
snap-lHardest part about Birmingham is navigating around black cadillacs driven by women who can barely see over the sterring wheel, and are determined to take that parking spot.13:43
jcastroI just hate richers </southpark>13:44
snap-lI <3 that the expense report (in Excel) and receipts (electronically delivered) for software and ebooks (electronically delivered) has to be printed and physically signed.13:49
snap-lmade sure to use the fountain pen to sign it. :)13:50
brouschAnother good deal on a 120GB SSD http://goo.gl/H63jX13:52
jcastrorick_h_: I am disappoint on the new Thinkpads13:52
jcastrowas hoping the X1 would be smaller13:52
jcastroI want an ultrabook now13:52
rick_h_jcastro: yea, I didn't get that13:52
jcastrobut a proper thinkpad13:52
rick_h_I'm going to get the x230 and give it a shot13:53
jcastrothe X230 looks awesome13:53
rick_h_I've heard ok things about the keybaord change13:53
jcastrobut man, it's the same laptop I have now13:53
rick_h_it's my upgrade come june13:53
jcastroMy 220 is falling apart13:53
jcastroso I'm close13:53
rick_h_you currently have i7 gen 3 with 8gb of ram/13:53
jcastroI like the thinkpad chiclet, it's the one thing I miss from the X120e I sold snap-l13:53
rick_h_heh, my 201 is cooking string, thinking if seeing if hte wife wants it13:53
snap-lbrousch: Yeah, the prices have come down dramatically. Was looking at Best Buy, and they had similar Intel models pretty cheap13:53
rick_h_ok, well I'm nervous, but will hold out hope13:53
jcastroI have an x220i, it's an i3 with 4gb of RAM13:53
jcastroI don't need like, i7's and stuff, I use the cloud. :)13:54
snap-lI love the keyboard on the X120e13:54
snap-lrick_h_: If you want to try it at CHC tonight, LMK13:54
rick_h_jcastro: you don't have to run launchpad tests :P13:54
rick_h_but yea, I'm just hoping the kernel is precise is ready13:54
rick_h_I don't want to have to do quantal too early because of drivers13:54
snap-lrick_h_: That's usually why I hang back on new hardware13:55
snap-lI hate arrows, and the view from behind is pretty nice.13:55
rick_h_yea, but I'm eager for upgrade, it's a double edge sword. with the 2 dozen launchpad ppas I need to worry about ugh13:55
rick_h_it's either that or I do go desktop, but then I know I'll regret going back to two full machines again13:56
snap-lGet a beefy SSH box. ;)13:57
brouschi buy 2 or 3 year old machines13:57
jcastroyou'll be fine on all the new thinkpads with precise13:57
jcastroivy bridge runs awesome ootb all across the board13:57
rick_h_jcastro: yea, hoping that's the case13:58
jcastrono it's the case, it's all certified already13:58
* jcastro has been following with the hardware enablement guys13:58
rick_h_nice, in that case "take my $$ lenovo!"13:58
jcastrohe couldn't really tell me at first13:58
jcastrobut it was like "wait until April wink wink"13:59
rick_h_june is what's been reported, start of june13:59
rick_h_review time just finished up at a good time :)13:59
snap-lbtw: We updated the MUG site last night14:03
snap-lYes, there is actually information on how to join. AMAZING!14:04
rick_h_going all professional...what have you done to my MUG?14:05
snap-lrick_h_: Pretty soon you'll get electronic invoices for membership14:05
brouschyou need a new logo14:05
snap-lNo more spending $100 on postage14:06
snap-lbrousch: We have one, but we need to find the files14:06
snap-lMUG has been around 25 years14:06
snap-lHoping to get a presentation on the history of MUG at some point14:06
rick_h_hah, cool idea14:07
snap-lWEll, we have this amazing history that only a few members know about14:08
jrwrenwtf is brewery vivant?14:09
shakes808snap-l: LOL got the paypal stuff up on there now :D14:09
* jrwren is reading the log, can you tell?14:09
jrwrenzomg, GR brewery I didn't know about.14:10
snap-lshakes808: I can neither confirm or deny that you helped aid that.14:10
shakes808Soon :D14:10
shakes808HA HA14:10
rick_h_jrwren: you weren't there man...you wouldn't understand :P14:10
brouschjrwren: a newish microbrewery in GR http://www.breweryvivant.com/14:10
brouschit's maybe 2 years old?14:10
brouschit's in an old church14:10
snap-lAll of the good breweries and restaurants are.14:11
shakes808That looks nice14:12
shakes808But here is where I go14:12
brouschwow, hook them up with a new website14:13
shakes808I have thought about it14:17
shakes808maybe when I get a little better with the python stuff, I can experiment on it :D ;)14:18
brouscheven Shmohz's site is better, and it's a hole in the wall http://schmohz.com/14:19
shakes808I am going to mess around with my other live site when I get my python skillz honed better as well14:19
shakes808brousch: that site is a wordpress site. Dragon Mead's site looks like it was made from scratch.14:21
rick_h_you guys check out the google doodle?14:21
rick_h_I imagine that's where snap-l disappeared to14:21
jrwrenjcastro: YAY FOR COMING BACK!14:22
jrwrenjcastro: pick ann arbor. There is much better beer here.14:22
shakes808n00b question, if I build a computer, could I load iOS?L14:23
jrwrenshakes808: dragonmead is nice.14:24
shakes808jrwren: Jolly Pumpkin's is delicious :D14:24
brouschshakes808: you can build what's called a hackintosh and load OSX on it, but that's not really legal. as far as i know you can't load iOS on anything except what apple has blessed14:27
shakes808That is what I thought14:28
shakes808Thank you14:28
shakes808a buddy was asking and that is about what I said to him, wanted confirmation14:29
snap-lrick_h_: har har14:46
snap-lshakes808: I think you mean MacOSX14:47
rick_h_oh come on, you're not recording some tunes?14:47
snap-lrick_h_: I already have software synths. :)14:47
shakes808yeah, all the same lol Apple14:47
snap-lbut yeah, this is an awesome doodle14:47
rick_h_https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rot9uaVO8s&feature=player_embedded speaking of awesome14:48
shakes808On America's Got Talent over the weekend there was something like this14:49
shakes808That is really cool14:55
rick_h_yea, love that punch sequence14:55
greg-grick_h_: thanks for that :)14:55
rick_h_greg-g: I'm on my 3rd viewing, so awesome14:56
rick_h_after this I'll get back to work, promise!14:57
greg-grick_h_: yeah, I have this grant proposal to right today, but that was a good way to start the day14:58
greg-gright? write14:58
greg-gwow, good thing I'm not the last pass :)14:58
jrwrenbrousch: what is "illegal" about hackintosh.15:05
jrwrenA: nothing, but you break a EULA (which is no "illegal")15:05
brouschsorry, should have been more pedantic in my response15:07
brouschthe google doodle killed my laptop's midi15:10
brouschplayed 1 note, scratch, now nothing15:10
jrwrenrick_h_: do you import logging and then logger=logging.getLogger(__name__) and then logger.info(..) in many of your modules?15:16
greg-gdefine illegal: if it is against the EULA, then it is illegal (see definition #2: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/illegal )15:17
jrwrenspecifically do you do so in django views so you can observe runtime behavior?15:17
rick_h_jrwren: yea15:17
rick_h_jrwren: oh, in django views...not sure on that yet15:17
rick_h_we don't have logging setup right in our current thing atm15:18
rick_h_jrwren: if it's dev/etc I tend to use ipdb15:18
rick_h_logging is just for...well loggging15:18
jrwrenwell, if you didn't do django, I'd be asking about your pylons controllers nad views.15:18
rick_h_so yea, I do some logging if it's important, warning/info level15:18
rick_h_or running a test, and I go back and check teh logs15:18
jrwrenI'm thinking more QA/Prod15:18
rick_h_but generally not really, logging can be expensive, disk access, etc15:18
jrwrenI'd like to be able to answer questions when my users say "such and such happened..>"15:18
jrwrenoff by default of course :)15:19
rick_h_that stuff should generally should go more into an external app like sentry/etc15:19
jrwrenhow does that work?15:19
rick_h_jrwren: yea, so I think my answer is yes15:19
rick_h_jrwren: basically ships the data off to a sync call to a web service15:19
rick_h_and then you can monitor/aggregate across installs, do searching/etc15:19
jrwrenah, interesing15:19
rick_h_so say you run 3 app servers, they report to a single sentry you monitor15:21
rick_h_jrwren: so beware logging, anything you do in that logging is run15:22
rick_h_so if you format a string, etc, it's called even if hte logging is off15:22
jrwrenyup, was already there reading :)15:22
rick_h_the .debug/info/etc is still a function call that runs15:22
jrwrenand the string formatting and expense case is the same as .NET :)15:22
rick_h_ok, yea so you can hurt yourself if you do stuff like log.debug(someexpensivefunction())15:22
rick_h_right, but you might log more than a string15:22
jrwreni had sent a patch to log4net that took llambdas15:23
jrwrenlog.debug( lambda: someexpsnsivefunction())15:23
rick_h_ah, nice15:23
jrwrenand the imple of debug checks if logging is on and if not doesn't execute15:23
jrwreneven less typing in C# cuz the lambda: becomes()=>15:23
jrwrenha, less characters, more keystrocks cuz of all teh SHIFT15:23
jrwrenwow, my typing is terrible. appologies.15:24
jrwrenanyone know the story behind dhclient logging to syslog verbosely by defualt?15:38
jrwrenor has it always been that way and I just didn't know it?15:38
snap-lverbosely as in logging every time it hiccups?15:38
snap-lThat's been like that for a few releases no15:38
snap-lat least it's been that way on my 11.04 machine15:39
snap-lCan't remember precisely when it changed.15:39
brouschjcastro? http://wtfcontent.com/img/133350120446.jpg15:45
devinheitmuell-1snap-l: I wonder what happens if somebody specifies month "NULL".16:04
snap-lOr if soemone enters muerte";drop table dates;16:07
* devinheitmuell-1 thinks of "Little Bobby Tables"16:08
brouschthere is 1 comment http://www.mlive.com/opinion/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2012/05/question_of_the_day_how_can_gr.html17:28
rick_h_crap, forgot the headphones at the coffee shop again :/17:29
snap-lMight have someone else coming to CHC tonight17:30
rick_h_who you wrangling up?17:30
devinheitmuell-1I miss CHC.  :-(17:30
snap-lThe founder of Olark.com17:31
rick_h_I still don't think we have the room, but maybe17:31
rick_h_oh yea? awesome. I know some of those guys17:31
rick_h_good guys, on my backup list when I joined canonical17:31
snap-lYeah, Ben Congleton17:31
greg-gBen? he's an SI grad17:36
greg-g(the school I attended there)17:36
snap-lYeah, Mouly sent him my way.17:45
snap-lAnn Arbor: The Silicon Valley of the mitten state17:46
greg-gI still have one of Moul's books, heh17:47
greg-gMouly, that is17:47
snap-lYeah, he wondered if I remembered him17:48
snap-lNobody forgets Mouly17:48
snap-lAlso, is it just me, or has the inclusion of Lucia pretty much made KMFDM albums the same?17:50
snap-lSeriously, I used to wait patiently for nw albums, now I couldn't care less.17:51
nixternalHost 'CaboWabo', running Linux 3.2.0-24-generic - Cpu0: Intel 2327 MHz Cpu1: Intel 2327 MHz Cpu2: Intel 2327 MHz Cpu3: Intel 2327 MHz; Up: 11d+18:15; Users: 1; Load: 1.32; Free: [Mem: 133/1994 Mio] [Swap: 2036/2036 Mio] [/: 216089/235910 Mio] [/boot: 189/228 Mio]; Vpenis: 113.1 cm;18:03
nixternalreboot time. damn kernel upgrades18:03
greg-g11days uptime with a 113cm penis?18:06
snap-lApparently those e-mails really do work18:07
greg-geven cumulatively18:08
snap-lI love the judge in the Google / Oracle trial18:10
devinheitmuell-1snap-l: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/05/google-v-oracle-no-patent-infringement-found/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+arstechnica%2Findex+%28Ars+Technica+-+All+content%29&utm_content=Google+Reader18:14
devinheitmuell-1Google v. Oracle: no patent infringement found18:14
snap-lThat makes me very, very happy18:25
snap-lNow if we can get the API issue out of the way18:26
snap-lI'm so happy we got a programming judge18:26
snap-lplus he laid into the lawyers for essentially muddying up the waters18:26
jrwrensnap-l: KMFDM has been pretty generic for 15 yrs.19:10
snap-ljrwren: Yeah, I got bored during WWIII19:15
snap-lHaven't really picked up much since then19:15
snap-lActually, my frined got me Hau Ruck for Christmas one year19:20
brouschwhat did i do to deserve this? "@rails_apps is now following you on Twitter"19:34
jrwreni still like nihil and the one before it.19:40
jrwrenwtf is the one with light and drug against war?19:41
brouschsadness http://reinout.vanrees.org/weblog/2012/05/23/djangobook-schluss.html19:45
jrwrendjango needs a new book.19:56
jrwrenmost are very old.19:56
jrwrenI've got a 1.1 and a 1.019:56
jrwrenand i'm targetting 1.2 :(19:56
brouschheh, and 1.4 is current20:10
snap-ljrwren: Angst21:01
waldo323_is there a location for deprecated repos? looking to upgrade a machine from jaunty up to present but the jaunty repos are gone22:09
greg-gold-releases.ubuntu.com I believe22:14
greg-gwaldo323_: ^22:14

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