
bandit5432RAOF, thanks for the help last night00:52
RAOFNo problem.00:53
bandit5432I wish #gnome was as responsive00:54
RAOFmlankhorst: How hard would it be to fix nouveau EXA in quantal? Text poping in and out of corruption is getting slightly annoying. :)02:01
bandit5432dunno but nvidia 302.11 is not doing the best on text corruption for me02:20
bandit5432i might need to change the font smoothing or something02:20
bandit5432nope just have to stop watching flash videos which now blead through every window i have open02:33
bjsniderbandit5432, what hardware is this?02:37
bandit5432trying to replicate02:37
bjsnidersenior citizen02:38
bandit5432i have gtx 560 coming tommorow02:38
bandit5432still old but better02:38
bandit5432oh i hate flash!02:39
bandit5432at least when i turn of hd accl i can watch a full video02:40
bandit5432replicated flash videos bleed through kind of cool02:43
bandit5432it appears to only bleed through the fonts02:43
=== bandit5432 is now known as led-bandit
bjsniderled-bandit, i'll bet the fermi card is a lot more bug-free02:53
led-banditi am hoping 02:53
led-bandit3 year old build and its time for a upgrade02:54
RAOFMan, the xserver build has ALL THE WARNINGS.03:45
bandit5432is that why i am getting flooded with info?04:22
RAOFNo. Unless you're actually building the xserver :)04:24
bandit5432i dont want to build anything04:25
bandit5432just reminded me to look and see why plymouth is flooding my screen with info at shutdown and start04:25
tjaaltonRAOF: we should just update nouveau past the api change, they've worked around it already04:55
RAOFtjaalton: Does there exist a useful mesa past the api change?04:55
tjaaltonRAOF: ah, not that I know of.. so it would need 8.1git :/04:56
RAOFWhich does or does not build currently? ☺04:56
tjaaltonhum ho04:58
RAOFIt's not *that* annoying :)04:59
tjaaltonok :)04:59
mlankhorstRAOF: Depends, do you want to backport the exa fixes?05:25
mlankhorstActually I might have to if cairo 1.12 is going to be backported for lts..05:26
Sarvattmlankhorst: if theres ANY way at all you could possibly work out the nouveau exa solid acceleration to the old libdrm-nouveau it would be so much appreciated in both ubuntu and debian05:28
mlankhorstyeah.. I guess it depends if cairo 1.12 will be used in lts05:28
Sarvattdebian wheezy is shipping cairo 1.12, but libdrm-nouveau2 needs mesa 8.1 that wont ship until august at least...05:29
Sarvattits a really screwed up situation05:30
mlankhorstI know05:30
mlankhorstit's not that hard to backport, it's hard to SUPPORT it afterwards :P05:31
Sarvattreally? i had all kinds of problems just trying to backport it, its a huge change, i wouldn't worry about supporting it after :)05:33
mlankhorstdepends if you have experience with the previous api or not ;-)05:33
RAOFmlankhorst: I don't believe we'll be backporting cairo 1.12 to the lts.05:50
RAOFIt's got a *lot* of rdepends, and we don't need it for hardware support05:50
mlankhorstin either case, seems my beautiful hack works08:38
Sarvattbeautiful hack sounds promising :)09:22
mlankhorstseems to work here at least09:22
mlankhorstusing a private copy of drm/nouveau09:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mlankhorstRAOF: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTEwNTc :D14:54
jcristauhe's good at writing crap about nothing14:56
mlankhorstjcristau: yes but its great amusement to see what he writes14:56
=== debfx_ is now known as debfx
aquariushey, all. My machine is repeatedly locking up hard with coloured static. Details at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1003333 -- so far it's happened 15 times today, so I'm not getting anything done. It started on monday; before that, there was no problem. Help? :)14:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1003333 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu snowcrashes frequently but with no obvious cause" [Undecided,New]14:58
cndbryceh, where did you merge my utouch arsenal branch to?17:55
cndit doesn't appear to be merged into lp:arsenal17:56
brycehcnd, hang on18:00
brycehcnd, 'tis up18:01
cndok, thanks18:03
aquariusbryceh, is there any moe useful debugging information I can provide tomorrow in  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1003333 ?18:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1003333 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu snowcrashes frequently but with no obvious cause" [Undecided,New]18:53
brycehaquarius, no response through ssh over ethernet?19:33
brycehaquarius, ello?19:38
bryceh> bug19:39
aquariusbryceh, sorry. No response over ssh, indeed19:50
aquariuser, that's over wireless19:50
aquariusI haven't tried over wired19:50
aquarius'cos the laptop doesn't have a wired ethernet port :)19:50
aquariusI don't *believe* the problem is the kernel, since I was running the same kernel two weeks ago and didn't have the problem19:51
aquariusof course, something may have changed on Monday which tickles a previously-existing-but-untickled bug in the kernel I'm running19:52
aquariusI can try booting from a 12.04 usb image19:52
aquariuswould hardware borkedness only show up when using 3d? (that is: the hardware might be borked in such a way that it doesn't fail when being used by the vesa driver)?19:52
brycehaquarius, 3d does tend to exercise the hardware a bit more than 2d.  hard to say without more testing19:56
aquariusbryceh, kk. I am happy to test more (I'm happy *now*, anyway, now that I know that vesa works so that I can get work done -- 17 crashes today before I made that switch!), but I don't know what to test. :)19:56
brycehaquarius, do you know exactly what day the problem started?19:57
aquariusHOwever, I hadn't upgraded for a few days, i don't think.19:57
aquariusso the actual change may have hit one of the repos I'm subscribed to at some point before that.19:58
aquariusI *can* confirm that the change was not a new kernel.19:58
brycehaquarius, well these are the things you upgraded on monday:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003605/20:00
aquariusclever. :)20:00
aquariusupgrade  linux                          2012-05-22   08:46:49     3.2.0-24.37                    3.2.0-24.38                   20:00
aquariusbut I'm not *running* that.20:01
aquariusconfused, now.20:01
brycehI still think it's the kernel, but I see there were also some unity package updates there20:02
bryceh(the kernel update was tuesday actually)20:02
aquarius$ uname -a20:02
aquariusLinux faith 3.2.0-24.37-u300acpifix1-generic #u300acpifix1 SMP Mon Apr 30 11:39:33 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:02
aquarius(that's a custom kernel built by cking, but it's a stock kernel with one patch to do with usb, and I've been running it for about two weeks)20:03
brycehwatch, it'll be accomplishment-viewer20:03
* aquarius laughs20:03
aquariusmuch as i would like to blame jono for this, I don't think it's him this time :)20:04
aquariusis it reasonable to say that by definition any bug which hangs the whole box is a kernel bug?20:04
brycehwell, if it doesn't respond on the ethernet port... if you HAD an ethernet port...20:06
brycehbut actually there's a few ways to hang a box that aren't *caused* by the kernel.20:07
aquariusyeah, if I had an ethernet port I'd try that. :)20:08
brycehyou could try configuring your wireless to system-wide 20:09
aquariusoh, in case the problem is that my *session* is being closed rather than the box hung?20:09
aquariusI never thought of that.20:09
aquariusI shall give that a try!20:10
aquarius(tomorrow, though.)20:10
aquariusthanks, pal; that gives me some places to start!20:10
brycehaquarius, sure thing.20:10
mlankhorstbryceh: also fun, firefox corruptions that are probably not ddx related, but mesa instead20:12
brycehmlankhorst, I think ubuntu should stop shipping X.org.  Too many bugs.20:14
brycehthe console works fine.20:14
mlankhorst25868 mlankhor  20   0 3750m 2.7g  43m R   98 17.0 101:12.29 thunderbird-bin20:14
mlankhorstsure thunderbird, use all the memory you need20:15
RAOFbryceh, mlankhorst: Good after21:04
RAOFbryceh, mlankhorst: Good afternoon/evening.21:04
* bryceh waves21:06
RAOFWere we doing something at 2200UTC?21:11
mlankhorstthink now21:11
* bryceh nods21:12
mlankhorstso lets get those blueprints sorted out21:12
brycehthe kernel team has their kernel in our lts point release ppa now21:12
brycehso the question is, can we get a renamed X stack in there too, for people to start testing upgrades21:12
mlankhorsti think so21:13
brycehwhere "renamed X stack" just means same packages as currently in precise, just with new names21:13
brycehso we can demonstrate feasibility (or infeasibility) of the rename strategy21:13
mlankhorstthats just creating a dummy package for enablement that depends on most/all packages right?21:14
RAOFThat should work, yes. It should be able to safely depend on less than all the packages, but for a first cut that's not a bad plan.21:15
bryceh(Sarvatt and tjaalton if interested and around)21:16
brycehRAOF, I think you posted a list of what you thought the bare minimum set of packages were?21:16
mlankhorstwhat about rest, still need to approve our blueprints21:16
mlankhorstI'm trying to see if I can get some work done upstream for hybrid graphics too21:17
mlankhorstIt wouldn't surprise me if we could get things at least upstreamed this cycle21:17
RAOFbryceh: Yeah, let me grab that email21:18
brycehwho wants to do the renames and posting packages to the PPA?  shall I, or would you prefer to handle it mlankhorst?21:18
mlankhorstbryceh: considering i have to support things I'll probably try some of it tomorrow at least21:19
brycehheh, couple birds going crazy in my backyard.  think one of them is a hawk21:19
RAOFWell, that should be short-lived :)21:19
tjaaltondo we have an oem approved rename postfix already?-)21:19
tjaaltonprobably doesn't matter for the ppa though21:20
RAOFHuh.  I don't have a minimal list; I've got a list of things in lts-pkg-mapping that I don't need to be there.21:20
brycehmlankhorst, sounds good.  I think Rick would like seeing the ppa available by the end of the week (barring any problems)21:20
RAOFWhy don't I just commit that bit.21:20
mlankhorstyeah but we should also discuss things we wouldn't rename21:21
tjaaltonit can't be an either-or21:21
mlankhorsttjaalton: I mean some x11proto headers21:21
brycehfeel free to leave #'d comments in the lts-pkg-mapping file for future reference.  Fairly sure the script skips hashed lines (and if not, easy to add).21:22
mlankhorstalso fallout from driver rewrite is fun :S21:22
tjaaltonmlankhorst: ok, that's sounds scary though :)21:23
tjaaltonalso, we probably don't want to backport the xserver from every release21:23
tjaaltonunless there's something of use21:23
RAOFI thought the plan was to backport the full stack, including the xserver, at least in part because that combination will be the one that we've tested in the devel release.21:24
mlankhorsti thought so too21:24
mlankhorstsome synaptics commit refer to X.org changes for example21:25
tjaaltonbut are we backporting the full stack, even with xserver included?21:25
mlankhorsttjaalton: that was the idea21:25
tjaaltonlibs and all?21:25
mlankhorstno just the server parts21:25
RAOFDDXen, mesa, xserver. That's pretty much the full stack.21:25
tjaaltonor where do we draw the line then?21:25
mlankhorsttjaalton: I think all userspace stuff is skipped21:26
brycehline is at client-facing stuff21:26
mlankhorstapart from mesa21:26
mlankhorstand libdrm21:26
mlankhorstalthough technically libdrm isn't client-facing21:26
mlankhorsthm guess it depends on the parts21:27
brycehI'd consider it (and mesa handwavily) "part" of the server21:27
RAOFThere shouldn't be any reason to backport the libs, unless mesa picks up a versioned dependency that we can't easily turn off.21:27
tjaaltonso any news from slangasek if this is changes anything? http://pastebin.com/wfNE6LTThttp://pastebin.com/wfNE6LTT21:27
mlankhorstRAOF: well need new libdrm_nouveau at least21:27
tjaaltonor do we just relax the deps21:27
brycehtjaalton, haven't heard anything from him about it21:27
tjaaltonwhat about the apps? xrandr/xinput comes to mind21:28
RAOFNeither have I, and I don't think it makes a huge difference; we were assuming we needed to backport & rename all the DDXes anyway.21:29
mlankhorsttjaalton: they stay compatible21:29
mlankhorstuntil hybrid graphics, at least..21:29
mlankhorstnot for this cycle21:30
RAOFAs far as I can tell the set of backport-and-renamed packages can grow whenever we want it to. With the corollory that we should at least start with a minimal set :)21:30
brycehseems sensible21:30
tjaaltonx11-xserver-utils has versioned depends on some libs, and assuming xrandr et al will get support for whatever new stuff the server gains, those would need to be backported as well21:31
* bryceh ponders21:31
mlankhorsttjaalton: but that could go into backports21:33
tjaaltonso we have a list of packages that'll get renamed, and a list of packages we'll likely backport as-is, to the main repo?21:33
mlankhorsttjaalton: we don't even know yet what will be needed. Most likely just the X server and no userspace tools21:34
tjaaltonmlankhorst: think ahead :)21:34
brycehI'm not terribly worried about the tools21:34
tjaaltonwe'll get randr-1.4 & 1.5 at some point21:34
mlankhorstbut since newer tools will work on older servers its fine21:34
RAOFBarring the protocol headers I don't think there's anything we could backport as-is to the main repo.21:34
tjaaltonwe just need to make it clear where to put them21:35
brycehtjaalton, we'll get randr-1.4, but since the gnome utility isn't going to be updated to use it with all of this, that's going to be kind of extraneous21:35
mlankhorsttjaalton: but I think if we really had to backport tools the effects would snowball because you'd want to update gnome etc too21:35
brycehmlankhorst, right21:36
RAOFOh. Do we care about backporting non-xfree86-DDXes? (ie: xdmx, xnest, etc)?21:37
brycehRAOF, I think they're important but not super critical21:37
mlankhorstRAOF: can they be made to be installed next to the new X?21:38
mlankhorstim inclined to see them as userspace programs21:38
RAOFActually, I'm probably overthinking that. Those things haven't changed in a while, we won't need to do anything special for them.21:39
brycehI don't think we need to have newer versions backported, but I do think it's important that they continue working21:39
mlankhorstRAOF: what i mean is, it might be better to not backport those since they're more userspace programs than part of the X stack we really care about21:39
RAOFmlankhorst: Yeah. They're X11 clients, anyway, so a newer xfree86 will still run them.21:40
mlankhorstit will probably save us some headaches21:40
brycehhmm, I should add those to the testing list21:41
mlankhorstwhere do you keep those docs?21:41
tjaaltonhmm, xdms, xnest etc are built from the same source, xorg-server? why would they need special treatment?21:42
mlankhorsttjaalton: because userspace can depend on it, so probably better not to build renamed ones..21:42
tjaaltonmlankhorst: the old ones work still?21:43
mlankhorstthey should21:43
mlankhorstthey're normal programs21:43
tjaaltonok so I don't see a problem then :)21:43
tjaaltonevery special-casing either makes the script a monster, or means more manual labor and things to remember21:44
mlankhorstalso it's going to be fun with regressions from nouveau ddx fallout..21:44
RAOFThat does mean that the lts-backports script will need to munge the debian/control for the xserver to not build those packages.21:44
mlankhorstRAOF: that's just the X server though, shouldn't matter21:45
RAOFYeah, but tjaalton's point that it either makes the script more complicated or requires manual work is salient.21:45
RAOFNot a lot more complicated, though.21:46
mlankhorstcould just create a bunch of hooks for each package, see if a special file exists for them21:46
RAOFThat's not a terrible plan, if we need that power ☺21:46
brycehRAOF, so like have the script comment out those packages?  shouldn't be too hard to do21:48
mlankhorstone sed call later..21:48
* RAOF has pushed the revised lts-pkg-mapping to xorg-pkg-tools21:48
brycehgot it21:50
brycehI'll add in the hashing functionality.  So xdmx, xdmx-tools, xnest, xvfb.  What about xserver-xephyr and xserver-xfbdev, those too?21:52
tjaaltonoccurred to me that all the packages that are rename-backported automatically become unsyncable from debian, since we carry at least the provides/breaks delta in d/control21:52
tjaaltonthe price we pay21:52
mlankhorsttjaalton: we dont auto synch after a release right?21:52
tjaaltonmlankhorst: no21:53
mlankhorstbryceh/raof: is renaming x11 common really a good idea?21:54
brycehif raof's list is correct it's only a handful of packages that would usually be sync'd anyway21:54
tjaaltonbut in order to allow upgrades from the backported packages the "real" packages need the delta21:54
tjaaltonall the ddx's?21:55
tjaaltonum, drivers i mean21:55
RAOFStupid overloaded terminology :)21:55
brycehoho right, raof's list is a bit too short :-)21:55
tjaaltonwhere is it?21:55
RAOFWhat was our 12.04.2 to 12.10 upgrade support again?21:56
RAOFDo we not need to care about that until 14.04?21:56
mlankhorstthose probably also need to be removed: xdmx, xauth (xfonts-* ?? discuss)21:57
tjaaltonRAOF: if there is no upgrade path then it's not an issue21:58
RAOFThat's something that I remember discussing in the session, but can't remember the outcome.21:58
mlankhorstand libpixman-1 is scary since cairo uses it..22:01
bjsniderRAOF, it's big news on phoronix that you pushed some xorg patches22:01
mlankhorstbjsnider: ofc22:02
RAOFAnything that a Canonical employee does is immediately more important becase they're a Canonical employee ☺22:02
RAOFmlankhorst: Pixman might be a bit of trouble, then. New xserver releases have depended on a new pixman in the past.22:03
mlankhorstRAOF: does pixman bump soname?22:04
mlankhorstwe could just provide a renamed package that could coexist22:04
RAOFThat was my thought.22:05
RAOFPixman didn't bump the soname, because it was just new API that the xserver was depending on.22:05
RAOFThat doesn't mean that *we* couldn't bump pixman-lts-backport's SONAME, though.22:05
RAOFAnd then it would be parallel-installable.22:06
mlankhorstor static link22:06
RAOFAlso possible, I guess.22:07
mlankhorstseems to be only for Xorg22:07
mlankhorsthm might be a pita though22:08
RAOFI think we can cross that bridge when we come to it.22:11
RAOFLeave pixman out of the list for now, and then deal with it should xserver start depending on new features.22:11
brycehsufficiently client-side?22:12
mlankhorstif x builds without updating it, probably22:12
mlankhorstxtrans/xutils client side too?22:13
mlankhorstoh and regardless we still need to get the blueprints approved..22:15
brycehsuppose we can leave xkeyboard-config out too22:16
brycehmlankhorst, which ones, I can take a look22:16
mlankhorsthybrid, xorg general, backports22:16
mlankhorstbryceh: fallout from ddx update is fun22:17
mlankhorstshould probably have that as action point22:19
brycehmlankhorst, the lts one is already approved22:20
mlankhorstok :)22:20
mlankhorsti mean for desktop-q-xorg-general22:20
brycehRAOF, think seb's wanting you to write it up before marking it accepted?22:21
mlankhorstI added nouveau ddx item real quick22:22
RAOFYes, he is.22:22
RAOFThat and two others.22:22
mlankhorstare we wrapping up in next 30 minutes? need sleep..22:22
brycehmlankhorst, do you have any questions you need to know before you can put the stuff in the ppa?22:23
brycehI'm in the process of updating the package mapping list with the ddx's and other random bits, should have that within an hour22:24
brycehI'll have raof do another pruning on it, then that should be an actionable list22:24
brycehRAOF, also I'll try and do some cleanup on the work items.  I just piled everything in from all the other blueprints but I think some items lost context and aren't sensible (and maybe not relevant anyway)22:25
bryceher, on the work items for the general xorg blueprint.22:26
mlankhorstisn't the final goal that we rebuild the packages? I only see a rename22:26
brycehmlankhorst, how do you mean?22:27
mlankhorstbryceh: do we just rename the quantal packages or do we rebuild them22:28
brycehmlankhorst, all the renamed packages will need rebuilt but that'll happen in the PPA22:29
RAOFIt should be renaming the source packages, and then you'll build those renamed packages in the PPA.22:29
brycehpackages not being renamed don't need rebuilt22:29
brycehRAOF, although that makes me wonder about ddx's we don't maintain22:30
RAOFWe need to pull those in, too.22:30
RAOFIf they're in the archive.22:30
brycehalright, well I'm adding in the packages we do maintain to this list.  maybe when you review you can pull in any other ddx's you know of.22:30
mlankhorstall the world is intel/nouveau/ati right? ;-)22:31
RAOFbryceh: I'll do so.22:32
RAOFAnd add some of the craaaaaaazy arm DDXen, too :)22:32
tjaaltonif the point of the backports is hw enablement, there's no reason to include drivers that never get any new hw support22:32
mlankhorsttjaalton: abi breakage..22:33
tjaaltonmlankhorst: no need to update..22:33
RAOFThat's a fair point.22:33
RAOFOh, no. Did we end up deciding whether or not 12.04.2 will use the new stack by default or not?22:33
tjaaltonboo :)22:33
mlankhorstRAOF: I think we let leann handle that22:34
RAOFI think it's probably easier to just rebuild *all* the DDXen. They're totally self-contained, so not building them is basically just saving some buildd time.22:35
mlankhorst[leannogasawara] Drive decision pre UDS-R whether or not the 12.10 stack is the only supported stack on 12.04.2 media, and if both are supported, which is the default boot option or end users: TODO22:36
mlankhorstanyhow i cant stay up much longer22:36
RAOFFeel free to sleep :)22:37
mlankhorstthanks for meeting and gnight )22:38
brycehnight mlankhorst 22:38
brycehjeez, "xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion-dev-lts-backport-quantal"22:43
mlankhorst-dev ?22:43
brycehbinary package22:44
brycehmlankhorst, sleep. :-)22:44
brycehRAOF, pushed up new list22:44
RAOFbryceh, mlankhorst: I've divvied out some xorg-general work items to you guys; feel free to complain if you don't want to do them ☺23:53
RAOFbryceh, mlankhorst, tjaalton: There's also the WIs for testing plans; I haven't assigned them anywhere. If you want them, pipe up!23:54
brycehRAOF, mlankhorst I've sketched in the basics of a master script to iteratively grab and rename all the packages.23:55
brycehRAOF, mlankhorst oh and btw still need to shake out all the bugs of the lts rename script; I've really only run it on xserver and -intel; everything else is unexplored territory23:56
brycehso... patch with impunity as you find bugs :-)23:57

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