
inetprotumbleweed: I've thought about that as well :-)05:42
inetprogood morning05:46
superflytumbleweed: :-D thanks again for all your help06:01
* inetpro checks out the footprints09:47
inetprozeref: wb09:51
zerefhi inetpro 09:54
inetprozeref: sup?09:54
zerefjust reading bout this zuma painting09:55
* inetpro thought I felt the ground shake a bit :-)09:56
smilehi :)15:53
inetpronot_found: please go find yourself17:43
inetprogood evening everyone17:43
Kilosgood evening superfly and others18:14
Kiloshmmm buncha lurkers18:19
zeref /lurk18:24
Kilosha ha hiya zeref 18:24
zerefhi Kilos :D18:29
smilebye :)18:32
Kilosbye smile 18:32
smilegood night :)18:33
Kilossleep tight18:33
smilei will :D18:33
Kiloslife is so lekker in durbs. you can bath once in summer and not so often in winter18:36
Kiloshere in the tvl you bath sometimes twice a day just to warm up18:36
Kilosnight all. sleep lekker warm18:38
zerefFFS Captcha not showing20:06

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