kingofswords | escott, seemed to resoled itself, thx for help....still been having probs with ubuntu ever since started using tho | 00:00 |
knightrage | auu: yeah i dont think 12.10 will have 2.6.x kernel | 00:01 |
knightrage | auu: check uname -r for your kernel version | 00:02 |
auu | knightrage: 3.2.0-24-generic-pae | 00:02 |
knightrage | yeah. 2.6.x moduless wont work in that | 00:02 |
auu | knightrage: so what should I do if there are no official drivers for new kernels? ndiswrapper?? | 00:04 |
Tangiera | is tere any command to display the current ethernet media speed and duplex? | 00:05 |
Tangiera | I guess that must mean "no" | 00:07 |
auu | Tangiera: or no idea | 00:07 |
oqpo | Tangiera: maybe with nm-tool | 00:07 |
oqpo | Capabilities: Speed: 100 Mb/s | 00:08 |
oqpo | Tangiera: ifconfig can also help. | 00:08 |
knightrage | auu: not sure. guess it's worth a shot | 00:09 |
Tangiera | I tried ifconfig, it didn't display media speed | 00:09 |
naryfa | Tangiera: what is meant by media? ethernet card? | 00:10 |
sumojim | Ok, I've blacklisted "vgastate, v4l1-compat, i915, and libdrm-intel1 and xserver-xorg-video-intel", in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf but X is still starting. I'm guessing I still don't have the correct graphics driver name? | 00:10 |
auu | knightrage: lol maybe I was wrong. the one I copied.. it's not a wifi card but a cable.. lol.. the wifi is probably Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 1000.. lol.. sorry for that | 00:10 |
naryfa | Tangiera: there is a package called netspeed I think | 00:11 |
Tangiera | naryfa; yes, I'd like to know if I'm connecting at 10/100/1000 and what duplex' | 00:11 |
escott | sumojim, if you just want X to not start remove the display manager | 00:11 |
vlt | Tangiera: ethtool | 00:11 |
arooni-mobile | hi folks..... my hard drive is going to crash... i need to back up my data, i have the parts of /home backed up i need. (documents, photos, music) ...... but i'm wondeirng if i should back up anything else? | 00:12 |
sumojim | escott, I just want to stop X temporarily. | 00:12 |
knightrage | auu: check then. just googling here. "It’s a compatible card, but needs some nudging to get it to work." | 00:12 |
escott | arooni-mobile, /etc and follow !clone | 00:12 |
sumojim | escott: and sudo gdm stop isn't bringing me to a terminal. | 00:13 |
naryfa | arooni-mobile: the best thing is to clone your partition with dd utility | 00:13 |
escott | sumojim, does ctrl-alt-f1 not take you to a terminal? | 00:13 |
oqpo | arooni-mobile: configuration are stores in the dot files in your home ( ~/ ), like ~/.config, etc | 00:13 |
arooni-mobile | escott, whats in /etc/ | 00:14 |
vlt | arooni-mobile: Or a bit more efficient than dd: ddrescue. Especially if there are already bad sectors. | 00:14 |
escott | arooni-mobile if you dont know then you probably never modified it so you dont need to back it up. but various system wide config files are there | 00:15 |
bastidrazor | sumojim: which version of ubuntu? if past 10.04 then sudo service lightdm stop | 00:15 |
RealEyes | how do I make ubuntu show my pidgin friends list? | 00:15 |
arooni-mobile | *all* i cant use dd because my external hard drive is ntfs... and i cant format it (borrowing from a friend) | 00:16 |
escott | arooni-mobile, you can use dd, you just put the of=/path/to/file/in/the/ntfs/drive | 00:16 |
naryfa | arooni-mobile: I always questioned the length of reinstalling stuff onto a new system, if it takes longer than recovering entire partition at once, or if the backup procedure will have you jumping between dirs, it's really more convenient to do a partition backup. Unless you want a fresh install | 00:17 |
escott | arooni-mobile, if you are backing up your /home to an ntfs you want to do it differently. you should use tar to create an archive of your home, not cp because permissions will be lost | 00:17 |
zabomber | vlt: but cloning a partition with a live OS is not recommended if you moving to new hardware right? | 00:17 |
naryfa | arooni-mobile: therefore, I stick to dd | 00:17 |
psusi | zabomber, Ubuntu is generally quite fine with drastically altering hardware | 00:18 |
the_explorer | Hi ubuntu 12x nvidia driver failed me. Gonna have to revert to 10.04 | 00:18 |
escott | arooni-mobile, use "tar -c /home > /path/to/file/on/the/ntfs/home_backup.tar" to make your backup of your home folder | 00:18 |
zabomber | arooni-mobile: the gui backup utility is also pretty straight forward and simple to setup | 00:18 |
vlt | zabomber: Yes, not if it’s mounted in rw mode. But if there’s no possibility to run an external OS (from USB or live CD) (and you don’t have LVM) then rsync works fine. | 00:18 |
zabomber | psusi: so if i dd my OS partition and move to new hardware i dont need to do a repair install? | 00:19 |
zabomber | vlt: ok! great | 00:19 |
escott | arooni-mobile, actually tar -cp /home > .... | 00:19 |
psusi | zabomber, no... but dd is kind of a sucky way to do it... requires the new disk to be >= size of old one, and you have to resize after to make use of the new space... and wastes time copying free sectors | 00:19 |
sumojim | bastidrazor: 10.04 | 00:20 |
bastidrazor | sumojim: sudo service gdm stop | 00:20 |
sumojim | escott: No, Ctrl-Alt-F1 takes me to a dark grey screen, no terminal, no cursor. | 00:21 |
auu | knightrage: I followed that page but I'm not sure it's settled. | 00:21 |
auu | iwlist scan | 00:21 |
auu | lo Interface doesn't support scanning. | 00:21 |
auu | eth0 Interface doesn't support scanning. | 00:21 |
psusi | zabomber, last year I replaced my whole motherboard, cpu, ram, booted up just fine... added a new ssd and migraded the system over to the new drive in the background while still using it | 00:21 |
sumojim | bastidrazor: sudo service gdm stop takes me to a dark grey screen, no terminal, no cursor. | 00:21 |
escott | sumojim, i doubt not starting x will solve your problem. plymouth will have already started and if modeswitching is broken it will still be broken. you could try "nomodeset" | 00:21 |
escott | sumojim, what chipset do you have? | 00:22 |
arooni-mobile | is there a gui to make tar files? my files are located all over the place | 00:22 |
RealEyes | how do I get ubuntu to show my pidgin messenger list? | 00:22 |
sumojim | escott: How can I find out? | 00:22 |
escott | sumojim, sudo lshw -C video | 00:23 |
usr13 | sumojim: What happens when you type in your user name and hit enter, (in the dark grey screen)? | 00:23 |
arooni-mobile | escott, are permissions important if i'm the owner of all the files/folders? | 00:23 |
escott | arooni-mobile, fileroller is a gui for archival, and yes permissions do matter even for $HOME | 00:24 |
usr13 | sontek: tty6 (Ctrl-Alt-F6) | 00:24 |
usr13 | sumojim: tty6 (Ctrl-Alt-F6) | 00:24 |
escott | arooni-mobile, the concern is mostly with your keyrings and private keys, but applications will fail if you mess those permissions up | 00:25 |
the_explorer | Why has the nvidia drivers give bananas ? | 00:25 |
usr13 | the_explorer: Because almost all primates like bannas. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) | 00:27 |
arooni-mobile | escott, this applies even if i'm completely reinstalling ubuntu? | 00:27 |
the_explorer | Gone bananas | 00:27 |
joallard | X crashes every two days. What do I do about this? | 00:28 |
kriminal | hola buenas noches alguien me podria ayudar con xubuntu 12.04 | 00:28 |
the_explorer | I can't even get working on 12x | 00:28 |
escott | arooni-mobile, if you restore your $HOME directly then the permissions will be wrong for those files. so yes | 00:28 |
sunitasethi | hello does anyone know how ubuntu 12.04can detect and install a driver usb ethernet adapter? | 00:28 |
sumojim | escott: lshw brings (display: unclaimed, product:intel, vendor:intel), typing username and pressing enter in grey screen show no response. | 00:28 |
escott | !es | kriminal | 00:28 |
ubottu | kriminal: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 00:28 |
sunitasethi | hello does anyone know how ubuntu 12.04can detect and install a driver for usb ethernet adapter? | 00:29 |
escott | sumojim, it should have a lot more detail than that | 00:29 |
RealEyes | how do I get ubuntu to show my pidgin messenger list? | 00:29 |
the_explorer | My x on 12x is busted after nvidia install | 00:29 |
sumojim | usr13: Ctrl-Alt-F6 brings me to a dark grey screen, no cursor, not prompt, completely unresponsive to any imput. | 00:29 |
joallard | Bug reporter asks me what to do about a Xorg crash. What do I tell it? | 00:29 |
escott | sunitasethi, some models yes. is that the answer you want | 00:29 |
RealEyes | finally did it after clicking it a million times | 00:29 |
joallard | Apport* asks me what to do about a Xorg crash. What do I tell it? | 00:30 |
RealEyes | a million ways | 00:30 |
sunitasethi | realeyes: on the top right where there is an envelope point and see oidin messenger | 00:30 |
sumojim | escott: It did, but it's on another PC and I'm literally writing on a pad and typing it out. Anything specific you are looking for? | 00:30 |
arooni-mobile | escott, i will be creating that /home partition from scratch on a new parition. they are swapping hard drives on my laptop; so i need to move data over to a external hard drive first | 00:30 |
sunitasethi | escott: this is for speedstream 1001 | 00:30 |
sumojim | escott: I'll find a USB. | 00:31 |
escott | arooni-mobile, the permissions on your keyring or your private key are set so that they can only be read by you. if you move them to ntfs and back they will be readable by everyone | 00:31 |
kriminal_ | no hay ningun español | 00:31 |
escott | arooni-mobile, ssh for one will refuse to use your private key in such a situation | 00:31 |
Logan_ | !es | kriminal_ | 00:31 |
ubottu | kriminal_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 00:31 |
escott | sunitasethi, don't know the model, try it in the livecd thats what it is for | 00:32 |
arooni-mobile | escott, cant i change permissions on that on a case by case basis manually? | 00:32 |
arooni-mobile | chmod? | 00:32 |
kriminal_ | uff | 00:32 |
joallard | Xorg crashes in segfault. What do I do? | 00:32 |
escott | arooni-mobile, sure if you want to take a complete inventory of such files | 00:32 |
sunitasethi | escott: which livecd? | 00:32 |
escott | !livecd | sunitasethi | 00:32 |
ubottu | sunitasethi: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option. | 00:32 |
mrdeepuvc | hello my isp is blocking all the torrent sites pls help in insalling a proxy in the system or on the browser plz help me | 00:33 |
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mrdeepuvc | hello my isp is blocking all the torrent sites pls help in insalling a proxy in the system or on the browser plz help me | 00:34 |
arooni-mobile | escott, is there a way...., to get file roller to add directories to an archive? or another gui tool to do that? | 00:35 |
sunitasethi | ubottu i do not have the cd...i install directly from the ubuntu website | 00:35 |
ubottu | sunitasethi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:35 |
escott | arooni-mobile, i havent used fileroller in ages. i suspect it is drag and drop but i dont really know | 00:35 |
sunitasethi | escott: i do not have cd | 00:35 |
sunitasethi | escott: i downloaded ubuntu from the intternet directly | 00:36 |
escott | sunitasethi, it can be a usb keychain (those work better than the cds) | 00:36 |
sumojim | escott: | 00:36 |
naryfa | sunitasethi: do you have USB key/pendrive ? | 00:36 |
sunitasethi | escott: is there any other way? | 00:36 |
sunitasethi | hello does anyone know how ubuntu 12.04can detect and install a driver for usb ethernet adapter? | 00:36 |
arooni-mobile | escott, how does work? when i create a new user on the the new ubuntu version, how will permissions match up? | 00:37 |
escott | sumojim, ok thats not particularly helpful then. do you happen to know how your cpu was marketed? pentium? core? i5? | 00:37 |
E | | 00:38 |
escott | arooni-mobile, if you make a tar archive the tar archive will store the owner uid (1000 if you are the admin on your ubuntu system) and when you reinstall the new user will also be 1000 so it will be your file again | 00:38 |
sumojim | escott: core i7 for sure. | 00:38 |
arooni-mobile | how do i check my current uid escott ? | 00:38 |
escott | arooni-mobile, id | 00:39 |
arooni-mobile | escott, youre right | 00:39 |
escott | sumojim, probably a sandybridge | 00:39 |
naryfa | escott: sumojim doesn't that thing have a builtin graphics processing? does that have to do anything with the rest? | 00:40 |
escott | sumojim, unless you unboxed it yesterday in which case it might be an ivybridge. what version of ubuntu is his? | 00:40 |
sumojim | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3720QM CPU @ 2.60GHz | 00:40 |
AdilMoody | i have problem with OT-X080C under ubuntu 12.04 ; it can't connect, please help me | 00:40 |
escott | sumojim, thats an ivy. thats the problem | 00:40 |
sumojim | escott: I'm using 10.04 | 00:40 |
sumojim | escott: oh? | 00:41 |
escott | sumojim, 12.04 should be ok, 10.04 is not going to work. but they had engineering samples in time to get the drivers for the ivy's prior to the release | 00:41 |
sumojim | Ok, I'll try 12.04, hopefully that will work with our software. | 00:42 |
sumojim | escott: You wouldn't have a reference for that I could show my boss would you? | 00:42 |
maheanuu | Is there any way to disable the lockout/screen saver mode while watching streaming video in Ubuntu? | 00:43 |
sunitasethi | escott: is there any other way to get usb ethernet adapter to work on ubuntu 12.04? | 00:43 |
escott | sumojim, thats just brand spanking new hardware. they weren't even writing drivers for that 2 years ago | 00:43 |
naryfa | maheanuu: that should be an option in an application you use to watch the video | 00:43 |
escott | sunitasethi, depends on the chipset. have you tried the liveusb? | 00:43 |
naryfa | maheanuu: here's something related | 00:45 |
naryfa | | 00:45 |
maheanuu | naryfa, I am running firefox for my browser, and I cannot find anything to stop the screen saver or the keyboard lockout from coming on after about 10 mins of no activity | 00:45 |
escott | sumojim, i would recommend that you install 12.04, and run 10.04 inside virtualbox if you have some need to use software only for older releases | 00:45 |
sunitasethi | escott: i do not have a udb | 00:45 |
escott | sunitasethi, how do you intend to install ubuntu then? | 00:46 |
maheanuu | I find myself having to relog in if the screen goes dark | 00:46 |
warfaren | maheanuu: i use "caffeine" for that | 00:46 |
naryfa | maheanuu: you can disable the lock itself if you need to | 00:46 |
warfaren | for flash video, rignt? | 00:46 |
rsumi | i'm on ubuntu 12.04 with gnome and using empathy for chat because i guess its the default but for some reason every time get a message i get 2 messages on the bottom of the screen every time someone messages me something which is super annoying. One would have the user icon and the other would have a blank icon but the same exact message. why is this? | 00:46 |
sunitasethi | escott: i have ubuntu 12.04 that i installed directly from the web | 00:46 |
naryfa | naryfa: but the screen will still blank out | 00:47 |
escott | sunitasethi, you mean wubi? | 00:47 |
sunitasethi | hello does anyone know how ubuntu 12.04can detect and install a driver for usb ethernet adapter? | 00:47 |
OerHeks | AdilMoody, usb 3G sometimes need usb_modeswitch | 00:47 |
sunitasethi | i have ubuntu 10.04 cd but now i updated to 12.05 | 00:47 |
warfaren | maheanuu: caffeine detects when flash player is running and temp disables your screensaver | 00:47 |
naryfa | maheanuu: or use warfaren's option, sounds fair | 00:47 |
sunitasethi | escott: i have ubuntu 10.04 but i updated to 12.04 | 00:48 |
Confused2012 | Am I in the right place for assistance w/Ubuntu dl and install? | 00:48 |
escott | Confused2012, yes | 00:48 |
warfaren | it requires a bit of tweaking but once you get the hang of it it works just fine | 00:48 |
maheanuu | varfaren, and naryfa, I have looked for months trying to cess out this problem and not sure. | 00:48 |
naryfa | maheanuu: I used to disable lock and leave screen-turn-off at about 15 minutes, even if the screen blanked out, the most I had to do is move the mouse. | 00:49 |
naryfa | maheanuu: but maybe that caffeine thing will do justice for you | 00:49 |
naryfa | maheanuu: try | 00:50 |
sunitasethi | escott: i have ubuntu 10.04 but i updated to 12.04 | 00:50 |
OerHeks | sunitasethi, oen terminal: lsusb and paste the line with your wifi device | 00:50 |
escott | sunitasethi, i cant help you | 00:50 |
Confused2012 | I attempted to dl. Nero glitched after a nearly hour dl. Trying to burn in a different place but it appears to have eaten the dl. I can't find the icon nor does a search work | 00:50 |
sumojim | escott: Thank you, you've been a great help. | 00:50 |
warfaren | yeah if you want the screensaver in other cases, then caffeine is the way to go | 00:50 |
OerHeks | sunitasethi, normally you need wired cable to download any addons | 00:50 |
maheanuu | Right now I am watching the aljazeera news cast and if I leave the keyboard or mouse the screen first goes dim then black and I am required to relog in in order to watch the video or activate my desktop | 00:50 |
warfaren | yep same problem i had | 00:50 |
sumojim | I'm 95% sure our software will be fine in 12.04. | 00:51 |
sunitasethi | oerheks: i have a usb ethernet adapter that i want ubuntu 12.04 to detect but it does not..this is for wired internet | 00:51 |
Confused2012 | Nero tried to burn CD rather than a dvd using my dvd burner and a dvd | 00:51 |
escott | Confused2012, it is a CD image | 00:51 |
OerHeks | sunitasethi, open terminal:" lsusb " and paste the line with your wifi device | 00:51 |
naryfa | maheanuu: go to system settings and disable lock screen | 00:51 |
sunitasethi | why doesn't ubuntu 12.04 detect the usb ? | 00:52 |
maheanuu | warfaren, is cafeine a browser? | 00:52 |
naryfa | maheanuu: it's an application | 00:52 |
Confused2012 | I don't know what it is. Last time I did this, I dl'd a program, as per instructions and burned the dvd. No prob. I followed the instructions this happened and I'm clueless. | 00:52 |
Transhumanist | Well, Ubuntu 12.04 installed on my new SSD! Working like a charm now. | 00:52 |
warfaren | maheanuu: | 00:52 |
Confused2012 | How big a flash drive would I need to dl it that way? | 00:53 |
maheanuu | naryfa, chasing it down now.... bbiab | 00:53 |
escott | Confused2012, the install image is just a bit over 700MB | 00:53 |
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sunitasethi | oerheks: i do not know the name of the usb device | 00:53 |
warfaren | maheanuu: if it doesnt work right away for you, youll need to configure it | 00:53 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang |
warfaren | maheanuu: install instructions are on the link i gave you | 00:54 |
Confused2012 | is there anyway to recover the DL after Nero failed to burn? | 00:54 |
naryfa | maheanuu: ok | 00:54 |
escott | Confused2012, open your webbrowsers downloads tool it should be listed there | 00:54 |
warfaren | Confused2012: the DL? a dual layer disc? or download? | 00:55 |
Confused2012 | Its auto opening Nero which I'm not sure how to get it to burn a DVD. I've had probs with Nero before but not on this machine. I couldn't get it to work. | 00:55 |
warfaren | Confused2012: be sure to md5 verify the iso file before burning | 00:56 |
escott | Confused2012, the website has screenshots with instructions for many common burning applications, nero is probably in that list | 00:56 |
=== Hackit is now known as ImperialDroid |
Confused2012 | Any way to save it from Browser to Flashdrive... Nero has yet to work for me | 00:57 |
warfaren | Confused2012: if youre running nero now i guess you are currently on windows? in that case i would recommend IMGBurn for burning .iso files | 00:57 |
the_explorer | Ok.. did some trouble shooting . Definitely the nv driver. Installed 10.04 and as soon as I installed the driver,x failed. | 00:57 |
Confused2012 | will imgburn require dl'ing again? | 00:58 |
Confused2012 | Ubuntu that is | 00:58 |
onats | hi guys | 00:58 |
onats | I'm trying to run a service but i keep on getting an error that it could not write pid file in /var/run. how should i fix this? ubuntu 12.04 LTS server | 00:58 |
warfaren | Confused2012: the iso file? if it checks out with md5 verification you dont need to download again | 00:58 |
Confused2012 | okies, I'll try that. TY | 00:59 |
the_explorer | So has any one discovered a work around four the nv driver or am I better of in windows until the next release | 00:59 |
warfaren | onats: and youre root when trying to start the service? | 00:59 |
naryfa | onats: change permissions , but where... ask escott | 00:59 |
escott | Confused2012, you might also check if there is a LUG (linux users group) in your area. they might be able to provide you with some known good install disks | 01:00 |
Confused2012 | TY. | 01:00 |
onats | warfaren, no. the app warns me it isn't safe to run it as root. does root run the services upon startup? | 01:01 |
warfaren | the_explorer: are you using the one from ubuntu restricted drivers or the one from | 01:01 |
escott | onats, yes root runs all services, but a good service will drop permissions and change to another user. what service is this? | 01:02 |
the_explorer | Warfaren, restricted | 01:02 |
warfaren | onats: alright well i suppose you may need to be root to launch it but it will actually run as a different user | 01:02 |
onats | escott: its a nexus repository installed as a service | 01:02 |
warfaren | the_explorer: and what hardware were you on? | 01:02 |
the_explorer | Gts250. CPU is bulldozer | 01:02 |
warfaren | oh im surprised it doesnt work well with the one ubuntu suggests | 01:03 |
the_explorer | Warfaren I've un hooked my kvm switch and uninstalled driver reinstalling noire | 01:04 |
the_explorer | Now | 01:04 |
warfaren | the_explorer: have you tried the one from too? | 01:04 |
warfaren | its typically more up to date | 01:04 |
warfaren | but might not always work | 01:04 |
the_explorer | Should i kill iommu warfaren? | 01:05 |
peepsalot | i installed a new nvidia graphics card recently, which required me to reinstall my graphics drivers for it to work. it worked ok for 2 days, but now when i reboot it says it has to go into low graphics mode. i've tried reinstalling it a couple times but it's just not working now. any ideas what i can do? | 01:05 |
warfaren | the_explorer: not sure what that is sorry | 01:05 |
peepsalot | i think this happened because some kernel update was made last night | 01:06 |
Takyoji | Is there any way to get gnome-panel working PROPERLY on 12.04, which worked fine in prior releases? | 01:06 |
Takyoji | Note, another thing I can't do is right-click on the panels at all. | 01:06 |
peepsalot | oh and it doesn't even get into low graphics mode, i have to use virtual console | 01:06 |
Takyoji | Is this a known regression? | 01:06 |
Takyoji | I've also reset all gnome-panel settings and everything | 01:06 |
David-A | Takyoji: Alt+right-click panels in 12.04 i believe | 01:07 |
Confused2012 | I installed IMGBurn. Unable to get dl out of browser. Ideas? | 01:07 |
warfaren | Confused2012: what browser are you using? | 01:07 |
escott | Takyoji, is that really gnome-panel is is that fallback? | 01:07 |
Takyoji | Doesn't seem to work in this case | 01:07 |
Confused2012 | FireFox | 01:07 |
the_explorer | iommu is a new feature that I haven't run with ubuntu Gina try killing it in bios default | 01:07 |
Takyoji | This is of trying to use "Gnome Classic" | 01:08 |
Takyoji | which I've always had the problem of since the beginning of the 12.04 release | 01:08 |
warfaren | Confused2012: in your download manager where you see the file, rightclick the file and press open folder | 01:08 |
Confused2012 | No longer an option since closing browser to install IMGBurn | 01:08 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, have you tried starting it with gnome classic no effects? | 01:09 |
Takyoji | Yes | 01:09 |
Confused2012 | The option is light, not dark, and clicking on it does nothing. | 01:09 |
Takyoji | Also, the blur is from post-processing, it's not actually shown like so | 01:09 |
warfaren | Confused2012: you should find download manager under tools i believe | 01:09 |
Takyoji | Also, I'm using a dual monitor setup, therefore the black space on the bottom is not actually seen | 01:09 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, i have seen other screens shots like that so i am looking for where i saw them | 01:09 |
the_explorer | It worked. It was one of my bios settings. if anyone has issues with nv drivers tell them to default BIOS settings | 01:09 |
Confused2012 | Yes, I did. I can find the file. And before closing the browser, I could open the folder. Now I can't | 01:09 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, could you run wmctrl -m in a terminal and let us know what the name is | 01:10 |
warfaren | Confused2012: you probably chose to open the file instead of saving it, which just saves it to a temporary folder and deletes it after you restart the browser... | 01:10 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, and env | grep -i gdmsession | 01:10 |
Confused2012 | Than its listed but no longer there? | 01:11 |
warfaren | you could try searching your entire hard drive for *.iso if you think it could be there somewhere | 01:11 |
warfaren | otherwise im afraid youll have to download again | 01:12 |
Takyoji | | 01:12 |
Confused2012 | I can try that. The DL takes an hour. BRB | 01:12 |
warfaren | unless you wanna try hard drive data recovery, which i do not recommend btw | 01:12 |
=== james is now known as Guest49652 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, try logging in with gnome classic (no effects) and see what you get | 01:12 |
binary | hello | 01:12 |
warfaren | make sure to save it now, and not "Open" | 01:12 |
binary | how is everyone? | 01:13 |
Confused2012 | Its gone. TYVM. Re-DL. | 01:13 |
warfaren | the_explorer: sorry i hope someone else can help you though | 01:13 |
Takyoji | I already have done so, but I'll just do it regardless. | 01:13 |
mohamez | although i am connecteed to internet i can surf what the problem ? | 01:13 |
warfaren | i need to sleep now. good luck with your peoblems everyone | 01:14 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, the commands are showing you are running compiz which is gnome with effects i want to know if you can also get into gnome classic no effects | 01:14 |
sunitasethi | can anyone help please? i found my usb ethernet adapter in lsusb list but i cannot get it to work | 01:14 |
binary | lol | 01:14 |
Takyoji | using Metacity | 01:16 |
T_9er | Hello everyone, I'm a linux newbie needing some assitance. After updating to the latest version of Ubuntu I can't get the system to boot. If I hold down shift I see the words GRUB loading and then the screen goes blank. Help please. | 01:16 |
naryfa | sunitasethi: your adapter needs a driver, open Ubuntu Aditional Drivers (or something like that) in Ubuntu and see if anything is listed there | 01:16 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, is it still showing up the same? | 01:16 |
Takyoji | Yes, the exact same | 01:16 |
mohamez | can format i USB which is write protected ? | 01:16 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, are you using the default theme or have you changed it in the past? | 01:16 |
mohamez | can i format a USB which is write protected ? | 01:17 |
Takyoji | Only difference is that I can right-click, and changing the panel size does nothing to the buggy rendering effect | 01:17 |
gry | mohamez: maybe, i think you could try and see whether it works | 01:17 |
Takyoji | I have not changed the theme, I'm certainly willing to destroy ANY GNOME 2 files as well | 01:17 |
mohamez | gry how ? | 01:17 |
sunitasethi | naryfa: there is no driver in additional drivers | 01:18 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, hmm let me look have you tried right clicking and deleting those extra panels? | 01:19 |
Takyoji | It's all one panel | 01:19 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 01:19 |
=== _Letalis_ is now known as Letalis |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 01:19 |
Takyoji | the background is just being tiled | 01:19 |
gry | mohamez: seems a good guide | 01:19 |
smw | has anyone noticed that playing videos in chromium crashes it on many websites? | 01:19 |
Drecondius | Can someone helpe me with an installation problem before i pull out the rest of my hair? | 01:19 |
naryfa | sunitasethi: I'm sorry, this is the only option I know of. Try googling for the linux driver for your type of ethernet USB | 01:19 |
RealEyes | Anyone here use qbittorrent? | 01:19 |
smw | !ask Drecondius | 01:20 |
gry | !anyone | RealEyes | 01:20 |
ubottu | RealEyes: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 01:20 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, those extra lines are 1 panel not 6 extra? | 01:20 |
Takyoji | 1 panel | 01:20 |
bazhang | Drecondius, ask a real question | 01:20 |
smw | !ask | Drecondius | 01:20 |
ubottu | Drecondius: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 01:20 |
RealEyes | im trying to figure out how to select which files to download from this torrent, using qbit torrent | 01:20 |
Drecondius | wow bot's slow tonight lol | 01:20 |
RealEyes | its trying to just download the whole thing | 01:20 |
Drecondius | I'll ask as soon as i remember the problem | 01:20 |
RealEyes | how do i tell qbittorrent to only download certain files? | 01:20 |
smw | Drecondius, no, he seems to be at a good speed :-) | 01:21 |
Takyoji | Actually I guess not | 01:21 |
RealEyes | How do I tell qbittorrent to only download certain files? | 01:21 |
Takyoji | Was able to manually delete each extra instance | 01:21 |
gry | RealEyes: transmission has a list of files to download in the 'add torrent' window (i didn't use qbittorrent but it might have an 'advanced' button or somelike in a similar dialog) | 01:21 |
RealEyes | i cant use transmission because it wont accept magnet links | 01:21 |
bazhang | RealEyes, sure it does | 01:22 |
T_9er | Is the best bet to use a live CD and try to repair GRUB? | 01:22 |
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bazhang | RealEyes, transmission does accept magnet links, no problem | 01:22 |
naryfa | ok, I'll be back later, ciao for now | 01:22 |
bazhang | !grub2 | T_9er have a read | 01:22 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, i wonder if one of the applets you have is doing that have you tried removing the applets in the right hand corner? | 01:22 |
ubottu | T_9er have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 01:22 |
Drecondius | OK, so After making a third Clean installation of 12.04 and still booting to a black screen following the purplish splash screen, I modified my grub with the nomodeset paramater and now grub doesn't exist, where did i goof? | 01:23 |
RealEyes | ubuntu freezes on me all the time | 01:23 |
RealEyes | and ive got an ssd | 01:23 |
RealEyes | this is madness! | 01:23 |
Takyoji | I can't quite get a "Remove from Panel" option or anything | 01:23 |
bazhang | RealEyes, transmission can accept magnet links, try it | 01:23 |
Drecondius | Should I have had it download and install updates during installation? | 01:24 |
mohamez | gry: thank you | 01:24 |
Guest14260 | anyone now how to disable automatic whitelisting in pgl? ( want to test a complete blocklist with dns+lan, but peerguardian autowhitelists dns and lan). | 01:24 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, look at | 01:24 |
T_9er | MSG ubottu I'm checking out the troubleshooting for GURB2 right now. I'm currently burning a live cd in hopes of using the boot repair tool. | 01:25 |
bandit5432 | some one needs to stop rebooting servers | 01:25 |
AngrySpam98 | d | 01:26 |
bazhang | bandit5432, its a netsplit, not rebooting servers | 01:26 |
Drecondius | Can i access the boot repair from usb media? If so that might solve my issue | 01:26 |
AngrySpam98 | name has 3 parts (angry, spam, 98....remember that) 98...9*8 = 24 ... 2+4 = 6 (now the three parts of my name come in) 6 three times = devil's number | 01:26 |
AngrySpam98 | hehe | 01:26 |
bandit5432 | bazhang, i know it was a joke sorry was not funny | 01:27 |
mohamez | what are the differences between rootkit toolkit and boot and they maening ? | 01:27 |
drizzlin | actually, 666 is the number of man | 01:27 |
bazhang | mohamez, how does that relate to ubuntu | 01:27 |
drizzlin | learn2bible bitch | 01:27 |
bazhang | drizzlin, stop cursing and stay on topic | 01:27 |
RealEyes | bazhang, it allowed me to add the torrent | 01:28 |
RealEyes | but its not letting me pick what to download | 01:28 |
RealEyes | and what not to | 01:28 |
drizzlin | what are you trying to download? | 01:28 |
bazhang | RealEyes, it opens a window and lets you check (in a handy check box) what to dl and what not to | 01:28 |
RealEyes | had to select properties! | 01:28 |
RealEyes | bazhang, its not doing that, thats what im used to | 01:29 |
RealEyes | i had to pause it | 01:29 |
RealEyes | then right click | 01:29 |
RealEyes | then properties | 01:29 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, did you get that link i sent your way? | 01:29 |
bazhang | RealEyes, then configure it to do so. it works 100% fine here | 01:29 |
Drecondius | How can I repair my grub loader if I can't access repair tools from efi booting? | 01:29 |
Takyoji | bandit5432: Yes | 01:29 |
Takyoji | I'm just a bit unclear of what to do | 01:29 |
escott | Drecondius, boot a livecd | 01:30 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, you need to delete the extra instances that are listed i believe | 01:30 |
Takyoji | I don't have duplicates listed (likely because I remove the panels) | 01:30 |
Takyoji | removed* | 01:30 |
onats | hey guys | 01:30 |
RealEyes | drizzlin, im trying to get the Dragonball show | 01:30 |
onats | how do i report the hostname of a static ip machine to the dns server (router)? | 01:30 |
drizzlin | oh | 01:30 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, hmm did you look at the defaults it has listed? | 01:31 |
Drecondius | escott: let me clarify, NO option with efi booting. and if I don't efi boot I don't have network. | 01:31 |
mohamez | RealEyes: you can try tracker | 01:31 |
escott | Drecondius, even with efi boot you should be able to boot the livecd | 01:31 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, it does not list anything like 'menu-bar-0', 'indicators-0', 'show-desktop-0', 'window-list-0', 'workspace-switcher-0', 'menu-bar-1' ? | 01:32 |
RealEyes | transmission keeps freezing though | 01:32 |
maheanuu_ | Ok, am running caffiene and the screensaver and s | 01:32 |
Takyoji | I actually just reset it to the listed defaults | 01:32 |
maheanuu_ | log in have been eliminated, thanks for all the help I had no idea that caffiene the software existed | 01:33 |
RealEyes | transmission keeps freezing x_x | 01:33 |
Takyoji | Is there any way to get gnome-panel working on the second monitor (whereas it's all one X screen), or is such not really possible without having separate X screens? | 01:34 |
maheanuu_ | the downloader? | 01:34 |
mohamez | RealEyes: one piece is cool too | 01:34 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, did you get a normal looking screen now? | 01:34 |
maheanuu_ | RealEyes, is that the torrent downloading proggie | 01:34 |
bazhang | mohamez, please stay on topic | 01:34 |
bandit5432 | RealEyes, does transmission die or does it kill your connection? | 01:35 |
RealEyes | its turning grey | 01:35 |
RealEyes | and then lightens back up to normal | 01:35 |
maheanuu_ | You are in pause perchance | 01:35 |
mohamez | bazhang: OK, Sorry | 01:35 |
RealEyes | i think it might have to do with my HDD | 01:35 |
RealEyes | writing the download to it or something | 01:36 |
bandit5432 | RealEyes, did you install the new version of transmission ? | 01:36 |
RealEyes | i installed it last week | 01:36 |
mohamez | chek or add tracker list | 01:36 |
bandit5432 | RealEyes, from ppa or just regular repo? | 01:36 |
RealEyes | not sure | 01:36 |
RealEyes | google i think | 01:36 |
Takyoji | I guess | 01:37 |
bandit5432 | Takyoji, i dont know about the second monitor you need to ask some one that uses 2 monitors to help you | 01:37 |
RealEyes | really not liking this | 01:37 |
mohamez | RealEyes: i thik utorrent is good | 01:37 |
mohamez | *think | 01:37 |
bandit5432 | RealEyes, see if you have Transmission installed from ppa | 01:38 |
RealEyes | how do i install that? | 01:39 |
schultza | im back | 01:40 |
bandit5432 | RealEyes, click on the middle of the screen on that page where it says (Read about installing) | 01:40 |
schultza | who was working on the nvidia drivers that couldnt get to a command prompt? | 01:40 |
schultza | grr... different client. different commands | 01:41 |
Drecondius | Ok, so I'm back again, Inside a Live environment whereas there is no option on a 12.04 disc to run a repair. Perhaps someone can help me with repairing my grub on an efi install | 01:42 |
AnthonyKK | Hello could someone help me with 12.04 | 01:42 |
phoenix_k5 | does anyone know how to get a canon laser printer working in new ubuntu? | 01:42 |
Drecondius | !ask AnthonyKK | 01:42 |
bazhang | AnthonyKK, ask a real question | 01:42 |
schultza | phoenix_k5: what model? | 01:42 |
AnthonyKK | Alright | 01:42 |
AnthonyKK | How can i get steam games working? | 01:42 |
AnthonyKK | at least some | 01:43 |
phoenix_k5 | lbp2900 | 01:43 |
AnthonyKK | because they crash when i try to go on a server | 01:43 |
AnthonyKK | but will work in singleplayet | 01:43 |
AnthonyKK | ? | 01:43 |
DarwinSurvivor | AnthonyKK: which games are you trying to play and how are you playing them (wine?) | 01:44 |
AnthonyKK | Ok new one | 01:44 |
AnthonyKK | yes | 01:44 |
Drecondius | Anybody have any advice on how to repair a botched grub install from inside a live environment? | 01:44 |
AnthonyKK | wine | 01:44 |
DarwinSurvivor | !grub | Drecondius | 01:44 |
ubottu | Drecondius: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 01:44 |
AnthonyKK | and counter strike, source garrys mod, killing floor. | 01:44 |
DarwinSurvivor | AnthonyKK: if you are having trouble playing games in wine, your best bet is to consult the wine page for that particular game, they will have success reports and workarounds posted for most gaes | 01:45 |
DarwinSurvivor | *games | 01:45 |
bazhang | AnthonyKK, check the appdb | 01:45 |
AnthonyKK | Alright thanks | 01:45 |
bazhang | AnthonyKK, then /join #winehq for app support | 01:46 |
DarwinSurvivor | !appdb | 01:46 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 01:46 |
bazhang | AnthonyKK, ^^ | 01:46 |
bandit5432 | the grub fixing has come a long way | 01:46 |
AnthonyKK | Another, my wifi doesnt work unless i type two codes into the console then it will connect. theres a permaeffect but i didnt get it working | 01:46 |
AnthonyKK | i mean terminal. | 01:46 |
Drecondius | Grub still gives me a pain in the !!! | 01:46 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: I've already sent you a link to how to fix it | 01:47 |
bandit5432 | Drecondius, read those docs that DarwinSurvivor pointed you to looks athousand times easier then it used to | 01:47 |
DarwinSurvivor | !grub | 01:47 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 01:47 |
Drecondius | I'm working on that, I'm having to use terminal, there isn't a boot repair option anymore | 01:47 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: I don't think there was enough room on the live-cd to include it, but the instructions are fairly straight forward. | 01:48 |
bandit5432 | Drecondius, Boot-Repair can be installed & used from any Ubuntu session (normal session, or live-CD, or live-USB). PPA packages are available for Ubuntu 10.04, 10.10, 11.04, 11.10 and 12.04. | 01:49 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: if you use firefox from the live-cd, you can even copy-paste a fair bit of it | 01:49 |
bandit5432 | rtfm! | 01:49 |
xistancelaptop | Anybody know for a program that will let me monitor bandwith usage of my entire internet? I'm using iftop but it only shows me whats going on on the computer I run it on.. | 01:49 |
Drecondius | work in progress will update :D | 01:49 |
bazhang | bandit5432, dont ever say that here | 01:49 |
DarwinSurvivor | xistancelaptop: what type of router do you have? | 01:50 |
bandit5432 | read the funny manual is not allowed? | 01:50 |
bazhang | bandit5432, and dont recommend PPa as a first choice | 01:50 |
xistancelaptop | DarwinSurvivor DIR-825.. I think | 01:50 |
bazhang | bandit5432, if you want to remain in the channel, NO | 01:50 |
DarwinSurvivor | bazhang: agree on both points | 01:50 |
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xistancelaptop | DarwinSurvivor: But I would like to see with a graph through terminal or some kind of GUI, not through the webpage | 01:50 |
bandit5432 | the ppa i pointed him to is for stable releases only | 01:50 |
sunitasethi | sorry was dcc'ed | 01:51 |
bazhang | bandit5432, PPA are not supported, why recommend that first? in short, you Don't | 01:51 |
schultza | sigh | 01:51 |
bandit5432 | sorry i forget all the rules when i join here | 01:51 |
bazhang | bandit5432, time to re-learn them | 01:51 |
bazhang | !guidelines > bandit5432 | 01:51 |
ubottu | bandit5432, please see my private message | 01:51 |
DarwinSurvivor | xistancelaptop: monitoring bandwidth (without VERY special tools) should be done by the machine all the traffic goes through (in your case, the router) | 01:52 |
moes | Ubuntu-10.04.../dev/sda unallocated partition table unrecognized...error from cf sda bad primary partition 1: partition ends in the final parted cyclinder...any fix without having to build new partitions ?? | 01:52 |
DarwinSurvivor | xistancelaptop: if you don't like the web-interface of the router, and are fairly comfortable with flashing, cli and ssh, you can probably put dd-wrt, tomato or openwrt on it and check the bandwidth over ssh | 01:52 |
xistancelaptop | DarwinSurvivor: The localhost webpage GUI is terrible for viewing | 01:52 |
viktor | ... | 01:53 |
DarwinSurvivor | xistancelaptop: localhost? you mean the router's ip? | 01:53 |
xistancelaptop | DarwinSurvivor: I don't think tomato has released a firmware for my router, and yeah | 01:53 |
DarwinSurvivor | xistancelaptop: dd-wrt (which I use) has very good support for most routers, you can give that one a try | 01:53 |
bandit5432 | i see the part about rtfm but not about ppa | 01:53 |
sbattey | Attempting to modify images using word presses header uploader on an ubuntu server with suphp installed. Uploaded images have their permissions set to 600 when modified with GD, instead of 644…whats going on? | 01:53 |
bazhang | !ppa > bandit5432 | 01:54 |
ubottu | bandit5432, please see my private message | 01:54 |
bandit5432 | needs to be added to the code of conduct page then | 01:54 |
xistancelaptop | DarwinSurvivor: I'm going to go install that now :) Thought Tomato was the only firmware out there that did what it does | 01:54 |
Drecondius | going the shortcut route for now | 01:54 |
Sir_Konrad | Ohai. | 01:55 |
bandit5432 | even the link that DarwinSurvivor pointed him to on grub says to install boot-repair from ppa | 01:55 |
DarwinSurvivor | xistancelaptop: make sure you flash from a wired connection! | 01:55 |
sbattey | I am having issues with a test environment. I am attempting to modify an image with word presses header uploader, but the image permissions are ending up as 600 instead of 644 like they're supposed to be. This is under ubuntu and I am also running suphp | 01:56 |
Drecondius | So, ran the boot repair tool and it gave me | 01:56 |
Sir_Konrad | Sorry fixed my auto away system. | 01:57 |
Etale | Hi fellas. I'm in the Ubuntu installation now. I have a 376GB of nothingness (alongside 98GB of Windows). I want to create a dual boot. Out of the nothing partition I'm adding a 90GB Linux partition. What should I put as mount point? | 01:58 |
Sir_Konrad | Etale, / | 01:59 |
Drecondius | I fear i shall return momentarily in utter defefat. Wish me luck :) | 01:59 |
Etale | Sir_Konrad, and my storage partition? | 01:59 |
Sir_Konrad | You want another partition along the Linux one for your stuff? | 02:00 |
Etale | Yes, an NTFS partition shared by windows and linux. | 02:00 |
Sir_Konrad | Nothing then. Just make it the file system you want and the system will take care of the mounting stuff. | 02:00 |
DarwinSurvivor | Etale: are you trying to figure out where to mount the windows partition? | 02:00 |
maheanuu_ | naryfa, warfaren, thank both of you for your kind help, I am totally free of the stopping of video or having to log in after lieaving my machine quiescent for about 10 minutes | 02:00 |
Etale | Oh, wait. I don't see an NTFS option... | 02:01 |
Sir_Konrad | Etale: Are you in the installation? | 02:01 |
Etale | DarwinSurvivor, no my windows is already installed. | 02:01 |
Sir_Konrad | Yeah you won't in the install. =P | 02:01 |
Etale | Sir_Konrad, yes. | 02:01 |
Etale | Sir_Konrad, I guess I should use gparted? | 02:01 |
moes | Ubuntu-10.04.../dev/sda unallocated partition table unrecognized...error from cf sda bad primary partition 1: partition ends in the final parted cyclinder...any fix without having to build new partitions ?? | 02:02 |
Untitled_only | sup room | 02:02 |
Sir_Konrad | Etale, I'm not keen on gparted and if it'll let you make an NTFS partition, but maybe you could use FAT32? | 02:02 |
Etale | Why not? I would prefer NTFS... | 02:02 |
Etale | Hmm... Maybe I can do that from within windows? | 02:02 |
Sir_Konrad | Yeah you could. That's what I would do. | 02:03 |
Etale | Good. | 02:03 |
Etale | That's a plan. | 02:03 |
sbattey | anyone know anything about suphp and umask? | 02:03 |
Sir_Konrad | Go for it bro. ;P | 02:03 |
Etale | And then afterwards, what would the mount point of the storage partition be? | 02:03 |
Etale | *should | 02:03 |
Sir_Konrad | Etale: Ubuntu will handle that when you reboot. It'll probably end up being something like /dev/sda2 | 02:04 |
DarwinSurvivor | Sir_Konrad: that's not a mountpoint, that's a device location. | 02:04 |
sunitasethi | anyone know how i can get a driver for Bus 002 Device 018: ID 067c:1001 Efficient Networks, Inc. Siemens SpeedStream 100MBps Ethernet | 02:04 |
sunitasethi | ? | 02:04 |
DarwinSurvivor | Etale: it will be something in /media/ (the directory will probably be named after the partition's name) | 02:04 |
Sir_Konrad | DarwinSurvivor: Ok, I'm mistaken. Sorry! =\ | 02:05 |
Etale | DarwinSurvivor, so under mount point should I say "\mount\" or "\mount\name_I_make_up\"? | 02:06 |
Sir_Konrad | Hey guys gotta run. Talk later. | 02:06 |
Prodigal | how do you back up only the .docs .xls .jpg etc....out of windows into an ubuntu partition | 02:06 |
DarwinSurvivor | Etale: you can specify one if you really want to, but ubuntu will auto-mount it the first time to you try to access it via nautilus | 02:06 |
Drecondius | as if it weren't already a kick in the groin, I am re-installing and my persistance isn't working :( | 02:07 |
Etale | Okay. | 02:07 |
DarwinSurvivor | Etale: the only time you really need it premounted by fstab is if you need it to be accessible outside your desktop environment (cron jobs, apache, etc) | 02:07 |
Etale | What does "allocation unit size" mean? Windows is asking me to specify this when I'm trying to create the NTFS partition. | 02:08 |
Etale | And should I "enable file and folder compression"? | 02:09 |
Hoyt | hi | 02:09 |
Hoyt | /my and /my/myblog/blog-detail.html funtions , now I want to redirect /my/myblog/[0-9]+ to /my/myblog/blog-detail.html | 02:09 |
Hoyt | but , /my/myblog/[0-9]+ raises 404 error | 02:10 |
Drecondius | Etale: are you formatting a drive for windows? | 02:10 |
Aprel | Etale: I think that's how big you want each "chunk" of the fs to be. A larger number is porb more efficient on a larger hdd, but may waste more space, partic. with samll files. Does windows recommend somthing? | 02:10 |
Drecondius | Default allocation size is 4096 | 02:10 |
Etale | Drecondius, no. Windows is already installed. I'm creating an NTFS partition via windows, to be shared with Ubuntu. | 02:10 |
Aprel | I wouldn't bother with file and folder compression unless you've got a powerful processor and a stingy hdd | 02:11 |
Etale | Aprel, it just says default, but doesn't specify what that is. | 02:11 |
Etale | I guess I'll do that. | 02:11 |
Hoyt | Drecondius: | 02:11 |
Etale | Done! | 02:12 |
Etale | Back to Ubuntu installation. | 02:12 |
Drecondius | Cross my fingers and hope for Pepsi here i go to try to boot back into yet another clean install, I'm starting to think ubuntu doesn't like GUID file tables | 02:14 |
=== unit193_ is now known as TheDrums |
=== roo is now known as Guest2605 |
iandalton | My drive just failed, so I swapped it with my backup, but I didn't realize GRUB hard-coded the other drive's UUID. How do I replace UUID with simple drive number? | 02:17 |
bazhang | !blkid | iandalton | 02:18 |
ubottu | iandalton: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 02:18 |
iandalton | bazhang: I can't boot, so that's not very useful | 02:19 |
=== Optichip is now known as Yoda_Mfkers |
=== Yoda_Mfkers is now known as Optichip |
bazhang | iandalton, better to say that in your initial question then, the more details the better the troubleshooting advice | 02:20 |
iandalton | sorry | 02:20 |
iandalton | I'm trying to see if GRUB's search feature will work, but so far I can't figure it out. I tried search --file --set /boot/vmlinuz, but I get "error: no argument specified" | 02:21 |
Guest2605 | 中文也可以? | 02:21 |
bazhang | Guest2605, #ubuntu-cn | 02:22 |
wilee-nilee | !bootinfo | iandalton | 02:22 |
ubottu | iandalton: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at). | 02:22 |
cclove | Guest2605: #ubuntu-cn | 02:22 |
Tangiera | is linux (ubuntu) popular in china? | 02:22 |
wilee-nilee | Tangiera, how would we know? | 02:23 |
cclove | popular in some place | 02:23 |
Tangiera | there are apparently chatters here who are chinese | 02:23 |
iandalton | bazhang: again, I can't boot | 02:23 |
iandalton | err, wilee-nilee not bazhang | 02:23 |
wilee-nilee | Tangiera, it is off topic none the less. | 02:23 |
cclove | most of people didn't know what is linux in china | 02:23 |
bazhang | Tangiera, thats not an ubuntu support issue, try #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:23 |
wilee-nilee | iandalton, read the bot prompt you would use a live ubuntu cd. | 02:24 |
iandalton | wilee-nilee: ah, got it | 02:25 |
wilee-nilee | iandalton, cool | 02:25 |
iandalton | I don't have one. Tomorrow I can burn one, and recover my system, but I am trying to figure out GRUB meanwhile | 02:25 |
iandalton | I better give my roommate back his laptop now. Thx | 02:26 |
manadys | has anyone seen any performance issues on ubuntu when trying to host a website on a non-standard port? | 02:30 |
zykotick9 | manadys: and if you use port 80 it's normal? seems odd. | 02:32 |
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manadys | zykotick9: exactly | 02:33 |
cs378 | hello | 02:33 |
manadys | this was from the server itself | 02:33 |
manadys | when going to localhost port 3000 no issues, but as soon as an IP was involved there were issues | 02:34 |
Drecondius | Grub problem fixed : Check. Now X is nowhere to be found :( Any Ideas as to why? | 02:34 |
Drecondius | I can't find the forum with a similar issue | 02:34 |
manadys | I adjusted it to give precedence to ipv4 in gai.conf and that resolved that issue, but outside computers are still taking 25 seconds to load a static page (was previously 45 seconds so the precedence on ipv4 helped slightly) | 02:35 |
Drecondius | Ubuntu loads fine, makes it to the spalsh screen, and when the Xserver is supposed to start it drops to a terminal style interface | 02:36 |
mattwj2002 | hi guys | 02:36 |
mattwj2002 | how does the ubuntu cloud work? | 02:36 |
mattwj2002 | is it like a computer cluster? | 02:37 |
Drecondius | mattwj2002 when you sign up to the forums you have clout access, it creates a watch folder in your home folder that you can drag and drop files to upload to the cloud | 02:37 |
Drecondius | more like off comp storage | 02:37 |
mattwj2002 | what about the cloud server stuff? | 02:38 |
mattwj2002 | the one hour free thing | 02:38 |
Drecondius | *shrugs* | 02:38 |
mattwj2002 | I am trying to get my brain around it | 02:38 |
mattwj2002 | :) | 02:38 |
* zykotick9 fears the fog... err cloud | 02:38 |
bazhang | mattwj2002, ubuntu one? | 02:38 |
mattwj2002 | nope | 02:39 |
Drecondius | I'm just coming back to ubuntu after a 2 year hiatus so ..... | 02:39 |
bazhang | mattwj2002, try #ubuntuone | 02:39 |
mattwj2002 | | 02:39 |
escott | manadys, and its not the router prioritizing port 80 | 02:40 |
InferiorHuman | can someone please help me, I want to run folding @ home in a screen so I can view the details of my upstairs computer ( I have looked @ the manual but im getting no where ) | 02:40 |
InferiorHuman | on my upstairs computer that is. | 02:40 |
zykotick9 | InferiorHuman: is folding@home a cli program? | 02:41 |
InferiorHuman | zykotick9, yea | 02:41 |
escott | InferiorHuman, screen -dmS folding ./foldingathome | 02:41 |
mattwj2002 | ubuntu one is something different | 02:41 |
mattwj2002 | that is like the Amazon cloud | 02:41 |
mattwj2002 | player | 02:41 |
InferiorHuman | escott, alright then how do I resume it?? | 02:42 |
zykotick9 | InferiorHuman: "screen -r" if you only have one screen instance should work | 02:42 |
escott | InferiorHuman, screen -D -RR folding (the -RR steals it if someone else has it) | 02:42 |
zykotick9 | InferiorHuman: "screen -ls" if you have multiple | 02:43 |
etyrnal | if i'm running ubuntu 11.04, and update manager is offering 11.10, and i accept, what will that blow to pieces, and what will be still functional after the smoke clears? | 02:43 |
InferiorHuman | 4372.4027 (05/22/2012 10:33:51 PM) (Attached) | 02:43 |
InferiorHuman | 4027.3816 (05/22/2012 10:30:06 PM) (Attached) | 02:43 |
InferiorHuman | 3816.pts-8.Media (05/22/2012 10:27:08 PM) (Attached | 02:43 |
InferiorHuman | but its not working when i type any of those with screen -r and the numbers | 02:43 |
Confused2012 | Second DL burned since I uninstalled Nero. However, computer says it doesn't have 4.4 gigs to install. Its an 80 gig hd with minimal on it. | 02:43 |
Confused2012 | Windows, Libre, open, minimal files | 02:43 |
escott | Confused2012, what is saying it doesn't have 4.4GB? | 02:44 |
zykotick9 | InferiorHuman: you Attached to all of them. do you know how to detach? ctrl+a then d or "ctrl+a+d" | 02:44 |
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InferiorHuman | when i type screen in ssh it returns to command prompt though im not seeing the screen window anymore | 02:44 |
escott | InferiorHuman, that starts a new screen session | 02:44 |
zykotick9 | InferiorHuman: to re-attach to screen "screen -rd 4372" should reconnect to the 1st one you have listed | 02:45 |
InferiorHuman | nothing happens if I hit ctrl+a+d from the ssh window | 02:45 |
InferiorHuman | see im very confused | 02:45 |
zykotick9 | InferiorHuman: you need to be inside the screen session - then use the ctrl+a+d | 02:45 |
InferiorHuman | idk what this means, be inside the screen session | 02:45 |
KingKatari | How do i fix a task leak as it is causing tasks that are <defunct> | 02:46 |
KingKatari | i am running ubuntu 11.10 | 02:46 |
Confused2012 | Best I can tell, that's what it means. Not enough memory. Not possible. | 02:46 |
zykotick9 | InferiorHuman: as an example, type "screen" then ctrl+a+d and it should say detached and kick you back to before you typed "screen" | 02:46 |
escott | InferiorHuman, compare "env | grep screen" | 02:46 |
mouche | vlt: still looking to remove 'logout' from the session menu? | 02:46 |
escott | InferiorHuman, or just echo $TERM | 02:46 |
InferiorHuman | escott, says xterm | 02:47 |
escott | InferiorHuman, then you are not in a screen session | 02:47 |
InferiorHuman | ok so now it works im in the main screen "screen" | 02:47 |
InferiorHuman | i hit ctrl+a+d to detach from what...? | 02:48 |
zykotick9 | escott: i didn't know "echo $TERM" would give different result in screen, good to know - thanks. | 02:48 |
escott | InferiorHuman, to detach that screen session. it keeps running but you drop back to your ssh shell | 02:48 |
escott | zykotick9, TERMCAP is also different | 02:48 |
KingKatari | i am running ubuntu 11.10 server, How do i fix a task leak as it is causing tasks that are <defunct> | 02:48 |
InferiorHuman | ok it still says I have 6 screens running how do I resume them... | 02:48 |
Confused2012 | escott, if you posted a response, I missed it. | 02:48 |
escott | Confused2012, i was asking where are you getting this 4.4gb message. did you boot the install cd? | 02:49 |
etyrnal | anyone? bueler? | 02:49 |
etyrnal | fry? | 02:49 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 02:49 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 02:49 |
jrib | !helpme | etyrnal | 02:49 |
ubottu | etyrnal: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude | 02:50 |
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sjd_zeus | hi all | 02:50 |
manadys | escott: the PC is on the same subnet as the server | 02:50 |
escott | InferiorHuman, screen -r PID.NAME (that last bit just needs to be something to identify uniquely the screen you want to resume) | 02:50 |
manadys | the router is only involved as a WAP (at least I hope) | 02:51 |
escott | manadys, its possible there is some kernel config option maybe in /sys but ive not heard of it | 02:51 |
etyrnal | if i'm running ubuntu 11.04, and update manager is offering release 11.10, and i choose to accept, what, on this system will that blow to pieces, and what can i expect to still be functional after the smoke clears? | 02:51 |
escott | manadys, and it should only matter if there is other traffic competing for priority | 02:51 |
Confused2012 | IRC went screwy. Uhm, I inserted DVD into comp that won't boot windows do to a corrupted file. The "Preparing to Install Unbutu" screen shows its conntected to the internet but doesn't have 4.4 gigs free. Its an 80 gig hd | 02:51 |
eddy_ | Hi, everyone. Why does 12.04 drops oprofile support? | 02:52 |
jrib | etyrnal: you'll have your system with 11.10, read the release notes for any issues that you should know about | 02:52 |
escott | etyrnal, (a) we don't know (b) we don't know -- hopefully nothing | 02:52 |
jrib | !notes | etyrnal | 02:52 |
ubottu | etyrnal: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) release notes can be found here | 02:52 |
mouche | InferiorHuman: when you create a session, you can name it with the -S <name> option so it's easier to pick which one to attach. | 02:52 |
InferiorHuman | yea if i do screen -dmS folding ~/folding/fah | 02:52 |
InferiorHuman | none of them say folding in screen -ls | 02:53 |
InferiorHuman | ..... | 02:53 |
jrib | etyrnal: here are the 11.10 notes: | 02:53 |
etyrnal | will a release upgrade break currently installed software, custom configurations etc? | 02:53 |
escott | Confused2012, you would have to shrink the windows partition. if there is corruption on the windows (and you intend to keep the windows or keep its data) i would STRONGLY recommend booting a windows rescue CD and fixing the corruption PRIOR to resizing the partition | 02:53 |
jrib | etyrnal: it should not | 02:53 |
trism | eddy_: | 02:53 |
InferiorHuman | i realize you guys have probably already told me what to do but im still confused | 02:53 |
ubottu | Debian bug 653168 in "RM: oprofile - unmaintained, replacements exist, buggy, low popcon" [Normal,Open] | 02:53 |
etyrnal | i have a lot of experience with linux and ubuntu -- just NONE with doing a release upgrade | 02:53 |
Confused2012 | Tried to rescue the Windows. My program dies. Won't even analysize. Windows is toast. | 02:54 |
escott | InferiorHuman, if fah terminated the screen session would close. perhaps fah never got started? | 02:54 |
jrib | etyrnal: well you should have backups but you should always have backups, not just when upgrading | 02:54 |
InferiorHuman | escott, but why if i do ~/folding/fah the program works | 02:54 |
escott | InferiorHuman, the use of ~ might be problematic there. try it with a full path | 02:54 |
InferiorHuman | can you tell me exactly what to type | 02:54 |
InferiorHuman | ok | 02:54 |
KingKatari | i am running ubuntu 11.10 server, How do i fix a task leak as it is causing tasks that are <defunct> | 02:54 |
windbuntu | what is your goal now Confused2012 | 02:54 |
dasKreech | Hello does anyone have any knowledge of USB drivers? | 02:54 |
InferiorHuman | escott, hrmm... screen -dmS /home/x/folding/fah is not working either that IS where the executable is tho | 02:55 |
InferiorHuman | and it works fine | 02:55 |
etyrnal | jrib, i agree... there's no irreplaceable data on it... just long hours of installing apps for the kids | 02:55 |
escott | Confused2012, you could delete the windows partition, but you would lose all data on the computer | 02:55 |
dasKreech | I have someone who has a Siemens USB Ethernet device that wasn't being recognized. I've got the driver loaded so the device is recognized now but it is in a loop connecting to the network | 02:55 |
Confused2012 | can I partition with Linux booted off DVD rather than installed? | 02:55 |
ahmad | hii | 02:55 |
escott | InferiorHuman, does fah require any environment variables? | 02:56 |
Confused2012 | I've done this before. I'm not understanding why its not working. | 02:56 |
Aprel | KingKatari: if you don't get a responce here, try asking on #ubuntu-server | 02:56 |
InferiorHuman | escott, wait I was wrong. if i run fah from the dir it works. but if I type the full path I get this... | 02:56 |
InferiorHuman | /home/x/folding/fah: line 1: ./fah6: No such file or directory | 02:56 |
windbuntu | what is your goal now Confused2012 what do you want to end up with? | 02:56 |
InferiorHuman | escott, fah6 is in the same dir however... | 02:56 |
escott | InferiorHuman, screen -dmS folding /home/x/folding/fah (the first folding is the name of the screen session | 02:57 |
Confused2012 | Ideally, access to the harddrive so I can figure out what went wrong without having to get out the Enclosure and boot it from this comp | 02:57 |
Confused2012 | boot wrong word | 02:57 |
dasKreech | alternatively does anyone know about debugging an ethernet connection ? | 02:57 |
Confused2012 | depends on the connection problem | 02:58 |
escott | InferiorHuman, its likely a path issue. you probably added /home/x/folding to your path or something | 02:58 |
InferiorHuman | how did I do that ? | 02:58 |
tureco | en español quien? | 02:58 |
InferiorHuman | and how do I fix | 02:58 |
bazhang | tureco, #ubuntu-es | 02:58 |
windbuntu | do you want to rescue files from a messed up windows os? | 02:58 |
escott | Confused2012, you can go to the livecd (try ubuntu now instead of install ubuntu) and maybe access files (unless the ntfs is too corrupted to even read | 02:59 |
Confused2012 | I'm looking at options now. Its been a long time since I used Linux | 02:59 |
escott | !es | tureco | 03:00 |
ubottu | tureco: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 03:00 |
led-bandit | you can also fix some corrupted ntfs disks with sudo ntfsfix /dev/<device name> | 03:01 |
tureco | join #ubuntu-es | 03:01 |
InferiorHuman | eh forget it. | 03:01 |
led-bandit | from them ntfsprogs package | 03:01 |
Confused2012 | Where is the user interface to review the hardware function? | 03:01 |
tureco | Gracias a los panitas que respondieron. | 03:02 |
escott | Confused2012, its called the disk utility | 03:02 |
Confused2012 | And I can't find the button I used to access it from | 03:02 |
dasKreech | does anyone have any knowledge of USB drivers? | 03:02 |
dasKreech | Or associating a device to a driver? | 03:02 |
windbuntu | Confused2012, if malware is invloved, you can boot ubuntu, download avast, avg, or just use ubuntu's clam av, and scan the windows dirve from ubuntu. | 03:03 |
windbuntu | most folks avast works best for this procedure. | 03:03 |
windbuntu | say* | 03:03 |
bohemian9485 | !hardinfo | 03:04 |
bohemian9485 | !info hardinfo | 03:04 |
ubottu | hardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1.1ubuntu5 (precise), package size 241 kB, installed size 700 kB | 03:04 |
InferiorHuman | escott, when i do any program with screen -dmS name program it doesn't work or show up | 03:04 |
invisiblek | anyone have a preferred method of tweeting from the command line on 12.04? ive tried python-twitter and twyt and neither seem to work anymore | 03:04 |
led-bandit | IdleOne, what you talking about I have a great attitude :P | 03:05 |
escott | InferiorHuman, try "screen -dmS test sleep 20; screen -ls" | 03:05 |
InferiorHuman | wait htop works.... | 03:05 |
escott | InferiorHuman, because htop doesn't exit until you tell it to | 03:06 |
InferiorHuman | escott, ok i think i got the hang of it. but how do i fix the path problem for fah the file is where it should be ... but it doesnt find it | 03:06 |
Confused2012 | This set up is different. I am unable to figure out how to access the hard drive. | 03:07 |
Confused2012 | I have the Computer open but not seeing what to click on | 03:07 |
Dr_Willis | !mount | 03:07 |
ubottu | mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also | 03:07 |
escott | InferiorHuman, modify the fah bash script to have a full path to fah6 | 03:07 |
Dr_Willis | when in doubt - mountit by hand where you want | 03:07 |
InferiorHuman | escott, ok thanks | 03:07 |
newba | hi guys, how can i convert an int to a const char *? C please =D | 03:08 |
escott | newba, cast it | 03:08 |
arooni-mobile__ | hi folks; having trouble installing any packages: | 03:08 |
newba | escott but how? | 03:08 |
arooni-mobile__ | ubuntu 12.04 | 03:08 |
Logan_ | arooni-mobile__: You need to be more specific than that. | 03:08 |
newba | escott: (const char *) dont run... | 03:09 |
Logan_ | arooni-mobile__: Oh, sorry, I didn't see the link. | 03:09 |
tureco | i can't join to #ubuntu-es | 03:09 |
escott | newba, i think: (const char *) &intvar. this is really offtopic for this channel | 03:09 |
Dr_Willis | i rember why i never bothered to learn C ;) | 03:09 |
tureco | this is my first time | 03:09 |
newba | escott: why & before intvar? :) | 03:09 |
newba | escott: do you know? | 03:10 |
escott | newba, because you wanted a pointer. this is really not a safe thing to do. endianness would probably make this platform dependent | 03:10 |
newba | escott: fine | 03:11 |
newba | escott: thanks man | 03:11 |
InferiorHuman | escott, i changed it to /home/x/folding/fah6 -smp -verbosity 9 & | 03:11 |
InferiorHuman | instead of fah6 blah blah | 03:11 |
InferiorHuman | but it still wont work | 03:11 |
newba | Dr_Willis: C is a beautfull language =C | 03:11 |
escott | newba, unless you wanted to treat the value of the integer as the memory address of the const char * in which case drop the dereferencing operator | 03:11 |
Confused2012 | The controls I used in the previous version aren't there. Is there some way to access the hard drive through the DVD version. I can't install. | 03:12 |
Confused2012 | I am trying to figure out why I can't install. | 03:12 |
escott | InferiorHuman, im not familiar with that program. examine your environment "env | grep fold" and see what it needs to run properly. check the readme for fah | 03:13 |
newba | escott: i want to use in getaddinfo function, where the secound argument, service i received as a int by another function... | 03:13 |
newba | escott: ops, getaddrinfo | 03:13 |
InferiorHuman | escott, i can just do | 03:13 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: you may need to lcarify the whole problem to the channel. You are saying that installer cant see the hard drive? or are you trying to access it from the live cd? | 03:13 |
InferiorHuman | escott, screen -dmS /home/x/folding/fah6 and the options | 03:14 |
InferiorHuman | escott, and it works, thanks so much for all the help!!! | 03:14 |
escott | InferiorHuman, -S needs a name for the session | 03:14 |
Confused2012 | I am access Ubuntu through the burned DVD. I cannot install. I also can't figure out where the controls are that I understand. | 03:14 |
InferiorHuman | yea i named it folding forgot to type it there | 03:14 |
escott | InferiorHuman, i wonder if they didn't put a shebang at the top of the fah script | 03:14 |
InferiorHuman | shebang ? | 03:14 |
dasKreech | anyone have any experience debugging Network Manager? | 03:15 |
escott | InferiorHuman, #! | 03:15 |
InferiorHuman | yea there isnt one | 03:15 |
dasKreech | InferiorHuman: #! | 03:15 |
InferiorHuman | if i add that will it work? | 03:15 |
escott | InferiorHuman, stupid scientists | 03:15 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: that statement seems.. odd. You mean you are trying to INSTALL ubuntu from a dvd? Im not sure what you mean by controls | 03:15 |
escott | InferiorHuman, all their fancy PhDs and they can't do a simple shebang | 03:15 |
escott | InferiorHuman, add #!/bin/bash to the top of fah and it should work fine | 03:16 |
Confused2012 | I am running Ubuntu off a DVD. Its different from the last version I had. I can't figure out how to access my hard drive. Nor do I understand why its not working as I had no trouble installing last time. | 03:16 |
escott | Dr_Willis, i think Confused2012 means "what happened to gnome" | 03:16 |
InferiorHuman | i added #! to the top | 03:16 |
InferiorHuman | escott, still doesnt work lol with the "shebang" and shebang is hilarious btw | 03:17 |
Dr_Willis | escott: at this time any guess is possible. ;) | 03:17 |
escott | Confused2012, hit the windows key and type in a keyword for the program you want to run. like "disk" or "partition" | 03:17 |
escott | InferiorHuman, #!/bin/bash at the top and it doesnt work? | 03:17 |
InferiorHuman | oh... #1/bin/bash | 03:17 |
Dr_Willis | isent there some 'getting started with unity' site with videos and docs . i recall seeing one in the works a few mo back | 03:17 |
InferiorHuman | i just had #! | 03:17 |
Confused2012 | Let me go back to the Gnome part. Has Ubuntu been completely rewritten since last year? | 03:18 |
escott | InferiorHuman, #! tells the kernel "execute this with the following program" so in some cases it is #!/bin/python or #!/bin/perl etc | 03:18 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: gnome2 is basically dead. gnome3 is the new gnome | 03:18 |
Hilikus | where are permissions for process priority and niceness set? i'm getting some warnings in syslog about pulseaudio not having permission for high priority | 03:18 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: so . basically yes.. | 03:18 |
blackmatrix_ny | hi all...I was reading about the DNS changer exploit on the router and I was wondering if a spyware can add a trusted certificate authority to my list of authorities without root access | 03:18 |
escott | Hilikus, it would have to run as root to go to realtime | 03:18 |
Confused2012 | Okay. So Gnome3 means I can't use Ubuntu to check my hard drive? | 03:18 |
Hilikus | May 22 23:16:36 hilikus pulseaudio[19253]: [pulseaudio] main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_NICE, (31, 31)) failed: Operation not permitted | 03:19 |
Hilikus | May 22 23:16:36 hilikus pulseaudio[19253]: [pulseaudio] main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_RTPRIO, (9, 9)) failed: Operation not permitted | 03:19 |
Hilikus | May 22 23:16:36 hilikus pulseaudio[19253]: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Failed to acquire high-priority scheduling: Permission denied | 03:19 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: that has nothbing to do with 'checking' your hard drive, Ubuntu can still do all the tasks it could befor | 03:19 |
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Hilikus | escott: i don't think so, in my desktop it's fine, with very low niceness and high priority and it's not root | 03:19 |
Drecondius | HELP Xserver refuses to start after a clean 12.04 install. | 03:19 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: im not sure aht you mean by 'checking' You mean accessing? ie: reading files from it? | 03:19 |
escott | Hilikus, | 03:19 |
Confused2012 | Except it can't do them in a manner I understand. That's the wall I'm trying to climb. | 03:19 |
InferiorHuman | escott, idk dude I have #!/bin/bash at the top the cmd on the next line still doesn't work haha | 03:19 |
pibarnas | Confused2012: mate's a fork of gnome2. | 03:19 |
Toph2 | when I went from Gnome 2 to Gnome3, I saw no difference,, are there significant visible differences? | 03:20 |
InferiorHuman | #!/bin/bash | 03:20 |
InferiorHuman | /home/x/folding/fah6 -smp -verbosity 9 & | 03:20 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: try mounting it by hand.. see ifyou can access it that way | 03:20 |
mattwj2002 | what is openstack/ | 03:20 |
Confused2012 | Yes, I want to access the hard drive files. 80 gig hd. Not using 80 gigs. Ubuntu won't install cause it doesn't have memory except it does. | 03:20 |
mattwj2002 | openstack? | 03:20 |
Dr_Willis | i have no issues accessing my half dozen hard drives from Ubun tu 12.04 | 03:20 |
InferiorHuman | escott, nothing shows up in screen | 03:20 |
Hilikus | escott: i think that's something else. that needs kernel modules. i only want high priority, no real time modules | 03:20 |
escott | InferiorHuman, since they couldn't get their shebangs in there I wouldn't worry too much. they probably did something else stupid. not sure what though | 03:20 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: you say 'memory' when you mean 'drive space' ? | 03:20 |
InferiorHuman | escott, ill just type the whole command I guess its no problem | 03:21 |
InferiorHuman | escott, ill alias it in bash_aliases to "folding" | 03:21 |
InferiorHuman | to make it easier | 03:21 |
Drecondius | Anybody out there have an issue with Xserver not starting after clean install? I get the Ubuntu Splash screen then it drops to a tty1 CLI | 03:21 |
randomDude | for anyone having problems with 12.04 ldap authenticated clients not completely loading a desktop environment after logging in : | 03:21 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 870874 in at-spi2-core (Ubuntu) "LDAP user with automounted nfs homedir cannot login" [High,Confirmed] | 03:21 |
Confused2012 | my hd have empty space that is not in use in excess of 4.4 gigs. I managed to do this last time with a hard drive in bad condition. This makes no sense | 03:21 |
randomDude | it's not specific to nfs mounted homes. | 03:22 |
arooni-mobile__ | hi folks; recently upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04; here is my sources.list: ... but now when i try to move over apt selectoins from one box to another i'm stuck: ... ideas? | 03:22 |
=== r4oni is now known as raon1 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: a lot of what you are saying makes no sense. What isyour native language? | 03:22 |
Dr_Willis | 4.4 gb is barely enought space to install ubuntu onto. | 03:23 |
Confused2012 | English. Right now I'm making perfect sense to me. 80 gig hard drive. Most unused. Can't install Ubuntu needing 4.4 gigs. | 03:23 |
Drecondius | Confused2012: Is that space unpartitioned? | 03:24 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: check your partition layout. If you cant make any more partitons. it dosent matter how much free space the hard drive has. | 03:24 |
escott | Confused2012, perhaps an older version of ubuntu fit within 4.4GB of free disk space, but not the modern ubuntu | 03:24 |
InferiorHuman | escott, thanks alot for your help bro i got it working now. | 03:24 |
Confused2012 | I can't check anything. The controls I understand aren't there. This is what I have said repeatedly. | 03:24 |
Dr_Willis | controls? meaning what exactly... | 03:24 |
escott | Confused2012, hit the windows key and type some keyword like "partition" or "disk" | 03:24 |
Dr_Willis | The unity gui is not that hard to figure out... | 03:24 |
Dr_Willis | or fallback and use the terminal | 03:25 |
arooni-mobile | can anyone help me | 03:25 |
Confused2012 | It is when the controls I know aren't there. | 03:25 |
Dr_Willis | Confused2012: we dont really know what you mean by 'controls' | 03:25 |
escott | Confused2012, have you attempted what i told you to do? | 03:25 |
Dr_Willis | so we are guessing at about 75% of what you are saying | 03:26 |
Confused2012 | The Ubuntu version I used last year ain't this wannabee I don't know how to use | 03:26 |
Dr_Willis | !unity | 03:26 |
ubottu | Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity | 03:26 |
airlynx | Is there a repository for 12.04 that would contain older kernels that I could try? I'm having problems with a certain device that worked before an upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 and I just want to experiment | 03:26 |
escott | airlynx, you could probably select your old kernel from the boot menu | 03:26 |
Confused2012 | Thank you for helping with the DL. Wish it was something I could actually use. | 03:27 |
airlynx | escott: I did a full reformat during install, the older kernel isn't available anymore | 03:27 |
escott | !kernel | airlynx | 03:27 |
ubottu | airlynx: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see (see also !Stages) | 03:27 |
* Dr_Willis sends him the bill | 03:27 |
Dr_Willis | even my wife figured out unity... | 03:27 |
airlynx | escott: I understand this, I've had certain hardware issues in the past that were fixed by a kernel upgrade (e.g. M-Audio Fast Track Ultra doesn't work pre 2.6) but when I upgraded my Plantronics USB Headset now crashes my whole system which I've been trying to fix | 03:29 |
InferiorHuman | escott, how can I detach a GUI window | 03:30 |
InferiorHuman | lke run a gui window in screen to keep it open but be able to detach it?? | 03:30 |
escott | InferiorHuman, thats not so easily done. you would have to run something like xnest | 03:30 |
Aprel | Dr_Willis: lolz | 03:30 |
InferiorHuman | escott, ok no problem I can just use sensors instead of xsensors then ;-P | 03:31 |
LinuX2half | How do I assign keys for certain task? | 03:32 |
LinuX2half | Like pressing F1 will increase the volume. | 03:32 |
h00k | LinuX2half: System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcut tab | 03:32 |
dasKreech | Anyone can help with a networking issue? | 03:33 |
h00k | LinuX2half: you can open it from the cog in the upper right, near your username | 03:33 |
Hilikus | where are permissions for process priority and niceness set? i'm getting some warnings in syslog about pulseaudio not having permission for high priority | 03:35 |
dsf900 | Hilikus: what are you trying to do? | 03:36 |
Hilikus | give higher priority/lower nicessness to pulseaudio | 03:36 |
Hilikus | dsf900: this is what i get in syslog May 22 23:16:36 hilikus pulseaudio[19253]: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Failed to acquire high-priority scheduling: Permission denied | 03:36 |
dsf900 | I haven't used the pulseaudio stuff very much | 03:37 |
Hilikus | i'm running pulse as a user | 03:37 |
dsf900 | it sounds like the program is trying to promote itself | 03:37 |
dsf900 | So you should be able to just run it under an account with higher access | 03:37 |
Hilikus | dsf900: do you know in general, where is the limit for nicessness for a process set? forget pulse | 03:37 |
escott | Hilikus, i would look at the RT link. it should be the same set of files you would need to modify | 03:38 |
dsf900 | I don't know how to set the limits for particular processes | 03:38 |
dsf900 | I do know how to set the limits for users and groups | 03:38 |
RealEyes | is this fstab right? | 03:38 |
dsf900 | look at (I think) /etc/security/conf/limits.h | 03:38 |
dsf900 | Or something like that | 03:38 |
RealEyes | /dev/sda /mnt/MUSIC ntfs-3g user,auto,rw,sync 0 0 | 03:38 |
dsf900 | errr.... | 03:38 |
dsf900 | /etc/security/limits.conf maybe | 03:38 |
dsf900 | You can see which groups/users have permission to set high (real-time) priorities | 03:39 |
escott | RealEyes, use UUIDs run "sudo blkid" and set UUID=blahblahblah instead of /dev/sda | 03:39 |
Hilikus | the weird think is that in my desktop, where PA runs with niceess -9, /etc/security/limits.conf has nothing for pulseaudio | 03:39 |
Hilikus | but i'll try that | 03:40 |
dsf900 | yeah, limits.conf I think only defines limits for users and groups | 03:40 |
escott | Hilikus, -9 is probably allowed. maybe the limit kicks in at -10 or higher | 03:40 |
dsf900 | The easy way to test it is to run pulseaudio with sudo | 03:40 |
RealEyes | escott, Ive been having issues with downloading torrents to that disk | 03:40 |
RealEyes | should i use 'async' | 03:40 |
sifa | hoi | 03:40 |
RealEyes | instead of sync? | 03:40 |
dsf900 | But, be careful, any priority greater than zero will run with priority greater than that of the kernel | 03:41 |
dsf900 | I.e. any of the real-time priorities | 03:41 |
escott | RealEyes, don't know what sync does. | 03:41 |
escott | RealEyes, in general the recommendation is to specify only those options you need and leave everything else to the defaults | 03:41 |
dsf900 | So it's possible for software bugs to (almost) totally halt your system... there's a absolute cap by default, but it's something like 1% or 0.1% of total processing time | 03:42 |
Malsasa | Hello, i wanna install application in Ubuntu from source. What should i prepare? | 03:42 |
escott | dsf900, you have your priorities all wrong. default is 0 19 is lowest priority -20 is highest and one of those high priorities(maybe -20 or -21) is realtime | 03:43 |
iceman | evening all | 03:43 |
iceman | any scripting gurus in here to night | 03:44 |
dsf900 | escott: sorry, I'm playing fast and loose | 03:45 |
bazhang | iceman, try #bash | 03:45 |
iceman | ok thanks | 03:46 |
dsf900 | escott: on the API side, real-time priorities are guaranteed to be from something like 1 to 20, but typically linux supports 1 to 99 | 03:48 |
=== NoiseCounselling is now known as NoiseCounseling |
dsf900 | all real-time priorities are positive, and any real-time priority takes precedence over any non-real-time process | 03:48 |
escott | dsf900, ok im not too familiar with the rt side of things just the confusing "nice" levels | 03:49 |
dsf900 | You're correct, in that lower nice values are higher priority | 03:49 |
dsf900 | Yeah, honestly I'm not too familiar with the nice priorities | 03:49 |
dsf900 | Different strokes for different folks, I suppose | 03:49 |
escott | dsf900, -20 to 19 lower is higher, higher is lower, up is down, down is up, good is bad, bad is BAD | 03:50 |
dsf900 | hah | 03:50 |
dsf900 | I looked it up, POSIX requires that RT priorities 1-32 exist, but linux typically supports 1-99 | 03:51 |
RealEyes | sync/async is what was messing it up | 03:52 |
dasKreech | I have a USB ethernet controller that seems to be recognized by the pegasus driver but doesn't pick up a carrier signal. Anyone could help with that? | 03:53 |
BlackWeb | Is anyone familiar with rtorrent | 03:55 |
=== Pete_ is now known as Guest30969 |
hellhammer | I'm running ubuntu 12.04 and i have no ethernet or wireless connection lshw -C network reveals i have no drivers loaded how do i fix this and get ethernet working? | 03:58 |
dasKreech | hellhammer: what's the chipset for the network card? | 04:00 |
hellhammer | intel and/or Atheros | 04:00 |
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk |
SHOTbyGUN | Hiya, Just installed 12.04LTS and keyboard and mouse are dead after hard drive installation... Live CD was working properly... I tried to launch from grub with option quiet splash acpi=off ... but it didint help... recovery mode didint detect keyboard / mouse either... what can I do ? | 04:00 |
SHOTbyGUN | google found same isssues but no fixes :/ | 04:01 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: tried unplug/plugging them back in? ;) | 04:02 |
SHOTbyGUN | yes, didin't work | 04:02 |
hellhammer | daskreech ::ethernet controller is Atheros network controller is Intel | 04:02 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: do they work in the GRUB menu? | 04:02 |
dasKreech | hellhammer: what does lsmod say? | 04:02 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: yeah grub menu, bios, win7 keyboard works well | 04:03 |
SHOTbyGUN | as does live cd | 04:03 |
dasKreech | SHOTbyGUN: fancy keyboard? | 04:03 |
SHOTbyGUN | Should not be :/ | 04:03 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: id try the 'text' option and see if they work in the console. (And instsall ssh to make testing it easier later) grub options =: noquiet nosplash text | 04:03 |
Dr_Willis | !text | 04:03 |
ubottu | To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see | 04:03 |
dasKreech | ubottu: Think that it's a X issue? | 04:04 |
ubottu | dasKreech: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:04 |
dasKreech | Dr_Willis: Bah Thikn that it's not a kernel issue? | 04:04 |
Dr_Willis | if it works in grub = not a hw issue. if it works in console that would point to a x config or hw auto detection issue | 04:05 |
BlackWeb | is anyone Familiar with rtorrent | 04:05 |
Dr_Willis | ive seen some issues with /dev/* in 12.04 | 04:05 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: I should install irssi and then come here if I successfully have keyboard on text mode =) ? | 04:05 |
dasKreech | Dr_Willis: fair enough | 04:05 |
Dr_Willis | BlackWeb: rtorrent has tons of docs and guides out there.. stsate the issue. | 04:05 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: i perfer weechat. ;) | 04:06 |
SHOTbyGUN | apt-get install weechat ? | 04:06 |
dasKreech | SHOTbyGUN: ha ha :) yes get onto irc from there | 04:06 |
Dr_Willis | but ise irssi if you know irssi. heh | 04:06 |
dasKreech | Dr_Willis: what's the prefrence for weechat about? | 04:06 |
Dr_Willis | i just like weechat over irssi. | 04:06 |
BlackWeb | For rtorrent then the configuration file does it just need to be copied to home directory as a hidden file .rtorrent.rc or is there a place for it on system | 04:06 |
Dr_Willis | weechat has moar features and newer design | 04:06 |
SHOTbyGUN | I think all web irc clients have mystical keyboard shortcuts and long help files lol... so dunno =) | 04:07 |
Dr_Willis | BlackWeb: most .files go in theusers home dir | 04:07 |
SHOTbyGUN | text* | 04:07 |
zykotick9 | Dr_Willis: debian's irssi factoid begins "irssi is probably the best <IRC> client ever." ;) | 04:07 |
BlackWeb | Alright thanks I'll play with it somemore and see if i run into anything :) | 04:08 |
Dr_Willis | i have to many issues with irssi.. and weecchat has several features that irssi is totally lacking. ;) | 04:08 |
dasKreech | zykotick9: At least they are humble about it | 04:08 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: ok I try text mode.. cya =) | 04:08 |
hellhammer | daskreech : lsmod output is | 04:08 |
BlackWeb | The IP option for rtorrent, Does that option work to mask your identity the person on the other end | 04:09 |
Dr_Willis | id get mor eout of weechat - if my android phone/keyboard worked more like a real keybord however. ;) i cant use some of the fancy key combos | 04:10 |
Dr_Willis | BlackWeb: if you want the most security from torrenting, use a vpn/proxy servie. | 04:10 |
Dr_Willis | service | 04:10 |
BlackWeb | Alright, plus its looking like with rtorrent then its only good if you have the actual torrent file already downloaded then open it up | 04:11 |
dasKreech | Dr_Willis: install the hackers keyboard | 04:11 |
Dr_Willis | dasKreech: im using a real physical keyboard.. ;) | 04:11 |
BlackWeb | Do where you still need elinks or gui to download the torrents still right | 04:11 |
Dr_Willis | and i have the 'hackers keyboard for android' ;) | 04:11 |
hellhammer | daskreech : lsmod output as requested | 04:12 |
dasKreech | Dr_Willis: must be pretty eleaborate commands then | 04:12 |
Dr_Willis | dasKreech: alt-= oor the F keys.. just dont work correctly | 04:12 |
Dr_Willis | so its a bit limiting. | 04:12 |
dasKreech | hellhammer: Those are some strange IDs for the card in lshw. Do you know anything more about them ? | 04:12 |
Dr_Willis | but it was a $80 Bt keyboard on sale for $13 | 04:12 |
dasKreech | Dr_Willis: Rollable? | 04:13 |
Dr_Willis | I bought all 3 they had on the clearance bin | 04:13 |
neo_ | I found a vob file on a dvd disk and copied it to the desktop and cant play the vob file, I did check and I have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed | 04:13 |
Dr_Willis | Motorolla brand, | 04:13 |
zykotick9 | neo_: dvd support isn't in u-r-e | 04:13 |
Dr_Willis | !dvd | 04:13 |
zykotick9 | !dvd | neo_ | 04:13 |
ubottu | Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of | 04:13 |
ubottu | neo_: please see above | 04:13 |
hellhammer | daskreech : not really its a fresh install of ubuntu onto a new laptop | 04:14 |
dasKreech | I have a USB ethernet controller that seems to be recognized by the pegasus driver but doesn't pick up a carrier signal. Anyone could help with that? | 04:14 |
Dr_Willis | Ive been trying to rip some dvd's and the silly things have some bad-block sort of data protection scheme. really confused the dvd ripper apps. ;( | 04:14 |
dasKreech | hellhammer: what model laptop? | 04:14 |
neo_ | that is u-r-e? | 04:14 |
neo_ | nevermind, | 04:14 |
neo_ | where would I install to allow me to play the vob file? | 04:15 |
dasKreech | neo_: Is that waht would you install? | 04:15 |
hellhammer | daskreech : asus k53s | 04:15 |
neo_ | Im able to play the dvd directly I just wanted a copy so I can play it on netbooks without needing an outlet to plug in an external dvd drive | 04:16 |
bazhang | neo_, mplayer can play those ubuntu-restricted-extras is u-r-e | 04:18 |
zykotick9 | bazhang: i'd think libdvdcss2 would be required... i certainly could be wrong | 04:18 |
tga | hey, quick question, how can I resize the dock in unity-2d? | 04:19 |
neo_ | mplayer is really messing up the video, its nearly all black and the audio is scattered | 04:19 |
tga | I can´t find a straight answer online | 04:19 |
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest43259 |
bazhang | zykotick9, ah, I thought he had a vob already | 04:20 |
neo_ | I copyed the vob from the dvd to the desktop | 04:20 |
neo_ | even vlc cant play it | 04:20 |
zykotick9 | bazhang: they do. but i'd think that would still be "protected" (they said they copied it) | 04:20 |
bazhang | zykotick9, then you're correct in the need for the libdvdcss2 from medibuntu, I suspect | 04:21 |
neo_ | I did copy it, Id assume its still protected | 04:21 |
bazhang | neo_, thats not the way to rip a dvd | 04:21 |
lauratika | what is the channel for rhythmbox anyone? | 04:21 |
neo_ | bazhang, I dont mind the vobs I just wanted to play it on devices that dont have dvd drives built in | 04:22 |
bazhang | !alis | lauratika have a look | 04:22 |
ubottu | lauratika have a look: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 04:22 |
bazhang | neo_, then read the bot link about dvd above | 04:22 |
neo_ | bazhang, is there a command to remove the protection? | 04:22 |
Drecondius | Ok, I can get Ubuntu installed but after a quick install it drops me into a CLI where i check the nvidia xserver setting and see that the drivers are loaded but i can't run Xserver | 04:23 |
Drecondius | Any Ideas? | 04:23 |
neo_ | why dont I need to rip a dvd to play it directly? | 04:25 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis, the text mode didint launch anything... so I guess that Download updates on installation broke my ubuntu installation somehow :/ | 04:25 |
Transhumanist | What is the recommended virtual machine app in Ubuntu? Someone told me yesterday and I forgot. | 04:26 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: I am now on Live Ubutu mode so I guess I could try to downgrade kernel or something ? | 04:27 |
Commodore1702 | Hey guys, I've got a video card driver issue with 10.10 | 04:27 |
zykotick9 | Transhumanist: depends what you're doing really. Vbox is popular (but Oracle contaminated), KVM is really good but lacks 3d support. I've never tried xen. | 04:28 |
Transhumanist | VirtualBox? | 04:28 |
DarwinSurvivor | Commodore1702: 10.10 is no longer supported, it is EOL. please upgrade to a newer release | 04:28 |
slipknot | hi i connect headphones bluetooth and its pairing bat i dont see the profile on pulse audio to switch it any idea ? | 04:28 |
Drecondius | Transhumanist : Yup that's the one | 04:28 |
DarwinSurvivor | !elo | Commodore1702 | 04:28 |
DarwinSurvivor | !eol | Commodore1702 | 04:28 |
ubottu | Commodore1702: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 04:28 |
Commodore1702 | I would, but I kind of have issues with Unity and the card is old enough to have been supported | 04:29 |
Transhumanist | Awww man, I see - Oracle owns it now. Screw Oracle. Why did they have to consume Sun? :( Anyway, cheers guys. | 04:29 |
Commodore1702 | Transhumanist: because Oracle saw profit in Sun | 04:30 |
DarwinSurvivor | Commodore1702: the version you are running no longer receives security updates, it is *STRONGLY* recommended that you don't use it. if you need gnome-2, try downgrading to 10.04 which is an LTS release supported until April of 2013 | 04:30 |
Transhumanist | More like they saw profit in Sun's copyrights and patents. | 04:30 |
Transhumanist | ;) | 04:30 |
Commodore1702 | DarwinSurvivor: Alright | 04:30 |
Commodore1702 | let me reboot it and download 10.04 | 04:30 |
Drecondius | hell i'm trying to get ANY distro to work but can't. so gl with that | 04:31 |
SHOTbyGUN | Keyboard & Mouse not working 12.04LTS ... with latest updates... GRUB works and LIVE Ubuntu works... Any1 know how to fix the issue ? | 04:31 |
tga | any takers on resizing the dock in unity-2d? | 04:31 |
DarwinSurvivor | Commodore1702: the newer versions of ubuntu don't use much more resources that 10.04. if you don't like unity, there are also other DE's you can try like XFCE or LMDE which are more "traditional" in their design | 04:31 |
dasKreech | hellhammer: Sems that those should just work | 04:31 |
Transhumanist | as an aside, the current version, 12.04, is awesome and will be supported for the next 5 years (so.. 2017 I guess) | 04:31 |
tga | also, how do you set the font size more than small/normal/big? | 04:31 |
slipknot | hi i connect headphones bluetooth and its pairing bat i dont see the profile on pulse audio to switch it any idea ? | 04:31 |
hellhammer | daskreech : explain please | 04:32 |
DarwinSurvivor | Commodore1702: also, 12.04 is a special LTS that will be supported for *5* years, so no reinstalls required until 2017 :) | 04:32 |
Commodore1702 | I'll upgrade then, I'll just try and downgrade gnome | 04:32 |
tga | good though, using the current unity mess for 5 years straight | 04:32 |
slipknot | hi i connect headphones bluetooth and its pairing bat i dont see the profile on sound preference to switch it any idea ? | 04:32 |
DarwinSurvivor | Commodore1702: you won't be able to install gnome2 in the newer release, even its developers have dropped it. | 04:33 |
Transhumanist | I like Unity. My last experience with Ubuntu was 8.04. It has improved a lot. | 04:33 |
tga | unity is not ready for LTS imho | 04:33 |
tga | they should do LTS when the system is ready, not on a schedule | 04:33 |
bandit5432 | tga you can install gnome-tweak-tool for gnome i dont know if it will change the fonts in unity | 04:33 |
tga | thanks | 04:33 |
Commodore1702 | I prefer classig gnome, unity just makes it look too much like a mac and I dislike that strongly | 04:33 |
hi117 | is oneiric the latest version of ubuntu? | 04:33 |
tga | any idea about resizing the damn unity icons in 2d? | 04:33 |
dasKreech | hellhammer: The asus k53s has a known and well documented working chipset. I'm not sure why it's not being initated | 04:33 |
DarwinSurvivor | !patience | tga | 04:33 |
ubottu | tga: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 04:33 |
DarwinSurvivor | hi117: no, precise (12.04) is | 04:34 |
tga | !donthavepatience | DarwinSurvivor | 04:34 |
hi117 | ok... why does this wiki page not list it, oh well | 04:34 |
hellhammer | daskreech : what are my options? | 04:34 |
Transhumanist | tga: Then try reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. | 04:34 |
DarwinSurvivor | tga: if you don't have enough patience to follow the irc guidelines, consider using a different support medium (wikis, forums, mailing lists, etc) | 04:34 |
DarwinSurvivor | histo: which wiki page? | 04:35 |
Drecondius | O I just had an idea does 32bit versions not have the pita issues that x64 seems to be having? | 04:35 |
dasKreech | hellhammer: Quite a bit I suppose. | 04:35 |
bandit5432 | tga, | 04:35 |
dasKreech | Dr_Willis: ping. have a moment to help hellhammer with loading a network driver? I'm leaving in just a few minutes | 04:35 |
tga | oh, awesome, my unity just become invisible | 04:35 |
tga | itś still there, just invisible | 04:35 |
Transhumanist | If you're having problems with 64-bit (most people run it fine) then definitely try 32-bit, as it may well solve your problems | 04:35 |
tga | uhm, and my keyboard layout is different apparently | 04:36 |
mickster04 | hey guys, 12.04 Quadro 570, two identical monitors and i can't dual you need any other info? | 04:36 |
bandit5432 | tga, what app did you use to change? | 04:36 |
tga | um none | 04:36 |
tga | I was doing something else | 04:36 |
Drecondius | here's the catch i still have to run the nomodeset paramater to get into gui or to install via alternate so ... | 04:36 |
mickster04 | oh, it doesn't detect the second monitor | 04:36 |
Transhumanist | mickster: using the ATI driver? | 04:36 |
mickster04 | Transhumanist: well no seeing as it is nvidia :p | 04:36 |
tga | funny, I can still use the buttons and menus, theyŕe just invisible | 04:36 |
mickster04 | but i am using the nvidia driver | 04:36 |
Transhumanist | Once I installed my ATI driver, dual monitors wouldn't work until I set them up in the ATI Catalyst Control Panel. Just a thought. | 04:37 |
Drecondius | Mickster04: What version of Ubuntu are you using and is it 32 or 64bit | 04:37 |
mickster04 | Drecondius: 64 | 04:37 |
mickster04 | Drecondius: 12.04 | 04:37 |
Drecondius | Pardon my language but how the hell did you get it to work? | 04:38 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, have you tried nvidia-settings ? | 04:38 |
Drecondius | i can't get into xserver | 04:38 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: yeah, it doesn't even detect the second monitor | 04:38 |
mickster04 | Drecondius: uhm...install and do have a 64bit processor right ;p | 04:38 |
SHOTbyGUN | Keyboard & Mouse not working 12.04LTS with fresh hard drive installation with latest updates... GRUB works and LIVE Ubuntu works... Any1 know how to fix the issue ? Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:c30e Logitech, Inc. UltraX Keyboard (Y-BL49) | 04:39 |
Drecondius | mickster04: Yeah AMD FX 6200 | 04:39 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: console dont work eh? | 04:39 |
Drecondius | 16GB ram on an asus m5A97 mobo | 04:39 |
Transhumanist | You could try uninstalling the nvidia driver and using the open source one. My guess is your dual monitor setup will work then. If it still doesn't, then I doubt the problem is with your driver. | 04:39 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: text mode didint launch at all | 04:39 |
mickster04 | demonspork: did you try using vesa drivers? | 04:39 |
mickster04 | Drecondius: ^^ | 04:40 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: thats weird. unless theeres some differnt options for 12.04 these days | 04:40 |
mickster04 | demonspork: sorry, wrong nick | 04:40 |
demonspork | mickster04: np | 04:40 |
Drecondius | ummmm | 04:40 |
Drecondius | Vesa? | 04:40 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: how about the recovery/rescue modes? | 04:40 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: recovery mode launched but the keyboard didint work when it wanted me to choose recovery launch option | 04:41 |
Drecondius | how would I use the Vesa driver from cli | 04:41 |
Drecondius | rather how would i uninstall the nvidia driver to install the vesa driver | 04:41 |
dasKreech | hellhammer: try sudo modprobe ath9k | 04:41 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: so on the menus of recovery/rescue mode. which use the console/text interface. they keybord did not work.. | 04:42 |
Commodore1702 | good night guyd | 04:42 |
mickster04 | Drecondius: try deleting /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:42 |
Commodore1702 | guys* | 04:42 |
Commodore1702 | +++ | 04:42 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: yeah :/ so I think its latest kernel issue maybe ? | 04:42 |
Drecondius | Oy, If it'll let me | 04:42 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: pointing to some odd kernel/bios weirdness. | 04:42 |
ryanturner | Any of you with 12.04 64bit use Spotify? I want to check if an error is reproducible for someone else. | 04:42 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: as test. see if the bios has a 'legacy usb' setting. | 04:43 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: yes it has... and it is enabled | 04:43 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: tried it the other way? ;) onone pc i had. grub would only work with it on, (Or off, i dont recall( | 04:43 |
peleh182 | \list | 04:44 |
Dr_Willis | I have a whole box of PS2 keyboards. ;) | 04:44 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, have you looked at | 04:44 |
zanecoy | \? | 04:44 |
zanecoy | ? | 04:44 |
Dr_Willis | Multi Monitors work here great on mynvidia setip | 04:44 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: well Grub works and I am currently on LTS 12.04 Live Ubuntu | 04:44 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: so if live ubuntu works with legacy usb... and installation does not work... problem should be on latest updates right ? | 04:45 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: i would wonder if its not some weird currupted install also. this is a totally fresh install. | 04:45 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: or did some updates break it? | 04:45 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: I had Download updates when installing option enabled | 04:46 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: close, but it doesn't detect the monitor so doesn't show it as disabled :/ | 04:46 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: Hmm. so its hard to tell what update did it.. and even if a new update fixed cant really get the updates to intall with no way to enter any commands | 04:46 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: well my foot will work fine when i kick your ass but it doesn't help matters :p I have not had an issue before :/ | 04:47 |
ryanturner | I'm interested in getting started as a dev for Ubuntu, but am curious as to what I'm able to do: I've got experience in C and C++, python, PHP, and F90. Are most projects "open" based on that? | 04:47 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: well I guess I try to do chroot and see if I can verify my kernel or something | 04:48 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: if you chould chroot in, and install ssh. that would help trouble shooting out some. | 04:48 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: then at least you could look at the logs and try to see any errors | 04:48 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, does xrandr show 2 monitors connected? | 04:48 |
Dr_Willis | and apply new upodates | 04:48 |
Dr_Willis | updates | 04:48 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: ok I try | 04:49 |
SHOTbyGUN | !chroot | 04:49 |
ubottu | A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see | 04:49 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: only other thing i can think to try would be a reinsall without installing updates, if that workes right.. install ssh, then try installing updates to see if any break things.. | 04:49 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: also see if any older kernels exist in the menus to test out | 04:50 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: niet | 04:50 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: no It had only one version ... but I try if I can somehow install older versions too :p | 04:51 |
dsf900 | ryanturner: I think about getting into this sometimes too- as I understand it, most Ubuntu development is more maintnence of existing packages | 04:51 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, are you using a custom xorg.conf? | 04:51 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: i will reset it and return...hold on :) | 04:51 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: only other thing i can thino of - is trying aidffernt usb ports. | 04:52 |
dsf900 | ryanturner: I've thought more about finding some open-source project and trying to sign on with them | 04:52 |
ryanturner | Any examples of things that are interesting? :P | 04:52 |
dsf900 | ryanturner: and that open-source project gets incorporated into the ubutu mainstream eventually | 04:53 |
Dr_Willis | dsf900: there is that 1000 papercuts project thst work on 'trivial' bug fixs and other polishing of details | 04:53 |
dsf900 | ryanturner: I have no idea, what kinds of programming do you do? | 04:53 |
ryanturner | What's unity made in? | 04:53 |
ryanturner | I've mostly been a web guy, to be honest. Also got a bit of experience in working with microprocessors, image processing for motion tracking, and a tiny bit of interface | 04:53 |
dsf900 | ryanturner: I also have no idea what kinds of projects need what kinds of people. | 04:54 |
dsf900 | ryanturner: you could see if the GIMP needs people | 04:54 |
ryanturner | GIMP could be interesting. Wish GIMP kicked ass and people would put it on par with Photoshop. | 04:54 |
Dr_Willis | gimp always needs people. ;) its amazing how few people actually work on it. | 04:54 |
dsf900 | ryanturner: I really don't know how much canonical wants people to mess around with Unity | 04:54 |
dsf900 | and it's probably one of the more-used open source packages out there | 04:55 |
ryanturner | I just wish it were more stable. I installed Ubuntu 12.04 for the first time, fresh, last night. | 04:55 |
ryanturner | Had about 4 forced logouts to get unity back working. | 04:55 |
dsf900 | frankly, I haven't upgraded because of unity | 04:55 |
dsf900 | If I do, I'm probably going to have to find an alternative | 04:56 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: no xorg.conf and it still doesn't detect | 04:56 |
ryanturner | where it would magically hide the close/minimize/maximize buttons, not let me click at all, and one time it wouldn't let me show the unity bar after it hiding (had it set to auto-hide) | 04:56 |
Dr_Willis | i just dove in and started using unity, with a few little tweaks.. and it works fine for me. | 04:56 |
Dr_Willis | That HUD feature is niifty now that i rember its there.. | 04:56 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, xrandr --verbose does not list any of you monitors? | 04:57 |
ryanturner | I like unity. I like the features. I just haven't found it stable on 12.04 in my first 24 hours of use. | 04:57 |
ryanturner | Dr_Willis, I havne't figured out how to use the HUD | 04:57 |
dsf900 | I bet there's an IRC channel around here somewhere specifically for people interested in contributing to an open-source project | 04:57 |
ryanturner | just gives me a "type your command" box | 04:57 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: only one | 04:57 |
bazhang | !alis | dsf900 ryanturner | 04:57 |
ubottu | dsf900 ryanturner: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 04:57 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, what card are you using and how are you connecting the monitors? | 04:57 |
Dr_Willis | ryanturner: whats to figure out.. tap alt.. enter some searh string | 04:57 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: both dvi in a quadro fx 570 | 04:58 |
Dr_Willis | ryanturner: want the displays settings tool.. type 'dis' it shows it | 04:58 |
mickster04 | it worked with the fallback version of gnome | 04:58 |
ryanturner | Hows that any different from the dash search Dr_Willis ? | 04:58 |
Dr_Willis | ryanturner: in gimp and can barely rember where a menu item is.. type alt, then its name | 04:58 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: is unity causing it to fall over? | 04:58 |
ryanturner | Ahhh | 04:58 |
ryanturner | Ok, now I see value. | 04:58 |
Dr_Willis | ryanturner: it does Menu items. not just apps | 04:58 |
Dr_Willis | and it can do the earch across several 'areas' at a time | 04:59 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, what happens when you choose unity when you login? | 04:59 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: well it's the only option i have | 04:59 |
Dr_Willis | i rarely use dash - hud is where i go first these days | 04:59 |
mickster04 | i removed fall back though cos it too fell over (many panels started appearing) | 04:59 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, so you are using unity or gnome-fallback? | 05:00 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: unity | 05:00 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, ok will look into it | 05:00 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: i was merely trying to suggest that without unity it seemed to work... but unity doesn't seem to let me | 05:00 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, if you want to use gnome-classic you have to install gnome-panel | 05:00 |
mickster04 | bandit5432: is gnome panel the thing on the left? | 05:02 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
Dr_Willis | unity launcher is the left side vertical panel | 05:02 |
mickster04 | ok | 05:03 |
mickster04 | well basically i woul dhave been happy with the panels as they were | 05:03 |
Dr_Willis | the site had a nice thread on the proper names (With pictures) of all the parts of unity | 05:03 |
mickster04 | i thought they were more customisable and it was tidier | 05:03 |
Dr_Willis | if you want a more classic-old-skool type desktop, thers xubuntu, and lubuntu | 05:04 |
mickster04 | i might just go there :/ | 05:04 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, if you install gnome-panel it will give you the option to long in to gnome-classic from the login screnn | 05:04 |
Dr_Willis | its amazing how much i rember people complaining about how uncustomizeable gnome2 was ;) | 05:04 |
mickster04 | this isn't that pleasant, and i need two monitors really | 05:04 |
bandit5432 | login' screen' | 05:04 |
Dr_Willis | if X is not propoerly seeing both monitors, then the desktop/window manager wont matter. | 05:05 |
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mickster04 | Dr_Willis: yeah | 05:06 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: i wouldn't mind just knowing how to start debugging it | 05:06 |
mickster04 | :/ | 05:06 |
Dr_Willis | im not even sure what Nvidia card i got on this box. lspci just gives some id3 | 05:06 |
Dr_Willis | Id # | 05:06 |
bandit5432 | mickster04, have you tried looking in the xorg logs? | 05:06 |
mickster04 | where are they? | 05:06 |
tsukasa_ | hey | 05:07 |
bandit5432 | /var/log/Xorg.0/log | 05:07 |
Dr_Willis | All ive done in the past to get Multi displays going was install 'nvidia-current' reboot, run 'gksudo nvidia-settings' and save the xorg.conf | 05:07 |
tsukasa_ | need help: i'm booting from liveusb and after the log loads stuff for sdb it freezes | 05:07 |
Dr_Willis | then restart X server | 05:07 |
tsukasa_ | i have tried ubuntu liveusb and a different ubuntu based usb install | 05:07 |
tsukasa_ | created with unetbootin | 05:08 |
Dr_Willis | mickster04: is this a laptop? ordesktop | 05:08 |
Dr_Willis | or desktop | 05:08 |
tsukasa_ | sda and sdb are disk drives, the advanced drive thing is turned on in the bios | 05:08 |
bandit5432 | Dr_Willis ty i dont have dual monitors so this is out of my league | 05:08 |
tsukasa_ | if i switch it to ide it has different messages but still freezes | 05:08 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: tower :) dell t3400 | 05:08 |
Dr_Willis | mickster04: well i was going to suggest trying the fn- keys if it was a laptop... | 05:09 |
tsukasa_ | anyone have an idea? | 05:09 |
Dr_Willis | mickster04: both omnitors plugged into the same card? or 2 differnt cards? | 05:09 |
tsukasa_ | i would really like to have an ubuntu installation on my laptop | 05:09 |
tsukasa_ | i can't even boot from liveusb though | 05:09 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: just the one card | 05:09 |
ryanturner | what does SD_ stand for? | 05:09 |
Dr_Willis | mickster04: both were plugged in and turned on when the pc powered up from a powered down state? | 05:10 |
* Dr_Willis is rembering all these quirks hes had in the past with 2 monitor setups | 05:10 |
mickster04 | yeah | 05:10 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: hum..the logs only seem to see the one monitor | 05:10 |
Dr_Willis | does the BIOS appear on one or both monitors? | 05:11 |
mickster04 | hangon, gonna switchthe cables around | 05:11 |
bandit5432 | i need to use dual monitors to have these problems | 05:11 |
ryanturner | SDA = SCSI Drive A? | 05:11 |
Dr_Willis | i was going to joke about the dog chewing on the cables earlier.. ;) | 05:11 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: i'll let you know when i reboot next | 05:11 |
bandit5432 | osi model always check hardware first .. i always check it last | 05:11 |
Dr_Willis | step 2.3.1 - look for teeth mark on the cables.. be it dog, or toddler... | 05:12 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: will i just swapped the cabeles around and now the monitors have switched, so the cables are fine | 05:12 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: the second monitor got plugged in and said 'no signal' | 05:13 |
mickster04 | so it's getting something | 05:13 |
Dr_Willis | mickster04: as a test. try unpluggint eh one that works.. and see if the other one kicks in when you reboot. | 05:13 |
mickster04 | just not anything useful | 05:13 |
mickster04 | ok | 05:13 |
mickster04 | brb | 05:13 |
bandit5432 | i have been having edid problems with nvidia this week so i have been a little iritated about that | 05:13 |
Dr_Willis | Mine said no signal UNtil i ran the nvidia-settings tool and enabled it.. | 05:13 |
bandit5432 | thats what i linked him 2 | 05:13 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis: I got chroot working and installing million updates... but it kept back my kernel -23 | 05:14 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: try a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:14 |
Bsims | what is the best way to read a ext3 fs from winodws | 05:15 |
SHOTbyGUN | ok :p | 05:15 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: well i did that and now we're on the other screen | 05:15 |
Dr_Willis | mickster04: that basically shows its not hardware. ;) | 05:16 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: i concur | 05:16 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: a good test non the less | 05:16 |
Dr_Willis | mickster04: iw the unplugged monittor hdmi? or dvi? or vga? | 05:16 |
mickster04 | they're both dvi | 05:16 |
mickster04 | AHA | 05:16 |
SHOTbyGUN | Dr_Willis I think I know what caused my system FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/3.2.0-24-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory | 05:16 |
SHOTbyGUN | FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/3.2.0-24-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory | 05:16 |
mickster04 | i just ran a detect | 05:16 |
SHOTbyGUN | I think my kernel upgrade was interrupted while installing / downloading same time | 05:16 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: and now it sees it | 05:16 |
mickster04 | ! | 05:16 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: your test 'fixed' it :D | 05:17 |
Dr_Willis | mickster04: im thinking you may have had a loose cable earlier | 05:17 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: maybe :) | 05:17 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: eitherway thanks for your pateince | 05:17 |
mickster04 | (sp) | 05:17 |
* Dr_Willis hands mickster04 some glue | 05:17 |
mickster04 | Dr_Willis: it may have also helped that i plugged it in once booted then re-detected | 05:18 |
mickster04 | :D | 05:18 |
* mickster04 goes screws some srews | 05:18 |
bandit5432 | Bsims, have you looked into i have never used it | 05:18 |
Bsims | SHOTbyGUN: try apt-get install --reinstall on your kernel package | 05:18 |
SHOTbyGUN | Errors were encountered while processing: | 05:18 |
Dr_Willis | yep. one thing i dont like about hdmi, no lock screws | 05:18 |
SHOTbyGUN | resolvconf | 05:18 |
SHOTbyGUN | linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic | 05:18 |
SHOTbyGUN | linux-image-generic | 05:18 |
SHOTbyGUN | linux-generic | 05:18 |
FloodBot1 | SHOTbyGUN: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:18 |
SHOTbyGUN | oh shit... Do I need to reinstall everything ? | 05:18 |
bandit5432 | good call Dr_Willis | 05:19 |
Dr_Willis | seems you got some deeper issues SHOTbyGUN ;() | 05:19 |
SHOTbyGUN | hmm... maybe my usb stick is corrupt or something :/ | 05:19 |
Dr_Willis | in theory you should be able to reinstall all the kernel files. | 05:19 |
Dr_Willis | but often apt gets stubborn | 05:20 |
Bsims | bandit5432: no using disk internals to copy it, but don't wan't windows to mess up the metadata | 05:20 |
Bsims | SHOTbyGUN: failing that try dpkg -i to reinstall it | 05:20 |
bandit5432 | Bsims, i copy things from my ext4 to a ntfs partition all the time but never the other way | 05:21 |
Bsims | bandit5432: heh diskinternals linux reader is good for that... and it doesn't write to linux so no chance of corruption | 05:21 |
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bandit5432 | Bsims, let me rephrase that i copy from booted linux to mounted ntfs not booted windows onto ext3/4 | 05:22 |
* Bsims nods, just throwing it out there if you need a file on your linux partition while in windows | 05:22 |
bandit5432 | Bsims, thanks for the link i will download that | 05:22 |
* Bsims hangs my head in shame for the first time in a decade I actually /have/ a windows partition | 05:23 |
ryanturner | Dr_Willis, is it bad practice to put say a .jar and .sh file in /usr/share/____/ | 05:23 |
ryanturner | "manual" install of a java app w/ a .desktop launcher? | 05:23 |
cc20 | hey all | 05:24 |
bandit5432 | Bsims, i have windows virtual disks that i use all the time | 05:24 |
ads_ | i need to check whether my tomcat server is started or not, how will do that? | 05:24 |
cc20 | is ubuntu any good for programs and stuff | 05:24 |
ryanturner | cc20, what do you mean? | 05:24 |
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cc20 | like is it like windows equivalent.. | 05:24 |
ryanturner | It's an OS :) | 05:24 |
bandit5432 | Bsims, so why not copy what you need to the ntfs partition and use it from there? | 05:24 |
ryanturner | so in that sense! cc20 what do you primarily do? | 05:24 |
Bsims | bandit5432: heh yeah but I've been Linux only from 2000 | 05:25 |
cc20 | so is it taking over windows 7 | 05:25 |
ryanturner | Probably not. | 05:25 |
cc20 | and the next best thing? | 05:25 |
Bsims | bandit thats mostly what I do, but my media drive is a full tb lol | 05:25 |
ryanturner | But with Windows 8 rolling up, Ubuntu is claiming more and more market share. | 05:25 |
cc20 | really? | 05:25 |
cc20 | can i install ubuntu on the same drive as windows 7 is there a problem with that | 05:25 |
bandit5432 | Bsims, ouch that would not work have you looked at the Ext2Fsd Project | 05:26 |
ryanturner | cc20, no problem at all; just dual boot with different partitions. | 05:26 |
bazhang | !dualboot | cc20 | 05:26 |
ubottu | cc20: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - Macs: | 05:26 |
ads_ | i need to check whether my tomcat server is started or not, how will i do that?? | 05:26 |
Bsims | Yeah windows 7 is gonna be the next XP Microsoft is gonna have to support it for a decade... its a good OS I hate to say it but for windows its good | 05:26 |
=== kenny__ is now known as Kennyngston |
bazhang | !manual | cc20 have a read First | 05:26 |
ubottu | cc20 have a read First: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 05:26 |
Bsims | bandit5432: looking into it | 05:26 |
ryanturner | ads_, status tomcat | 05:26 |
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cc20 | how long have you been using ubuntu ryanturner and are you happy with it.. | 05:27 |
ads_ | ryanturner:- ok | 05:27 |
ryanturner | I've been off and on again for about 3 years or so. | 05:27 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
bazhang | cc20, thats a chat channel topic, not here | 05:27 |
bandit5432 | Bsims, it does not look like that will have the supported options you need | 05:27 |
bazhang | cc20, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat | 05:27 |
Bsims | bandit5432: actually it looks like it may work | 05:28 |
SHOTbyGUN | Bsims: how do I do the dpkg thing again ? So I have /dev/sdd1/ chrooted to /media/newubu/ | 05:28 |
bandit5432 | Bsims, does not have ext3 full version support and ext4 is only ro | 05:28 |
Bsims | SHOTbyGUN: cd /var/cache/apt | 05:29 |
SHOTbyGUN | Bsims: archives pkgcache.bin srcpkgcache.bin | 05:30 |
Bsims | then do a ls to make sure you are in the right place... and you are gonna have to ls|grep each package name... then sudo dpkg -i foo-1.2.3 bar-2.3.4 baz5.6.7 | 05:30 |
Bsims | SHOTbyGUN: you want archives | 05:30 |
SHOTbyGUN | ok thx | 05:30 |
bandit5432 | sleep time | 05:31 |
Bsims | SHOTbyGUN: heh I used to run sid... used to fixing breakages | 05:31 |
SHOTbyGUN | Bsims: sorry I dont know what sid is :) | 05:31 |
michaela | whats the website that lets me write a lot of text and give me a url so that i could past it in hear | 05:31 |
* Bsims feels old... I remember when we had a /etc/X11/Xfree86.conf and had to edit it by hand | 05:32 |
Bsims | SHOTbyGUN: its Debian Unstable | 05:32 |
SHOTbyGUN | ahh :p | 05:32 |
Dr_Willis | !pastebin | michaela | 05:32 |
ubottu | michaela: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 05:32 |
ads_ | ryanturner: my status is "status: Unknown job: tomcat" | 05:33 |
Bsims | SHOTbyGUN: all Debian releases are named after toystory caracters... Unstable is always named Sid after the boy who broke the toys | 05:33 |
michaela | thanks | 05:33 |
ryanturner | ads_, sorry I gave you the wrong command. | 05:33 |
ads_ | ryanturner: then? | 05:33 |
Dr_Willis | shows how old debian is that its using names from a movie from how many years ago? ;) | 05:33 |
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ryanturner | ads_ ps aux | grep -i tomcat | 05:34 |
ads_ | ryanturner: ok, trying | 05:35 |
Dr_Willis | SHOTbyGUN: you get your apt fixed? | 05:36 |
Bsims | Dr_Willis: lol bite your tounge... I got my start with kernel 2.4.0 and the X11 to xorg change... and didn't see half the butthurt I see over the fact that ubuntu has a new default WM | 05:36 |
Dr_Willis | Bsims: i ermber when getting a cd-rw working.. needed a kernelrecompile. ;) | 05:36 |
Bsims | that said pulseaudio can bite my bum | 05:36 |
Dr_Willis | i recall the huge ranting with the move to xorg ;) | 05:36 |
ads_ | ryanturner: it gave me following output, so i can see over der start word , so does it mean my tomcat is started? | 05:36 |
ryanturner | ads_, yep! Got a java call to start catalina.startup.Bootstrap | 05:37 |
ryanturner | so you should be rockin | 05:37 |
Bsims | Dr_Willis: heh remember when SuSE was spelled that way? | 05:37 |
Dr_Willis | it does seem thsat the apt packageing system is way more fragile then it shouldbe. | 05:38 |
SHOTbyGUN | apt-get install --reinstall ...said same thing.. errors while prosessing | 05:38 |
Dr_Willis | Bsims: i still own some boxed sets of suse and mandrake. | 05:38 |
qawsedrf | i wanna change the permissions of all subdirectories in a directory recursively but NOT of the files, how to do that ? | 05:38 |
SHOTbyGUN | maybe I dont know how to chroot properly? | 05:38 |
ads_ | ryanturner:ok, so how will i do that? | 05:38 |
Bsims | still makes rpm look kiddystuff | 05:38 |
Dr_Willis | qawsedrf: use of the find command may work best for that | 05:38 |
qawsedrf | :S | 05:39 |
qawsedrf | some bash script ? | 05:39 |
ryanturner | ads_, what? How will you do what? You can rock however you want to :D | 05:39 |
michaela | | 05:39 |
qawsedrf | like find all directoies and pipe one by one to chmod ? | 05:39 |
* Bsims had an evil evil idea... modify bash for a newbie so it comes up in vi and see how long it takes him to exit | 05:39 |
ryanturner | michaela, lol | 05:39 |
ryanturner | nice job | 05:39 |
Dr_Willis | qawsedrf: the find command has allthose features allready. | 05:39 |
KingKatari | i am running Ubuntu Server 11.10 and i get a high amount of connections from a ipaddress on a very specific port for a service i run on that port, well after 10 to 30 seconds i start getting abunch of connection timeouts and or socket hang-ups would somaxconn have something to do with that? | 05:39 |
ryanturner | michaela's question: ok im not sure if you guys can help me with firefox. im using firefox 12 in ubuntu 12.04 and i cant move my tabs or bookmarks around is there some thing i can do ore a community that can help me | 05:40 |
ads_ | ryanturner: u said, "Got a java call to start catalina.startup.Bootstrap" so i take it as i need to start now some catalina.startup.Bootstrap, m i right or i even dont need to do this | 05:40 |
newbie | how to share files from one pc to another using wired network? | 05:40 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: what os is onthe other pcs? Samba should work in most cases | 05:41 |
nine_ | newbie, instgall samba | 05:41 |
ryanturner | ads_, sorry. The list you posted showed a running java call to start Bootstrap. I was just saying that since that was there, you should be up and running. | 05:41 |
ryanturner | Nothing more for you to do. | 05:41 |
Bsims | newbie: samba is what you want | 05:41 |
ryanturner | samba | 05:41 |
ryanturner | 1st | 05:41 |
ryanturner | damnit | 05:41 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: if you just want to do some quick transfers, you can use other tools also | 05:41 |
ryanturner | Dr_Willis, nine_ and Bsims beat me. | 05:41 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, nine_ Bsims the other os is also *buntu i though samba is for windows file sharing? | 05:42 |
ads_ | ryanturner:ok..thanks | 05:42 |
ryanturner | newbie, you could always rsync it | 05:42 |
nine_ | its for both | 05:42 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: you may want to check out 'sshfs' and learn how to use scp and ssh. VERY worthwile info toknow | 05:42 |
ryanturner | yeah or scp | 05:42 |
michaela | | 05:42 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: with scp you can easially copy files tothe other pc | 05:42 |
Dr_Willis | but thsts not the same as a 'share' | 05:42 |
nine_ | ur name scares me ryanturner | 05:43 |
Bsims | newbie: it is, but your smartphone and linux will read and write to it without problems | 05:43 |
nine_ | lol | 05:43 |
Dr_Willis | with sshfs, you can mount the other pc to a localdirectory ;) easialy | 05:43 |
ads_ | ryanturner: sorry to say now but need to know one more think, how can i deploy my webservice java code in tomcat, any suggestions is of gr8 appreciable | 05:43 |
ryanturner | michaela, just ask your question in here; posting a link to a pastebin with your question in there wont get help. | 05:43 |
newbie | ryanturner, rsync is for syncrhronisation i think. i just need to copy files. should i remote login. how? | 05:43 |
Bsims | newbie: Oh if you do a lot of remote access over ssh it is very muchly worth your while to install gnu screen | 05:43 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: id use scpthen, install ssh on both machines. then you can scp from one box to the other | 05:44 |
ryanturner | ads_, please see #tomcat for further help in deploying a service to tomcat. | 05:44 |
michaela | ok im not sure if you guys can help me with firefox. im using firefox 12 in ubuntu 12.04 and i cant move my tabs or bookmarks around is there some thing i can do ore a community that can help me | 05:44 |
ryanturner | newbie, listen to Dr_Willis. SCP is what you want. | 05:44 |
Dr_Willis | michaela: theres always the forums and | 05:44 |
Dr_Willis | michaela: try making a new user - see if it affects thenew user also | 05:45 |
ryanturner | michaela I can't visualize your problem and I don't use FireFox so I'm of little help. Sorry. | 05:45 |
ryanturner | Firefox * | 05:45 |
ryanturner | dear god | 05:45 |
Bsims | Oh Dr_Willis heh my screenrc if you care | 05:45 |
nine_ | michaela... that sounds more like an incompatability of ur computer | 05:45 |
nine_ | My tabs work fine | 05:45 |
ryanturner | Or a wonky setting as willis is suggesting | 05:45 |
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nine_ | I will check again\ | 05:45 |
ryanturner | eventually you could probably tinker enough to merk it up | 05:45 |
nine_ | michaela, are u using 2d or regular ubuntu? | 05:46 |
newbie | ryanturner, Dr_Willis scp is? | 05:46 |
=== deejay31|Offline is now known as deejay31 |
michaela | regular | 05:47 |
Dr_Willis | 'ssh copy' | 05:47 |
nine_ | hmm | 05:47 |
Dr_Willis | !ssh | 05:47 |
ubottu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 05:47 |
nine_ | fully updated? | 05:47 |
Dr_Willis | !scp | 05:47 |
ubottu | scp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at | 05:47 |
ryanturner | lol what Dr_Willis | 05:47 |
michaela | ill try on another user | 05:47 |
ryanturner | I thought it was Secure Copy | 05:47 |
newbie | ryanturner, Dr_Willis and if i want a permanent file sharing thing like windows has. i need samba? even for linux files sharing.. you know the click drag and drop | 05:47 |
nine_ | yea cause UI can not get the same results mine work fine | 05:47 |
ryanturner | newbie use Samba. Samba is nice :) | 05:48 |
deejay31 | I have ZNC running on my server, and my VPS has multiple IPS and the adaptors are called venet0 venet0:1 venet0:2 how can I make ZNC connect through 1 of these | 05:48 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: sshfs can mount a remote box a simple way tohave a 'share' or you canuse samba,or nfs, | 05:48 |
nine_ | nubie | 05:48 |
ryanturner | and quit changing your demands lol | 05:48 |
Dr_Willis | samba canbe a royal pain | 05:48 |
nine_ | fine ur public folder in ur files | 05:48 |
nine_ | go to properties | 05:48 |
nine_ | share | 05:49 |
ryanturner | Doesnt the built in Personal File Sharing ui use samba? | 05:49 |
nine_ | it wiill prompt u to symba and the lib file | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis | ryanturner: yep. and sometimes it even works! | 05:49 |
ryanturner | :< | 05:49 |
ryanturner | wasn't aware of the problems lol | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis | i have major issues with samba shares not showing up on my homenetwork. unless i enter their name/ip#'s directly | 05:49 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, ryanturner thanks ! | 05:49 |
ryanturner | though I have had random samba problems just generally. | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis | seems every year. samba gets flakier and flakier | 05:50 |
nine_ | lol | 05:50 |
ryanturner | newbie, no problem! Just install samba via software center and then use the "Personal File Sharing" dialog to get a setup going. Cross your fingers (and toes)! | 05:50 |
nine_ | install the ay I do | 05:50 |
nine_ | it is recommended | 05:50 |
nine_ | I have no simba issues | 05:50 |
newbie | ryanturner, ok :) | 05:50 |
nine_ | :) | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis | very mixed lan here, and it seems the boxeebox is the only thing thats seems to see ALL my shares with any reliability. | 05:50 |
Bsims | Dr_Willis: heh has to be bug compatable with windows | 05:51 |
deejay31 | Dr_Willis, I have ZNC running on my server, and my VPS has multiple IPS and the adaptors are called venet0 venet0:1 venet0:2 how can I make ZNC connect through 1 of these | 05:51 |
ryanturner | Dr_Willis, at my last job they had major samba and LDAP | 05:51 |
Dr_Willis | Ive had Win7 box;s not see other win 7 box's xp not see win7 box 1, but sees 2. and so forth | 05:51 |
ryanturner | LDAP blew up and things went very, very badly for about a month. | 05:51 |
ryanturner | But thats what happens when you fire your windows AND linux guy at the same time who are in charge of ldap/ad | 05:52 |
Dr_Willis | if i use the ip# or server name directoy and dont browse for the samba shares - then they all work.. but not 'browseable' or seen when scanning | 05:52 |
ryanturner | next guy to come in had no idea what was going on. | 05:52 |
* Bsims grins I still got a Novell 5.0 box | 05:52 |
ryanturner | Dr_Willis, yeah I've had that problem for sure. Turns out my router was getting lazy IRRC. | 05:52 |
ryanturner | "no moar traffic for you!" | 05:52 |
ryanturner | nine_ how does my name scare you? It's just... my name. | 05:53 |
Bsims | good lord windows craps itself trying to read ipx | 05:53 |
Dr_Willis | ryanturner: been through 3 routers.. but ive not really had the lan going with the latest one.. | 05:53 |
Dr_Willis | been trimming down my home network of 6+ Pc's ;) | 05:53 |
Bsims | the joys of a legacy accounting package | 05:53 |
ryanturner | Bsims ipx is still used? | 05:54 |
Guest_ | Any tips for running an ubuntu apache server? | 05:54 |
Bsims | ryanturner: not really... but this is an ancent bit of software... and for my sins I maintain it | 05:54 |
ryanturner | I remember when I studied for my CCNA and had to learn IPX info | 05:54 |
Bsims | it does speak an early dialect of IP | 05:54 |
ryanturner | Never ever seen IPX in use. | 05:55 |
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Dr_Willis | doom and duke nukem3d games years ago. :) | 05:55 |
Dr_Willis | could do ipx i recall | 05:55 |
Bsims | ryanturner: heh you wouldn't... it was hotcrap when win 98 was new | 05:55 |
ryanturner | Yeah when that was, I was in middle school. | 05:55 |
Bsims | ryanturner: get off my lawn | 05:55 |
ryanturner | hahaha | 05:56 |
Bsims | My AARP card stands for Armed And Really Pissed | 05:56 |
ryanturner | I said that to a few kids a while ago. They were tearing up my muddy yard with bicycles. They taunted me and I called the cops. | 05:56 |
ryanturner | Then I realized I was acting like a grumpy old man and I'm only in my 20 | 05:56 |
ryanturner | 's | 05:56 |
Dr_Willis | but your yard is still amess... | 05:56 |
Bsims | ryanturner: heh I just used a supersoaker... the old ones that had 60ft+ range | 05:57 |
ryanturner | yeah too busy on IRC to clean it up. | 05:57 |
ryanturner | IRC and Minecraft. | 05:57 |
Wizard | Why was seamonkey deleted from repo? :( | 05:57 |
ryanturner | and then when somebody is looking I pull a terminal up | 05:57 |
Dr_Willis | lack of a maintainer is the common reason Wizard | 05:57 |
Wizard | :o | 05:57 |
Transhumanist | Virtual Box can't create its virtual disk on the target HD because it's FAT32 and thus max file size of 4 gig. Any ideas or will I have to find a disk that can support large files? | 05:57 |
Bsims | ryanturner: hey now I /like/ urxvt and screen | 05:58 |
Wizard | Dr_Willis, too bad :/ | 05:58 |
Dr_Willis | Wizard: cant say i really noticed it missing. could be it got renamed.. | 05:58 |
Dr_Willis | !info seamonkey | 05:58 |
ubottu | Package seamonkey does not exist in precise | 05:58 |
ryanturner | Bsims, yeah but it also looks like Im actually doing something | 05:58 |
Wizard | It wasn't, web changelogs say clearly: deleted. | 05:58 |
* Bsims notes I actually had an account on a IBM AS/400 now i series... before a pc better than my trash-80 | 05:59 |
ryanturner | so my girlfriend gets off my back and thinks Im doing boring, dorky things. | 05:59 |
Wizard | LOL | 05:59 |
ryanturner | My dad's workplace still is centered on an AS400 | 05:59 |
Transhumanist | haha i do that too | 05:59 |
ryanturner | Its kind of funny. | 05:59 |
* Bsims is very careful not to mention I know cobol/400 rpg/400 and db2/400 | 05:59 |
* Wizard arrived to work, I'm first in my room, so I don't have to pretend anything ;P | 05:59 |
ryanturner | :D | 05:59 |
ryanturner | This Intel G530 is *not* crap, surprisingly. dual 2.4ghz 2mb cache | 06:00 |
* Dr_Willis is ircing from his cellphone with a full sized keyboard in front of it... | 06:00 |
ryanturner | $45USD | 06:00 |
Bsims | lol though I'd had a associate's in database theory and design with db2 right?... they made me take intro to access | 06:00 |
ryanturner | socket 1155. Not too awful. | 06:00 |
Bsims | I just hand wrote the sql by hand | 06:00 |
ryanturner | Bsims, lol what | 06:01 |
Bsims | teacher never did figure out why my stuff was faster | 06:01 |
ryanturner | I had someone the other day try to explain why Excel was better than access. | 06:01 |
ryanturner | I was just sitting there nodding my head and walked away eventually. Not worth it. | 06:01 |
Bsims | had two years of mainframe database... made me take intro access | 06:01 |
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Dr_Willis | bbl | 06:01 |
SHOTbyGUN | Yay, I thought I didint install the -24 kernel... but somehow I have it and I rebooted ubuntu on harddrive... BUT I think I need some reinstalling because I sometimes get ubuntu internal error messages... How do I verify my system files ? | 06:02 |
* Bsims giggles we got told we could explore the as/400 at the college for a class... I found out we students had access to QSYSPWRDN -IMD aka sudo shutdown -h now | 06:03 |
Guest_ | flow for mac is a garbage ftp client :3 | 06:03 |
=== Guest_ is now known as sbattey |
Bsims | well the teacher told us it wouldn't even show us a command we couldn't do | 06:04 |
Wizard | Whoa, isn't that more suitable for #ubuntu-offtopic? | 06:04 |
ryanturner | Guest_ filezilla | 06:04 |
ryanturner | how about #ubuntu-off-offtopic | 06:04 |
ryanturner | lol | 06:04 |
bushido | wtf | 06:05 |
bushido | hello | 06:05 |
sbattey | hi. | 06:05 |
Bsims | howdy | 06:05 |
bushido | how are you guys doing? | 06:05 |
Bsims | fighting insomnia yourself? | 06:06 |
sbattey | Better than you, so it would seem | 06:06 |
* Bsims grins its 01:07am here and I get up in 6hrs | 06:06 |
sbattey | I have to get up in 6 hours :( | 06:06 |
ryanturner | Bsims hooray central time! | 06:07 |
Bsims | sbattey: join the club | 06:07 |
* Bsims grins and passes around the vodka bottle and starts a pot of coffee | 06:07 |
ryanturner | In case anyone wants a good terrible laugh, | 06:07 |
sbattey | Bsims: it's ok though, I'm going on vacation on thursday :) | 06:07 |
ryanturner | Read the first 3 you see. | 06:07 |
Bsims | Oooh nice sbattey | 06:07 |
* Bsims grins I's a tugboat for my 2 year old girl | 06:08 |
Bsims | rigged her trike with reins | 06:08 |
ryanturner | lol | 06:08 |
ryanturner | did you mount a foghorn too? | 06:08 |
Bsims | nah | 06:08 |
ryanturner | awww | 06:08 |
Bsims | momma told me if I did... no more Gentleman fun time | 06:09 |
SHOTbyGUN | Bsims: hey I got my system working somehow... but I need to check the whole system.. is there command to verify ubuntu installation ? | 06:10 |
SHOTbyGUN | Bsims: I could not even open software center... and apt thought it was fully installed... it works after --reinstall lol | 06:11 |
Bsims | Hrm SHOTbyGUN just wanting to make sure apt works again or what? | 06:11 |
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newbie | ryanturner, i should install samba on both machines? | 06:12 |
SHOTbyGUN | Bsims: yeah I just need to verify my whole system | 06:12 |
Tm_T | ryanturner: this is wrong channel for such "laughs", so please stick in channel topic | 06:12 |
ryanturner | if you just want to mount a foreign share then you dont need samba on the local machine | 06:12 |
Bsims | SHOTbyGUN: | 06:13 |
SHOTbyGUN | Bsims: thanks | 06:13 |
Bsims | this is a ground zero approach | 06:13 |
Bsims | it will make a list of every package you have and reinstall it | 06:13 |
SHOTbyGUN | thats what I wanted | 06:13 |
SHOTbyGUN | I have lot and lot of dependency problems | 06:14 |
ryanturner | Tm_T: Ok. | 06:14 |
Bsims | heh this will most likely fix it | 06:14 |
Bsims | SHOTbyGUN: try sudo apt-get install -f first though | 06:14 |
SHOTbyGUN | ok :o | 06:14 |
Bsims | by itself to tell it try to fix itself | 06:14 |
SHOTbyGUN | apt is already the newest version | 06:15 |
newbie | iam quite new at this . is there a tutorail | 06:16 |
* Bsims grins SHOTbyGUN thats all it says? try an apt-get update apt-get upgrade | 06:17 |
SHOTbyGUN | Bsims: that says nothing to install | 06:17 |
Bsims | no errors? | 06:17 |
SHOTbyGUN | no errors... everything is fine | 06:17 |
Bsims | then as far as apt is concernend its working fine | 06:18 |
SHOTbyGUN | but if you try to install something ... everything is not fine | 06:18 |
Bsims | ah worst case let it grind and do the reisntall dance I linked to | 06:18 |
SHOTbyGUN | apt works... but my installation did not go as planned... I think | 06:18 |
SHOTbyGUN | yeah... lets hope It works =) | 06:19 |
newbie | Bsims, do i need to install samba on both machine | 06:19 |
newbie | s | 06:19 |
* Bsims nods... though it probably would be faster to download the disks and do a md5 checksum and burn it and reinstall | 06:19 |
ryanturner | newbie not unless you're trying to create two separate shares on each machine | 06:19 |
ryanturner | if you simply want to share one folder between the two machines, then just install Samba on whatever computer you want it stored on, and then use cifs to mount it | 06:19 |
Bsims | but this way you get to learn the its dead jim method of cyber necromancy | 06:20 |
ryanturner | newbie: not a tut but might be some help: | 06:20 |
SHOTbyGUN | haha ^_^ | 06:20 |
Bsims | I've learned more when it dies/breaks than anyother time | 06:20 |
newbie | hm.. | 06:20 |
newbie | my muon is stuck and confguring libgs9 at 38 percent for half an hour | 06:21 |
Bsims | and one good thing about linux is if it breaks ya get to keep all the chunks and generaly it has superglue avavailable | 06:21 |
newbie | "could not start proccess. unable to creat io-slave; klauncher said unknown protocol 'filie' | 06:22 |
Wizard | newbie, Typo, you should use 'file'. | 06:23 |
hax0r | hmmmm... | 06:26 |
newbie | Wizard, i am using dolphin. do you mean file is another file manager and i should use it ? | 06:27 |
Wizard | No, I thought you typed URL by hand. | 06:27 |
Sargun-Work | Are there any ubuntu auto-provisoning technologies that support bonded interfaces today? | 06:27 |
hax0r | Sargun-Work - Yes, there is. | 06:28 |
parth_ | Do any one know how to disable password at login time ubuntu 12.04 | 06:29 |
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wilee-nilee | parth_, you want no password at all op a auto login? | 06:31 |
wilee-nilee | or* | 06:31 |
SHOTbyGUN | Bsims: or maybe my system is working properly afterall... tried to reinstall some packages and I dont have the dependency problems anymore | 06:31 |
parth_ | i want auto login | 06:32 |
wilee-nilee | parth_, it is in users | 06:32 |
parth_ | i know but that option is freezed | 06:32 |
Bsims | SHOTbyGUN: cool ya fixed it | 06:32 |
wilee-nilee | parth_, you unlock it? | 06:33 |
Shalomony | Can someone please help me get my stupid DVD player to work? | 06:33 |
parth_ | ok done thank you wilee-nilee | 06:34 |
wilee-nilee | parth_, cool, enjoy. :) | 06:34 |
Drecondius | Is there an acpi work around that doesn't involve the flag acpi=off flag. I can boot into my system with it but i lose all usb. | 06:36 |
khayyim | for some reason Dosbox isn't closing when I hit the X in the upper right corner of the window. The windows freezes and goes black, but it won't close. "Kill dosbox" didn't help. | 06:37 |
khayyim | 12.04 here | 06:37 |
SHOTbyGUN | Drecondius: you dont have usb keyboard / mouse on fresh install ? | 06:37 |
bazhang | khayyim, try xkill then use the crosshairs on it | 06:37 |
Drecondius | SHOTbyGUN: If i use the paramater acpi=off I have no usb but i get to boot into my system. If i don't use it it drops me to a cli | 06:38 |
user1_ | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 06:39 |
user1_ | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 06:39 |
user1_ | i think i need to restart. no other is using dpkg by the way | 06:39 |
SHOTbyGUN | Drecondius, lol I had same problem just this morning... I am not sure how I fixed it... but I chrooted from live cd... then I put apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade and then rebooted | 06:39 |
bazhang | user1_, close synaptic or ubuntu software center | 06:39 |
bazhang | user1_, or you forgot to use sudo | 06:40 |
Shalomony | My discs are not mounting properly, and ubuntu doesn't seem to recognize my dvd-rom drive.(i.e. I cannot use 'eject' in a terminal) | 06:40 |
Drecondius | SHOTbyGUN: I can try those commands from the cli and hope they work be back soon wether or not it works lol | 06:41 |
Fat-Thing | im pissed off on my distro now :( i got this lag thingy i dunno just happend today....why do i get this lag thingy? | 06:43 |
user1_ | bazhang, no. i just rm the /lock | 06:43 |
user1_ | bazhang, all was closed | 06:44 |
fidel_ | Fat-Thing: what lag? could you describe that a bit more detailed? | 06:44 |
Fat-Thing | fidel lag .... from opening a youtube video it stucked and in slowmotion even in opening a folder or a application...everything in slowmotion or get stucked for about 20seconds | 06:45 |
Shalomony | This is what i get if i try to use 'eject' [eject: unable to eject, last error: Inappropriate ioctl for device] | 06:46 |
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Shalomony | thanks for ALL your help support channel... | 06:49 |
amanthakur | hi guys, i have a rack server IBM x3650 having 6 hdd of 146 gb each. One of these has bad sectors and is not working fine. can anyone tell me how can i detect which one is crashed? | 06:50 |
chu | No worries. | 06:50 |
jagginess | amanthakur, a s.m.a.r.t analysis tool should show something ifthe hd is still somewhat operable.. | 06:50 |
Miscni | morning all | 06:51 |
jagginess | amanthakur, a s.m.a.r.t capable hd keeps it's internal error database.. a software smart tool can query this database | 06:51 |
DarwinSurvivor | !find smartcontrol | 06:52 |
ubottu | Found: gsmartcontrol | 06:52 |
DarwinSurvivor | amanthakur: try that ^^ | 06:52 |
DarwinSurvivor | may need X for it, there are also cli versions as well | 06:53 |
DarwinSurvivor | amanthakur: smartmontools is probably what you want | 06:53 |
khayyim | bazhang: I used xkill... I think I hosed the window manager or whatever it's called. I can alt-tab, but I have no taskbar | 06:53 |
DarwinSurvivor | khayyim: unity, gnome-shell, etc? | 06:54 |
amanthakur | jagginess, thanks :) and DarwinSurvivor thanks you too :) | 06:54 |
bazhang | khayyim, on the dosbox window only? | 06:54 |
codeshepherd_ | : i have set up static ip configuration in /etc/network/interfaces .. but everytime I reboot the settings get lost . how do i set a static ip permanently ? | 06:54 |
khayyim | DarwinSurvivor: bazhang XFCE here | 06:54 |
bazhang | khayyim, that makes no difference | 06:54 |
=== codeshepherd_ is now known as codeshepherd |
DarwinSurvivor | khayyim: oh ok, sorry I'm not very familiar with that | 06:54 |
Drecondius | SHOTbyGUN: Are you still here? | 06:55 |
khayyim | bazhang: I derped and hit the taskbar with the crosshairs | 06:55 |
DarwinSurvivor | codeshepherd: is this a headless system? | 06:55 |
bazhang | khayyim, for the reset panels command, try in #xubuntu | 06:55 |
codeshepherd | DarwinSurvivor: yes.. it is a headless system | 06:55 |
khayyim | darno prob | 06:55 |
DarwinSurvivor | khayyim: oh, I think you just need to run "xfce4-panel" (possibly without the 4) | 06:55 |
jameslord | why i cannot uninstall python 2.7? | 06:55 |
SHOTbyGUN | Drecondius: Yeah I am still here =) | 06:55 |
jameslord | | 06:56 |
curiousx | aloha all :D | 06:56 |
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khayyim | Woot, got it, thanks! | 06:56 |
DarwinSurvivor | jameslord: because "python" is a different package than "python2.7" and "python3" | 06:56 |
dr_willis | ! info python | 06:57 |
DarwinSurvivor | no space | 06:57 |
DarwinSurvivor | !info python | 06:57 |
ubottu | python (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.7.3-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 162 kB, installed size 658 kB | 06:57 |
Drecondius | SHOTbyGUN: Here's my entire installation experience x10 or more, I boot into the live environment with the nomodeset parameter, install and have it download updates as it does, reboot, voila im in a cli but i still have network access. | 06:57 |
khayyim | How do I detach a process from a terminal? | 06:57 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: did you set up nomodeset on the installed grub as well? | 06:58 |
codeshepherd | DarwinSurvivor: how does headless system matter? | 06:58 |
Drecondius | still boots to cli afterwards | 06:58 |
DarwinSurvivor | codeshepherd: because if it's not, I would just recommend using network manager :P | 06:58 |
codeshepherd | DarwinSurvivor: ok.. anyway around? | 06:58 |
dr_willis | khayyim: ctrl-z, bg, i belive | 06:58 |
SHOTbyGUN | Drecondius: did you try to input command: startx ? | 06:59 |
Shalomony | How can i force ubuntu 12.04 to put my DVD in a dev path? | 06:59 |
dr_willis | Shalomony: see if its /dev/sr0 | 06:59 |
Drecondius | DarwinSurvivor: That's the only way i can get a semi workable installation going. "Failed to load device in PCI 1.0.0" or something to that nature | 06:59 |
DarwinSurvivor | codeshepherd: sorry, I haven't used ubuntu on my server for a while now, only my desktops and some laptops have it currently. | 07:00 |
Drecondius | ERRRRR | 07:00 |
codeshepherd | ok DarwinSurvivor | 07:00 |
dr_willis | Shalomony: theres as bug that makes it not show up as /dev/dvd like it should. but /dev/sr0 works here | 07:00 |
kuai410022283 | nnnnnd | 07:00 |
Drecondius | Rather it dies when trying to load my videocard | 07:00 |
Shalomony | dr_willis, how can i check that, I'm dumb | 07:00 |
dr_willis | Shalomony: how are you trying to access the dvd? | 07:00 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: what video card is it? | 07:00 |
Drecondius | DarwinSurvivor: Geforce GTX 550ti | 07:01 |
Sargun-Work | Why wont ubuntu let you do bonding + DHCP? | 07:01 |
Drecondius | does the same thing though with a GTS 250 though | 07:01 |
Shalomony | I'm just trying to play it, but it's not mounting properly, non of my programs recognize a disc. VLC says there IS no device @ /dev/sr0 | 07:01 |
dr_willis | Shalomony: it could be its /dev/sdX also where X is a, b, c, d, e | 07:02 |
Chuck_Norris | Drecondius: ubuntu version ? | 07:02 |
Drecondius | 12.04 | 07:02 |
crazyrohila | how to import gmail contact in skype ? | 07:03 |
Chuck_Norris | Drecondius: lsmod | grep noveau | 07:03 |
Drecondius | Mind you if i use the acpi=off parameter I can boot into it | 07:03 |
Chuck_Norris | Drecondius: lsmod | grep nvidia | 07:03 |
Drecondius | but I lose my usb devices including kb and mouse | 07:03 |
crazyrohila | how to import gmail contact in skype ? | 07:03 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: has a few tips that may help | 07:03 |
Chuck_Norris | i meant what is the driver you are using Drecondius ? | 07:04 |
Shalomony | I can load the disc in VLC, but there's got to be a way for me to fix the mounting. It used to work great in 10.04 | 07:04 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: also, does switching to a TTY interface work? | 07:04 |
Drecondius | umm tty being cli right? | 07:04 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: yes | 07:04 |
Drecondius | that's what i'm defaulted to outside of live environment | 07:05 |
DarwinSurvivor | ok | 07:05 |
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DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: have you tried installing the binary drivers? | 07:05 |
Shalomony | dr_willis, Also I cannot get ANY of those /dev/srX/ to work, but i'm only down to p | 07:05 |
Drecondius | as for the driver Chuck_Norris, it's whatever restricted driver ubuntu downloaded and installed | 07:05 |
DarwinSurvivor | Shalomony: could you pastebin the output of "ls /dev/"? | 07:06 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: when did it download and install it? | 07:06 |
Drecondius | Right now as a matter of fact | 07:06 |
Drecondius | My installation just finished for x'th time | 07:06 |
dr_willis | Shalomony: no idea then. i just pop in a dvd movie. and point vlc to /dev/sr0 here, or /dev/sdd on my other box | 07:06 |
Chuck_Norris | Drecondius: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/nvidia ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current | 07:07 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: ubuntu will not automatically install the binary video card drivers, that must be done manually (either via cli or the "restricted drivers" tool in the GUI) | 07:07 |
Chuck_Norris | Drecondius: with that solved | 07:07 |
Chuck_Norris | for sure | 07:07 |
dr_willis | Shalomony: you did instasll the dvd playback packages needed? | 07:07 |
Shalomony | DarwinSurvivor, autofs mapper rtc0 tty26 tty57 ttyS29 | 07:07 |
Shalomony | block mcelog sda tty27 tty58 ttyS3 | 07:07 |
Shalomony | bsg mem sda1 tty28 tty59 ttyS30 | 07:07 |
Shalomony | btrfs-control net sda2 tty29 tty6 ttyS31 | 07:07 |
Shalomony | bus network_latency sda5 tty3 tty60 ttyS4 | 07:07 |
FloodBot1 | Shalomony: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:07 |
Shalomony | cdrom network_throughput sg0 tty30 tty61 ttyS5 | 07:07 |
DarwinSurvivor | Chuck_Norris: please don't recommend PPA's, they are not officially supported | 07:07 |
DarwinSurvivor | !paste | Shalomony | 07:07 |
ubottu | Shalomony: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 07:07 |
Chuck_Norris | what's? | 07:07 |
DarwinSurvivor | !nvidia | Drecondius | 07:08 |
ubottu | Drecondius: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 07:08 |
Chuck_Norris | do you know upubuntu guys? | 07:08 |
Fat-Thing | im pissed off on my distro now :( i got this lag thingy i dunno just happend today....why do i get this lag thingy? | 07:08 |
Fat-Thing | fidel lag .... from opening a youtube video it stucked and in slowmotion even in opening a folder or a application...everything in slowmotion or get stucked for about 20seconds | 07:08 |
Chuck_Norris | upubuntu guys is the same like webupd8 and omgubuntu | 07:09 |
ImperialDroid | Fat-Thing, did you try restarting the machine? | 07:09 |
DarwinSurvivor | Chuck_Norris: no, but as good as they may be, we are supposed to direct people to the *official* packages. | 07:09 |
Shalomony | DarwinSurvivor, it's | 07:09 |
Fat-Thing | ImperialDroid, done...same.... :( | 07:09 |
ImperialDroid | So, when you restart the machine and try using just youtube by itself it still lags? | 07:10 |
Chuck_Norris | the official package that come with ubuntu has bugs, nividia report that the 295.40 driver has errors | 07:10 |
DarwinSurvivor | Chuck_Norris: then they should be moved to the official repositories. If they haven't already, there is probably a good REASON why they haven't | 07:10 |
Chuck_Norris | with upubuntu PPA you will be able to install 295.53 that works very well for me | 07:11 |
bazhang | Chuck_Norris, ppa are not supported. no reason to recommend them here | 07:11 |
Drecondius | that's the newest one out | 07:11 |
Drecondius | as of wed | 07:11 |
DarwinSurvivor | Chuck_Norris: it may work for you, but PPA's are not supposed to be recommended in the #ubuntu channel. If you want them added to the repositories, send a request to the packaging team | 07:11 |
Drecondius | DarwinSurvivor: I understand your concern but at this point I'm about ready to start sacraficing gnomes to please whatever delights in such misery :D | 07:12 |
DarwinSurvivor | !ppa | Chuck_Norris note the warning | 07:12 |
ubottu | Chuck_Norris note the warning: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 07:12 |
fidel_ | !elaborate > Fat-Thing | 07:13 |
ubottu | Fat-Thing, please see my private message | 07:13 |
DarwinSurvivor | !nvidia | Drecondius did you try these instructions | 07:13 |
ubottu | Drecondius did you try these instructions: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 07:13 |
khayyim | Why can't I kill something in htop? Do I need to use sudo? | 07:13 |
DarwinSurvivor | khayyim: what are you trying to kill? | 07:13 |
Drecondius | not yet im kinda trying to brows web page and see if i miss anything here lol | 07:13 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: go with the wiki page, that is the *official* installation method. I've seen way too many people hose their systems by following how-to's on peoples' blogs | 07:14 |
khayyim | DarwinSurvivor: xfce4-panel and dosbox | 07:14 |
DarwinSurvivor | top 3 ways to hose a system: 1) install a .run file 2) PPA's 3) "first 10 things to do after installing ubuntu"-style blog posts | 07:15 |
Chuck_Norris | ok anyway a couple of links about it: | 07:15 |
Chuck_Norris | | 07:15 |
DarwinSurvivor | khayyim: try "killall xfce4-panel" and tell me if that works | 07:15 |
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Shalomony | DarwinSurvivor, The output of me "ls /dev/" is | 07:15 |
khayyim | DarwinSurvivor: nope | 07:16 |
DarwinSurvivor | Shalomony: hmm, it appears that you *do* have sr0, dvd and dvdrw. did you run that command with a disk in the drive or without? | 07:16 |
Drecondius | To lighten the mood I've hosed mine at least 10 different times today :) | 07:16 |
Drecondius | You can never learn your limits if you don't break something lol | 07:16 |
DarwinSurvivor | khayyim: ok, try "killall -s 9 xfce4-panel" | 07:16 |
dr_willis | Shalomony: you did instasll the proper packages to enabled dvd playback? | 07:16 |
Shalomony | darwinsurvivor, disc in the drive | 07:16 |
DarwinSurvivor | Shalomony: ok, can you try it again without a disk in the drive? | 07:17 |
khayyim | woop woop | 07:17 |
khayyim | DarwinSurvivor: Looks like that did it. Why doesn't htop kill it but killall does? | 07:17 |
jay__ | don't do drugs | 07:17 |
Shalomony | darwinSurvivor, sure thing dr_willis, I've downloaded every approved package from Canonical | 07:18 |
DarwinSurvivor | khayyim: because you used signal 9 which tells the kernel "kill at all costs" whereas using the default 15 just says "ask it do close" | 07:18 |
Shalomony | for dvd playback... | 07:18 |
DarwinSurvivor | khayyim: if you need to use signal 9 in htop, hit F9, then 9, then enter | 07:18 |
Drecondius | DarwinSurvivor: I can't do half of what the wiki is telling me because they require X to actually be running. | 07:18 |
khayyim | DarwinSurvivor: See, I was using both 15 and 9 in htop | 07:18 |
dr_willis | Shalomony: you followed the directions at the how to play dvd wiki page and ran that css installer script? | 07:18 |
khayyim | DarwinSurvivor: Anyway, thanks; worked like a charm | 07:19 |
Chuck_Norris | Drecondius: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current | 07:19 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: | 07:19 |
Shalomony | dr_willis, yes but that only allowed for me to play them slightly. I still have problems almost everytime i try to ACTUALLY play the disc. | 07:19 |
Drecondius | back in a few | 07:20 |
DarwinSurvivor | Drecondius: or go with Chuck_Norris's one (simpler) | 07:20 |
Shalomony | DarwinSurvivor, here's is the output with NO disc in drive, | 07:20 |
c-risk | Hello. I have a similar UEFI problem as in this bug | 07:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 879858 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #954878 Kernel panic after grub-install on UEFI Asus 1215B" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 07:20 |
dr_willis | slightly? | 07:20 |
Chuck_Norris | with that, you will install nvidia 295.40 thats has some bugs, you will notice when you are playing games or seeing video on youtube | 07:20 |
c-risk | However, I dont understand the press esc key workaround | 07:20 |
Drecondius | I'm just worried about actually being able to boot to desktop without having to use the acpi=off boot param. | 07:21 |
Shalomony | dr_willis, yes it will say there's a dvd on the unity bar, but every program has trouble running it. VLC mplayer, etc all give me some kind of error. | 07:21 |
Drecondius | without it i am stuck in tty with it i have no kb and mouse and usb | 07:22 |
DarwinSurvivor | Shalomony: hmm, same thing. Have you tested the dvd drive in any other OS (even another version/release of ubuntu)? | 07:22 |
dr_willis | Shalomony: run vlc from a terminal. have it play the dvd.. look for error messages | 07:22 |
DarwinSurvivor | Shalomony: have you tried other disks...? | 07:22 |
DarwinSurvivor | Shalomony: could very well be a dirty/scratched/fubar'd disk | 07:22 |
Shalomony | DarwinSurvivor, not yet, i was thinking about getting rid of 12.04 and going back to 10.04, disc is brand new | 07:23 |
c-risk | my problem is that I dont understand when to press ESC in that workaround. | 07:24 |
Chuck_Norris | Drewch: oh! i misunderstood your problem =P | 07:24 |
Chuck_Norris | sorry, i am from Argentina, english is not mah naturally language -.- | 07:24 |
Shalomony | dr_willis: when i ran VLC in the terminal, it's no longer mounting the disc properly again. It does this once every couple of times i put a disc in | 07:26 |
DarwinSurvivor | Shalomony: well, try another disk, I've seen people get brand-new (store bought) disks that were doa | 07:27 |
lewellyn | when i have multiple video cards installed, the boot process comes up on the wrong screen. how can i make it come up on the same screen as POST? | 07:27 |
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dr_willis | ive also seen new Video disks thathave this lame copy protection stuff on them. 'bad' sectors that can confuse computers ;( | 07:27 |
dr_willis | lewellyn: mmine shows on the same monitor..untill X starts up | 07:28 |
Shalomony | dr_willis: that might make sense, the disc works fine in standard DVD players, or consoles, but not my poor ubuntu laptop. | 07:29 |
dr_willis | the lightdm shows up on the monitor i set as my primary display | 07:29 |
DarwinSurvivor | Shalomony: check the back of the case, see if there are any copy-protection warnings | 07:29 |
dr_willis | Shalomony: what movie is it? just bought the disk? | 07:29 |
krababbel | lewellyn: BIOS has a setting | 07:29 |
lewellyn | krababbel: POST and the int | 07:29 |
krababbel | lewellyn: oh, maybe not | 07:30 |
lewellyn | grr | 07:30 |
Shalomony | it's doctor who season 6. But now it's not mounting the disc at all.... | 07:30 |
lewellyn | krababbel: POST and the alternate installer were fine | 07:30 |
dr_willis | all the DVD's ive bought recently seem to be doing that copy stuff.. hasent really stopped me however.. | 07:30 |
lewellyn | krababbel: it's the installed system that's unhappy | 07:30 |
krababbel | hey, that should be possible, I don't know how, maybe take one out, so ubuntu takes the other one at boot | 07:30 |
krababbel | then put it back in | 07:31 |
Chuck_Norris | Shalomony: sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 libdvdcss2 | 07:31 |
lewellyn | i can't put the card into a running system :;/ | 07:31 |
DarwinSurvivor | lewellyn: no, just the display (hdmi/dvi/whatever plug) | 07:31 |
bazhang | Chuck_Norris, did you have him add the medibuntu repos for that? | 07:31 |
Shalomony | chuck_norris: done that, that just allowed it to work partially. I think 12.04 is having an auto-mounting issue right now | 07:31 |
lewellyn | DarwinSurvivor: doesn't work. | 07:31 |
ndee | how can I monitor a directory and all it's subdirectory for a file change? So, as soon as a file is changed, it should show up in a log or somewhere. | 07:32 |
wjorgew | chuck nurris itś great | 07:32 |
lewellyn | it's initializing a port that doesn't have a monitor attached, which is why i couldn't figure it out for hours | 07:32 |
krababbel | lewellyn: a port, or the whole card? could be it always takes the card in the 'main' pci-e slot | 07:33 |
ads_ | i want to stop tomcat | 07:33 |
lewellyn | krababbel: the boot process is using a plain ol pci card instead | 07:33 |
ads_ | what shud i run command | 07:33 |
DarwinSurvivor | ndee: look into inotify | 07:33 |
Shalomony | DarwinSurvivor: It just got standard don't "reproduce,distribute, or exhibit" that's on all dvd cases | 07:33 |
lewellyn | bios is set to use the pci-e, and that's how i installed with the alternate installer | 07:33 |
ndee | DarwinSurvivor, sweet, thanks | 07:34 |
Chuck_Norris | Shalomony: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/ | 07:34 |
lewellyn | and, for fun, the boot process is using the vga port, not the digital port, on the pci card | 07:34 |
lewellyn | (yes, this is a very specific card and monitor combo. no, i can't plug the monitor into the pci-e card.) | 07:34 |
Shalomony | Chuck_norris: I've done ALL of that, you are very good at googling aren't you... | 07:34 |
Chuck_Norris | xD i know that about 4 or 5 years ago noob | 07:35 |
Chuck_Norris | Shalomony: sudo -E wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update | 07:35 |
Shalomony | I've done that.... | 07:35 |
Chuck_Norris | and i did: aptitude search lidvd for that | 07:36 |
Drecondius | Ok, now this is beginning to get on my last nerve. The driver is nvidia-current. It's failing to open my gpu. but when i boot with the acpi=off paramater it runs the gpu fine i just lose all my usb support | 07:36 |
Chuck_Norris | Shalomony: uname -i | 07:36 |
Drecondius | Is there some kind of work around for acpi that i can use that doesn't involve turning it all off? | 07:37 |
Shalomony | Chuck_Norris: i386... | 07:38 |
ndee | DarwinSurvivor, when I watch a directory recursively, I only see the directory that are accessed but not the files itself. In the manpage, I can't find anything to output the filenames, is that even possible? | 07:39 |
Chuck_Norris | Shalomony: can you paste the error that yo got when trying to mount dvd | 07:40 |
Chuck_Norris | or an image it ok as you like | 07:40 |
ill1cit | OMW ITS CHUCK NORRISS | 07:41 |
FloodBot1 | ill1cit: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:41 |
ill1cit | *grabs his nuts and runs* | 07:41 |
lewellyn | so no one knows how to tell grub which framebuffer to initialize? :/ | 07:41 |
ill1cit | chuck norris knows too bad he wont tell you | 07:42 |
Shalomony | Chuck_norris: I'm not getting an error when it won't mount, it just won't mount. I don't WANT to manually mount it.... | 07:42 |
krababbel | lewellyn: you could ask in #grub | 07:42 |
DarwinSurvivor | ndee: not sure, never used it directly, just know that some multimedia and backup tools use it (mediatomb for instance) | 07:42 |
* lewellyn shudders | 07:42 |
bazhang | ill1cit, stop that | 07:42 |
krababbel | they're nice | 07:42 |
lewellyn | of course, last time i needed them, it was "we don't support anything older than like 2 weeks ago. talk to your vendor" | 07:42 |
ill1cit | mmkay | 07:42 |
Shalomony | thanks for all the help yall, But i'm just going back to using 10.04... I liked it MUCH more | 07:43 |
krababbel | lewellyn: OK, back then I was trying grub2 while it was still quite new | 07:43 |
lewellyn | krababbel: before vendors started mucking with it ;) | 07:43 |
Chuck_Norris | you mount the dvd and then run with vlc? and you just want to run them drectly using vlc? | 07:43 |
Chuck_Norris | you dont want to type commands in the terminal for mounting dvd? | 07:44 |
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Guest92636 | hi, how to find out what spins up my second hard drive? | 07:44 |
ads_ | i want to stop tomcat on my ubuntu how will i do that???? | 07:44 |
lewellyn | oh hey. let's try GRUB_TERMINAL=console in /etc/default/grub | 07:45 |
Shalomony | Chuck_norris: It automounts into the media folder, half the time. the other half it just doesn't work at all. I figure if i manually mount it through the terminal, I'll get many more problems | 07:45 |
DarwinSurvivor | ads_: try "sudo service tomcat stop" | 07:45 |
lewellyn | well, that certainly didn't do what i had hoped... | 07:47 |
ads_ | DarwinSurvivor: tried but its giving me error "tomcat: unrecognized service" | 07:47 |
bobweaver | ps aux | grep [t]omcat | 07:47 |
bobweaver | then killall <name > | 07:47 |
lewellyn | also, it seems it's the graphical boot procedure, after grub, that's the big problem (whatever ubuntu uses for that) | 07:47 |
DarwinSurvivor | ads_: ok, how did you *start* it? | 07:47 |
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Chuck_Norris | well try to mout a encripted dvd through terminal and if you see some errors, paste it, maybe this time google can help us -.- =P | 07:49 |
Chuck_Norris | an* encripted... | 07:49 |
lewellyn | ;/g 33 | 07:49 |
lewellyn | erp | 07:49 |
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ads_ | DarwinSurvivor: administrator installed tomcat and he is not available. so i dont know how did he started service | 07:52 |
akaariai | I am having a really irritating problem after upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 - my keyboard goes to sleep after a second or two, and misses then the first few keys typed when it "awakes" | 07:53 |
DarwinSurvivor | ads_: do you have sudo? | 07:53 |
ads_ | yes | 07:53 |
akaariai | any hints how to solve this? Should I just do a reinstall? | 07:53 |
DarwinSurvivor | "ps aux | grep omcat" | 07:53 |
DarwinSurvivor | akaariai: did you install any power-saving tools like laptop-mode-tools or anything? | 07:53 |
ads_ | DarwinSurvivor: what exactly this will do? | 07:53 |
DarwinSurvivor | ads_: just print a list of all process with "omcat" in the name | 07:55 |
Shalomony | Chuck_norris: my error from mounting... | 07:55 |
DarwinSurvivor | it won't change or kill anything, I just want to see what the process itself is called | 07:55 |
akaariai | DarwinSurvivor: I don't think so, but when I search for "power" with synaptic there are multiple packages installed | 07:55 |
akaariai | I don't know which of those are default installed, which not | 07:55 |
marchdown_ | hello | 07:55 |
chu | hello | 07:56 |
ads_ | DarwinSurvivor : this is output of previous command | 07:56 |
marchdown_ | I don't understand how does the mechanism form switching keyboard layouts work. Can somebody help me out? | 07:57 |
Chuck_Norris | why your dvd is pointing to the first particion of the firt disc? | 07:58 |
Shalomony | Chuck_Norris: good question | 07:58 |
akaariai | DarwinSurvivor: could gnome-power-manager do the keyboard suspending? | 07:59 |
Chuck_Norris | ye, such a good question -.- | 07:59 |
Chuck_Norris | mmm... paste fstab and mtab | 07:59 |
Shalomony | Chuck_Norris: sure thing | 07:59 |
ads_ | DarwinSurvivor: ?? | 08:00 |
Shalomony | Chuck_Norris: "Command not found" i take it i need to install those? | 08:00 |
Chuck_Norris | i meant: cat /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab | 08:01 |
Shalomony | Chuck_norris: oops, i'm dumb | 08:01 |
DarwinSurvivor | akaariai: could be, but I don't use it, so you'll have to ask someone else | 08:01 |
DarwinSurvivor | ads_: ok, "sudo kill 26821". I don't know how easily you'll be able to re-start it though! | 08:02 |
Shalomony | Chuck_norris: fstab= | 08:02 |
akaariai | I will try to find a usb to PS2 converter and see if that fixes my problem | 08:03 |
Chuck_Norris | it's ok | 08:03 |
Shalomony | Chuck_norris: mtab= | 08:03 |
ads_ | DarwinSurvivor: b4 doing this i need to know exactly what it will do, as its risky for me to do on remote server | 08:03 |
akaariai | if you happen to know some debugging tools to use for checking what is happening that would be useful... | 08:04 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest54926 |
DarwinSurvivor | ads_: it will kill the process numbered 26821, which by checking the output of the command you gave me should be the process ID of the tomcat server | 08:05 |
DarwinSurvivor | ads_: why do you need to close it anyways? | 08:05 |
Guest54926 | hi wats up | 08:05 |
ads_ | DarwinSurvivor: actually i need to stop and then start it again | 08:06 |
lewellyn | DarwinSurvivor: why wouldn't you just use pkill? | 08:06 |
lewellyn | ads_: is there a startup script? :) | 08:06 |
ads_ | lewellyn: no | 08:07 |
DarwinSurvivor | ads_: oh, then don't run that, I can't guarantee it can be restarted easily | 08:07 |
Chuck_Norris | Shalomony: i don't know how to solve it =( everything seems tobe good | 08:07 |
lewellyn | ads_: how did it get started? | 08:07 |
DarwinSurvivor | brb | 08:07 |
ads_ | DarwinSurvivor: so ne other solution, i just want to start it | 08:08 |
Shalomony | Chuck_Norris: thanks anyways for looking. I'm gonna get a 10.04 release back on here. Everything worked great for me on there | 08:08 |
ads_ | DarwinSurvivor: me too brb | 08:08 |
=== me is now known as ApocGoD |
Chuck_Norris | np | 08:08 |
ads_ | lewellyn: my administrator did that , i dont know, and he's not available | 08:09 |
lewellyn | ads_: you might be wise to wait till he's available then :) | 08:09 |
ads_ | lewellyn: ok | 08:09 |
ads_ | lewellyn: brb | 08:09 |
DarwinSurvivor | back | 08:11 |
=== setkeh` is now known as setkeh |
MarKsaitis | whats the diff between conf.d sites-available and sites-enabled in apache? | 08:13 |
MarKsaitis | why the f do you break other softwares config files? | 08:14 |
MarKsaitis | is this so that ppl get more confused when they need to config stuff? | 08:14 |
DarwinSurvivor | ads_: you may be able to get some better advice in the #tomcat channel | 08:16 |
RawChid | Hi, I connected an Apple keyboard to my laptop wiTH Ubuntu 12.04. But now the keyboard of the laptop is "confused". I need te press the fn key the whole time to get correct characters. Any idea how to fix this?? | 08:20 |
Onkeltem | Hi all. How can I get old version of a packet from a repo? | 08:21 |
RawChid | I don't need/use that Apple keyboard anymore | 08:21 |
ejo | MarKsaitis: sites-available holds config info for instances where you have some sites all set up but don't want them actually enabled at the time... | 08:21 |
MarKsaitis | ok | 08:22 |
huayra | RawChid, is this a Thinkpad? | 08:22 |
RawChid | huayra: no, lenovo (also family of IBM) | 08:22 |
DarwinSurvivor | RawChid: what model of lenovo (lenovo makes thinkpad) | 08:23 |
RawChid | N2// | 08:23 |
RawChid | DarwinSurvivor: 3000 N200 (let me verify more details in a min.) | 08:23 |
Onkeltem | I need to get Google Chrome 18th version. Where/how can I get it? | 08:24 |
Onkeltem | It is now autoupdated to 19, which is crap for me | 08:24 |
RawChid | Yeah, 3000 n200 is the model | 08:25 |
Onkeltem | How to roll it back?? | 08:25 |
RawChid | Onkeltem: I thought Google Chrome updates itself 'undER The hood' | 08:25 |
RawChid | Hm, maybe not on Ubuntu... | 08:27 |
DarwinSurvivor | RawChid: as a test, hit numlock and see if that changes anything | 08:27 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: well, I need somehow to browse and get old deb | 08:27 |
Onkeltem | Any ideas how to browse* ? It returns 404 for any directory | 08:27 |
RawChid | DarwinSurvivor: OMG, that was it :P | 08:28 |
RawChid | It could be so simple. Thanks man! | 08:28 |
RawChid | How did you figure that out? Or was it just an educated guess? | 08:28 |
sjd_zeus | hi all | 08:30 |
quick- | hi , i am a newbie and i want to remove the proxy connections for apt ? | 08:30 |
quick- | sjd_zeus: hi :) | 08:30 |
RawChid | Onkeltem: maybe this helps | 08:30 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: for this I should know the exact version of the package | 08:31 |
DarwinSurvivor | RawChid: my old laptop would mess with the enter key if numlock was on :) | 08:31 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: which is not the case. For example, current version is called: 19.0.1084.46-r135956 | 08:31 |
Onkeltem | what was the latest stable of 18th - I can't guess | 08:32 |
ndee | DarwinSurvivor, in the end, I used audit with auditctl, pretty nice stuff :) | 08:32 |
DarwinSurvivor | ndee: cool, might look into that myself | 08:32 |
DarwinSurvivor | ok, I'm out for the night, cya guys | 08:33 |
sjd_zeus | quick-, hi,u'l vi /etc/apt/apt.conf to remove the proxy connetctions for apt | 08:33 |
RawChid | Onkeltem: I understand. Sorry can't help you with that. | 08:33 |
quick- | sjd_zeus: Thanks :) | 08:33 |
sjd_zeus | quick-, nothing | 08:33 |
RawChid | But google would now that I guess | 08:34 |
RawChid | s/now/know | 08:34 |
pungi-man | is glade ( python GUI ) wxPython or any other?? | 08:34 |
Onkeltem | Does anyone on amd64 arch have Google Chrome 18th stable still? | 08:38 |
Onkeltem | I need its version number | 08:38 |
Onkeltem | I STPUID | 08:39 |
Onkeltem | I have logs! :)))) | 08:39 |
sjd_zeus | quick-, where are you from? | 08:39 |
RawChid | Haha Onkeltem, otherwise I only have chromium | 08:39 |
sjd_zeus | I use firefox | 08:39 |
sjd_zeus | Onkeltem, i use firefox | 08:39 |
RawChid | 18.0.1025.151~ | 08:40 |
quick- | sjd_zeus: no personal stuff here . !offtopic | 08:40 |
Onkeltem | sjd_zeus: firefox lacks the DevTools. | 08:41 |
sjd_zeus | quick-, :) | 08:41 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: disaster. They deleted the version I found in logs ( 18.0.1025.168-r134367 ) :(( | 08:41 |
sjd_zeus | Onkeltem, :) | 08:42 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: would you paste a link to the repo you are using for Chrome? | 08:42 |
quick- | sjd_zeus: no personal stuff here . for off topic discussions log in to ubuntu-offtopic | 08:42 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: for chromium I meant | 08:42 |
quick- | \quit "see u later" | 08:42 |
RawChid | Why are you so hooked on v18? I only have Chromium Onkeltem | 08:42 |
nzee | Sound suddenly stopped working in my Ubuntu. Please help! | 08:42 |
RawChid | I didn't do anything special Onkeltem. Maybe it's from the Ubuntu Partner repo... | 08:43 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: because some malicious bastard made a change which had led to Autosave Extension stopped working from 19 and over | 08:43 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: ok, I'll check it | 08:44 |
RawChid | And now you keep on using v18 for lifetime? :P | 08:44 |
RawChid | Oke, good luck | 08:44 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: until it start working again. Imagine, you moved all your development to some tool, and then it stopped working | 08:44 |
* sjd_zeus is away: 我很忙 | 08:44 |
* sjd_zeus is back (gone 00:00:28) | 08:45 |
* sjd_zeus is away: 我很忙 | 08:45 |
RawChid | sjd_zeus: stop flooding crap please | 08:45 |
DJones | !away > sjd_zeus | 08:45 |
ubottu | sjd_zeus, please see my private message | 08:45 |
* sjd_zeus is back (gone 00:00:01) | 08:45 |
RawChid | Onkeltem: I see | 08:45 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: Autosave, to say truth, is saving hours per week, not to say its much more convinient to, keeing editing CSS/JavaScript on your fingertips | 08:45 |
* sjd_zeus is away: 我很忙 | 08:46 |
* sjd_zeus is back (gone 00:00:10) | 08:47 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: I now confirm I see 18th of Chromium in stable. Thank you | 08:47 |
fidel_ | sjd_zeus: could you disable those pubic-away-status-messages? | 08:47 |
Onkeltem | sjd_zeus: they are evil, not only here, but everywhere. | 08:48 |
sjd_zeus | ok | 08:48 |
canllaith | They did however confirm that my utf-8 seems to be working :P | 08:48 |
canllaith | (not that this is meant to be encouragement, they are evil.) | 08:48 |
fidel_ | i bet 1666 users of 1667 inhere dont care if you are away or not - and if so they would check your away-status ;) | 08:48 |
Onkeltem | canllaith: haha, nice sideeffect :) | 08:48 |
Onkeltem | fidel_: thats what I intended to say next ;-) | 08:49 |
akaariai | fwiw: I added usbcore.autosuspend=-1 and my keyboard sleep problems are gone | 08:50 |
akaariai | added to kernel boot parameters, that is | 08:50 |
r0nk3l1 | hi | 08:52 |
r0nk3l1 | I dont know if this is ubuntu or sas problem | 08:53 |
r0nk3l1 | but im trying to install statistical software sas on ubuntu | 08:53 |
r0nk3l1 | and i get an error on every kernel related part of the installation | 08:53 |
r0nk3l1 | and log says that its a OS problem | 08:53 |
r0nk3l1 | | 08:54 |
r0nk3l1 | this is the error i get | 08:54 |
r0nk3l1 | could someone give me a hint what to do | 08:54 |
Wizard | lubmil, o_O | 08:57 |
Onkeltem | RawChid: huh, feeling much warmer now. Installed Chromium, copied all Chrome personal stuff, things run smooth. | 08:58 |
=== sjd_zeus is now known as mahayana |
=== mahayana is now known as sjd_zeus |
Shani0610 | I have to mend my fstab, how to escape a white space, i.e. a spacebar? | 09:04 |
erfan | lkm | 09:05 |
canllaith | Shani0610: \ | 09:06 |
RawChid | Haha, good to hear Onkeltem :) | 09:06 |
canllaith | Shani0610: so it becomes Some\ Name\ Here | 09:06 |
UnixWiz | Hello all :) | 09:06 |
canllaith | Shani0610: Or, you can put the whole thing in quotes for "Some Name Here" | 09:06 |
canllaith | Shani0610: as an example, "/mnt/some name" or /mnt/some\ name | 09:06 |
RyanMac | quit? | 09:07 |
=== root is now known as Guest99707 |
Drecondius | LMAO I really feel stupid now. | 09:12 |
Drecondius | There was an option in my bios to assist in Hardware Virtualization that was clashing with the installer/os | 09:13 |
tom1mt | dilabs | 09:15 |
aethelrick | does anyone know how I can find out which device returned by lsusb maps to which /dev/tty for virtual com ports? (I have more than one and need to tell them apart programatically) | 09:15 |
aethelrick | I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 | 09:15 |
Drecondius | aethelrick you could probably ls their bus type | 09:15 |
auvajs | hi. I have a laptop in my school but can't connect to the local wifi. "wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down". but sudo ifconfig wlan0 up says: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill... | 09:16 |
aethelrick | Drecondius, how does one ls a bus type? | 09:16 |
auvajs | auvajs: anyone? | 09:16 |
Drecondius | ex lsusb = list usb devices lspci = pci bus devices | 09:16 |
footprints0 | hello. how can i find out the MAC address of wireless router | 09:17 |
footprints0 | ? | 09:17 |
MonkeyDust | footprints0 ifconfig ? | 09:20 |
footprints0 | MonkeyDust: thanks you. does ifconfig working if i am not logged in to the router? | 09:20 |
oga_ | Hey all... i'm trying to get 12.04 line in to work in order to record audio. Currently no input seems to stimulate the line in. When something is plugged in it pops up as a recognised input but will not detect input. any ideas please? | 09:21 |
footprints0 | MonkeyDust: i think you must logg into the router for ifconfig to show router MAC address, yes? | 09:22 |
footprints0 | MonkeyDust: but what if I am not connected to router? | 09:22 |
MonkeyDust | oga_ in a terminal, type alsamixer, if you see MM (mute), go there and press m | 09:22 |
fidel_ | footprints0: in case you are connected the 'arp' command might help as well. in case you need more consider using 'nmap' | 09:22 |
footprints0 | fidel_: sorry, my english very bad. | 09:22 |
footprints0 | fidel_: my question is-- what if I am not connected to router? | 09:23 |
footprints0 | fidel_: thanks you. | 09:23 |
auvajs | hi. I have a laptop in my school but can't connect to the local wifi. "wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down". but sudo ifconfig wlan0 up says: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill... ANYONE???? | 09:26 |
footprints0 | hello fidel_ MonkeyDust . any answers, pls. | 09:27 |
footprints0 | i am a newdie. sorry | 09:27 |
=== el is now known as Guest70806 |
vlt | mouche: Yes, still lokking for a way to remove “Log out …” and “Software up to date” from ubuntu 12.04’s logout menu.. | 09:31 |
vlt | *looking | 09:31 |
Blarrffll | footprints0: You could install aircrack-ng and use airodump-ng to list all of the available networks including SSID and MAC address | 09:32 |
Blarrffll | footprints0: I use wicd to connect to wireless from withing gnome, and if I choose the network and choose properties, and information it shows the MAC - most wireless clients would be the same I imagine.. ? | 09:32 |
Blarrffll | auvajs: Take a look at | 09:34 |
footprints0 | Blarrffll: thanks you. with wicd program, you don't need to login to router first, yes? | 09:37 |
auvajs | Blarrffll: the wifi is installed and not blocked. I just dunno how to make it up | 09:38 |
Blarrffll | footprints0: Correct - you list all of the available networks to connect to, and can see the MAC address of any of them without connecting to them | 09:38 |
footprints0 | Blarrffll: thanks you very much. i am download now. | 09:38 |
Blarrffll | footprints0: What exactly are you trying to do? | 09:38 |
footprints0 | Blarrffll: i am newdie and learn about linux . | 09:39 |
zizoo | Secure shell isn't doing the public key authentication thing I told it to for some reason. I see how it's supposed to work (I think) from having my main box connect to itself. It's supposed to prompt for the passphrase in a separate window, right? Even though I set it up the same way here, when I try to connect from my laptop it still asks for the user's specific password at the terminal instead. Any ideas what could be going wron | 09:40 |
zizoo | g? | 09:40 |
Blarrffll | footprints0: That's fine, but I'm not sure how valuable knowing the MAC address of a router would be is all. It's a rather obscure thing to query without a very specific need | 09:40 |
Blarrffll | auvajs: I don't quite understand what you mean by 'make it up' ? | 09:41 |
footprints0 | Blarrffll: yes, next time i learn more about linux. but kernel learning is big job | 09:41 |
auvajs | Blarrffll: when I do iwlist scan, it says: wlan0: Failed to read scan data: Network is down...... so i wanna make the network up | 09:41 |
auvajs | Blarrffll: so I thought the command is sudo ifconfig wlan0 up.... but when I do this, I get Operation not permitted because of some TF-kill... error | 09:43 |
auvajs | *RF kill | 09:43 |
footprints0_ | i am now rtK | 09:44 |
footprints0_ | Blarrffll: wicd is veri interest. | 09:44 |
Drecondius | Does anyone in here know how to work ndiswrapper? | 09:45 |
footprints0_ | i checked the mAC on our router. why last number is 6 on router and 5 in wicd? very interest | 09:45 |
footprints0_ | I am confusing very much | 09:45 |
zizoo | Why is ssh asking for my host's password instead of the public-key passphrase I set up there? The identity is stored properly in my ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. | 09:46 |
llutz | zizoo: ssh -vvv usre@host to get more verbose errors/messages | 09:47 |
footprints0_ | Blarrffll: iwconfig and wicd have same address, but they both differenting compared to router sticker. | 09:47 |
thrillERboy | Hi, How do I restart windows manager and all. I've pressed alt+tab now I can't see lanuncher or any windows | 09:47 |
thrillERboy | I don't see, minimize, maximize buttons, window title bars, cant even get to launcher. How do I get those back? | 09:49 |
oga_ | can anybody help me get "line in" working on ubuntu 12.04? it detects that something has been plugged into the line in socket but never reports any actual sound input on the sound settings screen? | 09:50 |
zizoo | That was a lot of very-hard-to-decipher debug messages.... So, it seems that it never actually checks the 'authorized_keys' files when searching for public keys. It only checks 'id_rsa', 'id_dsa', and 'id_ecdsa'. Any clue where I should put this stuff, or why using ssh-copy-id puts the identity in such a useless file? | 09:53 |
ejo | Is there a known issue where using more than one workspace prevents hibernation? | 09:54 |
vlt | Hello. Any idea how to remove the “Shut down …” and “Software up to date” lines in Ubuntu 12.04’s logout menu? | 09:54 |
fidel_ | vlt: you are still asking for the unity logout menu right? | 09:54 |
Darael | Is there a known issue with multiple keyboard layouts after upgrade to precise? Because I'm having trouble on about four different machines. Each account is stuck in its default layout from pre-upgrade - others are selectable in the indicator, but doing so has no effect. | 09:55 |
vlt | fidel_: Yes. | 09:55 |
ejo | I followed the steps to add hibernation ability back to my 12.04 setup (knowing it wasn't there by default in 12.04) and it has been working fine, but I was only using one workspace. Now just today I started using multiple workspaces via Unity, and hibernate doesn't work. | 09:55 |
ansy | can anyone help in installing pxe server? | 09:55 |
Darael | !anyone | ansy | 09:55 |
ubottu | ansy: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 09:55 |
vlt | ansy: Just install pkg ltsp-server or ltsp-server-standalone | 09:55 |
vlt | ansy: The latter includes dhcpd | 09:55 |
MacroMan | I'm having problems with ssh connection to a remote server. | 09:56 |
vlt | ansy: And you should check your network environment first before runnning one. | 09:56 |
ansy | does anyone help me in installing pxe server on 10.04 server | 09:56 |
Darael | !elaborate | MacroMan | 09:56 |
ubottu | MacroMan: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 09:56 |
fidel_ | vlt: just a rabndom search-engine hit: | 09:56 |
fidel_ | handles a similar task in 11.10 - could maybe help | 09:56 |
=== sly is now known as SlyUk |
MacroMan | Everything works fine and I can connect. After about 20-30 connects and disconnects, I get a timeout when I try to connect. It's not the server as other people can connect fine. After I restart my local machine, I can connect again fine. What could be causing this? | 09:57 |
vlt | fidel_: Thank you. I’ll try that. | 09:57 |
MonkeyDust | MacroMan wifi? | 09:58 |
Darael | ansy: Why don't you tell us what you're trying to achieve - a PXE server is presumably a means to an end, not an end in itself - and someone who can help will have a bit more to go on? | 09:58 |
MacroMan | MonkeyDust: No, local network over ethernet. | 09:58 |
ikonia | ethernet is local network | 09:58 |
ejo | No ideas on hibernate vs. multiple workspaces? | 09:58 |
ikonia | ejo: sorry, that makes no sense | 09:59 |
ikonia | ejo: that's like saying Car v's hamburgers | 09:59 |
MacroMan | ikonia: No, I could be on the local network over wifi | 09:59 |
ikonia | they are totally different things | 09:59 |
footprints0 | hi dear. how to check brand of my wireless card ? | 09:59 |
ikonia | MacroMan: apologies I missunderstood what you where actually saying | 09:59 |
ejo | ikonia, my original question is a short distance above. Shall I repeat it? | 09:59 |
MacroMan | ikonia: No worries | 09:59 |
ikonia | ejo: sure | 09:59 |
=== alex__c is now known as alex_nue |
esmobg | hi evry one | 10:00 |
zizoo | Oh... I think I figured out the problem. I created the files prematurely by my own devices, and now it's upset that the permissions for it are too open. I found this out by using the '-i' option to specify the file. Then it gave me that warning and told me it was ignoring the file and asked for the pass again. Thanks llutz, for at least getting me started on that one. rtfm, zizoo! x__x; | 10:00 |
ejo | I had hibernate working correctly on my 12.04 system before today, but during that time I never used Unity's multiple workspaces feature. Today I started using multiple workspaces and hibernate no longer works. Is this a known issue? | 10:00 |
Darael | Is there a known issue with multiple keyboard layouts after upgrade to precise? Because I'm having trouble on about four different machines. Each account is stuck in its default layout from pre-upgrade - others are selectable in the indicator, but doing so has no effect. | 10:00 |
frogzoo | is this month's upgrade painful or relatively smooth? | 10:01 |
sary | footprints0: lshw -C network | 10:02 |
MacroMan | I'll have to drop off now to restart, but if someone has any information on my question earlier, I'll be back in five. | 10:02 |
fidel_ | frogzoo: talking about 12.04? | 10:02 |
ikonia | ejo: I don't think so, but as a lot of hibernation issues are limited to graphics cards, using the multiple desktop features may intergrate a function cause | 10:02 |
Darael | frogzoo: The machines I've upgraded where nothing went wrong were really smooth. I had two or three have power drop out or similar midway through, though, and that was painful. | 10:02 |
ejo | I will try moving all windows back onto a single workspace and then hibernating... will see if that works. | 10:03 |
fidel_ | frogzoo: upgrades from 11.10 to 12.04 worked pretty good according to what i hhave heard. but to avoid issues - do as you should do always: to backup first | 10:03 |
ejo | ... nope still no hibernate. Well I'll try re-doing the steps to enable hibernation. | 10:03 |
footprints0 | sary: thanks you. does it tell my chipset? | 10:04 |
frogzoo | Darael: fidel_ aight, thx a bunch | 10:06 |
ironshot | is this where all the leet hackers are? | 10:07 |
ikonia | ironshot: not here | 10:08 |
ironshot | ok then | 10:08 |
Darael | Is there a known issue with multiple keyboard layouts after upgrade to precise? Because I'm having trouble on about four different machines. Each account is stuck in its default layout from pre-upgrade - others are selectable in the indicator, but doing so has no effect. My extra options (such as caps-lock as backspace) seem to have stopped, too. | 10:09 |
=== alex_nue is now known as alex___c |
footprints0 | hello. what command to find my wireless driver? | 10:10 |
sary | footprints0: Yeah , and for more details for the wireless chipsets #see lspci -nn | grep 0280 | 10:10 |
footprints0 | sary: thanks you | 10:11 |
sary | footprints0: you're welcome. | 10:13 |
sary | footprints0: are you having an issue with your card , is you are looking for the driver in used look at the configuration line: from the output of lshw -C network. | 10:15 |
footprints0 | sary, yes, i am newdie and learning about linux and my computer | 10:16 |
footprints0 | sary: no problem. i just learning about it. | 10:17 |
MK_3 | Hi | 10:17 |
sary | Hey | 10:17 |
sary | footprints0: Thats great :) | 10:17 |
footprints0 | sary: i repeat command. which line tells wireless driver informeyshon? Sorry, i am a newdie | 10:18 |
stueng | Hi, I wish to build a machine with the simple purpose of running XBMC.. it doenst need a web browser, file manager, anything except XBMC... how best to go about this so its as light weight as possible? | 10:18 |
tresk | HI, how can I suppress the F10key bindung for my terminal window (opens context menu) | 10:18 |
gentoo_user | hi. I have problem with 1 font. system see this font and I can use it. But I cant see that font in terminal - is not avialable. Why? | 10:18 |
sary | footprints0: The Configuration: / line | 10:19 |
footprints0 | sary: perfect. thanks you again. you are very expert. i jeoulus | 10:19 |
esmobg | hii evry one | 10:20 |
esmobg | xchat pakage in ubuntu 12 04 is crash plesse repair | 10:21 |
Heartbeats | hhi | 10:21 |
sary | footprints0: i meant the configuraion line from this output | 10:22 |
Darael | tresk: Easiest way is probably to use a different terminal app. There's loads out there... but if you need gnome-terminal for some reason, we can probably work out how to disable it. | 10:22 |
sary | footprints0: No am not , i just happen to read a lot on the wiki/documents :) | 10:22 |
footprints0 | sary: yes, i finish reading it. | 10:22 |
footprints0 | sary, it teaches us ath9k. | 10:22 |
footprints0 | that's why i say you are very expert | 10:22 |
TBarth | hi, I ve a problem with Perl. Ubuntu installed many important modules into a /root/perl5 subdirectories which can't be found in a "user shell" | 10:23 |
sary | esmobg:is there dailog that you could check for error in xchat. | 10:23 |
Darael | TBarth: The package manager wouldn't do that. Did you do something involving a "sudo cpan", by any chance? | 10:24 |
sary | footprints0: thats the driver in used correct. :) | 10:24 |
footprints0 | sary, respectfully thanks you. | 10:24 |
TBarth | Darael, I called "perl -MCPAN -e shell" as root user to get additional modules installed | 10:25 |
tresk | Darael: The only reason is it's installed and working :) But I wonder where to disable this key binding, because I disabled the menu binding... any suggestions for another terminal app? | 10:25 |
MK_3 | I want to install a program in this page > | 10:25 |
=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo |
ubuntu | hI | 10:25 |
MK_3 | but i have problem in step 15 | 10:25 |
sary | footprints0: salute . | 10:26 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest40148 |
Guest40148 | Привет всем) | 10:26 |
Guest40148 | Русские есть? | 10:26 |
MK_3 | the commend does't work | 10:26 |
Darael | TBarth: Yeah, that would have installed them to root's $HOME, which isn't the system-wide folder. I forget how to get CPAN to install things for the system, but in the meantime, try moving the things from /root/perl5/ to /usr/local/share/perl/<version-number>/ | 10:27 |
obelus | !details | MK_3 | 10:27 |
ubottu | MK_3: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 10:27 |
obelus | Basically, 'it doesn't work' doesn't help us solve the problem | 10:27 |
Campari_IV | Hi | 10:28 |
obelus | 140 | 10:28 |
TBarth | Darael, ok. I didn't get the problems on Ubuntu 10 LTS | 10:28 |
MonkeyDust | !ru| Guest40148 | 10:28 |
ubottu | Guest40148: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 10:28 |
obelus | Sorry, my cat put his paw on my numpad. | 10:28 |
sary | footprints0: always check the wiki to learn fast about the system | 10:28 |
Darael | tresk: terminator is very similar to gnome-terminal, xterm is the classic, and guake drops down from the top of the screen when you press a configurable key, Quake-style. | 10:28 |
sary | obelus: :) | 10:28 |
Wobbo | Does anyone know how to on-locks the panels (top and bottem of 12.04 classic)? | 10:29 |
Darael | !pm > Campari_IV | 10:29 |
ubottu | Campari_IV, please see my private message | 10:29 |
MonkeyDust | Wobbo it's gnome3, guess you can't unlock or configure them | 10:30 |
Campari_IV | lol | 10:30 |
Darael | Wobbo: Basically, you can't. GNOME is moving away from that sort of onfigurability in the name of user-friendliness. For a gnome2-like experience, best bet is probably XFCE. | 10:31 |
footprints0 | sary, thanks you for the knowledegable link | 10:33 |
oliva | anybody is experiencing problem with skype? It gets aborted after few minutes | 10:35 |
tresk | Darael: thx I use terminator now .) | 10:36 |
MK_3 | my problem and details in | 10:37 |
dhananjay | Hello everyone, i am trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 10.10 to the recent LTS version, but on doing `update-manager -d` I keep getting "Update to 11.04", is there a way i can skip doing three upgrades in a row ? | 10:37 |
stueng | is there such a thing as an ubuntu desktop install without a gui ? | 10:38 |
Myrtti | stueng: with alternative install disk yes | 10:38 |
stueng | ty | 10:38 |
stueng | !alternative | 10:38 |
ubottu | The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. - See also !minimal | 10:38 |
ANub | <dhananjay> put in 12.04 CD /DVD | 10:38 |
MK_3 | my problem and details in | 10:39 |
ANub | <dhananjay> at the time of installation it will ask u for upgrade | 10:39 |
ANub | <dhananjay> say "YES" | 10:39 |
jeregon | hello can any one help me with dlci's4 | 10:39 |
jeregon | hello can any one help me with dlci's? | 10:39 |
dhananjay | ANub: I don't didn't want to download a cd, but let me try that. No other options ? | 10:39 |
ANub | <dhananjay> thats how i did it....:) | 10:40 |
ANub | <dhananjay> except i used bootable USB | 10:41 |
dhananjay | thanks | 10:41 |
etfb | If I'm using 32-bit Ubuntu on an Intel Core i7 computer, is there any advantage to having more than 4Gb of memory installed? | 10:42 |
MonkeyDust | !pae| etfb | 10:42 |
ubottu | etfb: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See for more info | 10:42 |
etfb | MonkeyDust: Cool, thanks. | 10:44 |
Iszak | How do I create an archive through the command line with 256 bit encryption? preferably zip. | 10:45 |
Iszak | or rather an archive that is password protected with 256 bit encrypted | 10:45 |
Wobbo__ | But it works normal before (as in "Classic" 11.04), now it works only in "Classic (No effect)". | 10:45 |
escott | Iszak, you can use gpg to encrypt the zip archive after you make it (either symmetrically or with a keypair) | 10:45 |
Iszak | escott: I can't use that, it should be compatible with win zip 9 | 10:46 |
Fat-Thing | i got a problem with my ubuntu 10.04....everytime i watch youtube it freezes for about less than 2mins just the video but the sound still works.....and i can't click anything when it happens any solution for this? | 10:46 |
sary | MK_3: there is no error from the output .. | 10:46 |
sary | Fat-Thing: using adobe flash player ! | 10:47 |
escott | Iszak, zipcloak? | 10:47 |
Iszak | escott: | 10:47 |
Iszak | mist ell, having a look | 10:47 |
escott | Iszak, i really wonder what 256bit means in this context are you really going to have a 42 character password? | 10:48 |
Fat-Thing | sary i got adobe flash installed already sir | 10:48 |
Iszak | escott: basically the requirement is "For security the file should be zipped up using winzip 9, password protected with 256bit encryption, using a BT policy password (min 8 characters, numbers, letters and different case as a minimum)" | 10:48 |
MK_3 | "-_- | 10:48 |
escott | Iszak, so 256bit is a fancy way of pretending you have more security than you do. thats what i figured | 10:49 |
Iszak | ha | 10:49 |
Iszak | so what to do in this case then? | 10:49 |
openvoid_ | Iszak, use 7za - it have best password encryption compared to others | 10:50 |
sary | Fat-Thing: Sure you do , dump that and use html5 instead then see if the issue present | 10:50 |
Iszak | openvoid_: is it compatible with win zip 9? | 10:50 |
openvoid_ | Iszak, not sure | 10:50 |
Fat-Thing | sir sary tell me how can i get html5? any links i could read on!? | 10:50 |
Iszak | okay thanks | 10:50 |
Iszak | openvoid_: is that part of p7zip? | 10:51 |
sary | Fat-Thing: am not a sir , please stop calling me that :) .. sure which browser you're using. | 10:51 |
escott | Iszak, i'm just commenting on the fact that 256bit means a block size of 256bits (a cipher like AES can use a block size like this) you true key is the password which is 8 characters from a space of ~64 possibilities so its really 64^8=2^48 so its only 48bit encryption. | 10:51 |
Iszak | escott: 8 is the min, I could make it higher if I wanted to. | 10:52 |
Fat-Thing | oOps sorry sir...grrr....i'm using chrome | 10:52 |
escott | Iszak, but you aren't going to use 42 characters. its big jump from 48bit to a true 256bit key | 10:52 |
Iszak | escott: i can if I want to - I'm not limited on what the password is. | 10:53 |
sary | Fat-Thing: i use Chromuim and i don't have to install any extension for html5 to stream videos in youtube. | 10:53 |
MK_3 | when i try to install idevicerestore , I get the following output | 10:53 |
MK_3 | sary ^ | 10:54 |
=== crazyrohila is now known as crazyrohila_ |
sary | MK_3: am not sure what this lib is for .. but have you notice the line make: `libirecovery.a' is up to date. | 10:55 |
=== crazyrohila_ is now known as crazyrohila_afk |
escott | Iszak, if you do thats very responsible of you. I'm just laughing at the marketing "We encrypt all our files with 256bit encryption, our passwords all include uppercase, lowercase and numbers, and are all variants of "Pa55w0rd"" | 10:55 |
Iszak | yeah, bit stupid :P | 10:55 |
escott | Iszak, I had some fun experiences with the compliance office at my old job. I'm not bitter at all | 10:56 |
IssaMio | !list | 10:57 |
ubottu | IssaMio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 10:57 |
IssaMio | ciao | 10:57 |
killer | hi guys....if i have to scan my windows partition for clamav ok for that? | 10:57 |
Iszak | escott: openvoid_ 7za a -tzip -mem=AES256 -p Pa55w0rd data/ should do it? | 10:57 |
Iszak | whoops no space between -p and Pa55w0rd | 10:57 |
escott | Iszak, sounds perfect but the password may be a bit too complex for the end user. | 10:58 |
=== XX is now known as Guest12933 |
Iszak | haha that made me snicker | 10:58 |
escott | !antivirus | killer | 10:58 |
ubottu | killer: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See | 10:58 |
escott | killer, that should give you some other links if you want to try something in addition to clamav | 10:59 |
stueng | hi, if I have a LiveUSB stick can I copy a second ISO onto the USB Stick and boot that second ISO? | 10:59 |
akem | ubottu, anti-rootkit then | 11:00 |
killer | escott : i already have antivirus ,i just wanna know whether it scans windows partition or not | 11:00 |
=== crazyrohila_afk is now known as crazyrohila |
escott | !unetbootin | stueng | 11:00 |
ubottu | stueng: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 11:00 |
stueng | I already have the USB flash drive, with Ubuntu Live on it... now I would like to add the alternate ISO image as well | 11:00 |
escott | killer, i've never used it so I dont know how it is configured out of the box | 11:01 |
sary | Fat-Thing: I should've post the link earliar. | 11:01 |
stueng | so I can choose between ubuntu and alternate.. from the same stick | 11:01 |
stueng | does the 12.04 live cd use grub 2 ? | 11:02 |
sary | to iso's in a stick ! would that be bootable ? | 11:02 |
sary | stueng: correct. | 11:03 |
sary | Fat-Thing: | 11:03 |
stueng | my understanding is I can edit grub.cfg to add a loopback mount for the iso ? | 11:03 |
Fat-Thing | i got that but it says join html5 trial | 11:04 |
Fat-Thing | and when buffering i can't find the html5 on the video that's been bufferin like in the tutorial link i've followed | 11:05 |
sary | Fat-Thing: remove the adobe flash player plugin first , then see if it streams with html5. | 11:06 |
Fat-Thing | sary, can u give me the command for it in terminal? pls? thanx | 11:07 |
sary | Fat-Thing: depends , how you got it installed in the first place .. as i recall there are two packages to install the adobe flash | 11:08 |
actarus | hello, sorry, I have a little problem with unity, doesn't show the applications, is like unity-lens-applications doesn't work anymore | 11:10 |
krad | hey. ive built squid from source. ./configure; make; make install.. but it didn't generate a 'squid' binary file, why? | 11:10 |
sary | Fat-Thing: check with apt-cache policy adobe-flashplugin .. if its this package then sudo apt-get remove --purge adobe-flashplugin . | 11:10 |
bibi23 | hi, I'd like to configure a daemon in php running all the time, I've seen one implementation based on a bash script, cron and a lock file, the bash script is executed every minute, checks for the lock file, if it isn't there, it creates it and launches the php script, is it a clean solution? or is there a better way to do a php daemon with ubuntu? thanks | 11:11 |
* morsnowski likes 'sudo apt-get remove --purge adobe-flashplugin' | 11:11 |
Fat-Thing | sary here | 11:12 |
stueng | hmm when the live USB stick starts I dont get a grub boot menu list I get a splash screen ? | 11:12 |
escott | !upstart | bibi23 | 11:14 |
ubottu | bibi23: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 11:14 |
escott | bibi23, the looping bash script seems silly. one would do that because the php script might die and you want it always running, but if it dies why would you expect it to clean up the lock file? | 11:15 |
Markus__ | what up | 11:16 |
krad | hey. ive built squid from source. ./configure; make; make install.. but it didn't generate a 'squid' binary file, why? | 11:16 |
stueng | anyone know how to get the grub boot menu from a LiveUSB rather than this splash screen | 11:16 |
Markus__ | hi | 11:17 |
escott | !checkinstall | krad | 11:18 |
ubottu | krad: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 11:18 |
escott | stueng, i doubt you can | 11:18 |
bibi23 | escott: yes that's true, I don't remember how the lock file is deleted with this method, but that's something I saw in a company and it looked to be working | 11:18 |
bibi23 | I'm going to check for upstart to see how it works | 11:18 |
bibi23 | thx | 11:19 |
bongsawyer | hi all | 11:19 |
Markus__ | whts up peoplez | 11:21 |
Markus__ | can someone do my homework for me plz | 11:21 |
LjL | erm, no | 11:22 |
bongsawyer | hi Markus__ | 11:22 |
escott | !ot | Markus__ | 11:22 |
ubottu | Markus__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 11:22 |
bongsawyer | im so stoned from a bong | 11:22 |
LjL | bongsawyer: we don't really need to know | 11:22 |
Markus__ | @bongsawyer hi | 11:22 |
=== King_pz is now known as amandapanda |
jay__ | does anyone know if ubuntu one is available on other distros i.e. opensuse? | 11:28 |
trijntje | I have a program that requires X server but does not draw a window running on an external PC. Is there a way to ssh into that machine, and tell the program to use the Xserver on that machine? | 11:28 |
Pumpkin- | trijntje: yeah, this is the stuff that X is great at | 11:29 |
sary | Fat-Thing: Excuse me , my lap froze .. i guess X crached. | 11:29 |
Pumpkin- | so basically, you have a local machine (that is running X), and remote box you want to run an app on, but have it display on your local machine, right ? | 11:30 |
trijntje | Pumpkin-: no, not exactly. I want the program running on the remote box to use the X server on the remote box | 11:30 |
Fat-Thing | hehe it's ok hehe but im still waiting for ur reply tho hehe | 11:30 |
Fat-Thing | sary here | 11:31 |
=== amandapanda is now known as amandaspanda |
Wobbo | Only in "Ubuntu 12.04 Classic (No effect)" I can change the fast-start-buttons in the panels (top and bottom). I can only change the panels itself. Any help? But is there a way to unlock all, so that items / panels / actually all Ubuntu look like the "Ubuntu Classic (No effect)" version? | 11:31 |
sary | Fat-Thing: so apt-cahce showed that package is not installed , you need to remove purge the other one which i can't remember its name . | 11:31 |
sary | Fat-Thing: Yeah , i've seen the output .. | 11:32 |
vekexasia | Hello all, | 11:32 |
sary | Hey | 11:32 |
sary | Fat-Thing: lemme check the correct name for it. | 11:32 |
Pumpkin- | trijntje: most likely login to it, do "export DISPLAY=0:0", and run the app. It might need different display numbers, but that is most likely the correct one. | 11:32 |
Fat-Thing | bee are bee sary need to fetch my nephew deng i forgot sorry | 11:32 |
* Fat-Thing is away: ---===imanoob-apoligies===--- | 11:33 |
LjL | !away > Fat-Thing | 11:33 |
ubottu | Fat-Thing, please see my private message | 11:33 |
trijntje | Pumpkin-: I'll try that, thanks | 11:34 |
sary | or if you have saynaptic search for adobe flash and make it then select to remove it completely , which equal purge. | 11:34 |
vekexasia | I was wondering if it was possible to separate the "Status Bar" between each work desktop. I mean: When using desktop 2 i'd like to see only app-icons that are running in the desktop 2. While working in desktop 1 only app visible in desktop 1. Currently I don't have desktop separation meaning I see on both desktop the icons of all the desktops. | 11:34 |
sary | Fat-Thing: my last post was for you. | 11:35 |
sary | Fat-Thing: ah , the other package is flashplugin-installer . | 11:38 |
makara | Hi. I'm on 11.10 - i clicked yes to upgrade to 12.04 LTS but halfway through downloading packages I shutdown. How to continue the upgrade process? | 11:41 |
snake123 | Hi | 11:41 |
trijntje | Pumpkin-: 'Cant open display 0:0', is there a way to see which numbers I need to specify:? | 11:41 |
snake123 | How i can uninstall unity ? | 11:41 |
trijntje | snake123: you will be stuck without a desktop environment if you remove it | 11:41 |
snake123 | trijntje: Yes, i find it | 11:42 |
snake123 | trijntje: I want to uninstall unity to install another desktop environment | 11:43 |
sary | makara: at which point are you stack .. i hope you can reach the disply manager. | 11:43 |
sary | snake123: make sure you install another DE first. | 11:43 |
makara | sary: ? | 11:43 |
snake123 | sary: ok | 11:44 |
snake123 | first install other DE, after this uninstall unity and gnome 3 right ? | 11:44 |
sary | makara: can't you continue the upgrade process normally. | 11:45 |
snake123 | sary: but how i can uninstall unity (3D and 2D) | 11:45 |
nyuszika7h | Hi. How can I connect to a serial port from the terminal? | 11:45 |
escott | trijntje, try ":0" not "0:0" | 11:45 |
zizoo | Ok, I'm just dumbstruck now. Why is ssh -still- asking for a password when I disabled all access on the host except public key? I restarted the sshd, nothing. I restarted the computer, nothing. It's still asking for my password. Any help? | 11:46 |
escott | trijntje, ssh -X should be setting up your display variable for you | 11:46 |
nyuszika7h | zizoo: Please pastebin the output of ssh -vvv [user@]host | 11:46 |
gry | nyuszika7h: ? | 11:47 |
nyuszika7h | Everything until the first shell prompt appears. | 11:47 |
nyuszika7h | gry: Thanks :) | 11:47 |
Snowcrash | Heya. | 11:47 |
nydel | i just checked updates - what's a "proposed update"? i see "kate KPart" under there, it seems to be a text editor component of sorts? is this a necessary package? | 11:47 |
trijntje | escott: I want processes to use the Xserver on the external box | 11:48 |
sary | snake123: you search for Unity packages .. but i must tell you its a bit tricky .. as i have tried that before and it asked me to remove the meta package ubuntu-desktop .. done that and i endded up missing a whole lot of packages. i want to have a purge Gnome 3 DE. | 11:48 |
samina | hi | 11:48 |
trijntje | nydel: I think proposed updates are updates that do not fix security problems, but other bugs | 11:49 |
samina | hlo h r u? | 11:49 |
snake123 | sary: ok, thanks | 11:49 |
ptrkmj | some dependecies printed by `apt-cache rdpends package' have `|' prepended to their names. what does it mean? | 11:49 |
LjL | samina: please try not to write like you're texting on a phone | 11:49 |
samina | mean? | 11:50 |
gry | samina, hello. this's a support channel, how can we help you? | 11:50 |
nydel | trijntje: thanks - i couldn't tell whether it was a suggested piece of software or a real update. | 11:50 |
nyuszika7h | gry: I'm connecting my smartphone via USB, what is the usual device under /dev for that? | 11:50 |
randomDude | LjL: maybe they are one a phone | 11:50 |
sary | snake123: here is a clue | 11:50 |
samina | i wana chat | 11:50 |
nydel | samina: we have an offtopic room for fun #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:50 |
LjL | randomDude: well, surely even if they are they don't have the 160 characters limit of SMS. | 11:50 |
nydel | samina: we'll be happy to have you there! | 11:50 |
=== CoM`oFF|Disconn is now known as CoM|Disconn |
Snowcrash | What's the safest way to manually mount the partitions that normally auto-mount when I log into the Ubuntu partition of Linux/Windows machine? | 11:51 |
nydel | randomDude: a phone that supports irc has a keyboard - i'm with LjL on this one | 11:51 |
escott | trijntje, if you are using ssh -X the display variable will usually look like localhost:10.0 or some variant thereof | 11:52 |
randomDude | LjL: are you aware of the ubuntu business remix? | 11:52 |
randomDude | nydel: welcome to android | 11:52 |
LjL | randomDude: i'm aware it exists, but i don't really know any details | 11:52 |
trijntje | Pumpkin-: same error, cannot open display :0 | 11:52 |
snake123 | sary: thanks for the info | 11:52 |
Snowcrash | gry: I need some support, can you help me? | 11:52 |
Snowcrash | gry: What's the safest way to manually mount the partitions that normally auto-mount when I log into the Ubuntu partition of Linux/Windows machine? | 11:52 |
randomDude | Snowcrash: you mean apart from the normal manual way? | 11:53 |
Snowcrash | randomDude: You seem to have mistaken me for someone with more than a modicum of know-how. | 11:54 |
randomDude | Snowcrash: oh that's unfortunate | 11:54 |
Snowcrash | randomDude: My research has led me to ntfs-config | 11:54 |
zizoo | ssh output: | 11:54 |
randomDude | Snowcrash: i believe your research is yet to yield satisfactory results | 11:54 |
zizoo | nyuszika7h: | 11:55 |
Snowcrash | randomDude: I am simultaneously consulting a support channel via IRC, but that has yet to yield satisfactory results, either. | 11:55 |
LjL | Snowcrash: try "sudo mount /dev/blah" | 11:55 |
randomDude | Snowcrash: did you cleanly shut down the operating system that uses the nfts drive? | 11:55 |
zizoo | Sorry for the delay, I was having trouble making pastebin work. First time using it in a while. | 11:55 |
nyuszika7h | zizoo: Let me check | 11:56 |
sary | snake123: You're welcome. | 11:56 |
Mitchell_M | Hey ppl, I was wondering if anyone knew how to edit a .desktop file so that the shortcut to a program appears on the Ubuntu Launcher for easy user access? Is there a command or something I should add? Is there another way other than this to create a launcpad icon with a script? | 11:56 |
nyuszika7h | zizoo: Apparently password authentication is still enabled. | 11:56 |
randomDude | Mitchell_M: there is special declarations you must insert into the .desktop file | 11:57 |
Snowcrash | LjL: That seems reasonable, but I can't locat the appropriate sda's. | 11:57 |
gry | Snowcrash: I don't understand the question; I'm running ubuntu+windows dual boot and when I boot into Ubuntu, nothing auto mounts for me | 11:57 |
Mitchell_M | randomDude: Do you know what it might be? | 11:57 |
nyuszika7h | zizoo: Is the line 'PasswordAuthentication no' (without quotes) in /etc/ssh/sshd_config ? | 11:57 |
LjL | Snowcrash: "blkid" might give you hints on which one is the correct one | 11:57 |
vlt | Mitchell_M: Create an Icon manuallyand then look at the .desktop file it created. | 11:57 |
Snowcrash | gry: Sometimes, I can access the '212GB Filesystem' from the placed menu. | 11:57 |
Snowcrash | gry: sometimes, there is an icon in the unity menu. | 11:58 |
gry | I think this happens after you mounted it (manually) | 11:58 |
randomDude | Mitchell_M: perhaps this helps : | 11:58 |
Mitchell_M | kinda tried it, but there are many fields in a .desktop file, it's a paoin. I will try itif no one else telse me | 11:58 |
Snowcrash | LjL: I'll try that, thanks. | 11:58 |
gry | Snowcrash: You can mount it in Nautilus left side listing I think | 11:58 |
Mitchell_M | pain* | 11:58 |
LjL | Snowcrash: or "sudo blkid" perhaps, since on my system "blkid" alone doesn't list all partitions | 11:58 |
Mitchell_M | Thanks randomDude and vlt | 11:58 |
Mitchell_M | I'll look into both of your methods. | 11:59 |
=== AndroUser is now known as Jactablet |
Snowcrash | LjL: /dev/sda2 is listed, but 'mount' can't find it. | 11:59 |
Snowcrash | gry: Yeah, that's where I would expect to see the Filesystem, if it were mounted... But it is conspicuously absent. | 12:00 |
LjL | Snowcrash: my assumption was that if it's normally auto-mounted, then it should be in the fstab, and if it's in the fstab, it should get mounted without needing to specify where. another way you can try if you're running a recent version of Ubuntu is to start the GUI program "Disk Utility", and mount from there. | 12:00 |
cordoval_ | rats ubuntu failed totally | 12:00 |
cordoval_ | it gets stuck on the first screen | 12:00 |
cordoval_ | all of a sudden, before it was going in but mouse was getting stuck to the left | 12:01 |
randomDude | cordoval_: i have lots of first screens | 12:01 |
=== eid is now known as eid_ |
randomDude | cordoval_: which one are you referring to > | 12:01 |
cordoval_ | ubuntu 12.04 | 12:01 |
cordoval_ | not sure it seemed like a hardware problem bu tthen i realized it was something related perhaps to video | 12:01 |
Snowcrash | I've got Disk Utility, but the only mountable filesystem is... the whole harddisk. | 12:02 |
Snowcrash | LjL: I've got Disk Utility, but the only mountable filesystem is... the whole harddisk. | 12:02 |
cordoval_ | howw to check post mortem? | 12:02 |
sary | @ Snowcrash , LjL .. perhaps a wrong UUID listed in Fstab. | 12:02 |
Snowcrash | sary: How would I detect/correct an incorrent UUID in Fstab? | 12:03 |
muh2000 | pavucontrol <--- possible to have shortcuts to switch the output device? | 12:03 |
=== andy_ is now known as Guest83605 |
LjL | Snowcrash: uh, does it see the partitions within it at all? do you see them in the graph? | 12:03 |
Guest83605 | hi | 12:03 |
cordoval_ | anyone any advise on my problem? | 12:03 |
Snowcrash | LjL: Huh, Disk Utility shows no graph... do you mean Disk Usage Analyzer? | 12:04 |
Snowcrash | LjL: With ring charts? | 12:04 |
LjL | Snowcrash: no, i mean Disk Utility. under the label "Volumes", there should be a graphical view of your partitions. | 12:04 |
sven_ | fdg | 12:05 |
sary | Snowcrash: see if the UUID in fstab and the ones showing from blkid. | 12:05 |
Snowcrash | LjL: Wow, I'm not too observant. YOu've nailed it. | 12:05 |
Snowcrash | sary: Thanks, it wasn't that deep. | 12:05 |
sven_ | dsf | 12:05 |
sven_ | deutsche hier ? | 12:06 |
Guest83605 | umm | 12:06 |
LjL | !de | sven_ | 12:06 |
ubottu | sven_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 12:06 |
Guest83605 | my first time on irc | 12:06 |
Guest83605 | how do i set a new nickname? | 12:06 |
sary | cordoval_: so you're stuck at the disply manager , or at GRUB or where exactly. | 12:06 |
sven_ | #ubuntu-de | 12:06 |
sary | Guest83605 /nick NICKHERE | 12:06 |
LjL | Guest83605: /nick nickname | 12:06 |
LjL | sven_: /join #ubuntu-de | 12:06 |
Guest83605 | thanks | 12:06 |
=== Guest83605 is now known as heatednemz |
heatednemz | thank you people | 12:06 |
sven_ | danke | 12:06 |
ezoe | sometimes, compiz fails to start. | 12:07 |
Baribal | Hi. The last update I did changed the appearance/interaction of the dock (again); it's time that I learned how to configure it for myself. Where should I start, where/how is the dock configured? | 12:07 |
ezoe | I wonder what cause this. | 12:07 |
cordoval_ | sary, i am at the ubuntu . . . . screen | 12:07 |
sary | cordoval_: have you installed ubuntu already or booting the live-cd. | 12:08 |
cordoval_ | sary i have not tried to boot from USB | 12:11 |
cordoval_ | hmm this was working just now, i don{t want to reinstall but rather repair | 12:11 |
sary | cordoval_: Cool , just wanna make sure about your system status. | 12:16 |
sary | cordoval_: do you remember what changes you made or if you activated any driver, or is it after an upgade. | 12:16 |
cordoval_ | sary i am on grub | 12:17 |
cordoval_ | ubuntu recovery mode i guess | 12:17 |
zizoo | nyuszika7h: Oh! The line is still commented out. I must have not noticed that before, haha. Thanks. I will see if that fixes things. | 12:18 |
zizoo | And sorry for the delay. People are getting up around here and I had to fix breakfast.... | 12:18 |
guser | hi all. grub2, dual-boot, two grub.cfg (sda1 and sda2): do i change stage1 -> stage2 link with "grub2-install --force /dev/sda2"? thanks. | 12:18 |
cordoval_ | sary no nothing that particularly strikes me | 12:19 |
cordoval_ | what shouhld i do dpkg? | 12:19 |
=== P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D |
cordoval_ | what could it be | 12:20 |
sary | cordoval_: alright then , i'd check the file system first. | 12:21 |
cordoval_ | what command? | 12:21 |
cordoval_ | i fell back to shell | 12:21 |
cordoval_ | sary, i am here just at the prompt | 12:22 |
sary | well , dpkg if there packages needs to be fixed or reconfigure. | 12:22 |
cordoval_ | what else can i try | 12:23 |
cordoval_ | starx? | 12:23 |
sary | cordoval_: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda .. and note the /root partision | 12:23 |
zizoo | Ok, so now ssh is just denying entry at all (though that is an improvement!). I have been using 'ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ <user>@<clientIP>' to send the public key, but it doesn't seem to be working. | 12:24 |
escott | zizoo, what are the permissions on your private key? | 12:24 |
=== roo is now known as Guest14428 |
=== CoM|Disconn is now known as CoM`oFF|Disconn |
=== CoM`oFF|Disconn is now known as CoM|Disconn |
cordoval_ | sary, only i have sda1 inux, sda2 extended and sda5 swap | 12:26 |
=== Sergevg is now known as svg |
cordoval_ | sary, ? | 12:28 |
sary | cordoval_: alright then , run unmount /dev/sda1 , then fsck -f /dev/sda1 | 12:28 |
cordoval_ | sary, device is busy | 12:30 |
zizoo | escott: How would I determine the private key's permissions? It's supposed to give me full priveleged access to the main user of the computer, but I don't know where I'd find such a thing as the public key's own privileges, or even that that was a thing. | 12:31 |
zizoo | Private key, sorry | 12:32 |
zizoo | Call me ignorant for not knowing that, but yeah.... Where do I find that? | 12:32 |
escott | zizoo, run ls -l ~/.ssh on both the client and server. id_rsa should be -rw-------- and can be -rw-r--r--. auth_keys should be -rw-------- | 12:32 |
sary | cordoval_: can you paste the UUID of root from /etc/fstab | 12:34 |
zizoo | I'm using dsa, not rsa. Would that be a problem? Also, the client has no rsa files. Only auth_keys. Otherwise, the file permissions all match your description. | 12:34 |
=== lubmil is now known as lub` |
zizoo | no dsa files* | 12:34 |
cash | i dont know | 12:35 |
cash | !! | 12:35 |
=== not_found is now known as fourohfour |
cash | hiaaann? | 12:35 |
=== fourohfour is now known as nlsthzn |
=== nlsthzn is now known as fourohfour |
zizoo | Is there supposed to be an 'id_dsa' file on the client machine? Because I noticed it always checks that, even though ssh-copy-id didn't make one. I just set it to use auth_keys as the key file via the '-i' option. | 12:37 |
mega0wn3r | I have a complicated problem. Is anyone up for a challenge? | 12:37 |
zizoo | Which actually worked earlier, though not entirely.... It never accepted my passphrase. | 12:37 |
zizoo | mega0wn3r, just ask the question. You'll see if anyone is up to it once they can read it. | 12:38 |
mega0wn3r | ok | 12:38 |
mega0wn3r | I want ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu on my laptol | 12:38 |
mega0wn3r | laptop | 12:38 |
cordoval_ | sary, 1304d284-10f4-4e8e-ba6f-3017d5e9ab2e - ext4 errors¿remount-ro, user attr | 12:38 |
sary | mega0wn3r: all you have to do is state the issue in details. | 12:38 |
Wizard | → download ;] | 12:38 |
Wizard | Solved, next. | 12:39 |
mega0wn3r | I have kubuntu on my backup drive and ubuntu in a wubi install | 12:39 |
Wizard | :P | 12:39 |
cash | yes not a big deal..install it | 12:39 |
mega0wn3r | i have my max partitions, though | 12:39 |
mega0wn3r | and i can't shrink windows partition | 12:39 |
Wizard | mega0wn3r, All you need is second disk. | 12:39 |
=== l_martin is now known as lsumnler |
escott | zizoo, dsa/rsa shouldn't matter (unless you disabled dsa on the server) | 12:40 |
itai | hi there, trying to make changes to /boot/grub/grub.cfg but it wont allow me (using sudo gedit) ,what can i do? | 12:40 |
mega0wn3r | The wubi install is ext4. If I do something to the windows partition it was made for, could I mess it up? | 12:40 |
mega0wn3r | made from* | 12:40 |
Peter3232 | Hi! I have a problem installing ubuntu on a netbook. It hangs at the step where it checks the free space on the hd, the connection to the internet and whether it is connected to a power source. The mouse icon changes to the "busy icon" but nothing changes. The version I use is 12.04. I found no solution @ google but others with this problem (over 2 years ago!). | 12:40 |
Wizard | mega0wn3r, Probably not, but I've never used wubi. | 12:40 |
mega0wn3r | ok | 12:40 |
Wizard | I'm not even sure what's that ;P | 12:41 |
escott | zizoo, you absolutely MUST have the private key on the client. otherwise how can you prove you are the owner of the public key? | 12:41 |
sary | cordoval_: run bkild and see if the UUID there matchs the one from fstab. | 12:41 |
cash | space is d need,better purchase an external hdd | 12:41 |
mega0wn3r | Is there a way to force shrink windows install? GParted gets an error but I don't care about windows | 12:41 |
zizoo | escott, well, I do. It's just in auth_keys. Are you telling me to make an id_dsa file manually and add the key? =s | 12:41 |
cash | mega0wn3r | 12:41 |
Peter3232 | any suggestions on my problem? | 12:41 |
mega0wn3r | I haven't deleted cuz it has bootloader. | 12:42 |
escott | zizoo, auth_keys only contains the public component of the key. | 12:42 |
Wizard | mega0wn3r, OK, I read about wubi. This is dangerous ;P | 12:42 |
cash | delete windows and hav ubuntu | 12:42 |
mega0wn3r | I don' | 12:42 |
mega0wn3r | dont want to do ubuntu over | 12:42 |
cordoval_ | sary, command not found | 12:42 |
mega0wn3r | lots of updates | 12:42 |
cash | lol | 12:42 |
zizoo | So then where did the private key go? Or am I supposed to run ssh-copy-id from the client machine instead of the host machine? | 12:42 |
Wizard | mega0wn3r, So, what exactly is your question | 12:43 |
Wizard | ? | 12:43 |
sary | Peter3232: what make and model of the laptop if known ! have you tried a kernel boot option .. | 12:43 |
cash | i cant install themes in gnome...helllp!!! | 12:43 |
escott | zizoo, isn't client=host? | 12:43 |
zizoo | escott, sorry, I meant server, not host. | 12:43 |
cash | help! | 12:43 |
cordoval_ | sary, there is no bkild command | 12:44 |
mega0wn3r | i want ubuntu/kubuntu/xbuntu and my windows is already gone to crap. I want to add Xubuntu to a partition on my main hard disk by shrinking or deleting Windows. My ubuntu install I want to keep is in Windows, though. Also that partition has my bootloader. | 12:44 |
escott | zizoo, the general process is "ssh-keygen" "ssh-copy-id user@server" that creates id_rsa (or dsa) and on the client and then copies the *.pub into auth_keys on the server | 12:44 |
adv__ | Hi all | 12:44 |
cash | cordoval , is sary | 12:44 |
LjL | cash: patience. no use repeating "help" over and over | 12:44 |
compdoc | cordoval_, its blkid | 12:44 |
adv__ | How can I change primary partition to extended w/o formatting? | 12:44 |
Peter3232 | sary: its a medion akoya e1210 | 12:44 |
Wizard | mega0wn3r, And you use Wubi install, which means disk image sits on windows partition? | 12:44 |
mega0wn3r | Yes | 12:44 |
Peter3232 | one of the first netbooks with the atom processor... | 12:45 |
mega0wn3r | in C:ubuntu/disks | 12:45 |
adv__ | I am having 4 primary and was going to add another but system denied | 12:45 |
Wizard | adv__, basically, you can't without dirty magic (and second disk probably) | 12:45 |
adv__ | hmm | 12:45 |
escott | zizoo, that would allow a connection from the client to the server. if you wanted to be able to ssh in the other direction the same process would be followed, but now the roles of client and server are flipped | 12:45 |
Sidewinder | mega0wn3r, Since wubi runs "inside" windows, I think it's impossible to remove windows and keep wubi. | 12:45 |
cordoval_ | no output | 12:45 |
cordoval_ | can you please paste fulll command? | 12:45 |
adv__ | any way we can with gparted or disk utility? | 12:45 |
Wizard | mega0wn3r, This is a really bad situation. Do you have second disk? | 12:45 |
Peter3232 | sary: where can i change the kernel boot option? | 12:46 |
cash | anybdy tell me themes in gnome | 12:46 |
sary | cordoval_: just a moment please | 12:46 |
ChesterX | how can i mount an iso to the folder /media/cdrom? | 12:46 |
OerHeks | adv__, you can if you have a spare hdd, copy onto it and fix logical in extended and copy back | 12:46 |
sary | !bootoption Peter3232 | 12:46 |
zizoo | So wait, regarding the commands you said to run... do I run those on the client, referring to the server, or on the server, to the client? | 12:46 |
sary | !nomodeset | Peter3232 | 12:46 |
ubottu | Peter3232: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 12:46 |
adv__ | well I have many disc but all the later is small sized and already full. | 12:47 |
=== Mitchell_M_ is now known as Mitchell_M |
Peter3232 | ah ok thanks a lot sary and ubottu! | 12:47 |
Peter3232 | i'll try it | 12:47 |
escott | adv__, you can convert primary to logical, but its best to backup first because you can destroy the data if you do it wrong | 12:47 |
Sidewinder | !themes | cash | 12:47 |
ubottu | cash: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 12:47 |
adv__ | wizard, where can i find dirty magic? | 12:47 |
=== MartinS is now known as Guest16415 |
adv__ | escott, with which tool? | 12:48 |
zizoo | escott: That is, if I want to connect to machine X from machine Y ('X$ssh Y@Y-IP'), should I run ssh-keygen and whatnot on machine X, or machine Y? | 12:48 |
escott | adv__, any tool. its only a matter of making sure the partition boundaries are lined up correctly. | 12:48 |
adv__ | ok | 12:48 |
zizoo | 'X:~$ ssh Y@Y-IP'* | 12:49 |
adv__ | I am using gparted , can I directly make extened partition? | 12:49 |
escott | zizoo, best practice is to run it on X. that way if X is compromised in the future you remove the user@X key listed in Y$~/.ssh/auth_keys | 12:49 |
cordoval_ | what i did it was to reset the nvidia configuration xorg i think | 12:49 |
cordoval_ | i wonder how to get back inside | 12:49 |
cordoval_ | it would not even change after the ubuntu . . . . | 12:49 |
Maghoole | any girls here? | 12:50 |
adv__ | thanx guys.... | 12:50 |
adv__ | bye | 12:50 |
gry | Maghoole: wrong IRC network. | 12:50 |
LjL | Maghoole: i don't see how that's relevant to Ubuntu technical support. | 12:50 |
Sidewinder | !ot > Maghoole | 12:50 |
ubottu | Maghoole, please see my private message | 12:50 |
vexaxv | anyone know what causes audio skipping on 12.04 | 12:51 |
Maghoole | are you all gays?! you mean there are no hot chicks here? | 12:51 |
sary | cordoval_: I see , hen you'll need to reconfigure X again | 12:51 |
cordoval_ | sary, please commands | 12:52 |
sary | cordoval_: if you are root don't sudo .. apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg , sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:53 |
zizoo | Woo, It works! Thanks escott! | 12:55 |
decci | We have a VOIP software running on 2 servers. I need to install Heartbeat and setup real time redundancy, between the 2 servers | 12:55 |
zizoo | I was just doing it backwards is all. xD | 12:55 |
=== Guest59960 is now known as Psykus |
cordoval_ | sary, done rebooting i had to do sudo | 12:56 |
cash | sidewinder actually i know where to find em bt...dont know how 2 install | 12:57 |
sary | cordoval_: any prograss ! are you able to reach the desktop .. | 12:58 |
lukicat | how can i tell grub to load ubuntu with a specific resolution? | 12:58 |
cash | the advanced setting box isnt showing shell extentions to installl | 12:58 |
cordoval_ | sary it seems that fixed the problem | 12:59 |
=== sergio is now known as Guest12928 |
cordoval_ | scary ugprades | 12:59 |
cordoval_ | ubuntu is a nightmare when that happens | 12:59 |
cordoval_ | man | 12:59 |
=== Guest12928 is now known as sergios |
sk1special | anyone know if its possible to connect my kinect ( ha ) to ubuntu and control compiz cube menus etc | 12:59 |
krux | lukicat, | 12:59 |
lukicat | ty krux | 13:00 |
sary | cordoval_: great , now you can clean the mess with apt-get and continue the upgrade process. | 13:00 |
lukicat | krux, think you misunderstood me. i don't want to change the resolution of grub, i wanna change the resolution of the ubuntu. maybe i have to set this at some different location? | 13:02 |
Sidewinder | cash, Perhaps this'll help: | 13:02 |
sary | lukicat: from Xorg conf you mean .. | 13:02 |
escott | lukicat, | 13:03 |
cash | thanks dude | 13:05 |
sary | cash: you install the theme zip file and load it from gnome-tweak tool .. make sure you install/ turn on the user-theme-extension from | 13:06 |
xjiujiu | Hi | 13:07 |
xjiujiu | um...Where is the #iphone? | 13:07 |
kapz | I am hitting the wall trying to find out if my lapto supports SATA 3 for an SSD...can someone please help? | 13:07 |
sk1special | kapz: cant you just serach the manufacture's website for your model and read the specs? | 13:09 |
idris | hello, I cannot see any upgrade option in update manager in 12.04. I have enabled lts releases in update manager settings | 13:10 |
idris | any ideas? | 13:10 |
idris | sorry in 10.04 | 13:10 |
DaVinciIT | hi all. I've a Win2008R2 Server, 5 users can access via RemoteDesktop simultaneously. is it possible in linux to ? thank you. | 13:10 |
compdoc | does Ubuntu log the loading of programs in init.d ? | 13:11 |
cash | thanks say | 13:11 |
sary | kapz: lspci will tell you all the controllers and devices, take a look at your SATA controller, it should give you a model. Take that model and look up the specs for it. | 13:11 |
cash | *sary | 13:11 |
OerHeks | DaVinciIT, sure | 13:11 |
idris | !upgrade | 13:11 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 13:11 |
vexaxv | anybody know why youtube and some games give me audio skips? | 13:12 |
vexaxv | ubuntu 12.04 | 13:12 |
DaVinciIT | OerHeks: can you sugget me a guide? thank you. | 13:13 |
DaVinciIT | or a software | 13:13 |
sary | cash: you're welcome , i forgot to mention .. the user-extinsion follow the steps from peacewithall here .. then log out / back in it should be all to the good. | 13:13 |
Sidewinder | idris, I don't believe that option will be available until 12.04.1 is released; sometime in late June or July. | 13:14 |
idris | Sidewinder: oh, i see thank you | 13:14 |
Sidewinder | idris My pleasure. :) | 13:14 |
sary | cash: this should clear things | 13:15 |
kapz | thanks sary | 13:16 |
sary | You're welcome kapz . | 13:16 |
dontknow | chromium is still 18, unbelievable | 13:17 |
guser | hi all. grub2, dual-boot, two grub.cfg (sda1 and sda2): do i change stage1 -> stage2 link with "grub-install --force /dev/sda2"? thanks. | 13:17 |
ye | join #archlinux | 13:20 |
regalised | Hello World | 13:20 |
=== istana is now known as S0X|8| |
chu | Hello. | 13:20 |
fidel_ | ye: join #isodontcareaboutchannelsotheruserspromoterandomly | 13:21 |
chu | fidel_: I'd say he missed the "/" before "join" ;) | 13:21 |
ye | chu: you are right :0 | 13:22 |
ye | :) | 13:22 |
fidel_ | ;) | 13:22 |
regalised | Hello, I am new to FreeNode. Can you guys see my message? Does this work? | 13:23 |
cosmicfires | i see your message regalised | 13:23 |
regalised | Oh! Thank You cosmicfires | 13:24 |
ye | regalised: using "name:" before message can notify someone. | 13:25 |
=== iceroot_ is now known as iceroot |
luozhiqiang | 各位晚上好``` | 13:25 |
ye | 好 | 13:25 |
LjL | !cn | luozhiqiang | 13:25 |
ubottu | luozhiqiang: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 13:25 |
ye | luozhiqiang: ni hao | 13:27 |
Amijai | I cannot log in to my GTalk accounts on precise | 13:28 |
chu | Amijai: With Pidgin, or some external application>? | 13:28 |
Amijai | claims the password is incorrect, although I know for a fact it's correct! | 13:28 |
Amijai | I think it's gwibber | 13:28 |
chu | Let me consult the googlez. | 13:29 |
Amijai | It just hangs on the connecting forever | 13:29 |
zykotick9 | !info gwibber | Amijai | 13:29 |
ubottu | Amijai: gwibber (source: gwibber): Open source social networking client for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu4 (precise), package size 152 kB, installed size 790 kB | 13:29 |
chu | Yeah, so, we're using `gwibber', and apparently we're not able to login to GTalk. | 13:30 |
Amijai | right | 13:30 |
tripkip | I screwed up my samba/user configuration and cannot access it anymore other then with "security = share" | 13:30 |
Amijai | I know the password is correct | 13:30 |
* ekv Podravlja | 13:30 |
zykotick9 | Amijai: gwibber if for identica/twitter/facebook | 13:30 |
chu | Well, there you are. | 13:30 |
Amijai | so how can I choose the Jabber protocol when creating a new acoount? | 13:31 |
zykotick9 | Amijai: use an IM client | 13:31 |
chu | !info pidgin | 13:32 |
ubottu | pidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.10.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 674 kB, installed size 2152 kB | 13:32 |
Amijai | I've done from the Online Account thingie in the system settings | 13:32 |
fidel_ | !info empathy | 13:32 |
ubottu | empathy (source: empathy): GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1449 kB, installed size 4453 kB | 13:32 |
chu | Whoa, what's the default for 12.04? | 13:32 |
zykotick9 | chu: empathy integrates with the ubuntu stuff | 13:32 |
chu | Cool. | 13:32 |
allenap | Hi all. A friend had lots of problems installing 12.04 recently, all to do with bad drive warnings, seemingly spurious ones. Can anyone point me in the right direction to file a bug about this? I looked at base-installer but I wasn't sure that was the right place. | 13:33 |
fidel_ | allenap: sure those drives are ok? checked them manually? | 13:34 |
Myrtti | allenap: what makes you think they're spurious? | 13:34 |
BlouBlou | how to kill a pid number? | 13:35 |
fidel_ | BlouBlou: start with: man kill | 13:35 |
zykotick9 | BlouBlou: "kill #####" | 13:35 |
marco | BlouBlou: kill -9 pid | 13:35 |
Amijai | tried pidgin too | 13:35 |
zykotick9 | marco: don't suggest -9, that's ONLY if regular kill fails | 13:35 |
BlouBlou | fidel_: nice help. You're really a great helper. /nick read_the_man | 13:35 |
Amijai | the same | 13:35 |
BlouBlou | zykotick9, marco: ok thank you | 13:35 |
fidel_ | BlouBlou: kill offers several options/parameters - so it makes sense to understand the levels | 13:36 |
kapz | how do I map the Fn key combos on my laptop? | 13:36 |
fidel_ | insteed of just using the first cmd someone advices in irc - no offense | 13:36 |
Amijai | even deleted and re-created the account | 13:36 |
allenap | fidel_, Myrtti: The same errors on 4/5 different drives. I wasn't there at the time, but he has written about it at Truth be told, I like to find that this is a known issue, because there's not much more information I can give; he's moved onto CentOS so it's not going to be possible to reproduce. | 13:36 |
diverdude | Hello, anybody knows if this guy is compatible with ubuntu distro? | 13:36 |
fidel_ | allenap: i noticed that error aswell with 1 single drive - and well - according to the smart-values it was a drive which was starting to die. but on the other hand - smart values are heavily discussed | 13:38 |
fidel_ | allenap: so i would always try to verify first with those drives - before you submit a bug | 13:38 |
fidel_ | you/he should be able to check those drives on other distris as well | 13:39 |
allenap | fidel_: Cool, I'll suggest he does that. | 13:39 |
kapz | anyone knows how to map the Fn key combos on laptop? | 13:39 |
fidel_ | allenap: the warning was most likely based on smart-values - so thats the starting point i assume | 13:39 |
caddoo | anyone know of a good application that i can have on running on one screen that reads a log file and refreshes it everytime the file changes | 13:40 |
djszapi | How do I need to package my project, if I would like to get an icon on the desktop that I can tap and run on a tablet ? What file (desktop?) to put where ? | 13:40 |
fidel_ | caddoo: you could use 'watch' and 'tail' | 13:40 |
iceroot | caddoo: watch cat /var/log/syslog | 13:40 |
iceroot | caddoo: tail -f /var/log/syslog | 13:41 |
MacroMan | I'm having problems with ssh again. I can connect and disconnect roughly 30 times. The for no reason I can't connect to that server anymore. It just timeouts. Restarting my computer allows me to connect another ~30 times. | 13:41 |
mega0wn3r | I need help quadbooting my computer. | 13:41 |
fidel_ | mega0wn3r: whats the problem/issue in detail? | 13:41 |
MacroMan | I've tried restarting networking (sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart), but makes no difference. I have to restart. Really need some help here please? | 13:41 |
DarkLobster | I've moved my harddisks to another computer, and done some partition changes, so obviously the uuid numbers have changed. I'm now trying to make hibernation work again, but when I run update-initramfs I get 'cryptsetup: WARNING: found more than one resume device candidate: <2 uuid's>'. Blkid shows one of those numbers, but where to look for the other one?? I can't find it anywhere whatsoever! | 13:42 |
DarkLobster | (disk utility, config files) | 13:42 |
mega0wn3r | I want to upgade from wubi install to full ubuntu and add Xubuntu. | 13:42 |
sipior | MacroMan: do you control the server in question? | 13:42 |
caddoo | thanks fidel and iceroot | 13:42 |
fidel_ | mega0wn3r: no idea regarding wubi at all - but regarding xubuntu - do you really want to install another ubuntu with just another desktop envornment - or is adding xfce to one of your existing ubuntu-installs enough? | 13:43 |
vlt | DarkLobster: `grep -r UUID /etc`? | 13:43 |
fidel_ | mega0wn3r: just to avoid not-needed multi-installations in the first place | 13:43 |
MacroMan | sipior: Sortof (I do have access to it). But it doesn't seem to be the server as others can still connect fine. It seems local because a restart fixes it. | 13:43 |
zykotick9 | ignarps: mega0wn3r | 13:43 |
mega0wn3r | I want xubuntu. | 13:43 |
fidel_ | mega0wn3r: you know that you can easily install xubuntu-desktop on an existing ubuntu-install? | 13:44 |
sipior | MacroMan: do you have an odd firewall rule in place? i assume all thirty logins are successful? | 13:44 |
mega0wn3r | yes | 13:44 |
fidel_ | mega0wn3r: so if its really just about having the xubuntu-desktop - and you have an ubuntu instal lalready - there is no need for an additional full install | 13:44 |
djszapi | any ideas ? | 13:44 |
fidel_ | ok then | 13:45 |
DarkLobster | vlt: Good old bruteforce. I'll try that. | 13:45 |
MacroMan | sipior: Yes, all 30 (roughly) logins are succesful and quick. Here are my firewall rules: | 13:46 |
mega0wn3r | I also want to get rid of windows and keep wubi installed ubuntu. | 13:46 |
djszapi | perhaps I am ignored :) | 13:46 |
stahlie | Hi... I've upgraded to 12.04 however all of the windows menu is behind the bar of the top of the do i get those windows menu below the top bar | 13:47 |
sipior | MacroMan: don't suppose you have access to the logs on the target? what happens if you supply the "-vvv" switch to ssh? | 13:47 |
stahlie | I can't even access to those menu | 13:47 |
fidel_ | stahlie: behind the bar or part of the bar? using unity? | 13:47 |
MacroMan | sipior: Pass -vvv locally? Yes I can get the logs, but not until I restart so I can ssh into it. | 13:48 |
sipior | MacroMan: yes, "ssh -vvv xyzzy..." | 13:48 |
MacroMan | sipior: Hmm. It seems to be working again now without restarting. Maybe there is some kind of timeout on the server | 13:49 |
sipior | MacroMan: that was my assumption. it just takes you long enough to restart, so... | 13:49 |
Lunar_Lander | hi there just got a message on the screen saying "Ubuntu 12.04 noticed an internal error, please restart your computer if you encounter further problems" and there was a checkbox with something like "report this error to canonical" and then I clicked on "More information" and it said the issue was with "unity-panel-service" and then a further window came up saying "Was your issue with Unity purely graphical?" and then something about re | 13:50 |
Lunar_Lander | porting to Compiz and Yes/No buttons. Is that message normal or does it mean something bad? | 13:50 |
MacroMan | sipior: Do you know where the log will be so I can see what happened? | 13:50 |
stahlie | fidel_ behind the bar | 13:50 |
fidel_ | stahlie: what are you choosing at login (lightdm) as login-session? | 13:51 |
sipior | MacroMan: /var/log/auth.log, /var/log/messages. depends a bit on which flavour of linux is running. | 13:51 |
stahlie | fidel_: you know where the tab on windows and x icon to close the's behind the bar | 13:51 |
compdoc | vncserver does not seem to be loading properly. anyone good at troubleshooting this? | 13:51 |
fidel_ | stahlie: what are you choosing at login (lightdm) as login-session? | 13:51 |
stahlie | how do I know what I chose? | 13:51 |
fidel_ | stahlie: logout - press the white dot next to your username | 13:52 |
MacroMan | sipior: Not sure, but this is what I get when I log in: Linux ubuntu-webserver 2.6.32-24-server #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 28 06:21:40 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 13:52 |
stahlie | fidel_: brb | 13:52 |
sipior | MacroMan: /var/log/auth.log is your best bet. | 13:52 |
sipior | MacroMan: syslog as well, of course | 13:53 |
Lunar_Lander | In addition to my problem above, that happened when I tried to click the "Launch" button at the very top left of the screen and suddenly the sidebar made "jerky" movement and then the message came up | 13:53 |
Lunar_Lander | might that be related then? | 13:54 |
Lunar_Lander | unity-panel-service seems to have to do with the sidebar I assume | 13:54 |
Lunar_Lander | sorry, being a noob and still windows paranoid | 13:54 |
stahlie | fidel_: gnome classic (Gnome is not working.... missing letters in menu listing) | 13:55 |
MacroMan | sipior: in auth.log I can see my succesful connections, but no entries for the failed ones. Just gonna check syslog | 13:55 |
sipior | MacroMan: might be amusing to check for bizarre firewall rules on the target as well | 13:55 |
haladur_phox2 | hi | 13:56 |
haladur_phox2 | how do i burn an ISO? | 13:56 |
fidel_ | stahlie: missing letters? | 13:56 |
Mitchell_M | Hey guys, I've tried numerous attempts, but I cannot figure out what/where to modify .desktop files to get the icons to appear on the launchpad. I keep editing the /usr/share/applications/*.desktop area, but to no avail. Any suggestions?] | 13:56 |
MacroMan | sipior: It's our test web server, so probably pretty tight | 13:56 |
vlt | haladur_phox2: brasero or wodim | 13:56 |
Mitchell_M | fidel: There are programs like Nero for that. | 13:57 |
vlt | Mitchell_M: Did you try to add it manually alreday? | 13:57 |
Mitchell_M | yeah, then compared but saw no difference | 13:57 |
vlt | Mitchell_M: To see where a .desktop file is created and what it looks like? | 13:57 |
fidel_ | Mitchell_M: i wasnt asking - maybe you are adressing the wrong one | 13:57 |
Lunar_Lander | does anyone have a moment for my question please? | 13:57 |
vlt | Mitchell_M: No difference to what? | 13:57 |
Mitchell_M | fidel: sorry about that | 13:58 |
MacroMan | sipior: Nothing out of the ordinary in the iptables: | 13:58 |
MacroMan | sipior: Nothing about the connections in the syslog | 13:58 |
stahlie | fidel_: if it's in Gnome session.... the menu are showing missing letter like "L g u t" | 13:58 |
vlt | !patience | Lunar_Lander | 13:58 |
sipior | MacroMan: bad habit to just post firewall rules to a public channel :-) | 13:58 |
ubottu | Lunar_Lander: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 13:58 |
stahlie | fidel_: instead of "Logout" | 13:58 |
stahlie | fidel_: so i'm using gnome classic | 13:59 |
Mitchell_M | no difference between when I added the .desktop file on the launchpad as to when I removed it. Is there a .desktop file for each user? Can you tell me where to find it? | 13:59 |
haladur_phox2 | brasero dosent want to open | 13:59 |
Mitchell_M | I mean program not file | 13:59 |
MacroMan | sipior: No one from outside our network should be able to even see the server | 13:59 |
vlt | Mitchell_M: That’s exactly what you were supposed to find out by creating an Icon manually. | 13:59 |
Lunar_Lander | vlt, thanks, I just found something on that error message in the Forums but not about the "extra" message about the "was it a purely graphical to Compiz" | 13:59 |
dontknow | when we will get update for chromium ? | 13:59 |
fidel_ | stahlie: ok - that should be a first step helping to ask a more detailed question | 13:59 |
fidel_ | stahlie: could you provide us a screenshot? | 14:00 |
sipior | MacroMan: i notice fail2ban is set up, but you mentioned that none of the logins were failed | 14:00 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest20493 |
Mitchell_M | hmmm, I coudln't find it in the /home/user are for my user | 14:00 |
Mitchell_M | I'll keep looking online then to see where the individual .desktop files are | 14:00 |
MacroMan | sipior: No, all went through OK. I don't know what fail2ban is tbh. It wasn't set up by me. | 14:01 |
vlt | Mitchell_M: Ok, step by step … Is there a new icon in the launcher now? | 14:01 |
sipior | MacroMan: | 14:02 |
dontknow | when will we get chromium 19 ? | 14:02 |
dontknow | update | 14:02 |
MacroMan | sipior: Ah, that fit's the bill nicely. | 14:02 |
Mitchell_M | vlt: Right now, no. I tried playing around with .desktop files in /usr/share/program to see if I could get it to appear on launchpad that way | 14:02 |
haladur_phox2 | how do i mount an ISO? | 14:03 |
vlt | Mitchell_M: Please, read my suggestion again. | 14:03 |
Mitchell_M | ok | 14:03 |
dr_willis | MacroMan: logwatch can summarize fail2ban logs nicely | 14:03 |
dontknow | when will we fucking get chromium 19 update? | 14:03 |
dr_willis | !iso | 14:03 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 14:03 |
Lunar_Lander | vlt, the first window I got looked almost like this on the wiki page here only that it wasn't the gedit symbol but the ubuntu logo | 14:03 |
sipior | dontknow: be nice. | 14:03 |
lelamal | !language | dontknow | 14:03 |
ubottu | dontknow: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 14:03 |
MacroMan | sipior: Thanks for your help. I'll get the admin to change the rules so it doesn't kick me out. | 14:03 |
sipior | MacroMan: good luck | 14:03 |
dontknow | it is still v18, this bother me | 14:04 |
Mitchell_M | vlt: so you suggested for me to add an icon manually and then look at the changes made to the .desktop file compared to when there was no icon | 14:04 |
vlt | Mitchell_M: Right. | 14:05 |
fidel_ | dontknow: in case you really think you need it now - there is afaik a daily builds ppa for chromium | 14:05 |
fidel_ | dontknow: this might be an option to be more up-to-date | 14:05 |
vlt | Mitchell_M: I think you haven’t done step 1 yet. | 14:05 |
fidel_ | dontknow: just checked - the ppa offers 18 as well ;) | 14:05 |
MacroMan | dr_willis: Thanks, but i'll get the admin to look at it. | 14:05 |
dontknow | fidel_, those ppa's also doesn't have updates, i want to use chromium stable 19 | 14:06 |
dontknow | fidel_, yes they still offer 18 | 14:06 |
Lunar_Lander | dontknow, may I ask a stupid question? | 14:06 |
Mitchell_M | hmm, it could be I'm not looking at the right .desktop file. Adding an icon manually would not change the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications/. So what .desktop file should I look for? I am not sure where else to find the .desktop files | 14:06 |
fidel_ | ;) | 14:06 |
dontknow | Lunar_Lamp, please | 14:06 |
haladur_phox2 | all my apps are crashing | 14:06 |
dontknow | Lunar_Lander, please | 14:06 |
Lunar_Lander | what is different between version 18 and 19 | 14:07 |
Lunar_Lander | and why not use firefox? | 14:07 |
dontknow | Lunar_Lamp, there are changes of course but for me security is important | 14:07 |
Lunar_Lander | ah I see | 14:07 |
dr_willis | opera. ;) | 14:07 |
haladur_phox2 | i have no idea what im doing | 14:07 |
Lunar_Lander | I got firefox with adblock plus and Noscript | 14:07 |
Lunar_Lander | I think that is OK for me | 14:07 |
dontknow | Lunar_Lander, v19 also has better history match | 14:08 |
haladur_phox2 | im still new to ubuntu | 14:08 |
dr_willis | haladur_phox2: more details will help | 14:08 |
Lunar_Lander | ah I see | 14:08 |
Lunar_Lander | btw while waiting for my Apport question | 14:08 |
sk1special | okay.. i need to update my bios..any help? | 14:08 |
stueng | I asked earlier how to get a ubuntu install without any gui.. just as simple as possible, I was tole alternate CD.. which I downloaded and installed but its exactly the same?! | 14:08 |
Wawaiftyid | How to surf over an encrypted user /home/? Of course I have root privileges. | 14:09 |
haladur_phox2 | dr_willis: i have no idea what im doing im trying to run boot repair disk | 14:09 |
dr_willis | sk1special: not really ubuntu support related | 14:09 |
Mitchell_M | sklspecial: you should really be sure you want to update BIOS before you actually have to | 14:09 |
dontknow | Lunar_Lander, i installed chrome stable 19 but it is laggy in my computer, chromium builds for ubuntu gives me better performance | 14:09 |
fidel_ | stueng: are you looking for a cli-based install or unattend/similar? | 14:09 |
Mitchell_M | also not Ubuntu related | 14:09 |
Lunar_Lander | dontknow, ah I see | 14:09 |
sipior | Wawaiftyid: encrypted volumes wouldn't be very useful if root could get around it :-) | 14:09 |
fabiobik | hi | 14:09 |
sk1special | dr_willis: ah.. i know how to do it in windows..but need to do it here.. go to hardware or..? | 14:10 |
stueng | fidel_: I want a minimal installation without any GUI / applications to start with... I dont want or anything | 14:10 |
fabiobik | can see my messages_ | 14:10 |
dontknow | Lunar_Lander, yes. and i am angry now, it is still 19 lol | 14:10 |
Wawaiftyid | sipior, so I can't navigate them? Wtf? I am the administrator, I should be able to watch anothers users. | 14:10 |
Mitchell_M | sk1special: Best suggestion, don't do it. If you mess it up you'll end up with an irreversibly messed up up system | 14:10 |
dontknow | Lunar_Lander, *it is still 18 | 14:10 |
fidel_ | stueng: you could simply use the server cd aswell | 14:10 |
sk1special | Mitchell_M: i know.. i need to in order to use win 8 | 14:10 |
Lunar_Lander | the last days when I switched to 12.04, the PC froze several times when running YouTube, I thought that there was an issue with Flash, now yesterday there was an update coming in called "linux-headers-3.2.0-24-generic-pae" and "linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic-pae", since then the hanging didn't happen again | 14:10 |
dr_willis | sk1special: totally depends on the hardware and maker | 14:10 |
stueng | fidel_: it doesnt come preloaded with lots of stuff I dont need? | 14:10 |
fidel_ | this should end up in a pretty limited setup aswell | 14:10 |
Lunar_Lander | are those two updates like the "core" of ubuntu? | 14:10 |
Lunar_Lander | dontknow, Oh ok | 14:10 |
Mitchell_M | win 8 not ubuntu related | 14:10 |
Mitchell_M | ' | 14:10 |
sipior | Wawaiftyid: complain to Drs. Diffie and Hellman | 14:11 |
fabiobik | ok, im having problems to create a live usb with linux. when i create on boot says system operative missing | 14:11 |
Mitchell_M | But suggested to get a new motherboard | 14:11 |
gentoo_user | hi. did someone know converter for fonts? | 14:11 |
fabiobik | does anyone knows_ | 14:11 |
fidel_ | stueng: no you can basically selexct example setups like LAMP-Server, or Mailserver, but if you deselect that you have a pretty small core install | 14:11 |
stueng | i downloaded minimal just trying that now | 14:11 |
fidel_ | stueng: which allows you for sure as well to install i.e. kde later on | 14:11 |
sk1special | i dont need a new motherboard.. just need to update it to be able to use win 8.. // didnt ask about win 8 ..just how to update bios here on ubuntu | 14:11 |
Wawaiftyid | sipior, seriously, I am the administrator, there is a way to watch anothers users /home/? | 14:11 |
haladur_phox2 | hello? | 14:12 |
sk1special | the older software version isnt compatibable with it yet..the board itself is..just need to update it | 14:12 |
fidel_ | sk1special: updating bios isnt really ubuntu-related or am i wrong? | 14:12 |
Mitchell_M | Well, ifyou really want to know, go to the manufacture website | 14:12 |
dontknow | someone who knows, build chromium 19 for ubuntu please | 14:12 |
ikonia | Wawaiftyid: watch a directory ? | 14:12 |
fidel_ | sk1special: usually the bios should come with install-instructions - which might be related with windows tools or bootable usb/floppy devices | 14:12 |
dontknow | they update firefox, but they don't update chromium, this is annoying | 14:12 |
Wawaiftyid | ikonia, enter on it. I am talking about enter in /home/user1 and read/write his files. | 14:13 |
ikonia | Wawaiftyid: sure, are you the server administrator ? | 14:13 |
sipior | Wawaiftyid: if you've got root access, simply log in as the user. | 14:13 |
alejandro | I have a chip SMSC SCH5317 and I'm trying to make it work as it does not detect it by default. To do this, run the superiotool and shows me: Found SMSC SCH5317 (id = 0x85, rev = 0x12) at 0x4e. | 14:13 |
alejandro | The theory says that the module can run the sch5317 smsc47b397 but not yet detected. | 14:13 |
Wawaiftyid | how? | 14:13 |
ikonia | just enter the directory as the root user | 14:13 |
sk1special | fiedl_: yeah theres a usb drive part..just had never done it on linux so i didnt know if there was something different i need to know thats not on the site..but mmk | 14:13 |
ikonia | Wawaiftyid: are you the administrator yes/no | 14:13 |
stueng | its encrypoted | 14:13 |
sk1special | fidel_: ** | 14:14 |
Wawaiftyid | ikonia, yes | 14:14 |
Wawaiftyid | stueng, yes, it is also encrypted | 14:14 |
Lunar_Lander | the last days when I switched to 12.04, the PC froze several times when running YouTube, I thought that there was an issue with Flash, now yesterday there was an update coming in called "linux-headers-3.2.0-24-generic-pae" and "linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic-pae", since then the hanging didn't happen again | 14:14 |
ikonia | sk1special: ahh, it's encypted | 14:14 |
Lunar_Lander | are those two updates like the "core" of ubuntu? | 14:14 |
alejandro | Can anyone hel me? | 14:14 |
fidel_ | sk1special: linux isnt involved at that point as far as i know | 14:14 |
dontknow | update chromium!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 14:14 |
ikonia | Wawaiftyid: ok, so switch user to root, then switch user to that user | 14:14 |
fidel_ | dontknow: repeating that doesnt help | 14:14 |
ikonia | dontknow: please don't just say random words, ask a question wait for an answer | 14:14 |
stueng | "su username" | 14:14 |
stueng | ? | 14:14 |
sipior | dontknow: your sense of entitlement is deeply disturbing. | 14:14 |
ikonia | Wawaiftyid: do you have "sudo" permissions ? | 14:15 |
Wawaiftyid | ikonia, can you tell me what commands to use? | 14:15 |
haladur_phox2 | can i have some help please | 14:15 |
stueng | Wawaiftyid: sudo guestuser | 14:15 |
Wawaiftyid | ikonia, yes | 14:15 |
sk1special | iknoia: whats encrytped? | 14:15 |
ikonia | Wawaiftyid: ok, so sudo -i | 14:15 |
ikonia | Wawaiftyid: are you then "root" ? | 14:15 |
Wawaiftyid | ikonia, yes | 14:15 |
dontknow | sipior, fidel_ ikonia i am angry, still have 18 | 14:15 |
ikonia | Wawaiftyid: then su - $his_username | 14:15 |
stueng | cant he just sudo "insert encrypted user here" | 14:15 |
sipior | dontknow: life is hard, sometimes. | 14:15 |
lelamal | !help | haladur_phox2 | 14:15 |
ubottu | haladur_phox2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 14:15 |
sipior | stueng: yep :-) | 14:16 |
fidel_ | dontknow: still it doesnt help to repeat yourself | 14:16 |
Wawaiftyid | ikonia, shall I use that «$»? | 14:16 |
ikonia | dontknow: control your anger then, the attitude won't get you far | 14:16 |
ikonia | Wawaiftyid: not $ | 14:16 |
fidel_ | nor do we package chromium-browser for you ;) | 14:16 |
sk1special | how do i check my hardware to see what board i have here? | 14:16 |
haladur_phox2 | i need to burn or mount an ISO | 14:16 |
stueng | Wawaiftyid: just type in the name of the user who you want to access after sudo | 14:16 |
Wawaiftyid | ikonia, ok, for be sure: su - user1 Is that correct? | 14:16 |
dontknow | sipior, fidel_ ikonia why do they update firefox but chromium? | 14:16 |
fidel_ | dontknow: so at the end - you'll have to wait until the one doing the package is done with it in the first place | 14:16 |
Wawaiftyid | stueng, ok | 14:16 |
sipior | dontknow: because you aren't helping them. | 14:16 |
Wawaiftyid | I'll try. | 14:16 |
dr_willis | !iso | haladur_phox2 | 14:17 |
ubottu | haladur_phox2: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 14:17 |
ikonia | Wawaiftyid: yes | 14:17 |
fidel_ | dontknow: ask them - not us | 14:17 |
OerHeks | dontknow just wait for the update, or build it yourself | 14:17 |
Lunar_Lander | vlt, so my message I got probably was just Apport notifying me of the failure of unity-panel-service? | 14:17 |
phibxr | dontknow, you may want to contact the chromium team who maintains the package: | 14:17 |
fidel_ | building it yourself should always be an option if you really think you need the latest version | 14:17 |
lelamal | haladur_phox2: this is how to burn an ISO: | 14:17 |
fidel_ | or consider using one of those updater plugins - i'Ve noticed they offer something like that as well | 14:17 |
dontknow | OerHeks, i would, but my laptop probably would explode while compilin | 14:18 |
stueng | is this minimal install CD installing the whole of Ubuntu ? | 14:18 |
stueng | without asking me anything | 14:18 |
deejay31 | Are BNC's allowed in here because i swear i keep getting kicked while im away | 14:18 |
zth | i have a windows xp install and a ubuntu 12.04 running on dualboot, can i in ubuntu somehow import my passwords from firefox in windows? | 14:18 |
fidel_ | deejay31: yes - but please configure it without public away etc | 14:18 |
deejay31 | Does mine have public away then | 14:19 |
fidel_ | deejay31: as long as the bnc behaves like a normal session there is usualy no reason to kick users | 14:19 |
deejay31 | Oh ok. | 14:19 |
dr_willis | deejay31: i use znc all the time. no issues | 14:19 |
fidel_ | using irssi/screen here - havent been kicked for years | 14:19 |
fidel_ | which is a bnc at the end as well ;) | 14:19 |
Lunar_Lander | OK people I want to know, has that problem very far above just been the normal error reporting scheme or malware?! | 14:20 |
Lunar_Lander | I always thought there is no malware on linux | 14:20 |
fidel_ | Lunar_Lander: can you repeatthe error message? | 14:20 |
Lunar_Lander | OK one moment fidel_ | 14:20 |
Lunar_Lander | hi there just got a message on the screen saying "Ubuntu 12.04 noticed an internal error, please restart your computer if you encounter further problems" and there was a checkbox with something like "report this error to canonical" and then I clicked on "More information" and it said the issue was with "unity-panel-service" and then a further window came up saying "Was your issue with Unity purely graphical?" and then something about r | 14:20 |
Lunar_Lander | eporting to Compiz and Yes/No buttons. Is that message normal or does it mean something bad? | 14:20 |
Lunar_Lander | (sorry for just copy-pasting) | 14:20 |
fidel_ | Lunar_Lander: happend to me as well in the beta-days of 12.04 | 14:21 |
Lunar_Lander | ah | 14:21 |
Lunar_Lander | the second window with "report to Compiz" too? | 14:21 |
=== ye is now known as Guest70069 |
fidel_ | at the end its just a visual feedback to the user and the option to access crash/problem informations as far as i can see | 14:21 |
Lunar_Lander | ah I see | 14:21 |
Lunar_Lander | I clicked the top left button | 14:21 |
Lunar_Lander | the "start menu" | 14:21 |
Lunar_Lander | but it didn't open up on the first click and then it made a "jerky" movement and then the message came | 14:22 |
fidel_ | Lunar_Lander: in case you can reproduce that error-dialoges with an up-to-date install - consider reporting a bug if it or a similar one isnt listed at launchpad already | 14:22 |
Lunar_Lander | yeah | 14:22 |
Lunar_Lander | that was the very first time I got that | 14:22 |
Lunar_Lander | never got such a message on 11.10 | 14:22 |
Lunar_Lander | and I got 12.04 for about a week now | 14:22 |
Lunar_Lander | thus I was confused | 14:22 |
guser | hi all. grub2, dual-boot, two grub.cfg (sda1 and sda2): do i change stage1 -> stage2 link with "grub-install --force /dev/sda2"? thanks. | 14:23 |
mneptok | !enter | Lunar_Lander | 14:23 |
ubottu | Lunar_Lander: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 14:23 |
Lunar_Lander | sorry | 14:23 |
sk1special | anyone know the command to check my board specs? sudo apt tell-me-my-hardware-shiz? :] | 14:23 |
Lunar_Lander | fidel_, can I re-ask you my second question as well? | 14:23 |
mneptok | sk1special: lshw | 14:23 |
Lunar_Lander | here: the last days when I switched to 12.04, the PC froze several times when running YouTube, I thought that there was an issue with Flash, now yesterday there was an update coming in called "linux-headers-3.2.0-24-generic-pae" and "linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic-pae", since then the hanging didn't happen agai | 14:23 |
sk1special | t/y t/y | 14:24 |
fidel_ | Lunar_Lander: for sure - just keep in mind that repeating in a short time is usualy not helpful. try to re-ask it as detailed as possible and in best case not splitted into 10 single lines ;) good luck | 14:24 |
stueng | I am using the minimal install CD in a hope that I could install a light weight version of ubuntu, but it seems to... aha ok it just asked me nm | 14:24 |
mneptok | sk1special: and obfuscated profanity os still profanity. please don't in this channel. | 14:24 |
Lunar_Lander | fidel_, yeah :) | 14:24 |
mneptok | Lunar_Lander: what's the "question" part of that second question? | 14:25 |
jyg | I've been running 11.10 64bit for a long time with no wireless trouble. I unstalled 11.10 32bit on another partition recently and the longer I've used it, the harder time it has connecting to wireless networks, and now it wont connect at all. Seems like it connected to the network but i think it has trouble obtaining an address | 14:25 |
zth | how do i set unity-2d to default session in 12.04? | 14:25 |
fidel_ | jyg: sure it tries to connect to the right network/ssid in the first place? | 14:25 |
jyg | how do i begin to troubleshoot this? most of the info i find on google is driver-related, which I don't think is the issue | 14:25 |
jyg | fidel, yes | 14:25 |
Lunar_Lander | mneptok, ah sorry, copying error on my side | 14:25 |
fidel_ | otherwise that could explain the no longer working connection attempt easily | 14:26 |
jyg | fidel, also i tried an open network and it connected fine | 14:26 |
Lunar_Lander | question is: Are those two things like the "Core" of Ubuntu and thus the crashing didn't happen so far? | 14:26 |
stueng | zth: you edit /etc/defaults/lightdm.cfg I think | 14:26 |
stueng | something like that | 14:26 |
jyg | thought with the passworded network, it does not repeatedly ask for the password | 14:26 |
jyg | er, though | 14:26 |
stueng | !notunity | 14:26 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic | 14:26 |
stueng | zth: the first google result gives good instructions | 14:26 |
=== deejay31|Offline is now known as deejay31 |
mneptok | Lunar_Lander: the kernel is the core of any operating system. the kernel passes requests from software to hardware. in the case of Flash, which is a LOT of assembly language, the kernel is a big part of the recipe. | 14:28 |
Lunar_Lander | ah | 14:28 |
Lunar_Lander | so that got updated in that update? | 14:28 |
stueng | zth: its /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf | 14:28 |
vlt | stueng: In case nobody suggested it yet: You get a minimal no-gui install from debootstrap. | 14:29 |
stueng | !debootstrap | 14:30 |
ubottu | debootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into. See for more information | 14:30 |
Lunar_Lander | OK people thanks, vlt , mneptok and fidel_ , that was great help and I hope I can loose my windows paranoia one day | 14:30 |
Lunar_Lander | :) | 14:30 |
vlt | stueng: I use debnootstrap for all my new setups. | 14:31 |
vlt | stueng: *debootstrap | 14:31 |
stueng | vlt: what does this debootstrap look like? | 14:31 |
Lunar_Lander | have a good day everyone! | 14:31 |
stueng | like is it... something you install ? | 14:32 |
vlt | stueng: debootstrap is a tool you have to install first. On nearly any other Ubuntu or Debian system. Even CPU architecture doesn’t matter. Then you run it and it will install a complete fresh system into a *directory* you specify. | 14:33 |
renato | I m lost in this linux | 14:33 |
stueng | vlt: where would one run this tool from ? | 14:34 |
stueng | ! | 14:35 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 14:35 |
huppensuhn | is there a way to prevent shutdown and reboot? e.g. when a backup is running | 14:35 |
=== Jad is now known as Guest35898 |
mkohler | hi, how can I install a newer version of libc6? I get a dependy error: "Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14) but 2.13-20ubuntu5.1 is installed" | 14:36 |
nijan | Hello ubuntu community. We are a no profit association with a drupal site. We wanted to implement ideatorrent but it doesn't seems to be supported anymore and is not compatible with drupal7. What are you using for the brainstorm site? | 14:36 |
stueng | !libc | 14:36 |
vlt | stueng: An example. You have a working Ubuntu 10.04, install debootstrap, then open a terminal and run `debootstrap precise ./my_new_precise_system/`. It will install a base system (even w/o a kernel). You can either specify packages to be installed addidionally by debootstrap with the --include option or you can later chroot into that directory and run apt-get there … | 14:36 |
stueng | how do u get package info from this bot ? | 14:36 |
fidel_ | stueng: !info packagename | 14:37 |
stueng | !info libc | 14:37 |
ubottu | Package libc does not exist in precise | 14:37 |
fidel_ | stueng: but you could use your local terminal as well | 14:37 |
stueng | !info libc6 | 14:37 |
ubottu | libc6 (source: eglibc): Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.15-0ubuntu10 (precise), package size 3699 kB, installed size 9105 kB | 14:37 |
fidel_ | stueng: as it doersnt spam the channel ;) | 14:37 |
stueng | tnks | 14:37 |
stueng | is it possible to make the system auto login without a gui ? | 14:38 |
mkohler | ^ that's weird since I have the precise sources in my sources.list and still can't get 2.15 | 14:39 |
fidel_ | mkohler: tried apt-cache policy? | 14:39 |
stueng | mkohler: under that depency error, do you see others? to do with previous installs that went wrong? | 14:39 |
fidel_ | mkohler: 'apt-cache policy PACKAGENAME' should show the version in use and the version offered by apt's sources | 14:39 |
=== deejay31 is now known as deejay31|Offline |
mkohler | stueng: actually there are other depency errors, but all about libc6 | 14:41 |
mkohler | how can I "abort" an upgrade? | 14:41 |
mkohler | so it is clean to try again? | 14:41 |
mkohler | 2.13-20ubuntu5.1 is installed, candidate is 2.15-0ubuntu10 | 14:42 |
stueng | tbh I dunno, but usually when I have weird stuff like that its because of a previous instlal that went wrong | 14:42 |
stueng | guys, whats the equivilant to startx? | 14:42 |
stueng | what used to be startx | 14:43 |
n0dna | stueng, should still be startx unless the installed went wrong before that got configured | 14:44 |
stueng | n0dna: which package would install then ? | 14:44 |
stueng | I dont want a DE.. just X | 14:44 |
stueng | !info | 14:45 |
ubottu | Package does not exist in precise | 14:45 |
KurtKraut | How can I change the mouse cursor size? I use my computer plugged in a TV far from me. I need to increase the mouse cursor to make it visible. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity and didn't find this config. | 14:45 |
n0dna | I think id't be ubuntu-desktop or desktop-ubuntu | 14:45 |
stueng | n0dna: that would give me the DE.. which I am trying to avoid | 14:45 |
n0dna | ah, gotcha... | 14:45 |
stueng | I want the bare minimum to run XBMC | 14:45 |
n0dna | would xbmc have the deps it needs? | 14:45 |
stueng | xbmc is installed, just cnat run because of cannot connect to X server | 14:46 |
n0dna | gotcha. | 14:46 |
Taxihack | bonjour es que je peus parle a une persone qualifier svp | 14:46 |
Taxihack | ??? | 14:46 |
=== fernando is now known as Guest50526 |
stueng | !fr | 14:46 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 14:46 |
n0dna | stueng, try xorg | 14:46 |
stueng | !info xorg | 14:47 |
ubottu | xorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.6+12ubuntu1 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 77 kB | 14:47 |
mega0wn3r | how do I change nicknames? | 14:47 |
stueng | aha thanks | 14:47 |
vlt | Hello. Any idea why the Google browser crashes when I go to the Google page? | 14:47 |
n0dna | stueng : YW :) | 14:47 |
stueng | thats amusing vlt | 14:47 |
n0dna | mega0wn3r, "/nick nick" | 14:47 |
mega0wn3r | thx | 14:47 |
n0dna | vlt: irony extension? ;) | 14:47 |
vlt | Hello. I get this error from Google browser chromium when it crashes when I go to the Google page: [] Not implemented reached in static void base::PlatformThread::SetThreadPriority(base::PlatformThreadHandle, base::ThreadPriority) | 14:48 |
=== mega0wn3r is now known as ICWeiner |
vlt | n0dna: ^ | 14:48 |
n0dna | ICWeiner, got a pizza for you... | 14:48 |
Mitchell_M | cash: lolz | 14:48 |
ICWeiner | lil | 14:48 |
ICWeiner | lol | 14:48 |
=== ICWeiner is now known as DFrostedWang |
=== setkeh is now known as SETKEHSCAT |
G__81 | i am facing a problem with Ubuntu 12.04. any packages that i try to install result in failure. the message i see is all with respect to locale stuff. how do i resolve these errors can some one help me out ? | 14:49 |
stueng | wohooo it works | 14:49 |
BLZbubba | ok i'm starting to see this error: Illegal declaration of subroutine fields::PU | 14:49 |
BLZbubba | from apt-get | 14:50 |
BLZbubba | frontend actually | 14:50 |
BLZbubba | am i the only one seeing this error? | 14:50 |
stueng | I issue startx and all I get is a terminal, where I can start XBMC from. So, next step... is there a syntax I can pass to startx to make it start XBMC ? | 14:50 |
BLZbubba | it looks like PUBLIC somehow came over as PUÂLIC | 14:50 |
DFrostedWang | Once a week for 10 years lol | 14:51 |
BLZbubba | in | 14:51 |
stueng | ok nm that was easy: startx xbmc | 14:51 |
n0dna | stueng: haven't done it in years, but iirc there's a .xinitrc in your ~ | 14:51 |
BLZbubba | stueng: which window manager does it give you? | 14:51 |
terranada | I reinstalled my operating system (11.10) on multiple partitions one for root one for /usr and one for /home when i reinstalled i changed my login name and my old home folder is encrypted | 14:51 |
stueng | BLZbubba: none | 14:51 |
terranada | how can i access the data? | 14:51 |
BLZbubba | stueng: then how do you start xbmc | 14:51 |
G__81 | can some one help me out ? | 14:51 |
BLZbubba | G__81: what is the most common error/ | 14:52 |
stueng | BLZbubba: when I enter "start x" is takes me to a higher resolution terminal. From here I can start xbmc | 14:52 |
=== DFrostedWang is now known as ICWeiner |
stueng | startx* | 14:52 |
n0dna | G__81, can you install them from the CLI? tht'd eliminate the frontend as your issue | 14:52 |
vlt | G__81: I think it’s because your generated locale file might be missing. So the messages are not related to the packages installed but just to the terminal. Try `dpkg-reconfigure locales`. | 14:52 |
stueng | a simple "startx xbmc " starts X and starts XBMC so that was easy | 14:53 |
G__81 | vlt, i tried generating the locales but it does not solve the issue i get the errors still | 14:53 |
vekexasia | Hello All, i'm trying to slow down the scroll speed of my mouse but I cant. I already googled but maybe i'm missing something. | 14:53 |
BLZbubba | stueng: ok then look at the startx man page, in particular: $(HOME)/.xinitrc Client to run. Typically a shell script which runs many programs in the background | 14:53 |
terranada | I need to access my old encrypted home folder from a new user account, how can i do this? | 14:53 |
DerZauberer | hi partyppl | 14:53 |
BLZbubba | see if that helps you out | 14:53 |
stueng | Im sure it will BLZbubba thanks | 14:53 |
G__81 | vlt, my /etc/default/locale file contains | 14:53 |
G__81 | LANG="en_IN" | 14:53 |
G__81 | LANGUAGE="en_IN:en" | 14:53 |
terranada | srsly u guise | 14:54 |
vekexasia | can anyone help me with my problem | 14:54 |
vekexasia | of the scrolling of my mouse ? | 14:54 |
DerZauberer | Seems like the wacom bamboo graphictablet crashes x11 :( | 14:54 |
jathaba | vekexasia: there's a mouse and touchpad settings menu, have you tried that? | 14:54 |
DerZauberer | after plugging it in, there is "stopping save kernel messages" and so on on the screen | 14:54 |
vekexasia | hmm? LOL | 14:55 |
alFReD-NSH | Does installing with wubi have any performance effects? | 14:55 |
DerZauberer | it also stops anacron then | 14:55 |
jathaba | oh, sorry, i guess it doesn't have a scroller control, my apologies | 14:55 |
vekexasia | DerZauberer: yes just tried. don't work | 14:56 |
stueng | in a normal ubuntu installation theres this "desktop sharing" anyone know what package provides that ? | 14:56 |
=== Nemo7_ is now known as Nemo7 |
G__81 | BLZbubba, any help is greatly appreciated | 14:56 |
Myrtti | alFReD-NSH: apart from the fact that it's not recommended for anything other than demoing the system or testing if the hardware works properly? | 14:56 |
alFReD-NSH | Myrtti: its not? | 14:57 |
alFReD-NSH | whyyyyyyyy? | 14:57 |
rotham | hey | 14:57 |
Myrtti | alFReD-NSH: and as such it isn't recommended for longtime use, and the upgrades to newer versions often seem to fail? other than those limitations, no, there is no performance effects. | 14:57 |
rotham | what do I have to add to an upstart script to get it to run on startup? | 14:57 |
ICWeiner | I need help mounting an internal SD card reader for boot. | 14:57 |
rotham | on the servers startup? | 14:57 |
BLZbubba | G__81: what is your error? can you pastebin the output? | 14:57 |
DerZauberer | any ideas what I can do, vekexasia? | 14:57 |
stueng | ICWeiner: are you sure your machine can boot from SD card? is it connect to the PCI bus or internal USB? | 14:57 |
Myrtti | alFReD-NSH: because it's meant as a demo of Ubuntu much like PC game demos are | 14:57 |
wwd | folks I have a bit of an issue I am trying to create an internal bitmap on a mdadm raid6 array without success. Anyone have any knowledge of this issue? | 14:58 |
wwd | oot@bb:~# mdadm --grow --bitmap=none /dev/md0 | 14:58 |
wwd | mdadm: no bitmap found on /dev/md0 root@bb:~# mdadm --grow --bitmap=internal /dev/md0 | 14:58 |
wwd | mdadm: failed to set internal bitmap. | 14:58 |
BLZbubba | G__81: are you doing a dpkg -i, apt-get install, or something else? | 14:58 |
ICWeiner | It won't boot. That's what I want to change. | 14:58 |
ICWeiner | IDK how it's connected | 14:58 |
jathaba | can anyone help me edit an xorg.conf file? My monitor's image is slid left and is using the wrong resolution | 14:58 |
splnet | Anyone here use qemu? I'm getting failed to initialize KVM: No such file or directory | 14:58 |
alFReD-NSH | I installed ubuntu from 10.10 by wubi... Now running low on drive space now... Thats why I thought I should make a clean install without wubi | 14:59 |
ikonia | splnet: how are you calling it | 14:59 |
Myrtti | alFReD-NSH: sounds like a good idea | 14:59 |
G__81 | there were some updates shown by update manager and i clicked on update and i found that the packages have got installed but it says package installation failed. The reason being because of locales it shows errors with respect to LL_CC etc not set LANG_LL something of that sort | 14:59 |
KurtKraut | How can I increase the mouse cursor size? I use my computer plugged to a TV far from me. I need to increase the mouse cursor to make it visible. Also I'd like to change it to a darker color as I used to do easily in Gnome 2. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity and didn't find this config. | 14:59 |
alFReD-NSH | Would I be able later to change my drive without reinstalling | 14:59 |
Zxixi | i just did an rm -rf in the wrong directory and kill a load of directories, is there any way to get them back? | 14:59 |
ikonia | Zxixi: not really | 14:59 |
Zxixi | restore backup it is then | 15:00 |
Zxixi | thanks | 15:00 |
Myrtti | alFReD-NSH: depending from what you mean by that | 15:00 |
Sidewinder | alFReD-NSH, What Myrtti said is 100% correct; you'd be better off trying ubuntu from LiveCD to test hdw. sound, etc. Then if you like it, install dual boot, NOT wubi. | 15:00 |
alFReD-NSH | I suppose its trivial to use the normal installer to install dual boot, right? | 15:01 |
stueng | hmm what happened to iwconfig ? whats that called now? | 15:02 |
mkohler | I get the following error: .. how can I fix that? | 15:02 |
terranada | how can i delete an old encrypted home folder? | 15:03 |
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk |
stueng | deleting the user doesnt delete the folder? | 15:04 |
stueng | and its not a folder its a directory :P | 15:04 |
terranada | I reinstalled under a different name | 15:04 |
terranada | now my old home folder is encrypted and i cant do anything with it | 15:04 |
terranada | its 60 gb that i need | 15:04 |
stueng | rf -Rf /path/to/fdirecotry doesnt work ? | 15:05 |
nemo | So, I'm trying hard to love unity (although if compiz keeps crashing on me, I think I'll give up on it. Unity2D has way too annoying of window resizing) | 15:05 |
terranada | i dont want to risk deleting the wrong things | 15:05 |
stueng | sorry rm -Rf * | 15:06 |
nemo | Anyway. I use davmail. Davmail in XFCE4 and gnome2 has an icon in the notification area. | 15:06 |
nemo | There appears to be no notification area in Unity | 15:06 |
terranada | i dont know how encryption works so i dont know what will happen if i delete the folder which registers as only 4 kb | 15:06 |
nemo | How do I add a notification area to unity so I can actually access the management for this app? | 15:06 |
elspuddy | iv just used dd to image a drive, how whould i access this image the dd made ? | 15:07 |
nemo | elspuddy: mount it on a loopback? | 15:07 |
stueng | anyone know the name of the package that provides the GUI interface to managing network interfaces? | 15:08 |
lacinyc | it seems as though whenever I log out, my encrypted files are not repacked.. i.e. on next log in, I get the old contents again - what might be causing this? I just did an install of precise keeping my encrypted home partition as it already was, and did not have this problem before. | 15:08 |
stueng | or command | 15:08 |
elspuddy | nemo, : how is this done ? : | 15:08 |
nemo | elspuddy: I think gvfs is even able to make a nice browsable virtual - not sure though. does for isos | 15:08 |
nemo | elspuddy: google for mounting disc image on loopback :-p | 15:08 |
terranada | so no one knows how to delete an encrypted home folder? | 15:08 |
stueng | I would rm -Rf it lol | 15:08 |
nemo | indeed | 15:08 |
lacinyc | terranada: there is a more thorough set of steps that are easily found by googling, but rm -rf should in general work? | 15:09 |
terranada | i dont know what to google | 15:09 |
terranada | i dont know the words | 15:09 |
lacinyc | the exact question you just asked :) | 15:09 |
terranada | how do i shot web? | 15:10 |
terranada | it gives me pages on encrypting home folders not deleting them | 15:10 |
lacinyc | oh well | 15:10 |
stueng | yeh I googled it too, just found insturctions on creating encryoted dirs not deletin em | 15:10 |
lacinyc | and here I wasn't even sure if you were serious. | 15:11 |
terranada | god i wish there was a good support for GNU/Linux | 15:11 |
stueng | anyone know the name of the package that provides the GUI interface to managing network interfaces? or the command from terminal? | 15:11 |
lacinyc | | 15:11 |
lacinyc | terranada: there is, you just have to look for more than 5 seconds. | 15:11 |
mkohler | stueng: nm-connection-editor? | 15:12 |
stueng | mkohler: thats it thanks | 15:12 |
stueng | ping? | 15:18 |
Cerrdor | pong? | 15:18 |
mkohler | pong? | 15:18 |
stueng | went v quiet | 15:18 |
Cerrdor | derp? | 15:18 |
mkohler | I get the following error: .. how can I fix that? | 15:18 |
Cerrdor | Anyone kno w where I can find a how to for setting up a server on my Desktop? | 15:18 |
Cerrdor | 10.10 | 15:18 |
maverick | hello channel :) | 15:18 |
stueng | Cerrdor: define a server | 15:18 |
maverick | i have got this query | 15:18 |
maverick | smb error reports in ubuntu 12.04 | 15:19 |
Cerrdor | web server | 15:19 |
zizoo | I can't get terminal beeps to work? I tried all sorts of fixes I read online, including going into alsamixer and unmuting beep, modprobing pcspkr, and echoing to /dev/console. The first two do nothing and the last says permission denied for /dev/console. Any tips? | 15:19 |
zizoo | work.* | 15:19 |
mkohler | Cerrdor: | 15:19 |
Cerrdor | ty Sir | 15:19 |
stueng | Cerrdor: install apache ? | 15:19 |
stueng | !apache | 15:20 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 15:20 |
xudehuai | . | 15:20 |
lacinyc | Cerrdor: that assumes you *want* lamp.. which I'm going to guess is correct in this particular instance. | 15:20 |
Cerrdor | that is correct | 15:21 |
maverick | exit | 15:21 |
Cerrdor | I have been asked to monitor a server monitoring software and blog about it in Linux admin scenarios | 15:21 |
zizoo | I don't even particularly care whether I get the apt repository's beep program to work or echoing the terminal bell character. I just want to be able to beep. | 15:22 |
stueng | are you going to blog in english Cerrdor ? | 15:22 |
Cerrdor | yupp | 15:22 |
stueng | god help us | 15:22 |
Cerrdor | Im Amurican | 15:22 |
mister_m | I am having trouble making an alias for a path that contains spaces. I have the alias value in quotes - but when I use the alias the path cuts off at the first space | 15:22 |
stueng | try putting a \ infront of the space | 15:23 |
DerZauberer | so nobody has an ideo to get it working? :/ | 15:23 |
Mitchell_M | Okay, I tried to do a manual override of the default .desktop files on launcher using these instructions. however didn't give me results. Am I just bad at following these instructions?? lol | 15:23 |
mister_m | stueng, escaping them worked. I was not expecting that I needed to escape them when they were in quotes. thank you | 15:24 |
DerZauberer | I really need to get this graphictablet working, because my friend is a webdesigner | 15:24 |
FrozenMind | mister_m - You will want to use \ -- Example /hello\ there\ my\ name\ is\ FrozenMind = hello there my name is FrozenMind <- as a file/folder name :) | 15:24 |
Cerrdor | sometimes you have to define them | 15:24 |
jarlath | Not sure what package to report this bug against, but basically users with a password-less login have their sound muted at every login. Any suggestion? | 15:25 |
Cerrdor | wierd | 15:25 |
designbybeck | Anyone know the best way to do an actual Install to a USB... so you can have a full blown Username/Password, Software Install, Save Files and such? | 15:26 |
Dr_Willis | designbybeck: just point the installer to the usb.. same as a hard drive | 15:26 |
zizoo | I can't get beeps out of the terminal. I tried unmuting 'beep' in alsamixer and modprobing pcspkr, to no avail. Any help? | 15:27 |
designbybeck | but at what point Dr_Willis ? | 15:27 |
Dr_Willis | designbybeck: i reccomend a 16+ gb usb | 15:27 |
Dr_Willis | designbybeck: when you do the installer... you point it to the usb /dev/sdXX same as you would a internal hard drive. no differance at all. be sure grub installs to the usb also. | 15:27 |
Cerrdor | or just unpack the iso to the usb using a virtual disk | 15:27 |
designbybeck | how do you force GRUB to install to the usb? Dr_Willis? | 15:28 |
designbybeck | How would you do that Cerrdor? | 15:28 |
Dr_Willis | designbybeck: the installer asks... | 15:28 |
kapz | is there any way to determine if my laptop supports sata 3.0? like in device manager | 15:28 |
designbybeck | where to install grub? Off the normal .ISO install Dr_Willis? | 15:28 |
Cerrdor | designbybeck, you on Linu8x or windows? | 15:28 |
Mitchell_M | designbybeck: I don't thing you understand, when you go to through the installation it ask you where you want to install the program | 15:28 |
Cerrdor | yupp | 15:28 |
designbybeck | I've tried the UCK but doesn't seem to work with 12.04 | 15:28 |
designbybeck | Ubuntu 12.04 Cerrdor | 15:29 |
Mitchell_M | ??? | 15:29 |
Mitchell_M | Yeah, Ubuntu 12.04, I have the same one | 15:29 |
designbybeck | Ubuntu Coustomization Kit | 15:29 |
=== robin is now known as Guest59091 |
Dr_Willis | UCK has issues with 12.04 from what i hear. | 15:29 |
designbybeck | So if I have a laptop, and boot off a USB...and have another USB plugged in, I can tell it to Install to the Blank USB? | 15:30 |
Dr_Willis | designbybeck: thats how i do it all the time. | 15:30 |
Mitchell_M | designbybeck: look at this | 15:30 |
designbybeck | Yeah Dr_Willis that is what I have read, I had the same bug that was posted | 15:30 |
Dr_Willis | one live-usb installing a full install to a 2nd usb | 15:30 |
Mitchell_M | Under the Device for boot loader isntallation: you select the drive | 15:31 |
designbybeck | Hmmm... I guess I've never tried exacatully that, I was affraid of messing up the systems harddrive | 15:31 |
designbybeck | looking now Mitchell_M | 15:31 |
zizoo | How can I beep via terminal? I tried unmuting 'beep' in alsamixer and modprobing pcspkr, but still no sound from echoing the bell char or from the beep program. | 15:31 |
Mitchell_M | this is an older version of Ubuntu, but same idea | 15:31 |
pungi-man | can i have two monitors displaying two different workspaces but connected with a single CPU?? | 15:31 |
designbybeck | ah!.... could it be that easy!... I've seemed to overlook that | 15:31 |
Mitchell_M | I know because I installed Ubuntu 12.04 at least 6 times over the past 3 weeks | 15:31 |
Cerrdor | zizoo have you tried a fog horn while pressing the button? | 15:31 |
Mitchell_M | past 2 weeks | 15:32 |
Cerrdor | that would get a signifigant beep | 15:32 |
designbybeck | an d you just give it it's own username/password and then can boot off it from any computer and it keeps your settings and software you have insatlled? | 15:32 |
Mitchell_M | I didn't do it on a USB, but it would run the same way and request username and password | 15:32 |
zizoo | Cerrdor, lol, maybe I'll just attach a usb foghorn to my computer and write my own beep program to operate it. :P | 15:32 |
Dr_Willis | designbybeck: full install to usb is same as a normal install procedure... | 15:32 |
Cerrdor | zizoo now yur thinkin | 15:33 |
kapz | is there any way to determine if my laptop supports sata 3.0? like in device manager | 15:33 |
designbybeck | Ok... maybe some of the older things I was reading scared me! | 15:33 |
Dr_Willis | usb-> usb is quite quick also | 15:33 |
G__81 | i get the following errors when i install any package | 15:33 |
designbybeck | ha. I'll give it a go Dr_Willis and Mitchell_M...thank you for your help! | 15:33 |
Mitchell_M | It's simple, don't let the internet scare you :0 | 15:33 |
designbybeck | *fingers crossed* | 15:33 |
Mitchell_M | kk | 15:33 |
G__81 | | 15:33 |
G__81 | can some one help me solve the errors mentioned @ | 15:33 |
drvanon | This error ( got me a little confused. Are there multiple errors or is it just one? | 15:33 |
zizoo | lol, but seriously, does anybody know why these beeps don't work? | 15:34 |
Dr_Willis | zizoo: theres some known issues with 12.04 and 'system beeping' not working | 15:34 |
G__81 | hi Dr_Willis | 15:34 |
=== deejay31|Offline is now known as deejay31 |
deejay31 | Are friendly bots allowed in here | 15:35 |
Dr_Willis | deejay31: best to not bring them in. no need for them to be here | 15:35 |
zizoo | Dr_Willis: Ah. No resolutions though? I have looked around online, but haven't seen much on this issue recently, aside from this guy: | 15:35 |
deejay31 | Oh, ok | 15:35 |
G__81 | can some one look into these locale errors. Am missing something or is something screwed up | 15:35 |
G__81 | The errors are pasted @ | 15:36 |
Dr_Willis | zizoo: i normally turn off the beeps... even if it means removeing the little pc spkr. | 15:36 |
Progster | should I be able to su into an account which has shell set to /bin/false if I supply -s /bin/sh ? | 15:36 |
G__81 | Dr_Willis, can you help me please ? | 15:36 |
Zta | From Ubuntu 12.04 a "Type your command" prompt opens in the top left corner whenever I press and release Alt alone. How do I disable that? | 15:37 |
zizoo | Dr_Willis: I want it mainly as an easy not-bypassable way to aggravate people who use my computer without permission. I take another device and ssh 'while true; do beep; done'. | 15:37 |
=== deejay31 is now known as deejay31|Offline |
zizoo | Or similar | 15:37 |
DerZauberer | okay, so she has go back to windows for a working graphic tablet :/ | 15:38 |
=== aaass is now known as aaas |
spacebug- | Zta: system settings -> keyboard -> short cuts -> key to show the HUD (disable that one) | 15:38 |
Zta | thanks! | 15:38 |
Cerrdor | oh zoing | 15:38 |
Cerrdor | which server should I use basic ubuntu, DNS server or Edubuntu | 15:39 |
zizoo | And just because I like experimenting with the beep parameters to make music. xD... It works on my laptop, but my laptop is still on 11.10. | 15:39 |
designbybeck | Another question Dr_Willis and Mitchell_M ... I've seen this a time or two now. When I pop in a bootable USB or in this case just created a new one. I see a popup that says "A volume with software packages has been detected. Would you like to open it with pakcage maanger?" what is this? | 15:39 |
mkohler | I get the following error: .. how can I fix that? | 15:39 |
designbybeck | Is it saying I can update the ISO/Boot packges so it is already even more uptodate when I install it? | 15:40 |
Mitchell_M | Hmm, I don't remember that, but is that in the selection for erase and create new page? | 15:40 |
Mitchell_M | not new page I mean new Ubuntu install | 15:40 |
designbybeck | no Mitchell_M | 15:41 |
designbybeck | just when you plug in a bootable jump drive | 15:41 |
Zta | spacebug-: Relief!! Now, I previously had Super+Tab configured to cycle though apps using a different switcher. I configured this in ccsm and still have this configured, but Super+Tab is overridden to cycle the task bar. Can this be disabled too? | 15:41 |
Mitchell_M | I don't think that's necessary, but if it really bothers you I can try installing ubuntu on a Vm right now and look at it | 15:42 |
zizoo | Well, would anyone know why I can output bell chars to /dev/console on my 11.10 lappy but get a permission denied error on 12.04? | 15:42 |
stueng | on a "minimal" ubuntu install without a DE would a USB stick automount? if not, how do I know its /dev/sdxxx ? | 15:42 |
stueng | oh fdisk helped me... but will it try autmount ? | 15:42 |
jst | hello | 15:43 |
jst | i have a real simple question im still new to ubuntu | 15:43 |
spacebug- | Zta: Not sure but you should be able to change things like that in ccsm I think. | 15:43 |
Mitchell_M | give me a moment | 15:43 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: no it would not. there are console based auto mounting services. | 15:43 |
Dr_Willis | !mount | stueng | 15:44 |
ubottu | stueng: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also | 15:44 |
stueng | Dr_Willis: could you point me in the direction of one, I wish for this system to auto mount | 15:44 |
jst | how do i connect two differnt folders so there one in the same? | 15:44 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: check the package manager search feature. | 15:44 |
Dr_Willis | not used one of those in years. | 15:44 |
stueng | Dr_Willis: apt-cache search ? | 15:44 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: yes... | 15:44 |
Dr_Willis | !apt | 15:44 |
ubottu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE) | 15:44 |
jst | hello? | 15:45 |
stueng | jst: define connect two folders | 15:45 |
stueng | !info pmount | 15:45 |
Dr_Willis | jst: you can make 'soft links' to make folder 1 also appear as folder 2 | 15:45 |
ubottu | pmount (source: pmount): mount removable devices as normal user. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.23-2 (precise), package size 94 kB, installed size 840 kB | 15:45 |
Cerrdor | is this edubuntu server any good if anyone has used it? | 15:46 |
jst | im trying to get web to be in httpd | 15:46 |
stueng | !info autofs5 | 15:46 |
ubottu | autofs5 (source: autofs5): kernel-based automounter for Linux, version 5. In component main, is extra. Version 5.0.6-0ubuntu5 (precise), package size 629 kB, installed size 1462 kB | 15:46 |
jst | so if i place it in that folder it gets put into httpd | 15:46 |
stueng | ^ does this soiund right Dr_Willis | 15:46 |
clausen | I would like to remove setuid on everything on my server (for security reasons). According to the Ubuntu requires "sudo" to be setuid root. What might go wrong if I remove setuid root? | 15:47 |
clausen | (on sudo) | 15:47 |
G__81 | Did some one get a chance to look @ the errors ? | 15:47 |
Dr_Willis | clausen: you lose all sudo rights... and cant admin anything. ;) | 15:48 |
Dr_Willis | clausen: theres secure, then thers paranoid... then theres 'tinfoil hat paranoid' | 15:48 |
Mitchell_M | designbybeck: you still there? | 15:48 |
clausen | Dr_Willis, yes, I'm definitely going for "tinfail hat paranoid" for this project. I plan to log in via ssh pubilc key to root | 15:48 |
OerHeks | G__81, LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "en_IN.ISO8859-1" ?? | 15:48 |
clausen | (and then drop privileges with non-setuid root "su") | 15:49 |
OerHeks | G__81, how did you do that? | 15:49 |
clausen | Dr_Willis, so, if I do all administration as root, I won't have trouble with non-setuid sudo? | 15:49 |
G__81 | OerHeks, i didnt do anything i am not sure how it got set ? :( | 15:50 |
G__81 | OerHeks, how do i rectify these errors ? | 15:50 |
Dr_Willis | clausen: sudo has usese other then 'the command you use to get root rights' if you are doing such customzations, you are likely to cause other issues and perhaps even make things more insecure. I dont see the point in your security changes. | 15:51 |
designbybeck | yes Mitchell_M? | 15:51 |
OerHeks | G__81, this askubuntu page can help >> | 15:51 |
Mitchell_M | okay | 15:51 |
Dr_Willis | clausen: there is SElinux and bastille that do other hardning features.. but i dont use them | 15:51 |
Mitchell_M | So I'm in the selection for the drivees | 15:51 |
Dr_Willis | clausen: move the binaries to a removeable usb flash drive. ;) | 15:51 |
Mitchell_M | Is what you said before or after? | 15:51 |
clausen | Dr_Willis, what other uses? | 15:52 |
clausen | (I don't understand how removing setuid could make things less secure) | 15:52 |
designbybeck | err... the last question i had Mitchell_M was just on a Ubuntu computer, when you plug in a USBBootable Drive | 15:52 |
Dr_Willis | clausen: check the sudo homepage to learn of some of its other features. one is logging of commands used, another is allowing non-root-non-admin users limited admin rights.. | 15:52 |
Mitchell_M | :o, so you haven't started the install ? | 15:53 |
designbybeck | right this was just a side question I Noticed a few times when plugging in bootable drives | 15:53 |
splnet | How do I disable the MOTD update that occurs each time I ssh in? | 15:54 |
Mitchell_M | :o, I see. That's not important then. What's important is popping your cd in and seeing the drives. I'll post up a picture of what you will see in Ubuntu 12.04 | 15:54 |
Dr_Willis | splnet: you can do a 'touch .hushlogin' and not see the motd at all | 15:54 |
designbybeck | does it have to be a CD Mitchell_M? Or can I use 2 usbs? | 15:55 |
OerHeks | splnet, uninstall MOTD | 15:55 |
stueng | anyone know how to make a minimal, terminal only ubuntu installation auto mount USB devices when they are plugged in? | 15:56 |
stueng | I have tried autofs5 I dont think this is the right hting | 15:56 |
faceprint | I recently upgraded a headless box from 11.04 to 12.04 (in 2 steps, running do-release-upgrade twice). I now have an issue where the box will disappear from the network until I ping from the box out, and then network connectivity is fine. I haven't figured out a good way to describe this problem in a search to try and find a solution. Can anyone help? | 15:56 |
clausen | Dr_Willis, thanks a lot for your help! I think I've convinced myself there will be no problem (since sudo only works for people in the admin group anyway) | 15:56 |
stueng | !info udev | 15:57 |
ubottu | udev (source: udev): rule-based device node and kernel event manager. In component main, is required. Version 175-0ubuntu9 (precise), package size 341 kB, installed size 1049 kB | 15:57 |
Mitchell_M | You can do 2 USBs | 15:57 |
splnet | Dr_Willis: right but /etc/motd still seems to get updated which causes some slow down | 15:57 |
Mitchell_M | Only the other USB will appear so it will be fine | 15:57 |
D[4]ni | it normal that my speakers make really strange noises when i listen to music and simultaneously play some game? | 15:58 |
splnet | OerHeks: I don't see a package called motd | 15:58 |
OerHeks | splnet, or wipe /usr/share/games/fortune ? | 15:58 |
splnet | OerHeks: update-motd is there but is not installed | 15:58 |
compdoc | splnet, if you chmod -x to the files in /etc/update.motd.d they wont run | 15:59 |
splnet | OerHeks: that might be. Its basically an advertisement for Ubuntu. | 15:59 |
designbybeck | Ok my first burn didn't seem to work i'm making a nother USB | 15:59 |
OerHeks | splnet, yes, you can add your own. | 15:59 |
splnet | compdoc: bingo thats what I was looking for. thanks! | 16:00 |
stueng | !info usbmount | 16:00 |
ubottu | usbmount (source: usbmount): automatically mount and unmount USB mass storage devices. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.22 (precise), package size 14 kB, installed size 81 kB | 16:00 |
compdoc | splnet, I have my motd give me system info like cpu load | 16:00 |
Mitchell_M | ok | 16:00 |
alecbenzer | is a way to get gnome-terminal (or any other term-emulator) to highlight filenames like it does urls and be able to open them by clicking on the name? | 16:02 |
deepsight | anyone knows how to create an Apple's partition_map from linux? | 16:02 |
splnet | Alright it takes 5 seconds to ssh into my machine. Any tips how to improve that? I added "UseDNS no" to sshd_config. Any other ideas? | 16:03 |
OerHeks | splnet 5 seconds eh ? | 16:05 |
OerHeks | splnet looks like this issue > | 16:05 |
OerHeks | GSSAPIAuthentication no | 16:05 |
Mitchell_M | designbybeck: okay, here's where you will change to USB, after you select erase all on the previous screen. | 16:06 |
Mitchell_M | I have to go now, but good luck (i'll be back later probably) | 16:06 |
Dr_Willis | alecbenzer: cant say ive ever seen that feature.. or would want it. ;) | 16:06 |
killr | hi alsamixer does not have a option of pcm | 16:07 |
Dr_Willis | alecbenzer: i do recall some nautiuls patch/feture where it would have a terminal at the bottom of the file manager window. | 16:07 |
town | Icy Box embedded (2.6.X) ? | 16:07 |
mkohler | I get the following error: .. how can I fix that? | 16:07 |
splnet | OerHeks: I just tried that. Still no dice | 16:07 |
designbybeck | Hmm | 16:09 |
splnet | Not seeing that gss failure issue. This is 12.04 btw | 16:09 |
alecbenzer | Dr_Willis: well I wouldn't really want to deal with nautilus. I meant just opening it in $EDITOR or something | 16:09 |
designbybeck | thanks Mitchell_M | 16:09 |
Bronze | Hi, just started using ubuntu again after many years absence, not familiar with new init system. Can someone tell me what the command is to disable a wervice? So it does not get started again at next reboot? | 16:10 |
Bronze | *service, not "wservice" :) | 16:10 |
Dr_Willis | Bronze: for upstart managed services. you can edit/rename the /etc/init/whatever.conf file to be like whatever.dontrun as a easy way | 16:11 |
Bronze | Dr_Willis: what is the approved command to use in the updtart system? I'd rather conform to good practices. | 16:12 |
Bronze | *upstart | 16:12 |
Dr_Willis | Bronze: never seen a 'command' to manage it.. from what i recall of the upstart homepage. they say either edit the .conf or rename it | 16:12 |
Bronze | no equivalent to chkconfig? | 16:12 |
Dr_Willis | !upstart | 16:13 |
ubottu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 16:13 |
nils_ | Hi there. Can someone tell me why I get ugly GNOME notification popup under KDE ? ==> | 16:13 |
Dr_Willis | there may be some better upstart starter guides out there also. i rarely mess with it. | 16:13 |
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Bronze | Dr_Willis: Please, when you said "edit the .conf" what file were you referring to? | 16:14 |
Dr_Willis | Bronze: each service has its own whatever.conf file look in /etc/init/ | 16:14 |
Bronze | ok, thanks. | 16:14 |
Dr_Willis | theres still vestages of the old SysV stuff about. :) but if you look those are actually being handled by upstart. perhaps someday they will all vanish. | 16:15 |
prothon | Hello. I've been looking around but I can't find much of anything pertaining to an iSCSI fenced storage solution for ubuntu. | 16:16 |
prothon | Does anyone have a direction they could point me in? | 16:16 |
huppensuhn | is there a way to prevent shutdown and reboot? e.g. when a backup is running | 16:19 |
mkohler | huppensuhn: why would you want to do that? what is causing the shutdown? | 16:19 |
bieb | how do I remove a package from apt-get's list? I was trying to install likewise-open, it failed through apt-get, but I was able to install pbis (replacement for likewise-open) everytime I try to install another package it fails because it is still trying to download likewise | 16:19 |
Dr_Willis | 'it failed through apt-get' - what failed about it? | 16:20 |
en1gma | im going to use yumi to install ubuntu 12.04 64bit to my usb stick. how do i make a persistent install so i can change back to the older ui and it will save it so i dont have to do it everytime | 16:20 |
Dr_Willis | en1gma: the instaler tool normally has an option to make a persistant save file. And if you really want the old gnome2 - there are some Unsupported ubuntu variants out with it allready | 16:21 |
huppensuhn | mkohler, I'm causing the shutdown, when I'm not thinking of the backup still running | 16:21 |
en1gma | i absomg really | 16:21 |
Dr_Willis | a persistant save file setup is not ideal for major changes to the install. | 16:21 |
en1gma | what are the variants | 16:21 |
Dr_Willis | no idea.. gnome 2 is dead to me.. i dont touch it. | 16:21 |
Dr_Willis | check the ubuntu blog sites and disrtowatch | 16:22 |
en1gma | omg i so hate the new UI i hope they switch it back...i do hate kde more though | 16:22 |
mkohler | huppensuhn: I'm sure you could change the shutdown script and set a variable to indicate a backup is running.. but honestly I have no idea how :) | 16:22 |
en1gma | i usually just roll it back to older version and then its all good | 16:22 |
Dr_Willis | en1gma: oh well.. gnome2 is dead.. and the fallback mode is basically a tempary thing. | 16:22 |
bieb | Dr_Willis: it failed trying to overwrite /usr/bin/domainjoin-cli which is also in the package pbis-open.. thats what it tells me.. I have run apt-get -f install 3 times, as it recommends and it still fails. | 16:22 |
en1gma | they are really going to keep this ui from now on?> | 16:22 |
Dr_Willis | gnome shell, unity, or xfce/lubuntu if you want old skool | 16:22 |
lattera | so I have a shared library, libhijack, in /usr/lib (/usr/lib/, attempting to compile an app against it, gcc (and clang) both say that it can't find libhijack | 16:23 |
Dr_Willis | en1gma: unity is the default desktop for ubuntu, and the ubuntu-tv and ubuntu-phone i hear. | 16:23 |
fabiobik | people i have something that make me nuts.... im trying to get an usb bootable disk but when i boot from usb gives me missing sysyem operative | 16:23 |
Dr_Willis | but i imagine it will get tweaked for those. | 16:23 |
fabiobik | can someone help me with this? | 16:23 |
Dr_Willis | fabiobik: you made it wrong perhaps. | 16:23 |
devpilot | when i'm running ubuntu my laptop getting much hotter than it get in windows | 16:23 |
Fat-Thing | Dr_Willis, does the ubuntu 9.04 work!? i got a cd tho.... :) | 16:23 |
en1gma | gawd it just feels so slow compared to gnome2...i mean it definately slows me down switching from one app to the other | 16:23 |
Dr_Willis | Fat-Thing: no idea. I stay with the current latest releases. | 16:24 |
Dr_Willis | en1gma: unity is quite snappy on my low end netbook. | 16:24 |
fabiobik | Dr_Willis, i guess.. | 16:24 |
Dr_Willis | i just apt-tab to switch apps. same as i always have. | 16:24 |
fabiobik | Dr_Willis, im using unetbootin | 16:24 |
en1gma | the slow part is having to select the buttons each time | 16:24 |
Dr_Willis | buttons? ;) | 16:24 |
mkohler | en1gma: I encourage you to use alt+tab.. it makes your life a lot easier :) | 16:24 |
en1gma | not the software actually switching after you select the buttons on left panel | 16:24 |
Dr_Willis | who needs buttons.. we dont need no stinking buttons.. | 16:24 |
huppensuhn | en1gma, there is mate desktop, a gnome2 fork. but it's not in the repos and I have no idea how well it works. | 16:24 |
en1gma | alt-tab if only two apps but if you have 5 open then alt-tab is slow | 16:25 |
Dr_Willis | en1gma: superkey+# can also switch apps... | 16:25 |
ZenMaster | Good morning | 16:25 |
Fat-Thing | i messed up my distro...and tot i'm doomed! thankfully i got fluxbox...and tried to install ubuntu-desktop and it works back but got messy coz it freezes alot .... for about 30-40sec and resumes grrrr | 16:25 |
prothon | ls | 16:25 |
Dr_Willis | en1gma: but most people dont bother to actually learn any of the ubuntu tricks.. thats why if you hold the SUPER key it shows the shortcut keys. :) | 16:25 |
mkohler | prothon: wrong window ;) | 16:25 |
en1gma | i really cant believe they are keeping it. im still using it but i definately put it back to the way i been used to | 16:26 |
Dr_Willis | Fat-Thing: freezes for all users? even newly made one? | 16:26 |
fabiobik | Dr_Willis, ive istalled mbr | 16:26 |
Dr_Willis | en1gma: with that logic we would all be using Geos and Win1.1 | 16:26 |
fabiobik | to the pen but nothing... | 16:26 |
kostasa | hi | 16:26 |
prothon | mkohler, haha yeah. I moved my mouse too far and synergy kicked me over to my laptop :P | 16:26 |
en1gma | with the logic they are using now we all might as well just use windows | 16:26 |
Dr_Willis | fabiobik: could be the pc cant read the usb or boot from them. You can 'dd' the iso file to the flash thats about as idiot-proof (if you dont mess up dd) as i know. | 16:26 |
lattera | anyone know why I would get undefined symbol errors when trying to compile an app, when the symbols to in fact exist? | 16:27 |
Fat-Thing | nope Dr_Willis my old ubuntu 10.04 lts distro....the gnome2 got weird it boot up but got no panel shown nothing rather i got a terminal so i tried to login using fluxbox and from there i tried one suggestion from here to do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop then reboot and walla i got my old gnome2 work but not like before it freezes a lot | 16:28 |
gulzar_ | any offline dictionary like Artha but for KDE? | 16:28 |
Dr_Willis | Fat-Thing: make a new user.. see if they have the same issue. | 16:28 |
Fat-Thing | yup same issue i tried it already :( | 16:28 |
huppensuhn | is there a way to get transparent compression inside encfs? I read about fusecompress, but it's not in the repositories. there is a working package on launchpad, but I'm worried about losing my data if that doesn't work anymore after e.g. an OS upgrade. are there alternatives? | 16:28 |
lattera | anyone know why I would get undefined symbol errors when trying to compile an app, when the symbols do in fact exist? (`objdump -T /usr/lib/` shows they exist) | 16:28 |
Fat-Thing | i tried to lessen the resolution from the monitor same failed | 16:29 |
Dr_Willis | Fat-Thing: that points to some deeper system issue then. so im out of ideas. | 16:29 |
bieb | Dr_Willis: it failed trying to overwrite /usr/bin/domainjoin-cli which is also in the package pbis-open.. thats what it tells me.. I have run apt-get -f install 3 times, as it recommends and it still fails. | 16:29 |
Dr_Willis | lowering the res seems a rather random thing to do. | 16:29 |
Dr_Willis | bieb: perhaps remove both packages? and then reinstall one.. | 16:29 |
Fat-Thing | but i did a memtest and all passed i dunno .... just by opening 1 youtube video i need to refresh the page 3 times to get the video work.....hehehe weird | 16:30 |
* Dr_Willis apt fixing skill level is rather fundamental | 16:30 |
D[4]ni | it normal that my speakers make really strange noises when i listen to music and simultaneously play some game? | 16:30 |
ZenMaster | Anyone here have any experience with volantis? | 16:30 |
ZenMaster | Or help on how to configure it? :D | 16:31 |
lattera | anyone know why I would get undefined symbol errors when trying to compile an app, when the symbols do in fact exist? (`objdump -T /usr/lib/` shows they exist) | 16:31 |
_Marcus | !anyone | ZenMaster | 16:32 |
ubottu | ZenMaster: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 16:32 |
huppensuhn | !patience | lattera | 16:32 |
ubottu | lattera: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 16:32 |
ZenMaster | Ok one second. | 16:32 |
=== srdjan is now known as batasrki |
InVS1 | Hello | 16:34 |
ZenMaster | Here is the pastebine. The question would be how to add 'build' to my script path envrioment variable. And What do they mean by place Ivy repository. | 16:35 |
=== hspencer is now known as hspencer[afk] |
gulzar_ | any offline dictionary like Artha but for KDE? | 16:37 |
infodrive | good evening | 16:38 |
=== mrk is now known as Guest54675 |
ZenMaster | How do youdo. | 16:38 |
infodrive | i've recently switched to xfce due to my gma 3150 gpu, really really bad | 16:39 |
infodrive | as far as i know, there isn't any solution to increase performance | 16:40 |
infodrive | am i right? | 16:40 |
ZenMaster | Be nice if they supporeted the Video card in this Dell PowerEdge 2809. :D | 16:40 |
rabbi1 | how to browse from terminal ? | 16:42 |
ZenMaster | files? | 16:42 |
ZenMaster | ls | 16:42 |
=== stephan_ is now known as stephanmg |
stephanmg | hello ppl. | 16:42 |
infodrive | i also have only one pci expansion slot.. so you know, this means no vga other than this.. anyway, the atom d525 is enough at the moment, it's basically an office pc | 16:42 |
designbybeck | rabbi1: how about lynx | 16:43 |
stephanmg | how would i show which nvidia driver i use? (nvidia-current or nvidia-updates)? | 16:43 |
designbybeck | or netsurf rabbi1 | 16:43 |
infodrive | glad to use irc after years ;) | 16:43 |
infodrive | see you soon, bye | 16:44 |
pmo_ | stephanmg lspci -vvv | grep -i kernel (maybe) | 16:44 |
stueng | I had xorg working fine; I ran it once as root (sudo -s) then I ran it as normal user and all I got was blank screen. Ever since I did that when I startx all I get is blank screen (as root or normal user) I re-installed everything. startx worked fine when running as root... when I laucned as normal user blank screen. and now doesnt work for root either ever since | 16:45 |
Dr_Willis | why wyoud you startx as root? | 16:45 |
stueng | I was in sudo -s at the time and forgot | 16:46 |
safeith | I installed heimdall in ubuntu 12.04 but when i wan to use it i get libusb erroe how i can fix it | 16:46 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: most likely some of the users config files are now owned by root. change them back to be owned as the user. :) | 16:46 |
kippy | Guys I installed xrdp on one of my machines, I connect using remmina. Problem is when the connection breaks and I connect again, I get blank desktop instead of my running applications, is this spawining a new x-session? What can I do? | 16:46 |
stueng | Dr_Willis: it wont start as root either atm ? | 16:46 |
rabbi1 | designbybeck: thank you | 16:46 |
stueng | how can I kill this blank screen ? | 16:47 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: so.. use the console. and kill X | 16:47 |
designbybeck | i've used lynx before, takes a lil while to get use to, but i guess it is good for what it does rabbi1 | 16:47 |
stueng | Dr_Willis: under ctrl+alt+f1 I see "no protocol specified" | 16:47 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: and how about the other 5 consoles? | 16:47 |
Dr_Willis | alt-ctrl-f2+ | 16:47 |
pmo_ | <ctrl> and <alt> work on right side of keyboard instead of left side, how can i change this ? | 16:48 |
stueng | Dr_Willis: they are fine, I just wonder if this no protocol specified is a clue ? | 16:48 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: thats error messages/log from your X session.. you could do a ctrl-c in that console to kill X i imagine | 16:48 |
hawkal1 | What would a generic minimal install need to play sound? | 16:48 |
stueng | Dr_Willis: yeah ctrl+x worked to kill it, I thought maybe the no protocol error might be a clue why I have blank scnreen | 16:48 |
lattera | what's a good pastebin client in ubuntu's apt repos? | 16:48 |
lattera | I use wgetpaste on fbsd | 16:49 |
Dr_Willis | !info pastebinit | 16:49 |
ubottu | pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2ubuntu2 (precise), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB | 16:49 |
stueng | Dr_Willis: so chown media:media -R /home/media ? | 16:49 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: your users name is media? how.. weird. | 16:50 |
Sheperson | I have installed both Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3 with 1.8.7 as the default. How can I set 1.9.3 as the default ruby interpreter? | 16:50 |
stueng | Dr_Willis: its a xbmc box | 16:50 |
jeremiah | i am having difficulties updating 11.10 to 12.04. i keep getting errors. can someone help | 16:50 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: that looks right. but you could use the ls -R command to see what files are actually changed. most likely its just one or 2 of them | 16:50 |
stueng | "there are stopped jobs" someone remind me how to fall back to them pls | 16:51 |
stueng | its been a while :P | 16:51 |
Dr_Willis | bg/fg commands are for job controll normally | 16:51 |
openvoid_ | jobs to list them | 16:51 |
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stueng | ty thats it | 16:52 |
Dr_Willis | saw a neat guide once on bash job control ;) | 16:52 |
Dr_Willis | but i rarely use 1% of bash's features it seems | 16:52 |
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meoblast001 | hi | 16:55 |
meoblast001 | is it normal for 12.04 to randomly lock up frequently during use? | 16:55 |
meoblast001 | i have 2 systems with very different hardware and they both do it | 16:55 |
meoblast001 | is this a known issue? | 16:55 |
stueng | startx as the user still results in blank screen Dr_Willis | 16:56 |
escott | meoblast001, probably an issue with your graphics drivers. what kind of graphics card do you have | 16:56 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: move all their config and other files to some subdir perhaps. to eliminate it being a setting issue. | 16:56 |
meoblast001 | escott: Mesa, Intel on one, ATI on the other | 16:56 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: they have a .dmrc file? if so check whats in it also. | 16:56 |
rotham | hey... why would upstart say this: | 16:56 |
rotham | | 16:56 |
rotham | err | 16:56 |
rotham | oops | 16:56 |
Dr_Willis | what a long prompt. ;) | 16:57 |
escott | meoblast001, the intel should be fairly stable. something else must be going on. any pattern to the lockups | 16:57 |
rotham | #service supervisor stop | 16:57 |
rotham | stop: Unknown instance: | 16:57 |
meoblast001 | escott: none at all | 16:57 |
HustlerInvader | Argh the Ubuntu Dash, Launcher, Topbar have suddenly disappeared after normal actions like using Chromium - how can I fix this? Or how can I troubleshoot this? | 16:57 |
meoblast001 | i want to believe it's Unity's fault, but who knows | 16:57 |
meoblast001 | i figure if it's happening on 2 of my machines, lots of other people must be having the same problem | 16:58 |
stueng | Dr_Willis: cat .dmrc - no file | 16:59 |
stueng | I deleted .Xauth* | 17:00 |
stueng | rebootoing and trying again | 17:00 |
Cerrdor | HustlerInvader, try Alt+F2 | 17:00 |
stueng | Dr_Willis: deleting .Xauth* fixed hte problem | 17:01 |
stueng | this is weird its sluggish when launched as a normal user | 17:01 |
HustlerInvader | Cerrdor: Perfect that fixed it, thank you so much, it was driving me crazy... do you happen to know why it happens or how I can avoid it? | 17:01 |
Cerrdor | I dont know why it happens just sometimes crashes | 17:02 |
Cerrdor | it happens lol | 17:02 |
xeviox | hi guys, installed "ssmtp" on my server (ubuntu 11.10), but I'm unable to send a testmail as "Ctrl+D" isn't recognized to end the message, any clues? | 17:03 |
Dr_Willis | stueng: thats a main X security file . so that makes sence | 17:04 |
HustlerInvader | Cerrdor: oki, I would make a bug report about it, but I just don't know what data that I should submit and how to reproduce the bug :/ | 17:04 |
Dr_Willis | xeviox: i thought ctrl-\ also worked as an end of file. (been ages since i last did stuff like that) | 17:04 |
Dr_Willis | xeviox: could be the terminal app is some how takeing the ctrl-d or the window manager is. | 17:05 |
xeviox | Dr_Willis: thanks, will try that | 17:05 |
Dr_Willis | ctrl-d to finish email.. that IS old skool. ;P | 17:06 |
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xeviox | Dr_Willis: hehe | 17:06 |
Dr_Willis | you going to send out email to everone in the corp. to tell them 'email is not for personal use' ;) | 17:07 |
stueng | ok wtf... I start xbmc as normal user its sluggish. I start as root its fast ? | 17:07 |
xeviox | Dr_Willis: although it's a bit unhandy to type, "Ctrl-\" seems to work thanks! | 17:07 |
specijalac | is it possible to remove Unity from Ubuntu? | 17:08 |
Dr_Willis | xeviox: old skool trivia knowledge.. i cant rember where i learned that at. | 17:08 |
stueng | !notunity | 17:08 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic | 17:08 |
stueng | ^^ | 17:08 |
Dr_Willis | specijalac: install whatever desktop you want.. use it instead. | 17:08 |
wilee-nilee | specijalac, some do but not a good idea really, you can get every desktop all by itself including the gnome shell. | 17:08 |
Dr_Willis | ill stick to unity for now. I like the HUD. | 17:08 |
specijalac | well no offence to any one of you guys, but ubuntu became a bit crapy when Unity came to place.. | 17:09 |
specijalac | at least for me.. | 17:09 |
specijalac | so I'm trying to get rid of it! | 17:09 |
* Dr_Willis wonders how many sec. it was actually used... | 17:10 |
Dr_Willis | but whatever.. install what you like. we dont care. | 17:10 |
wilee-nilee | specijalac, that is your personal opinion and others as well, but this is support, not subjective complaints. | 17:10 |
xeviox | Dr_Willis: just found out that nullmailer messed up my log folder, so I try to migrate to ssmtp | 17:10 |
Dr_Willis | Lubuntu and xubuntu are good for old skoool desktop setups. | 17:10 |
newbie | i can list the folders on the client but when i am prompted for username and password and i give it.. it doesnt lets me in. what can be wrong. using kubunt as server and kubuntu as client | 17:10 |
fccf | specijalac: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop environment | 17:10 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: what sort of 'service' are you refering to? | 17:10 |
fccf | gnome-desktop-environment ** | 17:11 |
specijalac | thank you fccf! | 17:11 |
Dr_Willis | gnome-shell is weirder then unity in many ways. ;) | 17:11 |
fccf | specijalac: after that is done click the ubuntu logo in the login screen to select Gnome classic | 17:11 |
specijalac | well I don't like the iOS/Windows rippping on Linux | 17:11 |
specijalac | thank kind of linux is not a linux for me | 17:11 |
bazhang | !ot | specijalac | 17:12 |
ubottu | specijalac: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 17:12 |
specijalac | there are better UI's there, and linux with unity is not unique at all | 17:12 |
specijalac | OK | 17:12 |
bazhang | specijalac, thats enough | 17:12 |
Dr_Willis | The gnome-classic/fallback is just a 'stopgap' measure i hear - and may vanish in the next release.. or whenver the gnome-devs want it to go away. ;) | 17:12 |
Dr_Willis | specijalac: thats all debateable in the OT channel. | 17:12 |
* Dr_Willis hugs the HUD. | 17:12 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, i have installed samba on both computers. and i want to share files from one to another. i just go to samba shares and can view the folders but cant acces them | 17:13 |
stueng | you are sharing files between two linux machies? | 17:13 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: you gave the user a samba password with the 'sudo smbpasswd -a username' command on the machines? | 17:14 |
Dr_Willis | or set up guest/open shares. :) | 17:14 |
stueng | use nfs? | 17:14 |
Dr_Willis | or sshfs ;) depending on your needs | 17:14 |
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stueng | ok wtf... I start xbmc as normal user its sluggish. I start as root its fast ? <-- anyone :) | 17:15 |
specijalac | nfs as for - need for speed? :D | 17:15 |
stueng | network file system | 17:15 |
specijalac | just kidding :P | 17:15 |
OerHeks | !wtf > stueng | 17:15 |
ubottu | stueng, please see my private message | 17:15 |
stueng | ok wth... I start xbmc as normal user its sluggish. I start as root its fast ? <-- anyone :) | 17:16 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, no... on which should i give it. client or server. and by the way i am unable to view the contents now. and nautilus says unable to mount share folder. | 17:16 |
stueng | newbie: why are you using samba, do yo uhave windows machines that need to access this ? | 17:17 |
bazhang | stueng, no need repeat every two minutes | 17:17 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: the machine that the user is connecting to needs to be setup for a samba password for them to login with. | 17:17 |
stueng | bazhang: I removed the swear word | 17:17 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: i set up both machines the same way. since i could be going either direction | 17:17 |
newbie | stueng, no. some one just told me that its easier to setup. and i might have a windows client later on. | 17:17 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: if you use the on the fly share creation fature of nautilus, you can make guest accessable shares.. or set a password. | 17:18 |
Dr_Willis | i always set my users samba password to be same as their login. ;) but im lazy | 17:18 |
Dr_Willis | same as their login password i mean. | 17:18 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, ok so i should do sudo smb passwd -a :the username of?" ? | 17:19 |
TML | do you guys handle ubuntu one at all? | 17:19 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: the server has an identical user as the connecting machine? whatever user name you want to use on the server and will be entering. | 17:19 |
Dr_Willis | TML: they have the #ubuntuone channel. or was it #ubuntu-one | 17:20 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, i did the same thing. enable guest accesable shares by nautilus but now it doesnt even shows the contents. at first it was but not accepting password. or i should say letting me in | 17:20 |
TML | Dr_Willis: Thanks | 17:20 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: i rarely use the nautilus feature. i normally edit the smb.conf file and enable home shares, and then give the users samba passwords. so all their home files are allready shared. | 17:20 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, ya.. both users of both machins have the same name. how did you know? | 17:20 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: so give both users the same samba password. | 17:21 |
Dr_Willis | on both machines. ;) | 17:21 |
newbie | ok. complete command ? | 17:21 |
Dr_Willis | smb passwd -a :the username of? | 17:22 |
Dr_Willis | its sudo smbpasswd | 17:22 |
newbie | k | 17:22 |
Dr_Willis | -a is for 'add/create' a password | 17:22 |
Dr_Willis | !info samba-doc | 17:22 |
ubottu | samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 (precise), package size 1646 kB, installed size 6959 kB | 17:22 |
chaotix | hello. i run dual boot with ubuntu 10.04 and windows xp. i just stupidly downloaded a virus by mistake inside of windows thinking it was a rainmeter skin from deviantart. i am almost positive it was a virus because inside of the compressed file instead of what i was supposed to get, i got an executable file. i tried to delete the whole kit-n-caboodle, but was told i could not as the program was currently in use. i immed | 17:22 |
chaotix | iately restarted into Ubuntu, and here I am. My two questions are: 1.) Can my Ubuntu partition be hacked/cracked/corrupted by this? and 2.) I read a few times that clam av was a good tool to use to clean up my windows partition from ubuntu, would you recommend this, or an alternative action from within ubuntu? or should i just handle this prob from windows? | 17:22 |
nemo | Has anyone at all successfully gotten eclipse to launch in 12.04? | 17:23 |
chaotix | any help would be much appreciated as my situation is urgent, thanks in advance | 17:23 |
nemo | I've been trying on and off for a couple of days now | 17:23 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, username is the username of both machins . that is bob in my case | 17:23 |
nemo | chaotix: virus cleaning from ubuntu is a common tactic | 17:23 |
nemo | chaotix: clamav is a good start, although like any virus detection software, it won't get all of it. you'll probably want to install a registry editor too. | 17:24 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, right ? | 17:24 |
nemo | chaotix: to clean up reg keys and find reg keys pointing to evil stuff. | 17:24 |
fccf | chaotix: your ubuntu system is safe from damage, you can delete that file from within ubuntu, you may not have actually been attacked if you didn't actually extract the .exe | 17:24 |
nemo | the way you got the virus implies you need to be a lot more careful in windows. maybe you should use virtualbox | 17:24 |
nemo | fccf: program currently in use implies he launched it... | 17:24 |
sirriffsalot | Hey! Is there a way to check how many turns a second my hard disk is running at in Ubuntu? | 17:25 |
fccf | nemo: actually, the compressed file could not be deleted, because the decompression program hadn't finished looking at, | 17:25 |
gmcinnes | sad trombone. Just did "do-release-upgrade -d" to go from 10.04 to 12.04 and when I rebooted at the end of the process, I'm dumped at a grub prompt with no linux kernels listed :( Any ideas? | 17:26 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, it says unable to mount windows share | 17:26 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: hdparm -i /dev/sdx | 17:26 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: or my I (capital i ) for more info | 17:27 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: äh -I I mean | 17:27 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: did it ask for a username/pass? you could enter the full path to the share in nautilus's address bar.. ctrl-L then -> smb://server.ip.number/sharename | 17:27 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: and to make things easier.. dont ever use spaces in share names. ;) | 17:27 |
nemo | fccf: that's one possible explanation sure :) | 17:28 |
nemo | fccf: 'scuse me for being more paranoid about a system that I'm not in front of... | 17:28 |
chaotix | okay... | 17:28 |
nemo | fccf: and a user who clearly isn't too cautious ;) | 17:28 |
chaotix | i will delete first | 17:28 |
Dr_Willis | sirriffsalot: 'turns a second' ? you mean the RPM? | 17:28 |
elspuddy | iv just made a image of a mac hard drive useing dd, iv found the command i want to use but i kow a mac hard drive is not ext4, what do i mount the image as ? | 17:29 |
falematte | hi all, after in installed ubuntu 12.04 64 bit iall woked fine with flash on chrome, then i installed adobe flashplugin and i get the settings menu freezed in the video. How to restore the initial setup? Thanks | 17:29 |
JessicaW | I'm having an argument with a windows person. He says he's found a software that will do on the fly incremental disk imaging on ov our ubuntu boxes. I've always been told this isn't possible yet I'm having trouble finding documentation to verify this. Can you image a *nix system on the fly? | 17:29 |
wilee-nilee | chaotix, clam only finds stuff not a remover and will show false positives. There a number of good av apps that are bootable | 17:29 |
samba35 | i have some doc files with .gz how do i add then to normal man pages | 17:29 |
chaotix | okay wilee-nilee | 17:29 |
chaotix | i hope i dont have to reinstall windows it took me all night and i was almost at where i wanted it to be | 17:30 |
chaotix | as far as drivers and customization | 17:30 |
chaotix | but i should have been more careful... i use deviantart all the time and i used to love rainmeter when i had windows | 17:30 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, it did asked and i gave one. and it keeps asking again and again and not let me in | 17:30 |
samba35 | or is there any way to use .gz files | 17:31 |
newbie | what could be wrong | 17:32 |
falematte | hi all, after in installed ubuntu 12.04 64 bit iall woked fine with flash on chrome, then i installed adobe flashplugin and i get the settings menu freezed in the video. How to restore the initial setup? Thanks | 17:32 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, what could be wrong. mounting problem or permision problem | 17:32 |
wilee-nilee | chaotix, here is a list, most IT guys would say a reinstall so be careful it depends on the level of infection if there is one. | 17:33 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, and i am giving computer name instead of ip name | 17:33 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: try the ip # ? | 17:34 |
samba35 | if i use gunzip i am able to extract individual file but how do i extract all file and add to system /man pages | 17:34 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, how do i know my ip | 17:34 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: look on teh server and its ifconfig command | 17:35 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: perhaps the smbtree or findsmb command may show it also | 17:35 |
Dr_Willis | I use static ips so i know all my servers ip #'s ;) | 17:35 |
mishahu | hai | 17:35 |
falematte | hi all, after in installed ubuntu 12.04 64 bit iall woked fine with flash on chrome, then i installed adobe flashplugin and i get the settings menu freezed in the video. How to restore the initial setup? Thanks | 17:37 |
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chaotix | so one last thing guys, would i be better off booting back into win now and using my virus scanner or scanning from ubuntu? my win virus scanner is a free one called avira(?)... would i be better off using ubuntu and getting one from the repo's? | 17:37 |
gmcinnes | anyone able to help with a 12.04 upgrade issue? | 17:37 |
sirriffsalot | faglnar: hey! Saw your reply just now. Ran the command and got some text, what should I be looking for? | 17:37 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, did that but same problem. do i need to reboot. what could be the problem. i can see the shares but cant get in | 17:37 |
chaotix | yeah its called avira | 17:38 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: no idea. I dont fight wiath samba much any more. for a linux to linux box id just use sshfs | 17:38 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: you could try restarting the samba service on both machines i guess. | 17:38 |
chaotix | and if i wasted anyones time here by being careless... i guess i just kinda forgot about viruses a little bit | 17:39 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, ill reboot | 17:39 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: also i tend to edit the smb.conf and enable the homes share feature. i rarely use the user-controlled-shares | 17:39 |
chaotix | and so i apologize | 17:39 |
Dr_Willis | chaotix: for best AV hunting.. its a good idea to use several AV apps. ;) | 17:39 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, hmm. i was trying to share a partition that is to be mounted each time i reboot. (it is mounted by the way.) | 17:40 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: something with rpm values or power states. wait i'll look on mine | 17:40 |
chaotix | thanks Dr_Willis... and everyone... bye | 17:40 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: you will want to have that partion mounted via fstab most likely. Otehrwise it wont be shared untill the user logs in.. and what FS is the partition? | 17:40 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: nope i faild, it doenst show | 17:41 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, the partition that is to be shared is ntfs (windows files system) | 17:42 |
cristian_c | Hi | 17:43 |
cordoval | gnome-settings process taking 100% and burning my laptop | 17:43 |
cordoval | what do i do> | 17:43 |
cordoval | ? | 17:43 |
cordoval | what is wrong with ubuntu 12.04? | 17:43 |
FloodBot1 | cordoval: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:43 |
cordoval | cannot kill it | 17:43 |
cristian_c | How can I activate pinch gesture on my touchpad in ubuntu? | 17:43 |
cristian_c | there is this page: | 17:44 |
cristian_c | but I don't know how I can use it | 17:44 |
cordoval | why gnome-settings-daemon runs at 104% melting down my costly laptop? | 17:44 |
cristian_c | Which set-prop have I to use to activate pinch? | 17:45 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: i once had a drive which showed 1 of 3 spin states in hdparm but the ones i have now dont show | 17:45 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, how do i edit fstab. what do i need to chang | 17:45 |
cordoval | i have reached 82C on my processor thanks to gnome-settings-daemon that i cannot kill, how to fix this? | 17:46 |
Dr_Willis | !fstab | 17:46 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 17:46 |
OerHeks | cordoval, change settings back, likely the issue | 17:47 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: shareing a ntfs/vfat may require some extra options in the fstab file also. been a while since i shared a ntfs/vfat | 17:47 |
cordoval | I have not changed any settings | 17:47 |
cordoval | OerHeks: how come should i change settings, my processor is melting hurry else it will sure disconnect me | 17:47 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, hmm. so difficult thing. | 17:47 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: rather trivial actually... | 17:47 |
sirriffsalot | faglnar: so I can't tell with the command you gave? | 17:48 |
OerHeks | cordoval, hurry? | 17:48 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: but it depends on what thing you are talking about. | 17:48 |
OerHeks | why? | 17:48 |
cordoval | please hurry yes OerHeks | 17:48 |
newbie | i hope there would be an easy guide on net to find | 17:48 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, ^ | 17:48 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: samba has 100000's of documents out there about it.. whole books on its ussage | 17:48 |
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cordoval | because temperature is rising in my laptop 80-90C | 17:48 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: samba can work for Huge businesses with 1000's of people and shares... | 17:48 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, i dont want to spend 1 month just tring to share a partition | 17:49 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: if you want simple access to anotehr ubuntu box.. we suggested sshfs, and/or nfs | 17:49 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, ya i know its very powerfull but ... | 17:49 |
Dr_Willis | newbie is this partion a NTFS/VFat? | 17:49 |
newbie | yes | 17:49 |
Mitchell_M | Hey guys, I don't know if any of you have ever tried to change the glib schema files, but trying to get users to always get the Icons i want I did. I created an overwrite as follows: The problem is it only works when you create a user for the first time, so you cant add more programs and... | 17:49 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, its already an ntfs | 17:50 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: most propably not but try (give your actual drive path in the /dev/sdx) | 17:50 |
Mitchell_M | ...have it applied to already created accounts. So anyone have an idea? | 17:50 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: and its mounted ON the FLy.. so thats 2 very big complications to it. | 17:50 |
tuser | hi all. sorry to bother but i need urgent help with testdisk, anyone please? | 17:50 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, yes. its never permemntly mounted at boot. i click it and dolphine/nautilus mounts it auto | 17:50 |
Mitchell_M | Typo on the 'I did' | 17:50 |
falematte | hi all, after in installed ubuntu 12.04 64 bit iall woked fine with flash on chrome, then i installed adobe flashplugin and i get the settings menu freezed in the video. How to restore the initial setup? Thanks | 17:50 |
tuser | i lost my partion table, i'm trying to restore it | 17:50 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: so i would make fstab mount it at boot. then edit the smb.conf to make it shared by the system. not a user. | 17:51 |
sirriffsalot | faglnar: this is the output ... :) | 17:51 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, hm. i see theres not fstab command in terminal. strange | 17:51 |
cxe215c | a | 17:51 |
Sidewinder | falematte, How 'bout just completely removing adobe flashplugin? Just a guess.. | 17:52 |
tuser | hi all. sorry to bother but i need urgent help with testdisk, any testdisk user? | 17:52 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: not at all. there is no fstab command... | 17:52 |
Dr_Willis | !fstab | newbie | 17:52 |
ubottu | newbie: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 17:52 |
Sidewinder | !details | tuser | 17:52 |
ubottu | tuser: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 17:52 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, oh ok | 17:52 |
Dr_Willis | newbie: the ntfs-config tool Might setup a proper fstab entry for that filesystem. i do it by hand normally | 17:52 |
tuser | i just need some help with testdisk, i never used it before | 17:53 |
tuser | i lost my partiton table, testdisk gives me: "Partition sector doesn't have the endmark 0xAA55" | 17:53 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: is it the output of hdparm -I (minus capital I) | 17:53 |
tuser | i'm just trying to fix it but i don't want to make things worst | 17:53 |
tuser | i'd like an help on the procedure to recover it | 17:54 |
sirriffsalot | faglnar: no, that's the output of hdparm -i /dev/sda | 17:54 |
newbie | Dr_Willis, how do you know the uids by the way | 17:54 |
bazhang | !blkid | newbie | 17:54 |
ubottu | newbie: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 17:54 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: hdparm -I /dev/sdx (minus capital I) is more verbose | 17:55 |
ZarathustraDK | Anybody know if it's possible to get Landscape without a subscribing to a support-contract? | 17:55 |
sirriffsalot | faglnar: with "hdparm -i" I just see a lot of command options for hdparm... | 17:55 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: i mean with the drive path after it | 17:56 |
cordoval | :'( 80s C my processor help, gnome-settings @ 104% of CPU, what should i do ubuntu? | 17:56 |
Dr_Willis | cordoval: perhaps log out/back in... | 17:56 |
cordoval | well problem is recurrent | 17:57 |
sirriffsalot | Yes, the output you saw in the pastebay I gave you was hdparm -i /dev/sda/ | 17:57 |
* Dr_Willis wonders how somthing can be 104%..... | 17:57 |
bazhang | ZarathustraDK, contact the landscape people and ask | 17:57 |
cordoval | Dr_Willis: ubuntu makes us wonder | 17:57 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: but instead of "minus small i" do "minus capital i" | 17:59 |
sirriffsalot | faglnar: oh, now I see what you meant, haha:) | 17:59 |
PedroGomes | Hi, does anyone knows if it is possible to create an empty (or mostly empty) lvm group in a installation based on preseed/partman? | 17:59 |
faglnar | sirriffsalot: either you see abstract values for power management behaviour and if lucky the drive reports spinspeed | 18:00 |
cordoval | also to change the titlebar buttons i have had to write on my bashrc a line like gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string minimize,maximize,close: kind of ridiculous that it cannot save settings | 18:00 |
cordoval | tweak ubuntu does not have these | 18:00 |
falematte | hi all, after in installed ubuntu 12.04 64 bit iall woked fine with flash on chrome, then i installed adobe flashplugin and i get the settings menu freezed in the video. How to restore the initial setup? Thanks | 18:00 |
Dr_Willis | cordoval: i think its dconf these days in 12.04 . and there are theme files that hold those settings also if you want to change the default theme to always be a specific way | 18:01 |
sirriffsalot | faglnar: anything here? | 18:01 |