
mattwj2002is this the same the ubuntu cloud?02:39
mattwj2002the server stuff02:40
mandelmorning all!08:47
czajkowskimandel: oi oi11:03
mandelczajkowski, hello!11:03
gatoxgood morning!11:07
gatoxmandel, i'm here to review your branch if you want11:07
mandelgatox, ok, so I think you did not do the merge correctly, can you pull the branch from lp?11:11
gatoxcan you give me the link again11:11
gatoxmandel, also.... i tried again yesterday with a new clean branch11:12
mandelgatox, sure, give me a sec11:12
gatoxmandel, let me try without merging with trunk11:12
mandelgatox, ^11:12
* gatox running tests..11:13
mandelgatox, I'm doing bzr branch lp:ubuntuone-client test11:13
mandelcd test11:13
mandelbzr merge lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-client/domain-sockets11:13
mandelgatox, and with that in test_windows.py there are no tests with the code you gave in the pastebin11:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mandelthisfred, morning! I wanted to setup the ec2 but just the folder did not give me much info on how to do it11:19
thisfredmandel: hi, I haven't looked at the folder, but I think that's all the windows dependencies (jam said it may have too much in it, but at least it should be enough to build u1db)11:20
mandelthisfred, yes, but I don't understand where to place them etc.. a little more info would be nice :)11:20
thisfredmandel: I have no idea exactly how to do it either. What we want to run is make check on trunk after every checkin11:20
mandelthisfred, that is what I wanted to do, but I want to set up the ec2 instance correctly in a way in which we can easily upgrade the deps easily11:22
gatoxmandel, so..... i'm running the tests and adding the python path as you can see at the end of the paste and i'm getting tihs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002849/11:22
gatoxjust restarted the vm before running the tests11:23
mandelgatox, can you please make sure you have u1-dev-tools from trunk11:24
mandelgatox, that looks like you are in an old version11:24
mandelgatox, minimun version is given in the mp description, let me check..11:24
gatox M  ubuntuone/devtools/testcases/txsocketserver.py11:24
gatoxAll changes applied successfully.11:24
gatoxNow on revision 73.11:24
gatoxtesting again11:24
mandelgatox, sweet :)11:25
mandelgatox, passed the tests?11:46
gatoxmandel, yes...... the test pass now11:46
gatoxmandel, if you can give me the link....... i can give you the +111:46
mandelgatox, https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/domain-sockets/+merge/10683311:47
gatoxmandel, just a question.... did you run the tests on mac?11:47
gatoxfor os_helper at least?11:47
mandelgatox, nop, let me run them before merging11:48
ryeubuntuone-dev-tools should depend on python-mocker12:05
gatoxmandel, yes mandel.... the tests are working on mac12:08
mandelgatox, I ran them to.. well as many as I could :)12:09
mandelgatox, sweet, this fixes the tests on windows, I'll be proposing a fix for the tools code so that we have it on mac os x and also get the tests to run on linux12:10
mandelgatox, with that we should be able to launch control panel.. and I'll get back to the fsevents code12:12
gatoxmandel, sweet..... i'm trying to fix some things in my branch with callFromThread as alecuu mention yesterday... but something is still wrong12:13
* mandel lunch12:40
dobeymeh, and still no reply on that bug :(12:57
ralsinadobey: noone cares, it seems :-/13:25
ralsinadobey: how do you feel about renaming ubuntuone-windows-installer to ubuntuone-packaging-tools ?13:27
ralsinadobey: assuming you can rename things in launchpad, of course13:28
dobeythings can be renamed in launchpad, though tarballs can't.13:28
dobeyi think it needs some more thought before committing, but i'm not opposed to renaming the project in general13:28
ralsinadobey: yes, we need to define a scope for it, instead of it being a dumping place13:29
* mandel back13:46
mandelralsina, I'll need to go for a few mins to deal with a messenger who believes that his time is more important than mine..13:46
ralsinamandel: ack13:46
mandelralsina, I'm going to try and make him cry.. what an ass he is 5 hours late..13:47
mandelralsina, also, I'm setting jenkins for u1db.. that is taking me some time but I want to do it so I don't get asked to run the windows tests :)13:48
ralsinamandel: good idea13:48
mandelok, I'm off to yell at this guy, should be 'quick'13:48
briancurtinralsina: not sure if you saw, but 3.0.1 is all uploaded and ready to rock13:55
ralsinabriancurtin: yes, saw it, god job!13:55
ralsinabriancurtin: 48 hours, it's a new record ;-)13:55
beunoralsina, so13:57
beunoI just stopped syncing a udf wiht a lot of files13:58
beunoand nautilus has been using 100% of my CPU for 5 minutes13:58
ralsinabeuno: you had it synced and you unsubscribed it?13:58
beunonot sure what I can do to get information13:58
beunoralsina, yes13:58
ralsinadobey: ^13:58
beunoit had maybe 7k files13:58
beunoso maybe 18G13:58
ralsinabeuno: AFAIK, it should not even *do* anything when you unsubscribe beyond removing emblems13:59
ralsinabeuno: which should take no CPU at all13:59
beunostrace doesn't show anything13:59
ralsinabeuno: interesting. At least I should be able to reproduce it14:00
dobeythere are no emblems to remove unless you're *in* the folder14:01
beunono idea14:02
beunostill at 100%14:02
ryebeuno: race condition14:02
dobeyhowever, it does check all of the files to see if they are published or not, and shows the dialog listing all the published files that you'll lose14:02
beunostrace doesn't return anything14:02
beunobeuno@beuno-laptop:~/canonical/ubunet/trunk$ sudo strace -p 209514:02
beunoProcess 2095 attached - interrupt to quit14:02
beunorestart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted call ...>14:02
beunodobey, that sounds like something expensive14:02
beunothat would chew up all my CPU14:03
ryebeuno: nautilus may have started to ask SD about each and every public file...14:03
ryeotoh I am not sure14:03
beunois there an existing bug?14:03
dobeyyeah, and the api is synchronous, and blocky14:03
ryeralsina: libsyncdaemon is not wrapping things nicaly, we need to rewrite it... and plugin too14:03
dobeybeuno: i don't think there is a bug about that specific case, but there are bugs about similar issues14:04
beunoI'll file it14:05
ralsinabeuno: we have "rewrite the plugin" in our todo for one cycle, and we are not doing it this cycle either :-(14:05
ralsinabeuno: you had many published files there?14:06
ralsinabeuno: because I just unsubscribed my 13G Pictures UDF and see no load14:06
beunoralsina, none14:07
ralsinaok, nautilus is up to 30% CPU usage, but not constant14:07
ralsinaLOTS of dbus requests14:08
dobeystop synching in nautilus != unsubscribe14:08
dobeysyncing even14:08
dobeyit is delete14:08
ralsinadobey: I unsubscribed, and nautilus started using CPU14:08
dobeyie, unsubscribe this folder from all machines, and delete it on the server14:09
ralsinadobey: no, I just unsubscribed from u1cp14:09
dobeysimple unsubscribe is a bit less work, yes14:09
ralsinabeuno: but only loaded the system for a few seconds, though14:10
beunoralsina, I ended up killing nautilus14:11
beuno10+ minutes of 100%14:11
ralsinaand subscribing again, does the same thing, nautilus starts eating CPU14:11
beunobug #100344614:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 1003446 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "Stopping sync of a UDF with lots of files uses 100% of the CPU for a long time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100344614:11
beunothis was to QA bug #983144  :)14:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 983144 in ubuntuone-client-gnome (Ubuntu) "Stopping sync of a UDF causes unrelated warning" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98314414:12
ralsinabeuno: BTW, I am still getting 391% of quota used, does that have a ETA?14:12
beunoralsina, go to "My account"14:13
beunosign up for the canonical plan14:13
ralsinabeuno: ack14:13
ralsinabeuno: says I have it14:14
beunoralsina, ah, ping webm0nk3y then14:15
ralsinabeuno: ack, will do14:15
webm0nk3`more important things right now ... sorry14:15
dobeywhy does the "Need more space?" thing on dashboard tell me I get 5GB for free, instead of telling me how much i actually have, and how much of that i'm using or have available?14:16
dobeybeuno: ^^ :)14:17
beunodobey, legacy, I'll raise this with design, thanks14:17
* mandel back14:24
mmcchi folks14:26
gatoxmmcc, hi14:26
mandeldobey, can you let me know the version of devtools that tarmac has? specially for this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/domain-sockets/+merge/10683314:28
dobeymandel: it should have whatever is in nightlies14:29
mandeldobey, k14:30
dobeyapparently it wasn't updated14:32
mandeldobey, can I set that branch back to approved then? I mean, will tarmac have at least revno73 of devtools?14:47
dobeymandel: it's r73 now yes14:49
dobeymandel: why are we running the PB tests on linux?14:49
mandeldobey, because we can, they have no windows deps so we have now better coverage when tarmac runs the tests14:50
dobeyman, writing unit tests is hard :(14:51
ralsinamandel, dobey, alecu, gatox, briancurtin, mmcc, thisfred: standup in 7'14:53
gatoxralsina, ack14:53
dobeyoh bother14:53
alecuralsina, dobey, mandel?15:02
ralsinasorry, phone15:02
gatoxmandel, last15:02
gatoxLot of debugging for fsevents in mac, there is some problem with the callback of macfsevents not being called (was working in the example), callFromThread is not doing the trick right now.15:02
gatoxKeep debugging macfsevents itself to see if everything is being executed properly. 1-1 ralsina15:02
gatoxalecu, go15:02
alecuDONE: mumbled about os-ten notifications and status. submited final security patch15:03
alecuTODO: setup os-ten dev-env on my mac, mumble re: stress testing the root daemon with mandel, sort some SD bugs15:03
alecuBLOCKED: no15:03
alecuNEXT: briancurtin15:03
briancurtinDONE: 3.0.1 is now broadcasting live to the world15:03
briancurtinTODO: get CP passing, plug in build_installer on jenkins15:03
briancurtinBLOCKED: none15:03
briancurtinNEXT: mmcc15:03
mmccDONE: mumbled re: daemon, etc. , hit+fixed first pyinstaller bug: works on sample, not yet on sso15:03
mmccTODO: find next pyinstaller bug, repeat. / packaging plan email15:03
mmccBLCK: NO15:03
mmccNEXT: thisfred15:03
thisfredDONE: bug #1002855 TODO: make u1db query parser into real parser BLOCKED: no NEXT: ralsina15:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1002855 in U1DB "Change document object API" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100285515:03
ralsinaDONE: started work on the "None has no get_root attribute"bug, is complicated. mgmt call, 1-1 with chipaca, 1-1 with briancurtin, felt sick, saw doctor TODO:  finish that bug more 1-1s BLOCKED: no15:03
ralsinanext dobey15:03
dobeyλ DONE: SRU uploads, bug triage15:03
dobeyλ TODO: find someone to test installer fix, installer SRU, bug #71116215:03
dobeyλ BLCK: none.15:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 711162 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntuone-login crashed with ValueError in call_async(): Unable to guess signature from an empty dict" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71116215:03
mandelDONE: Fixed windos tests. Merger tools on u1-client to be used in darwin and windows15:04
alecummcc, saw your message yesterday late that you got a sample qt app packaged. cool!15:04
mandelTODO: get a u1db jenkins work15:04
mandelge back to fsevents15:04
Chipacaralsina: can I add "get better" to your TODO slot? :)15:04
mandelBLOCEKD: No15:04
ralsinaChipaca: sure!15:04
ralsinaChipaca: constant improvement is the goal ;-)15:05
thisfredalso, I'm taking lunch early, as in now, to go to the post office and mail off another ton of 'plz for not to deport' paperwork. bbiab15:05
mmccalecu, yep only 2-3 hours to get their example working :p15:05
ralsinathisfred: add "don't get deported" then15:05
alecummcc, was it finally due to us using brew?15:05
mmccthey did accept my github pull request for the patch though, so I'm optimistic for help with future bugs15:05
ralsinathisfred: we like our devs not deported as much as possible15:05
Chipacaralsina: i meant from being sick15:06
ralsinaChipaca: I know15:06
thisfredI can work from the Dutch gulags, I suppose ;)15:06
Chipacaralsina: :)15:06
ralsinathisfred: all that putting fingers in dams interferes with proper touch typing15:06
mmccalecu: yes - there's an extra copying step that pyinstaller had hard-coded paths from macports and the binary installer, but wasn't looking for the brew location15:06
ralsinammcc: I vaguely heard TCL mentioned late yesterday15:06
ralsinammcc: O RLY?15:07
mmccralsina: yes, macports port files are tcl...15:07
thisfredralsina: funnily enough that legend is virtually unknown *within* the Netherlands15:07
ralsinathisfred: maybe all witnesses drowned. Fingers are very ineffective dam-repairing systems15:08
=== thisfred is now known as afkfred
ralsinammcc: my sympathies15:08
* dobey wonders how to write a unit test for this15:09
ralsinaI don't even remember tcl syntax anymore (argument passing that looked like shell?). good for me!15:09
dobeyor i could just not do it15:09
mmccralsina: heh. it was readable enough to tell if it was doing the right thing. Luckily I didn't have to write any15:10
ralsinadobey: I think what you did with -installer already qualifies as best effort, maybe the SRU review will let it through15:10
mmccralsina: what was the ORLY for?15:10
dobeyralsina: oh, this is a different issue15:10
ralsinammcc: tcl. I am flabbergasted.15:10
ralsinammcc: I assumed only the dutch used it nowadays.15:11
alecuto fix dams?15:11
mmccoh, heh. yeah me too. no wonder homebrew took off. Ruby is much more fashionable15:11
mmccand, honestly just nicer than tcl for "configuration scripts", IMO15:12
ralsinaalecu: using Ousterhout's book, surely15:12
alecugatox, mmcc: I'll be setting up my new mac with the -dev bits and pieces.15:16
alecummcc, should I use brew as per the docs?15:16
gatoxalecu, ack.... let me know if you had any problem.... but reading the doc should be pretty straight forward15:17
ralsinabriancurtin, mandel: how's the get-installers-from-jenkins thing going? I *want* that :-)15:17
mmccalecu: yes. I don't think we'll have to change that15:17
alecummcc, great, thanks.15:17
alecugatox, so, the doc should be up to date, I assume.15:17
briancurtinralsina: i need to make CP tests pass to get to that stage, there's one more failing due to non matching strings for some reason, only on windows15:17
gatoxalecu, yes..... i was the last one editing that15:17
alecugatox: great.15:17
ralsinabriancurtin: we could build even with failing tests15:18
mmccalecu, btw the doc says 'sudo brew' but don't - you don't need sudo15:18
ralsinabriancurtin: separate jobs15:18
briancurtinralsina: true, i'll take a look at that just to get it going15:18
ralsinabriancurtin: thanks15:18
alecuok, I'll change that in the doc.15:18
alecummcc, ^15:18
mmccok, thanks alecu. I probably should've changed it myself :)15:19
* alecu could surely use a mini-displayport to vga adapter now...15:20
* mmcc has one right here - catch!15:20
* alecu catches!15:21
mandelha, gnumake 3.81 on windows has a very bad bug.. wtf!15:21
mmccbtw, mandel when you have a minute, the style fixes you pointed out on https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-networkstate-darwin/+merge/105926 are done15:22
dobeyralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/signature-dict is the one i was trying to figure out how to write a simple test case for, but it doesn't seem possible :(15:22
ralsinadobey: looking...15:22
ralsinadobey: yes, test case would involve faking ... everything15:23
ralsinadobey: which makes it kinda pointless15:23
mandelmmcc, ok, will take a look asap15:24
dobeyralsina: well, the problem is i'd have to fake everything, again. it's already being faked, but the test cases aren't set up to have fake credentials service without fake sso. :-/15:24
* gatox lunch15:24
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
ralsinadobey: ouch, so a 500-1 test:code ratio, give or take a 1015:24
dobeyi suspect it should fix the issue, but again, i don't know how to test15:25
ralsinadobey: you can ask for an audience with nessita about it, maybe she has ideas. I don't :-(15:25
dobeyralsina: yeah. it would be 3 tests. and a huge new test case which duplicates a lot of code from other test cases15:25
dobeyor refactor the world, but ugh15:26
* dobey proposes it as-is15:27
dobeyand with that, i think it's time to get some lunch15:28
mandelmmcc, can you let me know the mp url for the brnach with the style check issues?15:44
mmccmandel https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-networkstate-darwin/+merge/10592615:45
mandelmmcc, thx15:45
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
briancurtinheading to lunch. i'm meeting with a former teammate who just got laid off so i might swap some time now and stick around later in the evening if we take too long16:26
mandelmmcc, +1 on https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-networkstate-darwin/+merge/10592617:00
mandelnow, EOD for me, see you all tom!17:00
mmccthanks mandel - bye17:01
* mmcc lunch17:08
joshuahooverralsina, briancurtin: fyi...i'm seeing reports via facebook that 3.0.1 is working for users where 3.0.0 wasn't :)17:21
dobeyalecu, ralsina: btw, https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/signature-dict/+merge/10704317:23
TMLI think I may have found an issue with Ubuntu One on Windows PCs - if they have a pre-existing installation of Python on %PATH%, it seems to fall over pretty hard.17:26
dobeyTML: could you perhaps file a bug please?17:38
ralsinajoshuahoover: yay!17:58
ralsinaTML: it should not use your preexisting python in any way. But hey, if it does, it's a bug.17:59
joshuahooverralsina: who said facebook was good for nothing and evil? ;)17:59
ralsinajoshuahoover: hehe17:59
ralsinadobey: the docs for dbus.Dictionary are insane18:02
ralsinadobey: "If it is None (the default), when the Dictionary is sent over D-Bus, the key and value signatures will be guessed from an arbitrary element of the Dictionary."18:02
ralsinadobey: how can that possibly be a good idea, ever?18:02
dobeyralsina: which is why it fails when we were passing {}18:04
gatoxnon deterministic coding!! FUN \o/18:04
dobeyjoshuahoover: I believe that was Jefferson18:05
ralsinadobey: exactly, but it's so conceptually nuts... I am speechless18:05
ralsinagatox: exactly18:06
dobeyintrospection is a fad anyway18:06
ralsinadobey: tell that to the buddhists18:06
dobeyralsina: so, we need to decide what to call the next stable version, make the stable branches, and set up all the release milestones18:25
alecudobey, is there any reason why that branch has no tests?18:25
ralsinadobey: 4.0.018:26
ralsinadobey: give me a milestone proposal, I am 99% guaranteed to approve it18:27
dobeyalecu: because it would require lots of duplication and/or lots of refactoring18:27
dobeyralsina: ok18:27
ralsinaAlso, someone claims it's discrimination to give people free pizza only if they order it in spanish. Because saying "pizza por favor" is apparently too hard. http://gawker.com/5912719/southern-pizza-chains-spanish+only-free-pizza-offer-pisses-people-off18:27
alecudobey, duplication and/or refactoring on the tests themselves, right?18:27
ralsinaI vote for getting all our meals from "Los pollos hermanos" from now on.18:28
ralsinaalecu: he asked in the channel and noone (meaning dobey and me) came up with something that was not a ridiculously large change to add those three tests18:29
dobeyalecu: yes18:29
dobeyralsina: is that a fried chicken place in BsAs?18:29
ralsinadobey: pizza chain in Dallas18:30
ralsinaoh, los pollos hermanos... braking bad!18:30
gatoxbrb..... need to reconnect18:31
alecudobey, ralsina: I'm taking a look at the tests now. So, sorry I was in the middle of some reboots, but I much rather don't see our policy of "tests needed" dropped while I'm not in the channel :-)18:33
ralsinaalecu: didn't notice you were not around18:33
dobeyalecu: i agree they are needed. i don't agree with the ratio of work to resulting number of tests18:34
ralsinanot to mention that the lines being replaced had no tests18:35
ralsinaor else those tests would fail after the change18:35
dobeyralsina: why would they fail?18:36
dobeythe existing tests shouldn't fail after that change, actually18:36
ralsinadobey: because they are not testing that we pass the correct type of data18:36
dobeyralsina: but we were passing the correct type of data in both cases18:37
alecuralsina, "lines having no tests" is the perfect excuse to write some!18:37
ralsinadobey: no, we were passing a dict, now we pass a dbus.Dictionary18:37
ralsinadobey: and obviously passing a dict is a bug since it's what you are fixing ;-)18:38
dobeyralsina: we were passing a dict, which got turned into a dbus.DIctionary() by dbus anyway18:38
dobeypassing a dict is not a bug18:38
dobeydbus-python not erroring when it probably should have, may be a bug, but it's not our bug18:38
ralsinadobey: potato, patatoe18:38
ralsinadobey: so, we could add a test case that just replaces sso_proxy with a fake and typechecks the parameters18:40
ralsinadobey: not sure of the amount of effort involved18:40
dobeythat doesn't test the bug we're fixing though18:41
dobeywe'd need a test where there is no sso service on the bus, but the credentials service is on the bus, and we make the 3 relevant calls to the credentials service18:41
dobeyand apparently i need a whole lot of cat6 cable18:45
mmccalecu, how is the darwin setup going? I have a merge about network detection in SSO that you asked to review a while back, might be a good test case for running the tests.19:09
alecummcc, right now the cpu is burning while compiling Qt, or PyQt.19:10
mmccalecu ah, yes that took a while. be nice if it was parallel19:10
gatoxalecu, jeje that is the most painful part19:10
alecummcc, I think I'll be able to run the tests in two hours, but I can review the code in the meanwhile.19:11
mmccok alecu, there are actually two mp's but the first one is minor: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntu-sso-client/no-darwin-in-linuxnwindows-tests/+merge/10592419:11
mmccthen https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-networkstate-darwin/+merge/10592619:12
ralsinaalecu, mmcc, gatox: why not put that build somewhere? PyQt it's just zipping the folder from dist-packages19:13
alecummcc, looking19:13
mmccralsina, it's homebrew compiling it from scratch19:13
ralsinammcc: end result should be a lot of files there :-)19:13
mmccright - we could copy the /usr/local/Cellar/qt stuff, but I don't know what metadata homebrew keeps about installed packages - not sure what else to copy out19:14
ralsinammcc: ok19:14
ralsinammcc: too bad, it takes *hours* :-/19:14
mmccralsina: yep. maybe homebrew has a "save built package" feature or something19:15
* mmcc googles "brew bottle" 19:15
ralsinammcc: that doesn't give anything work-related :-)19:16
dobeyit's sprint-related19:16
mmccyou guys drink on sprints?19:17
dobeyat dinner/pub after normal work hours19:18
dobeynot usually during the sprint19:18
ralsinammcc: I don't, some do19:18
briancurtinmandel: do you have creds to login to the jenkins machine?19:18
ralsinausually after the sprint, maybe19:18
dobeybut sometimes desparate code calls for desparate measures19:18
gatoxmmcc, ralsina, i think we can just copy the files, i did it for the olpc and it works.... when it's the same architecture in both computers19:19
mmccdobey: heh - the tagline for homebrew is actually "macports driving you to drink?"19:19
mmccbtw I was joking, sorry about the irc joke-pas.19:20
ralsinammcc: he19:20
dobeyheh, the joke was obvious19:20
ralsinammcc: there is all this thing about drinking at conferences lately, so I am slightly careful aboutit19:20
ralsinagatox: yes, I did that to put pyqt into virtualenv a few times19:21
dobeyi don't think people generally drink *at* the conference19:21
mmccralsina: oh yeah, I read a screed about it a while back. conference-sponsored boozefests and all19:22
mmccdobey, it apparently depends on the conference19:22
ralsinadobey: at conference events between conference days, I have seen it19:22
dobeymmcc: it was way over the top, yeah19:22
dobeyralsina: sure. but that's diffferent19:22
dobeybut irresponsible people will be irresponsible no matter what it is. be it drinking, or eating cupcakes19:24
mmccgatox, copying the qt files would work, yeah, but it's mostly a one-time cost...19:24
ralsinammcc: I am thinking about doing the jenkins setup for automated testing, if we had a downloadable thing, it may be easier to create clean envs19:26
ralsinammcc: but not terribly important19:27
ralsinaOh, and BTW, we may have a mac server to run tests in somewhere soonish19:27
mmccralsina: oh, that's good.19:27
ralsinammcc: a lion server, so we can virtualize lion and snow leopard19:28
* dobey goes back to button pressing tedium19:28
dobeyapple needs to find a new cat to use already19:28
ralsinadobey: there's no cool cats after mountain lion19:29
ralsinadobey: xkcs did a strip abou it, so it's true ;-)19:29
ralsinaxkcd, sheesh19:29
ralsinadobey: marvel trademark!19:29
dobeyi don't think they have grounds to win that case19:30
gatoxalecu, do you have time tomorrow for a 1-1?? (if i can figure it out how to do this today... i'll need your threading-magic)19:31
alecugatox: today, tomorrow. I always have time for you, sir.19:32
dobeynow, if they called it Mac OS Catwoman, maybe DC would have some merit to build a case with19:32
ralsinarmcbride: kzinti is good!19:32
ralsinaalthough kzinti is plural IIRC ;-)19:33
gatoxalecu, jeje thx well..... if you have time now, we can do it right now.... but i don't want to distract you if you are doing something else....... i can keep playing around with this19:33
rmcbrideYea I guess it would be kzin19:33
ralsinaalecu: was this morning's the last secret branch? ;-)19:33
gatoxnot so secret anymore :P19:34
alecuralsina, gatox: it should still be secret. And they were patches, not branches.19:38
ralsinaalecu: why I am not saying what it is. So, last ones?19:38
alecuralsina, hopefully, yes :-)19:38
mmccaha: 'brew bottle' existed, it was binary packages for homebrew, and you can get qt 'bottle's here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/machomebrew/files/Bottles/19:39
mmccbut before you rejoice - the 'bottle' command is missing in the current version ?!19:40
mmccalthough those qt 4.8.2 bottles are really recent19:40
ralsinammcc more recent than we are shipping on windows, even19:41
alecuQt was compiled YESTERDAY!19:42
mmccweird, it says that the bottles should be used by default19:42
mmcchere : https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/wiki/FAQ19:43
mmccit only tells you how to *disable* using the bottle19:43
ralsinammcc: fun19:43
* dobey wonders how to run all this cat6 cable through his house19:44
mmccralsina: yep, nothing ever just works19:44
rmcbridedobey: run it along with LED rope lights out in the open19:44
ralsinammcc: yet one of our main design goals is that it must "just work". Thus our continued employment.19:44
rmcbridedobey: I'm ashamed to say that, though I own this place and should have run proper conduit, I just have mine along the base boards to various switches in teh house19:45
rmcbridebecause when I moved in I wasn't goign to wait on a contractor or whatever. Never have got round to doing it properly19:45
rmcbridethoguh I got a quote once last year19:45
* rmcbride is not going up in the attic and fishing cables through the walls when the temps up there are 120F +19:46
dobeyyeah, i just have mine running in the open right now19:46
mmccrmcbride: been there. sweated through my shoes running cable last year19:46
mmccwell alecu, I don't think I can quickly save you qt compiling time... unless you want to try debugging brew's use of bottles?19:47
alecummcc, no way. I better keep reading about the sandbox while qt compiles.19:48
mmccalecu: sounds good. FWIW I put some notes about our Mac issues here: https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuOne/Client/Mac19:49
alecummcc, "it shouldn't take much longer™"\19:49
ralsinarmcbride: my whole house barely has *electrical* cabling, so you can feel like a good handyman :-)19:49
alecummcc, sounds great. We should move this doc to the wiki at some point, too.19:49
mmccalecu which doc is that? the dev setup one?19:50
alecummcc, yes, at some point we should put it in the wiki. Even on an open wiki if we want to attract help from 3rd parties.19:50
* ralsina loves living in a 100 year old house, but those 20th century barbarians had like, one plug per room19:51
ralsinaalecu, mmcc: even better, write a decent article about it and we can use it as real documentation19:51
alecuralsina, and they used to put clothes to wires, even!19:51
ralsinaalecu: that's fashionable again, actually19:52
ralsinaalecu: and crazy expensive19:52
alecuralsina, I think the fashion is putting wires into clothes nowadays...19:52
dobeyralsina: nearly as bad in my 50 year old house. punching holes through concrete isn't the best thing to do19:52
mmccalecu - I'll add a todo to write a dev setup article. Sounds like a good idea19:53
ralsinaalecu: http://blog.makezine.com/2012/05/10/fabric-jacketed-power-cords/19:53
alecummcc, great!19:53
ralsinaabout $3 per meter, those cables cost.19:54
alecubut they are lovely!19:54
ralsinaalecu: yes-ish19:55
dobeyoi, being tired is tiring19:56
alecuralsina, my mother's iron had that kind of cable... Who would have thought they would come back to fashion.19:56
ralsinaalecu: my mom's too. In 2020 I expect ecological irons that have hot coals in them.19:58
mmccralsina: solar irons19:59
dobeytire irons19:59
* ralsina doesn't even have an iron19:59
ralsinaor a tire iron19:59
ralsinaor a tire19:59
mmccI think solar irons could actually work here...19:59
ralsinaor good attire19:59
dobeymmcc: i think they're called "rocks"20:00
dobeymmcc: just flatten one side and let it sit in the sun a bit20:00
ralsinadobey: no, those are solar washers20:00
ralsinadobey: or rather dryers20:00
mmccdobey: heh, yep. you know if I had two smooth dark stones, it would totally work. maybe a couple of black marble floor tiles.20:01
gatoxok...... i'm off for today and the threading nightmare :P20:01
gatoxsee you tomorrow people!20:02
mmccbye gatox20:02
gatoxalecu, i'll ping you tomorrow for a 1-120:02
alecugatox, sure20:02
gatoxalecu, there are some good and bad news :P20:02
alecugatox, I love "good and bad" news.20:03
gatoxalecu, the bad ones are obviusly fixable..... that's why i need your expertise :P20:03
gatoxok...... i'll talk to you tomorrow!20:03
mmcchrm, name fight: preferences vs. settings20:07
dobeyapparently "fresh ceviche" is one of the specials tonight at the place i'm pondering going for dinner20:15
dobeybut i don't think i'll get the ceviche20:16
ralsinaceviche is awesome. Also, an example o protein denaturalization through acidity!20:18
dobeyit is awesome. assuming it's properly fresh and made right20:20
dobeyand i don't trust this place enough to do it right :)20:20
ralsinait's literally "put lemon on a piece of fish" how hard can it be? ;-)20:22
ralsinaI keep looking at this piece of code and don't type anything. That usually means I need a break.20:29
dobeyi need a swordfish filet20:30
ralsinaalso, dx.com is not inspiring me, so I will take a couple of hours20:30
briancurtinanyone have a minute for a one-line change to allow installers to finally build on jenkins? https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntuone-windows-installer/server2008-fix/+merge/10712121:13
briancurtinralsina ^ it's a quick one, just checking a different path on Server 2008 aka Jenkins21:14
dobeybriancurtin: approved21:17
briancurtindobey: thanks!21:17
briancurtindobey: can you take a look at an even more simple branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntuone-windows-installer/stupid/+merge/107123 -- after reverting other changes unrelated to the Server2008 part, then reapplying, i forgot to put the import statement back in...21:32
dobeybriancurtin: approved. need to set the commit message21:45
briancurtindobey: thanks, and set21:45
dobeyalright, must go21:50
dobeyhave a good evening21:50
briancurtinyou too21:50
mmccbye dobey, happy swordfish21:57
alecuok, so the brewing process has finished, but protobuf needs manual intervention so I'm calling this an EOD22:04
alecubye all!22:04
mmccgoing to dinner. will be back to fight more with pyinstaller later.22:13
trubborAny ubuntuone admins on this channel?22:20
karnitrubbor: Just ask your question, you may get an answer. We're spread all over the world (I'm no admin, just a programmer)22:24
trubborkarni: I've communicated several times through the Canonical / UbuntuOne support site - however no resolution. Trying to get my account deleted, so that I can rebuild it with a correct user name convention (once entered - it cannot be changed on mobile devices)22:29
karnitrubbor: That is correct. It's a Single Sign On/Ubuntu One bug. This will be resolved, but I don't think anytime soon.22:32
karnitrubbor: gime me a sec22:33
karnitrubbor: I've asked our support guy, but I'm afraid he's finished for today. Could you drop by few hours earlier tomorrow? If I get an answer, I can forward it to you as well.22:35
karnitrubbor: Please try reaching joshuahoover. Seems he's not around any more today.22:35
karnitrubbor: I do recall he raised that issue with me. (I'm responsible for our Android apps.)22:35
trubborkarni: I understand the problem. Several email exchanges about the issue resulted in a request to delete my account, and then I would rebuild it. It's a new account - so not a severe loss on my part. Wanted to rebuild it after it was deleted. Yes - will drop back in. FYI - account is not the same as I'm using here on IRC.22:35
karnitrubbor: Roger that. Sure, I don't think it would be any problem do delete/defunct that account. I don't have access to our admin stuff, so I can't help personally.22:36
karnitrubbor: Thanks for understanding!22:36
trubborkarni: Thanks. It's really just an OCD/formatting thing for me - everything looks fine - I just accidentally left the shift key depressed while typing in my name - and it ended with a capitalization in my name.22:38
karnitrubbor: I see. Technically, it's a bug, but I know it's nothing simple we can take on in the following days. Before then - deleting your account may be a workaround.22:39
trubborkarni: Yep - I just thought I'd try to get the account re-built early (before I start depending on it). Do you know if there are any plans for Thunderbird contact syncronization again?22:41
karnitrubbor: I'm not well informed in this area, sorry.22:48
trubborkarni: No worries - just was seeing if you might know. It used to be a very helpful function!22:51
karnitrubbor: :)22:51

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