
len-dtailo_, Got any ideas about how the screen saver/blanking should be set up for recording or other audio work?00:56
len-dtWhat is normal practice?00:56
len-dtIs normal practice to expect to see what is on the screen for the whole session? or is a blank screen part way through ok?00:57
len-dtholstein, same question. I am asking both from a performance point of view (does the screen turning off and on affect jack?) and from a workflow view.00:59
len-dtMy thought is that with a flat screen there is no "burn in" so why a "screen saver"?01:00
len-dtSo this is (for anyone who cares to comment) what do you do?01:01
ailo_len-dt: I haven't spent any time understanding the screen saver. Hasn't caused me any problems so far01:58
len-dtailo_, I have had strange things when screen saver stopped started, but that was long time ago now. I have had problems with the nvidia card too, but that is a whole different story.02:14
len-dtThe one I was using on the netbook seemed to have a memory leak though.02:14
=== unit193_ is now known as TheDrums
len-dtI was just wondering from a user view if it was easier to work with a screen that was always live or if there any problem with screen blanking being a distraction.02:15
ailo_len-dt: It might be a problem if you're using something else than mouse and keyboard to control the machine, while you need to monitor visually02:36
ailo_But, usually you realize that and just disable the screen saving settings02:37
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
len-dtailo_, That was the answer I was looking for... People are so used to screens blanking that it doesn't matter. The only time it does is when using an input device That x doesn't see as an input device. My other thought is that in normal use the mouse or keyboard is getting used more often than the screen time out.04:17
len-dtThere is an article here that says all programs leak memory: http://www.alexonlinux.com/swap-vs-no-swap04:24
=== astraljava1 is now known as astraljava
frewsxcvSo I was looking at the website, and it sounds like you guys are putting together a new site?06:37
ailo_frewsxcv: A new is coming shortly, yes07:19
len-dtastraljava, is xubuntu failing to build these days too?19:50
len-dtLooks like the 1386 version is. 20:25
astraljavalen-dt: I only see amd64 iso files on there, but good that you mentioned that, I have not seen emails about those builds. I have to ask around how I could get them.20:39
len-dtYa, I was just asking on xubuntu-devel20:40
len-dtIt looks like a different problem all together. Our last image is may1820:41

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