
emiliocortes75hello everybody...01:19
emiliocortes75i just got ubuntu... i m coming form ubuntu 11 and never knew about studio...  since im musician and writer I hope to learn well... can recomend a studio tutorials site?01:23
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layanwhy in the spanish room not have a peaple? xD07:25
layanmy english is bad07:25
layanmy question07:26
ailo_Hello layan07:26
layani need a distro with capacy for edit sound07:26
layanand i think in ubuntustudio07:26
layanwho support have ubuntustudio?07:27
layansorry my english xDC07:27
ailo_Well, Ubuntu Studio is specially meant for audio/graphics/video.07:28
ailo_It is the same as Ubuntu, but adjusted for multimedia07:28
ailo_So, you will find all the same packages(programs) in the Ubuntu repository07:28
ailo_layan: The latest release, 12.04 LTS. You can try without installing. It's a live CD http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/precise/release/07:30
ailo_layan: You can make a bootable usb stick with unetbootin, if you like.07:31
layanI use "Yumy software" for make a booable usb07:34
layanWho desktop use UbuntuStudio? unity? kde? gnome-shell?07:35
layancan i use in ubuntustudio a microphone by usb?07:36
ailo_layan: I guess it depends on the microphone. My advice is, try the live cd. If it doesn't work, come back and explain what you are trying to do07:37
ailo_Maybe we can help07:37
layanok, thanks :)07:38
ailo_layan: Ubuntu Studio does not have special support for devices, so it should be the same on all new Ubuntu versions07:38
tehoweIs this in a usable state yet for Precise? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation15:17
tehoweI've a vanilla 64-bit 12.04 install and am eager to try it, get the right kernel and softsynths, JACk etc working but can't screw up this system either :D15:18
holsteintehowe: there is no "right" kernel15:52
holsteinubuntustudio is shipping with a lowlatency kernel15:52
holsteinyou can try the generic one you have, and move on as you need15:52
holsteinyou can open the package manager of your choice and search ubuntustudio.. you will find the metapackages if you choose to use them15:53
holsteinyou can install those, and "convert" to ubuntustudio, or just install what you want/need15:53
tehoweI see... I guess I'd want to get the lowlatency in, ideally, but it is a hexcore system so maybe latency wouldn't be an issue15:53
holsteintehowe: dont "guess"15:53
holsteintry the generic15:53
holsteinthen go to lowlatency15:53
holsteinthen, you can try realtime from PPA if needed15:53
holsteintehowe: its not so much about the hardware or the system, its about what your needs are15:54
tehoweI was just wondering if those instructions for putting the audio architecture of Ubuntu Studio into my regular Ubuntu installation are, umm, stable release (or at least RC equivalent)15:54
holsteinif you are doing realtime synthesis, or realtime effects then you need lowlatency.. otherwise, you really dont15:54
holsteintehowe: right, you dont *need* to do that15:54
holsteintehowe: you can just install what you want/need15:55
holsteinyou can install JACK and whatever software you want15:55
holsteinOR, you can open the package manger of your choice, and search ubuntustudio, and read about the metapackages available that will change your current installation quite a bit15:55
holsteintehowe: there is no "audio architecture"15:56
holsteinubuntustudio *is* ubuntu15:56
holsteinsame repos15:56
holsteinyou can installl the lowlatency kernel right now if you want it15:56
holsteintehowe: the 12.04 releases of all the ubuntu variants are stable and long term support versions15:57
holsteintehowe: the ubuntustudio iso is live now, so you can test out whatever you might want to use from the ubuntustudio metapackages, or just test a lot of the audio/video software available15:57
tehoweMy DNS is rubbish these days sorry16:05
holsteintehowe: no worries... that page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation looks current16:05
holsteindescribes most of what i was going on about16:05
holsteintehowe: i say, take it slow, and decide what you need16:05
holsteinubuntustudio *is* ubuntu, but its quite different in everyway, and mostly overkill for most needs16:06
tehoweHmmmn well I've added pulseaudio-module-jack and qjackctl but unfortunately jack won't start - can't find hw:0 and won't allocate memory (I turned RT off)16:18
holsteindoesnt matter if you turn it off anymore16:18
holsteini would just trouble shoot JACK, separate from the pulseaudio module16:19
holsteindid JACK start before that?16:19
holsteinhave you *ever* seen JACK running on that hardware?16:19
holsteinis pulse working normally?16:19
tehowe1) On Maverick 2) Yes16:19
holsteini would troubleshoot as root16:20
holsteingksudo qjackctl16:20
holsteinif jack starts as root, you can look at common permissions erros16:20
holsteinuser in the audio group... etc16:20
holsteinlooks to me like, JACK cant find hw:016:21
holsteinmakes me think you dont have JACK configured to use the hardware you have16:21
tehoweYes, exactly... so my best reference would be jackaudio.org I'm guessing16:22
holsteintehowe: i usually just use the dropdown menu to try all the options16:23
holsteinthere should only be a few16:23
holsteinmaybe theres 6.. i still think its quicker than searching around16:23
holsteinwhen you get it starting as root, then you can move on knowing you have it configured properly16:24
holsteinthose names can "jump"16:24
holsteinif you have a USB device, and an internal for example.. one can be hw:0, and you reboot, and its hw:116:24
holsteini usually suggest trying to disable internal cards in the bios when possible16:24
holsteini also just go ahead and try all the combinations.. no one can really help you specifically unless you find someone with the exact same hardware/software case that has shared information16:25
holsteinOR, the vendor would like to share information with the alsa team16:25
tehoweOh well that was easy - just had to point the output and input to my Audigy, I guess it wasn't pulling that in from pulse server somehow16:26
tehoweNow I have to find something to make a sound through jack... err yoshimi maybe16:27
holsteinyou likely dont need JACK anyway with that hardware16:28
tehoweWhat's the virtual keyboard package called16:29
holsteintheres one in the menu in yoshimi16:29
holsteini would just search the package manager of your choice for"virtual midi keyboard"16:30
holsteini dont recall, but i think one is vkbd16:30
tehowe*Searches for Yoshimi default bank*16:33
tehoweI've gotten a really laggy sound using amsynth... so it looks like I'm on my way, just ahve to hack on it more as time permits. Thanks for your help today16:39
=== classic is now known as Adam313
plotinohi everybody21:58
plotinoi have a big issue with ubuntu studio21:58
plotinoyesterday i have update to 10.1021:59
plotinotoday i was checking the jack21:59
plotinoand also recording with rosegarden21:59
plotinowhen i launch audacity to mixdown and record the output of rosegarden22:00
plotinothe soundblaster starts to emit a tedious single tone22:00
plotinofrom the speaker22:00
plotinono more sound22:00
plotinoonly this continous tone22:00
plotinoi have restarted  the PC and also power off22:00
plotinobut when ubuntu is loaded the tone started to sound22:01
plotinoi have also boot with xp and the soundblaster works fine in that case22:01
plotinowhen i come back to ubuntu studio22:01
plotinothe noise come back as well22:01
plotinono idea About?22:04
xniwsorry no22:05
xniwhave any of you installed guitar pro6 for linux ?22:06
len-dtplotino, have you tried using one of the multimedia apps like the movies player or the mp3 player?22:31
len-dtWith jack off.22:31

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