
=== unit193_ is now known as TheDrums
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
=== astraljava1 is now known as astraljava
Unit193In the roadmap, the ways to complete "Add DVD support to Xubuntu restricted extras" would be to 1. Add libdvdcss2 to xubuntu-restricted-addons and pretend that they may have medibuntu repos, 2. Automagically add the repos and install libdvdcss2, and 3. Install libdvdread4 and run /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh (worst option, IMO)06:39
Unit193So I'm guessing that'll be fully ignored. :P06:40
Unit193Another option as a workaround, but be to make it easier/educate people how to do it and that it's not there by default.06:41
micahgyeah, I''m not in favor of those06:46
chelzmaintaining a xubuntu-specific nonfree repository that basically mirrors the medibuntu stuff might be an option06:48
Unit193Don't think so.06:48
chelzi'm not sure how ubuntu does it but they have that "install mp3 support" during the install. could have that and have it add medibuntu repos, then maybe have some menu option in Preferences or something for "install mp3/dvd support", then also prompt the user if they put in a dvd. thing that informs them about medibuntu being added, it being a separate thing, etc06:50
Unit193MP3 support is far different than DVD support, and adding 3rd party repos isn't exactly supported (and not in main for legal reasons, along with others)[C06:52
chelzah, would there be legal issues with something that facilitates adding 3rd party repos like medibuntu?06:56
micahgwell, one's distributable, the other one is questionable06:57
Unit193There's not a great way to handle DVD support, but I'm not fond of current (or any that I said.)  Something like Kubuntu's firefox isn't really either.06:59
micahgFirefox is in the archive :()07:00
chelzUnit193: well about 2), adding repos without the user accepting that is the iffy part in my mind. if the user is prompted then it becomes more okay07:01
Unit193chelz: That's the proposal.07:01
Unit193micahg: Yep, has an option in the menu to install it, I know that's different.07:01
ochosibluesabre-laptop: great work on the update-db dialog!07:15
ochosiknome: could we please change the !panels factoid in ubottu? it links to a wordpress-post from 2007(!) for changing the panel-bg (which is an easy point-and-click action now)07:17
knomeochosi, will you come up with a new text (in paste, or in irc), and i'll update07:50
ochosiknome: ty08:00
ochosibluesabre-laptop: another thing: "$n files found" is in fact incorrect, as the result-set also contains folders... maybe "$n results found" instead?08:06
knomeochosi, but aren't folders files too ;)08:55
ochosiknome: yeah, well....09:15
ochosiknome: have you tested blackbird yet?09:42
knomenot yet10:01
knomeme too10:01
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bluesabreWow, everyone is so quiet today.19:20
knomebluesabre, nah, we're just hiding out at #xubuntu-offtopic19:20
mr_pouitdo like me, don't go there, so knome has at least a chan to say bad things behind your backs (:19:22
Unit193Actually, it's me diong it.19:23
knomemr_pouit, i thought #shimmer was the blame-others channel?19:23
knomehmph, surveymonkey doesn't support restricted surveys20:26
knomei'm really thinking that creating a google doc and inviting people in team to join20:26
knomeoh wait20:27
knomeochosi, you there?20:29
knomeor, anybody ;]20:29
knome(from the team...)20:29
* pleia2 waves20:29
knomeyou'll get some email really soon20:30
bluesabreThe new website is on top of wordpress right?  http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tags/survey maybe20:30
pleia2no more email D:20:30
knomepleia2, ahah :D20:30
Unit193I has no email...20:30
knomeUnit193, yeah, you won't get any.20:30
pleia2btw, I'm mostly internetless this weekend (holiday weekend in the states, I will have a pool and bad internet connectivity)20:30
len-dtQuick question, has xubuntu been having problems building the ISOs for the last few days?20:31
len-dtknome, ^^20:33
Unit193pleia2: Haha! :)20:33
knomelen-dt, i've no idea :)20:34
pleia2Unit193 :)20:34
len-dtknome Ok, Ustudio has and it looks xfce4ish so I thought I would ask.20:34
pleia2len-dt: their mailing list tracks build failures, from today: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-studio-devel/2012-May/004096.html20:35
pleia2even though they do use xfce, they're a different build from us20:36
knomepleia2, psst... len-dt is a US developer20:36
pleia2oh :)20:36
pleia2but I see their build failures are xfce related now that I look at the email20:36
len-dtYa, I know. ;-)  We haven't (yet) made any changes20:36
knomeUnit193, PM me your email where you want FOSS stuff.20:37
pleia2sorry, I'm used to answering questions from people who don't actually have a clue20:37
* knome waves20:37
len-dtI see that there  are xubuntu amd64 builds but no 138620:37
len-dtSo I thought I would see if the problem is the same or not20:38
Unit193"cp: cannot stat `/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ftp/dists/quantal/main/installer-i386/current/images/cdrom/non-pae/initrd.gz': No such file or directory"  Not sure that's related, but would make sense why only 386.20:40
len-dtNope that is different.20:40
len-dtThanks for the info.20:42
* Unit193 knows nothing, just looked at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/xubuntu/quantal/daily-live-20120523.log20:44
Unit193knome: FOSS == Xubuntu in this case?20:45
* bluesabre is going to ask all iso-related question to Unity193 from now on20:45
knomeUnit193, yes. most probably xubuntu team -related stuff only20:45
knome(i prefer irc, and rarely contact people by email without agreement anyway)20:45
knomeUnit193, it isn't that hard, is it?20:48
Unit193I generally never send email, but I check it quite often. (Have a few emails, and had to check if we had coffee, we're out :''( )20:48
knomeeverybody in the xubuntu team should have mail now20:49
knomeoops, Unit193's email shows for anybody in the team20:50
* Unit193 cares not, one at least already had it, and I've sent to the list once.20:50
pleia2I haz for cat pix20:51
Unit193Just glad I wasn't called "Unity" again.20:51
knomepleia2, good news; you can answer now, so you don't have to do it over the weekend20:51
pleia2if I vote for something, does that mean I have to work on it? :)20:52
knomethe assignees are listed on the roadmap page20:53
knomeyou are just voting for "can the assignees start working on X"20:54
knomethis is kind of... well, stupid, since all of the blueprints are added by team members20:54
pleia2so I can just approve all?20:55
knomeyeah, if you don't have anything against somebody working on the items :D20:55
astraljavaknome: Where did you grep the emails from? doodle?20:55
pleia2none of these are particularly controversial :)20:56
knomeastraljava, personal address book + LP20:56
knomeastraljava, you got something from j.j@gmail20:56
knomeerr, at20:56
astraljavaknome: It's weird, as I hardly ever sent anything to *buntu from that address.20:56
knomei must've gathered that somewhere20:56
knomepoint me to something else, and i'll update accordingly20:57
knomeoh right20:57
knomethere it is20:57
meetingology`knome: Error: "kapsi?" is not a valid command.20:57
astraljavaknome: Yep, my FLOSS email is the nick at kapsi dot countrycode.20:57
knomemeetingology`, shut up.20:57
meetingology`knome: Error: "shut" is not a valid command.20:57
knomeastraljava, that's set as your primary email now20:57
knomenp :)20:58
knomethe more i think of it, the more stupid the whole voting seems.20:58
knomei knew it's stupid already, but ochosi talked me into doing it anyway.20:59
* knome is trying to blame somebody else for needing to do redundant stuff :|20:59
Unit193I've not seen this "overlay" before.21:00
knomeoh, that21:00
knomethere's some progress on it already.21:00
knomenot that we have approved working on it yet!21:01
knomedamn rebels.21:01
astraljavaCurses of the democracy. Oh wait, this isn't one. It's a meritocracy. Hmm...21:02
knomei'd love a sauna :|21:02
astraljavaHop in the bus, I'll switch it on.21:02
astraljavaBring beer.21:02
knome<- too lazy21:03
knomebut thanks for the offer21:03
knomei'll carry that on to some other day ;)21:03
astraljavaSure. :) I'll carry myself to bed now.21:04
knomehehe, good night!21:04
ochosiknome: _i_ have talked you into voting??21:21
knomewell, i remember only one conversation distantly21:22
knomei mean, after i told i wanted the team to approve21:22
ochosii think it's rather a (late) consequence of the stupid (and otherwise consequence-less) 4chan "raid"/visit21:22
knomethen i said something like "oh this is so unneeded...", and you responded "better to do it anyway" :]21:22
* knome is not really blaming ochosi 21:22
knomeochosi, now that you are on, you could drop in the "approve" votes :P21:23
knomeor, try to decline them, let's see which one gets the majority :P21:23
ochosisure, one sec, i'll be back in a minute21:23
knomeyup, np21:23
knomenow if we only get you and somebody else vote "approve", we're done21:23
knome(9 members, atm 3 have approved everything)21:24
Unit193I did check the specs for the ones I didn't know (if they had them)21:24
Unit193I'd not think there'd be much to apt-offline.21:24
knomeUnit193, well, that's not even open for voting, since no assignee21:24
knomeUnit193, though i'm sure we can look at that at some point of the cycle anyway...21:25
Unit193I started looking at everything left anyway.21:25
knomesure, not a bad idea21:25
Unit193I'd rather not make a commitment I don't know 100% I can complete.21:25
ochosihmm 21:30
knomehmm hmm?21:30
ochosiif i decline my own blueprint i have less work...21:30
knomeochosi, not, unless 4 other people also decline21:30
ochosibtw, why is ubiquity-app-sets there?21:30
ochosii thought you were against that anyway because we don't have great chances for a good a11y version21:31
knomebut astraljava wanted to be the assignee.21:31
knomei think i might have declined that too21:31
knomei could have21:31
ochosii'm not against it21:31
knomeme neither.21:32
ochosibut i was mainly wondering21:32
ochosiso anyway, i voted21:32
knomei'm just *probably* against it if it takes his time off from something else21:32
knomehaha, yeah21:32
ochosicatfish and the keyboard-overlay are pretty far down the road already, so those two definitely shouldn't be declined21:32
knomesomebody else up for voting? :P21:32
ochosiyou should really test the new catfish, it's so much better21:33
knomeochosi, well, that's not a reason, if you think logically - vlc is far down the road already too, but we're still not going to include it21:33
ochosikudos to bluesabre for all the hard work21:33
knomeyay for bluesabre 21:33
ochosiknome: pfff ;)21:33
ochosiapps are not up for voting anyway...21:33
knomeochosi, yeah, not really, because there's not yet any spec21:34
knomeochosi, so impossible to vote21:34
* knome is thinking we might be a bit late for the spec deadlines, agian21:34
knomeunless people really start working on stuff :)21:34
ochosiwell yes21:35
ochosibut tbh the specs where i'm involved are all going quite ok (not to brag too much, but...)21:35
knomelooks like we'd need to sit down with the QA stuff someday with the other finnish creep21:36
ochosiin fact the finnish part of xubuntu is growing lately21:36
ochosii don't know about edii though, seems we lost him along the way21:37
knomeyup, and i hope that keeps on going21:37
knomehe's just damn busy :|21:37
ochosibut now there's laite (which i'm extremely happy about)21:37
knomeprobably when he starts studying again21:37
knomei mean, he's definitely interested21:37
ochosiyou mean when he's studying he can actually slack off? :}21:38
knomeand able too, for god's sake21:38
knomewell, isn't studying == slacking off true?21:38
knomeif it isn't, damn... i've done it wrong all the time!!21:38
ochosiwell it's definitely a phase that potentially allows you to follow all kinds of interests (to put it more diplomatically)21:39
Unit193Nice, updatedb right in the progy.21:39
ochosiUnit193: "progy"?21:39
knomereminds me of "pierogy"21:41
ochosior "the prodigy"?21:41
* ochosi isn't street-slang-proof21:41
ochosiso you're referring to catfish21:41
Unit193Yes I am.21:44
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
knomeGridCube, go vote @surveymonkey21:58
knomeyeah, i'm off for playing something on ps3 too, see you later or tomorrow22:00
GridCubeknome, say again22:09
GridCubeoh :D mailing list22:32
ochosino, not mailing list, just plain email :)22:33
GridCubewell. for the first one, i love the terminal theme :P22:35
GridCubeso ill go with decline22:35
ochosidoesn't mean we'll drop it though22:35
GridCubewhat Ubiquity application sets means?22:37
ochosii mean: review != drop22:37
GridCube:P i know22:37
ochosithat means people could e.g. choose to install an a11y version of xubuntu in the installer already22:37
ochosior other kinds of default application sets22:37
GridCubebut you asking me, so i say what i think we should focus, our terminal is pretty enough, doesnt need hours of working if it works22:37
ochosihmwell, the thing is that it doesn't work too well with some terminal apps (mutt and others)22:39
GridCubethe thing is i keep thinking on 4.8, :/ and being that 12.10 will be on 4.10 i think a lot of the things we are planning are going to change by default22:39
ochosinah, not really. 4.10 only improves 4.8, it doesn't change the base22:40
GridCubei hope so22:40
pleia2it'll look like unity22:41
* pleia2 runs away22:41
ochosiand you can already test it by installing the package unity-xfce from mr_pouit's ppa :D22:41
ochosibluesabre-laptop: yes, actually i'd love that...22:42
ochosithere's already a plugin (unreleased) that does some of that22:43
ochosibut it's in a rather unfinished state22:43
ochosi(and doesn't actually use bamf)22:44
* ochosi is off to watch another episode of chuck22:45
bluesabre-laptopdate night with wife... see you all tomorrow22:46
ochosioh nice22:46
ochosibluesabre-laptop: have fun!22:46
ochosiand see ya22:46
mr_pouitubuntu-studio iso build-failures:  I filed bugs for that against ubuntustudio-meta and ubuntustudio-default-settings22:54
mr_pouit(I could directly upload myself, but I prefer if they take care of these)22:55
mr_pouitBug #100225022:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002250 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "[quantal] xfce4-utils is deprecated in 4.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100225022:55
mr_pouit(and Bug #1003064)22:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1003064 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[quantal] Panel & plugins config changes for 4.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100306422:56
mr_pouitgood night ;>22:57
ochosinight everyone23:30

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