
HoNgOuRuhi, I dont know how to set a soundcard as default00:13
HoNgOuRuit not loading the changes I make to alsasound.conf00:13
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Guest71518anyone awake?01:24
Guest71518where to exactly put neuropolitical font from this link01:35
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Unit193MarioB: You may also want to join #lubuntu-offtopic as it does double as the -devel or team talk (among random talk.)  That is, if you are the MarioB I know.04:20
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lewellynwell, i thank you guys for lubuntu. it made my (short) time on ubuntu less painful. but ubuntu's not going to cut it for me, in the end, for this task.08:53
davidk"init: lightdm main process (8546) terminated with status 1"15:24
davidkinstallation process seems to have crashed15:24
davidkdoes anyone know how to deal with crashing lubuntu install processes?16:24
Lmanhi everyone16:29
Lmanhaving trouble accessing my lubuntu box from the windows network16:29
Lmani can access the windows network but they can not access my lubuntu box although its visible on the network16:29
davidkLman: what do you want to "access"? samba shares? is samba even configured?16:32
Lmanyes samba is configured, able to see other windows machines on the network and access them, my lubuntu box shows up as well but can not be accessed16:33
davidk(disclaimer: I am not a lubuntu user, the installer crashes on my machine, and I am searching for help with that. but I have some general linux experience...)16:34
davidkLman: which windows versions are in the network?16:34
Lmanwin 7 and xp16:34
davidkany security considerations you have? or just "it should work, no user/passwords required, this is a secure home environment"?16:36
Lmani used system-config-samba to configure the shared folder16:36
davidkcan you pastebin your smb.conf?16:36
Lmanmy share name in system-config-samba however is not the same as the name of the lubuntu box when it shows up on the network16:37
davidkthat's okay16:37
davidkdifference is a "(Samba version)"?16:38
Lmanwill pastebin in a second16:38
davidkLman: have you tried changing the security option?16:45
davidkif security is not an issue you could try just changing that to "share" in line 102 (and uncomment it)16:47
Lmanso change from security to share?16:48
Lmanso   share = user  ?16:48
davidkuser to share16:49
davidksecurity = share16:49
davidk+ removing the ";" at the beginning of the line16:49
Lmani was thinking since i am trying to share my home folder i man have to  tell samba16:50
Lmanunder share definitions that home directories are browsable16:50
davidkah, if that is what you are trying samba has some special treatment for home directories16:50
Lmanso in samba ;   also comments out a line?16:51
Lmanbecause friggin everything has a ; in front of it16:51
davidkyou are creating a share "DanBuntu", and it is not browsable16:51
Lmanif thats the case there is a ; in front of browseable = yes   when referring to my home folder    (at bottom of config file)16:52
davidkbut it should be accessible16:52
davidkyes, try changing that as well16:52
davidkcouldn't hurt16:52
Lmanok, so one at a time, to see what does the trick  , probablyl the best route?16:52
davidkthere is also a [homes] section16:53
davidkthis allows you to create shares for all your linux user home directories with a single setting16:53
Lmanyea i saw that as well, and think i will probably have to change it16:53
davidknot if you only have a single user and want to keep the separate section at the bottom16:54
Lmanso maybe if I uncomment that and make it browseable i might not need the DanBuntu setting16:54
Lmani c16:54
Lmanlet me take a look16:54
Lmank just making DanBuntu browesable didn't do the trick16:55
Lmanso now i will try the home section16:55
LmanDo I need to setup a new samba user?16:57
davidkyour normal user account should be fine16:58
Lmanchecking now, with home directories option enabled16:59
davidkwith security=user the username you use for authentication is used for determining access privileges16:59
Lmanwindows complains that it can't find the computer or device name17:00
davidkbut it shows it in the network neighbourhood (or whatever that is called)?17:01
Lmanshows up as just dell-dell something, not the share name i gave it in samba17:02
davidkhmm... okay... weird..17:02
davidkis samba running?17:02
davidkhave you tried entering the server address manually in windows?17:02
Lmantrying now17:03
davidki.e. \\IP.AD.DR.ES\dell17:03
Lmanget nothing when i enter that17:04
=== smile is now known as smile4linux
davidkyou replaces IPADDRES with your dell machine's IP address?17:13
holsteinmake sure you can ping back and forth17:14
Lmanlet me check17:14
Lmanuncommenting the home directory options did nothing17:15
Lmanwhere would i replace the ipaddress at17:17
Lmangood grief i luv lubuntu but this is a major pain in the ass17:17
davidksamba sometimes is17:17
holsteinsamba always is for me17:17
davidkI don't like lubuntu, installer still crashes17:17
holsteini make windows do ssh :)17:17
holsteinLman: i would make certain you can ping the machines from each other17:18
bioterrordavidk, use mini.iso ;)17:18
bioterrorholstein, windows has crappy sshd implementations17:18
davidkbioterror: what is that? the codename of the alternate installer?17:18
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:18
bioterrorit's like alternate, without outdated packages :D17:19
holsteini didnt say it was great... just that its easier for me than samba17:19
davidkbioterror: before I continue, how likely is it lxde behaves the same as kubuntu-KDE4 when I tried yesterday, and crashes after booting?17:20
holsteinhttp://www.swish-sftp.org/ for example17:20
Lmanshould i be using samba4?17:20
Lmanor just samba17:20
bioterrordavidk, hard to say17:21
bioterrordavidk, but after you get into console you do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop17:21
bioterrordavidk, and I bet you have a lot more latest drivers and packages than with regular installation17:22
davidkbioterror: it is a really old laptop, OLD drivers are not an issue17:22
killsurfcityhello! anyone here running 12.04 on a Powerbook 5,6 or the like?17:22
bioterrordavidk, what's old?17:22
davidk(also it has been running gentoo for serveral years, just not the right distribution for its next owner)17:22
davidk1GHz P3-M processor17:23
bioterroryes, it's old :D17:23
davidkand KDE4 crashes quite reliably on it17:24
bioterrorI wonder how you have patience to load KDE4 with that laptop17:24
davidktakes just 3 or 4 minutes17:24
davidkbig advantage: I don't have to use it17:25
davidkbut really, the slow processor is not so much an issue as you may think, KDE4 is mostly IO-limited on more recent computers17:25
davidk(and I do not use KDE on my own computers either, my god is this crap slow)17:26
Lmanthanks for everyones help17:29
Lmani'm gonna just keep plugging away17:29
killsurfcityMy install went fine, but of course, i need firmware for wireless to work. No idea where to get it. Anyone know?17:36
bioterrorsounds like ndiswrapper17:37
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:37
killsurfcitythx ubottu, will check that out.17:40
Lmanthis has to be simpler in regular ubuntu17:44
bioterrorLman, what you want to do?17:44
Lmanthis is a true nightmare in lubuntu,,,,,, i can see the network and browse the network but no one can browse my machine17:44
bioterrorLman, you want people on your lan to access without user permissions certain folders?17:45
Lmanyea,   the network sees the dell, although when i double click on it   windows says can't find computer or device name17:45
bioterrorgrab my smb.conf17:46
Lmani can browse it locally through the network though lol17:46
bioterrorchange workgroup to yours17:46
bioterrorand at the bottom of the config file, change settings to match your shares17:46
Lmani was looking to share my home directory,,, should i just stick to a folder for now?17:47
bioterroryou might on ubuntu uncomment the "force group"17:47
bioterroryou get the picture from the config ;)17:47
Lmank in a minute, at working fixing windows garbage17:47
bioterrorafter you have grabbed that to your /etc/samba/ and edited, sudo service samba restart17:48
bioterroror was it "sudo restart samba" :D17:48
bioterrorlike someone guided me17:48
bioterrorI would still do it from the init.d if it was me! ;D17:48
Lmani am going to try and share just a folder and not the whole home directory17:49
bioterroryou can share easily your whole home with my config :D17:49
Lmanhome has special rules17:49
Lmanwhich i tried and still didn't work lol17:50
Lmanbioterror anything special to share entire home directory?17:52
holsteinLman: try the GUI gigolo17:53
holsteinLman: lubuntu *is* ubuntu17:53
bioterrorwell, I just spoon feed him17:53
Lmani was using the samba config tool17:53
Lmanis that no good?17:54
holsteinits the same tool as in ubuntu17:55
holsteinLman: its good if it works for you..17:55
holsteinLman: i would do what bioterror suggests17:55
holsteinactually, i personally just dont use samba.. but if i wanted to use samba, i would follow bioterror 's guide17:55
Lmani didn't know how else to do it besides samba17:57
bioterrorsamba is best when you play with Windows17:57
bioterrorthen comes NFS, which is a lot more complicated17:58
Lmanwow bioterror  you have a lot of network shares17:58
Lmanso get rid of them all except for my share ,,, correct17:58
holsteini often use the GUI gigolo though... i find it easy and quick17:59
holstein!info gigolo17:59
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-3 (precise), package size 140 kB, installed size 856 kB17:59
bioterrorI just wget my config ;)17:59
bioterrorI have done it once, I dont have to invent wheel again17:59
Lmanright,,,, what the @ names above each share config section18:00
bioterrortells me which mount point I'm using18:00
Lmanoh ,,,, crap how do i figure that out for me>?18:01
bioterrorjust put what you want18:01
uofm49426question i only had a rw 650 mb cd so i installed 10.04 and slowly upgrading to 12.0418:02
uofm49426upgrading to 11.04 can i skip upgrading to 11.1018:03
Lmanif i want the entire home directory browseable to i have to change anything else?18:03
Lmani see a setting a bit up from the individul settings18:04
bioterrorLman, you just edit: path = /home/lman/18:04
Lmanfor now i'll just try a normal directory18:04
Lmanok, giving it a shot18:04
Lmanif you browse up to just under the share definitions it does have something specific about the home directory ,,, so i wasn't sure18:05
uofm49426and upgrade from lts to next lts without upgrading to regular release18:06
Lmanwith the force user and force group option  what do i change that too so everyone can browse?18:06
bioterrorLman, replace sad157 with your username18:07
bioterroruofm49426, I would have used mini.iso for example and installed 12.04 directly from that 10MB iso file ,)18:07
Lmangotcha figured, wasn't sure if it was asking about my username or theusernames of ones you want to share with18:08
Lmanrebooting and trying,,,, yea i know couldhave did a samba restart18:08
bioterrorLman, rebooting?18:08
bioterrorsudo service samba restart18:08
bioterrorand it will reload the configs18:08
bioterrorwhat's wrong with you kids nowdays? always rebooting18:09
bioterroryou need to reboot only when kernel updates comes18:09
Lmani'm at work so trying to get done in between18:09
Lmannope no go18:09
bioterrorwhat go?18:09
Lmancan't browse machine on the network18:10
Lmancan see and browse everyone elese18:10
Lmanwindows says can't find computer or device name18:10
bioterrorlemme see18:11
bioterrorturn on network discovery and file sharing...18:11
Lmanin lubuntu?18:12
bioterrorI'm tweaking my Windows 718:12
bioterrorseems like I had to: \\computername\18:15
bioterrorwhy windows cant see these :P18:15
bioterrorand I accessed home directory without a problem18:15
Lmanwhy is it no matter what i name my shjare the network always sees it as some dell-dell name18:21
Lmanthen says it can't find it18:21
Lmanyet it appears on the network18:21
Lmanlooks the same on my linux box too yet i can access it from there18:21
acalbazajust got done installing lubuntu under vmware, any way to get screen resolution to play nice?  i keep getting bumped back to 800x600 after restarts22:13
wxlyes acalbaza ! yes vbox! ;)22:13
wxlseriosuly i have no such problems. perhaps you should check the guest settings.22:14
acalbazaactually, i installed on vbox... cant get dual monitors to work properly under a win7 host!22:14
acalbazai get dual monitors, but my desktop wont expand22:15
acalbazaresolution works fine in vbox though ;)22:15
wxlwell ok yeah haven't had that problem either-- no need to XD22:15
acalbazaya, my desktop is just replicated on the other mointor22:16
acalbazainstalling vmware tools again...22:18
wxla cursory googling reveals you should remove/install xserver-xorg-video-vmware and reboot acalbaza22:19
AlexGeri've got some questions about the instalation of lubuntu mininal iso 10.04 running as a PV guest on a XCP1.0 server22:24
wxlnothing specific AlexGer ? ;)22:25
AlexGer1st. It only shows the console22:26
AlexGeri did add the ppa22:27
wxlUnit193: ;)22:27
Unit193mini.iso? You'll need to "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" or "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-core"22:28
acalbazavmware tools re-install wins22:33
AlexGerhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall -> 10.04 (32 and 64 Bit)22:34
AlexGerthats what i did22:34
AlexGer 2.6.32-41-generic-pae22:35
Unit193And that dumps you into a terminal? No errors though?  If so, type  startlubuntu22:35
AlexGerIt sais Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS22:36
Unit193You did login first, right?  It'll ask for username then password.22:37
acalbazaanything better than gnome-do?22:38
Unit193bioterror: likes dmenu.22:40
wxlnot in the repos tho eh?22:42
Unit193!info suckless-tools22:43
ubottusuckless-tools (source: suckless-tools): simple commands for minimalistic window managers. In component universe, is optional. Version 38-1 (precise), package size 42 kB, installed size 240 kB22:43
bioterrorUnit193, ;D22:44
Unit193bioterror: pianobar has a script for dmenu. :D22:44
AlexGertook a bit longer...23:08
AlexGermom search with apt cache23:08
AlexGerahh stupid w504v router... When i delete a known device (IP+HWaddr) it deletes also non related portforwardings...23:15
davidkAlexGer: what firmware?23:25
AlexGerupdated it today from 14 to 1523:25
AlexGerluckyly read about a new firmware fixing a WDS leak -:23:26
AlexGerI thought my problems might be gone with the fw-upgrade...23:27
davidkhmm, I thought that might be one of the models capable of alternative firmware, but that was the w503v, not 50423:27
AlexGerhmm, too bad, thanks!23:28
AlexGerwas looking for some tools earlyer.. :-)23:29
AlexGeri thought of edeting the bin file...23:29
AlexGernever done that befoure23:30
davidkbin file?23:30
AlexGerconfig file23:30
AlexGerexported settings - I think it includes the fw too23:31
davidkwhat size is it?23:32
AlexGerfind / -name 'startlubuntu' -> /usr/bin/startlubuntu23:33
davidkno lubuntu running here23:33
davidkinstaller crashed today23:33
davidkhence I am here23:34
davidkwill try again after sleeping23:34
AlexGerFirmware_Speedport_W504V_1.15.000.bin -> 3.042kb | Speedport_W_504V1.15.000_25.05.12_1934.bin -> 29kb23:36
AlexGeri also have the exported settings file from the last fw: Speedport_W_504V1.14.000_21.05.12_2156.bin ->29kb23:37
AlexGerwhat about /usr/bin/startx ?23:38
AlexGeror netbook23:38
AlexGerFatal server error:23:40
AlexGerno screens found23:40
davidksounds like it is only settings then ;)23:42
AlexGerI can paste the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file for more infos23:43
davidkbut sounds suspiciously similar to the files the Austrian speedtouch "modems" used that could be patched to be full routers23:43
davidkdo that, after I read it I can tell you its a driver issue and go to sleep23:44
AlexGerwell i had to modify grub i think23:58
AlexGerI'll look what i have done to the kernel...23:59

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