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platinum_hi all, I'm looking for help with an old Ubuntu server? Is this the right place?00:26
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platinum_Anyone online?00:27
qman__this is the right place, but it's a relatively quiet room, need some !patience00:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:30
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JonEdneyI'm getting ready to set up my Ubuntu server on an actual machine insteadd of a VM.  I'm kinda curious, does anyone have any up-time monitoring software/service to recommend?01:56
mariooohi all. so I've got a syntax error in /etc/sudoers on 12.04, obv wasn't smart enough to be logged in as root when making changes02:12
marioooso now can't use sudo, can't use visudo, pkexec isn't installed... what other options do I have other than rebuilding the VM?02:13
lifelessboot it into recovery mode02:14
mariooocan I initiate a reboot without sudo?02:15
marioooor rather: how would one do that, I thought you couldn't02:15
marioooI can power off the machine but then it seems I can't get into a VNC console quick enough to hit escape to halt on the grub menu02:16
lifelessmariooo: I'm not sure02:17
lifelessmariooo: alternatively you could mount the vm disk and edit it manually02:17
mariooolifeless: awesome, thanks for the tips02:18
mariooolifeless: managed to get into recovery mode, but everything seems to be readonly...? have I missed something?02:25
mariooolifeless: nvm, bug in 12.04 recovery mode. enabling networking first remounts disk as rw. success!02:39
lifelessmariooo: excellent02:43
qman__mariooo, for future reference, pressing ctrl alt del on a 'local' terminal reboots02:43
qman__like from the VM console02:43
marioooqman__: awesome, will keep that in mind. I wonder how you ctrl+alt+del over VNC with a mac keyboard hah02:51
axisyseth0 is pingable.. but eth0:1 or eth0:2 are not, from remote host.. what gives?04:47
mgwany ideas why this command, if executed after logging in, works as expected, but not if I pass it to ssh as the command to execute:06:03
mgw(nohup watch ls -l & disown -h)06:03
mgwin the first case, the command continues to live after logging out06:03
mgwin teh second case it dies06:04
rbasakmgw: I don't understand what you're trying to do, but try using "ssh -T ... </dev/null" to make it behave more "normally".06:13
_rubenheh .. what use it to run watch in the background? :P06:14
rbasakThat confused me too :)06:15
mgwIt's just a test06:17
mgwI'm trying to run ngrep06:17
grendal-primestgraber, you aroud still?06:18
_rubencleanest would probably to write a (perl/python/whatever) script that properly forks and runs the command(s) you want06:19
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yaboohey guys got my server working with iptables for masquerading and ufw for firewall, but for the life of me, how can I forward ports from ppp0 to a internal server07:58
Davieyjtv: Hey, i think i missed your comment about python-django regarding translations.. Do you know what i need to change?08:08
jtvDaviey: its translations uploads (as produced by the build) should follow our naming conventions:08:09
jtv - One template per directory.08:09
jtv - Translation files named <language code>.po08:09
jtv - Each translation file in the exact same directory as its template.08:09
jtvThe translations import queue gardener uses this to figure out which template and language a PO file upload is for.08:10
jtvHey there mrevell08:11
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mrevellHello jtv08:13
Davieyjtv: Hmm, ok.. is there a way i can test changes work, without doing another upload?08:20
jtvDaviey: there's not too much to test, so I can just have a look at whatever you get, but you could try tar'ing up the .po & .pot files you get, uploading those to qastaging or staging, and then approving (or have someone like dpm or myself approve) the templates for import.  The templates (i.o.w. the .pot files) should then be imported, and the .po files should be approved and then be imported themselves.08:23
jtv(You can't upload to a package that way, but the effect is much the same if you upload to a project release series on [qa]staging)08:23
Davieyjtv: ok.. will try to do it, or get it done at least by EOD08:25
jtvOne of those things I wish I had enough priority for: overhauling automatic approval.08:25
Davieyjtv: ah, so it does work.. just a manual process to accept?08:26
jtvJust for the templates, yes.08:26
Davieybut the existing translations are dropped on the floor?08:26
jtvAnd when we open a new series, whatever templates are current in the existing Ubuntu get copied over (and any applicable translations shared) so that the new series will populate itself very quickly.08:27
jtvTranslations of the same strings in the template with the same name are dynamically shared between release series.08:27
Davieybut 'upstream' translations are lost for new uploads?08:27
jtvSo as soon as a message gets translated in Oneiric, it's translated in Precise, and vice versa.08:27
jtvThere is also sharing between upstream and Ubuntu.  By and large, Ubuntu automatically gets the upstream ones.08:28
jtvThe other way is dependent on permissions etc.08:28
Davieythanks jtv08:28
jamespagemorning all08:35
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soren_Daviey: You do per-commit package builds of Essex for testing, right?09:48
Davieysoren_: yes09:51
soren_Daviey: Which packaging branch are you using?09:51
Davieysoren_: although, it's offline at this very minute.. the hardware had to be relocated to a different DC09:51
soren_http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/essex doesn not apply for me right now.09:52
Davieysoren_: I suspect it needs rebasing.. the c-i is down, and it seemed like the best time to fixer it.09:53
Davieyas in, early in the cycle.09:53
soren_Oh, ok, so that is indeed the right branch?09:54
soren_I'll look no further09:54
Davieysoren_: any rebasing is most welcome :)09:54
soren_I'm on it.09:54
dakeri think this bug 1004316 is reported on the wrong project10:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1004316 in ubuntu-cloud-portal "Cloud server image OVF image fails to load in VirtualBox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100431610:03
Davieyit is indeed incorrect... smoser will fix0r that when he starts for the day i believe10:12
Davieythanks daker10:12
dakeryw ツ10:13
nocturnHi, I'm having trouble getting dnat to work on my 11.10 KVM server10:20
soren_Daviey: Merge prop pushed.10:21
nocturnI'm tryint for DNAT port 25 to using -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j DNAT --to-destination
nocturndnat rule shows up:  DNAT       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:smtp to:
soren_nocturn: You're misspelling the IP.10:22
nocturnhave been trying this for a while!10:22
soren_I was expecting an "Oh, so I am" or something. Not "OK".10:23
soren_You say you're trying to DNAT to
soren_...but then proceed to DNAT to
nocturnsoren_, OK meant that I just noticed my mistake.  I'm trying with the correct rule10:24
nocturnI had port 2222 forwarded to .11, and in my tries, the rules got mixed up -> my mistake...10:24
yaboonocturne you using iptables for port forwarding>10:25
nocturnso, corrected the rule10:27
nocturnDNAT       tcp  --  anywhere             alpha               tcp dpt:smtp to:
nocturnadded iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT10:27
soren_You changed something else, too.10:27
nocturnbut still no luck10:27
soren_It says "alpha" where it used to say "anywhere"10:27
nocturnyes added -d <public_ip>10:27
nocturnthe host has 3 public ip's10:28
nocturnonly alpha should accept traffic10:28
nocturnnmap now shows the port open10:28
soren_Pastebin the output of "iptables-save"10:28
soren_You know that DNAT only changes the destination address, right?10:28
soren_The guest vm (I'm guessing these are VM's based on the subnet) will still see the real source IP. If you're multihomed, you may need to ensure that traffic goes back the same way it came from.10:29
nocturnsoren_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006196/10:30
nocturnI need to add an snat rule?10:30
soren_I have no way to know.10:31
soren_nocturn: Are you  aware the ordering matters with iptables?10:33
soren_-A FORWARD -o virbr1 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable10:33
soren_-A FORWARD -d -o virbr0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT10:33
nocturnthis is incorrect?  They are 2 different bridges.10:35
nocturnthe mailserver is on virbr010:36
soren_Yeah, sorry.10:36
soren_I just got confused by all the repeated rules.10:36
soren_But there are definietely rules in there that'll never ever be used.10:36
soren_Very high up, you have:10:37
soren_-A FORWARD -o virbr1 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable10:37
soren_-A FORWARD -i virbr1 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable10:37
soren_..but then further down, you have other rules that refer to -o virbr1 or -i virbr1, but by then, the packets have already been REJECTed.10:37
soren_Same for virbr0, although you don't have those REJECT rules quite as early.10:38
nocturnI just commented out the rejects as a test10:38
nocturnfor both bridges10:38
nocturnit made no difference10:38
soren_BTW, INPUT is irreleveant when you're doing DNAT.10:39
soren_When you're DNATing, you're forwarding traffic.10:39
* soren_ needs lunch10:40
ARTSIOMhow can I get a list of packages I have explicitly installed on a system? running "aptititide search '~i'" gives me the list of installed packages marking by "A" automatic packages, but it also includes packages which where installed together with the system.12:16
KingKatariis there any other place in ubuntu server 12.04 LTS version that controls the total number of connections into a server besides net.core.somaxconn??????????12:22
_rubenKingKatari: there's also a connection tracking limit as part of netfilter, but that only applies if there's any firewall rules present12:28
KingKatari any other12:29
_rubennot that i'm aware of (which doesn't mean all that much really :))12:30
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smoseri have got to upgrade to quantal so i stop getting that annoying update manager popup.12:54
nocturnsoren_: I solved my issue.  It was my isp blocking outgoing access to port 25!  If you're ever in Antwerp/Belgium, I owe you a beer13:22
zulsmoser: you should be dog fooding anyways )13:26
smoserzul, are you on quantal?13:26
zulsmoser: my server is13:26
smoseri eat dog food every morning for breakfast.13:26
smoserserver. ppft.13:26
smoser"i have a virtual machine that i never use that is using quantal"13:27
zulsmoser: because on the internet no one knows you are a dog right?13:27
smoserhardly means anything.13:27
smoserprimary work station, man.13:27
zulsmoser:  well i work on the sever so i dog food it :)13:27
randomDudeoh internet13:27
zulsmoser: ppphpppt...i dont think so13:27
smoserno one *knew* i was a dog, until zul spilled the beans.13:28
zulsmoser:  i work for tmz13:28
highvoltagehallyn: ruff? makes me think of http://www.sadanduseless.com/2012/05/oh-you/ :)13:43
hallynhighvoltage: nice collection :)13:45
smbhallyn, On a very quick and not too sophisticated testing your libvirt-0.9.12-0ubuntu1 looks to be working (just installed on a 64bit quantal xen hv and booted one hvm via virt-manager (plus shutdown)).13:58
hallynsmb: zul's, you mean :)  cool, thanks!13:58
zulhallyn/smb: cool13:58
smbhallyn, whoever did it... :-P13:59
smbThat could help to ignore that strange ftbs on i386 that http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~stefanor/lp-ftbfs-report/historical/primary-quantal.html#main shows13:59
zulhallyn: im going to upload libvirt today14:21
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hallynzul: excellent.  so dwarves MIR was approved?14:36
zulhallyn: yep14:36
hallynyeah, that ftbfs (if it's the one i'm thinking of) was due to gnulib.  hopefully it just doesn't happen in 0.9.1214:37
hallynstgraber: around?14:37
hallynI'm doing the lxc patch to mount rootfs under /var/lib/lxc/<cn>/root14:38
hallynBut, I'll need to also do a mount --make-shared in src/lxc/conf.c for that dir14:38
hallynI'm looking for how to decide on whether to do that14:38
hallyn(i can't do that when containers are using a shared dir)14:38
hallynI could just say "if strncmp(target, "/var/lib/lxc/", 13)" then make it rshared14:40
hallynkind of ugly, but should DTRT14:40
zulDaviey: what version should we be calling the openstack SRUs14:40
zulDaviety: for the snapshots? 2012.1~201205XX-0ubuntu2.1?14:41
hallynor, i could add a separate 'lxc.root.public = [true/false]" to the config, but that's kind of hacky too14:41
stgraberhallyn: you could have something like lxc.mountfs = <PATH> to override the default of /var/lib/lxc/<container>/rootfs14:43
stgraberhallyn: then anything that uses a shared /var/lib/<container> will have to set it to something unique14:44
hallynstgraber: there already is a lxc variable for where to mount.  So I'm just having the templates set that14:44
hallynQuestion is fo when that dir should be make MS_SHARED14:44
hallynbut i think i've got it,14:44
hallyni'll just do it always so long as that dir != LXCROOTFSMOUNT14:44
hallyn(where LXCROOTFSMOUNT for us is /usr/lib/lxc/root)14:44
hallyn(lxc.rootfs.mount is the config variable for that, btw)14:45
stgraberhallyn: is lxc-shutdown upstream?14:56
hallynlooks like no14:57
hallynpretty sure i sent it.14:57
Davieyzul: git$DATE-$(shortsum)14:59
zulDaviey: ack14:59
stgraberhallyn: ok. I replied to Christian regarding clean shutdown of container on lxc-devel, would be great if you could push the two lxc-shutdown patches.15:01
hallynok, put on my list.15:02
smoserzul, here is fine.15:11
zulsmoser: i havent looked at the image but i assumed it was qemu-system-arm15:11
smoserhe does say "highbank kernel"15:13
smoserwhich would imply arm kenrel and not qemu-arm15:13
zulsmoser: obviously we need more info :)15:14
ogra_there is a qemu version for highbank15:14
smoseris reported the scripts used to make it.15:14
smoserdannf, ping15:14
ogra_but neither packaged nor released yet afaik15:14
Davieyzul: the deal is, libvirt automatically notices new systems15:14
dannfsmoser: yo15:23
dannfogra_: supposedly highbank support is all upstream, might even work in precise - but the upstream code isn't ideal for what i'm doing here (it boots kernel from host system, not from disk image)15:24
smoserdannf, so the ami you set up15:24
smoseri launch it, ssh in, and i'm in a qemu-system-arm vm, is that right?15:24
dannfsmoser: that's correct15:24
smoseryou modified the host to pass a single (ssh) port thorugh? or everything?15:24
smoseris there a way to get to the host?15:25
dannfsmoser: all bridged through, no way to get to the host15:25
smoseroh, and btw, this is really cool, thank you for doing that.15:25
smoserdannf, ok. so zul was inteerested in reproducing this on a local system (obviously without mac_switcheroo)15:26
dannfzul: sure, let me know if you need any help w/ that15:28
smoserdannf,  you should have hacked cloud-init in the "guest"15:28
smoserto get ports.ubuntu.com sources.list15:28
smoseralthough i guess we can actually pass that in as user-data. funny.15:29
dannfsmoser: true15:29
smoser(userdata does work?)15:29
* dannf should probably respin for that15:29
dannfi don't know if userdata works or no - i've a lot to learn about cloud-init15:29
smoserdannf, testing userdata15:39
claude2whats the best way to monitor dell raid cards in ubuntu these days?15:42
claude2i saw a post about a 3rd party repo to install the LSI megacli tool15:43
claude2not sure if theres a good dell method without installing the entire OMSA tools15:43
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hallynstgraber: (finally read the shutdown thread) boy some people want to make things complicated...15:57
stgraberhallyn: as usual ;)15:57
stgraberhallyn: I actually skipped most of Christian's e-mail when I saw that he didn't look at lxc-shutdown and just suggested he looks at it :)15:58
hallynthere are probably irc logs of our discussions about whether to change lxc-stop15:58
hallynif i were smoser i coudl find them in a heartbeat15:58
stgraberhallyn: my IRC logs say March 18th on this channel16:00
hallyni'm looking at mar 19 log right now :)16:00
hallynok, so basically we didn't want to change lxc-stop behavior without upstream's consent.16:01
hallyn(i'll reply)16:01
hallynstgraber: GAH!16:05
hallynif i make /var/lib/lxc MS_SHARED, then the kernel doesn't let me pivot_root under it :)16:06
hallynThis is goin gto turn out more complicated than i'd thought16:06
stgraberthe kernel is being annoying... :)16:06
hallynAnd I hate to bring it up on lxc-devel right now, bc people are already in argue mode from other threads16:06
hallynthis means that the only choice, if we want a shared root, is to chroot16:07
hallynuh, by shared i mean one we can maniuplate from the host16:07
hallynhm, no, let me try ONE more thing16:07
smoserdannf, for your record, user-data does work16:10
smoser  euca-run-instances --key brickies --instance-type=m1.large ami-aef328c7 --user-data-file=/tmp/my.ud16:10
smoserwhere '/tmp/my.ud' is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006618/16:10
smosersets the mirror correctly and runs the 'runcmd'16:11
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dannfsmoser: cool! is there a ref doc for what i can do in user-data?16:11
smoserdannf, what does security.ubuntu.com do for armhf?16:12
smoserer... where do security updates come from?16:12
smoseri guess they come from ports too.16:13
smoserthats broken in the userdata above (ie, 'apt-get update' will fail due to still trying to use security.ubuntu.com)16:13
dannfgood question16:13
smoseryou could use a boothook to edit template file (just write it straight away with what you want it to have)16:14
smoseror even a runcmd if you weren't trying to install packages via cloud-config.16:15
dannfoh, snazzy :)16:16
stgraberhallyn: I only just noticed http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git;a=commit;h=644473e9c60c1ff4f6351fed637a6e5551e3dce7 !16:17
smoseranyone who wants can look at dannf's handywork if they're interested16:17
smoserbe nice, it will die in 40 minutes16:17
hallynstgraber: man, if you get lxc-start to fail at the right time, you *really* pollute your mounts table16:18
hallyni think start.c should probably try to clean up...  though that'snot a trivial matter16:18
smoseranyone interested can:16:19
hallynah yes.  we have part of user namespaces :)16:19
smoser  ssh ubuntu@ec2-23-20-232-135.compute-1.amazonaws.com16:19
smoserwith password 'abcdefg'16:19
smoserbut that instance will die at 17:00 UTC (41 minutes from now)16:19
hallynsmoser: permissiond enied (publickey)16:19
stgraberhallyn: hehe, I've got a fix-mount-table script I use when I'm working on arkose, basically a while loop iterating through /proc/mounts and unmounting everything until all entries are gone :)16:19
hallynstgraber: gah.  yes.  we can't pivot_root into MS_SHARED dir.  what do you think about introducing a lxc.use_chroot option?16:21
hallynmaybe i should just bring it up on lxc-devel16:21
smoserhallyn, try again16:21
stgraberhallyn: is chroot "safe" now? and if it's, why still use pivot_root?16:22
hallynstgraber: no.  but we have apparmor for that :)16:22
smoserit seems that if you enable empty passwords, rather than enabling password auth in openssh's config file, it doesnt actually enable password auth.16:22
hallynthough, i haven't tested that.  i probably should16:22
hallynsmoser: still hanging on motd :)16:22
smoserits not fast.16:22
hallynnice.  highbank16:23
smoseryou're runnign qemu-system-arm inside a ec2 m1.large16:23
zulhallyn: its uploaded16:41
hallynzul: thanks16:49
RobertLaptopAnyone know of a ppa for jboss as 7.1?16:59
hallynstgraber: when i chroot instead of pivot_root()ing, mountall is not happy.  tries to mount all the things you taught it not to mount16:59
RobertLaptopIt looks like jboss as 4.2.3 is the only version included with ubuntu16:59
stgraberhallyn: can you dump /proc/mounts before mountall runs? something must be quite wrong in there for it to try and mount them all...17:00
hallynstgraber: well here is mounts after mountall runs... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006687/17:01
stgraberhallyn: I didn't put any container specific logic in there, I just taught it not to mount something that'd hide an existing mount (/dev being mounted when /dev/pts is already mounted for example)17:01
hallynright, and chroot doesn't change the /proc contents.  so i guess that's a reason chroot does not suffice.  IIUC17:01
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stgraberyeah... we'll have to stick with pivot_root then17:02
zuladam_g: im in the middle of collecting bug numbers for the openstack SRUs17:05
adam_gzul: cool. they should all be in the git commits, no?17:05
zuladam_g: well there is two that doesnt have a bug assoicated with them17:06
zulfor nova at least17:06
adam_gSpamapS: which ones17:06
adam_gSpamapS: around?17:06
zuladam_g: one is for generating a changelog for the git commits when you run sdist, and the other is make tests past on osx (???)17:07
SpamapSadam_g: I am, wassup?17:14
ScottKwassup is you're supposed to accept my SRU packages ....17:15
hallynstgraber: which means that if we want to support shared mounts between host and container, we need to go back to the idea of a /shared17:30
hallynI'm going to let that sit for a bit and get back to it on wed or thu17:30
bustabustCIFS mounting issue on Ubuntu server... I have a drobo NAS with a share called central. I can 'smbclient -L drobo-primary' and see the share called central. However when I run the command 'sudo mount -t cifs -o username=bustabust,password=mypass // /mnt/drobo' error says Unable to find suitable address. Any ideas? I've googled the heck out of this thing17:34
hallynzul: drat, I should have warned you.  The debdiff for 0.9.8-2ubuntu19 got lost in the 0.9.12 upload17:37
zulill upload ubuntu2 this weekend17:38
hallynzul: it was the patch attached to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/100162517:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1001625 in libvirt "Guest clock stops after live migration on Ubuntu 12.04 hosts" [Medium,Confirmed]17:41
hallyn(or just dget dget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/libvirt/0.9.8-2ubuntu19/+files/libvirt_0.9.8-2ubuntu19.dsc)17:41
zulhallyn: thanks ill get that one in17:42
hallynzul: thanks.  (my fault)17:42
zulim guessing any SRUs as well17:42
hallynzul: ?17:47
hallynwhat do you mean, you're guessing sur's?17:47
zulhallyn: is there an SRU for libvirt in precise or am i halucinating17:47
hallynthis bug needs to be SRU'd for it yes.  i haven't done that yet17:48
carroarmato0Hello, I'm trying out MAAS with LXC. I've gotten to the point where Maas is fully installed in a container, but after adding a node, it says that it's "Commissioning", and stays that way. Any help?17:50
adam_gzul: i need to run out but ill look through and confirm that bug list when im bcak. we should try to script something that generates that for us at point17:55
zuladam_g: yeah im working on a script now :)17:55
adam_gzul: im sure whatever scripts they have to parse that stuff out of gerrit proposals is available somewhere in the openstack-ci repo17:56
adam_gback in a while17:56
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rcsheetshow does one report spam in a comment on launchpad?18:39
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dannfsmoser: do you have a cloud-init patch for switching the default apt server, or should i just do a sed hack?19:14
dannf... or should i actually help out and send you a patch taht fixes the bug :)19:15
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smoserdannf, there is no pathc in lcoud-init (you're welcome/encouraged to fix upstream to chose better)19:21
smoserthe cloud-config is actually a supported path (for internal mirrors or othe rmirro)19:21
smoserbut the security. was not thought about.19:23
smoser(the fact that security.ubuntu.com is not used for ports).19:23
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ahasenackhi, this ec2 image ami-5c892f35 in us-east-1 doesn't work19:52
ahasenackit's quantal19:52
ahasenackhere is console output:19:52
ahasenackI got that id from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/quantal/current/19:53
hujifalakhello, iam learning to work with linux . can someone pls provide me ssh access to some server ?20:01
streulmais it possible to set a hostname without rebooting the server ?20:03
guntberthujifalak: search for "free ssh" - there are still several available20:04
StevenR_hujifalak: install your own virtual machine?20:05
erichammondhujifalak: Amazon AWS/EC2 has a free tier that you can use to run and experiment with Linux: http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/#pricing20:05
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hujifalakerichammond i wanted to try it but it requires credit card information even when they are not charging anything ?20:08
erichammondhujifalak: correct.  If you use resources that are not covered by the free tier, you will be charged for them.20:10
gary_posterstgraber, hi.  I'm updating bug 994752's description per your request.  In preparation for that, I was looking at the quantal packaging branch, and noticed you took out lxc-ip in favor of an in-line function within lxc-start-ephemeral.  lxc-ip is actually quite nice to have for other reasons as well.  Is there a way we could advocate for getting it added back?  Or is getting it upstream our only chance?20:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 994752 in lxc "lxc-start-ephemeral's use of dhcp lease table is fragile" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99475220:29
stgrabergary_poster: no :)20:30
gary_posterstgraber, <snort> which one20:30
stgraberthe new lxc-attach will support attaching to only the network namespace if you want20:30
stgraberand the API will have a call to get all the container's IPs that will likely be added to lxc-info20:31
gary_posterstgraber, in bash?20:31
stgraberso there was no good reason to keep lxc-ip in 12.10 just to replace it in a few months (and backward compatibility being a pain, it was easier to get it out before anyone noticed :))20:31
gary_posterif lxc-info then C20:31
* gary_poster wants more Python and less bash20:32
stgraberright, we have patches on lxc-devel now that let you do "lxc-attach -s NET -n container -- ip -4 addr", we're also working on API design now and I'm trying to get a get_ips() call in there that lxc-info can use20:32
stgraberfor 12.10 I'll also be providing a python binding for the new API20:32
stgraberso after these are done, there really shouldn't be any need for lxc-ip :)20:33
streulmawe use Virtualbox on servers :)20:33
streulmahow long can we stay at 10.04 LTS ?20:34
gary_posterstgraberm, sounds great (though a mild shame we went to the trouble for naught).  The one thought I have for lxc-info's IP stuff is that it would be nice if it had a "just get the IP and you don't have to use sed/awk to parse the output" option.  The sed/awk stuff always feels pretty fragile to me20:34
stgrabergary_poster: sure, that's why I want to get the IP list in the C API so we can have it returned by lxc-info and from the python module20:35
stgrabergary_poster: so you should be able to do:20:36
stgraberimport lxc20:36
nathwillstgraber, that sounds awesome :)20:37
gary_posterstgraber, that's great!20:38
gary_posterstgraber, one other only mildly related thought: in lxc-start-ephemeral when we start up 32 instances of these (and we do, with 24 planned for production) the timeout gets out to 2.5 minutes before we can actually connect.  Is there a chance we could squeeze in a configurable timeout for bug 994752 also?20:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 994752 in lxc "lxc-start-ephemeral's use of dhcp lease table is fragile" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99475220:39
gary_poster2.5 minutes before we can connect to all of them, I should say20:39
gary_posteressentially, make TRIES something you can pass in20:41
stgrabergary_poster: I have no problem adding a parameter for that in quantal, though that's technically a new feature so I'm not sure we can really SRU that back to precise20:43
stgrabergary_poster: isn't there a magic command that lets you run a given command when your load average is below a given threshold? I think you could use that to fix your problem (assuming it takes that long because of all the containers starting at the same time)20:44
gary_posterstgraber, we need it to truly address that bug, is the issue.  Alternatively, we can simply bump TRIES to something gigantic...hm, that sounds interesting, lemme search for it20:45
gary_posterniceload is close but no cigar...20:46
gary_posterand also it is not available in ubuntu afaict20:48
stgrabergary_poster: parallel -l 1 -- "echo 1" "echo 2"20:52
gary_posterstgraber, nice, thank you.  We'll play with it.20:54
gary_posterstgraber, there are still some problems with that.  I'll mention them in the bug description and we can go from there.21:01
gary_posterthank you again21:01
hallynsmoser: if i do ec2-run-instances -f userdata.sh -n 3 ami-whatever, is [0-2] or [1-3] passed to the userdata scripts by chance?21:22
erichammondhallyn: You will want to query the ami-launch-index from the user-data script.21:24
hallynjust echo $ami-launch-index?21:24
erichammondhallyn: It'ts available from the instance at: http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/ami-launch-index21:24
erichammondor using a tool that queries that for you.21:25
erichammondstarts at "0"21:25
hallynerichammond: awesome, thanks21:25
koolhead17adam_g, is there a document around quantum which can help me deploying it on precise21:28
adam_gkoolhead17: not that im aware of21:31
koolhead17adam_g, any plan to have it in future :P21:32
adam_gkoolhead17: probably at some point. i hope to take my first dive into quantum next week or so21:33
koolhead17that be great21:33
koolhead17zul, do we have quantum pkg ready for test21:36
koolhead17on Q21:36
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zulkoolhead17: no21:54
koolhead17zul, i can use it for precise/essex for now21:55
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Psi-JackAnyone here ever played around with NUT for UPS monitoring? I'm curious as to what kind of netserver/netclient master/slave setup I should be doing to insure that my infrastructure network shuts down decently and cleanly the case of a long-term power outage. I just finished a diagram.ly chart to show everything. ;)22:45
* jmedina wonders what a diagram.ly is...22:46
Psi-JackWebsite to generate diagrams. ;)22:46
Psi-JackLike so.22:47
jmedinawow, looks good that site, thanks for sharing22:47
Psi-JackNo problem. :)22:47
Psi-JackYou can't directly share full diagrams you've made, but you can export/import XML files of diagrams made with it.22:48
jmedinareminds me dia22:48
Psi-JackOther websites can do it, but you usually have to pay for that service.22:48
jmedinado you know if works with libreoffice draw files?22:48
Psi-JackNot sure..22:48
Psi-JackI believe the clipart images used on this are actually kinda ripped from Microsoft Visio22:49
Psi-JackGuess you don't use NUT though do ya? heh22:54
jmedinaPsi I juse NUT in single desktops and servers23:04
Psi-JackNothing like my little infrastructure, eh?23:05
jmedinaI dont have a infrastructure like yours, I just courius because can help in future23:05
Psi-JackI'm thinking I should basically hook up Hyp1-4 as slave to Stor1, and continue to also have Hyp3 slave to Hyp1, and Hyp4 slave to Hyp2.23:08
Psi-JackHyp1, Hyp2, and Stor1 all being directly connected to each their own APC UPS, being in master mode themselves.23:09
Psi-JackEffectively, according to the docs, which would make Hyp1-4 shut down well before the Stor1 server they need, and with Stor1's delay to self shutdown be long enough to sustain the slaves as they shut down... It's tricky. ;)23:14
jmedinalooks like that, for the names I guess it is a virtual infrastructure23:19

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