
jedijfi just did what you wanted00:17
jedijfssh -X just login, then: metacity --replace &00:18
jedijfthen: gnome-panel &00:19
jedijfthen: whatever x app you want00:19
jedijfomg i see, you want to clicky the panel, and yes it works00:20
jedijfyou're odd00:20
ChinnoDoguh. ok, I'll try that now00:26
InHisNamemorning andrew07:07
InHisNamemorning guys12:03
rmg51morning waltman12:16
JonathanDInHisName: yo13:35
JonathanDInHisName: it looks like what we're going to do is come home from camping a day early, so we can attend geeknic.13:35
Irishmanlukeso my whole family wants to go to the geeknic now13:35
JonathanDI'm just working out the details now.13:35
InHisNameWonderful.  I guess I'll need to lay claim to the pavilion with 2 tables and maybe ask any who might have 'portable' tables to bring.14:43
JonathanDInHisName: I have a card table.14:43
JonathanDI might be able to fit it in the car. Not sure.14:44
InHisNameif its one of those 3x3 folding tables that doubles to 6x3, should be no problem.  It can be used for the food spread.  Picnic tbl for sitting and eating and yakking.14:46
JonathanDit's a 3x314:46
JonathanDI think it *just* fits in the trunk.14:46
JonathanDInHisName: it depends on what else we have, though.14:46
InHisNameWe'll see as time floats by here.14:47
InHisNameActually we should all bring buncha those canvas folding chairs.   I got 3 but then all 3 of us are coming too.14:48
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!23:27
SamuraiAlbaAnything planned for NEXT saturday, but NOT this one?23:28
SamuraiAlbaoooh that is far23:29
SamuraiAlbaIf anyone has a use for a DUAL Xeon 5150 server tower, shoot me a PM23:29
andrewJonathanD: So who's orgainizing this thing on Monday?23:44
andrewInHisName: Are you running this thing on Monday?23:49
rmg51andrew: he should be the one running it23:52

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