
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
inetpro. 04:34
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
not_foundo/ superfly and all07:02
superflyhi not_found07:07
not_foundhow are things in chilly SA?07:08
* not_found was expecting that...07:09
charlvnhi hi07:17
superflymorning charlvn07:23
charlvnhi superfly 07:27
inetpronot_found: wb 08:59
not_foundthanks inetpro 08:59
* inetpro finds it strange that he hasn't found his self yet08:59
inetprogood morning charlvn, superfly, not_found, and all others09:00
charlvnhi inetpro 09:31
zerefhi guys11:29
superflyhi zeref11:29
charlvnhi zeref 11:48
smilehoe kan ik Ubuntu in het afrikaans installeren? het staat niet in de lijst :(14:30
mazalMirrag almal14:36
mazalafternoon everyone14:36
charlvnsmile: ik wis ook niet dat het in de lijst staan eerlijk gezegd14:36
charlvnhi mazal 14:36
smilecharlvn: :(14:36
smileMy password is really safe xD14:37
smile2012 xD14:37
charlvnde hoeveelheid software wat deeglijk naar het afrikaans vertaald zijn is heel kort volgens mij14:38
charlvnamai ik ben moe, heb niet veel geslapen met deze rot weer14:39
smilejy is moe? :o14:39
smilejy sal slaap dan :p14:39
charlvnja als het net een beetje koeler word14:39
charlvnik voel nu een beetje zoals kabouter wesley in de fimpje met de dolfijn14:40
charlvnmorgen ochtend mag ik mij zeer zeker niet overslapen want ik heb een linux gebruikersgroep meeting14:41
charlvnen dan morgen word ik wakker "amai ik heb mij overslapen"14:41
smilelol :p14:41
charlvnik mag niet slapen tot dat ik de dolfijn gevonden heb!14:41
charlvnik geloof nooit geen zee zoogdieren meer!14:42
* smile sleeps14:43
charlvnde engiste smerig zeedier die nog erger dan de dolfijn zijn is de fouwe humor egel14:45
charlvndaarvan gaan ik echt aan't slaap hoor :P14:46
charlvnvan die flouwe moppen lol14:46
charlvnals ik het weer moeten horen over een "boemkool" dan ben ik zo weg14:46
charlvneerlijk gezegd begrijp ik niet eens de ding over de twee tetten in een envelop maar ok dan14:47
smilebye :15:02
=== smile is now known as smile4linux
zerefheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, after a kernel upgrade, electricsheep(screensaver) was uninstalled,now when i try to install it i get unmet dependencies???17:18
smile4linuxzeref: which distro? :p17:19
tumbleweedzeref: pastebin?17:22
zerefk, i sec17:23
tumbleweedzeref: apt-cache policy libavformat5217:26
tumbleweedand apt-cache policy libavformat-extra-52 while you are there17:27
tumbleweedzeref: that vlc PPA makes mplayer uninstallable17:36
tumbleweedits libavformat52 has a Breaks: mplayer (< 2:1.0~rc4~)17:36
tumbleweedbut lucid's mplayer is 2:1.0~rc317:37
Kilosevening superfly and others17:56
Kilosnaand nuvolari inetpro deie ops ou17:57
inetproKilos: eh17:57
superflyhi Kilos17:57
Kilosis all good here guys?17:57
Kiloshi psydroid 18:02
nuvolarinaand oom Kilos 18:04
nuvolarihoe gaan dit?18:04
Kilosgaan nie lank bly nie seun kop klap. wou net hoor of als goed met julle is?18:04
nuvolaridis reg so oom.18:04
nuvolaridit gaan goed hierso dankie18:05
Kilossleep tight all18:05
Kilosnag seun18:05
Kiloslekker slaap18:05
nuvolarilekker slaap oom :)18:05
nuvolarigroete in droomland18:06
Kiloslol dankie18:06
psydroidoh hy is weg :/18:13
psydroidhoi nuvolari18:14
nuvolarialoha psydroid 18:18
smile4linuxja :(18:19
smile4linuxkilos is weg :(18:19
psydroidhoi smile4linux18:21
smile4linuxhallo :p18:21
psydroidhij gaat vroeg slapen18:21
psydroidnet zoals jij :p18:21
smile4linuxbye! :)18:31
smile4linuxaha :)18:31
smile4linuxtot morgen :)18:32
zerefthanks tumbleweed 18:34
mazalbye all18:36
mazalSleep well18:36
charlvnhi all18:38
tumbleweedzeref: np. hope you can untangle it20:22
superflyyeah, I've also recently come to the conclusion that PPA's are not that great20:31
superflyUnless it's a particular app that you can't get in the repositories, and as long as the PPA doesn't also build newer versions of stuff from the repos20:32
tumbleweedthey are very useful. But when you put core libraries in them, then pain is going to ensue20:32
tumbleweedso, be fairly careful what you install from PPAs20:32
superflyhehe, pretty much what I was trying to say20:32
charlvni try to minimise the number of ppas i use but sometimes it's hard to avoid20:40
charlvnthe only ppa i'm using at the moment is for extfs support20:40
charlvnit's the only way to move large files in between windows/osx and linux computers20:41
charlvnthe alternative might be ntfs, although not sure if osx supports it20:41
inetprocharlvn: that sounds interesting20:45
inetprowhat kind of large files are you moving between systems that require extfs?20:47
charlvninetpro: mostly virtual machines, sometimes DVD isos can also be over 4GB in size20:55
charlvninetpro: with some systems you can get virtual machine hard drive images split up into various smaller files though, then you don't have that problem20:55
charlvnit's a strange thing that you can't have a single file over 4GB even with FAT-3220:57
charlvnimho it's the only real reason you even need extfs 20:58
inetproit's a strange thing that fat-32 still exists21:01
inetproall devices like cameras and others should rather be using ext file systems these days21:02
charlvnthe only thing i have against extfs is that it is patented by microsoft21:10
charlvnif it was an open standard, i would have felt much more comfortable with it21:11
charlvnactually, i just checked on the wikipedia, it's still patent pending21:11
charlvnbut i agree with you, we really need an upgrade on fat that can be used on all external hard drives / flash drives / sd cards21:13
charlvnon servers and even desktops, some more advanced file systems can be used that could be more specific to any particular platform21:14
charlvnbut i don't think anyone cares about unix file permissions on a flash drive :)21:14
charlvnif you have anything important, better encrypt it properly using gpg or similar21:14
charlvnnn allA!21:17

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