
=== zumbi is now known as Guest10379
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
cheshairhi! is there a way to use ubuntu one in one-way sync mode? my goal is to have a remote backup of local files. ideally i will access those files across multiple devices but i don't want possible changes to be synced back to my main computer.03:55
cheshairthat's why i am talking about "one-way sync mode"03:55
cheshairof course, i am not sure this is the "right" way to use ubuntu one03:56
mmccHi cheshair, Ubuntu One is intended as a two-way sync system. I'm new here so there may be tips and tricks that more experienced folks could give you to get you most of what you want - may I suggest asking this on http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/ubuntu-one/ ?03:59
mmccIf you really need one-way sync, you may also be interested in something like this: http://code.google.com/p/lsyncd/04:00
cheshairhi mmcc this is very kind of you, thanks. yep, that's what i think too: one-way syncing is not the best and proper way to use ubuntu one04:01
mmccHowever, I'm having a hard time understanding your use case - if you do decide to ask there, I would say more about what you want to sync, and what changes would happen to it on other devices that you don't want propagated04:01
cheshairmmcc i will post a message there, writing the message will help me myself to make up my mind04:04
mmcccheshair: sounds good! If you don't mind, post the URL to your question here so I can keep track also? Thanks, and good luck04:05
cheshairmmcc: here I am :-) http://askubuntu.com/questions/141946/one-way-syncing-through-ubuntu-one04:35
cheshairi hope i made myself clear04:36
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Chipacacheshair: hey there08:27
Chipacacheshair: is your concern only around deleting them on your phone?08:28
cheshairHi Chipaca!08:28
cheshairChipaca: well no, it's about general modifications08:28
cheshairChipaca: do you have any hints for me?08:29
Chipacacheshair: i think jamesh called it.08:29
cheshairChipaca: yep, that's way I chose his answer08:31
Chipacacheshair: have you looked at déjà dup?08:33
Chipacacheshair: as long as you're on a network connection that can upload 25MB in less than ~an hour, it's lovely :)08:33
cheshairChipaca: is that the default backup program that ships with Ubuntu 12.04?08:34
Chipacaand we're working on that restriction too08:34
Chipacacheshair: it is08:34
cheshairChipaca: yes, I am using it! It's lovely, I use it for backup on a local NAS08:35
Chipacacheshair: you can also use it to back up to an unsynced u1 folder08:35
Moscherkoboldgood morning08:38
cheshairChipaca: I have "who-cares" files, "medium-concern" files and "my-life-is-in-here" files. I use deja-dup on a local nas for medium-concern (and above) files and remote backup for the most important ones08:38
cheshair(do you like my files hierarchy? :-D)08:38
Chipacacheshair: that's what i was aiming at. So, nothing to add really.08:38
Moscherkoboldrye: do you have any idea how to acess my files using a browser or win client for the moment?08:38
Chipacacheshair: at some point we'll have point-in-time recovery, but it's nowhere near.08:39
jameshdeja-dup might not be a complete solution if one of the requirements is to be able to read the file from e.g. a phone08:39
cheshairChipaca: thank you very much, that sounds as a great confirmation I am probably doing it right, thanks08:39
jameshif you don't need that, it is a good option, since it will give you some history too08:39
cheshairChipaca: point-in-time recovery sounds cool... what about single file recovery? is that possible at the moment?08:40
Chipacacheshair: through support, and only for deletions, not editions08:40
cheshairChipaca: is that anytime near on the roadmap?08:41
Chipacacheshair: nope08:41
cheshairjamesh: i am aiming at a multi-strategy approach, with dejadup for local backup of large portions of my home and remote backup for very important and selected files08:43
cheshairChipaca: I see, it looks as a very nice piece of software, I am glad Ubuntu ships with such an easy to use tool. I hope it will become more and more powerful in the future so to support advanced users and weird use-cases08:44
Chipacacheshair: you and I both :)08:45
ryeMoscherkobold: the fix was already committed but it is not yet released. Also, the accounts will need to be merged prior to being able to access the files.08:50
=== popey_ is now known as popey
Moscherkoboldrye: thank you, this means i just have to wait a little bit? Or is there something i can do?09:10
ryeMoscherkobold: i will be able to contact the developers only in 3-4 hours and will be able to provide more info after the talk. So far there is nothing a user can do to resolve it as this involves server-side having 2 distinct accounts for a single user09:12
ryeverterok: ping re: splitting tritcask files so that they fit into memory10:13
ryejoshuahoover: http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/ubuntuone-ubuntu-syncdaemon-diag.sh to get basic set of logs from ubuntu + some minimal diag10:41
gatoxgood morning!10:59
karniMorning all o/11:05
gatoxneed to restart...11:43
ryeralsina: ping, do you happen to remember what was wrong with Turkey users failing to get credentials?11:44
ralsinarye: never found out, but it was related to the SSL certificate problem11:45
ralsinarye: I could never reproduce even from a turkish IP with turkish locale11:45
ryei like that seagate utility says that An important update may be available for your drive. And web site says "No, you're good"... And those drives I have are quite slower than those Samsung ones that crashed simultaneously in raid 1 config11:56
ryemy VMs are SLOOOOW11:56
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
mandelralsina, I changed the config of the ubuntuone-windows-installer in jenkins to use tunk again and is failing, is brian working today?13:46
mandeloh, and back from lunch + hola ralsina & gatox :)13:46
gatoxmandel, hi13:46
briancurtinmandel: when you changed it back to trunk, were my fixes included in trunk yet?14:00
gatoxmandel, ralsina if you can, a really trivial review (with pretty pictures :P): https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/bug999885/+merge/10738714:01
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 107387 not found14:01
mandelbriancurtin, I reviewed and approved the branch you proposed, was that the only one?14:01
briancurtinyeah it was. let me check jenkins to see whats wrong14:02
mandelbriancurtin, ok, let me know if there is any way I can help14:03
mandelgatox, <height>16777215</height> O_o14:03
mandelgatox, why is that?14:03
gatoxmandel, it's the qt default for as big as you want14:03
mandelgatox, looks super random..14:04
gatoxmandel, no.... it has an explanation.... but it's a secret jejeje14:04
briancurtinmandel: i added back "set JENKINS=1" to the batch, somehow it was gone. im building it now14:16
mandelbriancurtin, oh.. weird.. I could have screwed up by mistake14:17
mandelbriancurtin, in other news, while I was breaking stuff I ahve added the project to the windows group and set it to be build after a succesful build from any of the other projects that was we follow the changes as close as possible14:18
ralsinagatox: on it14:18
ralsinagatox: if you want the real default, just delete the line :-)14:19
briancurtinmandel: ah cool, and it's also built anyway as a nightly which is good14:19
gatoxralsina, ok..... deleting....14:19
ralsinamandel: 2 ** 24 -114:19
mandelralsina, ein?14:20
ralsina16777215 is 2 **24 -114:20
mandelralsina, I mean, why?14:20
mandelbriancurtin, ok, so we have commitlies and nighlties :)14:20
ralsinamandel: I don't know, but it's not random :-)14:20
gatoxralsina, done14:21
mandelbriancurtin, I wonder if we can change the build in a way so that if someone gets a build from there will get an update file pointing to this results so that we all run nightlies in our machines all the time14:21
ralsinagatox: does it work the same? I just know that it should, but have not tried it ;-)14:21
mandelralsina, oh, but I'm not going to talk with a mathematician about number being generated no being random (16777214 + 1) :P14:22
gatoxralsina, wowwwwwww no.... it's so very broken! jeje14:22
briancurtinmandel: we could use the artifact and upload it somewhere, then create a nightly "channel" that you could point your update.ini to14:22
ralsinamandel: I think that's just "bigger than any possible screen" really :-)14:23
mandelbriancurtin, I think that would be awesome is sooooo many levels14:23
briancurtinmandel: but i dont know if we can point the autoupdater to look at jenkins, jenkins would have to put that file somewhere and update the XML and stuff...which is doable14:23
ralsinagatox: see? never commit without trying it first ;-)14:23
ralsinamaybe the artifact archive can give us a stable url for the latest build?14:23
ralsinaOTOH, we will get update requests every 6 hours ;-)14:23
gatoxralsina, i though i can trust you!! jejejee14:23
mandelbriancurtin, yes, as we would need to make the build step to generate the update.ini with the new version number14:24
briancurtinralsina: i think it does it per build, so the URL has the build ID in it...but i'll check if there's a "latest" artifact of that project or something14:24
mandelralsina, we could do that once per day14:24
ralsinagatox: better you learn it now than later, padawan ;-)14:24
briancurtinmandel: the build worked with set JENKINS=1, so trunk is good now14:24
ralsinabriancurtin: or an artifact RSS, which would be very easy to scrape14:25
ralsinaOTOH, jenkins RSSs are useless because they are behind OAuth14:25
* dobey hopes there are no branches today14:25
mandelbriancurtin, hurray! and sorry, it was probably my fault, maybe by firefox tab was old..14:25
dobeygatox, ralsina: you are working today?14:25
briancurtinmandel: no worries. glad we got it to this point :)14:26
gatoxdobey, yes14:26
gatoxralsina, reverted..... without the height property it's failing when trying to compile the .ui...14:26
ralsinadobey: a few hours14:26
mandelbriancurtin, yes, it is indeed great for the project to get to this point, and I know QA does love you for it :)14:26
gatoxralsina, now it's working14:27
ralsinadobey: I sent you email last night14:27
dobeyyou use xsettings-kde?14:28
mandelbriancurtin, looks like the only red dot we have at the moment in cp, gatox do you know what is that test exactly doing?14:29
mandelgatox, in jenkins for control panel14:29
gatoxmandel, which test?14:29
ralsinadobey: no, the other bug14:29
ralsinadobey: did I sent you the one about xsettings-kde? Really?14:29
dobeyralsina: the bug you e-mailed me about is 100281114:29
mandelgatox, https://jenkins.errormessaging.com/view/Windows/job/ubuntuone-control-panel-windows-test/55/testReport/ubuntuone.controlpanel.gui.qt.tests.test_folders/LocalFoldersPanelAddFolderTestCase/test_add_music_folder_adds_the_folder/14:29
dobeywhich is xsettings-kde sru :)14:30
ralsinadobey: oops, copy/paste error :-/14:30
ralsinadobey: let me find the right onw14:30
ralsinadobey: right, the one I *meant* to send you is about the u1cp SRU14:30
ralsinadobey: specifically the bug I fixed about invalid paths crashing os.walk14:31
gatoxmandel, nop..... i saw that before..... but i think that is not always happening.... sometimes it works...... do you want me to take a look at that and propose a branch?14:31
dobeyralsina: ok, i'll look at that14:31
mandelgatox, if you have time that would be great!14:31
briancurtingatox: if you can take a look that would be awesome. i looked at it last week and i dont know what i was missing but i was confused at how it was happening, especially that it only happens on windows14:32
mandelgatox, is the very last broken tests in jenkins (until I add the mac slave)14:32
gatoxmandel, yes..... i can do that while a lot of tests are being run in the mac to ensure that macfsevents is trusty :P14:32
=== mbarnett` is now known as mbarnett
ralsinadobey: bug  #95944714:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 959447 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu Quantal) "Computer to cloud wizard page: if os.walk fails, 'Calculating' header never goes away" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95944714:32
gatoxmandel, briancurtin ok..... i'll take that bug14:32
mandelgatox, I think there is not bug added for this issues, do you know briancurtin ?14:33
mandelyou will need to create one14:33
briancurtini dont think there is one. i know i didnt create one yet14:33
mandelditto, so gatox you need to create one so that we keep track of this14:34
gatoxmandel, ack14:34
mmccHi folks - happy friday14:44
briancurtindefinitely happy friday. what's up mmcc14:45
mmccI am pumping up an exercise ball as I sit here, and it is blowing my dogs' minds14:46
gatoxmmcc, hi14:46
mmccso I have two mp's that could use a review. mandel, you mentioned yesterday that you wanted to look at this sso client network detection bug from wednesday night: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-1003692/+merge/10715914:47
mmccdid you get a chance to look at it?14:47
mandelmmcc, yes, but I forgot to give the +1, doing now14:47
mmcccool, thanks mandel14:47
gatoxmmcc, let me know if you need reviews..... it's my review day14:47
mmccok gatox: here you go: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-networkstate-darwin/+merge/10592614:48
gatoxmmcc, ok! on it14:48
dobeygatox: <height>16777215</height> <- can i please say "wtf" :)14:48
mmccbiggest signed 24-bit integer?14:48
gatoxdobey, qt designer default maximum size14:48
gatoxmmcc, ahhhhh but you will need alecu for that review14:49
gatoxnot me14:49
gatoxmmcc, he already claim it14:49
mmccgatox, he asked to review it but that was >1 week ago...14:49
gatoxmmcc, ok.... i'll review it.... but you won't be able to merge it until he abstain14:50
gatoxmmcc, because he appear as a reviewer14:50
mmccah. ok. well, up to you if you want to look at it or not then14:50
gatoxmmcc, i'll take a look, no problme14:51
mmccgatox, it says I can reassign the review request to you...14:51
gatoxmmcc, try14:51
mmccgatox, done. go forth and review!14:52
gatoxmandel, ralsina if you guys review my branch..... and didn't found anything wrong..... you forgot to put your +1 :P14:52
ralsinagatox: putting it now14:52
gatoxralsina, thx14:52
gatoxmmcc, great! reviewing!14:52
mandelgatox, I asked about the number and you decided to break things :)14:53
mmccso last night I found yet another setuptools extension packager that almost sort of works, cx_freeze14:53
ralsinammcc: I played with it a long time ago14:55
ralsinammcc: and yes "almost works" is what I remember ;-)14:55
mmccpy2app needs work to find PyQt resources, pyinstaller doesn't work with unzipped eggs, and cx_freeze breaks pkg_resources14:55
mmccI believe pyinstaller also breaks pkg_resources14:56
mmcctoday's plan is to see if I can work around py2app's Qt problems (they seemed minor) to get it to the point where it breaks pkg_resources too, and then I get the triple crown of almost breakage14:56
mmccer, almost workage14:56
ralsinammcc: I approve of cx_freeze docs linking to my blog about Qt resources, though14:57
mmccralsina: I noticed that!14:57
gatoxmmcc, are you tryiing to figure it out hoow to create the u1 dmg?14:57
mmccnice article14:57
ralsinammcc: thanks14:57
mmccgatox: .app first, then dmg...14:57
ralsinagatox: you did try stuff for ninja, right? Maybe you and mmcc should talk about this14:58
gatoxralsina, actually i didn't do it..... but i can ask our french mac packager about that14:58
gatoxmmcc, ^14:58
mmccgatox, cool, thanks! is ninja pyqt?14:59
gatoxmmcc, yes....14:59
gatoxmmcc, and this guy have packaged other programs using pyqt, watchdog, and several libs, so he know some of the problems14:59
gatoxand which things to use14:59
mmccgatox: I'm downloading it now! hopefully my emacs won't get jealous14:59
gatoxmmcc, disclaimer: the beta is not the best in mac :P15:00
mmccgatox, that's ok - I'm just going to examine its package contents15:01
ralsinanot me15:01
* briancurtin is typing right now15:01
thisfredis that everyone? holiday in AR right?15:02
thisfredDONE: bug #1003610 bug #1004486 TODO: Bug #1004540 BLOCKED: no NEXT: dobeyh15:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1003610 in U1DB "get_doc() and get_docs() should not return deleted documents by default" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100361015:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1004486 in U1DB "db.get_all_docs() that returns all non deleted documents" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100448615:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1004540 in U1DB "put docs with revno None (as create doc) and a previously deleted document should work, not require you to know the revno of the deleted version" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100454015:02
dobeyλ DONE: worked on logo issue in installer15:02
dobeyλ TODO: expenses, reviews, set up milestones, triage15:02
dobeyλ BLCK: none.15:02
mmccDONE: packaging tools fun15:02
mmccTODO: more packaging tools fun15:02
mmccBLCK: NO15:02
mmccNEXT: gatox15:02
gatoxFixed Bug #999885, Start reviewing mmcc branch, working in a u1-control-panel issue, run a lot of stress tests for macfsevents.15:02
gatoxFinish with the review and u1-cp issue. Keep testing macfsevents.15:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 999885 in Ubuntu Single Sign On Client "Password assistance QLabel is too small for its text in the reset password dialog " [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99988515:02
gatoxnext: not ralsina15:03
dobeynext is briancurtin15:03
briancurtinDONE: get installers building and available through jenkins15:03
briancurtinTODO: see if i can swing that jenkins stuff into some type of nightly dev-channel for the updater, if not, get the C2C window working15:03
briancurtinBLOCKED: none15:03
ralsinaAnyone saw PEP 405? It's cool :-)15:05
ralsinaAnd EOM15:05
mandelI was ignored!15:11
ralsinaNEXT: mandel15:11
* ralsina unignores mandel15:11
mandelDONE: Proposed tools branch, some reviews more on fsevents daemon.15:11
mandelTODO: some ff project, 1-1 ralsina.15:11
mandelBLOCKED: no15:11
ralsinamandel: I don't see your "me" BTW15:11
ralsinamandel: 1-1 on monday because I am in a bar15:12
mandelralsina, sure, no problem :)15:12
mmccralsina: still no home internet? :(15:12
dobeybars are the best place for 1-1s15:12
ralsinammcc: I am in uruguay for the day15:12
ralsinain fact, I am taking the ferry back in about 1 hour15:13
mmccralsina: ah, ok.15:13
* ralsina is worldly15:13
* mmcc is looking at google maps15:14
ralsinammcc: I am like 100km from my home15:14
mmccralsina: 100km from my house in every direction: just more Texas15:15
ralsinammcc: here's for reference. Good thing I did not drive here: http://goo.gl/maps/Du7H15:16
mmccyeah, that's some trip!15:17
ralsinammcc: happens when there's a 80km wide river in the middle15:18
dobeyalright, need to get lunch. bbiab15:27
mmcceqq question: If the use of pkg_resources is broken in an egg, there's no reason to expect that zipping the egg will change that, right?15:27
mmccor is there more to zipping eggs than just ... zipping them?15:27
* gatox lunch15:28
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
ralsinammcc: usually our problem has been that zipped eggs fail and unzipped eggs work15:29
ralsinaand AFAIK yes, a zipped egg is just a zipped egg15:29
mmccralsina: hm. so pyinstaller "works" with zipped eggs by just copying the whole egg. but it won't work with unzipped eggs. They have two test cases, and the one with an unzipped egg fails.15:30
ralsinammcc: sigh15:31
mmccwhat I was wondering is why it can't just duh, copy the unzipped egg dir over too...15:31
ralsinammcc: well, it's worth trying. Keep in mind that unzipped eggs may have some structure that is accounted for in the pth file15:31
ralsinammcc: so sometimes maybe you have to copy a subfolder or something15:32
mmccralsina: noted.15:32
mmccmore details you didn't ask for: cx_freeze is happy to work with eggs, apparently treats them as if they're just directories of code, but you end up with code that expects to find data files using pkg_resources, and sys.exe_prefix is broken (it gets set to '/'), and pkg_resources wants python's makefile, which isn't anywhere useful...15:35
mmccI'm a little surprised that this is so broken - why does it work with py2exe on windows but the similar mechanism for macs has these fundamental problems?15:36
ralsinammcc: my guess is there's a ton more real life experience on windows15:36
* mmcc goes to look at what py2exe does with pkg_resources15:36
mmccralsina: yep, 10x more eyes on the bugs :{15:37
mmcchere's hoping the solutions are portable15:37
ralsinammcc: note that we still had to do a ton of special casing and file-collecting and module-listing and whatever-screwing to get py2exe to cooperate15:37
ralsinammcc: and today I suspect none of us understand all of it, specially the older stuff mandel did15:38
mmccralsina: yes, I've had the windows setup.py up as a reference. I definitely expect some large amount of fiddling15:38
mmccralsina: one thing I'd like to do if I ever understand all of this is write a real intro/tutorial for whatever packager ends up winning. They all have side-project quality documentation15:39
ralsinawhile I remember that, we have a huge workaround there for lazr.restfulclient, which I don't think we are even using anymore15:39
ralsinammcc: would be awesome15:39
ralsinammcc: python pckaging is in the secret lore of the guilds stage, doc wise15:40
mandelralsina, mmcc, so lazr restful api was remove it, so that code can be cleaned up15:40
ralsinamandel: I fear I may have injected something there that was not for lazr, as well :-)15:40
mmccdo any launchpad projects use readthedocs.org? it's pretty nice...15:41
mandelralsina, mmcc, some of the work arounds are do to the way COM loads the libs which py2exe does not like and therefore we force it to be added15:41
mandelralsina, mmcc I could do some clean up of the current setup.py to make it nicer, is not that hard, really15:41
ralsinamandel: you have lots of other, more important stuff, than fixing something that still works15:41
mmccmandel, I've seen the COM stuff - we also have lazr.uri and lazr.authentication in there too15:41
mandelmmcc, does two, lazr things are dead because we now use the qt network stuff :)15:42
mandelralsina, ok, anyway, if my help is needed I'm more than happy to jump in :)15:42
ralsinathere is no lazr let in our codebase AFAICS15:43
mmccmandel: ok, so we don't need to package any lazr stuff? great, that's one of the things that dies using pkg_resources15:43
ralsinammcc: kill it. With fire, please :-)15:43
mmcclazr fire?15:43
* mmcc groans for you15:43
mandelmmcc, kill it using lasers!15:44
ralsinait's called lazr because it hurts the eyes15:44
ralsinammcc: pyinstaller and starting from scratch is looking more tempting all the time15:44
mmccralsina: sorry, can't parse that...15:45
mandelralsina, careful.. pyinstaller is not that easy15:45
ralsinammcc: our py2exe script is full of weird stuff that's probably not even needed anymore15:46
ralsinammcc: so maybe using pyinstaller, which is supposed to work portably on mac/windows and doing it anew is a good idea15:46
mmccralsina: oh, you mean not starting with our py2exe script.15:46
ralsinammcc: OTOH, I recall the pain it was to get py2exe working and feel a sentimental attachment to it15:46
ralsinaand I suspect pyinstaller's site is full of lies15:47
briancurtinanything dealing with packaging and distribution is lies and headaches15:47
ralsinabriancurtin: right, which is why I am so happy about not tweaking it anymore on windows15:47
mmccralsina: yeah, I'm alternating between all of these options. pyinstaller needs some work, and has an unfamiliar API... I'm tempted to call it a weird design but it's probably just unfamiliar15:48
briancurtinreminds me of Saturday Night Live. "Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball"15:48
mmccralsina: pyinstaller's site is verifiably full of lies, or at least one lie: site says "works with eggs!" code says "only zipped eggs!"15:48
ralsinammcc: which again makes things twice as hard since py2exe works only with UNzipped eggs, and our buildout is now broken for 1 platform15:49
mmccso briancurtin, can you tell me what happens with the eggs that use pkg_resources on windows? this seems like the most fundamental problem here. py2apps docs describe this as being "incompatible with packaging (!)"15:49
briancurtinmmcc: i wish i could tell you, but i have no idea what any of that is about. i know more about speaking spanish than i do about packaging/setuptools/eggs15:50
mmccbriancurtin: yo tambien!15:51
mmccI have no idea if I even spelled that right15:51
briancurtini just typed it in google translate, and you did15:51
mandeloh.. padagans that want to learn how to swear, how great!!! ahora, dejaros crecer una coleta, cuando sea larga empezamos con la letra P15:52
mmccoh, while I'm venting: cx_freeze's trunk branch has mac support code with several python syntax errors and a couple functions' worth of code that obviously doesn't work. quick fixes, but it gives me *so* much confidence in the rest15:54
mmccit didn't even build15:55
mandelralsina, mmcc, in my opinion 'mas vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer...' if we know how to work around py2exe I would not feel very adventurous, specially because packaging is a PITA16:00
mmccmandel, gtranslate does poorly with that :) but I got it, and I agree16:02
mandelmmcc, but I'm ok with what ever you choose :)16:04
ralsinahave to catch a boat, see you guys on monday, except the USians who I see on tuesday16:14
mandelok, have a good weekend!16:14
briancurtinenjoy the boat16:15
mmccbye ralsina, have a good weekend16:16
mmcclazr.restfulclient in current sso client: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu-sso-client/trunk/view/head:/ubuntu_sso/account.py#L4116:17
mandelmmcc, dammed! I though it was out :(16:18
mmccmandel: it doesn't seem to be used, though16:19
mmccmaybe someone should review this: https://code.launchpad.net/~ballogy/ubuntu-sso-client/drop-lazr/+merge/10715316:19
mandelmmcc, and doing it for arch, got to love open source!16:24
dobeyi was going to review that16:28
dobeybut i think alecu/nessita need to16:28
mandeldobey, I added alecu and me cause we worked on the proxy stuff16:28
mandeldobey, bur maybe alecu and nessita are a better combination16:29
dobeyit doesn't have anything to do with proxy stuff does it? i think it was part of the timestamp correction fixing?16:30
dobeyand iirc, that was all alecu16:30
mandeldobey, yes, alecu is the one that did it AFAIK16:30
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mandelok, eod for me, I'll do that review over the weekend16:43
mmccmandel, wait 1 sec before you go...16:43
mandelmmcc, shoot!16:43
mmccwait for it.. https://www.dropbox.com/s/oq2xll3fgp1hn3h/120525-first-pkgd-window-sso.png16:45
mmccthe only other quickie photo sharing site I could think of wanted me to tweet that16:46
mmccso I used dropbox :\16:46
mmccthat's a .app from cx_freeze, after I removed lazr.16:47
mmccanyway, time for a stretch break. have a great weekend mandel16:48
mandelmmcc, awesome!!! so we are getting to have a .app working, great news!16:48
mandeland I'm off to enjoy the weekend, all, laters!16:49
* mmcc lunch17:02
gatoxmmcc, when you are back...... just a quick question, is this: "import time; time.sleep(60)" in '17:10
gatox391--- ubuntu_sso/networkstate/tests/run_nwmgr_st really necessary?? (just want to know why it is there)17:10
Boardinarydoes the ubuntu one android app automatically sync files I've downloaded?17:33
dobeyqengho: ^^ can you answer Boardinary ?17:50
qenghoBoardinary: hi. Good question. It's changed recently or changing soon.  It did (optionally) upload all images that the Gallery app would show. A new change will try to ensure that files are located only in some of the few dozen places that camera apps save photos.17:55
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mmccgatox, that sleep is there to give you a minute to turn off your network and watch the status change before the script exits. It was just a dumb way to have the script not run forever but not have to handle canceling it nicely18:19
mmccnow that I think about it I could just wait on the main thread for keyboard input before exiting, that'd be simple too :)18:20
gatoxmmcc, you have my +1 already18:20
mmccgreat, thanks!18:21
mmcchmm, so why is the mp still marked as 'needs review'? Do we need to flip that manually?18:21
dobeysomeone has to do it18:27
dobeyit doesn't happen automatically18:27
mmccah, thanks dobey. I just set it to approved, then.18:29
urbanapemmcc: on the web & mobile team, typically the last reviewer sets the MP to approved (we usually just gather one review). In any case, anyone can mark the MP approved. By convention, we at least wait for pending reviews to be marked approved.19:32
mmccthx urbanape. looks like the convention here is to get two reviewers, otherwise same.19:36
urbanapeyup. we're rebels19:38
gatoxeod here....... have a nice weekend everyone!20:05
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joshuahooverdobey: do you know if it's bad if, as a workaround for the valicert issue on windows, i give users a cert file from my windows vm?20:40
dobeyyeah that's bad20:41
dobeytell them to make sure they have all the root certificate updates from MS, installed20:41
joshuahooverdobey: k, that should come via windows update?20:42
dobeyjoshuahoover: yep20:42
joshuahooverdobey: cool, thanks!20:42
dobeyjoshuahoover: are we seeing that issue with a lot of users on windows?20:42
joshuahooverdobey: not a lot, but maybe 5 this week20:42
dobeyalright, need to run. have a good (long) weekend all!21:03
briancurtinyou too dobey21:03
thisfredhave a nice weekend all!21:24
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mmccheading out - have a great weekend everyone, see you Tuesday.22:38
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