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mpageHave been trying to compile non-daw on ubuntustudio 12.04, but it fails17:14
holsteinmpage: i would try refering to the non-daw documentation17:14
holsteinalso could be some ubuntu specific pacakge that is causing an issue17:14
mpagethe non-daw people seem to think there is something strange in the way ubuntu links libraries17:14
holsteinmpage: everyone does, and thats not "un-true"17:15
holsteinmpage: its part of why everything "just works" though17:15
holsteini would just use a PPA, like the kxstudio ones17:16
holsteintry just grabbing a *.deb17:16
mpagethankyou, I had searched but I hadn't found anything non-daw is rather ambiguous as a name.17:20
DJGDIAfter 3 years of working with linux, I finally learn how to use IRC.18:25
DJGDIHas anyone else had a problem in UbuntuStudio 11 running in a virtual machine where the mouse wouldn't operate properly (move) after an instillation?18:27
holsteinDJGDI: 11.04? 11.10?18:28
holsteinusing ubuntustudio in a virtual host?18:28
holsteinvmware? virtualbox?18:28
holsteinubuntustudio is the host or the guest?18:28
DJGDIIf I could install it on my old box, I would.18:28
DJGDIIt's the guest.18:28
holsteini wouldnt expect much from ubuntustudio as the guest18:28
holsteinmost of the reasons why you would use it wont really translate all that well virtualized18:29
DJGDII have an old box that has just enough power to run it all right, but it won't install correctly.18:29
holsteinbut, in my tests, the curosor works fine18:29
holsteini would install the guest additions18:29
DJGDIYeah, live works all right18:29
DJGDII can't install on a live dvd image.18:29
DJGDII'd have to have a flash drive set up for persistance.18:30
DJGDII tried.18:30
holsteinDJGDI: i assume you mean the 12.04 live?18:30
holsteinthere is not 11.10 live ubuntustudio18:30
DJGDIeither one live18:30
holsteinDJGDI: nope18:30
holsteinDJGDI: there is no 11.10 live, so maybe you are refering to main ubuntu?18:30
holsteineither way, i dont make persistent USB sticks18:30
holsteini just install to the USB media like a hard drive or whatever,and end up with a full normal installation running on the USB18:31
holsteinif 12.04 runs great live, then you can expect the same installed18:31
holsteinthe kernel support will be different18:31
DJGDIWell, the name of the image is 'ubuntustudio-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso'18:31
holsteinDJGDI: yup.. thats not live18:31
holsteinDJGDI: regardless, if you would like to fix said cursor issues, i would install the guest additions package18:32
DJGDIWell, I've had similar issues with regular Ubuntu (multiple recent versions) on my other machines.18:32
holsteinDJGDI: ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu18:32
DJGDIUntil I [ctrl]+[alt]+[F4] and update, the mouse is broken.18:32
holsteinthe same repos.. the same hardware support.. the same access to the same kernels18:33
holsteinDJGDI: so, the mouse works now?18:33
DJGDII'm running it live right now while it virtually upgrades.18:33
holsteinDJGDI: i would install the virtualbox guest additions package inside the guest OS's18:33
DJGDISo, it should be 12 after this18:33
holsteinDJGDI: running what live?18:33
DJGDII can't reach it without a mouse. :(18:33
holsteinDJGDI: there is not 11.10 live...18:33
holsteinDJGDI: reach what?18:33
DJGDII'm running UbuntuStudio 12 live right now.18:34
holsteinyou can install the geust additions from the host18:34
holsteinyou mount it, and then you can do it from a terminal inside the guest without a mouse18:34
DJGDII can't reach the window to install the guest additions.18:34
holsteinDJGDI: so, the host has no mouse?18:34
holsteinDJGDI: im not following18:34
holsteinDJGDI: maybe you should try and take screenshots?18:34
holsteinthis is also not at all ubuntustudio related if you'd prefer to seek help in #ubuntu18:35
DJGDIThe problem was that I could not move the cursur.18:35
holsteinDJGDI: correct.. but where?18:35
holsteinin 12.04 running live?18:35
holsteinis that in virtualbox as a guest?18:35
DJGDIOnly a problem in the guest UbuntuStudio18:35
holsteinis that on metal?18:35
holsteinwhats 11.10?18:35
holsteinim not following18:35
holsteinDJGDI: regardless, if its a guest in vbox.. guest additions should fix it18:36
DJGDIWell, the update is done. I'll check #ubuntu if it still gives me issues.18:36
holsteinand i installed once without the mouse18:36
DJGDIHave a good day. :)18:36
holsteinsure. .good luck!18:36

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