
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
xwalkCould anyone tell me what is wrong with this crontab I made? My cron daemon is running and I have still yet to see the command that I specify in the file execute. http://ideone.com/4m6NJ00:41
=== Myrtti is now known as Guest71494
Guest45739can you help me¿?00:46
Guest45739can you read me?00:48
holstein!ask | Guest4573900:50
ubottuGuest45739: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:50
Guest45739i try to explore a XFS file format HD00:52
Guest45739with xubuntu livecd00:52
Guest45739i get an error: Error mounting: mount: Structure needs cleaning00:52
holsteinGuest45739: i would test the drive00:53
holsteinGuest45739: i would try another live CD.. live a system rescue one00:54
holsteinGuest45739: thats what my suggestion to you would be, thats what i would do if i saw that message00:55
holsteini assume you are mounting it from a live CD as a rescue attempt? the drive could be bad00:56
Guest45739is a usb drive00:56
holsteinGuest45739: but, yes... "i" refers to me, as to what i would do assuming i were looking at that message00:56
holsteinGuest45739: if you have windows on that machine, and you are booting linux to try and rescue a USB stick, look into something running photorec00:57
holsteinits part of testdisk http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk00:57
holsteinits in the repos for ubuntu... i use it with a live CD from http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/00:58
Guest45739i tried torepair with testdisk00:58
Guest45739but failed00:58
holsteinGuest45739: photorec from the testdisk suite will get the data from the stick.. assuming it can be recovered00:59
holsteinGuest45739: otherwise, linux is not magic... i wouldnt expect to pop in a live CD and just boot that USB stick if its failing00:59
holsteini would run photorec on it and let it run as long as you can...00:59
=== therealnanotube is now known as nanotube
Guest45739what photorec can do?01:00
holsteinGuest45739: for me, i use photorec on *any* hard drive that wont mount and has data that i would like to recover01:00
holsteinGuest45739: photorec can do anything from recover the data to nothing at all01:01
holsteini let it work on an SD card i had overnite and it recovered everything01:01
Guest45739i use the hd to record from samsung smart tv01:02
Guest45739this tv use xfs file system01:02
holsteinGuest45739: doesnt matter what you use it for.. if its trashed, photorec is your best bet, other than taking it to a professional01:03
holsteinthey will likely use photorec though01:03
holsteinGuest45739: doesnt matter what file system either... it'll either get the data, or not01:03
Guest45739when i play a record the disk fail01:04
Guest45739and the tv can not recognize it01:04
holsteinGuest45739: correct01:05
holsteinGuest45739: that is what i would expect to see from a failing disk01:05
holsteinGuest45739: is that what you are suspecting?01:05
holsteinGuest45739: seems like the disk is dea, and its a proprietary format that may not allow you to do much with it as far as recovery01:06
holsteinGuest45739: im asking you if you suspect the drive is failing?01:06
holsteinGuest45739: OK01:06
Guest45739i don't01:06
holsteinGuest45739: then just pop it in the computer and mount it01:06
Guest45739in windows with a program i can view the files01:07
Guest45739and directorys01:07
holsteingrab them01:07
holsteingota go! good luck01:07
holsteinGuest45739: i think it would do you well to accept that the drive could be failing.. or that it needs to be formated at least01:08
holsteinjust my opinion.. i usually just test and confirm that the drive is good :)01:08
Guest45739i don't want to format it01:08
Guest45739and i can't play the drm files01:09
chelzdd the partition and run fsck?01:09
Guest45739only i need is to repair the file system and try that the tv recognize the hd01:09
chelza tv uses xfs?01:10
Guest45739i don't undertand your first question01:10
chelzGuest45739: how do you know it uses xfs?01:11
chelzGuest45739: do you want the drive to work or to get data off of it?01:11
Guest45739to work01:11
Guest45739with the data01:11
Guest45739i don't want to format it01:12
Guest45739do you know xfstest command for linux console?01:12
holsteinmove the data off with DD... reformat... put it back01:13
chelzGuest45739: open a terminal and type "man dd"01:13
Guest45739Error mounting: mount: Structure needs cleaning01:16
Guest45739i prefer no use the terminal01:19
Guest45739because i don'y know what i'm doing01:20
xubuntu939hi there01:25
xubuntu939need help please?01:26
xubuntu939regarding partitioning?01:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:26
xubuntu939how to do partitioning?01:26
Guest45739with gparted?01:27
Unit193Generally gparted is the best tool, but that still doesn't say what you need to do, so harder to answer. :P01:27
xubuntu939well im doing a dual boot for Windows 7 and Xubuntu01:28
xubuntu939i already installed WIndows and left a 100GB disk space for the installation of xubuntu01:28
Unit193The installer should generally give you an option.01:32
Guest45739Unit193,  did you read me before?01:33
xubuntu939i can see here /dev/sda1 ntfs01:33
Unit193Trying to mount? ntfs-3g for NTFS.01:34
xubuntu939no no01:34
xubuntu939i have a free space here01:34
xubuntu939but i dont know how to partition say like / or swap or /home etc01:34
Unit193It should do it for you just fine.01:35
xubuntu939how can i use gparted if i havent installed xubuntu yet?01:36
Unit193< Unit193> The installer should generally give you an option.     The installer should let you "use largest unused space"01:36
xubuntu939so if i let the installer do it for me.. it wont touch any ntfs drives?01:37
=== crond is now known as Guest81850
Unit193Unless you check the wrong one, otherwise it'll be fine.  It's always recommended you to backup the NTFS one.01:40
=== crond_ is now known as crond
mekazuis it possible to get unity running on xubuntu? I find xubuntu doesn't have any great ways of swapping between windows when there are lots05:48
mekazuit's a bit too windows xp and not enough osx entourage05:48
mekazuI'm not sure if unity is the solution, but it would be worth trying I guess05:49
chelzmekazu: a lot of what powers unity is compiz, you might be fine just with a tweaked compiz05:50
chelzpersonally i prefer the 'windows xp' style stuff and all this stuff adding docks and weird exposé stuff is laggy05:51
SandJmekazu - if you want unity, why run Xubuntu?  For me the point of moving from Ubuntu to Xubuntu was to escape from unity.07:46
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
nbjensenHi all. Is there any way I can change thunars standard open behavior for shell scripts without a file extension such as configure?08:45
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=== usa_today[AFK] is now known as usa_today
AndreeeCZhi, I am running 12.04 on aspire one, and when i run on battery, wifi doesn't work. What could be the problem? Thx09:49
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=== Thermi_ is now known as thermi
recon69_laphi, cant seem to get any sound from web radio stations?10:55
recon69_lapnever mind. f'n earphugs where is, turn off main sound :(10:57
Os_MaleusAndreeeCZ: guess, You have to check the driver to the adapter that is built into the machine.13:50
Os_Maleuslspci should give You some hint for that.13:51
Os_Maleuswhat does 'ifconfig' tell to You?13:51
Os_Maleusdo You find there something like "eth0"?13:52
Os_Maleusor "eth1"?13:53
xubuntu898hi there14:04
xubuntu233algum brasileiro aki?14:14
xubuntu233do you speak portuguese?14:16
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:17
xubuntu233ok ok tnks14:17
drcno problem14:18
* drc was wondering why there was a ! br but no ! pt, even though ! br makes reference to #ubuntu-pt?14:43
* GridCube thinks that maybe portuguese people goes to pt before, and brazillian people things there should be a br, instead of pt (being that there are 10.000.000 portuguese and 300.000.000 brazilians...)14:47
drcwow...Brazilians reproduce fast...last time i looked, there were ~190 million :)14:48
GridCubeups :P 19414:51
GridCubestill thats 2000% more14:51
Artemis3and there are more spanish speakers in latin american countries than the whole of spain, so where is our ubuntu-latam? ;)15:00
bazhangArtemis3, check the loco guide for possible channels, groups15:11
bazhang!loco | Artemis315:11
ubottuArtemis3: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/15:11
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ballIn Xubuntu, is there a command I can type to identify the model number of each hard disk?17:13
holsteini would try the disk utility... though it might depend on the hardware17:13
ballholstein: let me see if I can find that17:14
drcIs disk utility included by default?17:15
drcI seem to remember having to add it....17:16
Sysismartctl tells it, not installed by default17:16
GridCubesudo lshw17:16
Hello_mr_manHello! Im having problems installing Xubuntu on an "Acer aspire One" (from USB) Screen freezes and flickers on Xubuntu loading bar, in both install and run-from-usb. Any help would be apprechiated17:18
GridCubeHello_mr_man, check your ISO integrity, against its md5, if its ok, i recommend you to use the alternate ISO17:19
Hello_mr_manhow do i do that? (Im new to linux)17:19
* ball tries smartctl17:19
ballGridCube: That gave useful info too, thanks for that.17:19
GridCubeball, use sudo lshw17:19
SysiGridCube: but that gives *tons* of unuseful info about rest of hardware:P17:20
GridCube!md5 | Hello_mr_man17:20
ubottuHello_mr_man: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:20
GridCubeSysi, :P welp yeah17:21
Sysiif you downloaded via torrent, that's not really needed17:21
Hello_mr_manbtw: i downloaded via torrent, and made USB with Universal-USB-Installer-,17:22
GridCubeif you torrented then you have the correct file17:22
GridCubemmm Hello_mr_man you can try using unetbootin17:23
GridCubeit never failed me17:23
Sysiformat the stick first (fat32)17:23
Hello_mr_many i formated the stick using windows xp built-in17:24
GridCubeSysi, sudo lshw -class storage17:24
Hello_mr_manis unetbootin an alternative to Universal-USB-Installer?17:24
GridCubeHello_mr_man, never used that one, i always make my boot usb with unetbootin17:25
ballGridCube: That got it.  Thanks17:25
SysiHello_mr_man: I'd say other way round17:25
ballInteresting to see how much more information you get when you run that sudo root17:25
Hello_mr_manThx guys! Ill try that, and get back to you17:25
Hello_mr_manbtw: What differs between atandard and alternate xubuntu version?17:30
Sysialternate is text-based installation (not really harder but different)17:31
Hello_mr_manok ty17:31
ballDoesn't alternate also include ltsp?17:31
ballI need to try that at some point.17:31
Hello_mr_mando i have to do something with the "space used to preserve files across reboots"option during ISO-shizzle?17:32
Hello_mr_man(in UNetbootin)17:33
gordonjcpHello_mr_man: no17:35
gordonjcpnot if you don't want to17:35
Hello_mr_manok ty17:36
gordonjcpalso, recent .iso images can just be dd'ed to a USB stick17:36
gordonjcpyou don't need to muck about with unetbootin and put up with its crappy broken bootloader17:36
Hello_mr_manand is it okay to format USB using winXP?17:37
Sysishould be17:37
Sysigordonjcp: I prefer that too, but for newcomer it's not really nice if you don't have linux yet and you need to fiddle with stick afterwards anyway17:38
Hello_mr_manon something else: Im installing this on a friends computer, and he has no clue about anything PC-related. Will he survive with xubuntu?17:41
drcgordonjcp: On the other hand, I like to take my boot-USB's and make a partition for the ISO, and another that contains all the config files and such I need for a new install.17:42
drcEverything but Big Data on one stick.17:42
cypher-neoHello_mr_man, If he has no clue, he won't know the difference. ;)17:43
Sysinot (much) worse than with any other OS17:44
drcunless he suddenly wants to play skyrim :(17:44
Sysior watch silverlight videos17:45
Hello_mr_manIs the ubuntu distr supporting flash?17:45
Sysiadobe flash is available17:45
Hello_mr_mandammit, i got the same flickering during installation load with unetbootin17:47
Hello_mr_mandoes it use vga in installation?17:47
Hello_mr_mani think the internal gpu may be damaged17:48
GridCubeuse the alternate iso17:49
Hello_mr_mandoes it have same functionality after installation?17:55
Hello_mr_manshould i make the xubuntu Alternate USB using UNetbootin? (im noob)18:10
Hello_mr_manIs it possible to run antivirus from linuxbootable usb, that detects windows viruses on hd?18:21
Unit193That's the idea behind trinityTRK.18:22
Hello_mr_manill check it out18:22
Hello_mr_manty, that one seemed great18:24
Hello_mr_mancan i use unetbooting to make bootable trinityTRK usb?18:28
Hello_mr_mannp, there was a noobfriendly exefile there :P18:30
Hello_mr_manQuestion (While im waiting for installation): What can xubuntu not do, that ubuntu can?18:38
holsteinHello_mr_man: xubuntu *is* ubuntu18:40
holsteinmain ubuntu doesnt come with XFCE.. thats what xubuntu has...18:40
Hello_mr_manso the interface is the only difference?18:40
Unit193Interface, defauolt programs and settings, nothing else really.18:40
holsteinHello_mr_man: the default configuration... correct.. not just the interface..18:40
Hello_mr_manok ty guys!18:41
Hello_mr_mando you have some noobfriendly programs to recommend?18:42
holsteinnope... some advice18:42
Hello_mr_manmedia/browsing etc18:42
holsteinkeep it simple.. use the defaults... test things on the live CD, and in the guest account, or in another user account18:42
=== crond_ is now known as crond
=== Hello_mr_man is now known as mr_man
mr_man(im installing xubuntu alternate now) What is LVM?  (in the partition options)18:45
mr_man"use entire disk and set up LVM" - what is LVM?18:46
drcLittle Vert Men ?18:47
mr_manstrange option18:47
Unit193You shouldn't need it if you don't know it. :P18:47
ballLogical Voume Manager, at a guess18:47
ball(disk pooling?)18:47
Unit193!lvm |this too18:48
ubottuthis too: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:48
mr_mandamn i love open source community! Creds to all of you! <3 <3 <318:49
ballI love pie.18:50
mr_manpie also18:50
drcmmmm....bacon pie18:50
ballPecan Pie18:51
Unit193Pumpkin Pie, all the way.  Anywho, LVM is useful if you want to encrypt your drive too.18:52
mr_manok ty, that wont be a problem, i guess this computer will be for strictly youtube/porn-purposes18:53
gordonjcpchicken and mushroom pie18:53
ballPumpkin pie is a close second to Pecan pie in my experience.18:53
* ball doesn't eat chickens18:53
gordonjcpand you generally don't want disk encryption18:53
mr_mani dont think we have these pies in norway18:54
gordonjcpdisks are slow enough as it is18:54
* ball wonders what a cloudberry pie would taste like18:55
* drc wonders how one encrypts a chicken and mushroom pie?18:58
ballI could certainly render a mushroom pie unreadable.18:59
ball...good luck getting it back though.18:59
ballmr_man: Where do you live?19:00
mr_mannorway, bergen19:00
mr_manball: you could perhaps uncompress it after gutteral decryption? (this is my first go at linux-humor)19:01
* ball chuckles19:01
mr_manyay! success!19:01
Sysi/join #xubuntu-offtopic19:02
mr_manduring installation i get this: "installation step failed: 'select and install software'"19:05
mr_manwhat to do?19:05
crondmr_man, you using USB stick install or CD?19:06
crondcause that happens when the USB is written badly.19:07
mr_manits after the "automatic updates" option19:07
crondI've had it occur more than once19:07
mr_mani used unetbootin in windows19:08
crondjust wipe it and try again.  I've had success with http://www.linuxliveusb.com/19:08
crondinstead of unetbootin19:08
mr_manty alot19:08
GridCubemr_man, i think your pendrive is faulty19:08
bluesabre+1 for LiLi19:08
mr_manhow come?19:09
crondmr_man, worst case you CAN boot into the system if it fails on that part if you write grub to the MBR, and then manually edit your sources.list in vi, and then apt-get update and apt-get install xubuntu-desktop19:09
mr_mancan i test this somehow?19:09
crondnot that I've ever had that happen... lol19:09
crondmr_man, USB may be fine, I've had the same issue, re-written the USB, and then had it work.19:09
mr_manill try that first then19:10
mr_mani read somewhere that the windows fat32 format sometimes was faulty, could this be it?19:12
bluesabreA full (not quick) fat32 format with windows might take care of things19:13
bluesabreor if it errors out, it would alert you to faultiness of the USB19:13
mr_manno errors, no quic format - it should be ok?19:14
bluesabreIdeally :)19:14
mr_manwow! All dis gui!!! i dont even!! (LiLi USB creator)19:14
crondmr_man, haha yeah19:15
bluesabreand if you look really hard, you'll see the usb symbol in the background.  Probably took me a year before I noticed it19:15
bluesabre(if you more observant, it probably is more obvious)19:15
mr_manin LiLi: "not on compability list"19:18
mr_manis this ok?19:19
GridCubeno idea19:20
bluesabreShould be fine.  It will use the generic syslinux settings, and you'll boot to the xubuntu desktop instead of the install or desktop menu19:21
mr_mani just went ahead using "regular linux "19:21
bluesabreBut the Install Xubuntu will still be on the desktop19:21
bluesabreThat should be fine19:21
mr_mandoes any hardware usually need drivers install after completed installation?19:25
Sysigraphics cards may do19:26
mr_manin that case, where do i find the correct drivers?19:27
mr_manits an integrated gpu19:27
mr_mananother question: Is there a way to check the usb integrity etc?19:29
mr_manafter making it using LiLi?19:29
crondmr_man, intel integrated?19:29
crondyou won't need drivers for that19:29
mr_mani think its amd19:29
mr_man2 sec19:30
crondamd you'll by default use the open source radeon driver19:30
crondyou can then install catalyst (fglrx) later if you like19:30
mr_manno its intel atom something19:30
crondok then intel gma, no drivers needed19:30
crondthey're 'built in'.19:30
mr_manbut do you know if i can check if my USBstick is faulty somehow?19:31
mr_manor damaged or something19:33
mr_mancan i choose not to use internet during installation, and only use files from iso?19:50
mr_mannew question: If my previous installation failed, could the leftover files interrupt the new installation?19:53
drcmr_man: are you formating the partition(s) each time you (re)install?19:53
drcif yes, then no19:54
mr_manok ty19:54
mr_maninstallation step failed - again19:55
mr_manat the same plave19:55
mr_man"select and install software"19:55
mr_manany ideas?19:55
drcwhat step was that (again)?19:55
mr_man"select and install software" didnt see exactly what setup was doing at the time19:56
mr_manit was just after installing language pack i think19:57
drcCould it have been at the install grub step?  I have seen it fail at that step for me if I'm not careful when I tell it to install the grub (which is earlier in the process)19:57
mr_man"the grub"?19:57
mr_manno it was before the "GRUB" option19:58
mr_manafter "configure the package manager"19:58
drcok...any chance you can use a cd ? :)19:58
mr_manno it doesnt have cd rom, and i havnt got any external to use19:59
mr_manand its an small laptop(netbook?), so i dont think i could easily install using the HD in another pc20:00
mr_manany ideas??20:01
drcOk, if it fails at exactly the same place...and the md5 check passes...and you're not geting any error on installing it to the USB...I admit to being completly baffeled.20:02
mr_manall above is true20:02
mr_mani havent done md5 check, but uset torrent to dl20:02
drcIt's going to turn out to be one of those times that if one was there seeing <everything> it wuld be obvious :)20:03
mr_manyeah probably :P20:03
mr_manshould i try skipping the step?20:03
mr_mangot nothing to lose:P20:03
mr_mando you know what the "select and install" step actually does?20:05
mr_manthe "base system" is installed20:05
mr_manwhat software is it installing?20:05
mr_manno one?20:06
mr_manill try again, and try to see exactly where it goes wrong20:07
mr_manit is after "running tasksel..." on the "please wait" on 85%20:08
mr_mandoes this help?20:08
drcmr_man: This is over my pay grade :(20:09
holsteinmr_man: you dont have to select and install anything there20:09
mr_mancan i just skip it?20:09
holsteinits all available after you install... it will install whatever you select from there20:09
genmahey, im trying to save some data with ntfsundelete, but I need to unmount /dev/sda2, whats the propepr way to do so sudu unmount dindt work20:10
holsteinmr_man: you can do as you please... i skip it20:10
mr_manill try it, thanks!20:10
drcmr_man: was this using the alternate version?20:10
drcohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)20:12
mr_manhave the bafflement been uncalled for?20:13
drcnot really, i have only used it once (quite a while ago)...but some things make sense now.20:13
mr_manhehe ok20:13
mr_manproblem: The computer is going crazy here!20:14
mr_manstarting/stopping something so fast i cant see what its doing20:14
mr_mansomething: "/2478414 blocks" and "daemon"20:15
mr_mantotal crazy20:15
mr_manStarting System (something i cant see)      [ OK ]20:16
mr_manbeen going like that for a couple of minutes20:16
mr_mani think this computer is having some serious problems20:17
Sysigenma: sudo umount20:18
holsteinmr_man: i would test the hardware if you think something is wrong... i would try and see the desktop with one of the live CD's as a test, to see how the hardware is supported20:18
mr_manill do that20:18
mr_mancould it be some kinda kernel/ram virus or something?20:18
holsteinmr_man: not sure what that means.. it could be a bad iso, could be bad hardware, could be bad hardware support20:19
mr_manhehe me neither, ill try the live versions out20:20
holsteinif you are asking if the image you downloaded is infected with a virus, then if you downloaded it from the official channels, then no20:20
holsteinmr_man: one good generel thing to keep in mind is that these images are tested, and do work for lots of folks on as many hardware cases as possible, out of the box20:21
Unit193!ru | rarog7020:23
ubotturarog70: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:23
mr_manis it possible the dl got corrupt, even if DL via torrent?20:25
holstein!md5 | mr_man20:26
ubottumr_man: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:26
holsteinjust verify the iso, then you'll know :)20:27
recon69_lapmr_man: what are your computers specs, the CD can self test, there is an boot option20:27
Sysitorrent does md5(-like) checksum by itself20:27
mr_manill selftest the new iso, ill check hardware specs now20:28
recon69_lapmr_man: it's strange for a install to fail if a live cd works20:28
recon69_lapmr_man: a badly written CD is most likely cause.20:29
mr_manyes, ive tried 3 times using: LinuxLive USB Creator 2.8.12 , unetbootin-windows-575 , and a third i dont remember, without getting any errors20:31
recon69_lapmr_man: can you boot any of the cd's to a live session without installing?20:32
mr_mani only tried that the first time using the desktop version, but that didnt work. But that was using a iso2usb that was supposed to be bad for xubuntu20:32
recon69_lapmr_man first thing is to get a live session going, you can install from that. so do the cd self check, and then boot to a live session. let us know if you get stuck anywhere20:34
mr_manok thanks, do i need the desktop version for that, or can i use the alternate20:35
recon69_lapmr_man: you are booting from a CD to a live session. you need very little20:36
drcrecon69_lap: no cd...it's a usb20:36
recon69_lapmr_man: the alt CD installs without a graphical user interface, avoiding some memory/grapical/net issues. not a solution for most people20:37
recon69_lapmr_man: you alive? you using a CD or a USB?20:40
mr_manhehe sorry, USB20:41
mr_manPC is a netbook20:41
mr_manwhich i cant find specs for online20:41
mr_manacer aspire one ZG520:41
recon69_lapcan you boot menu from the usb?20:41
recon69_lapcan you get the boot menu from the USB20:42
mr_manim creating new USB now using LiLi20:43
recon69_lapmr_man: seem to meet min specs20:47
mr_manwhere did u find specs?20:47
mr_man(its a friends computer)20:47
recon69_lapmr_man: min specs on wikipedia where move than min specs for usb install20:49
recon69_lapmr_man: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acer_Aspire_One , smallest one has 512mb, which is bigger that 256mb http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/20:54
mr_manbut regardding HW support, i only know its a poor intel atom processor, and integrated GPU, but this should be ok?20:55
recon69_lapmr_man: really need proper make/model number to have any hope of checking. it should work, easy way of checking is wilt a live USB.20:57
mr_many ill try that now, when LiLi is finished doing its magic20:58
crondmr_man, it'll work just fine.20:58
holsteinintel is typically well supported out of the box... works great on my asus EEE pc's20:58
mr_manthats actually bad news, since i suspect this pc may have some HWissues20:59
mr_manone thing i didnt understand: does the alternate version not support live from USB?20:59
recon69_lapmr_man: been ages since i used a alt cd, was from the bad old days of having to set up your own video driver.21:00
mr_manthe USB now failed the MD5 checksum verification21:04
mr_mandoes it matter what file it was that failed?21:05
mr_manit says that its "checking CD-ROM integrity" , i am using USB...21:06
mr_mandoes this mean anything?21:06
recon69_lapmr_man: well, not looking great. you can try boot to the live session see if it works.21:07
xubuntu947Hola, hola...21:08
recon69_lapmr_man: Let me check with my USB live, be back in a bit :)21:08
xubuntu947I have a question...21:08
recon69_lapmr_man: also check the MD5 checksum of the ISO you downloaded21:08
xubuntu947I have problems getting sound though the HDMI to the tv.21:09
recon69_lapxubuntu947: can be a challenge :)21:11
mr_manbtw: is the LiLi USB Creator okay to use with xubuntu?21:11
xubuntu947I have research but no solutions found :(21:12
xubuntu947Actually my laptop Toshiba crashed trying to fox the smurf effect in YouTube.21:14
xubuntu947Fix, sorry.21:14
xubuntu947The people appear blue-skin.21:14
xubuntu947Then I had to reinstall Ubuntu but now I have Xubuntu.21:15
recon69_lapxubuntu947: well, I used to have to change the sound hardware device in 10.04, not sure about xubuntu though, have not used HDMI yet21:15
xubuntu947I think it is controlled by the Nvidia card.21:16
xubuntu947My laptop has a 8700 GT.21:16
xubuntu947I am not sure if Nvidia controls it or anocther program but I am having the same issue with Xubuntu and previously with Ubuntu 12.04.21:18
recon69_lapgod usb is slow21:18
recon69_lapxubuntu947: and have you look at sound settings ?21:19
xubuntu947Yes. When I select HDMI as the device for output nothing sounds.21:20
xubuntu947I just can see the image on the tv and that's it.21:20
xubuntu947With windows it works.21:20
xubuntu947I have vista as another OS.21:20
xubuntu947In this same laptop.21:21
xubuntu947It is a Toshiba.21:21
xubuntu947I have also tried with the alsa directory but I cannot get in to it.21:22
xubuntu947The command says it does not exists but I can see it listed.21:22
recon69_lapxubuntu947: have you tried all the option in "configuration" ? like "Digital Stereo output(IEC958)"21:22
recon69_lapmr_man: dont know about LiLi USB creator , have not used windows since the bad days :)21:23
xubuntu947I have tried all though... Even when I know it does not work since the sound and video does through HDMI output.21:24
mr_manOkay! The md5 checksum was ok, and i can run it live from USB. Should i install from the live OS, or from boot?21:27
recon69_lapxubuntu947: can only say "huu?" to that21:27
recon69_lapmr_man: not likely to make a difference which way you start it, the usb appears to have errors. you could try it and hope it completes. I'l looking for a good set of "how to create a ubuntu usb stick from windows"21:30
recon69_lapmr_man: this one seems good http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows21:31
mr_manill check it21:31
nimeimr_man: also: https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer21:33
recon69_lapmr_man: a USB stick should report no errors when "check CD" is run, I just checked21:33
nimei(I've had better experiences using that to copy isos to usb disks)21:33
mr_manthanks alot recon69 and nimei!21:34
mr_manive been stuck with problems now for about 6 hours, and ive gotten a LOT of help here! Ive also learned a lot, so thanks to all of you! Its greatly apprechiated21:36
mr_manthe "check cd for defects" was succesful now, so im close! SO CLOSE21:37
recon69_lapmr_man: no problem, sounds like you on the way now :)21:38
recon69_lapmr_man: but there really should be a make/model stamped/stuck on that netbook :)21:39
mr_manyes all stickers have been ripped off :P21:42
mr_manserialnumber too21:42
mr_manmaybe its stolen?21:42
recon69_lapmr_man: I'm indulging in apple tart,fresh cream with a bit of sugar :)21:46
mr_mangreat! sounds sweet21:46
mr_mani have to go for a kebab, since all stores are now closed21:46
mr_manbtw: home made apple tart?21:48
recon69_laphave not have a good kebab in years21:48
recon69_laplol, home made from the supermarket :)21:48
mr_manhehe, i hear the supermarket is great at making appletart21:49
recon69_lapmr_man: did it install?21:55
mr_manits working on it now, looks very good so far21:57
rahul_hey i am running ubntu 9.04 on atom, samsung netbook,  whats the best thing to do? *upgrade?/xubuntu?/what*21:57
mr_manand while it installs, i won a pokertourney ive been playing the last 3 hours, so things are now  looking great :P21:57
rahul_how do i get xubuntu on 9.04?21:58
recon69_laprahul_: might be a good time to upgrade, 9.04 out of support , 12.04 works well for me with few issues, not a fan of unity thats why I'm here22:00
ballWhat's the binary name for the "Users Settings" utility?22:01
ballThanks, I'll try that.22:01
ballHopefully it'll let me add a user now.22:02
rahul_thanks.. but.. any ideaif i can update the os without pendrives and iso files?22:04
rahul_thanks.. but.. any ideaif i can update the os without pendrives and iso files? <recon69>22:05
Unit193From 9.04? That'd be a ton of upgrades...22:05
knome9.04 is EOL22:06
rahul_oh.. shd i get xubuntu then.. cuz its an atom netbook.. (?)22:06
Unit193Actuallly, if you go from 9.04 > 9.10 > 10.04, you may be able to jump from that to 12, no?22:06
Unit193knome: you're op'd22:06
knomeUnit193, who?22:06
recon69_lapUnit193: well, your choice. I keep a separate partition for user directories and reinstall every LTS22:07
Unit193Weird, I thought I saw someone.... Guess not.22:07
knomeUnit193... 9.04 is EOL, so i don't think upgrades work22:07
Unit193Ah, then nevermind.22:07
Unit193recon69_lap: Last upgrade (11.10 > 12.04) actually was rather good.22:07
recon69_lapUnit193: would not know :) 10.04 -> 12.04, and still a bit in shock :)22:08
drc'buntu upgrades are like windows releases...every other one works :)22:09
rahul_gettin 12.04 rightawaythen.. and moreover i have no data to loose.. :) the internet dongle shd work on it  right?22:10
recon69_laploved Lucid Lynx , hopefully precise pangolin will be as good, but unity was just awful for me22:12
knomeguys... #xubuntu-offtopic22:12
recon69_laprahul_: you will probably need passwords for network and such22:13
uskerinehi, i would like to apply a similar theme to ambience in xubuntu (like in http://linuxmint-art.org/content/show.php/Ambiance+&+Radiance+Themes+for+Xfce+LXDE?content=146674&PHPSESSID=ac42d45dfad2eef8194ae3e90b36755e). I download and install both colors and themes for my version but I get the window decoration still in light grey instead of dark gray, any ideas or other website suggested?22:23
mr_manno no no no no.... :( After a "succesful installation" the OS wont launch... Ill try again!22:25
recon69_lapmr_man: not much point, what happens, wont launch not much help22:26
mr_mani dont get it. Live worked, and innstallation seemed to work22:27
recon69_lapreminds mr_man https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer22:27
recon69_lapthe error or a description of what happened would help though !!!!22:28
mr_manonly a blinking -22:29
recon69_lapmr_man: did you remove the USB?22:29
mr_manwas that amistake?22:30
recon69_lapno, just checking the obvious first.22:30
mr_manhehe ok phew22:30
recon69_lapok, boot back using the usb so we can see what on the netbook hdd22:32
mr_manill try the "recovery menu" first22:35
mr_manwhen loading memorystick i now get the GNU GRUB menu22:37
mr_manhave i managed to install the OS on the USB!?!? haha!22:38
mr_mancant be22:38
mr_man2 sec22:38

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