=== DaKu is now known as daku === primus-pilus is now known as primuspilus [01:06] kennt sich jemand mit persistent casper-rw aus? Das klappt hier auf ext4 nur per partitions labe, aber nicht mit files, die werden nicht gefunden o.ä. [01:06] *label,z.B. per tune2fs -L casper-rw [01:07] http://live.debian.net/manual/html/live-manual.en.html#521 [01:07] Title: Debian Live Manual (at live.debian.net) [01:08] an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, e.g. "