
JoseeAntonioRHello! I'd like to know if lubot1 can join #ubuntu-pe, the Peruvian LoCo team channel, please.00:36
AlanBelllubotu1: join #ubuntu-pe06:45
JoseeAntonioRAlanBell: looks like it doesn't obey you06:46
m4vJoseeAntonioR: there's the Spanish bot of #ubuntu-es available for y'know, Spanish factoids.18:55
JoseeAntonioRm4v: if that's possible, it would be great21:25
m4vJoseeAntonioR: the bot we use in #u-es is kubot, we should remove lubotu1 first.21:43
m4ver, i meant to say, "I can send it over but we should remove lubotu1 first"21:43
* AlanBell has a chat with lubotu1 21:49
m4vAlanBell: thanks21:49

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