=== yofel_ is now known as yofel [09:57] hello there I am trying to make a modifed lens and scope and am having some issues and do not know where else too turn. this is the error that I am getting I keep getting error GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_connection_call_internal: assertion `object_path != NULL && g_varient_is_object_path (object_path)' failed [09:57] I have no clue what that means [09:58] the scope loads then vanishes it says [09:59] this happens when I try to start the deamon for the lens it calls the scope it grabs it and loads it then it vanishes and then I get that error over and over again [10:02] I also get the error Failed to own name net.launchpad.scope.lens-video.youtube when running the scope daemon but right after that it says Scope-Youtube is working [10:02] bobweaver, it means there is a scope with the same name already running. [10:03] bobweaver, when you kill a scope process, Unity automatically restarts it when you open the Dash (or ht especific lens, I'm not sure) [10:03] the* [10:05] davidcalle, Thanks a ton I am trying to rename it is "lens-video" and not "video" because of what you are talking about [10:05] because I have a lens called video already (this is for ubuntu tv ) [10:06] so I am going to change all the dbus paths again and see if that helps [10:06] bobweaver, why don't you make a Youtube scope for the existing video lens? [10:07] bobweaver, (maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like you are trying to make a Youtube dedicated lens and call it video) [10:08] because it has to be different as there is two launchers [10:08] the launchers are called by lens and scopes [10:08] so the one launcher is for your videos and what not and the other one is just for youtube [10:09] bobweaver, then, I would advise you to call it unity-lens-youtube, to avoid confusing the devs. But that's just my opinion. [10:10] that is a great point and I will do that [10:10] here is my code the youtube one has errors in it that I am trying to fix now [10:10] code https://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills these two branches lp:~josephjamesmills/+junk/[unity-lens, youtube scope] [10:12] bobweaver, what errors? [10:13] under /usr/share/unity-scope-youtube/ one of them I forgot to take out fixme header [10:13] they are the same as the ones from here [10:14] https://launchpad.net/~atareao/+archive/lenses [10:14] it is just that I need to change up all the name so that the OG one does not conflict [10:17] bobweaver, from what I'm seeing, you have a lot of other things to change. [10:17] bobweaver, the current code works for Oneiric, not Precise or Quetzal, the libunity api has changed. [10:18] Ubuntu tv is on 11,10 [10:18] bobweaver, ok then :) [10:18] but I am listening to you I respect you and all that you have done [10:18] it has been great work btw [10:20] bobweaver, ty, but it has been greatly exagerated ;) [10:20] :) [10:20] bobweaver, anyway, if you need any help on it, just ask [10:20] thanks ! [10:21] I am re-naming all the bus names and everything now and then I am going to build again try to install [10:21] I will let you know how it goes [12:23] Can dbus path name have - in them example net.launchpad.scope.youtube-scope-video [12:23] I am still getting same error and changed maybe because it has the word "video" in it or because there is - [12:27] bobweaver, try to replace your - by _ [12:28] thanks davidcalle will do [12:28] bobweaver, I'm not sure it's the cause of your specific issue, but I've seen it causing errors with dbus names. [12:29] davidcalle, If you have time and I could talk you into it I could install teamviewer for a bit or somethign like that [12:30] but let e try ^^ first :) [12:31] s|e|me [12:35] bobweaver, not sure I will have the time for it. [12:37] getting closer :) [12:38] ops forgot about services file I think [12:39] You don't need the service file to test [12:40] Thanks ! [12:41] * davidcalle is afk for ten minutes [15:33] er how about this error Unexpected reply 3 when releasing name where.in.the.world.is.kamstrup ? [15:33] all I can find is some google plus page after searching [15:55] hello everyone ..the website status.ubuntu.com is redirected to google page with keyword false [15:56] is the website hacked? [16:06] that is horrible if it is true [16:08] it is one of the website i daily visit [16:09] Roshan, this is whta is causeing it [16:09] http://imagebin.org/213971 [16:10] I think Oo [16:12] http://false/?setCookie=1&contUrl=http%3a%2f%2fstatus.ubuntu.com%2f [16:16] could be ? just a guess http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18371/ [16:17] or http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18865/ [16:27] em in firewall [16:27] i cannot view the exploit-db website [16:27] :(