
not_foundnuvolari, ... hey... sorry for getting mixed up about who is who :p11:47
queerysince when do we have ops?12:10
queeryanyone here from JHB?12:10
queeryIm oraganising a Ubuntu hour for lunch next week saturday12:11
queeryMaaz: announce any JHB people in the channel?12:12
MaazAnnouncement from queery! any JHB people in the channel12:12
queeryMaaz: ty12:12
MaazYou are welcome queery12:12
queeryMaaz: botsnack12:12
MaazYay, at last someone thinks about me as well12:12
queeryoh well I'll organise it anyway12:13
* zeref is in joburg12:35
queeryWhy can't I change the topic!!12:43
queeryinetpro: please add the ubuntu hour to the channel topic12:44
queeryinetpro: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-za/1018/detail/12:44
charlvnhey queery 12:53
charlvnthe thing seems to be in stellenbosch, not johannesburg?12:53
charlvnoh yeah i see now, it's last year, not even this year12:54
charlvnso why does it need to be added to the channel topic12:54
Kerberohe will edit that page i guess12:55
charlvnah ok12:55
Kerberothat seems more correct13:00
charlvnah yes that is much more logical13:02
charlvnthis is actually funny because many years ago i was sitting in that exact same restaurant (mugg & bean at rosebank) and had a milkshake with my dad13:03
charlvnif i remember correctly there was also a freedom toaster somewhere at rosebank but the toaster was kaput and terribly maintained13:03
charlvnone of the cd drive trays was missing, the sidepanels were stripped off, etc13:04
charlvni till reported it to the shuttleworth foundation13:04
nuvolariMaaz: tell nlsthzn no problem :P13:10
Maaznuvolari: Sure, I'll tell nlsthzn on freenode13:10
Mezenirhi guys14:09
superflyhey Mezenir14:48
Mezenirhey superfly 14:49
* superfly is recovering...14:52
zerefbooze binge :whistle:14:54
* zeref runs14:54
Mezenirrecovering ?14:55
mazalEvening all15:34
superflyMezenir: yeah, alimentary canal problems15:43
Mezenirhey mazal15:44
superflyMezenir: spent the night emptying my stomach into the toilet15:44
Mezeniralways fun15:47
inetprosuperfly: I hope you feel better now16:01
inetproto many drupal queries killing disc with mysql logging enabled16:03
* inetpro wonders whether I should rather just enable binary logs16:04
superflyinetpro: marginally better - I've at least been able to drink 1 and a half cups of tea and eat an apple16:04
inetprosuperfly: perhaps you should try whole-grain breakfast cereal like oats?16:07
inetproEating oatmeal, which is bland and nutritious, can help ease your symptoms and improve your condition16:08
zerefinetpro: thats sounds like it's from an add :D16:09
inetprozeref: heh16:09
inetprothat's from http://www.livestrong.com/article/542245-oatmeal-for-an-upset-stomach/16:09
inetprobut I know from personal experience that oats is good for you16:10
inetproeasy on the stomach16:10
inetprozeref, superfly: but I must say that I am by no means qualified to say whether that article is true or not16:15
inetproI just know that you have to get something into the stomach before you will start to feel better16:17
superflyinetpro: yeah, but it's a bit of a delicate balance16:32
inetprosuperfly: true16:33
superflyinetpro: you'll be pleased to know I have a bowl of oats in front of me ;-)16:33
* superfly hasn't had oats in YEARS16:33
inetprocool, I hope it works16:33
* nuvolari facepalms17:46
nuvolariany suggestions besides Base64 for encoding a string?17:46
nuvolariyesterday I was fighting with &, today it's "?"17:47
nuvolariif you have ? somewhere in a string, in a specific location, it yields something with a "/" in it17:48
nuvolariwhich breaks REST-like URL parsing :-/17:48
nuvolariI know this is a linux channel, but you are smart people :P17:49
Tonberrydoes your language not have a url encoder of some sort?17:49
nuvolariTonberry: URL encoding doesn't help in REST-like URL's (if it becomes one of the parameters)17:55
Tonberryi see17:57
Tonberrynot a clue then17:58
superflynuvolari: pastebin your problem?17:59
nuvolarisuperfly: http://pastebin.com/dU0Jq2kD18:01
superflynuvolari: in Python there's a urlsafe_b64encode - does Java not have such a function?18:02
nuvolari*cough* not that I know of (not in the standard libraries)18:03
nuvolarilooks as if apache commons-codec has such a method18:05
nuvolariooh :>18:08
nuvolarithat looks promising18:08
nuvolarithanks superfly 18:11
smile4linuxleaving, bye :)18:26
queerydid I copy the wrong one?19:40
queerysorry charlvn and inetpro19:42
inetproqueery: ?19:42
inetproqueery: what's the queery about?19:43
queerysorry for the wrong link earlier19:43
queerycan you please add the event to the status19:43
charlvnnp queery 19:52
inetprohmm... 20:24
* inetpro shall have to remember that 20:24
inetproahh... 20:25
inetproI didn't even notice that I'm opped20:25
charlvnhighvoltage probably did it20:29
charlvnbut now inetpro, you're the boss20:30
inetprocharlvn: heh20:30
* inetpro busy getting all the facts together20:30
inetproalmost to much to add above20:31
inetproshall I add the following?20:31
inetproUbuntu Hour at The Mall of Rosebank on Sat, 02 June 12:00 SAST http://bit.ly/JD0qCS 20:31
inetproor should I make it shorter?20:31
charlvnUbuntu Hour Rosebank @ 2 June20:32
charlvnwith the link of course20:32
charlvnactually Ubuntu Hour 2 June @ Rosebank is more logical20:32
=== inetpro changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu Hour 2 June @ Rosebank http://bit.ly/JD0qCS | Next IRC meeting Mon, 18 June @ 19:30 || Ubuntu South Africa LoCoTeam || Website: http://ubuntu-za.org/ || Forum: http://za.ubuntuforums.org/ || Join: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za || Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za || Events: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za/events || Pastebin: paste.ubuntu.co
=== inetpro changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu Hour 2 June @ Rosebank http://bit.ly/JD0qCS || Next IRC meeting Mon, 18 June @ 19:30 || Ubuntu South Africa LoCoTeam || Website: http://ubuntu-za.org/ || Forum: http://za.ubuntuforums.org/ || Join: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za || Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za || Events: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za/events || Pastebin: paste.ubuntu.c
inetproany more queries?20:37
inetprothanks drubin20:39

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