
nulldevninux your syntax00:00
nulldevninux incorrect for one cat -- >>00:00
cockatriceShould I choose 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu for the usb drive installation?00:00
golfik467I'ts copied00:00
L3topsninux: you could follow that with an & and it will be backgrounded00:00
xompcould someone nudge me in the right direction for help? My ubuntu server is often the target of DDoS attacks and I've been trying to use tcpdump to determine where the source of the attacks are coming from but it's not going too well for me.00:00
golfik467ISO with no extraction00:01
ninuxnulldev: could you tell me the right command ?00:01
ninuxL3tops: you mean to add "&" to my command and thats it?00:02
nulldevninux what is you want to do, and why does it require the redirection of tty100:02
golfik467Jordan do u need windows cofiguration?00:02
L3topsninux: tee is probably what you are looking for anyway00:03
ninuxi have a small ARM server (hacked seagate dockstar) and just a ethernet and som USB port. i want to add a display and need tty over USB-Serial to a microchip00:03
nulldevninux you cant tail off tty*00:03
L3topsninux: /join #bash00:03
Jordan_Ugolfik467: Are you currently booted into Windows or Ubuntu? If you're booted into Windows then please reboot (or change computers) so that you can work from an Ubuntu system.00:04
nulldevninux so thats wherwe its failing00:04
Jordan_Ugolfik467: And please include my nick in your replies so that my client will highlight them.00:04
golfik467as I said I'm using IRC for first time00:05
golfik467Sry for inconvinience00:05
golfik467both my computer ran on windows00:06
golfik467sry, are running on windows00:06
ninuxL3tops: from man tee "tee - read from std input n write to std output" but i have to copy the tty1 output to usb. so tee wont work or am i wrong?00:07
PlayXhttp://de.twitch.tv/playx83 who wants  play with me? ;-)00:07
golfik467Jordan_U: both are running on windows00:07
cockatriceIf I had a 64-bit version of ubuntu, would it run on a 32-bit processor?00:08
priori99where are the ubuntu wallpapers stored in my machine?00:08
Jordan_Ugolfik467: Please boot your other computer into Ubuntu via the liveUSB then come back here.00:08
golfik467Jordan_U: k00:08
L3topsninux: read your sentence back... " write to std output but i have to copy the tty1 output to usb"  you want to tee the output to USB... again though... you need to join #bash... this is not an ubuntu issue.00:09
golfik467Jordan_U: brb00:09
Jordan_Ugolfik467: We should be able to switch it from booting via Syslinux to booting via grub from within the LiveUSB session itself.00:09
OerHekscockatrice, maybe not.00:09
xompcould someone nudge me in the right direction for help? My ubuntu server is often the target of DDoS attacks and I've been trying to use tcpdump to determine where the source of the attacks are coming from but it's not going too well for me.00:09
nulldevninux what is you need to get from tty1?00:09
priori99not themes, but wallpapers00:09
cockatriceOerHeks: so it's safer to just install the 32-bit version of Ubuntu if I want it to run on all modern computers?00:09
nulldevninux you might be able to get it from a log00:09
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OerHekscockatrice, yes, that would do on every machine.00:10
Jordan_UPlayX: This channel is for Ubuntu support related discussion only, please don't make offtopic comments here (especially ones containing links making them look like spam).00:10
cockatriceOerHeks: Thanks!00:10
IdleOnexomp: might want to see if #ubuntu-hardened   can help you out00:10
xompthanks IdleOne00:10
IdleOnexomp: or #ubuntu-server00:11
nulldevxomp ddod are exactly what they say distributed so hard to pinpoint and block00:12
ninuxnulldev: actually i want to write a log on this road: tty* -> usb to serial -> microchip -> display00:12
ninuxi'll try it at #bash00:12
xompnulldev, I've noticed the majority of attacks are icmp floods which wireshark can sort and I can drop the traffic via iptables00:12
nulldevxomp yeah you can filter by packet but not from source00:13
xompyeah, I had my own server show up as the source and that's why I'm curious to find a way since I don't want to drop packets from my own box hehe00:14
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nulldevxomp ddos comes from to many sources unfortunately unless someone else more network orientated corrects me00:16
xompnulldev, I see, I guess there is no use in trying to mitigate such attacks outside of asking my provider to null the route for 24 hours?00:17
nikamahow i uninstall all vmware files, ubuntu 10.0400:17
nulldevxomp worth speaking with your host they can usually filter some out just not00:18
xompmy server is with Linode, they don't really offer any help at all and instead threaten to blacklist you from their services should any attacks you have impact their network too much.00:18
flametai1Hi everyone, does anybody know if it is possible to watch Netflix on Ubuntu at all?00:19
GeekSquidflametai1: netflix has a plugin for firefox that works00:19
yeatsnikama: seen this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Server#Uninstalling_Source_Installs00:19
flametai1GeekSquid, it is called Moonlight correct?00:20
xompI really enjoy Linode and all and would hate to lose them as a host but if these attacks continue (which they likely will) I'll be ousted and left with over crowded providers to choose from :/00:20
nulldevxomp if your on self managed servers thats the way it is00:20
CerrdorAfter I have my server install all set up then in order to have others use my server I need a DNS server? Or can they just point to my IP?00:20
nikamaThanks yeats!!!00:20
GeekSquidflametai1: yep00:21
flametai1GeekSquid, I installed it but it still just gives me the requirement screen?00:21
xompnulldev, thanks for your help, I'll just ride this all out and hope for the best lol00:22
nulldevcerrdor as long as the zone entries are pesent on your server then all they need to do is point the ns to your ip00:22
nulldevxomp ok , good luck00:23
sirriffsalotHey! I logged in this evening and the right side of my top panel (in gnome classic), with among many other things, system settings, shut down button, et cetera, has disappeared... I was stupid enough to exit the error message without checking... any ideas?00:23
flametai1Has anyone had trouble getting the moonlight plugin to work for netflix on Ubuntu 12.04? I can't watch anything it still gives me the requirements screen =/00:25
foxmulder881any conky freaks here?00:25
GeekSquidflametai1: from what I am reading DRM comes into play which makes it difficult to watch protected media... It is coming, but we have to be patient... Couple of things you can do... Run a virtual machine of windows, or android to allow playback via the native tools there00:25
nulldevlametail I personally use netflix and the fact it flags it works on android, looks to me like the dev need to adjust there check var as it aint looking for inux00:26
flametai1Okay good to know thank you GeekSquid and nulldev00:27
foxmulder881anyone help me with a conky issue?00:27
Cerrdorsirriffsalot: try alt+F200:28
Cerrdornulldev: where would I check for those?00:28
sirriffsalotCerrdor: ok? then what?:P00:29
nulldevcerrdor not sure with ubuntu as Im red hat based00:29
Cerrdorsirriffsalot that should bring back your menus00:29
greenwolfyes same problem here i just installed moonlight and its not working for netflix00:30
sirriffsalotCerrdor:  Brought fourth a "run" window... nothing else:/00:30
nulldevcerrdor do a updatedb && locate named.* or updatedb && locate bind900:32
EliahKagangreenwolf: moonlight doesn't work for Netflix because it doesn't support DRM00:32
Cerrdorsirriffsalot try sudo killall gnome-panel00:32
Cerrdorshould force a restart00:32
sam1967anyone know why alt-tab doesnt work in ubuntu ?00:33
EliahKagangreenwolf: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/1488/is-there-a-way-to-stream-netflix and the links therein for details00:33
EliahKagansam1967: it does work, in general -- what desktop environment and Ubuntu version are you using, and is this a VM?00:33
greenwolfok thanks eliahkagan00:33
greenwolfi will check that out00:34
sam1967its not a vm. im using 12.04 with gnome classic00:34
lccdoes the current release of ubuntu support uefi?00:34
EliahKagangreenwolf: i think at some point maybe silverlight was going to work in Chrome (proprietary Chrome, not foss Chromium); besides that, if you have a copy of Windows, you can make a virtual machine and access Netflix inside that00:34
EliahKaganlcc: yes it's still supported, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting00:35
nulldevIm not an android user so why doesent something that works on android not work on a desktop00:36
greenwolfok so really the only way to view it is thru a vmaware or virtual box?00:36
EliahKagansam1967: i don't know why that's not working, unless you've edited your shortcut key combinations and overloaded Alt+Tab00:36
greenwolfthru windows on that00:36
EliahKagangreenwolf: or other virtualization software (you can run windows on qemu too, for instance)00:37
nulldevis it google proprietary?00:37
sirriffsalotCerrdor: nope, reset back to how it was... still can't see it=(00:37
BronzeEagleSo I installed ubuntu 12.04 server edition on one of my servers on my cluster for testing and mpd keeps throwing "handle_mpd_output 420): from mpd on $HOSTNAME, invalid port info: no_port" any ideas?00:37
EliahKagannulldev: i think Microsoft supports the Android platform00:37
EliahKaganbut Google Chrome might support Netflix00:38
greenwolfEliahKagan: not to familiar with qemu what is it?00:38
EliahKaganso i think that's worth trying00:38
Cerrdorsirriffsalot have you tried logging out then back in?00:38
sirriffsalotCerrdor: hehe, yep...00:38
EliahKaganit's another FOSS virtualization solution00:38
lccEliahKagan: so if I get a laptop with uefi firmware I can boot an ubuntu cd and install it, or is it a more complicated process? I'm reading the docs...00:38
Cerrdorhit alt+F2 and type gnome-panel00:38
EliahKaganlcc: i don't think you should have any problems00:39
escottlcc, there are lots of growing pains. worst case you are going to have to play around with grub-efi and bootloaders. save 1MB of free space on your disk somewhere in case you need to switch to a bios emulated boot00:39
EliahKagangreenwolf: see http://wiki.qemu.org/Main_Page and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qemu00:39
nulldeveliahkagan really m$ supporting google?00:39
Cerrdorbrb need to load up VM00:39
EliahKagannulldev: no, it seems that Netflix supports Android as a special case (not using Silverlight), see https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.netflix.mediaclient00:41
EliahKagani would hope Microsoft would support Android to help Silverlight compete against Flash, but i guess not00:42
EliahKaganaccording to Wikipedia, Silverlight 4 supports Chrome00:42
CerrdorOk back00:42
Cerrdornulldev you still around?00:43
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EliahKaganso you might try that: https://www.google.com/chrome/00:43
alusionHey ubuntu I want to customize my windows and nautilus color themes and whatnot what can I use to tweak such settings?00:43
nulldevcerrdor I am but under influence og ganja and alcohol00:44
EliahKaganGoogle Chrome installation on Ubuntu is simple and should not be hindered significantly by those chemicals ;-)00:45
CerrdorEliahKagan, lol00:46
Studiousyou can download the Google Chrome deb file directly from the website00:46
BronzeEagleSo I installed ubuntu 12.04 server edition on one of my servers on my cluster for testing and mpd keeps throwing "handle_mpd_output 420): from mpd on $HOSTNAME, invalid port info: no_port" any ideas?00:46
Studiousand install it with the command sudo dpkg -i chrome*.deb00:46
EliahKaganor just double click on it and it will open to install with the Software Center (or with gdebi, if you are running an Ubuntu variant without the Software Center)00:47
CerrdorStudious, is there a .conf file somewhere you need to edit?00:47
nulldevstudious if that command ever fails because theres no chrome* in the dir00:48
Studiousopen terminal00:48
Studiousthen change to the directory where your download file is00:48
alusionHey with compiz-effects what should I look out for when tweaking my system to not mess anything up?00:48
nulldevpeople copying and pasting from google you will breaak your box one day00:48
Studiousso what you can type is: cd ~/Download or cd ~/download00:49
EliahKagannulldev: the download link i pasted for Google Chrome isn't a google search result, it's the official dowload page for Chrome00:49
Studiousthen do ls *deb which will list all deb files in the directory00:49
EliahKagansince Chrome is a Google product00:49
HarrisDr_Willis,  what ubuntu comes after 12.0400:49
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EliahKagannulldev: did you download it?00:50
EliahKaganif so, you have to go to wherever you downloaded it00:50
nulldevstudious install it with dpkg -i full path never give noobs wild cards00:50
EliahKagan(or specify that in the path)00:50
Harriswhat version of ubuntu is after 12.0400:50
EliahKaganHarris: 12.04 LTS will be followed by 12.1000:51
nulldevIve seen alot of noobs wipe most there system out using wild cards00:51
EliahKaganthe code name for 12.10 will be Quantal Quetzal00:51
EliahKaganyou can already start testing it but there are not many changes yet, besides the compiler and toolchain00:51
blackmatrix_nyhello folks...the laptop is connected to a power source but battery state is not showing as charging...any known bugs regarding this ?00:51
Harriswhat will be new in ubuntu 12.10 EliahKagan00:51
nulldeveliahkagan I wont let Chrome on my box00:53
EliahKagannulldev: gotcha, i didn't know if you were trying to install or not00:53
EliahKaganHarris: like every new Ubuntu release, Quantal will have new versions of all the software officially packaged for it....besides that, to be specific, here are some planned changes: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/open-source/next-ubuntu-q-to-bring-font-icon-quantum-openstack-service-to-linux/1081300:54
nulldeveliahkagan what worries me is that chromium fails to start if no RW on /dev/shm00:54
EliahKaganit's pretty preliminary so far, as Precise was just recently released00:54
BronzeEagleSo I installed ubuntu 12.04 server edition on one of my servers on my cluster for testing and mpd keeps throwing "handle_mpd_output 420): from mpd on $HOSTNAME, invalid port info: no_port" any ideas?00:55
Harrisdoes anyone know what the game is called where animated characters look like bobble heads and they appear on a ski lift and you have 100 seconds to guess who they are00:55
Harristhe maker starts with an n00:55
Jordan_UHarris: Try #ubuntu-offtopic.00:56
nulldevbronzeeagle not familar with your setup but sounds like your config is wrong00:56
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BronzeEaglenulldev: Well I my master node and node-1 are running Debian 6.0.4 and I've done the exact same thing with the ubuntu serv.00:57
BronzeEagles/I my/my/00:58
Harrishow d i run imovie in ubuntu for free00:58
escottnulldev, why does /dev/shm worry you?00:58
Harrishow d i run imovie in ubuntu for free00:59
nulldevbronzeeagle where does it get the port from when run? Is it manually inputted, is the destination port open on the destinaton server?00:59
HarrisEliahKagan,  how d i run imovie in ubuntu for free00:59
schnuffleHarris: stop repeating yourself. If someone knows you'll get an answer01:00
nulldevescott nothing apart from everythin else that uses it works fine apart from chromium when I set it to RO01:00
BronzeEaglenulldev: It's not manual and yes01:01
Harrisschnuffle,  stop being rude01:02
nulldevbronzeeagle can you pastebin the config?01:02
BronzeEaglenulldev: sure one sec01:03
EliahKaganHarris: you don't -- iMovie only runs on Mac OS X, Mac OS, and iOS01:04
EliahKaganUbuntu doesn't have a way to run programs for any of those platforms (except with virtualization/emulation, which is nontrivial and undesirable for high-end applications like serious use of iMovie)01:05
Deep6guys anyone use vmbuilder here?01:05
nulldeveliahkagan does it run on bsd then?01:05
HarrisEliahKagan,  i have to make a slideshow for my class01:05
EliahKaganas a separate issue, iMovie is proprietary payware, so the part where you get it (unless you already have it) would probably not be free01:05
EliahKaganif your BSD system is Mac OS X yes, but otherwise, no01:05
nulldevso no01:05
bobweaverElchzard,  this is kinda off topic but Ubuntu tv is  moving right along (I dont know what Imovie is thou )01:06
nulldevI love Unix because it inspired Linux but also hate it for its propriety ness01:07
schnuffleDeep6: Haven't used but sounds interessting. Up to now I used lxc to create chroot test envs01:07
BronzeEaglenulldev: the only line in the conf file is "secretword=mysecretword"01:07
EliahKaganyeah, unfortunately not -- if you have the source for a Mac OS X app that uses the Cocoa framework, and are skilled and willing to do a little work, you may be able to port it to gnustep which will run on Ubuntu, but there is no framework in Ubuntu or any BSD or Linux based OS (besides Mac OS X itself) that will run Mac OS X and iOS apps01:07
EliahKaganwell currently Unix is technically just a label that applies to OSes that get certified by the Open Group -- this can be FOSS or proprietary OSes01:08
nulldevbronzeeagle could be an auth failure can you manually connect using the creds the scripot uses?01:08
Deep6schnuffle: check it out vmbuilder is a hypervisor abstraction script01:08
Deep6quite cool01:08
Deep6if I can get it to work01:08
schnuffleDeep6: where is your problem?01:09
EliahKaganthe oldest Unix-like OSes that are still used regularly for general purpose applications are FOSS, they are the *BSD operating systems01:09
nulldeveliahkagan arent aix or hpaix still going I never kow the exact name01:10
EliahKagan(and Solaris, which isn't FOSS since Oracle sunset OpenSolaris but OpenIndiana is equivalent)01:10
Deep6schnuffle: I managed to figure it out  now-ish....but i'll have to wait to understand if it'll happen again01:10
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EliahKagannulldev: yeah, Aix is still going strong, though doesn't have nearly as much market penetration01:10
EliahKaganand is mainly used for servers01:10
EliahKagani guess this depends on how we define "general purpose"01:11
schnuffleDeep6: okay then good luck01:11
bobweaverEliahKagan,  do you have a ubuntu releated questions if not there is a off-topic channel for off-yopic things01:11
EliahKaganbobweaver: sorry to go off-topic; i was responding to a comment about proprietary UNIX, i'll stop now ;-)01:11
nulldeveliahkagan my bsd experience is installing freebsd 4 (I think)01:12
JonEdneyEliahKagan, restrain yourself! :P01:12
EliahKaganunless you have a question regarding comparison of Ubuntu to proprietary Unix, nulldev01:12
nulldevapart from that nothing apart from /bin/bash01:12
greenwolfwhat really is the primary difference between BSD and linux?01:12
bobweaverI like to hear it but if it is offtopic maybe the off-topic channel is a good place I respect you for hearing me out thanks.01:12
bobweaverEliahKagan,  ^^01:12
EliahKaganis BSD / Linux comparison on-topic for #ubuntu (as it's not specific to Ubuntu...but Ubuntu is Linux)?01:13
EliahKagan(i don't wanna keep offending ;-) )01:13
nulldevuibuntu isnt linux well not from there new kernel compiling its not01:14
escottEliahKagan, its just a matter of keeping the channel clear for people who need help now01:14
bobweaverEliahKagan,  I learned the hard way but if you are ever in doubt ask  #ubuntu-irc01:14
OerHeksgreenwolf, mainly: The BSD License is much less restrictive and even allows for the distribution of binary-only source.01:14
greenwolfwow ok01:15
greenwolfany difference in regards to performance01:15
Deep6hrm....anyone have a way of shrinking /01:16
escottDeep6, boot the livecd/liveusb and use gparted01:16
bobweaverDeep6,  what do you `mean by shrink ?01:16
JonEdneyDeep6, if you mean make the partition smaller, you can boot from live CD01:17
JonEdneyWow, that came a little late.01:17
Deep6well, it occurred to me that I for disk performance of my vm's I should be using raw lvm devices01:17
nulldevno other Linux chaneels act like this but they do linux-kernel not ubuntu-kernel are you funded by m$?01:17
Deep6so, given i have all of my lvm vg used up in the lv root01:17
escottDeep6, be careful with those. you can break things badly by mounting the raw device under host and guest01:18
Deep6I need to resize my lv root, to provide more space for lvm raw devices01:18
Deep6escott: they wouldn't be mounted under the host01:18
Deep6just essentially be raw lv's for guests01:18
escottDeep6, just make sure of that01:18
Deep6to improve disk io01:18
Deep6ze plan is fullproof01:19
Deep6it'll be unsinkable!!!!01:19
JonEdneyLike the titanic...01:19
Deep6drat, I knew I'd heard that before01:19
EliahKagannulldev (and whoever): i just joined #ubuntu-offtopic, i'd be pleased to contrast GNU/Linux and BSD systems there if you're interested01:20
nulldevif titanic had been software it wouldnt have been heard of the amount of buggy software01:21
nulldevyeah will join you eliahkagan01:22
CerrdorIs BIND9 what I need for DNS and Zone management?01:27
mortal1has anyone here ever set up whole disk encryption with a seperate home partition?01:28
Deep6Cerrdor: yes01:28
Deep6Cerrdor: it's not something you setup overnight, without experience01:29
Cerrdorthats what im about to learn01:29
Deep6try and find the Orielly book written by Cricket Liu01:29
CerrdorDeep6, can you give me some idea of what is going to be involved here?01:30
Deep6Cerrdor: voodooo01:30
Deep6but fun voodoo01:30
Deep6look for the oreilly book online01:31
CerrdorMeh I have been a voodoo practicianer for over 20 years now I dont think it is going to help tonight though lol01:31
Deep6most people don't truly get DNS, running your own server is one of the best ways of doing so01:31
Cerrdorthats what it is for. I want to learn what goes on on my hostings side of things I want to learn how they do it01:32
Deep6Cricket _gets_ DNS... more than a bazillion people combined, and on top of it, he's a good guy01:32
oscarpaatsHi. I can't edit my grub 2. I try gksu gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom but it does not allow me. I run as administrator01:33
Deep6Cerrdor: 10 years ago people were using BIND a lot and manually maintaining their own zone files, often now people are using appliances01:33
Deep6or.....shudder....Windows for DNS01:33
Deep6Infoblox (whom Cricket works for) has appliances that are based on BIND01:34
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randomDudeis there some kind of linux method to centerally manage firefox, thunderbird, gnome-shell and googlechrome SETTINGS and updates for a local network of workstations from a central server?01:34
randomDudewould i use puppet to manage firefox addons/settings/bookmarks, googlechrome addons/settings/bookmarks, thunderbird settings/useraccounts for a localnetwork of workstations deployed by a cobbler server?01:34
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schnufflerandomDude:  Puppet could do it01:36
randomDudeschnuffle: is that just an observation or do you have some kind of links that document experience with this particular scenario?01:37
schnufflerandomDude: Just checking if I find the pages I read01:37
mortal1is it possible to have a seperate home partition using ubuntu's whole disk encryption?01:46
escottmortal1, should be01:46
thanmustokihello world01:52
dinguseHello, has anyone here had any experience syncing an iphone under ubuntu 12.04?01:55
sam1967hello thanmustoki. what does your name mean ?01:55
dinguseFrom what I've gathered, the best way to do this is with itunes on virtualbox, but i'm not sure if there's a better way01:55
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod01:56
dinguseescott, thanks01:56
dinguseescott, on that page there is nothing mentioning 12.04... can i assume that the instructions for 10.10 will work for me?01:57
Harrishi i added the cube under desktop in compiz and now when i go under workstation i cant click a window and move it to a different workstation01:58
randomDudeschnuffle: did you have any luck finding that information ?01:59
escottdinguse, presumably01:59
schnuffleNot yet. I read an article about it, but couldn't find it in my linklist01:59
dinguseescott, thanks01:59
noahnoahStrange problem with startup applications in 12.04.  I have two applications listed - vncserver and quick synergy.  Upon startup I get 150 COPIES of each started.  Any idea who??02:02
JonEdneynoahnoah, I'm not familiar with that personally, but did you try removing the applications and reinstalling them?02:04
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noahnoahThat's couldn't possible be the issue.  The applications are fine.  the startup process is creating all the instances02:04
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VMERSINTOwhat language is opera written in?02:08
EliahKaganit's mostly C++02:09
pslodgeIs there a way to make Ubuntu look a little smaller?02:09
EliahKagansmaller in what way?02:09
pslodgeLike, OSX on the macbook is quite clear and sharp and not in your face02:09
pslodgeubuntu is.. kind of jumping out of the screen at me02:09
pslodgeeverything is just  a little too bulky02:09
VMERSINTOi think he means resolution02:09
pslodgeWell, resolution is one way02:09
pslodgebut I'm running at the highest02:09
pslodgewhich happens to be the same as my macbook02:10
pslodgebut ubuntu is still looking a little chunky02:10
EliahKaganso you want the windows and menus to use fewer pixels02:10
pslodgeexpecially in eclipse02:10
FloodBot1pslodge: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:10
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:10
Harrishi i added the cube under desktop in compiz and now when i go under workstation i cant click a window and move it to a different workstation02:10
pslodgeI've made all the systems fonts smaller, that helped a little02:11
L3topscube breaks unity... what version ubuntu are you on Harris?02:11
xanguaHarris: happends then you force an incompatible compiz plugin with unity ;)02:11
Harris12.04 L3tops02:11
L3topsyeah... cube does not play nice with the other kids...02:11
HarrisL3tops, how do i fix it then02:12
L3topsdisable the cube02:12
Harrisi did02:12
Harristhat did not work02:12
L3topsI am not really sure what enabling the cube asks you to disable in order to do it, but you will need to reenable those things.02:12
Harrisshould i uninstall compiz02:13
L3topsno... that would definitely break everything02:13
xanguaHarris: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html02:13
L3topsty xangua02:13
cab938I did an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04, and now it seems a bunch of services are broken02:14
cab938any thoughts on how I best handle this?02:14
L3tops!details | cab93802:14
ubottucab938: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:14
HyperNerdV2Guys, i have a quick question about android… Does anyone know if android phones give you the option to down-res movies automatically when attempting to send via e-mail?02:15
HyperNerdV2Much like when you take a photo and the os will ask if you want to send a "small" "medium"  or "large" version.02:15
iBotPeachesyes it does02:16
cab938I have a problem with being able to run various services.  I'm running ubuntu 12.04  When I tryand ssh into my machine, or connect to samba share I can't, even on localhost.  I get Connection refused.  ufw says it is disabled.  I can't connect based on my external IP either.02:16
cab938It's not just ssh, it is samba too02:16
HyperNerdV2iBotPeaches: was that directed at me?02:16
iBotPeachesHyperNerdV2, yes02:17
HyperNerdV2iBotPeaches: ha, thanks02:17
escottcab938, are you coming in from outside your local subnet02:17
iBotPeachesMy comp has been sitting at the installer of "who are you?" for 25min, it only took 4 seconds on my laptop. Guess something failed, restarting and trying again02:18
cab938escott, from the same machine02:18
cab938I've tried same subnet too, but that didn't help02:19
cab938no problems with outgoing net traffic02:19
cab938and I can do things like torrent02:19
cab938so it seems to be specific to these services02:19
escottcab938, and what does service ssh status say02:19
arooni-mobilei read through : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/debian-ubuntu-linux-install-onionrouter-software/ ... but how do i get ubuntu to route *all* outgoing traffic through privoxy /tor?02:20
cab938ssh stop/waiting02:20
escottcab938, well its not running02:20
cab938And I just tried to restart it;02:20
cab938cab938@bamboo:~/sandboxes/cab938/Research$ sudo service ssh restart02:20
cab938stop: Unknown instance:02:20
cab938ssh start/running, process 379502:20
Zambzhey guys, is there any similar application for Ubuntu to perform filer-like (ZFS Solaris) functions? :) thanks heaps02:20
cab938So it seems borked?02:20
cab938where would a find an error log for it?02:20
cab938It did work before the upgrade, hence the thought that the upgrade killed it02:21
escottcab938, what is your runlevel? are you at 2?02:22
cab938syslog has this:02:22
cab938May 25 20:22:48 bamboo kernel: [372835.638299] init: ssh main process (3835) killed by ABRT signal02:22
cab938May 25 20:22:48 bamboo kernel: [372835.638325] init: ssh respawning too fast, stopped02:22
FloodBot1cab938: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:22
cab938A bunch of times02:22
arooni-mobilenevermind found this guide : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Tor02:23
mortal1is there a way to tell the ubuntu alt cd to use an existing lvm instead of creating one?02:23
cab938Is there a specific log file for ssh?02:23
escottcab938, that suggests that sshd is calling abort inside its own code. some assertion must be failing02:24
escottZambz, you may want to tell us what those functions would do02:25
cab938When I tail the log and restart it tries about half a dozen times calling ABRT and then finally stopping02:25
Zambzescott: Hey buddy, well they provide snapshotting and RAID-Z of all filesystems, much like a filer02:26
escottZambz, so btrfs (also a oracle product) supports snapshotting. another approach is lvm which provides various replication features02:26
escottZambz, and if you want raid btrfs has that built in, or you can use mdam02:27
Zambzwill check those out02:27
escottZambz, btrfs is the most obvious direct competitor to things like ZFS but its not considered stable yet02:28
foxmulder881a stable btrfs seems a long time coming, actually.02:29
cab938escott, when I run sshd stand alone it seems to core dump; what would be the best way to reinstall it and is dependances?02:29
cab938Shows the dump02:29
escottcab938, maybe. hard to say whats going on ther02:30
escottcab938, you dont have anything pinned do you02:31
EliahKaganhi venenoverde02:31
cab938escott, is it sad I thought instantly about my wife's tablet and her pinterest usage?02:31
cab938I'm afraid I don't know pinned in this context, unless its cpu, and no02:31
escott!pinning | cab93802:31
ubottucab938: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto02:31
foxmulder881can anyone see my comments?02:32
foxmulder881reply just with "yes".02:32
escottfoxmulder881, yes02:33
foxmulder881thanks escott. ;-)02:33
cab938I don't think I do escott, I don't have an /etc/apt/preferences file02:33
cab938and the sources.list looks like everything is now precise02:34
akshatj__Help! Ubuntu installer is stuck02:35
escott!details | akshatj__02:35
ubottuakshatj__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:35
akshatj__12.04, installing using USB02:36
escottand it is stuck doing what02:37
escottcan you be more specific02:37
akshatj__It is stuck at "Installing System"02:37
Zambzescott: I also just installed zfs-fuse and created a new pool which looks to be working quite well!02:38
=== yggdrasi1 is now known as yggdrasil
escottakshatj__, i wonder if you could login to a tty while the installer is running. you could try it Ctrl-alt-f1 should bring up a tty, and ctrl-alt-f7 should take you back02:39
escottat the terminal you might be able to run top to see if the cpu is in use02:40
ThehoboHey, I am trying to install Ubuntu and after boot, my monitor keeps saying "Check signal cable". I am running through a DVI to VGA adaptor (my monitor is samsung syncmaster 740N). And I can't even INSTALL the OS :(.02:40
ThehoboI looked on google and I couldnt find anything.02:40
escottThehobo, dont run through adapters like that02:40
Thehoboescott, how come?02:41
foxmulder881above, avoid adapters.02:41
cab938escott, Is it insane to try and --reinstall ubuntu-desktop?02:41
cab938I'm really at a loss where to go next with this02:41
escottThehobo, cause they are all broken. edid gets screwed up, and you cant get modelines02:41
escottcab938, i dont think it would do anything because it would only reinstall that one package02:41
cab938is there a way to reinstall with deps?02:42
Thehoboescott, foxmulder881, but for example I tried booting a windows CD and that works. So I suspect it has to do with Ubuntu not knowing how to output?02:42
foxmulder881probably not recognizing the display through the adapter.02:42
foxmulder881do you really need the adapter?02:42
Thehobofoxmulder881, Yes, my monitor is very old and my graphics card only has DVI outputs. :(02:43
Thehobofoxmulder881, my only other choice is to buy a new monitor which is out of the question due to financial constrains.02:43
foxmulder881no suggestions other than get a more modern display. sorry can't help you with that.02:44
escottThehobo, you will want to specify modelines then02:44
foxmulder881try another distro just for curiousity sake.02:44
HarrisL3tops, i did all of the codes in the website that xangua  gave us but it didnt work02:44
foxmulder881might be worth trying swapping dvi ports too.02:45
Thehoboescott, how do I do that though? It just boots, shows the little man next to a keyboard at the bottom of the screen. And only after that it goes to "check signal cable" while the system is still loading from the Cd02:45
Thehobofoxmulder881, I did that :)02:45
Harrisxangua,  what is the upside down ? mean02:45
escottThehobo, http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/fb/modedb.txt02:45
Thehobofoxmulder881, I tried both Ubuntu and Xubuntu, you mean I should try something like fedora?02:45
foxmulder881just be interesting to see.02:45
escottThehobo, basically any modern kernel 3.2 and up? is going to try and to KMS02:46
xanguaHarris: as in what did you do¿02:46
foxmulder881escott, i did not know that. ;-)02:46
Thehoboescott, I am reading through the thing and I don't know how I can do that because I can't see anything.02:46
escottThehobo, you would specify it at the boot loader02:47
Gaybar2000i got a problem02:47
Harrisi copied the codes from your website to reset the compiz settings unity and launcher to get the workspaces working again but it didnt work xangua02:47
Gaybar2000how can i chose the kernel i want to boot from command line?02:47
escottGaybar2000, hold down shift when grub starts02:48
Gaybar2000no, i can't hold shift, the computer is remote02:48
Thehoboescott, so the computer boots up. It says press any key to boot from CD, and then I get the problem I told you. I cannot see anything. How can I specify at the boot loader then?02:48
escottGaybar2000, change the default index in /etc/default/grub and rerun update-grub. be careful though as you dont want to end up not being bootable02:49
escottThehobo, sounds like you cant02:49
Gaybar2000thank you02:49
Thehoboescott, yeah :( oh well, thanks for trying to help me btw!02:50
escottThehobo, you could try the alternate installer02:50
Harrisxangua,  do you know what to do now02:51
Thehoboescott, yep :) thanks02:51
keithclarkanyone be able to help with my mic not working anymore on my emachines netbook?02:51
escottcab938, im afraid i dont have any god ideas for you02:51
cab938yea, I'm feeling pretty empty here02:52
cab938ty for your help though escott02:52
cab938I wish I could just reinstall all 12.04 packages, maybe one was corrupted, but I have no idea how to do that02:52
cab938you would think there would be an option in apt-get02:52
Harrisxangua, WHAT DO I DO02:52
escottcab938, there is a fix broken argument02:53
keithclarkWell time to try another distro.....I'm tired of these 12.04 problems.  Just too many to solve.02:53
xangua!caps | Harris02:56
ubottuHarris: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:56
xanguaHarris: what did you do in first place to force the cube plugin in unity¿02:56
keithclarkWell I see by the activity here that Ubuntu is dying.  I'll try another like Mint....02:59
Harrisxangua, all i did was installedthe compizconfig manager from usc02:59
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Harrisoh and i accidently used caps not on purpose03:00
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:00
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge03:01
keithclarkThis has gone to the shit03:01
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:01
SachWorking ith libreoffice 3 in ubuntu 11.04. After a power failure, just opened a .doc and prompted to choose ASCII Filter Options. Why is this?03:02
keithclarkOk, can someone acknowledge that I was here?03:02
Harrisxangua, what else can i do03:02
lestat__keithclark lol03:02
dewwkeithclark: nah03:02
ThehoboCan you install Ubuntu from Windows on an usb drive and then boot from that drive?03:03
jordanok i really need some help with a ubuntu and windows 7 dual boot03:03
keithclarkOk, have fun.03:03
Thehobojordan, what is the problem?03:04
keithclarkI have to say before I leav e that this used to  be the o/s to have and the one to cphjjome to for help.  Now, nothing....I have no issue with that as there are many more to ch03:05
keithclarkchose from.  Like Mint.03:05
Gaybar2000!seen komrad03:05
ubottuI have no seen command03:05
cab938escott, Well, this looks like a line that will install all openssh-server dependancies.  Does it look crazy to attempt?03:05
Harrishi i added the cube under desktop in compiz and now when i go under workstation i cant click a window and move it to a different workstation03:06
Gaybar2000!seen arganat03:06
ubottuI have no seen command03:06
jordanOK, who is knows a lot about dual booting ubuntu with another OS?! Cause I really need some help!03:06
escottcab938, sure. if you just wanted to reinstall the entire os you might manage to do that with some dpkg commands03:06
Gaybar2000you better use a virtual machine today03:06
roastedQuestion - I'm trying to figure out a way to rotate some items on my system. I'm running Motion, which takes continual JPGs when motion is detected on the camera. I want to keep a feed for 7 days... I'm trying to figure out with bash scripts and cron how at midnight I can move today's files as "yesterday" but retain monday/tuesday/wednesday as thedirectory names...03:07
OerHeksjordan, just ask your real question and find out?03:07
escottroasted, use logrotate. it runs daily you just need to create a config for it03:07
keithclarkSo that is Ubuntu's last chance to help me?03:07
Harrishi i added the cube under desktop in compiz and now when i go under workstation i cant click a window and move it to a different workstation03:08
xangua!helpme | keithclark03:08
ubottukeithclark: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude03:08
keithclarkxangua, thanks...I needed something more than posting an automated bot response.  I can see what  Ubuntu has come to.  Enjoy the slide!03:10
* Boohbah enjoys the slide03:10
Boohbahcool! it's a waterslide!03:10
keithclarkNo asking how to fix or help03:11
keithclarkA joke03:11
GeekSquidkeithclark: please ask a real question, instead of badmouthing us... it helps if you have a question that we can answer... I logged on recently of if you posted before I didn't see it, others may not have either... see !patience03:12
jordanOK, so I installed Ubuntu on a friends laptop. I created a dual boot with windows 7 and Ubuntu and gave both equal amounts of memory. Hes going to use Windows for gaming and Ubuntu for everything else. However, he later told me that he needs more memory on the Windows partition since games take up so much memory. I used google to try to see if I can give more memory to the Windows partition, but everything I found was too confusing for me to fol03:12
jordanlow. So can an expert give me an easy to understand answer on how I would give more memory to windows?03:12
keithclarkGeekSquid, I did\03:12
sarykeithclark: Hi , for people to be able to assist you .. you need to state your issue in details.03:12
saryflank: !03:12
xanguaHarris: how about you open compiz settings manager, Disable the Cube and Largedesktop plugins and then Enable Desktop Wall plugin03:12
xtuhi, is there any bbs software for ubuntu based on text, no gui.03:12
flanki know03:12
GeekSquidjordan: use gparted, shrink the ubuntu partition, and increase the size of the windows partition... this will need to be done from the live disk, you can't do it with ubuntu mounted03:13
flankwhat talk about?03:14
GeekSquidflank ... this is support for ubuntu... not really a chat channel03:14
saryflank: this a support channel .. you can chit-chat in #defocus , or #ubuntu-offtopic .03:15
Thehobojordan, Gparted comes with the Ubuntu Live CD. Just boot from the live CD and run Gparted and shrink the Ubuntu partition like Geeksquid said (very easy and intuitive)03:15
jordanOk, on Gparted, how will i be able to tell which partition is ubuntu and which is windows 703:15
Harrisoops xangua  i uninstalled compiz03:15
Thehobojordan, It will say on it: Windows is the NTFS one, and the Ubuntu one is the ext4 (or ext3)03:15
escottjordan, they will be different types. windows is ntfs03:16
Harrisxangua,  do i reinstall it03:16
flankhow to change ip by term?03:16
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:17
xanguaHarris: you did what¿!03:18
xanguasure uninstalling X Y and Z is the solutin to evertything...03:18
flankhow to change ip by terminal?03:18
Harrisxangua,  i uninstalled the app thinking it would fix03:19
escottflank, unless you have a static ip you cant just change it. it has to be set at the router03:19
jordani think my friends laptop has a two windows (ntfs) partitions (I think one is windows 7 and the other is the recovery partition) is there any way to tell which one is which03:20
escottjordan, the recovery will likely be smaller03:20
flanksuch as ip mask255.255.255.0 gateway
escottjordan, ther eis also traditionally a label03:20
SachWorking with libreoffice 3 in ubuntu 11.04. After a power failure, just opened a .doc and prompted to choose ASCII Filter Options. Why is this?03:20
jordanok, and your sure this is possible? there shouldnt be any problems i run into?03:22
roastedescott, thanks!03:22
GeekSquidflank: you will need to edit /etc/network/interfaces03:22
escottjordan, its not a bad idea to backup before resizing, but otherwise it should be safe. it will take a long time to shrink the partition because the data has to be moved03:22
escottroasted, ok? not sure how i helped but ok03:23
jordanOk, well thanks!03:23
Harrisxangua,  please help me i reinstalled it03:24
roastedescott, that was a delayed answer to you suggesting logrotate. Had to run the dog outside for a few mins so it took me a bit to come back and see you replied.03:24
escottroasted, ahh03:24
roastedescott, seems like logrotate is already installed, which I never knew existed. I'll have to look into it and see how to set it up.03:24
escottroasted, its pretty straightforward, just base it off the config for your other logs03:25
xanguaHarris: aaah.... this should install all default packages: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:25
xisorhi im having a problem with wubi, it will not run on my windows 7 machine, it starts to load then closes, no error messages no nothing03:25
xangua(21:13:16) Harris: should i uninstall compiz03:25
xangua(21:13:22) L3tops: no... that would definitely break everything - i just don't get why you did it....03:25
roastedescott, so I can apply logrotate to items that aren't... logs?03:25
jordanactually wait...i just downloaded gparted to take a look at partitions...what is extended, ext4, and linux-swap? Which one should I shrink to shrink Ubuntu?03:25
Harrisxangua,  maybe03:26
escottroasted, its just files. why would logrotate care whats in them03:26
xisorcan anyone help me?03:26
roastedescott, good point03:26
Harrisxangua,  i really want the cube though03:26
GeekSquidjordan: grab a screenshot and post it to imgbin.org03:27
escottextended is a container to hold other partitions, but it does not itself contain any data. ext4 is your linux partition, linux-swap is linux related but does not contain data03:27
xanguaHarris: you do not want the cube because it breaks unity03:27
xisorguess not....03:28
xangua!anyone | xisor03:28
ubottuxisor: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:28
xisori already asked my question, got zero response from anyone at all03:28
Studiousescott: when your computer is low on physical memory (ram) it uses swap (harddisk partition) as alternate03:28
GeekSquid!patience | xisor03:28
ubottuxisor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:28
xisori asked if someone can help me figure out why wubi wont run at all on this machine, it doesnt even spit out an error message or anything03:29
xanguaxisor: and why use wubi¿ why don't give a chance to reall install¿03:29
escottStudious, i know what it is. just didnt want to go through it all because its not really related to jordans quesion03:29
xisorsimple, id rather not have to go out and buy an optical drive to try ubuntu, and even if i did i have no free usb or sata ports to plug it into.03:29
jordanhttp://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=8177   and i am aware that they are currently mounted....im not actually going to shrink any now, im just getting a look at the partitions so i know EXACTLY what i need to do03:29
flankhow to read ext4 in windows?03:30
sarySach: no simple answer as to why is that .. you stated that this occurred after a power failure , so its common that the app got crached .. see if LibreOffice is set as the default app / right click on the .doc file and select Properties .03:30
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest73135
escottjordan, one headache you will have is that extended partition. you can shrink the ext4 and then move it back so that there is blank space between the end of sda2 and the start of sda5, but you cannot expand the sda2 without shrinking the extended03:31
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
GeekSquidjordan: shrink /dev/sda5, then shrink,sda4 with the empty space at the beginning of the partition, then expand sda203:31
Harrisxangua,  but i have seen youtube videos of other ubuntu 12.04 users with it03:31
Sachsary: yes, libreoffice is set as the default app.  Also, the file size is 32kb, so there is definitely something there!03:31
escottjordan, a couple of approaches at that point would be to (a) take a backup of your partition table and then delete it, and recreate a new one that matches the current partition table exactly, but has the extended partition starting later03:32
xanguaHarris: well then do as you wish and good luck...03:32
escottjordan, alternately you could use a tool like gdisk to convert the mbr table to a gpt table and then convert from gpt back to mbr setting the extended partition as desired03:32
xisoris there a wubi specific support channel?03:32
Loshkiflank: Perhaps http://www.ext2fsd.com/03:33
Harrisxangua,  i am going to give you the outcomes of the command you gave me where do i post it03:33
sarySach: Ok , is the file extension labled as doc , or docx .03:33
Sachsary: .doc03:33
jordanthis is why i get so confused...can you explain this to me in plain english (i really dont understand partitions all that much)...or mabye you could give me a link to a website that explains all this to me...03:34
escottLoshki, flank, ext4 is not suppored by ext2fsd AFAIK03:34
jordanwhat is an extended partition??03:34
Harrisxangua,  i am sending you a file with the outcomes of the code you gave me03:35
Loshkiescott: ext4 support may be new (I've never used it). The web page clearly says "Open source ext3/4 file system driver for Windows"...03:35
escottjordan, start by shrinking sda5. the shrink will happen at the end of sda5 leaving blank space between sda5 and sda6. then move sda5 so that it lines up with sda6. now you have blank space inside sda4 (its that extended container)03:35
merajcan any one help me..my 3g dongle is nt working wit ubuntu..03:35
sarySach: Alright , i've never truobleshoot liberoffice before for whatever reason .. lets see where can we look in next .03:35
escottjordan, then you would want to resize the extended partition (you shrunk the boxes inside the extended partition box so now you can shrink the extended partition box itself) but the tools might not let you do that03:36
xisoris there a wubi specific support channel?03:36
Harrisxangua, http://pastebin.com/tyXPEezT03:36
merajjonEdney: can u help me..i m nt able to use my 3g dongle in ubuntu.03:37
arooni-mobile i was trying to reset my mysql root password; and shut down mysql with: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop.  now mysql is refusing to start;  i have already checked /var/log/messages ; /var/log/mysql but nothing shows up ...03:37
escottjordan, and so you might have to work around that, and the two ways are to backup the table and create a new one, or to convert from mbr->gpt->mbr03:37
escottjordan, i dont know if that makes any more sense03:37
jordanok...im kinda getting it...but ill come back when im actually doing the shrinking...and just to clarify: i can add more memory to the windows partition, correct? sorry but i really like to double check with this stuff :/03:38
eje211I'm on Pangolin. I need to install libavcodec52 or libavcodec-extra-52 as a dependency but libavcodec53 is the only one available on Pangolin. What should I do?03:38
escottjordan, with a bit of work yes you can add disk space to sda203:38
merajescott: can u help me..i m nt able to use my 3g dongle wit ubuntu.03:38
escottjordan, we reserve the work memory for RAM not hard disk space03:38
JonEdneymeraj, I'm unfortunately not familiar with the compatibility of that.03:38
Harrisxangua,  please ANSWER ME03:39
OerHeksHarris, check your post03:39
btorchhello I'm trying to setup pbuilder and playing around with it . I'm trying to create a more dense package than bc and I'm runnig into dependencies issue. what's the best way to include the dependency already on my base image ?03:39
HarrisOerHeks,  what posts03:39
btorchI'm following this btw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto03:39
merajxisor:can u help me..i m nt able to use my 3g dongle wit ubuntu.03:39
OerHeksHarris check your own pastebin. and keep up the attitude03:40
eje211I'm on Pangolin. I need to install libavcodec52 or libavcodec-extra-52 as a dependency but libavcodec53 is the only one available on Pangolin. What should I do?03:40
xangua!caps | Harris03:40
ubottuHarris: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:40
HarrisOerHeks,  are you being sarcastic03:40
jordanwork memory?03:40
xanguaHarris: yes that's what i wrote¿ you wanted to confirm what i wrote¿ i don't get anything03:40
OerHeksHarris are you trolling this channel ?03:40
merajjordan:can u help me..i m nt able to use my 3g dongle wit ubuntu03:40
escott!patience | meraj03:41
ubottumeraj: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:41
xangua!helpme | meraj03:41
ubottumeraj: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude03:41
HarrisOerHeks,  what is trolling03:41
xisorcan someone please help with with wubi?03:41
Harrisxangua,  http://pastebin.com/y5Wn7LaZ03:41
jordanmeraj, i dont know too much about wireless connections, but try me03:42
wilee-nileexisor, maybe you have to ask the question, not for help.03:42
xisori need help figuring out why the wubi application will not even run on this pc03:42
xisorit acts like its going to, then nothing happens at all03:42
escottxisor, this is after you installed wubi and try to boot into it?03:43
Sachsary: any suggestions/03:43
xisorno, i cannot even get that far, wubi itself will not load so i can install it03:43
Harrisxangua,  this is the right outcome http://pastebin.com/y5Wn7LaZ03:43
wilee-nileexisor, I would go to the ubuntu forums and have wubi in the thread header, and get the help from like the one helper there if you get no help here.03:43
caesar_is there a known issue with the file operations transfer status indicator?03:43
xisorso basically they make this thing and nobody uses or supports it?03:44
sarySach: I guess creating a new profile for it might might show a difference .. or see if that window wont pop-up while logged in to a different user .. test this with the guest session .03:44
wilee-nileexisor, it is just not real popular help is hit and miss, it is for trying out the OS in lieu of a prtitioned instal.03:44
eje211Hi. I have a dependency issue that apt and gdebi can't resolve on their own. I'm on Pangolin. I need to install libavcodec52 or libavcodec-extra-52 as a dependency but libavcodec53 is the only one available on Pangolin. What should I do? Mark the 52 verson as installed or force installation from source or another package?03:44
caesar_when i cut/copy a file say 300mb.. it jumps to 290mb transfered and sticks there until the tranfer is complete03:45
escottxisor, its not very popular with most people in the channel. i would recommend you do a regular install or that you use virtualbox03:45
xisorwhy would i be willing to do a "real" install if wubi wont even open? does not speak well to the usability of the OS, im trying to test it out, and i dont have an optical drive so this is my ONLY option03:45
xisorim not going to go buy a drive to test an OS that i may not like03:45
xisorespecially if the windows based installer wont even run03:45
xisori want a full speed test, virtualbox is far too slow and without native hardware feature support that my machine has, so it is not a viable test03:46
sarySach: Yeah , am looking at something ..03:46
jordanescott: i have one more question: what did you mean by "work memory"?03:46
Sachsary: great.  much appreciated03:46
escottxisor, what about a liveusb? can you do a usb boot03:46
Harrishttp://pastebin.com/y5Wn7LaZ xangua03:46
xisori do not know if my usb hdd enclosure allows booting via usb or not, and no idea how to set it up to do so03:47
escottjordan "word memory" not work memory my typo. we call hard disk space "disk space" or just "space" memory is RAM03:47
xanguaHarris: so if there is nothing to install, you did not uninstall compiz¿03:47
Harrisnot yet i reinstalled it03:47
xisori dont know why wubi doesnt work though, my machine isnt too old, the OS has been recently re installed clean, everythings working fine, except that03:48
xanguaHarris: then why are you spinning around¿03:48
jordanescott: so what does that have to do with the partitions i showed you?03:48
arooni-mobilei'm not able to start mysql on ubuntu 10.04 lts;  mysql pre-start process (2655) terminated with status 1 ... any ideas on how to fix?  thanx!03:48
Harriswhat does spinning around mean03:48
escottjordan, you kept saying you wanted more memory. it was confusing. you wanted more disk space. thats all03:48
sarySach: Try to reset LibreOffice user profile .. http://askubuntu.com/questions/136029/libreoffice-calc-background-fill-options-all-white03:48
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HACKhalo2with the global menu, is there a way to configure it to ignore certian applications and display the menu bar the old fasion way?03:50
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jordanescott: ok im sorry....im used to refering to diskspace as "memory" and word memory as "RAM" my mistake03:50
soapee45sup ppl03:50
eje211Hi. I have a dependency issue that apt and gdebi can't resolve on their own. I'm on Pangolin. I need to install libavcodec52 or libavcodec-extra-52 as a dependency but libavcodec53 is the only one available on Pangolin. What should I do? Mark the 52 verson as installed or force installation from source or another package? Is it part of some mysterious repository?03:50
jordanescott: well thanks a bunch for your help!03:51
jribeje211: why do you believe you need 52?03:51
xisordoes ubuntu directly offer support? or no?03:51
xisorsince its clear nobody is willing to help me here03:51
eje211Because GDebi tells me it can't install my .deb without it.03:52
eje211jrib: Because GDebi tells me it can't install my .deb without it.03:52
jribeje211: what .deb...?03:52
eje211Panda3D <pandda3d.org>03:53
eje211jrib: I mean, Panda3D <panda3d.org>03:53
Sachsary: /.config/libreoffice doesnt exist on my laptop.03:53
JoFoHello everybody03:53
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pbx2how do I install JRE 7u4?03:54
pbx2I downloaded the .tar.gz file and extracted it03:54
pbx2now what?03:54
jribeje211: they seem to provide a maverick package.  Ask them about a precise package, or build one yourself03:54
Harrisxangua,  thanks for starting A chat with me and then just quieting without finishing03:55
Sachsary: instead, in my home directory i can find /.libreoffice/303:55
eje211jrib: Is there a guide on adding a self-build package to the deb tree? I'm afraid of breaking stuff.. Or is it safe to just build it?03:55
jribeje211: what do you mean by "deb tree"?03:55
jrib!packaging | eje21103:55
ubottueje211: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring03:55
Harris join03:55
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eje211jrib: If I build it, then dpkg won't know about it. Is the packaging guide about solving that?03:56
jribeje211: I meant for you to build a deb package; yes the guide tells you how03:57
eje211jrib: I could build a deb before, but now I know it's the righ thing to do. Thanks. I feel a lot safer now.03:57
jribeje211: you should also get in touch with the panda3d people.  Maybe you can help by contributing packages for more recent versions of ubuntu03:58
Sachsary: just tried it, but the document still opens the same way :(03:59
Harrisxangua, please finish helping me03:59
eje211jrib: I think I actually work with them. (They're at Carnegie Mellon University, I'm at Carnegie Mellon University), so in addition to emailing, I'll ask around in person. But, yes, I'll definitely bring it up.04:00
Harrisxangua, please finish helping me04:00
Harrisxangua,  PLEASE04:00
xanguaHarris: i think you need to clear your mind; you said you uninstalled compiz, and then you say you reinstalled it, the cube breaks compiz but you want the cube....stop spinning around04:01
Harrisxangua, i need my workspaces fixed which compiz messed up04:02
Harris OP <Harris>04:04
OerHeksHarris the answer is easy: uninstall the cube, it breaks unity.04:04
Harrisi did04:04
sarySach: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/UserProfile#Resetting_the_User-Profile04:05
Harrishow do i become an op04:06
OerHeksHarris, start your own irc channel, then you are op.04:07
Harrishow do i start a channel04:08
OerHeksask in #freenode :-)04:08
Harrisxangua, i uninstalled it but the workspaces still dont let me drag windows to a different station04:10
xanguaHarryS: so you uninstalled compiz and you expect unity to work¿04:12
xanguaHarris: above04:12
arooni-mobilei'm not able to start mysql on ubuntu 10.04 lts;  mysql pre-start process (2655) terminated with status 1 ... any ideas on how to fix?  thanx!04:12
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Harrisxangua,  what do i have to do to make unity work again04:15
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OerHeksarooni-mobile, if this happened after upgrade, answer 27/30 could solve it >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.1/+bug/57331804:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573318 in MySQL Server "mysql server will not start" [Undecided,New]04:16
arooni-mobileOerHeks, i think its happening cuz i have 3megabytes free on disk04:16
Sachsary:  no luck  :( :(04:18
OerHeksarooni-mobile, sure you are not missing /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.mysqld  ?04:18
Harrisxangua,  i am begging you please help me i want my computer fixed and i am extremly tired04:19
Harriscan you please spend 15 minutes one on one with me please04:19
Harrisat my channel04:19
matelotIs this how Nautilus' copy/move to supposed to work ??? : http://i.imgur.com/SixqI.png04:21
matelotJust "Home" ???04:21
arooni-mobileOerHeks, it was cuz i didnt have more than 3M of space hahaha04:22
OerHeksarooni-mobile, oke, solved then.04:23
sarySach: ok , hold up .04:25
Sachsary: will do04:25
arooni-mobilethanks OerHeks04:25
Harrisin workststions i cant move windows to different workstations04:27
CerrdorIf I want to find out what my IP address is on intranet is ifconfig the best way to do it or is there another tool?04:27
bazhangHarris, you mean workplaces04:27
Harrisbazhang,  workspaces04:27
bazhangHarris, this is unity 2d or 3d04:28
venenoverdehow in the hell do i get a downloaded file sent to me from another user using andchat on adroid04:28
Harrisi dont know04:28
Harrisi am new04:28
bazhangvenenoverde, ask in #android04:28
bazhangvenenoverde, or check if there is an #andchat channel04:28
bazhang!alis | venenoverde04:29
ubottuvenenoverde: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:29
OerHeksCerrdor, " ifconfig " will do04:29
Harrisbazhang,  how do i find out what i have it is ubuntu 12.0404:30
venenoverdeok will do04:30
Harrisbazhang go to my channel04:30
bazhangHarris, what did you login as: unity-2d or something else. it's at the login window04:30
bazhangHarris, no. dont solicit your channel here.04:31
Harrislet me log out and relogin04:31
Harriswhere do i look04:31
bazhangHarris, after you choose your user, then the choices will appear. choose one04:32
Harrisis there a terminal code04:32
sarySach: am trying to figure out te proper command to run liberoffice in termianl , so that you might be able to spot any error ..04:32
Harrisfor that04:32
Harrisbecause i dont want to sign out04:32
Sachsary: thanks!04:32
blackmatrix_nyhello everyone...just installed 12.04 and my touchpad is not working...tried different suggestions on forums but nothing fixed...anybody know how to fix, i would gladly appreciate04:33
manadysblackmatrix_ny: you mean you installed Ubuntu on an HP TouchPad?04:34
Harriswho was just helping me04:34
blackmatrix_nymanadys, its a samsung laptop04:34
CoJaBo_Ok, so DHCP is working fine, renewing the IP every few hours or so. That would be all fine and dandy, but this machine seems to have forgotten it is a server, and has a static IP set via /etc/network/interfaces - Why is this setting being ignored?04:34
OerHeksblackmatrix_ny, do you have a FN key and mouse key somewhere in the same colour as FN ?04:35
CoJaBo_.msg nickserv ghost cojabo04:35
Harriswhen i go to workspaces i cant drag a window to a different workspace04:35
=== CoJaBo_ is now known as CoJaBo
bazhangCoJaBo_, /   a04:35
Harrisis there a terminal code04:35
bazhangHarris, what is it, unity 2d 3d or what04:35
Harrisi dont know it didnt says04:36
jgmdevCoJaBo, maybe you have network manager installed overriding your settings04:36
Harrisi just typed in password04:36
bazhangHarris, sign out then back in and select one04:36
Harriswhat one should i click04:36
blackmatrix_nyOerHeks, i dont have that04:36
bazhangHarris, whichever one you want, I dont know the various DE you have installed04:36
ddnhello all, after last update on my 12.04 network manager is lost and no connectivity at all. what happened?04:37
bazhangddn, the icon? in the indicator applet, or did you install wicd04:37
sarySach: i tryied ti run in terminal .. libreoffice-writer .. but its the wrong command04:37
ddnbazhang: the icon, I just updated, no installations04:38
Sachsary: hmm...ok04:38
bazhangddn, did you try re-adding it?04:38
Harrisbazhang, it is ubuntu 2d04:38
subhadipI installed IE7 with winetricks, but it's crashing as soon as I'm launching the IE04:38
ddnbazhang: haven't, how can I do it?04:39
bazhangsubhadip, check the appdb, then /join #winehq04:39
bazhang!appdb | subhadip04:39
ubottusubhadip: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:39
sarySach: Sach am looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibreOffice , and the Crashes section in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibreOfficeBugWrangling04:39
Harrisbazhang, it is ubuntu 2d04:39
SachSary: ok04:39
subhadipOk thanks04:39
SachSary: i'll have a look here too04:39
bazhangsary, what about tab completing the command in the terminal04:40
CoJaBojgmdev: How do I check? This worked before, I recently swapped the mobo and the new NIC identifies as eth1 instead of eth004:40
CoJaBodhclient was running, i did a killall on that and nothing bad happened.. is it going to restart every boot, or was it just a leftover from when it was set to dynamic i wonder...04:40
OerHekssary >> libreoffice --writer04:40
bazhangHarris, yes04:40
Harrisit is ubuntu 2d04:40
bazhangHarris, and what is the exact problem04:41
=== alazare619_ is now known as alazare619
Cerrdorwhats the command I use in terminal if I want it to exit to another prompt ? Like if I sudo gedit something.file ^ and it will run gedit but it will exit to another prompt while running gedit?04:41
Harrisi cannot drag a window in one space to another bazhang04:41
=== dpac_ is now known as dpac
sarybazhang: thanks , haven't thought about that .04:41
Harrisbazhang,  can we go in my channel04:41
bazhangHarris, no. don't ask users here to go to your channel. I've asked before, so don't do it again04:42
Harrisnow how do i fix my channel04:42
Harrisnot channel workstation04:42
bazhangHarris, ask in #freenode not here04:42
saryOerHeks: thanks buddy , thats the right command Sach/ .. but then how to open a doc file with that command in terminal04:43
Harrisnot channnel my workspace problem04:43
ddnbazhang: forgot to say is Acer Aspire One netbook04:43
Harrisi cannot drag a window in one space to another bazhang04:43
manadysCerrdor: you probably want gsudo not sudo and if you append & it will fork the process to the background04:43
sarySach: please state your issue again , so that others know about it.04:44
manadysi think it's gsudo, not sure, but I think doing sudo gedit /etc/file & will fork before you can authenticate with sudo...04:44
blackmatrix_nyanybody know where to configure the synaptics touchpad ?04:44
OerHeksmanadys, gksudo04:44
Sachsary: will do.04:44
Harrisbazhang,  how do i fix it04:44
SachWorking with libreoffice 3 in ubuntu 11.04. After a power failure, just opened a .doc and prompted to choose ASCII Filter Options. Why is this?04:44
bazhangmanadys, did you mean gksudo?04:44
bazhangHarris, ask the channel here, if someone knows they will answer. be patient04:45
manadysI don't use a gui so I don't typically have to worry about those things04:45
CoJaBo-Aztecjgmdev: How do I check? This worked before, I recently swapped the mobo and the new NIC identifies as eth1 instead of eth004:45
Cerrdormanadys, awesome thanks04:45
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:45
Harrisi cannot drag a window in one space to another04:45
* manadys simply automates things because the unix admin is too lazy to...04:45
Harrisdoes anyone know how to fix this i cannot drag a window in one space to another bazhang04:46
jgmdevCoJaBo-Aztec, did you updated the interfaces file to configure eth1 instead of eth0?04:46
OerHeksSach, damaged document, you better do a filecheck > touch /forcefcsk  ( and reboot to let filecheck run at boot )04:46
CoJaBo-Aztecjgmdev: Yeh, /etc/network/interfaces, as it said.04:46
sarySach: Right , and liberoffice is set to default .. and please aslo mention what other steps you tried . thanks04:46
blackmatrix_nyanybody know where to configure the synaptics touchpad ?04:47
Harris does anyone know how to fix this i cannot drag a window in one space to another04:47
Harrisblackmatrix_ny,  download the driver04:47
jgmdevdoes /etc/resolv.conf is manually set?04:47
manadyswe ask our UNIX admin to document the process of verifying a servers integrity... he gives us a 12 page document he spent a week building. I took one look at it and spent 45 minutes writing a script to do all the checks and email the results.04:47
Sach0erHeks: so from terminal, i need to type touch/forcefcsk   ?04:47
CoJaBo-Aztecjgmdev: That file just says it was generated by NetworkManager04:48
Harris does anyone know how to fix this i cannot drag a window in one space to another04:48
jgmdev I had some problems on the past because network manager was overriding my manual changes04:48
SachOerHeks: so from terminal, i need to type touch/forcefcsk   ?04:48
jgmdevI resolved it by uninstalling network manager04:48
OerHeksSach yes, it will make an empty file forcefcsk, to trigger filecheck at boot04:48
blackmatrix_nyHarris...thanks, atleast some direction was helpful04:48
=== alazare619_ is now known as alazare619
SachOerHeks:  ok, I will do that.  Once I reboot, what should I do?  Try to reopen the file?04:49
jgmdevCoJaBo-Aztec, are you running the server with desktop environment or accesing it thru ssh?04:50
sarySach: Wait , did this issue occurred before , I mean is this he first time you tried to open the doc file with liberoffice in ubuntu !04:50
OerHeksSach, after filecheck, desktop will load and hopefully the file is repaired.04:50
CoJaBo-Aztecjgmdev: Desktop now, but there is no networking gui04:50
=== soapee45 is now known as SkinnyVinny
Sachsary: no, it's not the first time.  I've been working on the document all day.04:50
OerHekssary, powerfailure caused this issue04:50
sarySach: Ahh , okay.04:50
OerHeksi hope the hdd is not damaged04:50
Harris does anyone know how to fix this i cannot drag a window in one space to another04:51
saryOerHeks: clearly .04:51
jgmdevCoJaBo-Aztec, dpkg -l | grep network-manager04:51
bazhang!repeat | Harris04:51
ubottuHarris: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:51
saryfile system check is needed for sure .04:51
Harris does anyone know how to fix this i cannot drag a window in one space to another04:51
CoJaBo-Aztecjgmdev: Its installed and running; stopping it kills DNS resolution04:52
Sachsary:  going to run the file system check now so will reboot.  thankks for your help. you've been great.04:52
carpicould someone please tell me the syntax to save "overscan compensation" for my 2nd flat panel monitor in the xorg.conf file?04:52
saryHarris: Hi , which ubuntu version you're running and what window manager is in used .04:52
carpiThere is a line that mentions something about DFP-1 in my xorg.conf file. should i simply edit that line?04:53
sarySach: Good idea , i hope things goes well .. please report back here . :)04:53
jgmdevCoJaBo-Aztec, you can use dhclient adapter to get that information automatically04:53
SachOerHeks: running touch/forcefcsk in terminal produces    "bash: touch/forcefcsk: No such file or directory"04:53
carpii have 2 flap panel monitors.. DFP-0 and DFP-1 and I would like to create a line for overscan compensation for DFP-1. Could someone please tell me how I might do that?04:54
jgmdevCoJaBo-Aztec, you can add code to /etc/rc.local that setups network interface on startup04:54
pinebeihi. my cursor keeps switching between two themes. does anyone know how i can stop it from doing this?04:54
carpii believe this line should be put in xorg.conf04:55
Harrisbazhang,  when i go to ubuntu not 2d or 3d workspace works04:55
OerHeksSach, my bad, need 1 space > touch /forcefcsk04:55
diverdudeMy computer  (Lenovo w520) gets extremely hot when using ubuntu. Not when using windows. Is there some problem?04:55
jgmdevCoJaBo-Aztec, like ifconfig eth1 up, dhclient eth104:55
Harrisbut when i go into 2d it doesnt bazhang04:55
jgmdevCoJaBo-Aztec, but you would need to configure everything by hand04:55
bazhangHarris, dont repeat every two seconds. if no one knows that wont get a faster answer04:55
SachOerHeks:  it produces  "touch: cannot touch `/forcefcsk': Permission denied"   Do I need to precede the command with "sudo"?04:56
sarySach: if as a single user mode  , YES , if as root NO .04:56
CoJaBo-A1tecK, I think I got it, had to manually set /etc/resolve.conf.. Don't remember having to do that last time..04:57
OerHeksno need for sudo, AFAIK04:57
blackmatrix_nyHarris...thanks, atleast some direction was helpful04:57
CoJaBo-A1tecCan I disable NetworkManager from starting on bootup without uninstalling it?04:57
blackmatrix_nyHarris...thanks, atleast some direction was helpful04:57
diverdudeMy computer  (Lenovo w520) gets extremely hot when using ubuntu. Not when using windows. Is there some problem?04:58
saryHarris: See , i think the problem is that you still need to learn about the system before going on teaking things in it .04:58
sarydiverdude: Does the fan runs under ubuntu !04:58
jgmdevCoJaBo-A1tec, you can try wicd instead04:58
diverdudesary: im not sure04:59
jgmdevCoJaBo-A1tec, or add the dns servers manually on the network manager so it doesnt tries to get new ones04:59
diverdudesary: i dont think so04:59
diverdudesary: how would i start them?04:59
bazhangjgmdev, installing wicd removed nm last I checked04:59
CoJaBo-A1tecjgmdev: I stopped it and everything seems to work now; I don't want to uninstall anything, just disable it in case something breaks next boot ands I need it.04:59
sarydiverdude: you boot to Ubuntu and see if the fan run .05:00
pinebeidoes anyone know where the cursor theme is stored?05:00
jgmdevCoJaBo-A1tec, yah disabling network manager should also work05:00
diverdudesary: i am in ubuntu right now...but i dont know if the noise i hear is the fan05:01
SachOerHeks: I ran the command and rebooted.  However, the laptop rebooted as normal without any indication of having done a scan.  Tried to open the file, and same situation.05:01
blackmatrix_nyahhhhh now updating caused alt+tab not to work...why is 12.04 so bugyyyy....this really SUCKS05:01
CoJaBo-A1tecjgmdev: I disabled it, I wanted to stop it loading on boot- i think this is the right way, right? http://www.unixtutorial.org/2009/01/disable-service-startup-in-ubuntu/05:02
blackmatrix_nythe keyboard was the only thing I had going for me and now that handicap has been added...05:02
jgmdevCoJaBo-A1tec, sure05:02
CoJaBo-A1tecdhclient is no longer running, so thats a good sign.. Thanks, I won't know for a few hours if it does it again, but I don't think it can heh..05:03
jgmdevCoJaBo-A1tec, ahh but remember that now ubuntu uses upstart05:03
=== CoJaBo-A1tec is now known as CoJabo
=== CoJabo is now known as CoJao
blackmatrix_nyanybody know how to enable touchpad...it was working on the demo but after full install it no longer works05:03
=== CoJao is now known as CoJaBo
sarydiverdude: try to determine if the fan is running at all under ubuntu .. week ago someone had a similar issue with a different laptop bu he/she did not stated if the fun was running under Ubuntu .05:03
CoJaBojgmdev: This is a rather old version, pre upstart05:03
Cerrdorin the bind9 configuration if my gateway is 10.0.2.x would I change this:    type master;05:03
Cerrdor   file "/etc/bind/zones/rev.0.168.192.in-addr.arpa"; to    type master;05:03
Cerrdor   file "/etc/bind/zones/rev.2.0.10.in-addr.arpa";?05:03
CerrdorOh snappp05:03
CerrdorI shoulda pastebin that sorry05:04
lindawhile compiling marble package, it throws the following error - dh_makeshlibs: dpkg-gensymbols -plibmarblewidget12 -Idebian/libmarblewidget12.symbols.i386 -Pdebian/libmarblewidget12 returned exit code 105:04
CoJaBojgmdev: I tried updating, but upstart at the time was unbelievably broken, so I rolled back lol...05:04
jgmdevCoJaBo, there is also rcconf05:04
jgmdevCoJaBo, rcconf is a cli gui utility to disable/enable services05:04
CoJaBoAs long as its dead, that should be good- I just want to keep it around in case the static config explodes next reboot and I need *something* that can connect me to the net without googling which I wouldn't be able to do :P05:05
blackmatrix_nyUBUNTU...make that goddam 10.04 link easily findable and stop pushing this fucking buggy 12.04 on our face05:06
jgmdevusually a ifconfig eth0 up, and dhclient eth0 should get you online :)05:06
bazhangblackmatrix_ny, no cursing here05:06
CoJaBojgmdev: lol.. The thing nearly gave me a heart attack when my ssh shells died tho- 2 solid days to troubleshoot, discover the mobo was bad, then rebuild the whole, and I thought it had crashed O_O05:06
blackmatrix_nybazhang, i dont care anymore...Ubuntu is starting to act like fucking windows05:07
CoJaBoIn the middle of which, a pipe burst, causing this emergency to be interrupted by another -_-'05:07
SachOerHeks:  any other ideas?05:07
jgmdevCoJaBo, you should write down does commands I wrote05:07
jgmdevCoJaBo, in case network manager doesnt works :D05:07
CoJaBoifconfig at least I have memorized- use that all the time :P05:08
jgmdevand dhclient adaptername to automatically get ip info05:09
sarydiverdude: if the fun isn't running , this is bad and dangerous as it might and very likely to damage the cpu and motherboard .05:09
Sachsary:  The file size is 32kb, so the info is definitely still there, right?05:09
jagginesssary, /fan/fun05:09
CoJaBolol, I have a laptop with a broken fan :/05:10
diverdudesary: how do i start it05:10
CoJaBoIt gets real hot unless I sit it on its side when i leave it..05:10
saryjagginess: did i made a ty-po ! :)05:11
sarydiverdude: start what exactly ..05:11
diverdudesardonyx: the fan05:11
sarySach: it should , i hope so ..05:12
jagginessdiverdude, if the fan never turns on-- and you tried different linux live cds too, then it'll be wise to consider finding out why..05:12
night_oh yes05:13
night_who can help me05:13
bazhangnight_, ask a real question05:13
CoJaBojgmdev: the fun part is trying to get wpa_supplicant working on a USB wifi adaptor with buggy drivers LOL - Very bad when it fails when its controlling a $5,000 robot o_O05:13
sarydiverdude: the fan should run , if not then all i can tink of is to set the proper kernal boot option for it to run.05:14
night_there is noboday use kubuntu???05:14
bazhangnight_, sure there are. whats the real question05:14
Sachsary:  I dont know what else to do :(  :(05:14
night_i can't install input-bar05:15
CoJaBonight_: I use it on most of mine..05:15
bazhangnight_, how did you try to install it, and from where, what errors did you get, pastebin them05:15
sarySach: what was the result of the fsck ..05:15
bazhang!paste | night_05:15
ubottunight_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:15
night_i install it by software center05:16
Sachsary: it did the scan on reboot.  once it completed, it prompted me to log in as per usual.  no sign of the results of the fsck.05:16
night_i don't know what happend05:16
night_everything looks like well with no error05:17
night_my english not every well05:18
CoJaBonight_: If you have trouble with the GUI, theres always apt-get; unfortunately, the Kubuntu gui installer has always tended to suck :/05:18
EliahKaganKubuntu can also be installed from the Kubuntu alternate CD, if the GUI installer isn't working well05:20
sarySach: ok, i'd try to purge liberoffice , and install it again .. and in the same time file a bug as mentioned in the wiki , also better to ask a support question in askubuntu.com and on launchpad qestions section .05:20
night_i need luck05:20
artahow are guyyy05:20
EliahKaganhi question_guy05:20
question_guyproud to say im trying to quit my addiction to windows.05:20
killerhi ...i m trying to compile supertuxkart...but error is there......the mailing list suggested me to upgrade irrlicht to trunk revision 4099...can u help me how to do this in ubuntu05:20
CoJaBoquestion_guy: Well, the first step is admitting it :P05:21
EliahKagankiller: is it possible for you to post a link to the relevant post/thread in the mailing list archives?05:21
=== machiolate is now known as machicolate
CoJaBoI switched to Kubuntu after thw whole Vista fiasco... Never looked back.05:22
sarySach: its easy and simple to creat accoutns in both askubuntu.com and launchpad.net05:22
EliahKaganSach: indeed -- you can even use your launchpad.net account to authenticate with AskUbuntu.com05:23
CoJaBolol, I only have 2 copies of Win XP running, in virtual machines- one to run *just* a printer, the other to run *just* IE6 -_-'05:23
psychQuestion all: I have a minimal precise installation with lightdm installed. XBMC is running on top of it and I have it set to put the display to sleep after a few minutes idle. When it comes back, it asks me for a password. How can I disable this?05:23
question_guySo my whole process has been somewhat incremental. I'm using ubuntu on an external drive and windows on an internal drive. Everytime I install ubuntu. I disconnect my internal drive first. As to not overwrite the mbr. The problem is.... most of the time... I get a grub rescue prompt everytime I do that..05:23
psychI assume its lightdm asking for a password but I can't seem to tell it to stop05:23
EliahKagankiller: i ask mainly because 4162 is the latest build of irrlicht and it might be better (and is also easier) to use that if there is no specific reason to use 409905:23
EliahKaganhi q_05:24
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q_i am newer to ubuntu05:24
EliahKaganquestion_guy: you can configure GRUB2 to not write to the MBR of the first drive -- you can do that config during installation or afterwards (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 or feel free to ask here if that's not helpful enough)05:25
killerEliahKagan : in the reply i got they specified me not to use the latest one but only to use 409905:25
saryWelcome aboard q_ , this is ubuntu support channel .05:25
jgmdevCoJaBo, I have a usb wifi adapter ralnk I use iwpriv to configure it for exmple: iwpriv ra0 set SSID=networkname etc...05:25
EliahKagankiller: ah ok05:25
night_kubuntub is dieing????05:26
CoJaBojgmdev: These had terrible support, but I needed to use them cuz the auth was tied to the MAC address..05:26
EliahKaganwell let's see if i can find the svn server05:26
CoJaBoThe other wifi i had didnt support changing its MAC wither05:26
bazhangnight_, no05:26
question_guythank you for the reply Eliah.05:26
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jgmdevCoJaBo, mmm usually wireless adapter drivers suck :D05:26
question_guyI'll to my best to review that link.05:27
bazhangnight_, if you wish to just chit chat, join #ubuntu-offtopic05:27
CoJaBoINDEED -_-'05:27
night_bazhang: ok thank you05:27
bazhangaugh caps05:28
CoJaBowhy wS CAPSLOCK ON05:28
Guest76295you ren ma ?05:28
CoJaBoOh wtf.05:28
bazhangGuest76295, #ubuntu-cn05:28
CoJaBoI should just pry that fricking key off -_-'05:28
jgmdevgood night/day everyone im heading to the twilight zone :D05:28
blackmatrix_nybazhang, hey men try helping out instead of kicking already frustrated people05:28
bazhangblackmatrix_ny, this is not the rant channel. there is no cursing. if you wish help then follow the channel rules.05:29
siloxidhi! how do I determine which version of ubuntu I'm running?05:29
bazhang!version | siloxid05:29
ubottusiloxid: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »05:29
siloxidI'm running ubuntu lucid - how do I get the name of the graphic card I have installed?05:30
CoJaBoHuh. I've always done cat /etc/issue05:30
blackmatrix_nybazhang, I followed the rule for the past 4 hours and no ops would even bother to help05:30
bazhangsiloxid, try lspci in terminal05:30
bazhangblackmatrix_ny, we are volunteers. sometimes answers are forthcoming, sometimes not05:31
saryblackmatrix_ny: bazhang is acting as a 'catalyst' .. we should all act the same .05:34
blackmatrix_nybazhang,  the ubuntu site has next to nothing on how to go about configuring touchpad it keeps on insisting about help on the irc channel...atleast document this shit well so as we can self help05:34
saryand yes , its all volunteering here .05:35
saryblackmatrix_ny: have you looked at the wiki's .05:35
blackmatrix_nysary, I did and googled that site for the past hour...it's BS05:36
leftI from China05:37
blackmatrix_nyatleast let me air some steam out here and I'm not even insulting anyone05:37
blackmatrix_nywasting my friday trying to get a touchpad working was not how I envisioned my night05:37
saryblackmatrix_ny: how about this one .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad05:37
q_hi left05:38
q_i also from chian05:38
blackmatrix_nyi saw it...it can't even detect it to begin with05:38
saryHi left welcome , this Ubuntu support channel .. if you wanna chat you are welcome to /join #ubuntu-offtopic .05:39
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:39
saryjust in time wilee-nilee  :)05:39
wilee-nileesary, If I only understood05:40
saryblackmatrix_ny: what's the laptop model and make if known.05:42
Banan^hi guys - so after ubuntu 12.04 my raid 1 is lost - I see the raid in the hw controller bios just fine, and I can see the drives using the fdisk command .. I'm guessing I need to mount it or something - any ideas?05:45
curiousxaloha all :D05:46
kanuhaDoes the ATI driver work with 12.04?05:46
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blackmatrix_nysamsug np900x4b05:47
Chuck_Norriskanuha: ye05:47
Gaybar2000i need to eat a soap05:47
Chuck_Norriskanuha: the only thing you have to do is activate it from "Aditional Drivers" that's all05:47
bazhangGaybar2000, wrong channel stop05:47
kanuhaChuck_Norris, do I install the post release version or the other one?05:48
Gaybar2000sorry bazhang san05:48
Chuck_Norriskanuha: that way, you will install an already patched driver from canonical05:48
Chuck_Norristhe other one05:48
kanuhaChuck_Norris, thx I'll give it a go05:48
Chuck_Norrisok np05:49
xisorshadowhi i have no sound and need help fixing it05:49
blackmatrix_nyCouldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?05:50
bazhang!sound | xisorshadow05:50
ubottuxisorshadow: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:50
xisorshadowim on lubuntu, so im not sure if that applies to me05:50
xisorshadowi got next to nothing on here lol :P05:50
bazhangxisorshadow, sure it does05:50
xisorshadowlists 2 devices, i think its trying to use the hdmi rather than the analog05:52
xisorshadowis there a way to switch it?05:52
bazhangxisorshadow, with padevchooser, pavucontrol or what05:53
xisorshadowit listed both hdmi and analog when i aplay -l it05:54
xisorshadowhow do i make it so it ONLY uses the analog output?05:54
xisorshadowand never uses hdmi audio?05:54
xisorshadowi think its using hdmi audio and thats why i have no sound05:54
blackmatrix_nyegrep -i 'synap|alps|etps' /proc/bus/input/devices05:54
blackmatrix_nyshit returns nothing05:55
Chuck_Norrisxisorshadow: click on audio icon top right corner05:55
bazhangblackmatrix_ny, stop cursing. last warning.05:55
blackmatrix_nybazhang, what ?05:55
Chuck_Norristhen "Sound Settings"05:55
xisorshadowi dont have any icons in the top right corner, im not using gnome, not using kde either05:55
bazhangblackmatrix_ny, no more cursing here. you have been told many times.05:55
xisorshadowthis is lubuntu05:55
Chuck_Norrisoh! mmm... LXDE?05:56
bazhangxisorshadow, so install those packages05:56
xisorshadownot 100% sure, this is a custom distro xbmcbuntu, its basically xbmc as the default, with whatever lubuntu uses behind it, boots into xbmc by default05:56
Chuck_Norrisso, we need the command that show up the soud's preferences05:56
xisorshadowvery lightweight05:56
ubottuFor at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.05:57
xisorshadow11.04 if that makes much difference05:57
xisorshadownot 1205:57
blackmatrix_nywhat is the wrong with touchpad05:57
xisorshadowor 11.10, its not 12.0405:57
bazhangnot really05:57
blackmatrix_nyno help05:57
blackmatrix_nycome on05:57
blackmatrix_nyi need one05:57
FloodBot1blackmatrix_ny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:57
xisorshadowi have synaptic open, what package did you say i needed?05:58
xisorshadowyes its LXDE according to the xbmc wiki06:00
killerhi guys..is there a way to check yahoo mail without browser....06:00
xisorshadowChuck_Norris , are you still there?06:00
Gaybar2000you can log in with smtp06:01
xisorshadowits LXDE according to the xbmc wiki06:01
Chuck_Norrisbut i dont find the command xD06:01
Gaybar2000using telnet06:01
xisorshadowso what do i do?06:01
Chuck_Norrisbut you can't find the sound preferences?06:01
blackmatrix_nyFUCK THIS SHIT MAN...kick me out of your party dude, Im not getting served anyways...whatever06:01
Banan^so after ubuntu upgrade to 12.04 my raid 1 is lost - I see the raid in the hw controller bios just fine, and I can see the drives using the fdisk command .. I'm guessing I need to mount it or something - any ideas?06:03
Gaybar2000banan well06:03
xisorshadowchuck_norris , no there are no preferences of any kind that i can find06:03
Gaybar2000banana do you use mdadm or bios raid?06:03
Chuck_Norrisgotta go06:04
xisorshadowok so... im out of luck the06:05
Gaybar2000is there a basic translator for GWBasic on ubuntu?06:05
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Banan^Gaybar2000: what is mdadm raid?06:05
Gaybar2000banan a sw raid06:06
Banan^it's a hardware controller PCI card, two disk attached to it06:06
Gaybar2000pastebin your fstab06:06
Banan^uhm .. just lost my vnc connection to the box06:07
Banan^fstab was an unknown command?06:07
Gaybar2000fstab is a text file located in /etc/fstab06:08
Gaybar2000just open a terminal and type cat /etc/fstab copy and paste the content of this file to pastebin06:08
q_join #ubuntu-cn06:09
xisorshadowso nobody can help me with my sound? =/06:10
Gaybar2000xisorshadow: i can help you xisorshadow san06:10
xisorshadowim running lxde, and i have no sound, aplay shows both the analog and the hdmi device06:11
Gaybar2000you have no sound? fascinating06:11
Banan^Gaybar2000 -- getting a connection refused from my vnc viewer all of a sudden, this suddenly became a project without a monitor =D06:11
xisorshadowim trying to get sound out of my laptops built in speakers06:11
xisorshadowand i have no idea what im doing06:11
bazhangxisorshadow, and the pavucontrol , padevchooser packages? did you install them?06:11
Gaybar2000banan try to connect with ssh if you can and install x11vnc, then run x11vnc on the ssh shell and connect from your host06:11
xisorshadowno, i asked which packages and you never replied earlier, getting them now06:12
bazhangxisorshadow, step one is open terminal and type alsamixer , make sure nothing is muted06:12
bazhangxisorshadow, you used my nick in your reply?06:12
Banan^yeah, that'll be another time - thanks for the heads up though, I'll try again later :)06:12
Banan^have a nice weekend guys06:12
xisorshadowno... didnt know i had to >.<06:12
bazhangxisorshadow, like I use your nick everytime?06:13
bazhangxisorshadow, you dont. but I wont see the message, so your choice06:13
Gaybar2000xisorshadow: type aplay -L06:13
xisorshadowbazhang, ok i got pavucontrol, padevchooser isnt a known package according to synaptic06:14
xisorshadowalsamixer doesnt show anything muted as far as i can see06:15
robotdevilHi I have a logitech mx5500 http://www.gizmag.com/logitech-mx-5500-revolution-bluetooth-keyboard/8647/  I was wondring how to setup some of the special buttons, some work already.06:15
Gaybar2000i eat some ginger to get better in english talk06:16
Gaybar2000hello dido06:17
Gaybar2000come away with me06:17
xisorshadowbazhang: i was able to get sound using pulse audio to disable the hdmi, let me reboot and see if it sticks :D06:18
Gaybar2000mr bazhang are you a ubuntu worker?06:18
Gaybar2000bazhang: because you are like 24/7 here06:18
bazhangGaybar2000, we are all volunteers here06:18
bazhangGaybar2000, if you wish to chat, lets move to #ubuntu-offtopic please06:19
Gaybar2000please add a paypal account to donate for instant support06:19
xisorshadowbazhang: be right back ok? im going to restart and see if it keeps it working as default06:20
Gaybar2000im a oldunreal player and donated a lot06:20
bazhang!ot | Gaybar200006:21
ubottuGaybar2000: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:21
robotdevilIf I use multiple mice and try to set imwheel with it mess up other mice?06:22
=== Mitch is now known as Guest69146
thanmustokihello anybody can help me?06:25
xisorshadowbazhang: it works! now to figure out how to make the default environment xbmc instead of lxde again....06:25
xisorshadowdont suppose you know enough about lxde to help with that?06:25
thanmustokitool for converting audio and video like total video converter in ubuntu06:26
bazhangxisorshadow, choose at login window?06:26
thanmustokiwhat its name06:26
xisorshadowit auto logs me in06:26
bazhangthanmustoki, handbrake06:26
xisorshadowbazhang: i need to change that to get to the login window i think?06:26
bazhangxisorshadow, yep06:26
xisorshadowbazhang: how?06:26
thanmustokioke, thank you bazhang06:27
bazhangxisorshadow, type your nick, then select from login window06:27
xisorshadowbazhang: XD im a linux noob, i just needed something uber lightweight for my media center, and windows aint it06:27
xisorshadowbazhang: how do i get to the login window? it logs me in on its own, the login screen never appears06:27
bazhangxisorshadow, I'm not familiar enough with lxde on that, perhaps try #lubuntu06:28
xisorshadowbazhang: ok, thanks06:29
wilee-nileexisorshadow, I beleive there is a user accounts in lubuntu as well.06:29
bazhangusers and groups iirc06:29
bazhangnot sure where to access that in lubuntu/lxde though06:29
robotdevilimwheel keeps crashing06:29
wilxIs there a package repository with GCC 4.8 packages?06:31
xisorshadowbazhang: do you know how to make a program run every bootup automatically? if i can do that then i dont need to change the environment, just have xbmc auto run06:31
bazhangwilx, why would you need that06:32
bonez2046I get this error, when trying to print > Idle - "/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp failed"06:40
bonez2046how can I resolve this?06:40
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robotdevilhow to make a program only show on one screen instead of across both (twinview)06:41
robotdevilwhen in full screen06:41
=== fayimora_ is now known as fayimora
flowerpotI just checked the crontab for every user on my machine - Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - no user has a crontab.  Is this for real?  How does Ubuntu do things on a regular basis...?  Is everything being handled by Upstart?06:50
robotdevilthis is a support channel right06:50
[R]flowerpot: what?06:50
flowerpot[R], I expected that somewhere, a user would have a crontab to do things on a regular basis, like rotate logs06:51
[R]robotdevil: irc supports a TOPIC command for a reason...06:51
flowerpotbut not even root has a crontab06:51
[R]flowerpot: system crons are covered in /etc/crontab06:51
nanobolicrobotdevil, in the system settings click on displays and untick mirror displays06:51
robotdevilnanobolic: thanks06:52
robotdevilnanobolic: now what for kde I have both installed06:53
flowerpot[R], thanks, I didn't realize.06:53
flowerpotI see that /etc/crontab exists and has stuff in it.06:54
motherbrainok I have reasonly download google chrome os both the usb and virtual machine version of them. I have tried running th vdi HDD image on my virtual box after setting the PAE check box it seems to boot and it looks like is accessing the HDD icon but its not fully loaded . IS 1GB enough to allocate for this ?06:55
Sailorrhot girl06:55
=== aLeSD is now known as Guest88029
hplarhi. I'm having a lot of difficulties trying to get my projector to work. Can anyone help?06:58
motherbrainwell I increased and got the same problem i see a few red characters scroll by and then it is a black screen that keeps loading / never changes... Maybe some graphics card setting I have to set specific for chrome os ?06:59
bazhangSailorr, dont spam  here06:59
zombifierbazhang: We do not negotiate with spam07:00
motherbrainplug it into power :) run the hdmi or vga or whatever cable you use to the computer then go into the display settings that should do it07:00
hplari can get the projector to work vista via the usb cable, but it had to load some files from a cd to work. the cd does not contain any files that ubuntu can read.07:01
BlackWebwith IPTables would anyone know how to make them permanent to where right now then when I reboot my machine then I have to manually load the iptables saved file. how do you make it automatic07:02
[R]BlackWeb: you should use ufw07:03
motherbrainso then I would say check for linux drivers downloads on the projectors site or call the guys for help that made it07:03
motherbrainit may not currently be available use a new linux/ ubuntu distro or update as well you can try07:05
motherbrainmaybe the drivers are in a newer version of ubuntu07:05
BlackWebAlright never heard of it before I'll check it out thanks :)07:05
motherbrainlook in the man pages for iptables I am sure you will beable to find a few exams and what you need to get rid of manual doing it... Or use a gui based tool to do all this behind the scense stuff07:09
motherbrainthere are plenty of them'07:09
motherbrainunless you are doing something very complex or low level you shouldn't have to touch these iptables directly would think the gui versions would be enough07:10
hplarthanks for your help.07:13
gapagosi need help I installed Ubuntu but I lose video when I boot from grub07:13
gapagosI get no video issues when booting from live cd07:14
gapagosI don't understand why suddenly i lose all video signal when I boot from grub??07:14
gapagosanyone there???????????????07:15
SulaimanGreetings, I am running windows 7 (64-bit) and want to install ubuntu (64-bit) on my E: drive using the alternative windows installer.07:16
Sulaimanthe ubuntu's installer doesn't give me an option to pick 64-bit ...07:16
zombifierYou must have downloaded the 32 bit image07:17
zombifierRedownload the 64bit one and you're good07:17
Sulaimanzombifier, no, I didn't download any iso file07:17
SulaimanI just clicked on "Download windows installer"07:17
zombifierYou mean Wubi?07:17
KETCHUP_BOTTLEAMD64 is listed07:18
gapagosSulaiman, it selects 32 bit by default07:18
gapagosyou need to select 64 bit07:18
gapagos32 bit is recommended because some drivers do not work in 64 bit07:18
gapagosi need help I installed Ubuntu and it boots fine from the live cd but I lose video when I boot from grub07:19
gapagoscan anyone help me or should i just give up07:19
gapagosand remove ubuntu and restore my windows MBR07:19
Sulaimanzombifier, yes, i meant wubi07:19
KETCHUP_BOTTLEtry Kubuntu, before leaving the ubuntu world07:19
zombifierSulaiman, I'm not familiar with Wubi, but it should allow you to choose 64bit07:20
gapagosKetchup_Bottle, 1) I don<t like kde; 2- the problem occurs probably before any gui is loaded07:20
zombifiergapagos: what do you mean by losing video?07:20
sasukedcvdsvcjdb chgdsgak07:21
gapagoszombiefier, i mean i get no video signal after I order grub to boot ubuntu, and my monitor shuts off as if it was disconnected07:21
unomigapagos, what gfx card are you using?07:21
gapagosthere is a quick image tear before it happens so i asusme it;s a driver issue or so07:21
Sulaimanzombifier, do you recommend that I stick to 32-bit, as gapagos mentioned some drivers don't work with the 64-bit version?07:22
gapagosits a nvidia 9600 gt07:22
zombifierDunno. If you mainboard is AMD64, then go with 64bit07:22
zombifierIf you don't use any foreign graphic card or wireless card then you should be fine07:23
gapagosthe irony is I used to have ubuntu 9.04 and it worked fine07:23
unomiSulaiman, there really isn't a huge difference between 32 and 64 in my experience07:23
unomigapagos, any chance the install process went awry?07:23
zombifierIn my personal experience, the new nvidia driver (provided with Ubuntu's Additional Driver) is really buggy07:24
bazhangSulaiman, there is not such driver issue. use 64 if your hardware supports it07:24
gapagosunomi, maybe during the grub, it originally said "no such disk" and i couldn't boot any os07:24
unomiSulaiman, I was using 32 bit before, using 64 now - haven't really run into any issues, but nor am I feeling any subjective changes07:25
gapagosI installed and used boot-repair from the live cd to repair it and reinstall grub07:25
Sulaimanmy laptop is using intel i5 64bit, so I will go ahead with the 64bit version07:25
unomiwhen you lose video, does the hdd continue to churn / any welcome sounds?07:25
KIMAvcrpI had a strange problem after installation of ubuntu yesterday after I activated the proprietary drivers ubuntu doesn't recognize my 2nd monitor anymore. I have a gtx250. For now  I stick with the open source driver but does anyone have an idea how this can be resolved07:25
gapagosunomi thats the only issue i can think of07:25
gapagosunomi i keep hearing sounds from the HDD, but no welcome chimmie after several mins07:25
gapagosunomi but eventually it becomes quiet and I just hard-reboot.... also my keyboard still works (at least caps locks does) as I lose video07:27
unomiIf it was me I'd probably just reinstall, if it persisted then look at fiddling from the liveCD environment07:27
gapagosunomi I just installed for the 1st time07:27
gapagosthe install doesn<t provide any options except reformating partitions or not07:28
unomimy guess would be that it is either loading something into the kernel that would need to be blacklisted, or not realizing the need to fall back to a more generic driver07:28
gapagosyeah but what can i try to fix it07:29
unomigapagos, the thing is that the grub install issue isn't something that is part of the normal process07:29
unomiI would personally see if it might not bug out the 2nd time around07:30
gapagosunomi, if I only use the grub as the live cd intended, it gives me the error "no such disk" when I boot07:30
gapagosit;s quite scary as I can't boot at all not even in windows or ubuntu07:30
unomihow many hdds do you have?07:30
gapagoslike 307:31
gapagosi think07:31
gapagoswindows and ubuntu are on 2 different ones07:31
unomiare they stand-alone or RAID?07:31
gapagosnot sure07:31
unomitry installing with the others disconnected?07:31
saryKIMAvcrp: hi , do you happen to have a dual graphic cards .07:31
unomiI mean, yes, you can probably fix it via the liveCD and fiddling with the right config settings, but I don't have that expertise07:32
gapagosunomi, if I disconnect the linux one, ill have 2 linux distros on 2 different drives when I connect it back and itll have to reduce my windows partition07:32
unomiif you want to gain that then google might be a backup-buddy till someone who does is around :)07:32
gapagosif I disconnect the windows one it wont detect it and wont give me the windows boot option07:33
unomino, I mean disconnect all but the one you want to install linux to07:33
gapagosbut i dont want to disconnect the windows one for fear of not being able to boot in windows or having two competing MBRs07:33
unomithat is an easier issue to fix than fiddling with the unknown07:34
unomionce you can boot from your hdd with linux and the gfx still hold up07:34
unomithen the only thing left to do is the grub entry07:34
unomi( for the windows entry )07:35
gapagosi had really bad experiences with corrupted MBRs before07:35
gapagosim kinda paranoiac nowadays07:35
unomiI wish I could help you better07:35
gapagosthx anyway07:35
gapagosi appreciate it07:35
unomiwell, go exploring :)07:36
unomiboot from the liveCD and see what you can dig up on grub configumalation07:36
=== wilee-nilee is now known as maple-bacon
robotdevilhow do you change the boot splash screen in 12.0407:46
robotdevilis it called usplash?07:47
zombifierNot anymore. It's plymouth07:47
zombifierYou can download/change plymouth bootscreen using Super Boot Manager07:48
iamtheretodaylooking to install a easy to use mail client . any recommendations ?07:51
ServerCrashhi :)07:51
zombifieriamtheretoday: Thunderbird?07:52
iamtheretodayDoes thunderbird have an encryption add on ?07:53
zombifierThere is. Install the package enigmail from the repo07:53
zombifierIt enables GPG encryption07:54
iamtheretodaygreat ..Thanks zombifier.....07:54
ubottuh74: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:12
BlackWebHey anyone familiar with NFS & OpenVPN08:14
OrpheonI need some help, whenever I run a wine game requiring DirectX it gives me an error that it can't find DirectX, and this shows up in .xsession_errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007764/08:15
Orpheonfollowing that, compiz crashes08:16
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Guest1408Hey. I'm on a clean 64-bit 12.04 install, and I can't install ia32-libs.08:18
Orpheonsynaptic won't work?08:18
Orpheonit did for me08:19
Orpheonat least, it says they are installed08:19
Guest1408sudo aptitude install ia32-libs   gives me a dependency resolution dialog that suggests not installing any of the packages08:19
Orpheon"sudo apt-get install ia32-libs"08:20
Orpheonwhat happens?08:20
BlackshirtGuest, update your repos't?08:20
Guest1408Blackshirt: just updated08:21
Guest1408Orpheon: .... weird, they're installing08:21
Guest1408I was under the impression that aptitude was a wrapper over apt-get?08:21
Guest1408Why would aptitude choose not to install them when apt-get would?08:21
BlackshirtNo...aptitude not wrapper for apt-get08:22
Orpheonanyone have any idea why my wine can't initialize opengl?08:23
Guest1408Blackshirt: Then what is it? How are they different?08:23
Orpheonaptitude is older, I think08:23
Orpheonnot sure though08:23
zombifieraptitude handles dependency better than apt-get08:24
BlackshirtI think was not08:24
Guest1408Orpheon: apt is definitely older. I think apt dates back to '86 or something, aptitude is relatively new.08:24
zombifieraptitude is the superior tool for sysadmins08:24
BlackshirtI mean, aptitude not older compared to apt-get08:24
[R]Guest1408: that makes no sense on so many levels08:25
Orpheonah ok08:25
Guest1408zombifier: I tend to preferentially use aptitude, but in this case it was actually refusing to install my packages >.>08:25
Guest1408[R]: ?08:25
[R]Guest1408: apt being from 8608:25
zombifierWhat error does it give?08:25
BlackshirtAre you sure for 86? Linux was not created before?08:25
zombifierIt's possible.08:25
Guest1408Erm. 9808:25
Guest1408listen to wikipedia, not my tired brain08:25
zombifiersince some really old Linux tools are actually from UNIX08:26
wilee-nileeshred commands for sure08:26
Guest1408Emacs is 7608:26
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caesar_how can i extract rar files?08:31
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:31
bethebunnycaesar_: Install unrar08:31
zombifierInstall unrar and then Ubuntu's default archive manager whould be able to handle it08:32
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JragonI'm in need of some help. For some odd reason, I do not know when I boot Ubuntu live it gets stuck on the loading screen with the dots going along the screen. And when I try to boot Windows which I have installed on my hdd it gets past the boot screen but then goes to a black screen with the mouse, and then it restarts. I've no idea what I've done or what I should do... :S08:35
zombifierJragon: The LiveCD is slow. Wait for a few minutes.08:36
zombifierAs for the Windows problem, no idea. The LiveCD does not, in anyway possible, modify your system.08:37
Jragonzombifier: I left it 3 hours with out any luck.08:37
barcodehi have someone know , why I didn't find menu.lst08:37
zombifierOK, 3 hours is too much08:37
barcodeon ubuntu 12 LTS08:37
JragonI have also tried Linux Mint, with the same problem.08:37
JragonMint 1108:37
mjtowellJragon, if you press Esc when you see the dots, you will be shown the boot messages which may be helpful in diagnosing the problem.08:37
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barcodeI install Xen-Hypervisor08:37
barcodeon Ubuntu 12 LTS.08:38
kuttyhow to create partition ubuntu 12.04 ,any one help me?08:38
barcodeand already update-grub, but nothing change with grub.conf08:38
kuttyhow to create partition ubuntu 12.04 ,any one help me?08:39
barcodexen kernel still not showing08:39
barcodemake it default bro08:39
The_BROSI found one bug. When I run Virtualbox, applet indicators of programmes crushes. How can I fix it?08:39
kuttyhow to create partition ubuntu 12.04 ,any one help me?08:40
JragonOkay. It says timeout: killing '/sbin/blkid -o udev -o /dev/sbd' [461]08:40
mjtowellkutty, GParted is your friend.08:40
n1ckn4me09876543on Windows OS, when I want to erase a CD-RW disc I just go to My Computer right click disc-drive & click ERASE THIS DISC,  how would I go about doing something similar in linux? erase cd-rw data08:41
barcodehello, Has someone already install xen-hypervisor on ubuntu ?08:44
barcode12 LTS08:44
zombifierCan you install it?08:44
ActionParsnip!info xen-hypervisor08:45
ubottuPackage xen-hypervisor does not exist in precise08:45
zombifierActually, xen-hypervisor-4.1-i386 is the correct name08:45
zombifieror xen-hypervisor-4.1-amd64 if 64bit08:45
ActionParsnipyeah for some reason on my 32bit quantal I am offered xen-hypervisor-4.1-amd6408:45
ActionParsniplogging a bug08:46
Jragonmjtowell: Any idea as to what I should do?08:46
robotdevilhow come removing quiet and splash from /etc/default/grub still gives me the ugly gray boot splash on kubuntu 12.0408:46
zombifierYeah. Precise 32bit here and I see all 2 packages, i386 and amd6408:46
ActionParsniprobotdevil: do you mean a plain screen?08:47
robotdevilGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=                  is how my grub looks and still a splash screen08:47
barcodeI already install with xen-hypervisor-*, but I didn't find grub08:47
barcodefor choosing xen-kernel08:47
robotdevilActionParsnip: no it has a logo and everything08:48
mjtowellJragon, not without knowing what your boot messages say. Have a look at what boot message your system hangs on and search Google for that particular boot message with words such as "hangs".08:48
ActionParsniprobotdevil: can you expandon 'ugly' then please08:48
ActionParsniprobotdevil: did you run:  sudo update-grub    after editting the file, as well?08:49
robotdevilActionParsnip: oops lol08:50
wilee-nileerobotdevil, did you update grub after removing, or from the boot it was removed08:50
ActionParsniphaha I sense he didn't run update-grub08:51
wilee-nileeit happens08:51
Jragonmjtowell: Hmm.. It only comes up with a result. timeout: killing '/sbin/blkid -o udev -o /dev/sbd' [461]08:51
* ActionParsnip warms up a facepalm for robotdevil08:51
ActionParsnipeven says it on the top line of the file as a handy reminder :)08:52
ActionParsniphead -n 1 /etc/default/grub08:52
alankilaif debian could get rid of its habit of generating the actually used config files I would be so much happier08:53
alankilagrub2 is pretty smart, but apparently not smart enough to do the work at boot-up time to discover what operating systems are there, or to read auxiliary config files like /etc/default/grub.08:53
mjtowellJragon, are you using the latest Ubuntu live CD?08:54
ActionParsnipalankila: that's what os-prober is for08:54
alankilaevery update-foo program is imho a bug. But perhaps update-initramfs and update-grub are the sort of things that are too hard to fix08:54
Jragonmjtowell: no08:54
Jragonmjtowell: I'll download it now and burn it.08:54
ActionParsnipJragon: remember to MD5 test :)08:55
ActionParsniprobotdevil: better?08:55
JragonActionParsnip: How would I do that?08:55
mjtowellJragon, I think that trying the latest live CD is good idea :) Good luck.08:55
ActionParsnip!md5 | Jragon08:55
ubottuJragon: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:55
ActionParsnipquiet today09:01
krababbelhey hey!, hot weather here, and mondey off for everyone09:05
belyleAllo folks09:05
robotdevilActionParsnip: no how do I do logout or does that cover it?09:07
ActionParsniprobotdevil: do you mean from the desktop session?09:08
robotdevilsorry reboot or restart or shutdown09:08
belyleI was hoping you guys could help to break my mental block ... I've never before configured a mail or web server in my life, and for shits and giggles I registered a domain to play around with.  In South Africa we have DSL with dynamic IP's, so I would like to know if anyone can explain to me how I get the mail to delivered to my server and then how to get the mail to me and my mates09:08
ActionParsniprobotdevil: can run:  sudo shutdown -r now      and it will reboot, if that's what you mean?09:09
robotdevilActionParsnip: I mean to see verbose, not a splash09:09
ActionParsniprobotdevil: try pressing ESC during boot, plymouth should hide and you can watch the boot, the same text is present in:    dmesg | less     if the system boots fully09:10
KETCHUP_BOTTLEbelyle, your email service will need to allow you to access your email.  Then you just sign into it through a program.09:11
ebe_dhHi to everyone09:11
belyleOk, as I mentioned we have DSL with dynamic IP's, so I registered a DynDNS account, obviously I will have to configure something on the 12.04 (a client of sorts) ... so do I then ask DynDNS to keep the mail intended for the domain "rubinconza.dyndns.org" with them, then A) push it down to the my box, or B) Set a program up to retrieve the mail from them?09:14
schreberDoes anyone know how to change the icon theme on 12.04 while running Cinnamon?09:14
zombifierschreber: Dunno if Ubuntu Tweak will do the trick, since Cinnamon is a GNOME Shell port09:16
ebe_dhi am a absolutely newcommer and need some help to bring V12.04 onto my old PC. Every try to install it from cdrom fails at the end with "Unrecovarable Error" and dies (allmost)09:16
schreberzombifier: I was thinking that might be the trick but thought best to ask before attempting.09:16
KETCHUP_BOTTLEebe_dh, laptop or desktop?09:16
belyleebe_dh, how far into the installation does it bomb?09:17
schreberAnother odd question I like the theme kfaenza as opposed to the standard, if you want to call it that, faenza theme is there anyway to get it to work under gnome/cinnamon?09:17
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, hi buddy i need ur help about my wireless card. every time i start my laptop, to enable my wireless card i need to pass a command in terminal i.e. sudo modprob b43. can you please let me know how to avoid this09:17
ebe_dhit is Desktop and the install runs allmost to the end...09:17
ActionParsnipWishing_Master: echo "b43" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules > /dev/null09:18
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, what will this do?09:18
belyleebe_dh, if I can make a suggestion, try installing without selecting any of the Servers apart from SSH09:18
ActionParsnipschreber: cinnamon isn't supported here09:19
ActionParsnipWishing_Master: add the word 'b43' to the /etc/modules file, it will then be loaded at boot09:19
schreberActionParsnip: I suppose there is a #cinnamon for such things then, right?09:20
ActionParsnipschreber: perhaps, or you could join the mint channel, they use cinnamon09:21
ebe_dhbelyle, how does it work09:21
* kecer hi09:22
belyleI'm a ubuntu nub myself, but from what I've seen (this morning @ 03:00) near the end of the installation it asks you which servers you want to install, I de-selected everything apart from the OpenSSH server ... did you get to that part?09:23
belyleand, to answer your question, the OpenSSH will make it possible for you to use putty and ssh into the box (if you are a skint South African like me and dont have a screen for you box) :D09:23
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, i have added the b43 module in the modules file, i am going to reboot now to check, thanks to you in advance.09:25
ebe_dhbelyle: No sofar i didnt com! The setup works pretty long on HD, ask some questions, latest for my picture...then brings error message09:25
belyleoh crap, sorry mate, I was on about 12.04 server not desktop09:27
belyleWon't be able to help you on Desktop, mine installed A-OK first time around09:28
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, i have rebooted and it works gr809:28
ebe_dhthe last error is "/usr/bin/ubiquti-dm"09:28
belyleweebee Wishing_Master, did it work?09:28
belyleawesome :)09:28
belyleDid you try and google the output ebe_dh ?09:28
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, there was another entry in modules files i.e. ls09:29
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, whats that for?09:29
ebe_dhbelyle: yes i posted the report as recomendet.09:30
belyleI'm looking around too quickly09:30
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, there was another entry in modules files i.e. ls                                     ActionParsnip, whats that for?09:34
DragonSlaywhat is 12.4% contiguous in linux09:35
=== hif is now known as hid
DragonSlaylinux filesystem *09:35
satop1how to share my  usb-modem  3g mobile broadband trough wifi with my android phone ?09:35
ActionParsnipWishing_Master: if there are other moduls mentioned, that's fine09:35
ActionParsnipWishing_Master: those modules will also be loaded at boot09:36
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, whats is ls  for?09:36
ActionParsnip!ics | satop109:36
ubottusatop1: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing09:36
ActionParsnipWishing_Master: no idea, it's a module09:36
* kecer don't need help09:36
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, okay09:37
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, thanks bro09:37
ActionParsnipWishing_Master: np :)09:37
hidhi I'm using xcaliber to calibrate the screen on my laptop but I can't find a good configuration. Can you help me ?09:37
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, emoticons don't work here. thats sad09:38
ActionParsnipWishing_Master: depends on the client09:38
satop1actionparsnip i am looking into it TY09:38
* kecer nah09:38
ActionParsnipWishing_Master: works fine here in Pidgin09:38
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, i am using xchat09:38
ActionParsnipWishing_Master: that's why then09:38
Wishing_MasterActionParsnip, uh?09:38
hidThere's always too much luminosity and colors are wrong09:38
ActionParsnipWishing_Master: I use Pidgin for IRC when I am home09:39
* kecer .09:39
* kecer nah09:39
zombifierXChat does not have emotes. If I remembered correctly, there's a plugin somewhere09:39
Wishing_Masterzombifier, yeah u r right,they don't work in xchat09:40
JragonOkay. WEll I'm now booting 12. It seems to still be on the loading dots... When I click escape it says timeout: killing '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdb1' [496]09:40
belyleActionParsnip, could I run postfix as a "Internet Site" if I have a dynamic IP address linked to a country domain like rubiconza.co.za (I want my server to pull mail from my ISP in this case, Web-Africa) or do I have to chose "Internet with smarthost" ?09:40
ActionParsnipbelyle: not sure, never set anything like that up before09:41
systemubotched an ecryptfs disabling09:41
ActionParsnipJragon: what GPU do you use. It's also 12.04, not 1209:41
systemui now only have a .Private directory09:41
systemuin my $HOME09:41
morkois there some reason i should install lamp with tasksel rather than with apt-get if it is possible to install it with apt-get install lamp-server^ ?09:41
systemuany way i can recover that09:41
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ActionParsnipsystemu: backups will save the day09:42
systemuActionParsnip, <_<09:42
systemui do have soe09:42
systemuany other way?09:42
ActionParsnipsystemu: possibly https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory09:43
systemuthe .Private dir is pretty huge09:43
ActionParsnipencryptfs is too much of a headache09:43
JragonActionParsnip: I'm using the GT 44009:43
ActionParsnipJragon: add the boot  option:  nouvea.blacklist=109:44
systemuActionParsnip, i really wish i knew that when i was offered that on install09:44
JragonActionParsnip: How would I do that?09:44
ActionParsnipmorko: not sure why tbh, I guess you could do it with apt-get09:44
ActionParsnipJragon: hold shift at boot, press E to (e)dit the boot and add it on the same line as:  quiet splash09:45
pungi-mancan anyone tell me how to get a static IP for my server??09:45
mf|laptopWhat do you mean by Static IP? Internet one that can be accessed anywhere in the world or local IP? like
morkoActionParsnip, thank you. i will use apt-get then. i don't understand why the community documentation tells you to install tasksel first.09:46
ActionParsnippungi-man: you can contact your provider. Alternatively you can get a dydns / noip account then the a name can be used and the IP will be mooted09:47
belylepungi-man, public static or local static (on your machine self) - if on your machine self then try checking out the file /etc/network/interfaces09:47
ActionParsnipmorko: I'd go with it if it was me, probably some reason but I'd imagine both ways are ok09:47
pungi-manbelyle, public static09:48
belylethen what ActionParsnip said :)09:48
mf|laptoppungi-man then it would need to be your ISP or use a dynamic IP through dyndns or noip :)09:48
ActionParsnippungi-man: I have a noip account so I don't have to know my IP, just as you don't have to know the IP of the pages you visit09:48
JragonActionParsnip: umm...09:49
pungi-mani actually wanted to set up a web server....so what will I need to set it up....i have coded the site....i just want to put the site online09:49
JragonActionParsnip: Holding shift at the boot menu for the live cd doesn't do anything, nor does shift+e.09:49
BlouBloupungi-man: apache2 for example09:49
ActionParsnippungi-man: then port forward on your router and it will be accessible09:49
ActionParsnip!bootoption | Jragon09:49
ubottuJragon: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.09:49
pungi-mani have install LAMP server09:49
pungi-manActionParsnip, how to so that?? I am actually new to servers09:50
belylepungi-man, do the port forward on your router09:50
ActionParsnipJragon: you do know there are lots of websites explaining boot options on the internet....09:50
mf|laptoppungi-man: http://www.no-ip.com/ use that site, to setup the hostname for the site. if you need to use your own domain name you may need to use dyndns.09:50
BlouBloupungi-man: do you know about your router firewall?09:50
ActionParsnippungi-man: you'll need your router manual and access the web based config page09:50
BlouBloupungi-man: well, that's not really a firewall, but a port forwarder, just open your port (80) to your local ip09:51
ActionParsnipmf|laptop: why dydns for a domain name? noip provides domain names too...09:51
mf|laptoppungi-man: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServersBehindNAT should help with that. I was not aware noip provide domain names ActionParsnip.09:51
mf|laptopWith the router, I would reccomend getting out the instructions that came with it if unsure. Or googling the model online and adding port forwarding to the end of the search.09:52
pungi-manwhen i access the web config page i asks my password and then when i have entered the default (i have not changed my password) password it does not give me that page09:52
BlouBloupungi-man: admin and no password then09:52
mf|laptopwhat model of router is it?09:52
mf|laptopand make09:52
mf|laptoptry admin and admin09:53
pungi-mani tried it09:53
mf|laptoppungi-man: this site should help with finding one that works: http://www.indiabroadband.net/mtnl-broadband/34674-mtnl-changed-modem-user-pass.html09:54
sannyhello guys, how to install gimp 2.8 in oneiric, im always  got dependency issue...09:54
ActionParsnipsanny: run:  sudo apt-get -f install09:55
sannyhmm, will try...09:55
ActionParsnippungi-man: should be U:admin  P:admin    all lower case09:55
belylemf|laptop, sorry, saw something you said now, so if I have a domain registered here in .co.za I can also register a dyndns domain and "map" it to my domain?09:56
pungi-mani tried it09:56
JragonOkay, ActionParsnip. After trying that it still gives the same error09:57
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Jragon09:57
ubottuJragon: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:57
pungi-mandoes anyone else use mtnl here??09:58
mf|laptoppungi-man: I would imagine they use the same default passwords.09:59
pungi-mani now have to call up to their call centre10:00
fastaIs there a version of chromium for Ubuntu which is not insecure out of the box?10:01
morkopungi-man, the router should probably have somekind of reset button that resets it to the factory configuration10:01
morkopungi-man, but then you have to configure your internet again10:02
ActionParsnipfasta: chromium-browser   in the repos is available...10:02
fastaActionParsnip: and that's version 18.10:02
ActionParsnipfasta: yes10:02
fastaActionParsnip: everything before some version 19 is insecure.10:02
pungi-mani have the reset button but i fear that it may spoil the settings10:02
sannyi think i will break my system after adding Gimp ppa in oneiric, is any alternative to get gimp 2.8 work in oneiric, sir?10:02
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=== bashywash is now known as bashyy
morkopungi-man, yeah it will "spoil" the settings10:02
ActionParsnipfasta: then I suggest you report a bug so it can be updated, mark it as a security risk10:03
pungi-mansorry delete it!!10:03
metalguyI am looking for a software for image to text converter in linux but cant find one?10:04
morkopungi-man, but if you are sure that the default password is admin and it is not working then that is your only option10:04
pungi-mani will try10:04
morkopungi-man, then you will have to configure it again.10:04
pungi-manhope everything will work fine!!10:04
zombifiermetalguy: image to ASCII?10:04
morkopungi-man, you have to know your isp:s settings10:04
metalguyzombifier, yes, the texts are as images10:04
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fastaActionParsnip: there are still 369 open bugs; I don't think it will help :)10:05
metalguyzombifier,  i dont want to write them again10:05
ActionParsnipfasta: could use Iron, its a chrome based browser with the spy junk pulled out: http://www.srware.net/downloads/iron-linux.tar.gz10:05
pungi-manmostly coz i saw the person doing  that 6 months ago10:05
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fastaActionParsnip: that most likely has the same bug.10:05
ActionParsnipfasta: depends which version its based on...10:06
fastaActionParsnip: is there anything in Ubuntu which protects me from exploits?10:06
fastaActionParsnip: address randomization tricks, etc.?10:06
ActionParsnipfasta: what is this vulnerability you are so petrified of anyway?10:06
morkopungi-man, yea.. if you don't know how to configure it then better leave it for someone else because then you maybe loose your internet10:07
fastaActionParsnip: well, it's a fairly involved one, so likely no problem; still, I don't like to run software which is already known to be broken.10:07
fastaActionParsnip: it has been in the news.10:07
systemuGOT IT10:07
ActionParsnipfasta: with 369 bugs (as you say), its quite broken apart from the issue you know of.10:07
morkopungi-man, or search your isp instructions for configuring the router10:07
morkopungi-man, and also the routers own manual10:08
pungi-mangood idea....but will not change my duniya10:08
cagoccioneHow can I set a bash script which is called on every logout ? (Lubuntu)10:08
zombifiermetalguy: GIMP has an option to export an image to ASCII, but I'm certain there are lighter ways to do this.10:08
systemuActionParsnip, ecryptfs-recover-private /home/.ecryptfs/[username]/.Private10:08
morkopungi-man, it is not so hard if you read a bit10:08
ActionParsnipsystemu: nice, now make a backup (like you SHOULD have had before)10:08
pouncercan someone check and see if the ultimate edition site is not working properly for them it loads up the main page but when i try and go to another page it gives me a 404 error10:08
systemuActionParsnip, ;_;10:08
ActionParsnipsystemu: no backup == data is disposable10:09
Almindoris there a way to force-disable internal microphone in ubuntu 12.04/pulseaudio?10:09
fastaActionParsnip: not all of them are security problems.10:09
Almindorit always gets selected as default after restart for me and it breaks up skype etc. (I have to select the usb one)10:09
cagoccioneHow can I set a bash script which is called on every logout ? (Lubuntu)10:09
JragonActionParsnip: the boot screen is compleatly different on 12.0410:09
ActionParsnipcagoccione: maybe in ~/.bash_logout10:10
cagoccioneActionParsnip: maybe?10:11
tahimikcagoccione: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3848110:11
ActionParsnipcagoccione: well......try it.10:11
cagoccioneActionParsnip: does it work only with shell logout? I need it also for graphical one10:11
ActionParsnipcagoccione: it doesn't cost anything to try10:11
systemuActionParsnip, which backup app do you use?10:12
systemuthere are so many of them10:12
systemuand i haven't figured out a working process / policy10:12
ActionParsnipsystemu: cp + cron, dirty and quick10:13
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:13
systemuis there a way to backup the same thing with multiple copies on multiple hdds?10:14
systemunot raid. raid is not a backup scheme10:14
ikoniacopy the backup onto other disks10:14
systemuhow do i make sure everything is the same between all of the copies?10:15
pouncercan someone else check and see if they are having problems with the ultimateedition.info site main page works but keep getting 404 error just wanting to make sure its not my system10:15
ikoniasystemu: take a backup, copy backup to other disk10:15
zombifiermetalguy: The command asciiview -driver curses imagenamehere should do it10:15
systemuif something goes wrong with one, it'll propagate10:15
morkosystemu, diff10:16
ikoniapouncer: that site is worthless anyway10:16
dz0nypoucer: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ultimateedition.info and yes it works10:16
ikoniasystemu: take a backup, copy it to multiple disks10:16
pouncerthanks all i appreciate it10:17
ActionParsnipsystemu: could use grsync10:18
ActionParsniphttp://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/     always funny10:19
fastaWhen I start Muon, and want to install some updates, it says that it cannot do that because the proper authentication was not supplied.10:24
fastaDo I need to do something special to enable that?10:24
=== ebe_dh is now known as Guest91034
zombifierfasta: are you asked for your password?10:25
fastazombifier: no10:26
fastazombifier: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/polkit-kde-1/+bug/86773710:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833058 in qapt (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #867737 Muon-updater doesn't ask for password" [Undecided,Fix released]10:27
fastazombifier: I think it's that one.10:27
fastazombifier: they say a fix has been released; I think they just fixed it for one particular case.10:27
fastaI.e. they didn't fix it.10:28
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> hi guys10:28
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> i have an issue10:28
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> suddenly my ehcp is not working10:28
ActionParsnipfasta: try:   kdesu muon10:28
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /var/www/new/ehcp/config/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php on line 36510:28
ikoniaAuroSoniQ: mysql is not running10:28
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> i have not done anything and made any changes to the sql root pass10:28
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> :(10:28
ikoniaor the socket file is not there10:28
miss_ubuntuhi ,shutdown loggs off me instead of shutdown ... 11.1010:29
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> i manually restart sqld10:29
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> is still the same10:29
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> all my bind server all down10:29
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> is a disaster10:29
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> :(10:29
FloodBot1AuroSoniQ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:29
ikoniaAuroSoniQ: is this your issue or someone elses ?10:29
ikoniaAuroSoniQ: stop10:29
ikoniaAuroSoniQ: is this your issue or someone elses ?10:29
ikoniaoh, it's a bot10:29
AuroSoniQ<Inquisitor`a> is mine10:30
fastaActionParsnip: it's kdesudo, but yes, now it works.10:30
tahimikmiss_ubuntu: Do you want to power down your computer? Are you shutting down from a console prompt?10:31
Inquisitorit is not a spam bot :(10:31
ActionParsnipfasta: http://linux.die.net/man/1/kdesu10:31
ActionParsnipfasta: you'll have both10:31
ikoniaInquisitor: if you have a moment can you join #ubuntu-ops please.10:31
Inquisitorya ok :)10:32
cagoccionehow can I disable the lxde feature which shows hidden files (can be toggled by right-clicking on any window)10:32
pbdjoin /ubuntu-ops10:32
miss_ubuntutahimik thanks for reply . yes i want to power down by clicking computer icon then select "shut down"10:32
fastaActionParsnip: which filepath? Because I don't.10:32
fastaActionParsnip: kdesu<TAB> does not complete.10:32
fastaActionParsnip: (to anything but kdesudo)10:32
ActionParsnipfasta: ah, maybe they removed it10:32
pbdjoin /#ubuntu-ops10:32
ActionParsnipcagoccione: which file browser10:33
Dr_Williscagoccione:  check the settings for the lxde/lubuntu default file manager.  YOu want it disabled by not allowing it at all? or always being set one way or the other?10:33
tahimikmiss_ubutu: I don't have a gui on my machine to check. You could open a terminal and type  sudo shutdown -h now10:34
vltHello. Since I upgraded to 12.04 (fresh install) my browser (chromium) is unusable. I start it and after a few seconds it closes. This is the terminal output I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007881/  What to do nowß10:35
cagoccioneActionParsnip, Dr_Willis: I think it is openbox...! I've Lubuntu 11.10!10:36
cagoccioneI want to make it impossible in the window manager10:36
ActionParsnipcagoccione: in help -> about   what does it say?10:36
miss_ubuntuhi ,shutdown loggs off me instead of shutdown ... 11.1010:37
cagoccionePCManFM 0.9.910:37
ActionParsnipmiss_ubuntu: does:  sudo shutdown -h now     shut it down?10:37
ActionParsnipcagoccione: ok so now we know the app10:37
cagoccionedo you think it's possible?10:37
pbdmiss_ubuntu : there must be other users logged in to the computer. Use sudo shutdown -h10:38
ironmhave you tested it with ubuntu 12.04 desktop in live mode? ... vlt> Hello. Since I upgraded to 12.04 (fresh install) my browser (chromium) is unusable. I start it and after a few seconds it closes. This is the terminal output I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007881/  What to do now10:39
cagoccioneI wanna remove that feature from Right-click menu10:39
ironmhello. Is there a better way for off-line installations of additional software on ubuntu-server than the following one? ... http://rsync.it-infrastrukturen.org/mariadb/ubuntu/mariadb-ubuntu-local-repo.pdf10:41
=== Shinji-irc is now known as yyy
ironmthe .tgz files or .iso images for aptoncd is at: http://rsync.it-infrastrukturen.org/mariadb/ubuntu/10:42
vltcagoccione: How to switch to “live mode”?10:42
vltcagoccione: (sorry)10:42
vltironm: ^10:42
ironmvlt, when you boot10:42
vltironm: When I boot I get the grub menu10:43
ironmin the boot menu (test)10:43
assengachigybuntu:take antipas10:43
ironmdo you use 12.04 desktio image vlt  ?10:43
vltironm: I use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with ubuntu-desktop installed, yes.10:43
ironmvlt, the point is to boot in live mode from the images (CD or UBS stick) ... and then you have two choices (run in test mode or install)10:44
vltironm: Aah …10:44
cagoccioneActionParsnip: hmm .bash_logout works only for the shell10:44
vltironm: I have no CD drive or USB to boot from. How to create an Ubuntu USB boot stick?10:45
ironmvlt, when you boot from HDD you will *not* have such boot menu I guess. I run ubuntu on my desktop only for test purposes in live mode. I install it (ubuntu-server on servers)10:46
VMERSINTOis gnuchess written in c++? where could i see the source?10:46
ActionParsnipVMERSINTO: sudo apt-get source install gnuchess10:46
vltironm: Yes, I understand that. But I didn’t use an install CD for years, so didn’t know about “live mode”.10:47
zombifierActionParsnip: Is the install flag nessesary?10:47
ironmvlt, download the .iso image and copy it to the stick with the following command: dd if=./ubuntu-xxx.iso of=/dev/sd<your_USB_device_ID> bs=1M10:47
assengahow could i write c code in ubuntu10:47
VMERSINTOActionParsnip : Unable to find a source package for install10:47
ActionParsnipseems it's: sudo apt-get source gnuchess10:47
ActionParsnipzombifier: looks like install isn't needed10:48
zombifierI don't think there's sudo10:48
vltironm: Ok. (Will use ddrescue instead)10:48
VMERSINTOno sudo10:48
ActionParsniptry both ways, its free to try10:48
ironmassenga, with vi of course ;)10:48
JustinsasAnyone good with raid diagnoses? dmesg output here https://www.dropbox.com/s/pvmcyppkx23y69u/raid.txt10:49
VMERSINTOgot it10:49
chigybuntuSema priva, upo online?10:49
VMERSINTOhold on will pastebin10:49
ActionParsnipVMERSINTO: trying stuff teaches you your OS  :)10:49
assengathangx ironm10:49
zombifierassenga, simply write a code in your preferred editor, save it with the appropriate etension (like .c) then compile it with gcc10:49
assenganipo kijana pswd antipas10:49
VMERSINTOVMERSINTO : I love it...Im a computer science student10:49
ironmassenga, there are some tolls like eclipse (IDE) with some plugins ...10:50
=== cagoccione is now known as nannes
zombifierassenga, vi is a commandline text editor. Do you want that?10:50
assengazombifier,how could i find gcc in ubuntu10:50
chigybuntuassenga: Nimesha connect siku nyingiii.10:51
ActionParsnipVMERSINTO: ok, looks good10:51
zombifierIn the terminal, type gcc lol.c -o lol in order to compile lol.c into an executalbe named lol10:51
VMERSINTOActionParsnip : what next?10:51
assengachigy,poa what happen10:51
=== lubmil is now known as lu`
zombifierIf you're not familiar with the command line, you can use a GUI tool like geany10:51
ActionParsnipVMERSINTO: run:  ls    and you'll see the source code files10:51
VMERSINTOActionParsnip : the .dsc10:52
chigybuntuassenga: Now i'm trying to copy your text file kwenye desktop.....lenye compiz settings10:52
ActionParsnipVMERSINTO: no, the 2 archives will contain the source10:52
assengazombifier:ok ,i try it10:52
assengachigy:poa thats great10:53
VMERSINTOActionParsnip : why did it fail to verify the signature?10:53
ActionParsnipVMERSINTO: no idea, I don't play with sources10:53
macaHello, I need help urgently. I can't turn on my webcam on emesene.10:54
macaHow can I put my webcam on my hotmail chats???10:54
macaI need now10:54
assengachigy:embu tuma ip zako nijaribu10:54
miss_ubuntu  hi ActionParsnip pbd sudo shutdown -h doesnot completely shutdown i have to press power button to stop pc10:54
VMERSINTOit appears to be written in C10:55
macaSomeone knows how to put my webcam operative on hotmail chats??10:55
macaShould I install other packages??10:55
macaSOme one?10:55
macaI haven't got soo much time10:56
HellTigerhello, can some one tell what i have to put before the slashes here: sed -i 's/http://virtuality/' configure.php10:56
assengazombifier,i try to type gcc* (as you say) i get a fatal error10:57
zombifierI forgot that gcc is no longer included by default in Ubuntu, since normal users don't really use it. Install build-essentials and you're good.10:58
zombifier build-essential10:58
morkoHellTiger, you can escape the slashes with a backslash10:59
TaosTrying to install openssl 0.9.810:59
TaosE: Version â0.9.8g-4â for âopensslâ was not found10:59
Taossudo apt-get install openssl=0.9.8g-4 was what I entered10:59
HellTigerthx morko10:59
morkoHellTiger, or i think you can use s|http://fdsjaofsda|http://rljrew|g10:59
tahimikmiss_ubuntu: did you use the word  now  after  shudo shutdown -h   ?  ie:  sudo shutdown -h now11:00
ironmTaos, apt-get update; apt-cache search <whatever_you_look_for>11:00
HellTigermorko: like this? sed -i 's/http:\/\/virtuality/http:\/\/' configure.php11:00
DarkLobsterCan anyone tell me what the *heck* u1sdtool needs X11 for?? Isn't it supposed to be a *command line* tool??11:00
assengachigy:connection refused11:00
morkoHellTiger, yeah but you need to escape . too11:00
HellTigermorko: like this? sed -i 's|http://virtuality||g' configure.php11:00
morkoHellTiger, i think so. but u need to escape the dot also. and not sure about the :11:01
morkoHellTiger, the dot means any character in regular expression11:01
hidHi. 've just install the video card nvidia driver but my new resolution is now 640x480 instead of 1366x76811:02
assengachigy:play a music to me plz11:02
HellTigermorko: like this? sed -i 's|http\:\/\/virtuality|http\:\/\/192\.168\.1\.55|g' configure.php11:02
zombifierDarkLobster: What is the exact name of the package? Since I think that X11 is only recommended, and apt-get also installs recommended packages by default.11:02
morkoHellTiger, hehe.. wait a sec i will test11:03
Taosironm: not working11:03
TaosI really need openssl 0.9.811:03
Taoson ubuntu 12.0411:03
chigybuntuassenga: ssh chigybuntu@***************11:03
ironmTaos, what is the output of: apt-cache search openssl11:03
hidAnd I cannot change it either in the screen option nor with sudo nvidia-settings11:04
hidplease help11:04
VMERSINTOwhat is openssl?11:04
zykotick9hid: have you rebooted since installing the nvidia driver?11:04
pbdmorko : the logic is that you have to put a "\" before every special character. Special characters can be like \,/.; and a lot many11:05
zombifierOk, nope11:05
zombifierVMERSINTO: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenSSL11:05
DarkLobsterzombifier: I get http://pastebin.com/aY1vQmF6 when trying to run it. SSH'ed to a remote computer.11:05
zykotick9!info openssl11:05
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.1-4ubuntu5 (precise), package size 507 kB, installed size 898 kB11:05
assengachigy:embu try to quit mara moja coz bado cheche11:05
chigybuntuassenga: Dont forget to "sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client"11:05
ironmTaos, line 20: openssl - Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools11:05
hidzykotick9: yes of course. After the 1st reboot there was no problem. After a 2nd reboot, the problem came.11:05
morkopdb, yeah  but wasnt sure if : is special or not11:05
Taosironm: yes but thats version 1.x11:05
TaosI need 0.9.811:06
chigybuntuassenga: Cheche, net ipo slow au?11:06
morkoHellTiger, s/http:\/\/virtuality/http:\/\/192\.168\.1\.55/g11:06
HellTigermorko: its maybe more easy with s;http://...;http://...;g11:06
ironmTaos, in such case you should create your own packages for 0.9.811:06
Taoswut -_-11:06
VMERSINTOso it just implements the ssl functionality11:07
assengachigy:openssh-server set to manually installed hiya sentens unaielewaje11:08
sanuplease be in english11:09
assengachigy:nime isudo ndo result yake hiyo11:09
ironmTaos, do you afraid that openssl 1.x has some security wholes (compare to 0.9.8) ?11:10
assengachigy:au id ime change11:10
Taosironm: no its just im building pypy and it requires a specific version of 0.9.811:10
HellTigermorko: thats it: ed -i 's;http://virtuality;;g' configure.php11:15
ironmTaos, it looks like there is already pypy package availabe: root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# apt-cache search pypy11:15
ironmpython-apipkg - namespace control and lazy-import mechanism for Python11:15
morkoHellTiger, allrighty11:15
hidnobody for my screen resolution problem11:16
ironmTaos, ah .. sorry .. I was on ubuntu 11.10 server11:16
morkoHellTiger, glad i could not help xD11:16
assengakijana mucic unapiga mno11:18
stephanmgany suggestions for a graphical frontned for the gdb under xfce4?11:20
Dr_Willisany GUI for gdb should work under any desktop. :) thats a neat thing about X/Linux11:22
Dr_Willisand ive no idea on guis for gdm11:22
Dr_Willisoops gdb.11:22
Dr_Willisxxgdb - An X front-end to the GNU debugger gdb11:23
drecuteone of my filesystem failed to mount and now i can't reach the login tty11:28
drecuteat recovery mode, the filesystem is in read-only mode11:29
drecutehow do I edit /etc/fstab in read-only mode?11:29
As001Hi I just connected my computer to tv with hdmi cable and I have picture on tv but mouse goes over monitor not over tv. Can you tell me which settings I need to check to change that ?11:30
LinuxMonkeydrecute:  remount the file system in RW11:30
theadmindrecute: You don't... Remount it read-write: mount -o remount,rw /11:30
As001drecute I think you should remount to RW with mount command and then edit11:31
manuhay alguien español11:31
theadmin!es | manu11:31
ubottumanu: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:31
=== manu is now known as Guest63632
Guest63632ola alguien ke me pueda ayudar11:31
stephanmgnemiver looks quite nice.11:31
Guest63632con mi targeta de red wifi en ubuntu 10.04?11:31
LjL!es | Guest6363211:32
ubottuGuest63632: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:32
As001wired thing all icons on desktop are on monitor and startup line is on tv and mouse is moving on montor. How can I tell to my system that it should display everything on tv not on monitor ?11:32
Guest63632do you any thing help me??11:33
windywooHello does anyone think they can help me make standby work?11:33
Guest63632need help about ubuntu 10.04 with my target wirrless rt 539011:33
theadminCan anyone running the MATE desktop environment confirm that it no longer breaks GNOME? That's so according to their site, but I want to be sure11:34
windywooI have MATE and Gnome installed at the moment11:35
windywooI don't have any problems in Gnome11:35
zombifiertheadmin, AFAIK MATE no longer uses GNOME tools, it uses rebranded ones instead, so it shouldn't.11:35
theadminwindywoo: Great, thanks :)11:35
theadminzombifier: Thanks to you too11:35
windywoo*cough* standby issues *cough*11:36
theadminwindywoo: What do you mean by "standby"? Suspend? Hibernate?11:37
windywooIt looks like it will suspend then it powers up again11:37
theadminMeh... Had the same problem, not sure how to fix it either :/11:38
windywooI'm pretty sure this is something to do with the new power saving things in the kernel11:38
windywooBecause this used to happen in Windows11:38
polishguy94Hello! I have a problem: animation in system is not fluent (but It used to be) it's slow in both applications and system itself11:38
windywooBut in Windows I could tell it which devices were allowed to wake11:39
nmvictorubuntu 12.04 is the slowest version  of ubuntu, apt-get upgrade has taken me through the longest wait ever as it unpacks a 200MB upgrades. I have never experienced such delays in ubuntu, 11.10 on this machine was waorking smoothely so dont even thick of pointing your finger to my hardware specs. Wonderring why this steady move to poor performance, COZ CANONICAL COULD LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY ABOUT THIS UNITY SHIT. Thats it! Good bye ubu11:39
polishguy94I have a AMD phenom II 955 processor, two years old samsung hdd, 2 gigs of ram and ATi HD485011:39
zombifiernmvictor: bye then. But, I still wonder why your Internet speed has something to do with your system's speed.11:40
theadminnmvictor: If you want a more lightweight Ubuntu edition, give Xubuntu or Lubuntu a go. Xubuntu is a good choice if you miss GNOME 2, it's similar. Then again, if you just want GNOME, install gnome-shell, remove Unity, problem solved.11:40
theadminzombifier: He's complaining about install times, not download11:40
theadminThen again, dpkg never really was "fast" in any way so I can't quite see the problem11:41
windywooHe's gone11:41
windywooBefore you could reply11:41
theadminAh well then.11:41
zombifierOh well. People who rants without figuring out it's either their own problem or Canonical's are not welcomed anyway.11:42
BlackshirtWhat the differences between them?11:42
windywooThis is technical support channel11:42
windywooWhy rant here?11:42
windywooJust dumb11:42
zombifierOne word: Troll.11:42
theadminEh stop it guys, you're just feeding the (now gone) troll, let's resume the normal support routine shall we?11:43
windywooDoes anyone know how I would tell Ubuntu not to let keyboard and mouse wake it from sleep?11:43
windywooThat's what I used to do in Windows11:43
windywooI think it's worth trying11:43
krababbelwindywoo: i'd try in bios first11:43
windywooThere are very few options in the BIOS11:44
windywooThis is a netbook11:44
krababbelwindywoo: OK11:44
fastaHe (?) is right, though.11:44
Blackshirt!tell blackshirt opencl11:45
ubottuBlackshirt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:45
zykotick9!msgthebot | Blackshirt11:45
ubottuBlackshirt: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".11:45
theadminBlackshirt: Wrong channel, probably. The syntax for ubottu to send factoids to another user is "!factoid | person" (in-channel) or "!factoid > person" (in PM).11:46
ufrgsHello folks!11:46
SKullB0xwhere is nginx config file saved in ubuntu 11.10?11:47
Dr_WillisSKullB0x:  you could try a 'sudo updatedb' then 'locate nginx'11:48
ufrgsCould someone help me to figure out how to change my user password on Ubuntu please? I've tried to go through the main Users Control Panel but it doesn't accept a simple password, just a complex one.11:48
Dr_Willisufrgs:  sudo passwd usernameyouwanttochange11:48
theadminufrgs: sudo passwd USERNAME for any user, or simply "passwd" (for current user)11:48
ufrgsOk, thank you guys!11:49
ufrgsHow do I figure current user?11:49
Dr_Williswho did you login as? ;)11:49
ufrgsWhich command?11:49
Dr_Willisterminal -  the 'whoami' command11:49
ufrgsOk, thank you! ;)11:49
zombifierGot beaten :P11:50
theadminufrgs: echo $USER11:50
theadmin...geez, what's the point of a separate command for that... Oh well11:50
Dr_Willisim thinking that theres times when you are su'd or sudo'd the 2 may differ.11:50
Dr_Willisbut i just barely recall reading/seeing that once. it may have been some other oddball case11:51
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Dr_Williswhoami man page --> Print the user name associated with the current effective user ID.  Same as id -un.11:51
theadminperl -e 'print $<' # Seems to work with sudo, su, and normal login :P11:51
windywooSurely someone here is an expert on suspend?11:52
Dr_Willisid -un   prints the same thing. ;P11:52
theadminBut that's just my weird habit to make up complicated simplicity11:52
ufrgstheadmin, where echo $USER came from?11:53
ufrgsBoth works just fine.11:53
Dr_Willis $whatever are system varianbles11:53
drecutethanks LinuxMonkey theadmin11:53
theadminufrgs: $USER is an environment variable containing the username11:53
Dr_Willistry 'set' to see them all ;)11:53
ufrgs:^) cool, always learning.11:53
Dr_WillisI may be thinking of EUID vs UID  for effective User Id.11:54
Dr_Willisi forget how/when the EUID and UID differ.11:54
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zombifierset | less11:54
Dr_Willisset | more11:54
zombifierif you don't want it to fill your screen11:54
theadmin"more"? Seriously? People still use that? lol11:55
MagePsychohi guys11:56
MagePsychoi have patched using patch -p0 -f <
MagePsychohow can i reverse the patch (undo) ?11:56
sss_hello everyone11:57
fastatheadmin: you get it for free with such tools as whoami.11:57
geirhaMagePsycho: -R11:57
MagePsychopatch -p0 -R < ?11:57
fastatheadmin: it would likely be better to split up all those tools and provide a meta package containing less instead of more.11:57
theadminfasta: I know that much, but same applies for "less". Which is more functional11:57
geirhaMagePsycho: yes11:57
fastatheadmin: yes, I also don't use it; I'd say it's obsolete.11:57
MagePsychothanks geirha11:57
theadminfasta: "more" can be useful if /usr failes to mount for whatever reason -- it's located in /bin11:58
fastatheadmin: why not put less in /bin then?11:58
theadminfasta: Heh, good point, but I'm not sure if you can just copy it over11:59
escotttheadmin, you realize they are the same binary right?11:59
theadminescott: What are?12:00
zombifierless == more? nope12:00
windywooJust testing if I'm still here12:00
ashwinharry_ I am unable to open a lot of websites in Ubuntu 12.04. The browser shows loading forever for a particular set of websites, including facebook and wordpress. However, I am able to access these websites through theproxyfree.com. This happens in all the browsers and even for wget.12:00
escotttheadmin, ohh nevermind i just saw that /usr/bin/less was symlinked to /bin/less and read it as /bin/more12:01
theadminescott: less and more aren't: diff $(which less) $(which more) # Binary files /bin/more and /usr/bin/less differ12:01
fastatheadmin: less is already on /bin12:01
sulaimanHi, ubuntu is only allowing me to pick "Point-to-Point Tunelling Protocol (PPTP) when connecting to VPN12:01
theadminfasta: Hm, odd, not in my case, guess that's Ubuntu-specific12:01
theadminsulaiman: You need to install other VPN plugins: sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn # And such12:01
pikkachuhi, how to add a custom entry for windows in grub's custom.cfg? windows is not recognized anymore, and due to a mistake old custom.cfg with simple windows entry was deleted. The entry from grub.cfg for the other windows in my pc seems overcomplicated to be copied, compared to the said lost entry12:01
pikkachuit's grub 212:02
alphanoopI have bought a cheap server off ebay and have it on my LAN. I have installed Ubuntu Server 12.04. Where is a good place to learn to create and administer a website?12:02
sulaimantheadmin, okay, thanks.12:02
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fastaalphanoop: what kind of website? The next Google or how cool your cat looks like?12:03
alphanoopMy cool cat :)12:03
theadminalphanoop: That's not an Ubuntu question to be honest.12:03
windywoopikkachu I think you need to type gksu gedit etc/default/grub12:03
windywooThen add the entry for Windows there12:03
windywooThen sudo update-grub12:03
windywooI don't really know what the entry should be =(12:04
alphanooptheadmin: sorry12:04
fastaalphanoop: searching on google for "how to create a website" should tell you that.12:04
lelamal!grub2 | pikkachu12:04
ubottupikkachu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:04
theadminpikkachu: http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Grub2#Microsoft_Windows_Entry12:04
zombifieralphanoop: you can google on how to set up a simple LAMP server.12:04
fastaalphanoop: and "how to setup a webserver on ubuntu" should answer the other question12:04
fastaalphanoop: and reading the manual for your webserver from start to end will make you understand what you are doing :)12:05
alphanoopThanks. I had Googled, but there is a lot of information for a beginner. I was looking for a recommended place to start12:05
zombifierDunno, but anything with LAMP and Ubuntu in it is good12:06
theadminalphanoop: Try #ubuntu-offtopic (it still ain't an Ubuntu question)12:06
ashwinharry_ I am unable to open a lot of websites in Ubuntu 12.04. The browser shows loading forever for a particular set of websites, including facebook and wordpress. However, I am able to access these websites through theproxyfree.com. This happens in all the browsers and even for wget.12:06
alphanooptheadmin: ok thanks12:06
zombifierashwinharry_: Check your DNS settings12:07
ashwinharry_but these are for specific websites only12:07
theadminzombifier: Doesn't seem like a DNS problem to me12:07
ashwinharry_the rest work fine12:07
theadminashwinharry_: Does it happen in other operating systems?12:07
zombifierHard to tell if it's related to your ISP or Ubuntu itself12:07
BlueWolfHi I am trying to wipe my hard drive with zero's just to learn how to do it, I am using an old computer so if it blows up it's not a loss. I am using Ubuntu 7.04 on a Pentium 4 which is ....Slow..... I tried this and its saying permission denied? ( http://www.marksanborn.net/howto/wiping-a-hard-drive-with-dd/ ) Help12:07
ashwinharry_I use dhcp so the dns is assigned by the ISP12:08
ddave_could you please tell me how to stream mp3 from my ubuntu desktop12:08
fastaBlueWolf: you need to be root.12:08
zombifierBlueWolf: You need admin priviliges. Try appending sudo to the beginning12:08
escottBlueWolf, you won't be able to wipe it while you have it mounted12:08
theadminBlueWolf: for i in /dev/sd* ; do sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=$i ; done12:08
windywooBluewolf I would use dban boot and nuke12:08
Dr_Willisddave_:  depends on what sort of client you want listining to the streams12:09
BlueWolfwindywoo: I want to learn how to Zero it12:09
windywoookey dokey12:09
Dr_Willisddave_:  upnp/dlna servers like ushare, plex, mediatomb,  or others can work well.. or a shoutcast server12:10
ddave_tnx Dr_Willis  could u give me some link?12:11
Dr_Willisddave_:  some are in the repos. others you go to their homepage and download.12:11
BlueWolftheadmin: It's saying "No such file or directory"?12:11
Dr_Willisddave_:  it all depends on the details.12:11
Dr_Willis!info ushare12:11
ubottuushare (source: ushare): lightweight UPnP A/V Media Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1a-0ubuntu7 (precise), package size 51 kB, installed size 182 kB12:11
Dr_Willis!info mediatomb12:11
ubottumediatomb (source: mediatomb): UPnP MediaServer (main package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.1-0ubuntu4 (precise), package size 10 kB, installed size 77 kB12:11
ddave_tnx Dr_Willis12:12
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Dr_WillisHmm. Plex has android app and a Roku Channel  app i just noticed. :) how.. handy12:13
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sulaimantheadmin, i didn't find any network-manager-* package for l2tp, there's one for pptp, vpnc, openvpn and openconnect though12:17
theadminsulaiman: Uh, that's because L2TP and PPTP are the same thing?12:17
sulaimantheadmin, sorry, newbie her12:17
theadminsulaiman: Well, pretty much. Try with PPTP, it *should* work12:17
SPhcThello, is there any way how i can see CPU and GPU temps..?12:17
BlueWolftheadmin: I put it in as this ( sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda ) but is not doing anything in the terminal, is it working? Or my Pentium 4 is very very slow, only 256MB of Ram?12:18
theadminBlueWolf: ...So you really have an IDE hard drive? Jeebus. Oh well, uh, if it appears to be "not doing anything" it's likely doing something. Linux normally is silent.12:19
escottBlueWolf, it will just take a long time12:19
rabbi1is it ok to add webmin on 12.04 ?12:19
ikoniawebmin is not "ok" on any platform12:19
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rabbi1ikonia: any alternate solution ?12:20
ikoniarabbi1: I sit on the harsh side of the fence that believes if you need to use a web interface to manage your machine, you really shouldn't manage the machine12:20
c0deMasterhow DNS resolving works in Ubuntu 12.04 ?12:20
ikoniac0deMaster: in what respect ?12:20
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rabbi1ikonia: ok, will go with it ...12:21
theadminikonia: That's a good one :)12:21
theadmin*writes down*12:22
BlueWolftheadmin: Ok just wait. I would rather practice on an old machine so that if it blows up then it's nothing to cry about. Yes it is an IDE hard drive unfortunately. Is the code correct that I entered ( sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda )12:22
lun4ticAnyone in here familiar with the unity src? I just wanna know which files are responsible for the launcher12:22
Lunar_Landerhi there, I just got a strange behaviour in Netstat when connecting to ICQ on Pidgin, I could see that "Send-Q" had a value of about 100 to 400 just when idling, then checked on Wireshark and only found the normal talk between PC and Router, but no real traffic to the ICQ server. Then Pidgin said that the connection to ICQ had timed out. can this be related?12:22
theadminBlueWolf: Looks right, yes. "hdXY" are IDE, "sdXY" are SATA, just so you know12:22
[NNUser]what is my nickname?12:22
ikoniaLunar_Lander: if the connection has timed out...there will be no traffic12:22
Lunar_Landerikonia, yeah, I mean that behaviour was before timing out12:23
rabbi1what should be the permission for my web folder, i have 755 now. and i am unable to edit file.....12:23
ikoniarabbi1: permissions will depend on how your machine is setup and what application is requesting what12:23
Lunar_Landerlike if Pidgin tried to contact the server, ikonia12:23
theadminrabbi1: That looks right, and you need to be root. Well, or you can 777 it and give everyone access. Or add yourself to the group the folder belongs to and make it 77512:23
escottBlueWolf, if the /dev/hda is the correct device then its correct. if hda is wrong you are creating a giant file of zeros in your /dev12:23
ikoniaLunar_Lander: well, it's probably timed out because there is no data in that situation12:24
ill1citi was NNUser12:24
BlueWolftheadmin: Ya I know. looks like it's working. It's only a 40GB hard disk. It's ancient I know - My first computer :D12:24
FloodBot1ill1cit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:24
Lunar_Landerikonia, yeah, that might be. that also seems to be the most "technical" solution/answer, as malware can't be the reason there12:24
c0deMasterikonia, starting from hitting enter in the browser to open URL,  I want to know the whole flow  regarding bind, resolvconf etc..12:25
ikoniaLunar_Lander: I have no idea why you are referencing malware.12:25
rabbi1theadmin: 775 is better12:25
BlueWolftheadmin: Are you going to be on here for a while? I will let you know when something happens. Its it going to not do anything until it's done?12:25
Lunar_Landerikonia, ah I was a windows user 2000-mid-2011, then switched to ubuntu, still haven't fully adjusted in that respect, sorry12:25
ikoniac0deMaster: normal dns requests are application -> libresolv -> query/lookup -> libresolv -> back to application12:25
ikoniac0deMaster: however ubuntu 12.04 has added dnsmasq into the mix, which makes it a little more complex12:26
ikoniaLunar_Lander: again, from a windows perspective, I have no idea why you reference malware12:26
c0deMasterikonia, yeah thats what i want to know about dnsmasq and the whole flow12:26
theadminBlueWolf: I dunno how long I'm going to be here. But it looks like it's working so I wouldn't bother worrying12:26
ikoniac0deMaster: basically application -> libresolv -> dnsmasq -> lookup -> libresolv -> applications.12:27
Lunar_Landerikonia, ah ok, I always thought that strange traffic could be a sign of something being wrong, thus I mentioned that12:27
c0deMasterikonia, where in the configuration file I can configure that so I can skip dnsmasq for example or disable resolvconf from updating DNS servers ?12:28
rabbi1if i say "sudo chmod 777 folder" will it add the permission to entire folders and subfolders and files of just the root folder ?12:28
BlueWolftheadmin: But how do I actually know it's not saying anything in the terminal. The courser is just flashing with my code above it? But the light is flickering.12:28
ikoniac0deMaster: well, resolv.conf is referencing which is bascially dnsmasq, so disabling it there would be a good move, you can simpley remove dnsmasq12:28
theadminrabbi1: No, it will just set permissions to the folder itself, add -R for recursion12:29
theadminBlueWolf: Eh, your $PS1 will appear as soon as it's done12:29
rabbi1theadmin: thx12:29
BlueWolftheadmin: Ok I'll be waiting. Thanks man. :D12:30
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escottrabbi1, and recursively setting files and folders to 777 is probably not what you want (you probably only want to set files to 666)12:30
c0deMasterthanks ikonia , btw: whats the purpose of the dnsmasq?12:30
ZombifierI was wondering the same thing12:31
ikoniac0deMaster: as I understand it the reason ubuntu put it in was to help with vpn dns resolution outside the vpn connection, personally I think it's a waste/overkill, but there maybe more reasoning beyond that12:31
escottrabbi1, so you it might be better to use a chmod o+w or use find to distinguish between files and folders12:31
ZombifierI heard that dnsmasq may reduce the security of your system, since it opens your system to DNS based attacks12:31
rabbi1escott: permissions of folder will vary a large on the folders, but to go as of now, i think i am okay with 666 or 77712:32
c0deMasterikonia, i cant find any configuration files for dnsmasq12:32
ikoniac0deMaster: why are you looking for dnsmasq config ?12:32
c0deMasterikonia, to get to it more and try to optimize  it12:32
ikoniaoptimise it ?12:33
ikoniaoverdub: what are you talking about optimize it ?12:33
theadmin...How can you "optimize" DNS resolution?12:33
c0deMastertune it12:33
ikoniaoverdub: sorry, that was meant for c0deMaster12:33
sstadnsmasq has almost nothing to tune12:33
ikoniac0deMaster: what do you mean tune it, what are you referencing ?12:33
c0deMasterssta, ikonia set the dns servers that used by dnsmasq12:33
ikoniac0deMaster: it IS the dns server12:34
sstabasically it slaves requests for stuff it didn't allocate to the real nameserver...it only serves itself stuff that it has allocated12:34
ikoniassta: best description I've seen, nice12:35
c0deMasterikonia, i mean where it requests name resolution from outside name servers12:35
sstait's really only useful if you want to dhcp up a lan and have the systems be able to resolve each other.  Otherwise, it's not really good for much12:35
ikoniassta: I agree, it's a pointless implementation12:35
c0deMasterssta, so resolvconf is responsible for communicating with real DNS servers?12:36
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sstaikonia: oh, I dunno...I find it *very* useful.  If it's the thing you need exactly, then it's a good implementation of that thing.  It's just not a general purpose nameserver12:36
ikoniassta: but it's such a small group who need that function, it seems overkill to put it into the solution as defualt12:37
sstaikonia: it's installed by default on ubuntu these days?!12:37
sstawhose bright idea was that?12:37
ikoniassta: 12.04 it's the default resolver12:37
SPhcThello, is there any way how i can see CPU and GPU temps..?12:37
sstaseriously?  That's umm...an interesting choice12:37
escott!info sensors | SPhcT12:38
ubottuSPhcT: Package sensors does not exist in precise12:38
escott!info lm-sensors | SPhcT12:38
ubottuSPhcT: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.1-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 97 kB, installed size 395 kB12:38
Guest57555ubuntu-tweak take like forever to install one application, how do i stop it12:38
SPhcTescott, so i need install lm-sensors..?12:39
escottSPhcT, that will take care of cpu temps. maybe also gpu12:39
SPhcTescott, ok ty for that... maybe you now some ways how make ubuntu eye-candy..?12:40
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lizzinwhat is a good pdf reader? xpdf keeps segfaulting on one of my files. the file opens up under osx and even with 'gv' on this ubuntu box. but 'gv' lacks certain features. what other reader is recommended besides xpdf?12:42
escottlizzin, evince12:42
Guest57555lizzin i think you can try eliance12:43
Guest57555lizzin i think you can try evince - take a look at www.linuxappfinder.com12:43
lizzinescott: ill check that out. thanks12:43
lizzinGuest57555: evince is what you meant when you said 'eliance'?12:44
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Guest57555yes lizzin, i meant evince12:44
escottSPhcT, you might want conky12:44
ZombifierYes. Evince is the default PDF reader in Ubuntu and it works well.12:44
Guest57555having another conversation too, lol12:44
lizzinboom! it worked. it even provides index names(chapter names). escott Guest57555, thanks12:45
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Guest57555you welcome lizzin12:46
SPhcTescott, if i install conky do I need lm-sensors?12:47
escottSPhcT, yes12:47
vltHello. How can I unmount a usb drive w/o losing the device node?12:47
escottSPhcT, and conky is just a suggestion you might like something else more, but you said eyecandy12:47
SPhcTescott, eyecandy was about ubuntu it self... :)12:48
theadminvlt: sudo umount /dev/sdz500, no?12:48
vlttheadmin: and as user?12:48
Benkinoobyhi my middle-mouse-button copy functions does not work any more. i was not able to google any useful hints on that. reboot did not help. any ideas?12:48
theadminvlt: Uuuuuuh... Not sure how nautilus really mounts devices nowadays...12:48
SPhcTescott, I use it only few months and still with default view12:49
Benkinoobyoh, it still works12:49
theadminvlt: As far as I recall, right-click the device in Nautilus and choose "Unmount"12:49
Benkinoobycan some1 please do the following: oben gedit, type some letters, mark them, press middle mousebutton12:51
jribBenkinooby: why?12:52
vlttheadmin: The context menu in Nautilus only offers something I’d translate to “eject” and “remove safely”.12:52
theadminBenkinooby: Don't know about gedit (don't want that monstrousity on my system), but works fine in gvim... Then again I'm not on Ubuntu atm, guess that's not helpful12:53
theadminvlt: Eh... Well... uh... Try them both and see which it is12:53
vlttheadmin: Already did that. And then the device node /dev/sdX was gone.12:53
vlttheadmin: In both cases.12:54
theadminvlt: Weird nautilus is weird. I suggest you use "pmount" to mount devices as an unpriveleged user, it seems to work nicely and at least makes sense12:54
vlttheadmin: Is there a pumount command? I want to unmount it.12:55
ufrgsIs there a way to reduce the font size from window sidebar when its on tree mode by any chance?12:55
theadminvlt: Yes, "pumount" it is -- but I think you have to install pmount first12:55
gryoh, or that; ignore me12:55
ubuntu /server irc.irc-hispano.org12:57
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vltaaargh … tried `fusermount -u` but it complains about missing /dev/sdc4 entry in /etc/mtab, although it actually is there o_O12:58
Benkinoobyjrib, seems like i cant middle-mouse-button-copy text right next to the marked text13:01
SidewinderBenkinooby, My middle button, in gedit does not copy; at least not the way you requested, above.13:03
mikkelbI'm trying to mass-download all spreadsheets off this site. Anybody know why this won't seem to fetch any .xls files? wget -m http://survivalware.wordpress.com/ -A xls13:04
SidewinderBenkinooby, Perhaps the "middle-button copy" was part of a gedit plug-in or some such that has been removed, reconfigured?13:06
sstaBenkinooby: it's a known bug in gtk/gedit.  See #8100913:06
BenkinoobySidewinder, hm... i am not sure it ever copied the way i described...13:06
BenkinoobySidewinder, it just now came to my attention that it does not13:06
sstawell, "bug" to most people...to the gnome maintainers it's probably a "feature"13:07
BenkinoobySidewinder, otherwise the middle-mouse-button-copy works as expected13:07
SidewinderBenkinooby, Well, in the grand scheme of things, I can think of worse malfunctions..13:08
BenkinoobySidewinder, nah.. i just waned to chekc if i misconfigured something (because i never noticed that beahviour before)13:08
mikkelbyou guys HAVE to help me13:09
mikkelbthere is NO OTHER WAY13:09
Benkinoobyssta how can i view that bug...13:09
sstaBenkinooby: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+bug/8100913:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 34629 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #81009 Left-click clears PRIMARY buffer selection (Copy-paste with middle-button/mouse wheel fails)" [Low,Triaged]13:09
Benkinoobyssta thank you13:09
stars69i just install ssh, and restarted service, i can connected from sftp but not ssh terminal do anyone know how to fix it?13:09
mikkelbssta: please!13:09
ubottuAvoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude13:10
mikkelbhelp a brother out!13:10
sstait's a case of gnome deciding to do stuff differently from the rest of the world I think13:10
mikkelbLjL: hehe yeah you're right13:10
escottstars69, what happens when you try to connect with ssh?13:11
mikkelb<ubottu> Avoid giving people worthless praise which only boosts their ego and makes them arrogant. This just contributes to giving this channel bad vibes. If you want to thank somebody, use /msg.13:11
SidewinderLjL, Is that "please" factoid a new one? I just don't recall seeing it before. tia.13:11
IdleOneSidewinder: it doesn't get used often13:11
stars69escott, it said server is not response13:12
SidewinderIdleOne, Thanx.13:12
mikkelb* use /msg or your genitals.13:12
mikkelbthat's more like it13:12
ikoniamikkelb: that is unacceptable13:12
escottstars69, ? can you just paste the output of ssh -vv user@host13:12
ikoniamikkelb: pleae do not make that sort of comment13:12
BenkinoobySidewinder, ssta thank you both for your input13:13
sstano worries.  Good luck with it13:14
stars69escott, i used different port other then default is that ok,?13:14
stars69escott, i used different port other then default is that ok,?13:14
escottstars69, if you just pasted something i missed it. my irc client crased13:15
stars69escott, i used different port other then default is that ok,?13:15
escottstars69, if its configured correctly it shouldnt matter13:15
drecuteplease I need help with this: http://markmail.org/message/6y4j7f7u6bvvve5f13:17
stars69escott, http://pastebin.ca/215446113:17
stars69escott, custom port is forwarding on router to that pc's internal ip13:18
stars69escott, i can connect to sftp, but not ssh terminal13:18
SPhcTis there alternative to sensors-applet?13:18
escottstars69, that shows you coming in on port 22 so i dont know why you keep mentioning a non-standard port. what does sftp -vv user@host show13:19
escottSPhcT, probably but i dont know wha13:20
SPhcTescott, i find sensors for HDD and CPU but only comandline way..13:20
stars69escott, i changed sshd_config file to my custom port13:21
sstastars69: if you're using a different port, you have to tell ssh what port to use: ssh -p 1234 user@host13:21
escottstars69, you may have changed the server but you forgot to tell the client. make the appropriate modifications to ~/.ssh/config13:21
stars69ssta, thanks13:21
sstastars69: the client doesn't know what port you are using13:21
stars69ssta, and escott got it thanks13:23
escottSPhcT, and i dont know what guis are out there13:23
SPhcTescott, i find one.. :) psensor it is ok..13:27
SPhcTjust for you to know!13:27
pooltablehi looking for an Amiga cd 32 emu ?13:29
LjL!info uae > pooltable13:29
LjL!info e-uae > pooltable13:29
pooltableuae works ?13:30
LjLpooltable: i believe it has a CD32 mode.13:30
LjLpooltable: it's your best bet, anyway; i'm not aware of any specific CD32 emulators13:30
pooltableok thanks i was not sure if uae will work13:31
pooltablewhat the different uae end euae?13:32
killerhi guys i need some help in compiling13:32
LjLpooltable: i think E-UAE ported some WinUAE features back to the original UAE, but it's now unmaintained. it might have better CD32 support, though13:33
=== BlouBlou is now known as Guest18334
rudolflHi, all13:34
rudolflCan someone give me  hand with video setup?13:34
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou
sobazi'm using ubuntu 12.04 and 'auto lo' and 'iface' are listed as commands not found13:36
sobazhow do i fix this?13:36
artahow are you guyyyyyyyyy13:36
sstasobaz: they're parts of the /etc/network/interfaces file.  You don't type them on the command line13:37
sobazoh derp ya i just read it wrong xD13:37
sobazcomplete noob to linux :(13:37
ufrgsIs there a way to remove title tab bar on teminal when working with multiple tabs by any chance?13:37
sobazreading the 2010 linux guide to ubuntu13:38
ufrgsand fullscreen of course.13:38
ufrgsI mean when on fullscreen mode :P13:38
gapagosmy installation of ubuntu is stuck at "retrlieving file 43 of 105", but the CD keeps spinning, is this normal?13:38
gapagosby stuck, i mean that I've left my computer run overnight for 6 hours and it's still there13:39
sstagapagos: no, I'd say there's something wrong13:39
ufrgsand does anybody knows a better terminal app then default Terminal one?13:39
sstaufrgs: better how?13:39
=== hari_ is now known as harikt
ufrgsssta, with more possibilities.13:40
gapagosssta, this is the 2nd time I try installing, there is a skip button (I think it's downloading updates), but when I tried the 1st time, the installation was supposedly sucessful but I could not boot sucessfully13:40
sstaufrgs: a bit vague.13:40
ufrgsssta, like iTerm for MacOS.13:40
sstaI've never used that13:40
ufrgsssta, and which one do you use other then terminal one?13:41
Sidewindergapagos, Did you md5sum the ubuntu ISO, prior to burning it, at the slowest speed, to the CD?13:41
gapagosssta: last time I tried installing (and skipping files), grub gave me the error "no such disk"13:41
sstaufrgs: any, they all run screen the same way...13:41
sstagapagos: I dunno why it would do that.  Definitely it shouldn't stop for 6 hours.  Maybe try burning the disk again?13:42
Sidewinder!list | sandrobilly13:42
ubottusandrobilly: Sidewinder: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:42
drecuteplease I need help with this: http://markmail.org/message/6y4j7f7u6bvvve5f13:42
BlueWolfI have just recently Wiped a 40GB IDE hard disk with Zeros on Ubuntu 7.04 by entering this code ( sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda ) now this is what it's telling me ( dd: writing to /dev/hda' No space left on device )  ( 78242977+0 records in )  ( 78242976+0 records  out )  ( 40060403712 bytes (40GB) copied, 2825.25 seconds, 14.2 Mb/s13:42
ufrgsssta, for example? any particular reason someone would use one in special?13:42
sstaufrgs: evefryone has different needs.13:42
gapagosssta, I don't have that many CDs right now and I'm sure the CD is fine I've burned it slowly and there are no scratches13:42
ufrgsor any spacial reason someone would use one in particular...13:42
salvador_hello need some help13:43
gapagosI'm pretty sure it's something related to software/hardware13:43
salvador_i cant watch online videos13:43
ufrgsssta, could you tell me one example please?13:43
sstaufrgs: not that I know of, no.  I run byobu inside it, so they all pretty much work the same for me13:43
escottBlueWolf, so whats the question13:43
gapagosplus I'm already using the live cd right now13:43
salvador_it appear "flv player missing"13:43
salvador_what can i do13:43
sstaufrgs: xterm?  (very basic), pterm (the terminal editor from putty)...13:43
BlueWolfescott: I don't know, is it done?13:43
gapagosactually the CD stops playing most of the time13:43
=== Guest15949 is now known as Hayro
salvador_hello? some help pls13:44
gapagosI think it's only playing because I'm using the live CD13:44
gapagosthe CD doesn't appear to be struggling13:44
ufrgsssta, do you work on fullscreen mode with more then one tab at once by any chance?13:44
gapagosI'd guess it's the server of whatver file 43 that won't connect13:44
sstagapagos: there's clearly something wrong somewhere...13:44
escottBlueWolf, it wrote 40GB at 14.2 Mb/s. was the disk 40GB? yes. were all the records that were read also written (in vs out)? yes. is the disk out of space? yes. is it done? yes13:45
sstaufrgs: byobu doesn't have "tabs" as such, but it has different screens which is a similar concept.  I generally have 10 open always13:45
gapagosthe thing that I don't like about this install is that it doesn't tell you whats happening13:45
ubuntu-studioHi.I have a dual monitor configuration and when I press the first monitor the other monitor app  flash or some other application lose focus.How can i fix that.Thanks.13:45
legend2440hello, has anyone tried installing the MATE DE on Ubuntu?13:46
BlueWolfescott: Oh ok thank you, pardon me.... :-O13:46
gapagosssta ok I clicked "skip" because this is nonsense13:46
gapagosnow it's continuing with the installation "configuring hardware" like yesterday13:46
gapagosbut I'm sure ill be back again when I have to restart as I doubt I'll have a grub working13:47
salvador_need some help with flv player13:48
salvador_im using ubuntu 11.0413:48
salvador_and i cant watch online videos13:48
salvador_what can i do13:48
Hayrotatri  mincati13:49
salvador_flv player missing ?13:49
JoeDevCWhere's it gone?13:49
archeyDevilCan someone just talk for the point for testing?13:49
* archeyDevil doesn't use ubuntu but apperently you guys never shutup haha13:49
JoeDevCHi I am a talk13:49
Hayrosalvador_  sokera13:49
salvador_what sokera13:49
salvador_what is sokera13:50
archeyDevilirssi custom theme ftw.. Well. working on it :)13:50
salvador_i need the chat for ubuntu support13:50
salvador_so i can tell my problem13:50
edirnelaco  be13:51
edirneburdaki  herkezin  annesini  amini  yalayim13:52
Hayrobnde  yalayim13:52
BlueWolfescott: Ok I have just tried this ( sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda ) and it's telling me this ( sudo:  uid 999 does not exist in the passwd file! ) What now?13:52
Hayrosalvador_  sokera  be13:52
edirnesalvador_  sokera  be13:52
rudolflyour user is not in sudoers file13:53
escottBlueWolf, you are doing this from the livecd?13:53
BlueWolfescott: Yes13:53
HayroS0lo  sokera13:53
HayroBarzogh sokera13:53
Hayroh00k  sokera13:53
Hayroj0rd  sokera13:53
Hayroaarcane sokera13:53
escottBlueWolf, what is your uid in "id"13:53
SlartibartDoes anyone know what http://pastebin.com/sE0nnFvh means when running u1sdtool? It needs to unpack something, but *what*??13:54
HayroSlartibart sokera13:54
BlueWolfescott: I have no clue how to check?13:54
HayroBlueWolf sokera13:54
edirneloco  be13:54
escottBlueWolf, "id"13:54
edirne#cvv2       #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv213:55
Hayro#cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv213:55
Hayro#cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv213:55
Hayro#cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv2 #cvv213:55
FloodBot1Hayro: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:55
willdabeastI had a question regarding a Wireless Network issue, I can't connect to this wireless network using any option available it seems.13:57
BlueWolfescott: ( uid=999 gid=999 groups=4,20,24,25,29,30,44,46,104,112,113,115,117,999 )13:57
escottBlueWolf, are you sure you did this from the livecd. what does /etc/passwd say13:58
dadis12.04 is AWESOME!13:58
willdabeastDoes anyone know why I wouldn't be able to connect to this wireless network?13:58
dadiswilldabeast, yes, that is definitely enough information to help you13:58
BlueWolfescott: It does not say anything what I have typed is all there is. And I don't know what your asking for. Yes I did this from a live cd13:59
escottBlueWolf, cat /etc/passwd13:59
willdabeastdadis so u really think all it is is an update?13:59
dadiswilldabeast, i think you should see if you can connect to other networks and go from there14:00
KrupteinHey I wondered whether it is possible to only show the windows that are used in the current workspace in the sidebar instead of all the windows from all the ws's14:00
willdabeastdadis I can, I'm at another house right now though.14:01
=== lizzin is now known as Guest9305
dadiswilldabeast, can you see it in the network list?14:01
BlueWolfescott: Do I type it. It says nothing. It does nothing14:01
escottBlueWolf, how about ls /14:01
willdabeastdadis yea, I thought it was just an issue because the option to make it WPA Personal was not available, but I went to edit connections and made it WPA Personal but it didn't fix it.14:02
BlueWolfescott: Bash:  /: Is a directory14:02
escottBlueWolf, i have no idea what is going on. my suspicion is that you didnt do this from a livecd and that you no longer have a filesystem14:04
KrupteinI can't find it anywhere on google apart from https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/683170 which doesn't give a solution14:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683170 in unity (Ubuntu) "should be possible to display only windows from the current workspace in the launcher" [Wishlist,Won't fix]14:04
dadiswilldabeast, change it to WEP temporarily on the router and see what happens14:04
BlueWolfescott: I did do it from a live CD, I am still in the live CD now???14:04
escottBlueWolf, but you dont seem to have anything except the kernel and what is in memory14:05
willdabeastdadis I can't unfortunately, it's not my house haha, sorry I make it difficult.14:05
BlueWolfescott: I'm sure you know more than me at the moment?14:05
BlueWolfescott: Should I reboot into the Live CD?14:07
escottBlueWolf, i guess. i cant say what got you into this situation, but your OS doesnt seem to exist anymore14:08
BlueWolfescott: Thats kind of what I wanted, I just want to be sure that it is unrecoverable. Is it or can a super hacker get to it?14:10
escottBlueWolf, no i mean what you booted doesnt seem to exist anymore. all you seem to have is what you loaded into memory.14:10
BlueWolfescott: Now what?14:11
escottBlueWolf, maybe the livecd wrote its rootfs out to the swap space on the hda, and then when you zeroed that out you zeroed out the swap. astounding that didnt cause a panic14:11
BlueWolfescott: Interesting, I have no clue how to get it to do what I want though?14:12
escottBlueWolf, just reboot already14:12
killerhi guys......when i do cmake ...it can't find irrlicht which is present in /usr/include/ and hence compiling results in error14:13
killerany suggestion14:13
BlueWolfescott: Into the live CD again or to see what happens?14:13
Krupteinstill can't find a possible way to only show the workspace related windows in the unity bar14:13
SlartibartDoes anyone here use Ubuntu One / u1sdtool? It's a pita for me, really. When I try to run it from remote I get errors about X11 not running, and when run locally  I get "need more than 0 values to unpack". Google actually has nothing on this.14:13
FloodBot1benk_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
escottBlueWolf, whatever you would like14:14
benk_aaaa ok14:14
LjLbenk_: stop flooding please. do you have an Ubuntu support question?14:14
benk_ola jose14:14
LjL!es | benk_14:15
ubottubenk_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:15
benk_ok gracias14:15
Krupteinalso somehow my python application does not get an icon so I can't alt-tab or click on the sidebar to get to it, i have to minimize every other opened window14:16
BlueWolfescott: Ok I have rebooted into the Live CD It will take a while. I could not shut down via the shut down button as it was not there? So I rebooted manually14:16
eutheriahas anyone had a strange problem with sssd where you get weird problems coming from pam, http://pastie.org/14:18
Krupteindamn those workspaces annoy me14:20
hceylanHello, I see some unofficial CM9 ports for shooter, but cannot locate one for shooteru14:21
BlueWolfescott: ?14:21
escottBlueWolf, ?14:21
hceylanHowever I see https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_shooteru14:21
BlueWolfescott: Ok I have rebooted into the Live CD It will take a while. I could not shut down via the shut down button as it was not there? So I rebooted manually14:21
hceylanhas anyone any info on the status of the device?14:21
escottBlueWolf, yes14:22
BlueWolfescott: I could not shut down via the shut down button?14:22
escottBlueWolf, yes14:22
gapagoshelp, when I install Ubuntu 12.04, Grub says "no such device". I used the app boot-repair in terminal to repair it but after this, I lose video after I boot from Ubuntu14:23
BlueWolfescott: Well did something not go the way it should have?14:23
escottBlueWolf, yes. i told you the entire OS disappeared.14:23
gapagosthis is my 2nd install attempt, if I can't get it working ill just delete ubuntu and go back 100% windows14:23
gapagosnote, the live cd for ubuntu works fine14:23
action09hi ! I'm searching for the name of a native tool (i mean in the repos) that is able to disable wifi, bluetooth, maybe 3 g, quickly and efficiently. I think there is the name 'lock' in it.. if someone remember please :)14:23
BlueWolfescott: So did it wipe the Hard disk with zero's as intended or did some miracle appear to sabotage it?14:24
BlueWolfescott: And it has loaded the Live CD. What next?14:24
gapagoscan anynody help me14:24
gapagosis there a way i can boot in safe video mode or something14:25
gapagosand then download nvidia drivers14:25
escottBlueWolf, you are doing this to test because you want to learn how to do something. an unexpected thing came up. I've told you what i think happened, but if you want to figure out more you need to figure it out14:26
escottgapagos, there is a nomodeset option as well as a recovery boot option (which includes nomodeset)14:26
escott!nomodeset | gapagos14:26
ubottugapagos: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:26
action09rfkill !14:26
gapagosthank you ubottu14:27
BlueWolfescott: Yes I would really like to learn how to do it. So how would I figure it out - I'm lost now?14:27
escottBlueWolf, so look some of the things i am telling you up, or ask a more specific question. don't ask "did it work" because im not going to answer that14:29
escottBlueWolf, you don't learn with that14:29
BlueWolfescott: Ok what should I look up then?14:30
escottBlueWolf, anything you would like14:30
gapagosfuck setting gub parameters is complicated14:31
gapagoswhoever said Ubuntu was ready for everyone, LIED14:31
BlueWolfescott: I don't know what to do next, what do I check. What am I looking for? I am lost14:31
sandyd!language | gapagos14:32
ubottugapagos: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:32
escottgapagos, its not that hard. modify /etc/default/grub and run update-grub14:32
escottBlueWolf, what do you want to do at this point14:32
Dr_Willisgapagos:  ubuntu really has very little to do with 'grub development or design'14:33
Gatekeeper__hello need help mounting a windows directory share in ubuntu14:33
Gatekeeper__can anyone help please14:33
Dr_WillisGatekeeper__:  so what have you done/tried so far?14:33
gapagosescott, i don't see the windows option from that file, thus I can only guess this is the grub used for liveCD and not the one on my boot disk14:33
peter32join #vim14:33
Gatekeeper__ubunt 10.lts trying to automount in fstab14:33
escottgapagos, "window option" what is the "window option"14:34
Dr_Willisgapagos:  grub is not used on the live cd. thats 'syslinux' or 'isolinux' i belive14:34
sandydgapagos: Post output of 'sudo fdisk -l' on paste.ubuntu.com14:34
gapagosescott, I don't see the list of choices from that file that I normally see when grub loads14:34
Gatekeeper__my windows share is\02 - Television Series --- my fstab entry is // Series /mnt/tv cifs uid=server,user=xbmc,password=xbmc 0   014:34
BlueWolfescott: Well I would like to know if it has worked, I want to know if my hard drive has successfully been wiped. The after that I want to write over the entire drive with random data. Like it says here ( http://www.marksanborn.net/howto/wiping-a-hard-drive-with-dd/ )14:34
DexterFI'd like to write a dvd9 (unencrypted, on hard disk already!) to a dvd5. what program would be suitable?14:34
NTx00100hi all, can you install ubuntu onto your windows based system without having to intall microsoft win? and what is the difference between 32bit and 64bit (my pc is 64bit)14:35
escottgapagos, /etc/default/grub is just a set of parameters for the script update-grub which scans the hard drive for bootable OSes and kernels and generates /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:35
sandydgapagos: Can you access the windows partition from inside linux?14:35
Dr_WillisNTx00100:  linux is an operationg system. No windows needed at all.14:35
Dr_WillisNTx00100:  boot the cd.. install.  and id go 64bit on 64bit hardware14:35
DjuropedalaAnyone can tell me on which channel I can ask /discuss conky themes/issues?14:35
Gatekeeper__but i get bad fstab14:35
escott<BlueWolf> I have just recently Wiped a 40GB IDE hard disk with Zeros on Ubuntu 7.04 by entering this code ( sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda ) now this is what it's telling me ( dd: writing to /dev/hda' No space left on device )  ( 78242977+0 records in )  ( 78242976+0 records  out )  ( 40060403712 bytes (40GB) copied, 2825.25 seconds, 14.2 Mb/s14:35
gapagossandyd, from the liveCD yes I can access the windows partition14:35
Dr_Willis!alis | Djuropedala14:36
ubottuDjuropedala: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:36
NTx00100Thanks Dr_Willis14:36
Dr_WillisDjuropedala:  conky homepage  and forums have 1000s of examples and guides14:36
sandydgapagos: try running update-grub from your Ubuntu installation14:36
NTx00100does it run better on 32Bit then?14:36
DjuropedalaThank you. :D14:36
gapagossandyd, i can't boot ubuntu outside of LiveCD14:36
gapagosthe video shuts off14:36
sandydgapagos: The LiveCD grub menu does not contain Windows.14:37
Gatekeeper__anyone.... ?14:37
sandydgapagos: I sugggest you try using nomodeset while booting.14:37
Dr_WillisGatekeeper__:  whats your fstab entry look like?14:37
Gatekeeper__my fstab entry is // Series /mnt/tv cifs uid=server,user=xbmc,password=xbmc 0 014:38
gapagossandyd I still dont undersand how to use nomodset while booting14:38
jan_is there anybody from russia?14:38
Dr_WillisGatekeeper__:  tip #1 - dont use spaces in share names.. it will cause issues.14:38
lelamal!ru | jan_14:38
ubottujan_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:38
Dr_WillisGatekeeper__:  if you Must. I Belive you replace the space with somnthing like \040 (i have to look it up all the time)14:38
BlueWolfescott: So it has successfully zeroed the hard disk? - (Yes/No)14:38
=== lu` is now known as lubmil
escott<escott> BlueWolf, it wrote 40GB at 14.2 Mb/s. was the disk 40GB? yes. were all the records that were read also written (in vs out)? yes. is the disk out of space? yes. is it done? yes14:39
jan_lelamal,are you fromm russia?14:39
lelamaljan_: no14:39
Dr_Willishttp://opensuse.swerdna.org/susesambacifs.html#escape    how it should look.14:39
Gatekeeper__Dr_Willis:  ive tried // /mnt/tv cifs uid=server,user=xbmc,password=xbmc 0 0 but still no luck14:40
sandydgapagos: When you get to grub (i.e. booting from the computer, not the livecd) by pressing shift after booting, press 'e' at the kernel entry. Add a space, and then 'nomodeset' (no quotes) at the end of the line that starts with 'linux'14:40
Dr_WillisGatekeeper__:  as i said.. You replace the space with the proper 'escape code' or fix the share on the shares server to not have a space.14:40
sandydgapagos: And this will be helped better on the forums.14:40
Gatekeeper__Dr_Willis: sorry for my ignorance what is the propper escape code... ?14:40
gapagossandyd ok ill try that14:40
escottGatekeeper__, presumably "\ "14:41
Dr_Willissee above examples Gatekeeper__ .14:41
Dr_Willisescott:  not for fstab :)14:41
jan_I have a problem with installing software on ubuntu 10.10. I don't know how to install programs form tar.gz packages. can anyone help me?14:41
Dr_Willisjan_:  totally depends on whats in the tar.gz14:41
DexterFNTx00100: is there already windows on that machine? do you want to kkep ti to have the choice to boot win or linux?14:41
Dr_Willis!compile | jan_14:41
ubottujan_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall14:41
DexterF*keep it14:41
Gatekeeper__Dr_Willis:  what about the - between 02 - Television will that be a problem...?14:41
Dr_WillisGatekeeper__:  any spaces need to be fixed..  I dont use spaces in share names.. I suggest you follow that guideline. makes life much easier14:42
jan_thank you,guys14:42
escottDr_Willis, and it has to be octal. thats annoying. although not as annoying as file/foldername with spaces in it14:42
BlueWolfescott: Thank you thats all I wanted to know, now how do I write over the entire drive with random data like it says on the site? ( sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda )14:42
Dr_Willisescott:  yep. I have to look this up about once a month. :)14:42
Gatekeeper__cool thanks...14:42
solsTiCehi. I never had ati/amd cg so is an (agp) ATI Radeon X800XL will work with 12.04 ? with which driver ? and how well ?14:43
mrtreblahello =)14:43
escottBlueWolf, that would read from /dev/urandom the unblocking random number generator and write to /dev/hda14:43
* Dr_Willis dosent really see the point in randomizeing to hda14:44
* solsTiCe recommands frandom over urandom. if it's available in ubuntu14:45
BlueWolfescott: Huh? Do I type in that code?14:46
escottBlueWolf, im getting really tired of questions like that14:46
BlueWolfescott: Yes/No14:47
escottBlueWolf, i'm adding you to my ignore list. goodluck14:47
escottsolsTiCe, what package is that?14:48
solsTiCeno idea14:49
escottsolsTiCe, b/c i dont have such a device14:49
solsTiCeyou need a module for that http://billauer.co.il/frandom.html14:49
escottsolsTiCe, ahhh missed the "if" in "if it's available in ubuntu"14:50
solsTiCeand f is for fast cause if you want to wipe ALL the hdd you don't want to wait hours just for that14:50
BlueWolfescott: Listen I apologize if I have pissed you off, I don't know what to do - honestly. I can't help it if I an not a computer Nerd like everyone else on the net. Thats why I am trying to LEARN. :'(14:50
Dr_WillisBlueWolf:  why are you even doing this ramdom dd stuff?14:51
IsmRainbowsolsTiCe / escott : If it doesn't have a package, you can still build it from source. I had a quick google and it seems like people were having success with that.14:52
Badpenguin86How do I find out why it is taking me so long to login?14:52
IsmRainbowBadpenguin86: 12.04 or earlier?14:52
IsmRainbowhad that problem in 11.10 with multi-user-login14:53
jan_escott,I am not a native speaker,so what does "piss off" mean?)))14:53
BlueWolfDr_Willis: To learn how to Zero a Hard Disk, which looks like I have done, now all I need to do is ( sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda ) like it says on this site ( http://www.marksanborn.net/howto/wiping-a-hard-drive-with-dd/ )14:53
FloodBot1BlueWolf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:54
IsmRainbowjan_: when someone gets "pissed off" it means that they are getting mad.14:54
Dr_WillisBlueWolf:  and whats the point of doing all this?14:54
jan_gotcha) I'll put it down. thanks,IsmRainbow14:55
Dr_Williswe have had this debate in here befor about how to properly erase a hd. and how to just waste time. ;)14:55
BlueWolfDr_Willis: To learn. To remove data of a hard disk, May be I want to sell it sometime and I don't want my personal info to be accessed. Maybe I am paranoid.14:56
IsmRainbowjan_: additionally, if someone tells someone else to "piss off", it means "go away". Both phrases are impolite, since the term "piss" is often considered profane.14:56
escottjan_, im not mad. just annoyed. i dont understand why people come into the channel and ask for help who aren't willing to make an effort14:56
Dr_WillisBlueWolf:  if you have zeroed it.. basically its gone..  spending another hr+ radomizeing it.. is pointless.14:56
escottjan_, so i dont waste my time on them14:57
Dr_WillisBlueWolf:  and if you wanted to be the most 'secure' there are actual secuer deletion tools that would do a better job of it.14:57
jan_escott,I did not call you mad)14:57
IsmRainbowjan_: he's not saying you did. He was just clarifying off of my definition14:57
wawoweBlueWolf: urandom x2 would be "secure"14:58
BlueWolfescott: listen I am making an effort, when I say I don't know or how do I do that I mean it!14:58
AspirationHow to update my system14:58
IsmRainbowAspiration: desktop or server?14:59
Dr_WillisAspiration:  sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade   ;) normally14:59
sandydAspiration: use the update manager14:59
jan_IsmRainbow,is the phrase "kiss off" profane?14:59
Dr_Willisupdate manager should pop up about once a week14:59
BlueWolfDr_Willis: Ok then as a hacker how easy would it be to salvage that data? Could you give me a time line?14:59
IsmRainbowAspiration: one of the icons on the left side should be called "Update Manager". It should automatically pop up once a week or so.14:59
Aspirationis it necessary?15:00
wawoweAspiration: no15:00
IsmRainbowAspiration: updates are not necessary, no, but they are recommended.15:00
Dr_WillisBlueWolf:  there MIGHT be possible for profesional data services to recover it.. but we had this debate in here befor. ages ago it might have been easier. but these days.. not very likely15:00
IsmRainbowthey can fix things like bugs and security problems15:00
Aspirationand should I update to the latest version?15:00
Dr_WillisBlueWolf:  if you are truely paranoid about security. you use a bulk eraser.. or a large hammer....15:01
wawoweAspiration: could just comment out everything in sources.list except security updates15:01
escottAspiration, "should" is not a question we can answer very well. you "should" if you are !eol, but otherwise its up to you15:01
Dr_Willisbulk eraser - very very large magnet thing. :)15:01
wawoweAspiration: would make things less likely to break with updates15:01
jan_sorry,guys,if am getting on your nerves) but I've just encountered some phrase that I can't understand fully.15:01
jan_the phrase:"Ok then as a hacker"15:02
jan_please say this sentence in another way15:02
wawowejan_: kiss off"15:02
wawowejan_: wouldn't make much sense15:02
IdleOnejan_: ##english may be a better place and I think you need to provide more context15:02
BlueWolfDr_Willis: Are you talking about physically destroying the hard drive? Or using a magnet to destroy everything on it?15:02
Dr_WillisBlueWolf:  both. :) if you really really want to be secure15:03
Dr_Willisbbl - gotta do some Honeydo jobs.15:03
escottDr_Willis, i used to throw my old drives into a blackhole but apparently even that isnt secure enough15:04
Dr_Willisescott:  install AOL on them.. it will scare away anyone.15:04
DexterFBlueWolf: no need to even pull urandom: dd /dev/zero over it is perfectly ok. this will then overwrite all magnetic islets with a standard "0". 20 or 25 years ago there would have been a minor risk that data could have been reconstructed in a very sophisticated lab from magnetic resisdue, however, with todays small magnetic domians on a hard disk even if there *was* residual magnetization it would disappear within no time due to having dropped15:05
DexterF in area below the paramagnetic limit where a magnteized area is not suffuiciently stable to keep itself in order15:05
BlueWolfescott: I thank you for your help, truely but your being an "idiot" now. Pardon my bad language...15:05
DexterFBlueWolf: whoops, typos15:06
numbiewho is a master in truecrypt ? :D i need information15:06
BlueWolfDexterF: Thank you for the info. :D15:06
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest93521
tuxedohow I chabge the keyboard _15:07
DexterFnumbie: just ask you rquestion, someone will answer, likely15:07
Harrisbazhang, i was just in the wrong unity15:07
tuxedohow I change the keyboard?15:07
DexterFBlueWolf: yw :)15:07
Harrisworkspaces works while using cube15:07
Harrisubottu, can you help me15:08
ubottuHarris: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:08
numbiewhen creating a standard volume on a device , how would i make a hidden volume when i still want to use space of the outer voume15:08
jan_are there any servers where I can practice my English?15:08
Harrisdoes anyone know what the comkpiz effect is where when you minimize the screen it burns with fire15:09
wawowejan_: ##english15:09
wawowetuxedo: dpkg-reconfigure locales15:09
wawowetuxedo: dpkg-reconfigure console-data15:09
tuxedono know how to change without resinstalla the ubuntu?15:09
jan_wawowe,and how can I contact that server?15:10
jan_tuxedo,where are you from?))15:10
tuxedoSanto Domingo15:10
wawowejan_: /join ##english15:10
numbiejan_, click >> ##english <<<click15:10
tuxedono gui, to change the keyboard=15:11
Harriswhat package is animation in in compiz15:12
escottnumbie, at some point you cant15:14
wawowetuxedo: setxkbmap us15:14
numbieescott, you talking about truecrypt?15:16
escottnumbie, more generally you cannot put more than 2^X bits of information on that disk. if the hidden volume didnt take up space from the real volume you could violate that information limit. so it would apply to truecrypt15:17
jan_nobody wants to answer on ##English server15:18
numbiei dont quite understand, im now creating a standard volume on my external... the whole disk , can i still make a hidden volume which does not damage my files15:19
ikoniajan_: ##english can be quite active, just wait for someone15:19
tuxedothanks wawowe15:19
numbiejan_, thats not a server by the way , its a channel which is located on the server we are on15:20
Thejhey guys . i need some info regarding ubuntu development15:20
wawowejan_: join again and ask me15:20
escottnumbie, tc does have these hidden volumes but you do have to reserve space in some way from the other volumes. the hidden volume will use the free space of the other volume.15:21
jan_wawowe,I have joined15:21
ubotturevenge: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:21
JackuHi . I have a problem  coz  when I try to install something on 12.04 LTS  appear some lock window and it need admin password. When i type password and accept , it says that password is wrong. What can I do ?  Sorry for my bad english15:22
* Sidewinder Sighs..15:22
numbieescott, how would i reserve space without creating files, is that even posible?15:22
jonsowmancan someone help with a udev rule for a pl2303 usb serial adapter?15:22
escottnumbie, if you were to have a hidden volume, but use the normal volume (where the hidden is inside the free space of the normal volume) there would be no way for you to avoid potentially destroying the hidden volume. otherwise that would be a dead giveaway that the hidden volume exists15:22
numbietrue :/15:23
SidewinderJacku, the admin pwd is your log in password.15:23
theixleI am trying to figure out why tail -F and tail -f isn't updating as the file changes. I'm only experiencing this on my lubuntu install atm. I tried #lubuntu but no one was around. Any ideas on how to debug the issue?15:25
ranticHi everyone, I'm wondering where I could find the PulseAudio ALSA plugins for 32-bit?15:25
escotttheixle, what file?15:25
JackuYes , I know that but when I wrote this log in passwd It says that passwd is wrong . Its very strange ..15:26
theixleescott, It's a log file with ansi color codes15:26
HarmoniumHey all. My brother asked me if there was such a program that would let him store food recipies and classify them. A short search on Software Center shows Krecipies, though it looks kinda old. Anyone knows if there's a better program or I should just install that one?15:27
escotttheixle, but its an actual file file not a pipe.15:27
theixleescott, correct, it's an actual file15:27
escotttheixle, unless whatever is writing the log is creating a new file it should work15:28
compdocHarmonium, programs named like that with a K, tend to mean its meant for another desktop than gnome. The KDE desktop. Or are you using Kbuntu?15:28
theixleescott, Yeah, it's boggling me because the exact same thing is working on my ubuntu machine but for some reason on this fresh install of lubuntu it doesn't.15:29
Harmoniumcompdoc, I have both, but my brother has Unity. I don't think he'd mind installing dependencies as long as he gets his program, though.15:30
ubuntuuser1110Hi, I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 and for some reason 12.04 doesn't show up in Update Manager.  I have the settings set to notify me of all updates.15:31
compdocHarmonium, thats cool. Unity is gnome, btw15:31
ranticDoes anyone know where I can install the 32 bit PulseAudio ALSA plugins to use with Ubuntu 64bit 12.04?15:33
ubuntuuser1110I didn't see this under known issues.15:33
=== jens is now known as Guest40244
HarmoniumNow I see a program called Gourmet, it looks more modern (also seems KDE), but it has less stars. :S15:33
theixleubuntuuser1110, Have you tried running update-manager -d ?15:33
wawoweubuntuuser1110: run do-release-upgrade15:34
ubuntuuser1110theixle, update-manager -d did it.  Thanks!15:34
theixleescott, Btw, this is lubuntu running off a usb stick. I should've mentioned that.15:35
ubuntuuser1110Thanks for the quick response.  I'm glad this was so easy.15:35
Harrisin compizconfig settings manager all of the setting boxes are grey and unclickable15:36
BA707Is there a chan specific for 'lucid' users ?15:37
Harriscode to download graphic card driver15:38
escotttheixle, you might be able to get a bit more information by opening a python session and opening a file handle15:38
wawowetheixle: fat32?15:39
theixlewawowe: Yes15:39
wawowetheixle: could be why.15:39
Harrisin compizconfig settings manager all of the setting boxes are grey and unclickable15:40
OrukusakiRestart it15:40
HarrisOrukusaki, are you talking to me15:41
ranticDoes anyone know where I can install the 32 bit PulseAudio ALSA plugins to use with Ubuntu 64bit 12.04?15:41
OrukusakiI dont,believe it15:41
H3hlpHola, no puedo entrar a backtrack linux15:42
BA707OK..  I guess there is no knowledge about a 'ubuntu-lucid' specific chan, so I'll ask...   Is there a way to force the update manager in 10.04 to retreive using FP protocol - instead of HTTP ?15:42
ubottuzazzero_93: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:42
wawoweBA707: edit /etc/sources.list15:42
=== fayimora_ is now known as fayimora
wawoweBA707: change http to ftp15:43
BA707wawowe: Thank you..  I didn't know where the file was..  <bowing>15:43
* BA707 is away from desktop-115:43
jan_Is there any need to learn a programming language if you are not good at maths?15:45
compdocmath is helpful in everyday life - not just with programming15:46
ranticjan_, Depending on the type of programming you're doing ... good math skills aren't really required15:46
ranticjan_, Do you have a decent grasp of BEDMAS?15:47
jan_perl,for instance15:48
EliahKaganBEDMAS is PEMDAS in the US ;-)15:48
EliahKaganit's fine if you don't remember the standard operator precedence (order of operations) in arithmetic though, because just about every programming language has other operators that have to fit in somewhere, so however you learn programming it will go over that in detail15:50
imancanyone know how I can change the time/zone on y server from edt to gmt?15:50
Harrisin compizconfig settings manager all of the setting boxes are grey and unclickable15:50
escottimanc, tzselect15:51
Harrisin compizconfig settings manager all of the setting boxes are grey and unclickable15:51
Harrisin compizconfig settings manager all of the setting boxes are grey and unclickable15:51
Harrisin compizconfig settings manager all of the setting boxes are grey and unclickable15:51
FloodBot1Harris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:51
Harrisnd unclickable15:52
Harris<FloodBot1> Harris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:52
Harris<Harris> in compizconfig settings manager all of the setting boxes are grey and unclickable15:52
Harris-FloodBot1- You have been muted automatically, you will be able to speak aga15:52
FloodBot1Harris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:52
imancthanks escott15:53
BA707wawowe: found '/etc/apt/sources.list'.  is that the right file ?15:54
Harrisin compizconfig settings manager all of the setting boxes are grey and unclickable15:54
wawoweBA707: yeah15:54
imaubuntunoobhello guys. i have a problem login in.. the password is correct, but i can't login. login manager is always presented to me everytime i keyed in the correct password. how do i fix this?15:54
SidewinderHarris, Yea, we know.15:54
wawoweBA707: and the ones in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ if there are any15:54
imaubuntunoobsorry this problem persists since 2 weeks ago..15:55
xtuhi, how can i let the gdm auto login to the gnome environment?15:55
Sidewinder!crosspost | imaubuntunoob15:55
ubottuimaubuntunoob: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.15:55
imaubuntunoobi'm sorry. won't do this again..15:56
BA707wawowe:  now all I have to do is get 'su' access so I can edit it.   Did  not set up a 'root' account, only the admin user during the install.  I see there IS a 'root' user, but have no idea what the pw is on it, and the pw for the initial admin user will not work.15:56
wawoweimaubuntunoob: ctrl+alt+f1 , login , sudo apt-get remove lightdm , sudo apt-get install gdm , service gdm start15:56
wawoweBA707: sudo su15:57
Dr_WillisBA707:  the first user is the admin user who has sudo rights15:57
BA707wawowe:  TY15:57
Dr_WillisBA707:  use sudo -s to get a root shell.. not 'sudo su'15:57
imaubuntunoob<wawowe> will try in a moment15:57
Harrisin compizconfig settings manager all of the setting boxes are grey and unclickable15:58
wawoweDr_Willis: does it make a difference?15:59
Dr_Williswawowe:  yes it can cause issues.15:59
BA707OK..  That gave me edit access to the file..  THANK YOU!15:59
DjuropedalaWhy is command "sensors" giving me this for my CPU :16:00
DjuropedalaAdapter: Virtual device16:00
Djuropedalatemp1:        +31.0°C  (crit = +75.0°C)16:00
wawoweDr_Willis: i've been doing it forever with no problems. is it a security issue?16:00
ech0sudo rm /16:00
=== tdubz is now known as thomas
wawoweDr_Willis: how about sudo /bin/bash16:00
Harrisin compizconfig settings manager all of the setting boxes are grey and unclickable16:00
Dr_Williswawowe:  its a bad habbit. and it can cause issues. theres a guide  if you google for 'ubuntu root shell right way' that gives details16:01
Dr_Williswawowe:  use sudo -s. other ways are redundant, and can cause issues in some situations. (may be rare but it can cause issues)16:01
Harris* Harris sets mode +i #harrisubuntu16:01
DaraelDr_Willis, wawowe:  To achieve the effect of "su -", incidentally, there's also "sudo -i".16:02
Dr_Willis-i and -s differ in some way i never have really figured out. :) somthing with the enviroment settings16:03
wawoweDr_Willis: keeps the env varibles16:03
wawoweDr_Willis: like if you set export DISPLAY=:0.1 as user, it sticks with sudo -i16:03
Dr_WillisI dont do any fancy setups with my root users env variables, or my users, so i rarely notice the differances16:03
wawoweyeah, i usually keep those things in their bashrc16:04
DaraelIs there a known issue with multiple keyboard layouts after upgrade to precise?  Because I'm having trouble on about four different machines.  Each account is stuck in its default layout from pre-upgrade - others are selectable in the indicator, but doing so has no effect.  My extra options (compose key, caps-lock-as-backspace, layout-shift-keys...) seem to have stopped, too.16:06
EliahKagansudo -i simulates an initial login shell, so the environment variables as root's environment variables, root's login scripts as run, ~ is /root instead of /home/username16:07
EliahKagansudo -s is usually what you want, for a root shell -- it doesn't do those things, it's the sudo equivalent of running su and passing no arguments16:08
Dr_Willisand sudo su , may or may not do  what sudo -i, or sudo -s does.. :) i belive is the core of the 'use sudo -s or -i not some other way' argument16:09
MShirleyAnyone help me with ubuntu install issue16:10
wawowek so nvm then haha, sudo -i does not keep the varibles16:10
TPB_How do I install a bin file in Ubuntu>?16:10
LordOfTimeMShirley:  if and only if you explain what the issue is16:10
FuchsTPB_: usually it would be better to use a package, if existing, instead16:11
Dr_WillisTPB_:  what bin exactly. Normally you dont want to use .bin installers16:11
FuchsTPB_: what software are you trying to install?16:11
LordOfTimeTPB_:  what .bin?16:11
TPB_Adobe AIR.16:11
MShirleyLordOfTime - Installs nop problem, then when it boots i get a monitor out of range, and i cant work out how to solve it16:11
TPB_Adobe AIR ^.16:11
FuchsTPB_: used to be in canonical partner repos, maybe have a look there first?16:11
fwalderis ubuntu.com offline?16:11
Dr_WillisI  thought i saw an adobe air deb the other day. but I was also thinking adobe killed the air project.. i couldent find it to install last week16:11
Dr_Willisadobe does a lot of annoying things16:12
OrukusakiIs it safe to download a torrent of the latest ubuntu16:12
TPB_So what do I do?16:12
FuchsTPB_: if it no longer is, then you can  chmod +x  the .bin file and then   ./nameofthefile.bin16:12
LordOfTimeTPB_:  do what Fuchs suggested: turn on the partners repository and check there16:12
TPB_fwalder: No.16:12
wawoweMShirley: boot the install disc, open a root shell16:12
LordOfTimeFuchs:  TPB_:  I'm checking the precise partner repos now, standby16:12
fwalderTPB_: i cant reach16:12
Dr_WillisTPB_:  a .bin file you set executable then run it.16:13
TPB_Alright. I'm hanging here.16:13
MShirleyI gotta write it down what i need to do, i dont have another computer in here to do it with16:13
Dr_WillisTPB_:  chmod +x foo.bin, then sudo ./foo.bin16:13
TPB_fwalder: Where are you trying to connect from?16:13
MShirleyi have installed ssh and can ssh to the computer thought!16:13
TPB_fwalder: Works fine from where I am.16:13
wawoweMShirley: do that then16:13
wawoweMShirley: nano /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:14
TPB_I'm just checking the partner repos and someone suggested.16:14
TPB_If that fails, I'll try to get the .bin installed.16:14
EliahKaganOrukusaki: yes, just get it from the official Ubuntu tracker http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads / http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ (scroll down and get the .torrent file of whatever image you want)16:15
LordOfTimeFuchs:  TPB_:  I don't see it in the partner repositories, you might have to install with the .bin.  in the terminal: chmod +x /path/to/bin; sudo /path/to/bin16:15
wawoweMShirley: go to line 46 "set gfxmode=auto" and change to "set gfxmode=text"16:15
OrukusakiNice, thank you16:15
TPB_Adobe AIR could not be installed. Install either Gnome Keyring or KDE KWallet before installing Adobe AIR.16:16
TPB_How do I do that?16:16
wawoweMShirley: nano /etc/grub.d/00_header16:16
escott!info gnome-keyring | TPB_16:16
ubottuTPB_: gnome-keyring (source: gnome-keyring): GNOME keyring services (daemon and tools). In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.2-2ubuntu4 (precise), package size 1340 kB, installed size 4028 kB16:16
Dr_WillisTPB_:  you are using the normal ubuntu/unity?16:17
Dr_Willistry installing that gnome-keyring package mentioned above16:17
wawoweMShirley: line 138 "set gfxmode=${GRUB_GFXMODE}" --> "set gfxmode=text"16:17
BA707wawowe:  That appears to have circumvented the port-80 block I had to put up for scty reasons, I can now access updates (and hopefully new apps) without failures..  I knew there had to be a trick somewhere - just didn't know where.   Thank you very much.16:17
* Dr_Willis wonders why air needs those16:17
wawoweMShirley: then reboot16:17
MShirleylets see16:17
BA707Dr_Willis: That appears to have circumvented the port-80 block I had to put up for scty reasons, I can now access updates (and hopefully new apps) without failures..  I knew there had to be a trick somewhere - just didn't know where.   Thank you very much.16:17
* TPB_ thinks it's to steals people's passwords.16:18
Dr_WillisBA707:  huh? i dont recall your issue. ;P16:18
TPB_"gnome-keyring is already the newest version." The heck?16:18
adrian15I'm looking for a php package that includes "Gzip support". Using Ubuntu 10.04. Do I get with default php5 package maybe? Thank you.16:18
Daraelfwalder: Future reference, take a look at http://isup.me16:18
ubuntumarxciao a tutti16:19
BA707Dr_Willis: Got the answer from Wawow.  But your help with the sudo cmd was needed as well..16:19
OrpheonGetting problems with PulseAudio16:19
Orpheonanyone knowing their stuff with it?16:19
TPB_Does anyone happen to have a .deb for AIR, maybe?16:19
Dr_WillisTPB_:  adobe's installer may be brain dead.16:19
OrpheonAlternatively, is it worth it installing and using JACK?16:19
BA707  -back to updating-16:20
* TPB_ would like to point out that Adobe folks are idiots.16:20
* UidX just found out there is a DLL hijack vulnerability in Chrome16:20
GNUGeist-ubuliveOrpheon: Jackd is designed for audio professionals, you have to route your audio flow... unless you are doing stuff in a studio or making music/sound. not worth it16:20
BA707TPB_:  Perhaps just ignorant of the importance of anything other that microsoft ?16:20
* TPB_ nods head.16:21
OrpheonI am making music sometimes, but I never tried doing it via routing audio flow16:21
Orpheonso ok16:21
GNUGeist-ubuliveAlright - let me formulate this question.... Is there a command on the liveCD to install a minimal system? like installing the server from the desktop liveCD16:21
* TPB_ needs Adobe AIR so he can install TweetDeck.16:22
Dr_WillisGNUGeist-ubulive:  not that ive ever seen.16:22
GNUGeist-ubuliveI found the link to ubiquity which is the gtk installer16:22
Dr_WillisGNUGeist-ubulive:  unless you count some sort of debootstrap  work.16:22
fwalder--- ubuntu.com ping statistics ---16:22
fwalder87 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 86664ms16:22
TPB_fwalder: Change DNS?16:22
GNUGeist-ubulivewell, I'm willing to debootstrap if i can get a stable end product16:23
Dr_WillisGNUGeist-ubulive:  theres talk of in the next release sort  of combining the installers into one.16:23
fwalderi will try16:23
EliahKaganGNUGeist-ubulive: no, Ubiquity (the graphical installer) doesn't support that; this is supported only with debian-installer (the text-based installer) which is on the alternate CD16:23
Dr_WillisGNUGeist-ubulive:  i dont even know what your actual issue is.16:23
GNUGeist-ubuliveI'm on the desktop livecd and on a tiny lil netbook16:23
GNUGeist-ubuliveI think unity might rape its poor lil' soul16:23
wawoweGNUGeist-ubulive: just apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-desktop && apt-get --purge autoremove16:23
Dr_WillisThe normal ubuntu desktop works fine on my Netbook.16:24
EliahKagantheoretically you could install debian-installer inside a live system (you'd have to make a bigger RAMdrive for the root filesystem, probably)16:24
GNUGeist-ubuliveand cross my fingers that apt doesn't rip its own heart out lol16:24
wawoweGNUGeist-ubulive: after that install a different wm16:24
wawoweGNUGeist-ubulive: i did it16:24
Dr_WillisGNUGeist-ubulive:  been running ubuntu just fine on netbooks for  several yeras now.16:24
GNUGeist-ubuliveprecisely my hope16:24
GNUGeist-ubuliverighto :)16:24
EliahKagancan you tell us the make, model, and specs of your netbook? that might enable us to give better recommendations as to what kind of desktop environment / Ubuntu flavor would work well16:25
LordOfTimeTPB_:  might want to add level3 dns to that:,,
GNUGeist-ubulivelol, I'd feel sheepish cuz its actually a nice one xD16:25
LordOfTimeTPB_:  sometimes google's isnt up to date and level3's is :P16:25
vimanehow to make custom distro from ubuntu installation iso image?16:25
EliahKaganvimane: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization16:25
DJones!remaster | vimane16:25
ubottuvimane: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility16:25
SPhcTinstalled wine and now, right click show me open with notepad can I change that to notepad++16:25
GNUGeist-ubuliveniiice :) thanks ubottu for the linkage16:26
TPB_LordOfTime: Is it not really?16:26
vimanethank you16:26
LordOfTimeTPB_:  i've also had instances where google dns dies :/16:26
TPB_Oh, okay.16:26
* TPB_ might have found a solution for AIR for Ubuntu 12.04.16:26
EliahKaganSPhcT: you can tell it to open with a custom command, and put in the path of the notepad++ executable16:27
Dr_Willisor find the notepad.exe and copy notepad++.exe to it. ;) or use a better text editor...16:27
EliahKaganif the notepad++ executable is on a filesystem that doesn't support permissions, and it is mounted so that all files are marked not-executable, then you'll have to prepend wine (with a space after it) to the beginning of the notepad++ executable path16:28
EliahKaganhi kubalicious16:28
kubaliciousi'm trying to install ubunut on my laptop, but after clicking on install, it's going to a black page and freezing there on "stopping enable remaining boot time encrypted block devices".16:29
GNUGeist-ubuliveubottu is a bot... isn't it16:29
ubottuGNUGeist-ubulive: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:29
SPhcTEliahKagan, but I also want remove open with notped, when i right click16:29
kubaliciousWhat should I do ?16:29
TPB_Are the nVidia drivers good now for 12.04? No more jerkiness?16:29
Dr_WillisSPhcT:  the gnome nautilus settings/configs have that item in there somewhere. I forget where. if you want to remove it.16:29
drecuteplease I need help with this: http://markmail.org/message/6y4j7f7u6bvvve5f16:29
LordOfTimeTPB_:  define "jerkiness"16:30
TPB_LordOfTime: Graphical fuckupness and system instability.16:30
wawoweSPhcT: /usr/share/applications/wine-notepad.desktop16:30
GNUGeist-ubulive !Alternate16:30
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal16:30
LordOfTime!language | TPB_16:31
ubottuTPB_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:31
Dr_WillisTPB_:  the quailty of the nvidia or ati drivers seemto depend very mich on the exct version of the drivers/kernel and the card in use.16:31
LordOfTimeTPB_:  i'm not using a recent nvidia card, but i've got the nvidia drivers on here, it works16:31
LordOfTimeand i agree with Dr_Willis16:31
* TPB_ is confused.16:31
Dr_WillisMy Midrange, not cutting edge nvidia cards/systems all work well16:31
Dr_Willisbut if i went out today and bought the latest card that just came out yesterday.. id expect problems16:31
TPB_Mine didn't at the time.16:31
MShirleyNope didnt work. I guess ill have to go back to centos... JOY16:32
reisioMShirley: to do what?16:32
SPhcTwawowe, where is usr?16:32
kubaliciousi'm trying to install ubunut on my laptop, but after clicking on install, it's going to a black page and freezing there on "stopping enable remaining boot time encrypted block devices". What should I do ?16:32
BLZbubbawhat does it take to get ubuntu to stay in the default text mode until X starts?16:32
EliahKaganSPhcT: /usr is located in /, which is the top of the filesystem16:33
JancooverWhen installing programs i prefer to use Ubuntu Software Center. But what if I want to copy installed software to another Ubuntu machine? Where shall I look for installed software? Is there anything like "program files" folder in ubuntu?16:33
DaraelI upgraded to Precise, and now my keyboard layout settings seem to have no effect; everything's stuck in the system keyboard setting.16:33
Dr_WillisBLZbubba:  i normally use the options 'noquiet nosplash nofb' to grub.16:33
BLZbubbaplymouth needs to die16:33
MShirleyas a primary operating system16:33
chigyGuys: Is there the best way to install compiz settings in 12.04 without bringing some conflicts?16:33
SPhcTEliahKagan, yes figured that out.. :P16:33
Dr_WillisBLZbubba: nosplash = disables plymouth i belive16:33
BLZbubbaDr_Willis: it still tries to do graphics with those options though doesn't it?16:33
TPB_So, my GTX690 wouldn't work that well? :/16:33
Dr_WillisBLZbubba:  you mean starts up X? the text option makes it not start the Login manager16:33
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode16:33
escottDr_Willis, nosplash doesnt do diddly to stop plymouth on any of my systems. il try nofb16:33
Dr_Willisescott:  i was thinking its been changed in 12.04 but i havent trried it lately16:34
kubaliciousCan somebody please answer me ?16:34
BLZbubbaDr_Willis: nice, thanks I"ll try it16:34
reisiokubalicious: okay16:34
reisioMShirley: why's that16:34
Dr_Willisescott:  used tobe i always used 'nosplash nofb verbose text'16:34
reisioCentOS isn't really intended for desktop use16:34
kubaliciousi'm trying to install ubunut on my laptop, but after clicking on install, it's going to a black page and freezing there on "stopping enable remaining boot time encrypted block devices". What should I do ?16:34
escottDr_Willis, im not on 12.04 yet16:34
chigyCompiz problems please!!!!!!!!!!!!!16:34
BLZbubbagod i wish we could just "dpkg -r upstart plymouth"16:34
reisiochigy: you want some?16:34
Dr_Willisescott:  no idea then.  used to work. perhaps its the combo of the options16:34
EliahKagankubalicious: was just about to reply, sometimes it takes time because there's a lot going on in the channel16:34
MShirleyCos i run a small hosting company, i use linux for everything there, and i dont mind useing it as a MS replacement.16:34
reisioBLZbubba: you can get rid of them, if that's what you mean16:34
MShirleyespecially when im running limmited hardware16:34
Dr_WillisYou can set the plymouth theme to be a text only theme.. somehow.16:34
wawoweMShirley: edit grub.cfg again16:35
EliahKagankubalicious: did you MD5 test the .iso image and do "Check disc for defects" on the installation CD/DVD or USB flash drive?16:35
kubaliciousEliahKagan : yeah I noticed, and thanks :D16:35
BLZbubbaDr_Willis: do you do anything with the "linux_gfx_mode" ?16:35
reisioMShirley: CentOS _is_ meant for hosting, especially as a replacement for Windows Server16:35
Daraelkubalicious: Have you checked the CD for integrity?  If so, try the Alternate CD instead?16:35
escottDr_Willis, i use nosplash noplymouth and it doesn't work. i know i dont want text because i want the dm to come up. im just worried about nofb. i do want a framebuffer i just dont want plymouth to use it16:35
chigyYeah!, I want some solutions. @ reisio16:35
reisiochigy: to what?16:35
Dr_Willisescott:  ive never heard of the noplymouth option16:35
BLZbubbaDr_Willis: i just want grub & linux to leave the system in the regular 80x25 mode until x starts16:35
TPB_What does this do? sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgnome-keyring.so.0 /usr/lib/libgnome-keyring.so.0  sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgnome-keyring.so.0.2.0 /usr/lib/libgnome-keyring.so.0.2.016:35
Anilhi guys my start button isnt visible it has shifted farther right how do i rectify it16:35
MShirleyi know what centos is. and what its for :) its runs all of my shared hosting paltfrom, all of my solusvm servers and its installed on all the dedicated servers aswell16:35
Dr_Willisescott:  as far as i know - plymouth is not using the framebuffer. just the console is.. which i normally dont want16:36
escottDr_Willis, i saw it on a website next to the "pleasefortheloveofgoddontstartplymouth" option16:36
DaraelTPB_: Assuming that's meant to be on two lines, or have a ; or an && in it, it creates two symlinks for libraries.16:36
EliahKagankubalicious: to check the CD for integrity as Darael suggested, see http://zootlinux.blogspot.com/2010/05/check-disc-for-defects-in-ubuntu-1004.html16:36
kubaliciousEliahKagan : no, I just ran the install CD16:36
TPB_Darael: Yeah, those were supposed to two lines. That somehow made the Adobe AIR installer work.16:36
chigyReisio: I have tried to install it in 12.04 but it brings conflicts and removes the windows borders.16:36
EliahKagantry doing the integrity check on the installation media16:36
Dr_Willishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/122081/how-to-restore-plymouth-default-theme   about all i know on the topc. :)16:36
EliahKaganthat may reveal the source of the problem16:36
BLZbubbaplymouth does a horrible job of choosing modes sometimes, and upstart fails silently quite often, there must be a way to just get rid of the 216:36
reisiochigy: which version? What's your graphics device?16:37
SPhcTEliahKagan, no wawowe sugestion isnt there16:37
EliahKaganif that shows the installation media is bad, then do the MD5 test on the .iso to see if it was a bad download or a bad burn/write16:37
kubaliciousDarael : I dowloanded the iso from ubuntu.com16:37
Anilnvidia gt 840016:37
EliahKaganyeah, but the download can be corrupted regardless of the source, or there can be a problem writing/burning it16:37
DaraelTPB_: Presumably it has hardwired library filenames (or paths) in it somewhere, and so symlinking the others in makes it pick them up.16:37
chigyReisio: Nvidia cuardo....in Toshiba Tecra m516:38
EliahKaganhttp://zootlinux.blogspot.com/2010/05/check-disc-for-defects-in-ubuntu-1004.html to check the CD/DVD/USB you created; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM to check the ISO file itself16:38
TPB_Darael: Probably. Whatever it was, it did the trick. I just wanted to know what was it exactly. Thanks, anyways.16:38
Daraelkubalicious: There's still the possibility of a corrupt download or a misburn - if it's giving trouble, it's always worth checking the integrity.  Also see EliahKagan's lines.16:38
DaraelTPB_: Are you familiar with symlinks?16:38
BLZbubbaoh another annoyance - why does ubuntu's "restart" choice only restart X and not reload the kernel16:39
EliahKaganSPhcT: are you saying /usr/share/applications/wine-notepad.desktop isn't there?16:39
Dr_WillisBLZbubba:  reload the kernel would be rebooting the whole machine16:39
DaraelBLZbubba: It reboots the system for me.  Sounds like a bug I had a while back; don't remember how I fixed it, though, sorry.16:39
Dr_Williswhich restart are we talking about anysay?16:40
`prixonis there a way to make super+D minimize all windows in 12.04 instead of ctrl+super+d?16:40
reisio`prixon: undoubtedly16:41
DaraelPricey: install the compizconfig-settings-manager package, run ccsm, and change the shortcut in the Show Desktop plugin.  There's probably an easier way, mind.16:41
reisio`prixon: your name is yellow in XChat, a very popular IRC client; it's very hard to see the leading `16:41
`prixonyellow? because of the `?16:41
`prixonI'm using xchat16:42
`prixonreisio, why is my name yellow?16:42
reisio`prixon: no, XChat colorizes based on nickname length16:42
TPB_Darael: Not quite.16:42
reisio`prixon: just to differentiate from other nicks16:42
EliahKagani'm using xchat and i don't see names with different colors16:43
GNUGeist-ubuliveon a white background heh16:43
GNUGeist-ubuliveits an option16:43
reisioI'm just saying, your nick is hard to type, regardless of its color, but especially because of its color16:43
wilee-nileejust is finding that punctuation is what makes it a hassle I think. `prixon16:43
reisioEliahKagan: well it's a pref16:43
EliahKagansounds like you know a solution to this problem then ;-)16:43
reisiojust saying :p people will respond to you more if they can type your nick more easily :p16:43
wawowetype ` and hit tab16:44
DaraelTPB_: Right.  It's basically a reference to a file somewhere else, that pretty much everything will treat just like the original file.  A bit like a shortcut in Windows, if that helps, but rather better done.16:44
GNUGeist-ubuliveits a eyesight filter....16:44
donvito2will ubuntu cd boot helper help me to boot ubuntu from usb ?16:44
Daraelwawowe: That's not the problem; the issue is identifying that initial ` if it's yellow-on-white.  Of course, some of us use light-on-dark terminal chat clients and don't have that problem ;)16:45
TPB_Darael: Well explained. TY.16:45
BLZbubbaDarael: ok cool thanks16:45
SPhcTEliahKagan, yes but i find just notepad which opens with wine..16:45
GNUGeist-ubuliveDarael: you can change the yellow color in xchat... I'm just saying its not his issue, its your client's issue to display clearly16:46
donvito2will ubuntu cd boot helper help me to boot ubuntu from usb ?16:46
EliahKaganSPhcT: if you edit that .desktop file, you can change what application opens16:46
SPhcTEliahKagan, how can i edit it?16:47
wilee-nileedonvito, cd boot helper?16:47
bastidrazorubuntumarx_: no warez here :(16:48
wawoweSPhcT: sudo nano /usr/share/applications/wine-notepad.desktop16:48
reisioGNUGeist-ubulive: that's part of it, certainly16:48
* GNUGeist-ubulive promises to keep quiet now16:49
Daraelwawowe: sudo -e is marginally faster.  Or sudoedit, for that matter.  Also lets one keep one's own editor-settings.16:49
wilee-nileedonvito, so is the problem booting a usb?16:50
SPhcTwawowe, how i can find out notepad++ executable command?16:50
wawoweSPhcT: change "Exec=notepad" --> "Exec=notepad++"16:51
wawoweSPhcT: echo16:51
reisiowhy're you playign with notepad++?16:51
EliahKaganwell notepad.exe and notepad++.exe might not be located in the same directory16:51
SPhcTand how to change icon?16:51
GNUGeist-ubulive.... .exe?16:51
reisiotry out geany, it's a lot like notepad++ but is cross platform16:52
reisioyou won't have to learn another text editor for some time, possibly never16:52
wawoweSPhcT: echo "alias notepad++='wine notepad++' ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc16:52
EliahKagannotepad and notepad++ are windows programs, they run with wine, they end in .exe16:52
=== MoleMan is now known as MoleMan^Away
EliahKagan(.NET programs also end in .exe)16:52
TPB_TweetDeck for Adobe AIR is 6x better than the native version on some platforms.16:52
GNUGeist-ubuliveoh snap, context has been returned16:52
EliahKaganwawowe: adding a bash alias won't change what happens outside the shell, e.g. in Nautilus16:53
wawowein that case16:53
theadminJust make a script: echo 'wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe $@' | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/npp16:54
SPhcTok if i use geany than i just want remove notepad form right click16:55
OrukusakiI need video decoder for use on ubuntu16:55
theadminSPhcT: rm ~/.local/share/applications/wine-extension*16:55
theadminSPhcT: That will remove all Wine right-click menu entries16:56
superzztGreetings.  Can somebody tell me why I don't have the option to add a printer connected to a winbox on the local network?16:56
EliahKaganOrukusaki: do you just mean you want to play video, or do you mean you want to convert it from a compressed format to a less compressed format?16:56
SPhcTtheadmin, ty.. :)16:56
SPhcTreisio, thanks that is what i was lookin for... because of just 2 chars that shows wierd on gedit16:57
EliahKaganOrukusaki, if the latter, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Transcoding may help16:57
joshbeitlerI have a major problem if anyone can help that would be great16:59
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LordOfTimejoshbeitler:  details.  and just ask the question16:59
EliahKagansuperzzt: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu (especially https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu#Printing_from_Ubuntu)16:59
OrukusakiOk cool16:59
strictlandHello everyone, could use some help here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198651816:59
thisisgilHi all - can anyone tell me if crontab is changed in ubuntu 12.04? I'm trying to add a command to be run every minute as root in crontab but it's not applying at all - do I need to do something differently to sudo crontab -e ?17:00
joshbeitlerLordoftime: whenever I try to login (to any desktop) the screen goes black then goes back to lightfm.17:00
jrib!here | strictland17:00
ubottustrictland: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com17:00
=== fire is now known as Guest69552
LordOfTimejoshbeitler:  you mean you get kicked back to the logon screen?17:00
joshbeitlerLordoftime yes.17:00
LordOfTimejoshbeitler:  go to one of the TTYs (ctrl+alt+f1)17:00
LordOfTimejoshbeitler:  login to that17:00
theadminthisisgil: If you want to edit the system wide crontab, use "sudo vi /etc/crontab" (replace vi with nano if you're not familiar with the former)17:00
joshbeitlerLordoftime: ok17:01
LordOfTimejoshbeitler:  then do: rm ~/.Xauthority17:01
LordOfTimejoshbeitler:  then try again17:01
EliahKaganthisisgil: /etc/crontab is the systemwide crontab, there is also the root user crontab which is what you edit with sudo crontab -e, but you should generally avoid that since the systemwide crontab is preferred for administrative tasks that need to run as root17:01
con-manwhy are alllllllllllll my you tube videos inverted for colour like negatives? doesnt happen on my windows box and it's with all browsers17:02
con-manfirefox and chrome17:02
joshbeitlerLordoftime: worked, thanks!17:02
LordOfTimejoshbeitler:  yep17:02
strictlandSo my Xubuntu system is set up to shutdown via cron at a specific time  everyday, then it wakes-on-LAN everyday as well at a specified time. All  ran well for months until a few weeks ago, when my system would  wake-on-LAN but would all of the sudden display the following messages:17:02
strictlanderror: hd0,1 out of disk17:02
strictlanderror: couldn't read file.17:02
strictlanderror: you need to load kernel first.17:02
strictlandFailed to boot both default and fallback entries.17:02
strictlandPress any key to continue...17:02
strictlandI would then press a key and my system would boot up normally into the  desktop. But I want to avoid having to press a key every time to start.17:02
FloodBot1strictland: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:02
allu2con-man: you use nvidia graphics card?17:02
con-manallu2, yup17:03
wawowecon-man: fullscreen the video and rightclick options, turn off gl.. or something like that, don't remember exactly17:03
allu2con-man: its problem with the drivers, goto Unity 2D then to youtube and right click the video, select properties and unselect "hardware acceleration"17:03
con-manthanks both of you17:04
con-manworked :)17:04
thisisgiltheadmin / eliahkagan okay - I'm trying to run this command every minute : echo 0|tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope - it fixes a ubuntu 12.04 32 / 64 bit wine library bork - is crontab the best place to do this?17:04
Vlanguys, i seriously have to understand why disabling advanced graphic effects to get VNC working properly needs to be that hard to do17:04
theadminthisisgil: Make that "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope", and yes, put it in /etc/crontab17:05
reisioVlan: there're some new VNC things that avoid that, even17:06
reisioVlan: designed to work with accelerated17:06
superzztEliahKagan:  Thanks for that, but I've seen these guides before, but their method doesn't seem to work.  I get the feeling that I am missing something.  A package perhaps.  I have samba and am able to browse the network in nautilus, but I can't seem to find the shared printer.17:06
reisioVlan: but mostly I'd say the kind of people who need to remotely administer a computer would already know that17:06
Vlanreisio: could you please point me to a siple and working tutorial for a guy that has already headache?17:07
strictland my problem: "error: hd0,1 out of disk." during boot, details here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008361/ and at the forums here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198651817:07
Vlanreisio:yeah you're right but unfortunately i'm not really a linux guy17:07
LordOfTimestrictland:  we can read you know.  you've already posted on the forums, have some patience17:07
reisioVlan: you're using Unity?17:07
Dr_Willissuperzzt:  you may want to try the samba web interface to see if it sees the remote printer.17:08
vlttheadmin: I downloaded the Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop ISO image, saved to USB, booted in live mode and tried to install chromium-browser, which I cancelled after 3 hours. So I can’t tell whether it works from live CD :(17:08
Dr_Willissuperzzt:  i mean the cups web interface. ;)  http:/localhost:63117:08
strictlandapologies, other guy was asking me to use pastebin17:08
Vlanreisio: yep, i guess so17:08
reisiovlt: is it so important to use it from a live image?17:08
superzztDr_Willis:  I'd forgotten about that.  Will try.17:08
Dr_Willissuperzzt:  my new printers all are stand alone on the network. :) best feature ever.17:09
JancooverWhen installing programs i prefer to use Ubuntu Software Center. But what if I want to copy installed software to another Ubuntu machine? Where shall I look for installed software? Is there anything like "program files" folder in ubuntu?17:09
vltreisio: User theadmin (who just left) recommended to try whether it crashes there too.17:09
ikoniaJancoover: you should never do that17:09
ikoniaJancoover: always use software center17:09
reisioVlan: which version?17:09
Dr_WillisJancoover:  You normally DONT just copy software over.. you could copy the .deb files over from the /var/cache/apt/ dirs.. and install the debs17:09
MagicJhown can I orevent the pannel popping up when I move the cursor to the left on 12.0417:09
reisiovlt: ?17:10
wawoweJancoover: /var/cache/apt/archives/17:10
Dr_WillisJancoover:  if you want to save download bandwitch. setup a main machine as a apt-cacher-ng server and let it cache all the debs for the rest of the lan.17:10
vltreisio: Since I upgraded to 12.04 (fresh install) my browser (chromium) is unusable. I start it and after a few seconds it closes. This is the terminal output I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007881/  What to do now?17:10
reisiovlt: what version of chromium?17:11
Dr_Willis'upgraded to 12.04 (fresh install)' ? you mean you just did a clean/new install then? ;)17:11
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  turn up the sensitivity on the panel?17:11
vltreisio: Current17:11
reisioVlan: which version of Ubuntu?17:11
ubuntunobodyhey, in gnome shell, is there a way to rearrange extension icons in the top bar?17:12
reisiovlt: 'Current' is not a version17:12
reisioversions are made up of numbers, and sometimes letters17:12
Vlanreisio: 12.0417:12
MagicJLordOfTime: yes - helps - but not enough - want to really stop it 100%17:12
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  don't use Unity then17:12
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  you could use gnome-shell or something17:12
shivangpatelany one know how to setup eclipse for advanced JAVA? i mean how to setup apache tomcat?17:12
DaraelDr_Willis, Jancoover: I favour squid-deb-proxy, myself.17:12
LordOfTime!notunity | MagicJ17:13
ubottuMagicJ: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:13
thisisgiltheadmin thanks! one last thing - do I need to write 'root' after the time variables, ie so it would be 0 0 0 0 0 root <command> ?17:13
vltreisio: The one I get when I install the latest pkg chromium-browser package. apt says 18.0.1025.151~r130497-0ubuntu117:13
Elev /n17:13
MagicJLordOfTime: how do I easily turn it off17:13
superzztDr_Willis:  cups doesn't see the printer despite the fact that it is a shared printer.  (It is on a windows 7 box, FYI)17:13
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  by not using Unity, but using gnome-shell17:13
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  you either have it autohide or you dont in which case it'll always be there17:14
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  you can change *where* it shows up (left side / bottom), but if you want it to autohide but not respond to being tapped, you might be out of luck17:14
* LordOfTime checks17:14
EliahKaganvlt: try quitting chromium-browser, then in the Terminal run: cd .config; mv chromium chromium.old17:14
splnetOK dumb question of the day: How do you uninstall a package? sudo dpkg -r linux-image-3.2.14-debug -> " warning: ignoring request to remove ..."17:14
EliahKaganthen go back into Chromium and see if it works agaiin17:14
vltEliahKagan: I started with an empty ~17:14
Dr_Willissuperzzt:  how about findsmb, and smbtree commands.17:15
MagicJLordOfTime: ty so much - that's how it seemed - YUCK - I will o the drop back to gnome I guess - this is the tupe of thing that will drive me and others away from Ubuntu - I have 131 sites running Ubuntu that I will probably end up changing because of this type of thing17:15
fl1bbl3splnet apt-get remove17:15
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  you could make it go to the bottom17:15
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  or just make it so its always visible and not hidden17:15
EliahKagansplnet: or if you want to remove systemwide configuration files too, run apt-get purge17:15
shivangpatelhow to setup apache tomcat in eclipse...for java17:16
MagicJLordOfTime: my users do not want to be confused by this stuff.  They use the few things we have on the desktop and no more17:16
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  the dash is part of Unity.  to not have the dash, the answer  is don't use Unity, but use Gnome Shell or Gnome Classic (I am partial to gnome shell)17:17
reisioVlan: you just need the command to disable effects, then you can simply put it in a shell script with your vnc command and run that instead17:17
splnetEliahKagan: yeah purge did the trick thanks17:17
MagicJLordOfTime: I agree - and the best way to that is to change to another distro17:17
superzztDr_Willis:  smbtree sees the winbox, but no printer.  Interesting.  This isn't important to me.  I'll write this off as a Windows glitch for now and not waste your time.  Thanks.17:17
EliahKaganvlt: how did you start with an empty home directory if you 12.04 LTS system is an upgrade?17:17
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  or use Gnome Shell (which is closer to Gnome than Unity)17:17
Dr_WillisThe panel is getting some neat features with icon feedback/animation and quicklists. ;)17:17
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  Ubuntu's a great distro, you could use Kubuntu (KDE) if you want17:17
sudo|kingi recently ran an upgrade and am no longer able to launch OpenGL apps. have an nvidia gs 8400, get this error on launch: "X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)"17:18
LordOfTimeMagicJ:  when i get tired of Unity, i keep KDE around :P17:18
vltEliahKagan: <vlt> Since I upgraded to 12.04 (fresh install) …17:18
reisioVlan: maybe just metacity --replace17:18
EliahKaganvlt: oh ok sorry17:18
EliahKaganwell you17:18
MagicJLordOfTime: I like unity for my own development use  -but for a "packaged system" ready for the end user for whom I really want to hide that there is an OS there at all this is bo good17:18
superzztDr_Willis:  Better yet, I'll check another winbox on the network to see if it's there.  Either way I thank you for your help.  You've helped point me in a new direction.17:18
EliahKagan*well you are not running the latest version, try upgrading chromium-browser: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install chromium-browser17:19
Jancooverwhat is the best programming language to start with?17:19
EliahKaganactually sry the latest version is in -proposed17:19
dlentz!ot | Jancoover17:19
ubottuJancoover: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:19
sudo|kingJancoover: this isn't a programming channel17:19
vltEliahKagan: My system tells me “Software up to date”.17:19
mirboti have a very bizzare issue that is crashing my computer everytime i boot.  its related to lockfile-create17:19
sudo|kingJancoover: try ##programming17:20
mirboti cannot find any resolution to the issue17:20
EliahKaganvlt: you can try the version from -proposed by installing the .deb file manually (you can get it here, it's for Precise): https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser17:20
mirbotthis error didnt appear until after i upgraded to 12.0417:20
shivangpatelany one know how to install apache tomcat in eclipse for java17:20
sudo|kingi'm going to recompile nvidia driver, see if that helps17:20
EliahKaganvlt: or you can do this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed (selectively upgrade just chromium-browser)17:20
EliahKaganmirbot, can you give more details, besides that it's related to lockfile-create ?17:21
shivangpatelany one know how to install apache tomcat in eclipse for java....17:21
LordOfTimeshivangpatel:  ask in the eclipse channel?  you might need tomcat installed first17:21
LordOfTime!repeat | shivangpatel17:21
ubottushivangpatel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:21
mirbotEliahKagan, 'lockfile-create crashed with SIGSEGV in calloc()17:22
EliahKaganvlt: also, ~ shouldn't be *empty* even for a new user, there should be some dotfiles in it, ...have you actually tried cd-ing to .config (files that start with . are hidden by default)17:22
mirbotthat the message17:22
mirboti am been sending dumps of the crash report for several weeks now17:23
EliahKaganmirbot, did you get an error reporting window and report it as a bug, and if so, can you post the Launchpad bug link here?17:23
vltEliahKagan: Of course I had some .bash config files after adding the new user.17:23
EliahKaganmirbot, cool, can you post a link to the bug report you created? (any of them)17:23
mirboti just hit continue17:23
angsis there any GUI task manager to see active processes and kill processes?17:23
mirboti dont have any links17:23
LinuxMonkeyangs system monitor17:24
angsthanks linuxmonkey17:24
chigycompiz effect problem!!!!!!!!17:25
mirbotEliahKagan, give me a moment.  i am going to reboot which will bring the window with the information you need back up.  silly me for hitting continue thinking it would produce a bug link17:26
ravenaudacity freezes suddenly with ubuntu 12.04.i suggest, this happens while capturing a restore snapshot because after the restore it is the exact last state every time. any ideas?17:28
ravenaudacity freezes suddenly with ubuntu 12.04.i suggest, this happens while capturing a restore snapshot because after the restore it is the exact last state every time. any ideas?17:29
reisioraven: run it from a terminal and observe the output17:31
vassalliAs I reduce hd with gparted, ubuntu 4.12, I can not remove sd117:35
morsnowskivassalli, is it mounted ?17:36
donvito3i just installed ubuntu17:38
donvito3i dont know why the hell the chose menu betwen ubuntu and windows xp doesnt show?17:38
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
DaDaDOSPromptdonvito, do you recall which device name you installed the bootloader to?17:38
wawowedonvito3: wubi or dualboot?17:39
DaDaDOSPromptah, good point17:39
donvito3i mean i installed from usb17:39
donvito3installation went all ok i restarted and now windows is loading himself17:39
donvito3without i chose it17:39
morsnowskithat looks like you didn't install grub17:40
smd_very slow connection between window7 and ubuntu10.417:40
donvito3grub doesnt install himself?17:40
HelloWorld321How can I tell if a port is open?17:40
wawowewubi modifies the windows boot.ini17:40
vassallimorsnowski , yes monted17:40
terafl0psHelloWorld321: netstat -an | grep LISTEN <portnumber>17:40
donvito3how can i fix now ?17:41
true_techiewhat is wrong with this bash command?  #!/bin/bash node `dirname $0`/build/spludo-gen.js $*17:41
morsnowskivassalli, unmount it and try again17:41
wawoweHelloWorld321: locally, netstat17:41
vassalliI have to reduce sd1 but I can not do it17:41
smd_Is there anyone help me about network connection between windows7 and ubuntu10.417:41
morsnowskias long as it is mounted it won't17:41
HelloWorld321netstat -an | grep "LISTEN 3306"17:42
HelloWorld321if my port isn't lsited, does that mean that the port is closed?17:42
tataI have ubuntu 10.04 and what I need of software to watch live tv on internet?17:42
vltEliahKagan, reisio: I activated -proposed repo and updated chromium to 18.0.1025.168~r134367-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 but that didn’t help. It still closes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008423/17:42
donvito3guys why no one helps here?17:42
smd_Can i ask help me?17:43
true_techietata, www.techjamaica.com/forums/showthread.php?107569-Getting-Thousands-of-movies-and-free-channels-with-xbmc17:43
arooni-mobileis there a way to get a version # of a package before i install it?17:43
ring0apt-cache policy package17:43
Tm_T!helpme | smd_17:43
ubottusmd_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:43
vltdonvito3: I don’t think that’s true.17:43
terafl0psHelloWorld321: Sorry.  That should have been netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep <portnumber>17:43
lelamal!patience | donvito317:43
ubottudonvito3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:43
vassalliwith gparted, I can only unmount sda5 (swap) sda2 (exstendet)17:43
true_techiewhat is wrong with this bash command?  #!/bin/bash node `dirname $0`/build/spludo-gen.js $*17:44
vassallisda1  monted17:44
wawowedonvito3: something must've gone wrong during the install17:44
BLZbubbaDr_Willis: hey i found the ideal way to set the video mode:  > /boot/grub/video.lst; update-grub17:44
Tm_Tsmd_: also giving bit more information rightaway would help too (:17:44
vlt!ask | smd_17:44
ubottusmd_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:44
donvito3wawowe how to fix or install grub now?17:44
wawowedonvito3: could try again or see if there's an option to redo the boot.ini mod17:45
smd_ok i'm really sorry , I found it17:45
wawowedonvito3: i think you can also edit boot.ini with msconfig17:45
EliahKaganvlt: well at least you're getting a different error now. It was a segmentation fault before, right?17:45
vassallias unmount sda1, thanks17:45
donvito3what to edit in boot.ini actually ?17:45
vassalligparted no,, error17:45
vltEliahKagan: I don’t know. How to find out?17:45
wawowedonvito3: pastebin it17:45
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: and if nothing is listed, then my port is closed?17:45
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
donvito3weird boot.ini doesnt exist in my windows xp17:46
smd_I have a network that consists of  3 computers, two computers have ubuntu10.4 and the other on has window7 as os17:46
wawowedonvito3: it's hidden17:46
mintuseri want to know how to make "busybox telnetd" act as a telnet daemon. has anybody had any luck with it yet?17:46
EliahKaganvlt, what was your original error?17:46
donvito3sec i found it17:46
EliahKaganyou had pastebinned that, right?17:46
smd_but the network connection is very very slow between them17:46
terafl0psHelloWorld321: If there is no ouptut, it is not listening which means it is closed if you are not running a firewall.17:47
smd_and it interupted regularly17:47
donvito3wawowe there http://pastebin.com/heqk8p9K17:47
vassalliThe partition can not be removed by the following mount points:17:47
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
JancooverI have got 2 OSs on my computer:windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10. The problem is that when I boot my computer grub shows "Windows Xp professional" instead of "Windows 7". how can I fix this thing?17:47
vltEliahKagan: I think that one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007881/ (I can only read it for a few seconds before chromium closes)17:47
terafl0psHelloWorld321: If you are running a firewall, then connection attempts to that port will simply be ignored.17:47
mintuserhi there. i want to know how to make "busybox telnetd" act as a telnet daemon. has anybody had any luck with it yet?17:48
EliahKaganvlt: uh, you should probably start by installing a different browser so that you can use the web while working on getting this problem fixed (you could install firefox, for example); also...did it even open for a few seconds before?17:48
mintuseri want it to act as a telnet daemon and accept connections from other computers17:49
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: okay.  Thanks.   How do I know if I'm running a firewall?   My linux is still weak, and when I installed it, I knew absolutely nothing.17:49
escottHelloWorld321, sudo iptables -L17:50
EliahKaganvlt, "Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben)" means SIGABRT, not SIGSEGV (i.e., not segmentation fault as i'd misremembered)...but you don't seem to have a crash (per se) now at all17:50
wawowedonvito3: add a line with: C:\Wubildr.mbr = "Ubuntu Wubi"17:50
donvito3but ill need one line for windows xp too?17:50
ubuntu_64bithi all17:50
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: here's what I'm actually trying to do.  I'm running MySql and I can see it throughout my LAN via phpMyAdmin, but not through direct tools like Oracle's SQL Developer (with MySQL plugin), it says there's a network error, so I'm thinkning "firewall"17:51
HelloWorld321escott: thanks, I'll try my iptables17:51
escottHelloWorld321, run that from the command line. if the output shows no chains you have no firewall17:51
donvito3because one is ubuntu recovery console17:51
vltEliahKagan: Yes, I could use FF but the default browser for the links here on terminal is chromium. And yes, it also opened for a few seconds before.17:51
ubuntu_64biti have install ubuntu 12.04 there is a problem with a usb huawei modem17:52
EliahKaganvlt: maybe the problem is user-specific but not in .config/chromium ...does it work in another user account (or the guest account)?17:52
ubuntu_64biti have install ubuntu 12.04 there is a problem with a usb huawei modem17:52
vltEliahKagan: I will try. I got that one when just trying again: chromium-browser: /build/buildd/cairo-1.10.2/src/cairo-surface.c:1287: cairo_surface_set_device_offset: Assertion `status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS' failed.17:52
vltEliahKagan: Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben)17:53
terafl0psHelloWorld321: Ah.  You should double check that MySQL is in fact configured to accept network connections.  I think sometimes the default install doesn't allow them until you tell it to explicitly.17:53
wobbleHi, where do i find  a ubuntu live iso to download  ?17:53
HelloWorld321I've got my user set up for % hosts17:53
ramoncan you play games like call of duty and half life 2 on ubuntu  any way17:53
nobody460hello I just installed 12.04 32bit but there is a problem with the display. Can anybody help please?17:53
terafl0psHelloWorld321: it also could be working on some port other than 3306, but someone would have had to configure that specifically.17:53
vltwobble: You get a link (but not a direct one to an iso) on ubuntu.com/download17:53
vlt!details | nobody46017:54
ubottunobody460: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:54
EliahKaganwobble: the desktop CD is a live .iso image: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop17:54
ubuntu_64bitwobble, visit ubuntu homw page www.ubuntu.com then go to download17:54
sirriffsalotMy upper right toolbar with system settings monitor button etc has disappeared, and I was silly enough to exit the error message without checking... any ideas?17:54
sirriffsalotRunning 12.04 ...17:54
ubuntu_64bitwobble, see EliahKagan17:54
vltHow to switch to another user?17:55
sirriffsalotvlt: log out:P17:55
nobody460OK desktop is displayed correctly, but anywhere I click i see just black squares insted of app windows17:55
wobbleSorry i mean can i live boot ubuntu with the http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop download without installing first , yeah ?17:55
vltsirriffsalot: o_O17:55
sirriffsalotwobble: yes17:55
EliahKaganvlt: the guest account is an option on the login screen17:55
vltHow to switch to another user w/o logging out?17:55
sirriffsalotvlt: you can't17:55
HelloWorld321vlt: su17:55
=== chionsas is now known as daze`
wawowedonvito3: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partion(0)WINDOWS(1)="Windows"/fastdetect/Noexecute=op17:56
vltThat worled in 10.04.17:56
sirriffsalotvlt: oh17:56
sirriffsalotvlt: uhm, I think I've misunderstood...17:56
escottvlt, fast user switching shouldn't log you out, but you could also go to a tty (ctrl-alt-f1) and startx a new gui session17:56
wawowedonvito3: if that doesn't work you'll have wubi as a fallback17:56
wilee-nileenobody460, have you completely updated and looked at the additonal drivers for any missing drivers>17:56
wawowedonvito3: may be safer to just try the install again17:56
EliahKaganvlt: you can try running chromium with the gksu -u or gksudo -u command (not su/sudo, that will mess things up), but you shouldn't, because that doesn't fully account for all differences between the two accounts; problems in your current account could still potentially make chromium-browser not work if you run in another account with gksu/gksudo17:56
HelloWorld321vlt: if you mean in a terminal session, try the "su" command to become another user17:57
PankajAfter reinstalling ubuntu, it does not show me wired interface, neither headphones work nor brightness decresaes. In short, many hardware problems. I tried this formatting and installing many times but of no use.17:57
EliahKaganescott: it is not generally possible to startx a new GUI session from a virtual console, without configuring things first to make that work or passing arguments to startx17:57
sirriffsalotWhen I run "sudo gnome-panel" the left pane appears again, but if I kill the terminal it disappears again...17:57
ubuntu_64bitwobble, see EliahKagan17:57
terafl0psHelloWorld321:  The other thing to remember is that command I gave you to check if MySQL is running is case sensitive.  LISTEN really has to be in all caps otherwise grep won't find it.17:57
ubuntu_64biti have install ubuntu 12.04 there is a problem with a usb huawei modem17:58
vltvlt, sirriffsalot, escott, HelloWorld321 and others: I found it. You have to click on the _name_, not on the icon in the upper right corner.17:58
EliahKaganwobble: if you download from that site it will automatically pick a good mirror, that is better than any direct link we can give you, is that not working for you?17:58
wilee-nilee!pm | nobody460 I wopuld not jsut pm without asking.17:58
ubottunobody460 I wopuld not jsut pm without asking.: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:58
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: okay, I see it.  Thanks.  Looks like my port is open17:59
HelloWorld321tcp        0      0*               LISTEN17:59
=== daze` is now known as daze
sirriffsalotvlt: \o/17:59
terafl0psHelloWorld321: If that's the only line it's listening on localhost only.17:59
nobody460:willie-nilee sorry, I'm new in mIRC too :)17:59
HelloWorld321That's the only line18:00
ubuntu_64bitubottu,  acha kutuzingua18:00
=== Pankaj is now known as jack_
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: got any tips on how to get MySQL to listen on another subnet?18:00
EliahKaganwobble: if you need a direct link you can use http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso (32-bit) or http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso (64-bit) but that may not be as fast as an autoselected mirror (go to http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop, pick 32-bit or 64-bit, and click Start download)18:00
* wilee-nilee wonders why 18:00
sirriffsalotBounceand: pong18:03
dazedoes anybody know how I minimize xchat to the launchbar? now 'minimize' puts it in the tray every time.. :/18:03
vltPlease excuse my language.18:03
terafl0psHelloWorld321: You have to change the bind-address in my.cnf to listen on the IP address or subnet of your machine.18:03
vltWHAT THE FSCK?!?!?!18:03
BounceandThnx ping18:03
vltI could read files from another user!18:03
BounceandHi everybody18:04
EliahKaganvlt: when you were guest, or when you were a different (real) user18:04
EliahKaganfor guest to be able to do that is bad...for another real user to be able to do that is fine so long as the user who owns the files has permissions set to allow it18:04
EliahKaganhi Bounceand18:04
vltI created another user, switched to that (using the menu I found) and could read files of my other user.18:05
vltEliahKagan: ^18:05
EliahKaganvlt: yeah that might be fine, check your permissions18:05
EliahKaganUbuntu has permissive permissions by default18:05
vltEliahKagan: I didn’t change them.18:05
EliahKaganyou can change it though18:05
vltUbutnu has what?18:05
vltThe default is that users can read each others home dirs?18:05
EliahKaganvlt: yes, this is by design, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Policies#Permissive_Home_Directory_Access18:06
EliahKaganbut note that guest is not supposed to be able to do this (AppArmor is used to constrain what guest can do)18:06
vltI love that euphemism here: “allow users to easily share files and help each other”18:07
=== bobbyaldol_ is now known as bobbyaldol
vltEliahKagan: Ok, back to topic: I logged in as the other (fresh) user and got the segfault crash again in chromium.18:08
EliahKaganvlt: that's not a euphemism, this was not done by mistake and it would not be hard to change it, it hasn't been changed because the security team decided that this is preferable to more restrictive behavior; the link i posted explains how to change the default on your system18:08
=== margo_ is now known as margo
EliahKaganvlt: darn, i was hoping it was something in your user account18:09
EliahKaganvlt: i don't remember, did you purge and reinstall chromium-browser?18:09
BLZbubbahow do you stop pulse audio from running?18:09
EliahKaganif not, try that -- that will wipe out global configuration files18:09
terafl0psHelloWorld321: You also have to do some grants to allow specific users access to databases from remote addresses.  If you wanted root to be able to connect to any database from you would have to say something like grant all on *.* to root@'192.168.1.%' IDENTIFIED BY "mysecretpassword";18:09
EliahKaganvlt: sudo apt-get --purge --reinstall install chromium-browser18:10
jack_After reinstalling ubuntu, it does not show me wired interface, neither headphones work nor brightness decresaes. In short, many hardware problems. I tried this formatting and installing many times but of no use.18:10
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: I've got that.  I'm still trying to find where MySQL installed the my.cnf file.18:10
terafl0psHelloWorld321: Try "locate my.cnf"18:11
HelloWorld321looiks like its in /etc/mysql18:11
vltEliahKagan: Ah, thanks, just ran the purge command and was going to run install afterwards18:11
EliahKaganvlt: that works too18:11
BLZbubbapulse audio keeps coming back after I kill it, @$^  -- there must be a proper way to disable it without doing something nasty like chmod -x18:13
vltEliahKagan: segfault18:13
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: a couple more questions about adding the bind-address to my.cnf ...18:13
vltEliahKagan: dmesg: [ 5692.191485] chromium-browse[5248]: segfault at b7975000 ip b41e3450 sp bfda0d60 error 6 in chromium-browser[b3631000+41b4000]18:13
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: can I put multiple bind-address lines?  Can I keep the old and add a new subnet below it?18:14
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: can I use * in the subnet?  or should I use 255 or % or something else?18:14
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: do I need to restart MySQL to activate the new bind-address?18:15
terafl0psNot sure about multiple bind addresses.   A restart of the mysql service is definitely necessary.18:15
vltEliahKagan: And now?18:16
wawoweBLZbubba: maybe /etc/xdg/autostart, or /etc/default/pulseaudio. but i would just do something nasty18:17
EliahKaganvlt: i don't know, you could try enabling apport and reporting the crash (during which you may find suggested duplicates coming up that contain info about workarounds): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#How_to_enable_apport18:17
ldurosi have an asus u46 laptop and for some reason in Ubuntu 12.04 I can't tap to click with the touchpad18:17
ldurosany idea what's going on?18:17
KaleidoscopeQuick question, My hard drive failed, so I'm running off a USB stick at the moment, I installed to it through Unetbootin, And I was just wondering, Will changes I make stay applied to it? Or will I lose everything each time I restart?18:18
HelloWorld321tx terafl0ps: u r teh uber18:18
EliahKaganvlt: or if Chrome would meet your needs, you could install that18:18
trismBLZbubba: ~/.pulse/client.conf create/add: autospawn=no18:18
terafl0psHelloWorld321:  It turns out  if no address or is specified, the server listens on all interfaces.18:18
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: gotcha.  tx.  And then I control it from inside the MySQL user permissions18:19
trismBLZbubba: see: man pulse-client.conf; for all the options and more detail18:19
=== as456fgt is now known as dury
EliahKaganKaleidoscope: no, changes made to a live USB are not persistent18:20
KaleidoscopeEliahKagan, Figures, Alright thanks man18:21
vltEliahKagan: apport says it’s already running, maybe I eventually checked “don’t ever ask me again when chromium crashes”. How to enable it again?18:21
wawoweKaleidoscope: tar xvpf your changes18:22
EliahKaganvlt: check inside /etc/apport/blacklist.d, also check for .crash files for it inside /var/crash18:22
vltEliahKagan: I got an 8 MB log file in /var/crash.18:24
EliahKaganvlt: if the log file is for chromium-browser and you're cd'd to the /var/crash directory, you can submit it with: ubuntu-bug FILENAME18:25
pie_what does ubuntu mount when it says mounting some kind of cryptswap stuff on boot?18:25
pie_it'd be counterproductive if the decryption key was on the disk...18:25
EliahKaganvlt: alternatively if you delete it and make sure chromium-browser is not blacklisted in /etc/apport/blacklist.d, then when you produce the crash again you should get the option to submit it18:25
vltEliahKagan: The file is of course for chromium. It’s from the other user session. bz2 is still 6 MB.18:26
vltEliahKagan: I'll use ubuntu-bug.18:27
sollidsnakeMy message indicator is not highlighting when I get new messages or mail. Anybody knows what I can do to fix this?18:27
EliahKaganvlt, you may as well go back to the original user account18:28
=== EvanR is now known as Guest59331
jack_After reinstalling ubuntu, it does not show me wired interface, neither headphones work nor brightness decresaes. In short, many hardware problems. I tried this formatting and installing many times but of no use.18:31
fellayaboydoes 12.04 have a dns cache?18:32
sollidsnakejack, it is probally the kernel version18:32
sollidsnaketry using another ubuntu version and see if this happens18:32
zakihi all i ned help18:33
reisiozaki: okay18:33
zakiraisio: my wifi is conected bt i cant browse internet18:33
zakiraisio: description: Wireless interface        product: Centrino Advanced-N 6205        vendor: Intel Corporation        physical id: 0        bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0        logical name: wlan0        version: 34        serial: a0:88:b4:2c:f9:54        width: 64 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list ethernet physical wireless        configuration: broadcast=yes driver=iwlwifi driverversio18:34
wilee-nileefellayaboy, built into the kernel.18:34
fellayaboyis there a way to flush it wilee-nilee18:34
wilee-nileefellayaboy, check out this thread post. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196806118:35
vltEliahKagan: I `ran ubuntu-bug <file>`, checked the “send report” box and pressed one of the buttons. The program was fnished and now there’s a constant upload to gremlin.canonical.com but I got no bug number or anything. What happens now? How to get chromium working on 12.04?18:35
wilee-nileefellayaboy, I lost my opendns with it running.18:36
vltEliahKagan: The upload has finished. It was 6 MB, so it used compression internally ;-)18:37
zakireisio:my wifi connected bt i cant able to browse18:37
=== gameid is now known as Peter_Pan
fellayaboyi just want to know how to flush the dns cache18:37
fellayaboyif there is one18:37
zakihi al18:38
sollidsnakeMy message indicator is not highlighting when I get new messages or mail. Anybody knows what I can do to fix this?18:38
wilee-nileefellayaboy, even if you do it will proceed to cache again, but this is not an area of expertise for me, I could not get it flushed.18:38
zakii ned help on my wifi18:38
EliahKaganvlt: i was just about to ask you if a web browser opened up with the page in Launchpad :-(18:38
stuengdoes anyone know what config files are modified when configuring "desktop sharing" ?18:38
zakireisio: can u help me18:39
reisiozaki: what's the problem18:39
EliahKaganvlt: i guess you'll have to use apport-cli instead of ubuntu-bug, sorryy18:39
zakireisio: wifi conected but i cant browse internet18:39
ufrgsssta, cool app man! thank you a lot!18:39
=== Peter_Pan is now known as gameid
zakireisio:  description: Wireless interface        product: Centrino Advanced-N 6205        vendor: Intel Corporation        physical id: 0        bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0        logical name: wlan0        version: 34        serial: a0:88:b4:2c:f9:54        width: 64 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list ethernet physical wireless        configuration: broadcast=yes driver=iwlwifi driverversi18:40
stuengwall of text18:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:40
stuengzaki: read that ^^18:40
stuengzaki: and then tell me what the output of ifconfig wlan0 is18:41
fAz4i get   error while loading shared libraries: libjpeg.so.62:18:42
fAz4while ldconfig -v shows  libjpeg.so.62 !?18:42
reisiostueng: still, he did it in only one msg, you took three18:42
reisiozaki: what does your browser say?18:43
stuengdoes anyone know what config files are modified when configuring "desktop sharing" ?18:43
zakireisio:server cant find18:43
reisiozaki: this is your home network?18:44
reisiozaki: what's the router?18:44
reisiozaki: which browser?18:44
zakireisio : firefox18:45
HelloWorld321terafl0ps: tx again18:45
zakireisio: i can browse while conected to ethernet18:45
reisiozaki: mmhmmm18:45
reisiozaki: does your router support ipv6?18:46
terafl0psHelloWorld321:you're welcome18:46
reisiozaki: actually we can take a step back: can you ping another computer on your network by IP?18:46
zakireisio:let me check18:46
=== nitro is now known as Guest92764
stuengzaki: show us the output of ifconfig wlan0 in paste bin18:46
silvertuxis there an ubuntu 12 dvd alternate?18:47
stuengsilvertux: yes18:47
silvertuxsure? where18:47
stuengsilvertux: where do you think?18:47
silvertuxi can find only the cd18:47
zakistueng: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008534/18:47
silvertuxstueng, only cd i see18:47
stuengsilvertux: yes, alternate CD.. why would you need a DVD?18:48
zakireisio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008534/18:48
silvertuxstueng, software included.... but they will develop an alternate dvd or never?18:48
silvertuxsomething is changed about grub in 11 and 12? recovery systems ar the same?18:49
stuengsilvertux: oh I see, I dunno18:49
Guest92764Hi.Should I install graphic drivers on Ubuntu18:49
Guest92764I have dual monitor and sensors reports with one monitor running 48 C18:49
Guest92764on windoes its 34 C18:50
stuengzaki: type ping , what is output ?18:50
erealzwhat drive in ubunt that allow muti monitor support?18:50
wilxbazhang: Development. Testing that my library compiles with it.18:50
reisioerealz: what's your graphics device?18:50
wilxbazhang: I am replying to my GCC 4.8 question from several hours ago :)18:51
Guest92764HD 585018:51
reisioerealz: nvidia, ati, intel, etc.18:51
silvertuxtnks stueng18:51
Guest92764no just ati18:51
zakistueng:PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable18:51
NardellaHello, I am trying to get my wireless card working, when I run "additional drivers" a window opens with the text "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and some empty space, a greyed out "enable" button then a help and close button18:51
Nardellawhat should I do next?18:52
donvito2ubuntu 12.04 is too slow18:52
stuengzaki: output of the command "route" please18:52
KhmerogUbuntu 12.04 runs off Unity and.or gnome?18:52
Khmerogdonvito really?? whats your PC sp[ecs?18:52
stuengKhmerog: type !notunity18:52
Guest92764should i install driver will temps go down18:52
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:52
donvito2well i have a laptop with 2 gb ram18:52
stuengzaki: I gtg, but make sure you can ping your "default gateway"18:52
sergwy12.04 has too many bugs yet, but it's not slow18:52
donvito2the graphic card is not good18:53
donvito2maybe thats why ?18:53
Khmerogdonvito you should probably either get linux mint or Xubuntu then18:53
donvito2hehe the point is to use ubuntu18:53
terafl0psdonvito: or login using gnome "without effects"18:54
Ken7383Although MInt 13 is now out, I suggest Mint 12 which is stable.18:54
Khmerogmy Desktop PC has 8gb and runs ubuntu/kubuntu like butter...but my laptop P4 1.7ghz + 2gb ram runs linux mint 12 okay (not smooth) but definately useable..it runs lubuntu veery smooth also18:54
donvito2looks like ill try that18:54
zakistueng:i cant able to18:54
terafl0psdonvito2: Do you know where the option is in the login screen?  I think you have to click the gnome foot to see it.18:55
Khmerogyes you can disable some effects i guess...what part do u find slow? give an example? like when loading up apps? browsing web on (which web browser) ?18:55
donvito2yes khem__18:55
donvito2Khmerog also when i move mouse18:55
zakireisio: :-)18:55
donvito2what line i need to add on boot.ini to be able to chose ubuntu instead windows xp18:55
Khmerogim going to try to run Homefront game on PlayonLinux :P..I finally got Steam to work on Linux OS18:56
Nardelladid anybody read my question?18:56
barthaNardella post it again?18:57
Nardella Hello, I am trying to get my wireless card working, when I run "additional drivers" a window opens with the text "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and some empty space, a greyed out "enable" button then a help and close button18:57
Nardellawhat should i do next?18:57
barthais your card external or internal?18:57
barthadid you check if its recognised already?18:58
donvito2what line i need to add on boot.ini to be able to chose ubuntu instead windows xp18:58
wawowedonvito2 C:\Wubildr.mbr = "Ubuntu Wubi"18:58
barthaNardella could you try dmesg | grep wireless ?18:58
donvito2hey wawowe thanks18:59
barthasee if something shows up?18:59
Nardellahow do i open the terminal?18:59
zykotick9bartha: "... | grep -i wireless" might work better18:59
jack_sollidsnake , previously everything was working fine, but one day ubuntu was crashed while forcibly shutting down, and after then reinstalling it gives same problem. I tried installing same image as well as different images downloaded from website, but none of them proved fruitful. Everything works fine in Windows which I installed side by side on different partition.18:59
jack_ 18:59
barthazykotick9 yep..19:00
OerHeksNardella, ctrl + alt + T terminal19:00
barthaNardella what version of ubuntu are you using?19:00
barthathere you go19:00
Nardellai just downloaded it a few minutes ago, not sure19:00
barthayou could do lsb_release19:01
barthasee what comes up..19:01
barthaNardella btw do everything in terminal..19:02
Nardellalooks like i need to download firmeware19:02
barthawhat is it saying?19:02
Nardellab43-phy0 error you must go to *** and download the correct firmware19:02
gapagoshelp, i can only boot ubuntu with nomodeset option, which leaves me with poor video resolution support19:02
L3toplsb_release -sc19:03
gapagosi have an nvidia gefore9600 gt19:03
Nardellawill installing new firmware affect my card in windows?19:03
barthaNardella nope19:03
Nardellaif i have further questions i will come back, thanks!19:03
gapagosalso the ubuntu software center seems unable to download anything19:03
barthayou are doing a ||l install right?19:03
L3topgapagos: have you tried installing the nvidia proprietary drivers?19:03
gapagosL3top yes Ive tried and it doesn't work through console commands19:04
wawowegapagos: console resolution or X?19:04
Dr_Willisgapagos:  but you can irc and web surf?19:04
JancooverServ identify passme19:04
L3topwhat doesn't work gapagos?19:04
gapagosDr_Willis, wawoe, i get GUI just at 1280x760 with only software acceleration, image is distored with a widescreen19:05
gapagosL3top gimmie a sec ill redo it but i think it couldnt get the package from the server19:05
zakibartha: i hav pro regerding wifi its conected bt i cant browse internet19:05
Dr_Willisgapagos:  for best use of the nvidia cards. you need the nvidia drivers. so you need to focus on getting the  apt system going. Does IRC and web surfing work on that machine?19:06
zakibarthaP am using 12.0419:06
L3topgapagos: are you, by any chance, connecting to a dvi > vga adapter or something similar? And you will need to get your networking sorted before you do anything else19:06
barthacan you connect thru wire?19:06
zakibartha :yes19:06
barthazaki: open up a terminal and can you ping your wireless router?19:06
jack_After reinstalling ubuntu, it does not show me wired interface, neither headphones work nor brightness decresaes. In short, many hardware problems. I tried this formatting and installing many times but of no use.19:07
zakibartha :no19:07
barthaping /172.16.X.1 or /192.168.X.119:07
gapagoswhen I enter in terminal sudo apt-get update i get "Unable to lock directory  /var/lib/apt/lists/19:07
barthazaki: waht does it say?19:07
zakibartha: i cant able to ping19:07
barthagapagos close software center first19:07
Nardellaafter installing new wireless card firmware do I need to resatart before it works?19:07
L3topgapagos: do you have software center open?19:08
barthaNardells it should work.. without restart19:08
barthazaki: can you tell me what you are getting?19:08
gapagosL3top no I don't19:08
barthazaki: host unreachable?19:08
Nardellastill getting the firmware missing error19:08
zakibartha: 56(84) bytes of data. ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable19:08
gapagosL3top no I closed it but it still does the same thing, can I kill it another way?19:08
L3topgapagos: SOMETHING is holding open apt... update manager... etc19:08
barthazaki: ifconfig19:09
barthaand tell me what you see19:09
gapagosL3top, anyway softare manager (when it's open) can't seem to get updates either19:09
barthathen do iwconfig and tell me if you see your wireless associated with any AP19:09
L3topgapagos: ctrl + alt + f2 and type: sudo service lightdm stop19:10
L3topgapagos: then sudo apt-get update      tell me the result of that19:10
barthazaki: you are connected can you ping in your terminal?19:11
L3topand again gapagos, are you connecting from your pc to your monitor through any kind of converter eg DVI > VGA19:11
OerHeksNardella, yes, reboot after installing firmware19:11
barthazaki: what kind of intel firmware is it?19:12
zakibartha: 56(84) bytes of data. ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable19:12
IBMHPGOOGLEIf I have ubuntu can I install debian by typing something even if I need to remove debian19:12
zakibartha: how can ifind firmware19:12
reisioIBMHPGOOGLE: technically19:13
barthazaki could you type netstat -r and see if waht the routes are?19:13
reisioIBMHPGOOGLE: what makes you think you need Debian19:13
gapagosL3top gimmie a sec it was hard enough to get out of the black full screen terminal mode lol19:13
Khmerogwhat is the app for ubuntu that auto mounts your hard drive at start up?19:13
gapagosmy connection is DVI to monitor, no VGA involved19:13
OerHeksIBMHPGOOGLE, better ask in #debian19:13
reisioKhmerog: grub, the kernel, /etc/fstab19:13
barthaKhmerog: change the entry in your fstab19:13
Dr_WillisKhmerog:  at Boot time, the fstab is read and used19:14
L3topIBMHPGOOGLE no.  Not really. It would be a whole lot easier to backup your data, install debian , and move your data over19:14
Guest92764I have AMD HD 5850 grapghic card Ubuntu 12.04 my temps are 49 C in windows they are 34 C, I have an aftermark cooler  - why are the temps so High19:14
Guest92764Is the profiles set to perfomance19:14
gapagosL3top, it gives me the same error with sudo apt-get update even in the terminal ctrl alt F2 mode19:14
OerHeksKhisanth, pysdm is a gui tool to mount partitions19:14
Dr_Willis!info psydm19:15
ubottuPackage psydm does not exist in precise19:15
barthazaki: is the same pastie19:15
L3topgapagos: did you shutdown the desktop manager?19:15
Dr_Willis!info pysdm19:15
ubottupysdm (source: pysdm): Graphical Storage Device Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-0ubuntu3 (precise), package size 28 kB, installed size 292 kB19:15
Nardellaokay, im still getting the firmware missing error19:15
zakibartha: netstat -r Kernel IP routing table Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface default         UG        0 0          0 wlan0 link-local      *          U         0 0          0 wlan0     *        U         0 0          0 wlan019:15
barthaoops! not that way zaki!19:15
L3topGuest92764: what driver are you running?19:15
gapagosL3top, how do I shutdown the desktop manager19:15
zakibartha sory19:15
Guest92764native ubunut 12.04 drivers19:16
L3top<L3top> gapagos: ctrl + alt + f2 and type: sudo service lightdm stop19:16
barthazaki: thats fine..19:16
barthazaki: your routes look fine..19:16
barthaok.. lets do an arp19:16
Khmerogim trying to install flash player for kubuntu..weird that im able to play youtube video (uses flash right?) but videos on Steam says i need flash...Do i download YUM or .tar.gz or .rpm or apt?19:16
barthaand see what comes up19:16
barthaterminal arp19:16
gapagosL3top, ok ill try that19:16
OerHeksKhmerog, flash on steam sounds like a wine issue19:17
L3topGuest92764: the open source radeon driver is not ideally suited for your card, though frankly I prefer it. Install the proprietary fglrx driver and check your temps.19:17
Khmerogu are right i was running steam on wine19:17
Khmerogbut which of those files should i be downloading?19:17
Guest92764will it f*ck up my system :P19:18
Khmerogi am  guessing Tar.gz?  they all say Linux 6419:18
L3topGuest92764: sudo apt-get install fglrx19:18
barthazaki: yep in terminal type arp19:18
zakibartha ok19:18
wawoweKhmerog: you'd need windows flash19:18
OerHeksKhmerog, maybe winetricks has something for flash19:18
Guest92764wow 231 mb19:18
L3topGuest92764: no... it will use the drivers ATI made for your card, and unlock accelleration etc... btw they dont like language even starred out in here.19:18
reisioKhmerog: none of the above, you install with the package manager19:18
barthazaki: do you have wired and wireless running right now?19:19
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:19
Guest92764ok sorry19:19
NardellaOkay, i htink i know what went wrong. I downloaded the firmware installer but did not run it, how do i run it?19:19
L3topGuest92764: However the linux support for ATI is terrible too in contrast.19:19
Guest92764thanks will install and report back19:19
barthazaki: it some times happens in ubuntu. It does not know how to route. So disconnect wired and see if wireless works..19:20
zakibartha : both conected bt wen iremv wire i cant browse internet stil wifi is conected19:20
barthazaki: your arp has two routes to the same thing19:20
Guest92764i remmeber that you can set the profile  for the native driver19:20
Guest92764like low normal and performance19:20
L3topGuest92764: to answer your original question though, why it is not like it is in windows is due to the manufacturer, and their closed source driver, and the level of importance they place on *nix support.19:20
zakibartha: i tryd bt not working19:20
barthazaki: disconnect wired, in terminal type " sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"19:20
barthazaki: that should register you back on the wireless19:21
barthaand lets see if ti works fine19:21
zakibartha: let me check19:21
dazewhy don't manufacturers opensource their drivers? =)19:21
zakibartha: b back19:21
barthadaze: its not in the best interest of theirs..19:21
Guest92764Yes. Where is the profile located for the native drivers19:21
barthazaki: sure19:21
dazebut what's there to hide in driver code? :]19:22
L3topdaze that is an involved answer which is best debated in #ubuntu-offtopic19:22
dazehehe, ok19:22
reisiodaze: it's more about tradition and not wanting to give up control19:22
barthareisio +119:22
gapagosL3top i did not figre out how to return to the GUI after your CTRL + ALT F2 command this time19:22
gapagosI had to reboot my entire computer :-(19:23
dazeto be somewhat on topic, I just went from Windows7 to Ubuntu this week and NVIDIA 295.40 driver messed up things badly (everything was reaaaaaly slow).19:23
barthaALT F7 I think..19:23
L3topwell... yeah... we shut it down gapagos... you didn't ask... I assumed you were on a different computer.19:23
gapagosL3top also it gave me the same error as before19:23
dazeand I'm currently not using any 'restricted' video driver, but ubuntu runs in "3D" mode with, I suppose, acceptable video performance19:24
reisiodaze: fixed it?19:24
TheShrubgapagos: yeah, its Ctrl-Alt-F7 (on my setup at the very least)19:24
dazereisio, well I had two reinstalls that day, so yeah :D19:24
L3topme as well daze, but definitely does run hotter.19:24
gapagosTheShrub, I tried Ctrl-Alt-F1to12 and id did not work19:24
gapagosthe point is:19:25
dazethe whole experience was good, though. I'm a happy Ubuntu convert.19:25
L3topTheShrub: gapagos, we SHUT DOWN the desktop... it would have to be started again to get back19:25
gapagos1) I can't boot Ubuntu without nomodeset; 2) can't get sudo apt-get update to work; 3) I can't install nvidia drivers through command line.19:26
donvito2i cant and i cant fix, the boot option19:26
donvito2i install grub2 grub19:26
L3topRegardless, gapagos... can you please open a terminal and type sudo dpkg --configure -a19:26
zakibartha: * Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces  * Reconfiguring network interfaces...19:26
donvito2and nothing the menu doesnt show19:26
barthagapagos: have you check if its /etc/apt/ has the source files?19:26
gapagosL3top ok I did, it provided no return line19:26
testiHow can I reset font settings?19:26
NardellaI have run "apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer" how do i run it19:26
gapagosbartha speak Common English ;)19:26
L3topgapagos: we can unlock the directory... but I am very baffled as to why it is locked.19:27
gapagosImagine I'm a hot blonde with large boobs19:27
barthagapagos: LOL19:27
dazethe single thing that was keeping me from converting to Linux all these years was terrible font rendering. And with Ubuntu 12 it seems to be Mac-like, even better. So I'm really enjoying the newfound ground here :)19:27
barthagapagos: check if the apt has the source list at that location19:27
barthazaki: what happened?19:27
=== rofl is now known as Tux
gapagosL3top just for general info, my ubuntu 12.04 is a fresh install19:27
zakibartha: * Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces  * Reconfiguring network interfaces...19:27
barthazaki: did it say it found someone offering IP?19:28
barthazaki: or is it in sleep? ( waiting for an DHCP offer)?19:28
gapagosI only repaired the GRUB because the default grub installation wouldn't even boot it said "no such device"19:28
IBMHPGOOGLEL3 top: why can install it in fedora but not in ubuntu is based on debian it should be19:28
giovanni60I put a 2 ° hd (slave) that I use as data, but sometimes it apart and I no longer have access, I repeat again the installation, but subsequently is disassembled: Using Ubuntu 12.04, hd problems?19:28
barthagiovanni60: could you explain more clearly?19:29
zakibartha:its got ip its conected bt i cant browse19:29
NardellaI have run "apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer" how do i run it19:29
barthazaki: do not connect your wired back.. lets be on wireless19:29
barthazaki: now in terminal type ping
gapagosalso it's weird, youtube used to work last time I booted, and now it doesn't work anymore, it says flash plugin failed to install19:30
Nardellaok that sounds redundant, let me rephrase19:30
NardellaI have run "apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer" how do i run the installer19:30
barthaNardella is it a .run?19:30
gapagosMy Ubuntu installation is going bad from worse and I'm not even doing anything to it19:30
barthathen just ./X.run19:30
gapagosLike wtf19:30
Nardellabartha i have no idea19:30
zakibartha: ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.19:30
barthazaki: you have to hold on.. ping takes time..19:31
barthaNardella can you tell me the type of file?19:31
barthais it a .deb .run ?19:31
barthaor just a tar.gz?19:31
Nardellano i cannot19:31
NardellaI dont know where it is19:31
gapagosSo can anyone help me or is Ubuntu just not working as badly as it was 5 years ago19:31
L3topgapagos: try sudo rm /etc/apt/lists/lock19:31
gapagosL3top it says:19:32
gapagosrm: cannot remove `/etc/apt/lists/lock': No such file or directory19:32
barthayou downlodaed the file right?19:32
barthaNardella: you do not know where the file is?19:32
Nardellayes using the terminal19:32
L3topls /etc/apt/lists19:32
L3topgapagos: ^19:32
Nardellai do not know where the terminal puts it19:32
dazeoh, btw, what antivirus software are you using, if any?19:32
gapagosL3top: ls: cannot access /etc/apt/lists: No such file or directory19:32
barthaNardella: it will be in pwd19:32
Nardellawhere is pwd?19:33
barthaNardella: just do an "ls -la" command or "ls -laht"19:33
barthaand look at the top most file19:33
barthapwd = prsent working directory19:33
zakibartha: ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.19:34
barthazaki: do iwconfig19:34
L3topgapagos: I am sorry... we are looking in the wrong place... sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock19:34
barthazaki: iwconfig in terminal19:34
barthazaki: tell me what comes up19:34
gapagosL3top ok it gave me no error and no return19:34
L3topsudo apt-get update19:34
L3topgapagos: ^19:35
erealzquestion how and where do you install lenses for unity19:35
gapagosL3top ok now it works :)19:35
barthazaki: you are perfectly connected to wireless.. ( atleast from the looks of it)19:35
Nardellabartha: i dont understand, i ran the command, what next?19:36
L3topOk... gapagos... now lets get the drivers you need.19:36
gapagosL3top actually now it's stuck at 91% [Connecting to ca.archive.ubuntu.com]19:36
L3topjust... let it go..19:36
tarelerulzrunning 12.04 and  turn on the hot spot feature ,but I can't change to no password and change it from add-hac  to infrastructure.  I just want to share my wired connection  wireless with my ps3 .  What should I do19:36
erealzlenses where is it?19:36
zakibartha: ya bt stil i cant browse internet19:36
barthazaki: lets do arp once more and send it as a pastie19:36
L3topgapagos: do not interrupt it... it will eventually timeout19:37
L3topgapagos: be right back...19:37
zakibartha: arp Address                  HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface HW550                    ether   00:26:75:1d:a2:38   C                     wlan019:37
gapagosl3top yeah how long will it take to timeout19:37
FloodBot1erealz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
DoctorPepperhi guys !!!19:37
gapagoslast time I checked DukeNukem forever has already been released. :-O19:38
erealzi just wanted to know where lenses are kept19:38
erealzi dont see them in the store19:38
wawowetarelerulz: iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT19:38
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barthazaki: gimme one sec19:38
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=== DavidHII is now known as DavidH2
erealzam i looking in the right place19:38
wawowetarelerulz: iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -j ACCEPT19:38
zakibartha: its ok19:38
wawowetarelerulz: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE19:39
wawowetarelerulz: echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward19:39
erealzwere can you find lenses19:39
barthazaki: you must be having some problem in your route.19:39
erealzdo you have to use apt-get19:39
reisio2d to 3D always fails19:39
barthazaki: thats the only reason things might not be working.19:39
erealzor is it in the store?19:39
wawowetarelerulz: ifconfig wlan0
zakibartha:wat solution?19:39
erealzis there a special code for lenses19:39
tarelerulzwawowe , how do I know if that is working?19:39
wawowetarelerulz: set ps3 static ip to
barthazaki: you are not setting a static IP?19:40
wawoweand add all that to /etc/rc.local19:40
barthazaki: you are using DHCP right?19:40
zakibartha:i tryed tat also19:40
ActionParsniperealz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses19:40
DavidH2ok i have two problems 1 my system tray isnt working, and #2 the menu options in libre office arent rendering right. they  look like this   file -  -  -  -  -19:40
scarfaceWhy does Update Manager keep telling me "The list of changes is not available yet" for every package?  Been doing this since I installed 12.04.19:40
L3topgapagos: still hanging?19:40
gapagosl3top yes19:40
ActionParsnipDavidH2: sudo apt-get --reinstall install lo-menubar19:41
ActionParsnipDavidH2: does the same here in Quantal19:41
ActionParsnipDavidH2: that's my fix19:41
barthaok zaki: lets try one more thing19:41
DavidH2im using 12.0419:41
zakibartha ok19:41
DoctorPeppercan  anyone help me ,  i have a issue with the global menu .  when running  under kde  all the application  menus are working right but the gtk3 menu   app  exports the menu   but  the menu  also s19:41
barthazaki: ifconfig and give me the pastie19:41
ActionParsnipDavidH2: should be ok, the 2 are very similar19:41
ActionParsnip!bug 100439419:41
gapagosL3top, it's not timing out it's just stuck there19:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1004394 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Libreoffice menus unreadable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100439419:41
DoctorPepperstay on the  the application menu19:41
L3topwell gapagos... something is very wrong there. I would go ahead and ctrl c and try and stop it.19:42
barthazaki: can you do an ifconfig -a and gimme the pastie?19:42
donvito2im sick with this19:42
donvito2boot manager19:42
gapagosL3top ok it moved  and wrote Ign http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com precise InRelease              Ign http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com precise-updates InRelease19:42
L3topI would create a new sources.list file here http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/     gapagos...19:42
gapagosL3top now it's stuck again, but at 92% instead of 91%19:42
ActionParsnipdonvito2: what's your issue?19:43
donvito2ill paste bin19:43
DavidH2david@Humphryesoffice:~$ sudo apt-get --reinstall install lo-menu19:43
DavidH2Reading package lists... Done19:43
DavidH2Building dependency tree19:43
DavidH2Reading state information... Done19:43
DavidH2E: Unable to locate package lo-menu19:43
FloodBot1DavidH2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
ActionParsnip!info lo-menu19:43
ubottuPackage lo-menu does not exist in precise19:43
ActionParsnip!info lo-menubar19:43
ubottulo-menubar (source: lo-menubar): A LibreOffice extension for the global menubar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.0-0ubuntu4 (precise), package size 37 kB, installed size 144 kB19:43
zakibartha:u got it?19:43
ActionParsnipDavidH2: ^19:43
gapagosL3top uh im not sure what to select there are so many options19:43
gapagosWhy can't the normal sources list JUST WORK19:44
gapagosIf I wanted to compile my own operating system I'd have studied in CS19:44
WarOfTheNerdgapagos, sometimes compiling is good19:45
donvito2how to fix boot.ini so menu will show up19:45
WarOfTheNerde.g. I now have one version of Wine that works on everything flawlessly19:45
LjLbecause obviously picking a dozen options on software sources amount to compiling your own operating system19:45
ActionParsnipdonvito2: i'm at wok and they proxy everything well, you can PM me it all if you want :)19:45
DavidH2still wonky after lo-menubar install19:45
ActionParsnipDavidH2: same as a fresh ubuntu user?19:46
gapagosWarOfTheNerd I have better things to do with my time than picking up all the options of things I don't understand19:46
gapagosjust like I don't remove every piece of my car when it won't run19:46
WarOfTheNerdgapagos, but you would buy a baby seat if you needed one, they don't come as standard19:46
ActionParsnipgapagos: whats the issue?19:47
WarOfTheNerdgapagos, or you would replace the old tape player if you used CDs19:47
gapagosI would get ONE baby seat, I would not order all the baby seat parts individually19:47
tarelerulzwawowe , that was helpful and fast.  It looked like the gui tools should work ,but they show a connection  ,but nothing happens .   Like the ps3 could not even see my computer.  It seem like you should not need to go to command line for feature that is officially in the os  ,but you do19:47
gapagosThe baby seat would be in a  store in a full package in a nice box19:47
ActionParsnipDavidH2: make a new ubuntu user, log off then log in as the new user, is it the same?19:47
DavidH2should i mention its the menu bar in  libre-office  writher?19:47
dlentzbaby seats? what channel is this?19:47
ActionParsnipgapagos: what is the issue19:48
ActionParsnipDavidH2: could try renaming ~/.config/libreoffice    then rerun the app19:48
gapagosActionParsnip, I can't install nvidia drivers and I can't complete sudo apt-get update19:48
DavidH2first i need to get my sys-tray back also19:48
gapagosand I can't boot without nomodeset option19:48
ActionParsnipgapagos: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current     wuill install the nvidia drivers19:48
dlentzgapagos, what card d you have?19:49
gapagosActionParnsnip here's the error it gives me:19:49
gapagosE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:49
ActionParsnip!aptfix | gapagos19:49
ubottugapagos: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:49
gapagosdlentz, I have a nvidia 9600 gt19:49
WarOfTheNerdgapagos, is Ubuntu Software Centre running right now?19:50
gapagosWarOfTheNerd no it isn't, I get the same crap even in CTRL ALT F2 mode or whatever you call it19:50
L3topWarOfTheNerd: no... the lock file was hosed, we unlocked it, then apt-get update hung and locked it again.19:50
L3topgapagos: follow the factoid ActionParsnip sent you... a much less hacky way than mine to resolve the issue19:51
DavidH2how do you get systray back on 12.0419:51
sandkingi just installed ubuntu live cd on an usb drive. I generally want to have a portable ubuntu on my pendrive - is there a better way than installing livecd and each time using "try ubuntu" option/19:51
gapagosActionParsnip, it gives bash: !aptfix: event not found19:51
L3topgapagos: and create a new sources.list with http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ would be the direction I went...19:52
sandking[like to have ubuntu installed way that it will automatically boot into os?]19:52
LjLgapagos: you don't need to type !aptfix. that's just a trigger for ubottu19:52
DavidH2the  rename didnt wokr19:52
LjLgapagos: ubottu told you what to type after !aptfix was given.19:52
MischinkaWill Ubuntu run well on an old pc?19:52
L3top!aptfix | no gapagos this is the fix here19:52
ubottuno gapagos this is the fix here: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:52
ActionParsnipgapagos: read what ubottu said19:53
ActionParsnipgapagos: the bang is to trigger ubottu to say something19:53
gapagosah I see19:53
gapagosok i killed the process19:53
dlentzsandking, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:53
sandkingdlentz, thx19:54
gapagosok so when I try to install nvidia drivers again here's what I get:19:54
gapagosSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help resolve the situation:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:  nvidia-current : Depends: dkms but it is not installable                   Depends: patch but it 19:54
ActionParsnipgapagos: then retry, the packages were held by that process19:54
gapagosThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  nvidia-current : Depends: dkms but it is not installable                   Depends: patch but it is not installable                   Recommends: nvidia-settings but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.19:54
gapagoswhat now19:55
L3topgapagos: again... replace your sources.list with http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ what you generate at that website... run sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade  and THEN try and install your drivers... Something is wrong19:55
L3topgapagos: the sources.list file exists at /etc/apt/sources.list19:56
ActionParsnipgapagos: did you add any PPAs to get the driver>?19:56
i7cmhm is there a good stand-alone run dialog in the packages?19:56
AcidRain2012where is the current set ubuntu desktop background stored at?19:56
ActionParsnipi7c: gmrum19:56
stef1ai'm using 12.04 with Unity 2D on an HP ProBook 4545s laptop, and there is no brightness slider in the brightness control in system settings. Pressing fn + f2/f3 does nothing. i have tried editing the grub config file and using xrandr, but nothing changes the actual backlight brightness.19:56
ActionParsnip!info gmrun19:56
ubottugmrun (source: gmrun): Featureful CLI-like GTK+ application launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-2.1 (precise), package size 46 kB, installed size 168 kB19:56
i7cthx ActionParsnip19:56
AcidRain2012this is very important to me, cause i made a dope ass background and now i cant find a copy of it19:56
gapagosActionParsnip, I don't even know what PAs are19:57
ActionParsnipgapagos: PPA, a 3rd party source for packages19:57
gapagosL3top, it asks me which updates, repos, etc I want, I have no idea what to select19:57
wawoweAcidRain2012: /usr/share/backgrounds19:57
gapagosActionParsnip, no this is a fresh ubuntu install19:57
AcidRain2012wawowe: my current background isnt in that folder19:58
DaraelI upgraded to Precise, and now my keyboard layout settings seem to have no effect; everything's stuck in the system keyboard setting, which doesn't have, eg, compose key, caps-lock-as-backspace, layout-switching options...19:58
stef1ahow can i change the backlight brightness of my screen?19:58
ActionParsnipstef1a: try the boot option: acpi_backlight=vendor19:58
ActionParsnipgapagos: are you fully updated?19:58
AcidRain2012any other ideas on where this background image is located?19:59
stef1aActionParsnip: read above... i've already tried this.19:59
scarfaceWhy does Update Manager keep telling me "The list of changes is not available yet" for every package?  Been doing this since I installed 12.04.19:59
wawoweAcidRain2012: if you accidently deleted it add a keybinding for scrot or something and take a screenshot19:59
AcidRain2012wawowe: thats the only way? :/19:59
OerHeksAcidRain2012, could be anywere in your /home/19:59
gapagosgod I,ve been in circle for hours19:59
ActionParsnipgapagos: I cn read lower case too you know...19:59
=== david_ is now known as DavidH2
wawoweAcidRain2012: unless you wanna dig through your memory for pngs :P20:00
ActionParsnipgapagos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008634/20:00
DavidH2anyone know how to reinstall systray in 12.0420:00
stef1ai have the lines GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor"20:00
stef1aGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor"20:00
AcidRain2012is there a way to take a screenshot wher ei dont have to move all of the icons?20:00
pie_is it a known but that the lock screen doesnt come on if theres a gnome menu open?20:00
stef1ain my /etc/default/grub, but it doesn't let me change the brightness20:00
stuenganyone know if its possible to start/configure vino in xbmcbuntu ?20:01
wawoweAcidRain2012: put all your icons in a folder and move it to /tmp, then take a screenshot and move it back20:01
ActionParsnipstueng: xbmcubuntu isn't supported here20:02
stef1ai'm using 12.04 with Unity 2D on an HP ProBook 4545s laptop, and there is no brightness slider in the brightness control in system settings. Pressing fn + f2/f3 does nothing. i have tried editing the grub config file and using xrandr, but nothing changes the actual backlight brightness. please help. how can i change the backlight brightness?20:02
ActionParsnipstef1a: did you run:   sudo update-grub   and reboot20:03
DavidH2btw lo-menubar didnt work. even after reboot20:03
gapagosfuck this20:03
bazhanggapagos, no cursing here20:04
Tm_Tgapagos: please watch your language20:04
gapagosI am wasting my weekend on trying to get a stupid video card to work20:04
gapagosthis is stupid20:04
wawowestef1a: is your bios setup running it in battery saving mode?20:04
stef1aActionParsnip: yes20:04
stef1awawowe: not sure; i will check shortly20:04
ActionParsnipgapagos: did you run the commands I gave you ?20:04
gapagosI tried Ubuntu in 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 and it's still as buggy as EVER before20:04
ActionParsnipgapagos: did you report the bugs?20:04
gapagosI'm done with Ubuntu once and for all20:05
ActionParsnipgapagos: then don't use it..20:05
gapagosActionParsnip I found on google that the bug has already been reported several times20:05
AcidRain2012wawowe: turns out there is an option in gconf-editor to hide desktop icons ;)20:05
gapagosmonths ago20:05
AcidRain2012apps -> nautilus -> preferences -> show_desktop20:05
reisiogapagos: no it's worse now :p20:05
ActionParsnipgapagos: did you add and say "this affects me too" with some details..20:05
piihbAnyone play LoL on Linux?20:05
graingert_ecsis anyone here from the www.ubuntu.com webteam online?20:06
dejahnueit's alsways a good idea to check hw compatibility before installing20:06
gapagosactionparnsnip no why should I go through an entire account creation (as I already have 9023780938 online accounts) just to post "me too"20:06
ActionParsnipgapagos: you could try the xorg edgers update ppa20:07
L3topgapagos: http://pastebin.com/sSS1swC0  that is a safe, officially supported ubuntu 1204 sources.list... without source files... which you wouldn't need unless you were compiling your own binaries... at which point you will understand how to generate your own sources.list with what you want.20:07
dejahnuegapagos, what kind of video card do you have?20:07
ActionParsnipgapagos: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current20:07
vincenzoHi! I have a very annoying problem with the brightness of my ubuntu20:07
ActionParsnipgapagos: the pastebin I gave will clean your repos off nicely20:07
wilfriedhello , I'm trying to install aircrack-ng on Ubuntu 12.04 64bits, i can't; I saw on the website that it exist and universe repo is OK in my sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008644/20:08
L3topActionParsnip: I do not believe that will do anything but confound the situation... there is a dependency problem with the current mirror list they have.20:08
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gapagosActionParsnip ok it's my last attempt before I just restore windows MBR20:08
dejahnuegapagos, there's two different nvidia drivers20:08
vincenzoit doesn't keep the brightness settings20:09
shaneohi guys i was trying to update to the latest kernel and received this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008646/. Any suggestions?20:09
vincenzoevery time i reboot and every time i leave my laptop for a while20:09
L3topgapagos: I strongly recommend replacing your current sources.list with the one I generated for you... sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade  then try and install your nvidia driver.20:09
vincenzowithout using it20:09
stuenganyone know how to get support for xbmcbuntu ?20:09
stuengActionParsnip: I am running Ubuntu Server 12.04 btw, not xbmcbuntu... but the problem I have will apply to xbmcbuntu users specifically20:10
ikoniastueng: do they have their own channel ?20:10
stuengappears now20:10
vincenzowhen i move the mouse pointer or i try to do something20:10
L3topActionParsnip: dejahnue, they cannot even get through an update, or installing drivers without dependency problems. I believe that the best course of action is a fresh sources.list, update upgrade and install20:10
guntbert!enter | vincenzo20:10
shaneomainly concerned as this is related to my wifi drivers i believe20:10
ubottuvincenzo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:10
gapagosActionparsnip, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current still gives me the SAME error20:10
vincenzothe display brightness change to the max value20:10
Daraelstueng: XBMCbuntu appears to be an XBMC project.  Try their channel?  (assuming they have one)20:11
ActionParsnipgapagos: did you run the command list I gave earlier...20:11
dejahnueclean reinstalls can work wonders, if you have nothing important ondisk to lose20:11
ActionParsnipdejahnue: or have good backups :)20:11
vincenzoanyone can help me?20:12
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ActionParsnipvincenzo: what make and model system?20:13
Daraelstueng: Both #xbmc and #xbmc-linux are probably worth a try, if th'art still looking.20:13
L3topgapagos: last time... use the sources.list I created for you, replacing /etc/apt/sources.list  (back it up if you want to first with a mv), rm /var/apt/lists/lock; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-updates  (you can leave off the updates if you want, but it is a better driver). You do not need to add a PPA to get a driver that you have dependency issues trying to get from the repo.20:14
stuengthanks I have asked in the xbmc channel20:14
dejahnuegapagosgapagos, many's the time I've spent more than a week sorting out windows driver problems, so if you only spend a weekend on ubuntu you aren't doing too badly20:15
L3topgapagos: /var/lib/apt/lists/lock    sorry20:15
gapagosL3top too late man... I'm really done with Ubuntu.... I've tried over the years and have waited for it to get better20:15
gapagosI remember when I was actually really encouraged by the future of Ubuntu20:15
L3topGood luck then.20:16
dejahnuegapagos, at least try some other linux distro, not (shudder shudder) windows20:16
gapagosI even made this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z9Lplhve8U20:17
gapagosthis was in 2007 when I actually enjoyed ubuntu20:17
ikoniagapagos: try to keep that stuff out of this channel please20:17
gapagossince then, stability / compability has gone downhill downhill downhill20:17
ikoniagapagos: it's a support channel.20:17
gapagosLinux was a fine project 5 years, ago, it's dead now20:18
ikoniagapagos: please stop20:18
dejahnuegapagos, are you still using the same hardware you were in 2007 when ubuntu was running well for you?20:18
ikoniagapagos: the topic of this channel is ubuntu support discussion, please try to keep to that20:18
ActionParsnipgapagos: you do realize this is just one distro, why not try another..20:18
ActionParsnipdejahnue: I am :)20:18
L3topgapagos: I gave you the solution. This is not the place to voice grievances because you do not wish to apply it.20:18
gapagosActionParnsnip, I tried mandrake, fedora and knoppix at the time they worked even less20:19
ActionParsnipgapagos: wow mandrake, old school. Like it :)20:19
ikoniaguys, gapagos can use what he wants, lets dump this, pleae.20:19
matelotQ: what does <primary> mean in Compiz ?20:19
gapagosI'm not using the same hardware,  but almost: same manufacturing companies, and my hardware has been released for 2 or 3 years it's not recent20:19
ActionParsnipmatelot: in what sense?20:20
matelotActionParsnip:  in keybinding20:20
ActionParsnipgapagos: if you don't like it, don't use it. Ranting here does noting20:20
dejahnuegapagos, there's you answer, revert back exactly to your 2007 hw and you should be fine20:20
ActionParsnipmatelot: probably so you can assign 2 keys to the action...20:21
gapagosdejahnue, it's been donnated20:21
stuengvino is what provides "desktop sharing" right ?20:21
matelotActionParsnip: http://i.imgur.com/qmFMa.png20:21
reisiostueng: basically20:21
reisiostueng: it's a VNC frontend, and that's what VNC does20:21
stuengreisio: ok.. so I have a ubuntu server build with xorg  installed but I do not have a dektop environment. I am struggling to understand how I can turn on desktop sharing20:22
ikoniastueng: you can't share a desktop you don't have20:22
ceti331_x server sharing?20:22
ceti331_x server without desktop environment ?20:23
ceti331_raw windows20:23
stuengI want to share the window20:23
ActionParsnipmatelot: ahh, sounds like the mouse button to click with20:23
stuengI run "xserver xbmc" to launch XBMC20:23
ikoniastueng: doesn't work like that, you share a desktop (or at last manage the sharing via a desktop)20:23
ceti331_i think desktop sharing would work at that raw level20:23
ikoniastueng: the individual X windows are managed by the window manager,20:23
ceti331_its a protocol for bitmaps being viewed across the network20:24
gapagosbye and thanks for all your help20:24
ActionParsnipstueng: its not supported here20:24
piihbAnyone play LoL on Linux?20:24
ceti331_it doesn't care about the desktop environment - only the fact its a screen of bitmaps20:24
reisiostueng: you'd need a whole desktop to make it "worth" more than just ssh'ing20:24
stuengActionParsnip: ubuntu server is supported here surely?20:24
reisiopiihb: what's that/20:24
ikoniaceti331_: it will....but you need a desktop to share20:24
stuengreisio: basically, I want to send keyboard strokes accross the VNC protocol20:24
ceti331_why .. its just images surely20:24
ActionParsnipstueng: I though you were having issue with xbmcubuntu?20:24
mr0wlhey all20:25
ceti331_i dont know the details but this interests me,20:25
mr0wli was wondering, how do i manually set the DPI in Ubuntu 12.04?20:25
mr0wldo i have to generate an xorg.conf?20:25
piihbreisio: It's a game. You can only download the Windows version. I want to know if anyone plays on Linux and if they do, how they do it - WINE or what?20:25
stuengActionParsnip: I run ubuntu server but hte issue I am having would effect xbmcbuntu users  as well20:25
ceti331_I've settled on using synergy but i was looking for ways of using more screen real-estate from a laptop20:25
Daraelstueng: Most people don't try to run a desktop on their server!  For a media-server, something like Myth, which is designed to have frontend and backend, would surely be better?20:25
mr0wlor should I try to use xrandr?20:25
ceti331_I've seen youtube videos where someone explains how to use low level x-windows on a server without desktop install20:26
stuengthe reason I  chose ubuntu server is because I didnt want all the bloat that comes with desktop20:26
ceti331_e.g. they used 'xterm' with command line options to place it in the corners of the screen20:26
stuengI have managed to get xbmc running with only xorg and lightdm installed20:26
stuengits really quick20:26
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ceti331_i can EASILY see that being useful, and more useful than just a raw console. e.g: you can have a few columns of text on a widescreen monitor20:26
stuengbut now I need to send keyboard strokes to it, using the VNC protocol20:26
ceti331_have you tried using synergy20:27
JragonActionParsnip: Hello.20:27
ActionParsnipJragon: hi20:27
ceti331_i'm using synergy between mac, linux, windows20:27
reisiopiihb: which game? A name like 'lol' will make it impossible to find20:27
ceti331_its fun20:27
dejahnuestueng, not every DE is bloated20:27
piihbreisio: .... google lol20:27
JragonActionParsnip: I've now tried with a different GPU, but still no luck. I'm really not at all sure what to do.20:27
reisiopiihb: good luck20:27
ActionParsnipstueng: why not use the web interface, there is a sweet app for android and iphone to control it20:27
Daraelstueng: I see.  Although a minimal install (from mini.iso or the alternate CD) would have done a better job of that, 'cos you've almost certainly got some things you're not using from the default server install.  I realise, though, that this isn't sorting what you're after.20:27
ceti331_Wanting to run graphics without desktop environment is perfectly reasonable20:27
ActionParsnipJragon: ask the channel like everyone else. i have NO idea what you are on about20:28
stuengDarael: problem with minimal install is I couldnt get it to boot from USB20:28
JragonActionParsnip: Don't worry, I was talking to you earlier.20:28
piihbreisio: The game is the first returned item in a Google search lol.20:28
stuengActionParsnip: yeah the http interface works fine atm, its just that hipporemote requires the vnc protocol20:28
ActionParsnipJragon: I've drank and slept since then. I don't go about remembering everyone I talk to and every issue I discuss20:28
reisiopiihb: is that really easier to type for you than "it's called league of legends"?20:28
reisiopiihb: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=10436 follow the instructions20:29
JragonActionParsnip: Okay20:29
dejahnuestueng, some DEs are very sparse20:29
piihbreisio: No, I just wanted you to know that it wouldn't be impossible to find :P20:29
stuengdejahnue: do you know which is the most sparse?20:29
dejahnuefluxbox maybe?20:29
ceti331_Window Manager, or Desktop environment? Fluxbox is a minimal Window Manager20:29
dejahnueor maybe windowmaker20:30
ActionParsnip+1 for fluxbox (not a DE, nor does it need one :))20:30
ceti331_agree +1 for fluxbox20:30
reisiopiihb: impossibility was never the issue, wasting my time was20:30
stuengI can try that, it just seems unfortunate to have to install an entire DE just to enable "desktop sharing"20:30
ceti331_Fluxbox is not an entire DE. it is just titlebars to move windows around, and multiple desktops. handy shortcuts like mousewheel desktop switching20:31
stuengok ill give that a go20:31
ceti331_it has a right click launcher menu too, and a window list title bar "hard coded" inside it, not a seperate dock-applicatiion20:31
ceti331_others are even simpler20:31
ceti331_WM2 is one of the simplest around20:31
ceti331_but a bit odd20:32
ActionParsnipflwm is super light20:32
stuengok thanks, I better pay attention to whatever the gf is talking about  for a bit then ill try it :P20:32
JragonWhen I try and boot up the Ubuntu live CD it gets stuck on the loading dots. When I click escape there is an error message that keeps popping up. udevb[175]: timeout: killing '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdb1'. When I boot windows it gets to a blank screen with the cursor, then it reboots and tries again. I have also tried with Linux Mint 11, with Mint 11 it just goes to a black screen then resets. I have now tried with two GPUs and 4 20:33
JragonI have also tried resetting the jumper, but it dun work.20:33
ActionParsnipJragon: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?20:34
ActionParsnipJragon: did you burn the CD as slowly as possible?20:34
JragonI checked the MD5 sum, and put it onto a USB as I don't have a cd drive.20:34
=== `prixon is now known as prixon`
prixon`reisio, are you still here?20:35
DaraelI upgraded to Precise, and now my keyboard layout settings seem to have no effect; everything's stuck in the system keyboard setting, which doesn't have, eg, compose key, caps-lock-as-backspace, layout-switching options...20:35
reisioprixon`: ?20:35
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prixon`s there a way to make super+D minimize all windows in 12.04 instead of ctrl+super+d?20:35
reisioyes of course20:35
barcodehi all, is there any software like macromedia dreamweaver on ubuntu20:35
reisioprixon`: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Ubuntu%22%20%22win%2Bd%22%20show%20hide%20desktop20:36
bazhang!html | barcode20:36
ubottubarcode: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya (Hardy or earlier) - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+ - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/20:36
reisiobarcode: the WYSIWYG part?20:36
barcodeyes I need WYSIWYG20:37
ActionParsnipprixon`: could set it as a shortcut in CCSM, however if you have a lot of apps in the unity bar, the one assigned to D will run every time20:37
barcodebecause netbeans not suitable for me20:37
XiRoNHow do I initialise a SQLite database in ubuntu?20:37
barcodeok thhank20:37
reisiobarcode: ubottu's msg pretty much sums up the state of affairs20:37
dejahnueq: there's supposed to be a cpu-temperature monitoring package, what was it called (I can't remember)20:38
ActionParsnipXiRoN: install mysql :)20:38
reisiobarcode: probably the same as on any other distro: /join #sqlite20:38
XiRoNNope I need SQLite20:38
XiRoNI need to initialise the database but dont know how20:38
reisioXiRoN: you could read the man page, or talk to #sqlite20:39
vincenzoActionParsnip: i'm using Ubuntu 12.0420:39
vincenzowith an Asus K53SJ20:39
JragonBTW: I'm using the GT440 GPU20:39
prixon`ActionParsnip, what do you mean "the one assigned to D"?20:39
vincenzoi've read around the web that is a common problem of ubuntu with laptops20:40
ActionParsnipprixon`: if you hold SuperL a bit, you will see characters on the apps, if you have more than 9, it will use letters, one wil be named 'D' if you have a lot20:40
ActionParsnipJragon: have you tested your RAM20:41
JragonActionParsnip: I have. It works in my old desktop.20:41
DaraelI upgraded to Precise, and now my keyboard layout settings seem to have no effect; everything's stuck in the system keyboard setting, which doesn't have, eg, compose key, caps-lock-as-backspace, layout-switching options...20:41
prixon`ohh, got you ActionParsnip. although some apps don't have a super+letter shortcut like system monitor or software  center20:42
barcodeKompozer is nice20:42
barcodethanks all20:42
prixon`so I have to install CCSM..? no other way around it?20:43
arooni-mobileis there a way to jump to a given terminal tab with a keystroke?20:44
L3topCtrl Alt T  arooni-mobile20:45
ActionParsnipprixon`: afaik, yes20:45
L3topI think...20:45
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: You can use ctrl+alt+PgUp/Dn I think20:45
prixon`ok. O20:46
reisioarooni-mobile: ALT+# in a lot of GUI terms20:46
prixon`I'm installing ccsm. btw, why do I get this message: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!20:46
prixon`  compiz-plugins python-central20:46
JragonActionParsnip: Okay I just tried a different ram kit. Still nothing :S20:46
prixon`why aren't they authenticated?20:46
reisioarooni-mobile: if you were using 'screen' you could use CTRL+a, ", or CTRL+a, n20:46
mortal1has anyone ever mounted an encrypted drive remotely?20:47
ActionParsnipprixon`: can you give a pastebin of the output of:   sudo apt-get udpate20:47
mortal1I'm having a real problem accessing my old hd that has 10.04 on it20:47
dejahnuemortal1, what exact file system did it have?20:50
prixon`ActionParsnip, here: http://pastebin.com/RhhWXvbz20:50
dejahnueext3 can get corrupted pretty easy20:51
mortal1dejahnue: I can still boot from it20:51
mortal1i mean it's fine20:51
barcodehello bro, How to integrated Iphone with ubuntu especially on Music :?20:51
dejahnuewhat "mount" cmd line(s) have you tried?20:52
reisiobarcode: pretty sure everything is installed by default for that20:52
reisiobarcode: what seems to be the trouble?20:52
barcodehi reisio, actually software like itunes20:53
XunieSo I upgraded to 12.04 LTS a few days ago and now XFCE shows generic icons for almost everything and gedit's interface is mostly black. wtfuuu??20:53
mortal1I followed this guide: http://blog.gnu-designs.com/solved-howto-mount-an-external-encrypted-luks-volume-under-linux/20:53
barcodeso i can backup or sync all the data20:53
barcodebut, for now i try to synch all music on my dekstop to my phone ? have you try reisio?20:54
dejahnueoh it's encrypted. that's not so straightforward20:54
mortal1dejahnue: yeah tell me about it <facepalm/>20:54
mortal1I knew this was going to be complicated when I went to move to another lts20:55
streulmaI have configured Windows on my notebook now20:55
streulmamy question is20:55
streulmaShould I install Ubuntu with wubi installer ?20:55
streulmaor real dualboot20:55
reisiostreulma: real20:55
reisiostreulma: or better: pick one OS :p20:56
dejahnueencryption was after all created to foil people from just mounting someone else's harddrives20:56
streulmaI must have Windows for some programs20:56
streulmathe laptop is an ol done20:56
reisiostreulma: which?20:56
ActionParsnipstreulma: I'd resize the NTFS and install a real install.20:56
streulmaon my work notebook I have wubi20:57
prixon`where in ccsm can I change the minimize all to super+d?20:57
streulmait's not supported to install Ubuntu on the workpc :p20:57
reisioprixon`: somewhere (aren't GUIs fun!)20:58
reisioprixon`: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Ubuntu%22%20%22win%2Bd%22%20show%20hide%20desktop20:58
reisiosecond time20:58
streulmawubi was the best thing to do20:58
streulmaok real dualboot then20:59
streulmabut it prefers Grub as the main bootloader ?20:59
ActionParsnipprixon`: you see those long hex codes at the bottom of your paste21:00
ActionParsnipprixon`: use those codes on the end of this command: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com CODE-HERE-DUDE21:01
prixon`ActionParsnip, the PPAs that I added? they don't relate to the packages I installed21:01
ActionParsnipprixon`: you still need to import the keys or the package system will moan#21:01
prixon`ActionParsnip, I tried it, and that didn't fix the key error21:03
ActionParsnipprixon`: do the PPAs they relate to support Precise?21:03
prixon`yes, they can support Precise21:03
prixon`it says: gpg: requesting key 3ACC3965 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com21:04
prixon`gpg: key 3ACC3965: "Launchpad lffl" not changed21:04
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ActionParsnipprixon`: no Precise there dude: http://ppa.launchpad.net/ferramroberto/java/ubuntu/dists/21:08
ufrgshey guys, if I have a operational system programming doubt is there a specific channel to go?21:09
prixon`weird! I usually check them!21:10
dejahnuewhat kind of doubt?21:11
prixon`btw, CCSM>general options> key binding> show desktop21:12
ufrgsdejahnue, I want to figure if its possible to make a parent process hold for a chiel process to finish executing...21:13
eccr-phoenixwhat kernel version does 12.04 use?21:13
xangua!info linux | eccr-phoenix21:13
ubottueccr-phoenix: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB21:13
prixon`is there a shortcut for copy/paste in terminal? as ctrl+c ctrl+v don't function. so does ctrl+p21:14
dejahnueufrgs, there might be a channel for general linux programming, but it wouldn't be ubuntu-specific21:14
CigueHey guys, I'm trying to set the proxy through the command line21:14
CigueSOCKS host, more precisely21:14
Ciguehow do?21:14
eccr-phoenix'kay thanks.21:14
wilee-nileeprixon`, those are the keys.:)21:14
wilee-nileectrl+c ctrl+v at least on my setup21:15
ActionParsnipprixon`: ctrl+shift+c/v21:15
xanguaprixon`: contro+shift+c control+shift+v21:15
xanguawilee-nilee: prixon`you can change the setup in gnome terminal preferences21:15
xanguapreferences-keyword combination21:16
Daraelprixon`: As a little background, the reason is that those key combinations are in fact traditionally used for other things in the terminal.  Ctl+C, for example, is the interrupt key, and will (as the name suggests) interrupt most things if you press it while they're running in the active terminal window.21:18
reisiothe background is they don't want to refer to the 'Windows key' in their docs21:19
reisiothey should just refer to it as meta and get over themselves21:20
reisiofor better or worse (better obviously) keyboards have a key there now instead of a useless empty space21:20
kszonek_quick question: i have ssh session running, any way to put running program into screen session? I need to reboot my desktop and dont want to stop ongoing simulation on the server (forgot to start it inside of screen)21:21
ActionParsnipkszonek_: use nohup21:21
casper_ has joined #ubuntu21:21
guntbertkszonek_: not after the fact (as far as I know)21:21
kszonek_yea, i thought so21:22
Boohbahcasper_: welcome21:22
kszonek_nohup needs to be done used before too21:22
guntbertcasper_:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:22
prixon`wilee-nilee, so why doesn't it work for me?21:26
BrewsterHi guys I need some help. I put my story in a pastebin so everyone can see it and so I can repeat it if anyone asks.21:27
Brewsterhttp://pastebin.com/rCpZej3j <- there is the link21:27
guntbert!here | Brewster21:28
ubottuBrewster: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com21:28
OerHeksprixon`, copy in terminal : klik mouse-wheel21:28
Brewsterguntbert: you want me to use ubu paste instead?21:29
prixon`OerHeks, not working for me :( is there a keyboard shortcut?21:29
Brewsterbasically I want to copy windows to another drive21:29
Brewsterthen install ubuntu right next to it21:29
xangua(16:15:18) ActionParsnip: prixon`: ctrl+shift+c/v21:29
dazepartition the big drive, install windows, install ubuntu, copy data somehow :]21:29
guntbertBrewster: no, I wanted you to tell us something about your problem :-)21:29
Brewsteroh ok21:30
Brewsterwell here's my problem21:30
BrewsterI don't have a windows install disk21:30
Brewsterthe only copy I have is already on the hard drive21:30
dazewell, you can download the install iso and burn it21:31
guntbertBrewster: that looks like windows support - which we don't/cannot do here21:31
Brewsterwell thanks anyway21:31
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:31
BrewsterI was just hoping someone could point me to some drive cloning utility21:31
Brewsterdaze is that copy good?21:32
ActionParsnipBrewster: clonezilla21:32
guntbertdaze: don't post such links here21:32
dazethese are legal, if you have the serial number (should be a sticker on your laptop)21:32
BrewsterI really don't want another worm21:32
Brewsteroh right21:32
dazethose are links to ms sites, I beleive21:32
BrewsterI do have the serial21:32
Brewsterthanks daze21:32
prixon`ohh and now even the mouse wheel click works21:32
prixon`thanks OerHeks ActionParsnip  and xangua21:33
prixon`is there a way to tweak those shortcuts as well?21:33
xangua(16:15:47) xangua: wilee-nilee: prixon`you can change the setup in gnome terminal preferences21:34
xangua(16:16:23) xangua: preferences-keyword combination21:34
ActionParsnipprixon`: which shortcuts?21:36
booiafter an update, i cannot play music on my iphone with rhythmbox on 12.04 anymore. anybody have any ideas?21:36
prixon`ActionParsnip, shortcuts for copy/paste in terminal21:38
Adoniscan anyone help me, i cant connect irc thru ubuntu vmware...21:38
ActionParsnipAdonis: can you connect to the web ok?21:39
ActionParsnipprixon`: not sure there dude, sorry21:39
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AdonisActionParsnip yes21:39
ActionParsnipAdonis: what happens when you try to connect?21:39
ActionParsnipAdonis: what clients have you tried?21:39
prixon`and can anyone help me understand why the hdaps isn't working on my thinkpad?21:39
ActionParsnipAdonis: can you ping the IRC server?21:39
AdonisActionParsnip it just times out and tries next server, then does same21:40
AdonisIm using irc on windows 7 now fine, but when i open ubuntu no go!21:40
_DomY-DomHello again, I've just installed iRedMail on my dedicated server but my roundcube seems not to be working  http://sperec.fr/mail/ here is the prompt throughout the installation http://paste.pound-python.org/show/22527/, can anyone help ?21:41
wilee-nileeAdonis, no go as in internet or what?21:41
ActionParsnipAdonis: doesn't answer my questions....21:41
AdonisI can access the internet... I have tcp connection21:42
Adonisont irc doesnt connect21:42
Adoniscan i ping by using ping irc.ubuntu.com/8001 ???21:42
ActionParsnipAdonis: you just ping irc.ubuntu.com21:42
Adonisok one sec21:42
graingert_ecsAdonis: you can't ping a port21:43
ActionParsnipAdonis: it's also irc.ubuntu.com:800121:43
graingert_ecsping is ICMP a different protocol21:43
ActionParsnipAdonis: try connecting to irc.freenode.net:666721:43
Adonisit said 100% packet loss21:43
graingert_ecsAdonis: erm what's in your etc hosts21:43
graingert_ecsAdonis: what's your geographical location21:43
graingert_ecs(are you in china)21:44
graingert_ecsand do you want someone to DCC you a copy of TOR  ?21:44
Adonisi have tor but not using it atm21:44
ActionParsnipAdonis: do you use a proxy for web access?21:44
Adoniscant connect to feenode either21:44
graingert_ecsAdonis: so erm what sites can you connect to21:44
graingert_ecsand how are you talking to us?21:44
Adonisnothing through itc...21:44
Adonisirc on windows 7 workd21:45
graingert_ecsbut not on linux?21:45
graingert_ecsare you on a home router?21:45
graingert_ecsare you behind NAT?21:45
guntbert!enter | Adonis21:45
ubottuAdonis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:45
graingert_ecsah do you have broken V6?21:45
graingert_ecsguntbert: chillax, i'm trying to troubleshoot21:46
graingert_ecsAdonis: hurmmm...21:46
Adoniscould it be a firewall issue with linux?21:46
ActionParsnipAdonis: can the system ping
graingert_ecsAdonis: does it still happen on a liveCD?21:46
Adonisyes i can system ping
wawoweAdonis: what about
ActionParsnipAdonis: cool, ok try:   echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null21:47
ActionParsnipAdonis: then retry connecting to IRC21:47
* ActionParsnip plays a drumroll21:48
graingert_ecsActionParsnip: he should really set that through network manager21:49
n0sqi tried to install the i386 version of 12.04 onto a dell laptop (pentium-m) but i keep getting an error message of an incorrect cpu21:49
Adonisyes that worked!!!!21:49
EaglemanHello, i've deleted my /etc/bacula and removed bacula, in the hope to get the config files back after a reinstall, but that didnt worked out. is there a way to get them back?21:49
Adoniswhat does that do?21:49
graingert_ecsAdonis: can you restore /etc/resolv.conf21:49
ActionParsnipgraingert_ecs: its cheap and easy for now, the file is only generated when the connection becomes active21:50
=== Guest93951 is now known as mutant
ActionParsnipAdonis: yep, your DNS servers your system gets via DHCP are junk21:50
graingert_ecsActionParsnip: ah okay so reseating the ethernet will reset that file?21:50
ActionParsnipgraingert_ecs: indeed :)21:50
graingert_ecsAdonis2: reseat your ethernet connecte21:50
ActionParsnipAdonis2: howdy21:50
ActionParsnipAdonis2: get fully updated, should help21:50
=== mutant is now known as Guest31345
graingert_ecsAdonis2: and give us that file "/etc/resolv.conf"21:50
graingert_ecsreseat == unplug and plug in21:50
Adonis2how to i give u that file?21:51
ActionParsnipi love easy to remember DNS addresses21:51
graingert_ecscat filename21:51
graingert_ecsis there a cli pastebin tool?21:51
wawoweapt-get install pastebinit21:52
Adonis2ok do it now...21:52
guntbert!pastebinit | graingert_ecs21:52
ubottugraingert_ecs: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:52
graingert_ecs cool21:52
graingert_ecsAdonis2: do what ?21:52
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get install pastebinit; pastebinit /etc/resolv.conf21:52
Adonis2its only got in it???21:52
graingert_ecsAdonis2: did you reseat your ethernet cable?21:53
Adonis2im on wireless21:53
graingert_ecsokay power down your wifi21:53
graingert_ecsthen power it back up again using the hardware switch on your laptop21:53
wawowewhat's the point of reseting it?21:53
ozpyHi guys. I need to modify my grub 2... I run "gksu gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom" but I can't modify it not even in administrator mode on.21:53
graingert_ecsor reseat the dongle21:53
EaglemanHello, i've deleted my /etc/bacula and removed bacula, in the hope to get the config files back after a reinstall, but that didnt worked out. is there a way to get them back ( the default ones )?21:53
graingert_ecsEagleman: sudo apt-get remove --purge bacula ?21:54
graingert_ecsthen install it?21:54
graingert_ecswawowe: it will restore his resolv.conf and we can come up with a longterm fix21:54
TPBEuropeUbuntu doesn't let me change the resolution to a different aspect ratio. How do I fix that?21:54
graingert_ecsTPBEurope: what is your graphics card?21:54
ActionParsnipAdonis2: get fully updated, there may be an updated to network manager21:54
Eaglemangraingert_ecs doesnt work21:55
ozpyHello. I need to modify my grub 2... I run "gksu gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom" but I can't modify & save  it not even in administrator mode on.21:55
graingert_ecsEagleman: really hmm21:55
wawowegraingert_ecs: service networking restart would too21:55
ActionParsnipozpy: try:  gksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom21:55
graingert_ecswawowe: reseating requires less sudo commands21:55
ActionParsnipozpy: or:  sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom21:55
graingert_ecsTPBEurope: ?21:55
masterEagleman: what the problem with your bacula21:55
Eaglemanthe only thing that could work is to reinstall ubuntu and put another 7 hours of time in it, thats a no go21:55
graingert_ecsone sec21:56
Eaglemanit gave an error so i deleted my /etc/bacula folder21:56
Eaglemanand after a reinstall it didnt came back21:56
Adonis2as in update ubuntu?21:56
ActionParsnipAdonis2: yeah21:56
TPBEurope2I'm using the nvidia drivers if that helps.21:56
wawoweas far as making it last could add it to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head21:56
OerHeksEagleman, Bacula configuration files are located in the /etc/bacula directory, so they are gone21:56
Adonis2ActionParsnip, Ok21:56
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: you'll need to use the nvidia-settings tool21:56
Eaglemani know, but i want to get the default ones back21:56
ozpyactionparsnip: thanks man. Let me try it21:56
Eaglemanbut i have no idea how21:57
TPBEurope2It still doesn't let me do it. :/21:57
arooni-mobilehey folks; trying to make god (ruby) start: using http://openmonkey.com/blog/2008/05/27/god-init-script-for-debian-ubuntu-systems/ .. i did; but nothings happening21:57
masterEagleman: lol, a bit drastic, bacula is a bit bitchy to configure imo, have you tried to after purge remove to user dpkg to reconfigure ?21:57
Eaglemanthere wasnt usefull information in those conf files anyway21:57
graingert_ecsEagleman: /usr/share/doc/bacula-common/examples/21:57
Eaglemanlike dpkg --force-confmiss -i bacula-server_5.2.5-0ubuntu6_all.deb?21:57
TPBEurope2graingert_ecs, It just offers 5:4 resolutions.21:58
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: use nvidia-autoconfigure21:58
RockDawgLinux newb having a problem with networking.21:58
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: pick "Resolution: Auto"21:58
RockDawgUsing 11.0421:58
TPBEurope2command not found21:58
=== Adonis2 is now known as adonis
graingert_ecsRockDawg: upgrade to ubuntu 12.0421:59
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: sorry that's the option in the metamode, just use nvidia-settings and choose "Auto" as your rez21:59
guntbert!details | RockDawg21:59
ubottuRockDawg: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:59
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: please screenshot and imgur this screen21:59
guntbertgraingert_ecs: don't suggest updating without any knowledge about the problem22:00
graingert_ecsguntbert: I do know the problem22:00
nacnudhi..does anyone know of a way that I can make grep case insensitive by default? A ".ini" file or maybe an environment variable? Thanks.22:00
ActionParsnipRockDawg: though about using a newer release?22:00
ActionParsnipnacnud: grep -i    will make it (i)nsensitive to case22:01
=== Octayn is now known as cmr
ActionParsnipnacnud: you could add the switch to the grep alias already in ~/.bashrc22:01
guntbertgraingert_ecs: you surprise me :) because he only said two sentences22:01
nacnudActionParsnip...thanks for that. I found that one, but I was really looking to make -i the defaul situation. Is the best way to just createa BASH alias?22:01
wawowenacnud: yes22:02
nacnudOkay, that's a job for the morning. I was hoping there'd be a .grep_rc file or something. Fair enough. Cheers for your help.22:02
Dr_Willisyou make an alias, then you get messed up when you go to a differnt system that dosent have the same alias. ;)22:02
c0nhello, i've got a problem with /usr/share/menu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008797/22:03
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: http://i.imgur.com/GVQpd.png22:03
ActionParsnipnacnud: sure, there is already an alias, just add the extra switch in the quotes22:03
TPBEurope2graingert_ecs, It'll go blank since it will configure the wrong res.22:03
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: auto should not "go blank"22:03
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: and are you getting any EDID?22:03
TPBEurope2It does, though.22:03
wawowenacnud: echo "alias grep='grep -i'" > ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc22:03
RockDawgRunning 11.04 browsing the local network is unreliable.  Changing /etc/nsswitch.conf so that wins is before dns on the hosts: line works, but then internet browsing is really slow.  Moving dns ahead of wins on that line fixes internet problem but my LAN problems then return.  How do I satisfy both?22:03
graingert_ecswhen on auto?22:03
wawowenacnud: don't do that actually22:04
wawowenacnud: mistake*22:04
nacnudDr_Willis....aye...embrace and extend...I'll take my chances...thanks. Cheers folks. Peace.22:04
wawowenacnud: echo "alias grep='grep -i'" >> ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc22:04
nacnudwawowe..does it not need >> ?22:04
TPBEurope2Can I just set it manually?22:04
nacnudat least?22:04
nacnudyeah, the append.22:04
wawowenacnud: yea >>22:04
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: you can but it will just go blank22:04
RockDawgI'm on 11.04 because it's Pinguy and I only see a 11.04 version22:04
graingert_ecsyour card may not support it22:04
nacnudNo worries, I'm cool with that. Thank you for your work :) I will sort it out :) Great shout.22:04
TPBEurope2graingert_ecs, It does.22:04
ActionParsnipnacnud: remember to run:  source ~/.bashrc     to reload it :)22:05
TPBEurope2graingert_ecs, So does the monitor, it's just that I don't know how to make a custom res in nvidia-settings.22:05
Dr_Willisnow.. how could my networking go down in such a way that i no longer can lookup addresses like google.com, but IRC stays connected here.. and i just somehow restarted networking via the NM applet. and did not get hung up here....22:05
Dr_WillisBeen having this 3 times today.22:05
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: you can edit the x config before it hits the disk22:05
xunie-laptop`Installing 12.04 LTS from USB, I've got a separate /home partition that I've selected in the formatting window, now I can't deselect the "Encrypt my home folder" option and 'ubi-usersetup failed with exit code1'.22:06
TPBEurope2graingert_ecs, Can you explain?22:06
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: see where it says show preview?22:06
guntbertDr_Willis: got hit by the new resolv -mechanism?22:06
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: copy that preview into gedit22:06
xunie-laptop`I tried entering a new user (so that no such home folder exists for it already) and ubi-usersetup keeps failing. This shit is annoying, any fixes?22:06
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: and you'll notice a metamode option     Option         "metamodes" "DFP-0: nvidia-auto-select +0+0, DFP-1: nvidia-auto-select +1680+0; DFP-0: 1680x1050 +0+0, DFP-1: NULL"22:06
Ajacmacman, the c++ channel/s is/are dead22:06
nacnudRight, ActionParsnip; noted. Thanks very much folks. And i learned about the "source" command too. Thanks again. Great. I'll pass along whatever I know. All the best. night, fromthe UK.22:07
Dr_Willisguntbert:  not sure. seems like after a few hrs or so - dns lookups fail.  nslookup google.com failed, but  i selecxted wireless network 1, in the NM applet and it did 'somthing' and then started working22:07
guntbert!language | xunie-laptop`22:07
ubottuxunie-laptop`: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:07
OerHeksRockDawg, yes, but pinguy is not supported here, AFAIK .. their website is old http://pinguyos.com/  so please download ubuntu 12.04 more fun22:07
TPBEurope2graingert_ecs, Hold on a sec.22:07
Dr_Willishmm. my nameserver in resolv.conf is set to
RockDawgNew to all this.  I figured since it's based on Ubuntu I could ask here.22:07
TPBEurope2where is show preview, graingert_ecs?22:08
graingert_ecsDr_Willis: lol, go and have a look in network manager22:08
guntbertDr_Willis: of course, existing connection will not be bothered by a filed DNS lookup22:08
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: click save to x configuration file22:08
Dr_Willisguntbert:  i restarted networking. :) that should have reset my irc connecton22:08
ActionParsnipRockDawg: yeah none of the 'Ubuntu based' distros are supported here22:08
TPBEurope2I did. I see it now.22:08
graingert_ecsDr_Willis: are you adonis?22:08
guntbertDr_Willis: correct, dnsmasq is now providing a service22:08
Dr_WillisI got diffent dns servers set in the network manager applet., then is showing in resolov.conf22:08
ozpyactionparsnip: how to save it? there22:09
ozpys no such option in the menu22:09
Dr_Willisisent dnsmasq also supposed to help in finding the samba servers on the lan?22:09
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: upload it to gist https://gist.github.com/22:09
guntbertDr_Willis: ls -l /etc/resolv.conf will show it is just a link22:09
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: and tell me the res you want22:09
ActionParsnipozpy: in nano? press CTRL+X, Press Y, Press ENTER22:09
graingert_ecsozpy: you know you can press tab after typing some part of someones nick22:09
ActionParsnipguntbert: didn't know that :)22:09
graingert_ecsozpy: this will save typing it all22:09
Dr_Willisguntbert:  its not showing as a link here.22:10
Dr_Willis ls -l res*22:10
Dr_Willis-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root   48 May 26 12:43 resolv.conf22:10
Dr_Willisnow whats with those permissions....22:10
graingert_ecsdo you have some sort of rootkit...?22:10
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008806/22:10
EliahKagannormally a rootkit would *keep* you from seeing that...22:10
RockDawgI did try Ubuntu 12.04 first and I had the same problem.  Switched to another distro to see if it helped.  It didn't.  How can I fix it if I co back to Ubuntu?22:10
graingert_ecsActionParsnip: why is it lrwxrwxrwx22:10
ozpyactionparsnio: thanks pal. Now keeping the fingers crossed22:10
ActionParsnipgraingert_ecs: its a link, so it will be 777, the actual access is stored on the file linked to22:11
ozpygraingert_ecs: thanks pal22:11
graingert_ecsso you can change the link?22:11
ActionParsnipgraingert_ecs: l == link ;)22:11
guntbertDr_Willis: so you apparently overwrote it (or maybe it didn't get changed during uppgrade)22:11
Dr_Willisguntbert:  i did a clean install.. i wonder if i may  have done some tweaking in network manager to fight my wireless a few weeks/month back when the release just came out.22:12
Dr_Willisnot using my wireless card any more22:12
TPBEurope2graingert_ecs, I'd like 1280x768 (5:3); https://gist.github.com/913e5d9531ba73ac134922:12
graingert_ecsRockDawg: so what's the issue with networking?22:12
EliahKaganit's normal for it to look like that, as ActionParsnip says, it's a link, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008809/22:13
graingert_ecsTPBEurope2: https://gist.github.com/13e9eb972e04ee82cf4f22:13
RockDawgRunning 11.04 browsing the local network is unreliable.  Changing /etc/nsswitch.conf so that wins is before dns on the hosts: line works, but then internet browsing is really slow.  Moving dns ahead of wins on that line fixes internet problem but my LAN problems then return.  How do I satisfy both?22:13
ozpyActionParsnip, i was installing Android 4.0 in my laptop. Grub 2 needed to be modified. All ok now22:13
TPBEurope2graingert_ecs, Okay, where do I save it now?22:14
alankilaandroid on laptop is possible now?22:14
EaglemanSince bacula isnt working out, i;m looking for another backup program, all it needs to do is backup my server, exclude some folders, restore using some rescue cd ( like the windows solution )?22:14
RockDawgSorry, my last post was for graingert_ecs22:14
ActionParsnipozpy: nice22:14
OerHeksalankila sure, try it in Vbox22:14
ActionParsnipalankila: there are install CDs around :)22:14
ozpyalankila, yeah http://www.webupd8.org/2012/03/how-to-dual-boot-android-x86-and-ubuntu.html22:14
alankilajust curious. Not going to install it anytime soon yet.22:14
ozpyI hate that Google Currents is not available in Google Chrome Market. So many cool apps22:15
TPBEurope2graingert_ecs, The X configuration, I mean.22:15
graingert_ecsmy admin has turned off my box remotedly22:16
Cerrdorwell its official22:17
Cerrdorchrome is almost amazing22:17
graingert_ecsCerrdor: it's all about chromium22:18
TPBEurope2graingert_ecs, excuse me, but it's asking for a path for that file.22:19
Cerrdorjust installed it in buntu and now all my desktop bookmarks etc are just here22:19
Cerrdorpretty nifty22:19
dunehi, my hp printer does not work. it isnt recognized as usb-device. it should work out of the box. what can i do? i used hp-setup.22:20
TPBEurope2Does anyone know where the X config file for nvidia is supposed to be saved?22:20
wawoweTPBEurope2: /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:21
Cerrdordune, lsusb22:21
Cerrdordoes it show it there?22:21
duneBus 001 Device 003: ID 03f0:032a Hewlett-Packard22:21
Cerrdorso its werkin22:21
TPBEurope2Do I need to restart X or whatever?22:21
wawoweTPBEurope2: yes22:21
Cerrdorwhat does it say when you try to print something?22:22
dunei cant add it. its not in cups22:22
L3topTPBEurope2: I would reboot. nVidia does a strange battle with nouveau for the frame buffer22:23
ActionParsnipL3top: could blacklist nouveau ;)22:25
TPBEuropeI have to be doing something wrong about that resolution.22:26
TPBEuropeIt still won't show the custom one I set up.22:26
hobbiehas someone expierience with processor context corrupt on ubuntu 11.1022:26
melkorI'm using gnome-shell, is there a way to make dialogs moveable?22:26
L3topThe nvidia driver does that on install, but it still has hold... that is why the installer cant deal with X active, and requires a reboot. Even modprobing doesn't address it properly... it is really just best to reboot22:26
L3topActionParsnip: ^22:27
wawoweTPBEurope: is the contents in that link the only thing you put in xorg.conf?22:27
wawoweTPBEurope: may need a modeline22:27
herpladeehey guys22:27
TPBEuropeCan you make it work?22:27
L3topTPBEurope: dropping out of X, and running nvidia-xconfigure will build a proper xorg.conf, then you can add whatever you are trying to do to that.22:28
dune GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:22:28
dunewhen i start hp-setup22:28
duneerror: No devices found on bus: usb22:28
L3topTPBEurope: what ARE you trying to do btw?22:28
herpladeei'm sitting here doing absolutely nothing and i had 1.4gb space (i know because it warns me every time i turn on my computer) but now it suddenly gave me another warning that i only have 0.8gb left ... how do i find out what suddenly took up 0.6gb of space on my computer when i'm doing absolutely nothing but browsing wikipedia and using irssi?22:28
TPBEuropenvidia is going crazy22:28
TPBEuropeIt's showing I can run 1440x900 on this monitor.22:29
TPBEuropeWhich I can't.22:29
L3topherpladee: probably in /var/log  something bad is probably dumping a lot of verbose stuff to logs22:29
TPBEuropeBut it still applied something and switched the resolution.. What the heck?22:29
L3topTPBEurope: if you just inserted an xorg.conf you found online, that is not all that surprising22:29
joe42hey can any body please help me copy a photo into the usr/share/backgrounds folder?22:30
TPBEuropeL3top, there was that option to begin with.22:30
ActionParsnipjoe42: gksudo nautilus $HOME22:30
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Cerrdorjoe42 open terminal sudo nautilus22:30
L3tophow is this connected to your monitor TPBEurope? What interface?22:30
CerrdorActionParsnip, or that lol22:30
TPBEuropeI have no idea.22:30
=== Guest75139 is now known as richard___
herpladeeL3top, can i delete those logs?22:31
wawoweTPBEurope: you should make your own  xorg.conf with: Xorg -configure22:31
ActionParsnipCorey: gksudo for gui apps dude22:31
L3topherpladee: they might be helpful figuring out what is going on... but yes.22:31
richard___where would Wine error messages be logged to?22:31
wawoweTPBEurope: then cp ~/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:31
TPBEuropeThis is insane. How the hell is it displaying this resolution?22:31
TPBEuropeCould it be tricking me?22:31
joe42thanks just what i needd22:32
L3topherpladee: I am just guessing... run ls -l /var/log and see if anything is of unusual size22:32
Cerrdordune you still there?22:32
L3topherpladee: also look for a coredump someplace... those get big22:32
joe42thank you so much bye22:32
TPBEuropewawowe: Seriously though, how does it work there? Does nVidia detect the highest possible resolution or what?22:33
wawoweTPBEurope: yeah22:33
dunecerrdor yes22:33
L3topTPBEurope: your monitor sends EDID data, and the card reads and displays at whatever the EDID indicates, at your selection22:33
TPBEuropeOkay, so that means..?22:34
L3topWhat is your problem TPBEurope, I am not sure what you are trying to fix.22:34
Cerrdordune does it let you start hp-setup? Or just when you choose usb it gives you the error?22:34
wawoweTPBEurope: after you generate your xorg.conf add this to the monitor section: Modeline "1280x768_60.00" 80.14 1280 1344 1480 1680 768 769 772 795 -HSync +Vsync22:34
TPBEuropeDude, I'm running a resolution on a screen that can't handle anything above 1280x1024 yet it displays it only in Ubuntu.22:35
mbutubuntuI've installed a package {badPackage} (not from official repo) that has "corrupted" my apt-get system! apt-get -f install asks to remove packages I don't want remove (packaged installed voluntarily by me and not by package dependencies). Is there any way to remove the {badPackage} without its *fake* dependencies?22:35
dunecerrdor, i can start hp-setup22:35
L3topSo the display is not what you expect it to be, or it is malformed on your screen meaning you have to scroll or it appears corrupt TPBEurope?22:36
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo apt-get -f install     please22:36
Cerrdorpick one dune either here or PM I cant do both lol22:36
wawoweTPBEurope: and in the screen section under Depth add: Modes "1280x768"22:37
TPBEuropeIs it really possible that it's running it even though the hardware doesn't support it? Can I check to make sure which res it is.22:38
wawoweTPBEurope: if it's happening then the hardware supports it.. just not well22:38
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mbutubuntuActionParsnip, https://gist.github.com/d110e051e20e9def605a - I'm on 10.0422:39
TPBEuropeIt wouldn't have displayed it in the options if it didn't support it, right?22:39
L3topbecause the hardware does not claim to support it does not mean the hardware can not run it TPBEurope. Chances are the boards which run the display were made for multiple models... but the EDID data does not lie, advertizing does.22:39
wawoweTPBEurope: use xrandr -s 1280x102422:39
wawoweTPBEurope: if you don't need the modeline for that other resolution22:39
TPBEuropeI wonder if I can enable this on Windows.22:40
TPBEuropeI really want 1440 x 900 on Windows :P22:40
L3topIf he is running an xorg.conf now wawowe I dont believe xrandr changes will work22:40
L3topIt defaults to xorg.conf IF xorg.conf exists22:40
TPBEuropeIs there a chance the monitor may blow up? :P22:41
L3topI would also not think that modlines would be necessary, just set resolution under screen options defaults22:41
wawoweTPBEurope: if xrandr -s 1024x1024 doesn't work you can xrandr --addmode22:42
EaglemanHow do i spin down my hardisk after 2-3 hours idle?22:42
TPBEuropewawowe, What does that do exactly?22:43
ActionParsnipEagleman: there's an option in power options I believe22:43
wawoweTPBEurope: changes display resolution22:43
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, solved with dpkg -r --force-depends (from http://askubuntu.com/a/32899)22:43
TPBEuropeSize 1280x768 not found in available modes22:44
* L3top does not understand this quest for worse resolution22:44
wawoweTPBEurope: xrandr --newmode "1280x768_60.00" 80.14 1280 1344 1480 1680 768 769 772 795 -HSync +Vsync22:45
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: sweet :)22:45
wawoweTPBEurope: xrandr --addmode LVDS "1280x768"22:46
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wawoweTPBEurope: xrandr --addmode LVDS "1280x768_60.00"22:46
donvito2what do i need to add to boot.ini in windows xp , so grub2 will load?22:47
jagginessdonvito, i think you need to do a chainload to grub.. there's easybcd app which may help..22:47
TPBEuropexrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default22:47
TPBEuropexrandr: cannot find output "LVDS"22:47
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, :-)22:47
jagginessdonvito, oh wait.. this is xp22:47
jagginessdonvito, it'll be better to use grub222:48
wawoweTPBEurope: type xrandr by itself22:48
jagginessdonvito, grub2 can chainload xp22:48
donvito2but first shows boot.ini22:48
donvito2not grub222:48
donvito2i want to make grub2 shows first22:48
donvito2as boot menu22:48
wawoweTPBEurope: what are the different resolutions listed under?22:48
donvito2and i think i installed ubuntu from wubi22:48
donvito2with usb stick22:49
jagginessdonvito, so make grub2 install to /dev/<sda or sdb-- find out>22:49
TPBEuropexrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default22:49
TPBEuropeScreen 0: minimum 320 x 175, current 1440 x 900, maximum 1440 x 102422:49
TPBEuropedefault connected 1440x900+0+0 0mm x 0mm22:49
TPBEuropeHoly crap. It can go up to 1440x1024?!22:49
jagginessdonvito, can you boot into ubuntu?22:49
wawoweTPBEurope: one line lower22:49
donvito2yes if i put my usb stick22:49
wawoweTPBEurope: what does it say22:49
ActionParsnipTPBEurope: higher res = lower refresh :)22:49
donvito2if i dont put i get some eror hal.dll22:49
jagginessdonvito2, ubuntu installer or or "installed" is on usb?22:49
TPBEurope   1280x1024      50.0     92.0     51.022:50
donvito2installer is on usb22:50
TPBEuropeActionParsnip, As long as I'm running it, buddy :P22:50
x3noHello. i am experimenting with a dd command to put zero bytes on all the sectors my ecternal HDD has. However, after writing my password in the terminal it shows absolutely nothing. Is the zero-byte-writing in progress or i am doing something wrong?22:50
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jagginessdonvito, is ubuntu installed?22:50
wawoweTPBEurope: doesn't say anything like "CRT connected"?22:50
jagginessdonvito, boot into rescue shell with usb installer22:51
TPBEuropeDon't see that anywhere.22:51
L3topx3no: yes.22:51
donvito2but i need to disconect from here22:51
wawoweTPBEurope: look for the word "connected"22:51
L3topx3no: unless you did something wrong22:51
TPBEuropeI pasted that up there ^^22:51
ActionParsniphi chalcedony22:51
wawoweTPBEurope: oh sorry22:51
wawoweTPBEurope: xrandr --addmode default "1280x768_60.00"22:52
jagginessdonvito, oh22:52
jagginessdonvito, um..22:52
ClientAlivehi all22:52
donvito2in boot.ini22:52
TPBEuropeEh xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default22:52
TPBEuropexrandr: cannot find mode "1280x768_60.00"22:52
chalcedonyhi hi ActionParsnip :))22:52
jagginessdonvito, try doing a chroot after mount --bind if needed, then grub-install /dev/<sd??>22:52
chalcedonygood to see you :)22:52
jagginessdonvito, you have /dev/sda or /dev/sdb as harddrive?22:52
donvito2i will write this c:\grub2.mbr="GRUB2 Bootloader"22:52
wawoweTPBEurope: xrandr --newmode "1280x768_60.00" 80.14 1280 1344 1480 1680 768 769 772 795 -HSync +Vsync22:52
x3noL3top: did not know that zero byting takes so much time :/22:53
ClientAliveis there any way to set up an encrypted logical volume (luks) to just use your login to the system?22:53
jagginessdonvito, i don't know/remember how good xp's boot.ini is, but I know vista's is good enough.. but you can use vista's on xp22:53
ejvhow do I add the system monitor applet to the bar on top, this new "Unity" thing confuses the heck outta me22:53
TPBEuropexrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default22:53
jagginessdonvito, i mean.. you "cant".. use vista22:53
donvito2second ill try something22:53
TPBEuropeMan, this xrandr is a pain in the ass.22:53
jagginessdonvito, but u can boot with what i told you to try fixing grub222:54
jagginessdonvito, are you able to determine if it's /dev/sda or sdb ?22:55
wawoweTPBEurope: use Xorg -configure22:55
jagginessbtw anyone knows if this tool is good? http://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair/home/Home/22:55
TPBEuropeServer is already active for display 022:55
TPBEuropeIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock22:55
TPBEuropeand start again.22:55
ClientAliveis anyone even familar with what using an encrypted volume is like? If I create another logical volume on an existing system and encrypt it, do I have to enter my pass phrase after logging into the system every time I fire up the computer?22:56
wawoweTPBEurope: ctrl+alt+f1 and service lightdm stop22:56
prixon`good night22:56
TPBEuropewill that stop the gui?22:56
trismejv: if you installed indicator-multiload, you need to create an entry in Startup Applications for it so it starts when your session starts (and optionally run it manually so you don't have to logout/login to start it now)22:56
wawoweTPBEurope: yes22:56
TPBEuropewhat do I do then..22:56
wawoweTPBEurope: Xorg -configure22:57
ActionParsnipor if its nvidia based:  sudo nvidia-xconfig22:57
TPBEuropeIf it doesn't work I do lightdm start I iamgine.22:57
TPBEuropeIt is nvidia based.22:57
L3topnvidia has a native tool. sudo nvidia-xconfigure22:57
L3topor maybe it is nvidia-xconfig22:58
wawoweTPBEurope: then ctrl+alt+f1, then ctrl+c, then cp ~/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then service lightdm start22:58
jagginessdonvito, your problem is.22:58
wawoweTPBEurope: all as root or with sudo22:58
jagginessdonvito, you have to know if grub2's stage1 or stage is implanted on linux's / partition22:58
TPBEuropehold on, gotta write that thing down :P22:58
jagginessdonvito, or know if your supplied .mbr file has a compatbile grub2 stage122:59
L3topugh... TPBEurope just use sudo nvidia-xconfigure22:59
L3topIt will generate an nvidia specific xorg.conf and place it where it goes.23:00
jagginessx3no, you're trying to wipeout an entire drive? btw.. you wouldnt say "zero bytes" but a stream of bytes of value "0"23:01
ejvtrism: thanks! i'll give that a try23:02
jagginessdonvito, xp can be booted from grub2.. if you're really stuck and lost, i'd take http://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair/home/Home/ a look if the ubuntu install cd is giving more issues23:02
jagginess,(or if the usb installer isnt very promising)23:03
ejvthis startup applications seems awfully windowsy23:03
TPBEuropeOopsy-daisy. I have a problem.23:04
TPBEuropeWhenever I try doing Command-Alt-F1 it goes to a orange screen without any input available.23:04
melkorTPBEurope: try alft+f2 then.23:05
jagginessTPBEurope, probably a kms issue (kernelmodesetting for video)23:05
ismellI just installed 12.04 and I cant reszie using the bottom corners23:06
ismellthe border is to small23:06
jagginessismell, try using systemsettings/mouse and increase the drag threshold23:06
TPBEuropeIs there any way to get out of then without having to reboot?23:07
L3topTPBEurope: you are using ctrl alt f223:07
jagginessTPBEurope, your keyboard becomes frozen?23:07
ismelloh i'll try that23:08
L3top* you said command and jagginess left off ctlr23:08
jagginessTPBEurope, so you cant do alt+<arrow> ? (that'll change different tty's)23:08
blz777Hello. How can I disable the nvidia drivers in 12.04 since they freeze my system? Please pm me cause I'm writing from my phone.23:08
L3topjust checking.23:08
TPBEuropeNo, I cannot.23:08
sandydblz777: use nomodeset at the grub menu23:08
wawoweTPBEurope: if you installed openssh-server, ssh23:08
jagginessTPBEurope, (btw you can do alt-<arrow> once in plaintext do change tty's)23:08
TPBEuropeThe only thing I can do in that inteface is press Control-Alt-Delete.23:08
jagginessso its not compeltely frozen then..23:09
blz777Sandy's, I'm in terminal only23:09
ismellhrmm, that's stil only gives me 1px to grab23:09
jagginessTPBEurope, you tried ctl-alt-f7 afterwards or ctl-alt-f8 ?23:09
melkorTPBEurope: ctrl-alt-f7 should get you back to unity.23:09
blz777sandyd *23:09
sandydblz777: when you boot, can you access the grub menu?23:09
TPBEuropeI'm gonna try it now. If I quit, that means it failed :P23:09
sandydblz777: wait. You can boot to the terminal?23:10
blz777Grub, ok got it now23:10
blz777Sorry, I'm very sleepy.. so23:10
TPBEuropeYeah, I can get back to Unity just fine.23:10
TPBEuropeBut I still can't do anything over there.23:10
blz777I have to boot with parameters?23:11
OutlanderHi Team, I'm having trouble dual booting win7 and ubuntu, ubuntu installer sees drives as blank with no partitions whereas they have windows partitions already. Any urls/guides that show what I'm doing wrong?23:11
sandydblz777: Wait. I asked if you can boot to a terminal, or if you are getting a black screen.23:11
jagginessOutlander, you using dynamic disk?23:11
ActionParsnipOutlander: resize the NTFS is Windows (if you haven't left free space)23:12
jagginessblz777, i would type "stop lightdm" as root and see if you can access the physical console..23:12
jagginessblz777, can you do that?23:12
Outlandernot sure, but can find out. What's the default disk type for a win7 install? This is a fresh install and I'm free to re-install eitherway23:12
blz777I am able to get a terminal with ctrl alt f2 before the ui freeze23:12
ActionParsnipOutlander: and chkdsk your NTFS partition too, so you know it's healthy23:12
wawoweTPBEurope: xrandr -s 1280x102423:12
OutlanderI have a new dell inspiron 15R special edition (includes msata 32gig ssd)23:12
wawoweTPBEurope: xrandr -s 1024x76823:12
sandydblz777: Login to the terminal. Type in "sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current"23:12
jagginessblz777, it must be X leeching the keyboard.. if you try "stop lightdm", X should release it23:13
blz777I'm sorry I'm typing so slow, but I'm in my phone ..23:13
OutlanderI install windows first, then go to install ubuntu. Ubuntu disk tool can see all the partitions fine, the installer cannot23:13
OutlanderAlso tried alternate text install23:13
TPBEuropewawowe, still not available.23:13
blz777Ok, trying it now..23:13
jagginessOutlander, i believe you have to choose the last option that allows more custom partitioning..23:13
wawoweTPBEurope: are there no other resolutions listed under default connected when you run xrandr?23:13
OutlanderI choose custom partitioning, it then shows both of my drives as blank with no partitions and only free space23:14
TPBEuropeDo you want the full output?23:14
Outlanderas if it cannot correctly see or recognise the partition table23:14
OutlanderI've tried GUID as well as MBR partition table to install windows on23:14
ActionParsnipOutlander: do you have unpartitioned space for ubuntu?23:14
wawoweTPBEurope: pastebin it23:14
XXdoes anyone know how i can access the network files from ubuntu?23:14
jagginessOutlander, you're using dynamic disk? (check with windows)23:14
OutlanderI have space free for ubuntu partions yes23:14
ActionParsnipOutlander: is the partition dynamic?23:14
blz777Ok, I purged nvidia. What now?23:15
TPBEuropewawowe, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008866/23:15
SmashcatHi, i have a RAID1 device that's stuck at 7% resyncing. There's no errors, but it's at 7% immediately after a reboot, and never progresses23:15
OutlanderOk, so I'll check if the partition is dynamic? That might be confusing ubuntu?23:15
jagginess(ActionParsnip, not the partition, the partition table -- dynamic disk is M$ format)23:15
jagginessOutlander, no, dynamic disk, is M$ partitioning style format..23:15
ActionParsnipjagginess: ahh, i see23:15
TPBEuropeSee the maximum res now?23:15
TPBEuropeIt can change for some reason.23:16
jagginessOutlander, i believe it's not 100% reversed engineered by the ldm project23:16
OutlanderIf it is dynamic, I can use windows to switch it back to basic?23:16
ActionParsnipOutlander: sure23:16
jagginessOutlander, you can, but with paragon's tool.. not m$23:16
agentcobrahello everybody23:16
Outlanderso what's the best way to install both OSes, what order and with what caveats?23:16
blz777Jagginess, stop lightdm gave me: stop: Unknown instance23:17
wawoweTPBEurope: your monitor isn't giving edid info23:17
TPBEuropewhat does that mean23:17
jagginessOutlander, what does parted say? or can you acccess gparted? (a gui part tool)23:17
ActionParsnipOutlander: install Ubuntu 2nd so the dual boot is managed automagically23:17
Outlanderparted sees all patitions23:17
jagginessblz777, try it with sudo, or try using superuser (sudo su -l)23:17
jagginessblz777, you using 11.10+ ?23:18
techie1980I am having some trouble getting steam to properly install via wine.  it keeps saying steam is already installed when I try to bring it in via winetricks, and I can't figure out how to clear the old install out23:18
ActionParsnipjagginess: sudo -i23:18
ActionParsniptechie1980: you can delete ~/.wine and all the apps you installed will go with it :)23:18
wawoweTPBEurope: boot into single usermode and run the Xorg -configure23:18
OutlanderActionParsnip: but first I'll need to ensure using the tool from Paragon that can ensure the win partitions are not dynamic?23:18
jagginessblz777, should be lightdm as well i believe (past 11.10)23:18
TPBEuropeis that the recovery thing on bootup?23:19
ActionParsnipOutlander: I believe you can change it in disk manager23:19
jagginessOutlander, no..23:19
TPBEuropedoes it matter if I upgraded the kernel, btw>23:19
jagginessOutlander, i said you can check that with windows if you want.. you may possibly be able to tell with linux tools/cli commands23:19
wawoweTPBEurope: and under Depth put: Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"23:19
Outlanderand with windows, i can set it back to basic partition?23:19
jagginessOutlander, rt-click computer and choose 'manage'.. in the Disk Management section..23:19
ActionParsnipOutlander: i believe so23:19
Outlanderok cool23:19
OutlanderWill try that and see how I go23:20
Outlanderthanks heaps!23:20
techie1980ActionParsnip: are there conf files elsewhere that might also refer to what winetricks thinks is installed?23:20
wawoweTPBEurope: then mv /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf and reboot23:20
blz777Ive had trouble with nvidia and 12.04 but found a way to make my system work without nvidia drivers23:20
jagginessOutlander, if its dynamic give me a pm.. i can tell you how to put it back to basic23:20
jagginessblz777, i thought you said it freezes.. so you fixed it?23:20
blz777I can't find that solution now.. had to do with removing nvidia and setting default drivers for the system23:21
guest65536hello. I am trying to change the screen refresh rate in 12.04. I have a samsung lcd monitor, and an nvidia 260gtx. xrandr says the refresh rate is 50Hz but it should be 60Hz. The nvidia control panel says 60Hz, but how can I be sure what the real refresh rate is?23:21
blz777Yes, when I manage to start lightdm, it freezes after a minute or so23:22
spaceneedleOdd: Earlier today I had my laptop on when suddenly a window popped open wanting me to install what appeared to be a language pack.  I updated thru synaptic but no language pack was installed.23:22
blz777It's now stuck at logo screen at startup23:22
jagginessblz777, you're able to um.. boot into runlevel 1.. try working on your real computer than from your phone23:23
blz777Let me try installing irc from terminal and get back to you23:23
ActionParsnipguest65536: you can use an xorg.conf file and override what is allowed23:24
jagginessguest65536, this is often the case when E-did is not picked up properly (it should say success or fail in /var/log/Xorg.0.log)23:24
guest65536ActionParsnip I will check the xorg.0.log now23:24
jagginessguest65536, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_display_identification_data23:25
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
jagginessguest65536, sometimes it may happen if the cable is too long or someone is using a kvm (a monitor switch box)23:26
TPBEuropeIt said it failed.23:26
TPBEuropeDidn't give a specific error.23:26
wawoweTPBEurope: what failed?23:26
TPBEuropeXorg -configure.23:26
blz777-hphello again23:26
wawoweTPBEurope: are you root?23:27
blz777-hpjagginess, you there?23:27
wawoweTPBEurope: try: init 223:27
TPBEuropewawowe, Let me just ask. Are you sure you know what I'm trying to do here?23:27
wawoweTPBEurope: you're trying to get a decent resolution on your display23:28
wawoweTPBEurope: that doesn't stretch or distort things23:28
jagginessblz777-hp, you get errors /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? see which driver it actually uses23:28
TPBEuropewawowe, Yeah, I'm trying to add a few custom res to the nvidia-settings thing.23:28
wawoweTPBEurope: why do you want 1280x768?23:29
blz777-hpjagginess, i will now23:29
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:29
TPBEuropewawowe, So far I thought that was the one it supported.23:29
blz777-hpoops :D23:29
TPBEuropewawowe, But it turns out it can go up to 1440 x 1024.23:29
bozrdangI'm running 12.04 and I have the following line in /etc/fstab - //  /home/kevin/Tower2-Kevin cifs _netdev,file_mode=077,dir_mode=077 0 0.  My problem is that the mount is not created on boot, but it is created if I run sudo mount -a in terminal.  How do I get it mount at boot?23:29
wawoweTPBEurope: it can't really23:29
blz777-hpif i only knew how to get out of that epic5 irc i just installed :D23:29
TPBEuropewawowe, So is it tricking me or what?23:29
wawoweTPBEurope: it didn't give the edid info, so X just made all that up23:30
* jagginess thinks apt-get install pastebinit , cat /var/log/Xorg.log |pastebinit -t mypasteTitle , then paste url23:30
TPBEuropewawowe, But.. wait..23:30
TPBEuropewawowe, So what the heck am I running now?23:30
wawoweTPBEurope: that's why xrandr didn't work23:30
wawoweTPBEurope: init 223:30
wawoweTPBEurope: then hopefully Xorg -configure23:30
jagginessblz777-hp, try ctl-alt-f2 ?23:30
sinistradI installed ubuntu 12.04 64 bit. Sound worked on previous versions. I installed this one fresh. My sound isn't working though. Here is a paste of my alsa logs: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=5b73308f5bd30eb10871163137b1da094e5fa6cd23:31
Smashcatbozrdang: Probably because it needs samba running before it can mount that. You could try making it an automount, then it will attempt to mount it when you first try to use it23:31
ejvhow do I make the expand window area larger, it's terribly small23:31
blz777-hp-2jagginess, http://paste.ubuntu.com/100888123:33
bozrdangSmashcat:  Linux newb here.  How do I make it an auto mount?23:33
OerHeksejf to expand a window: alt F823:33
recon69_lapsinistrad: had some sound weirdness, but to do with earphones23:33
sinistradrecon69_lap, Hrm, I'll try that23:34
ejvneat trick23:34
jagginesssinistrad, maybe you want a simple ~/.asoundrc file made to specify a default output..23:34
ejvnot exactly what i was looking for, but helps thanks23:34
Smashcatbozrdang: look up the AutoFS stuff - pretty easy to use really. Alternatively you could just add a script to run after the other bootup scripts to run the command you run as root manually.23:34
guest65536jagginess I checked the xorg.0.log file and it looks like the edid was found. I can't see an error, and it looks like it should be set to 60hz, but it's not http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008882/23:34
recon69_lapsinistrad: the issue i was getting is that pluggin in earphone would not stop main sound, but booting with earphones in turned off main sound23:34
bozrdangSmashcat:  thanks.  I'll look that up.23:35
Smashcatbozrdang: Info on the second option here: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/23:35
techie1980I am having a problem installing steam on ubuntu. I have symlinked my /home/$user/.wine directory to a path with enough space to install games, but steam keeps coming back saying there's not enough free space and giving me how much is availible in my /home. any ideas of how to correct the issue?23:36
TPBEuropeinit 2 worked up until the login, upon which it denied every possible login I tried23:37
sinistradrecon69_lap, jagginess,  the only output device I have is "Dummy Output". The headphones don't seem to work either23:37
TPBEuropeafterward it screwed up the screen and rebooted23:37
wawoweTPBEurope: do you know your password? or have autologin enabled by default or something?23:38
TPBEuropeNo, sir. I know it, and auto-login isn't enabled.23:38
binwin20hello world23:38
jagginessblz777-hp-2, cant say much other than try disabling nouveau.kms (you probably can with kernel bootline), and see if the problem goes away23:39
guest65536here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008889/ and I think it says it should be 60hz. So why is xrandr reporting only 50hz? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008892/23:39
TPBEuropewawowe, I know this is stupid to ask but are you sure it is not actually runing the resolution?23:39
jagginesssinistrad, but your playlist devices on that pastebin url shows it isnt a dummy output23:40
wawoweTPBEurope: running the resolution you want?23:40
TPBEuropewawowe: Would you like me to demonstrate what I mean?23:41
wawoweTPBEurope: if you're happy with the way it looks then there's no point in changing it23:41
wawoweTPBEurope: yea23:41
sinistradjagginess, <shrugs> that's all it shows in my sound prefs app23:42
emeshow well does ubuntu run on a macbook air?23:42
TPBEuropewawowe, hold on a sec.23:43
jagginesssinistrad, aplay --list ?23:44
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages23:44
jagginessi believe you need refit.sf.net23:44
jagginess(refit for making linux boot on a mac)23:44
nimeiHi. When using 'dhclient' and iw/ifconfig manually, I never get a DHCPOFFER. I've installed network-manager and it couldn't connect either. However, when I've installed nm-applet and I clicked on the network name, it works without problems. Is there any rational explanation for this? (this is a wireless/ndiswrapper connection)23:45
wawoweTPBEurope: as far as init 2 boot up normally then edit /etc/init/tty1.conf and change "exec /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1" --> "exec /sbin/login -f TPBEurope" then reboot into single user, run init 2, then Xorg -configure23:45
jagginessnimei, you either use ifupdown scripts or networkmanager (nmcli, nm* command)23:45
wawoweTPBEurope: replace TPBEurope with your username23:46
TPBEuropedo you mind if I pm you here, or whatever that's called on irc?23:46
jagginessnimei, nm-applet works with dbus/networkmanager23:46
nimeijagginess: My goal would be to connect without the need for network-manager at all.23:46
wawoweTPBEurope: go ahead23:46
sinistradjagginess, http://pastebin.com/Y61M6Q6X23:46
CerrdorI need to run the output of /var/log/messages in the terminal with -f how do I do that?23:46
jagginessnimei, ya.. that's possible.. but you have to edit networkmanager conf, (there's manpages but not much tutorials on this)23:46
EliahKaganCerrdor: perhaps you're thinking of: tail -f /var/log/messages23:46
jagginesssinistrad, as regular user try, /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset 023:47
EliahKaganthat will show the end of /var/log/messages, and it will keep running, showing each line as it is added to the file23:47
CerrdorEliahKagan, yeah after I pasted that I realized I was missing something crucial lol23:47
jagginessscratch that.. it doesnt exists anymore23:48
jagginesssinistrad, ^23:48
sinistradjagginess, No such file or directory23:49
sinistradjagginess, yep23:49
nimei_Sorry, disconnected.23:49
jagginesssinistrad, there a ~/.asoundrc file?23:49
sinistradjagginess, no. Not sure how to create one23:49
TPBEuropeFolks, any idea on how to install Tibesti, the screen recorder in 12.04?23:50
jagginesssinistrad, is this an onboard audio or a card audio?23:50
sinistradjagginess, onboard laptop audio23:50
jagginesssinistrad, what model is it?23:50
jagginesssinistrad, often more than not, sometimes a fix to this for laptops has to do with passing a special parameter23:51
guest65536jagginess here is my xorg.conf  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008889/ It looks 60hz is configured. but why is xrandr still not showing it correctly?23:51
jagginess(for the sound module)23:51
sinistradjagginess, 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)23:52
jagginesssinistrad, no.. the laptop model..23:52
sinistradjagginess, HP HDX 16-1140US23:53
GeekSquidTPBEurope: sudo apt-get install tibesti  -- or you can do it from synaptic or USC23:54
TPBEuropeoh it's not in the repos I think23:55
ActionParsnip!info tibesti23:55
ubottuPackage tibesti does not exist in precise23:55
GeekSquidActionParsnip: yes it does.. it is in the extra repos23:56
jagginesssinistrad, no sound ever plays with aplay ?23:58
ActionParsnipGeekSquid: never said it didn't :)23:58
GeekSquidActionParsnip: perhaps I should be speaking to our gentle bot23:58
jagginesssinistrad, if i were you i'd take to see if i need special module parameters (like model= ) .. these go into the module options file, or can be tested on the fly with the modprobe command..23:58
TPBEuropefound it, nvm folks23:59
jagginesssinistrad, the option parameters are passed to the snd-hda-intel module23:59
sinistradjagginess, I created an .asoundrc file. I guess I'll need to relog to try if it works23:59
jagginesssinistrad, may be related, you probably need something much simpler than what this post has..  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1191894.html23:59

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