
bacbenji, frankban, gmb: hangout at :10?12:07
benjibac: sounds good12:07
frankbanbac: ok12:07
* bac conjures up hangout12:08
baci've invited you all but i cannot find the URL12:10
frankbanbenji: could you please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/bug-993510/+merge/10763014:18
benjifrankban: sure14:18
frankbanthanks benji14:23
bachey benji could you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/repeats/+merge/10765115:14
benjibac: sure15:14
benjibac: I had some questions/suggestions on https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/repeats/+merge/10765115:39
bacthanks benji15:41
frankbanbenji: thanks for your review, I've just added a test for that, as you suggested. could you please re-review this change. I have to go now, but I will be back later to land this branch if approved.15:47
benjifrankban: cool, will do15:47
bacthanks benji.  look again?16:08
benjibac: sure16:08
benjibac:  were the .testr.conf changes in there before?16:15
baci'll back them out16:16
bacbenji: backed out.  is the rest ok?16:18
bacfrankban: please ping me when you move your card out of the lane.17:24
benjibac: sorry, I was eating lunch, but you probably saw the email17:24
bacyeah, thanks17:24
bacbenji: darn, lifeless didn't like the test duplication fix.  i was able to kill ec2 before it landed.19:24
bacbenji: could you review the one line MP i have up now?19:24
benjibac: I was just reading his message.  I can't say that I agree with his diagnosis.19:24
benjibac: sure19:24
benjibac: approved19:26
bacbenji: well, i figure you either have to handle dupes or prevent dupes.  if he feels strongly prevention is best for testr then i'm swayable.19:27
benjiI don't really have a dog in the fight.  If we hadn't already forked and monkeypatched the testrunner then it would be worse.  Although I can't say that making a bad situation worse is a good thing to do.19:29

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