
=== Jacky is now known as GLaDOS
=== CTtechguy_ is now known as CTtechguy
=== GLaDOS is now known as Guest12539
salvageageHi, is this an appropriate place to report a bug?03:02
Unit193Nope, see...03:02
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:02
IAmNotThatGuyBot pinging bot03:02
IAmNotThatGuysalvageage, what is the bug about?03:03
salvageageWell, I'm not sure if it's more properly a Libreoffice bug or a bug with Lubuntu itself, but when I open an ODT file from a USB drive with Libreoffice, and then remove the drive, the system crashes.  I'd have to write down the specifics.03:04
salvageageThus, it doesn't trigger the bug reporting software.03:04
salvageageWhen I say crash, I end up with messages in terminal which are beyond my skill level.03:05
IAmNotThatGuyCan you remember some lines mentioning "failed" or "ended" or "waiting" ??03:06
salvageageBetter than that, I'll crash it, write it down, and report back.  Anything else I should record?03:07
IAmNotThatGuyIf you have an external camera or a mobile, please take a snapshot of the error screen with some visibility of logs03:07
IAmNotThatGuysalvageage, you can either use imagebin if you take a snap or go for a pastebin :]03:08
salvageageIt tells you  how much I know about Linux that I'm not sure what you  mean by the visibility of logs.03:08
salvageageNo, I don't have any way to do anything when it crashes.03:08
IAmNotThatGuyI meant that the image should be clear enough to see the error03:08
salvageageAs I said it ends up in terminal but it's frozen.03:08
salvageageAh, ok.03:08
salvageageLet me try that.03:08
salvageageGotta dig out the camera, etc.03:08
IAmNotThatGuyOkies. Thanks03:08
IAmNotThatGuylol k ;D03:08
salvageageOk, here goes.03:09
Unit193Log files in /var/log, or not.03:09
IAmNotThatGuyArgh! he restarted the machine and would have filled with loads of hardware load right03:10
IAmNotThatGuywb salvageage03:21
salvageageAh, there you are.03:21
salvageageI've been unable to replicate the issue.03:21
salvageageAnd the only changes I made between when I had the problem an hour ago and now were adding the LXTerminal and Leafpad apps to the apps panel.03:22
salvageageI tried pretty much everything I could think of, too.  Aside from running Firefox while I did it. . . but I thought it crashed without Firefox running at least once.03:22
salvageageIf I suddenly disappear that'll be the factor.03:23
IAmNotThatGuylol k03:23
IAmNotThatGuybrbz. Showers03:23
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
salvageageIAmNotThatGuy, I'm using Apport to try and report the bug even though I can't replicate it.  It reminded me that I seem to recall "lxpanel" being part of the issue.  This is also part of what Apport is reporting.03:47
salvageageOr I guess I should say M0hi.03:48
M0hisalvageage, You can see the logs in /var/logs03:48
salvageageFor the record, how do you ping?  I'm using Pidgin so I'd have to enter the command manually03:48
M0hicheck it03:48
salvageageShould I finish reporting through Apport first?03:49
salvageageWould there be a specific log I should look at?03:49
M0hiYes carryon03:49
salvageageWhere would that be located?  I don't see anything that says carryon03:50
M0hiAww carry on the reporting with Apport03:50
salvageageSorry I can't be more help, I'm just getting into actually doing real stuff with Linux-based OS's.03:51
M0hinp dude. everyone are the same at something :]03:51
salvageageYes, I was having a conversation about this earlier, though it was decidedly more scatalogical than is appropriate.  If I have the problem again I'll come back with a photo.03:52
=== Guest12539 is now known as Jacky
silverlionmorning fellows! for your info: Libre-Office keeps getting crashing while opening simple ODT-Files#07:37
silverlionhttp://pastebin.com/15XB0Kv9 << Java RE seems not working properly... how knows help?07:50
SilverLionhey folks... would like to provide some feedback, who is my contact?13:27
=== margo_ is now known as margo
zydingxiaomeiwho is chinese peolpe ?15:01
ubottuThe Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it15:01
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:01
SilverLionzydingxiaomei: you type !cn and join15:01
aklswhat is the easiest way to share a connection to another lubuntu computer? There's "Shared to other computers" option in Edit Connection/Edit/IPv4 Settings, should it work the way I expect it to work?15:38
=== smile-is-ziek is now known as smile4linux
morrishould I rather upgrade lubuntu from cd (version) or is it safe to upgrade from within?17:53
leszekmorri: simply saying it does not matter much. as both use the same packages mostly17:54
leszekif you have many ppas and other sources bind in every upgrade may fail17:54
morriso so cd might be better (If it isnt anyway), just would need to a cd r17:56
morripityx usually I like magazines for cds, but the recent one only had one of the previous version17:57
morrican i add the new version reposiories to my version or would it get conflicts?17:59
=== SM0TVI-2 is now known as SM0TVI

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